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Shiny Form References - "What do they look like?"


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As everyone who's played this game knows, the devs made new shiny forms for ALL of the Pokémon. Some are simple recolors, like Girafarig or Altaria. Others are palette swaps with another Pokémon, such as Seviper/Zangoose or Kabutops/Omastar. Some, however, are clearly references to some other series. For example, shiny Machamp is a reference to the Ben 10 TV series, resembling the alien "Four-Arms" (species name Tertramand).


Other examples:

-I'm pretty sure Poliwrath's shiny form is meant to reference the anime Naruto, I think specifically Gamaken?

-The shiny versions of the two forms of the golem line are references to the TV show Steven Universe. Kantonian Golem is Jasper, Alolan Golem is I believe Malachite.

-Shiny Mr.Mime is monochrome like a real mime, I guess?

-Shiny Kantonian Rattata and Raticate are white, which either references real lab rats or the TV show Pinkie and the Brain.

-Shiny Psyduck and Golduck are colored like Perry the platypus from the TV show Phineas and Ferb.

-Shiny Snorlax is clearly based on Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro, a Studio Ghibli movie.

-Shiny Noctowl is a reference to the comic book version of Hawkeye, from the Avengers.

-Shiny Milotic is perhaps Lola from the movie Shark Tale?

-Shiny Sawk and Throh are references to Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street.

-The Swords of Justice's shiny forms I think might also be Steven Universe references? They're sorta colored like the Crystal Gems.

-Shiny Greninja has the color pattern of the uniforms of the organization Akatsuki, another reference to Naruto.

-Shiny Toucannon is I think a reference to Toucan Sam, the mascot for Fruit Loops cereal?

-Shiny Rillaboom is a reference to the video game Donkey Kong, and the previous evolutions are I guess other characters from the same series?


Does anyone have any other examples of a Pokémon's shiny form being a reference to something? I could SWEAR that the following Pokémon's shiny forms are a reference to something, but I have no idea what:

-Shiny Slowpoke/Slowbro/Slowking (EDIT - Reference to The Flash from DC comics)

-Shiny Dunsparce

-Shiny Gligar/Gliscor

-Shiny Granbull

-Shiny Meditite/Medicham (EDIT - Yet another Steven Universe reference. It's Garnet.)

-Shiny Shinx/Luxio/Luxray

-Shiny Gothitelle

-Shiny Mienshao (EDIT - Most likely Phoebe of the Hoenn Elite Four)

-Shiny Talonflame

Edited by AstralGuardian97
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  On 8/11/2021 at 10:28 PM, MDM1 Beans said:

This is a cool thread idea! I'm not much of a shiny hunter, I had no idea there were so many different references!


If you look in the Graphics folder, there should be another folder called Battlers. This shows you all the in-battle sprites for all Pokémon! That way you don't need to encounter them organically or cheat with debug menu or something.

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  On 8/11/2021 at 10:45 PM, MDM1 Beans said:

Am I crazy or is the Slowpoke line designed after The Flash?


Also, Tangela being spaghetti made me laugh.


I did a comparison and oh my stars you're right- Slowpoke line IS based on The Flash (DC)! That's hilarious 🤣


I also looked more closely at Tangela and yup. Those are definitely meatballs tangled up in it. Spaghetti Tangela exists.

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Espeon and Umbreon are Luna and Artemis from Sailor Moon (I think Teddiursa is supposed to be Luna too)

Female Aipom and Ambipom might be a reference to Delta Aipom and Ambipom from Pokemon Insurgence (I think it's a bit of a stretch though)

Tepig's line might be Piglet 

Scraggy is a Team Skull Grunt and Scrafty is Guzma

Type: Null is Gladion

Swanna is Miles Edgeworth

Keldeo is Steven from Steven Universe

Vivillion with the Monokuma design becomes Monomi when shiny

Crabrawler is Little Mac

Grooky is Diddy Kong and Thwacky is Funky Kong


Also, there's a few swapped palettes:

Aron's line is Giratina

Omynte and Kabuto's lines switched palettes

Zangoose and Seviper switched palettes

Feebas is Magikarp

Starvia's line is Unfezant's line

Crobat is Zubat

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i think i heard shiny male roserade is actually zumi's personal project inspire from a guy who is a character in her game and clefable looks like gengar i dont actually any anime references sorry and flareon is a cake and i dont know why typhlosion reminds me of delta typhlosion 

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I think Sawk and Throh are references to a characters from Sesame Street. 

Dialga might be primal dialga from Pokemon Mystery dungeon, not sure tho. 

Glisgor is maybe two face, the batman villain , its face is split in half and two colors, on of them being a reddish burn color. 

Tangrowth is spaghetti 

The Staraptor shinies (yes there are multiple) all look like other bird Pokemon, such as Unefezent 

Deyoxs is ironman

Castform is a rainbow

Seviper and Zangoose look like each other

Lugai kinda looks like shadow lugai maybe? Might be a stretch 

Marill/Azumarill look like the zombie ones in Snakewood, if my memories serve me right. EDIT: Just check and YES, they are the same. 

Spinarak and Aridos colors are swapped with each other

Starmie and Cresselia both have starts to show their connection to astrology. 

Alakazam is a reference to a Pokemon horror game, I think it is called Nightmare Invasion?

Goomink is a link reference (if that counts lol)

Greninja is part of the bad guy organization from Naruto.

The mushroom pokemon is a mario reference. The smaller form is the modern day power up mushroom, while the evolved one is the older mushroom, or the super shroom in some games.  


That is all I could find.

Edited by pizzagod13
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