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It's funny because of his silly little "Pulse" badge. Although not entirely accurate- "The good doctor" isn't dead, but there won't be anymore Pulse Badges around here for a while even after the little hiatus.

Wanna know why? I hope so, because I want to tell you.

I would love to just write out a list of his countless little offenses- and trust me, one of them in particular is very little (and very offensive), however I am, regrettably, under a vow of tacit silence as a witness in the legal system (because politicians are sympathetic to creeps- I wonder why?) and therefore cannot list with any due certainty specifics regarding the case.

What I can say is what has already been made known- You will all be needing a new Electric leader. The old one's broken. Not nearly as broken as I would like but- again, legal issues. Details.

The older challengers may remember the vow I made when I first joined this league. I had intended to be very vocal about it, but that quickly backfired in a number of ways. I resigned to a temporarily compliant status as I watched over my sisters from here and continued working to pin him down.

If there is one thing I can say for Sigmund, he's good at loopholes. I'll have to hope that this strength fails him when it comes to trial, but I believe that the truth will prevail- and if it does not, I will tear the lies straight off of his face, skin and all. That said, the aforementioned court date is almost a year away- because God forbid the American legal system do anything in a practical frame of time. I am content, however, with them finally having agreed to arrest his custody of the orphanage while the details are sorted out. I trust that the combined testimonies of myself, my sisters, and the twins- not to mention the other children- will be enough to incriminate him if the judge is not so deaf to hear it. However, nothing is set in stone yet, so I dare not count my chickens slaughtered.

Our Gardevoir asked that I relate this to the public eye, and since there is no longer any dissenting voice I have to fear prying about my communications needlessly, I am all too happy to accept. Better that all his acquaintances know the filth in how the "Doctor" conducts himself. Though I cannot describe it kindly enough for the rules of even this community to allow. That is a blank that I'll allow your own imaginations to fill in.

Gardevoir also asks me to report the status of our other leaders. Charlotte will be living with me, if anyone in the legal system has an ounce of sense. Paperwork and tired, bald-headed paralegals stand in the way so far, so until all is cleared, she will be remaining at the orphanage with Anna and Noel.

The orphanage, however, will be granted a new caretaker. I don't think he's been selected yet; Charlotte tells me of the brutish police chief who's managed them for the past week while that's being worked out. He sounds like a pig, and slightly abusive- but it's hard to get any worse than a Doctor who cares more about scientific journals than if the wires he's got wrapped around a child's neck are going to cause her brain damage or not (See, I'm legally allowed to say that because it is only a rhetorical example. Any connections you may draw from that sentence to an individual this community is well acquainted with are purely imagined- and accurate.)

Although I can attribute no particular utility to any members of the community in the scourge of this white-coated vermin, I will appreciate any sympathy you have for my sisters and the twins. Though the worst of it is over, we are not, so to speak, out of the woods yet. And I will see him executed.

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And there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth~

So it looks like we've got two new leaders for the new season! Although one may be juuuuust a bit further off from the other. We'll see~ I wonder who it'll be... Maybe someone will shed some Light on the situation someday!

For now~ Fairy Leader!~


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I trust the legal system. I must admit, my trust might be pretty misplaced given the state of our city, but I don't know who we can trust anymore. Hell, I have enough of a hard time trusting myself or my Hoshi associates in these hard times...but that's not the point.

In any case, just please keep the children safe, Saphira. Only Arceus knows what would happen to you or the other leaders or, worse yet, to be children themselves...

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Why on earth are we presuming the fairy leader a female?

Because most of the leaders are female?

So did Cain. >>; And we all know how he is.

Cain lacks one feature that this leader has, and it shouldn't be too hard see what that feature is.

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NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIGMUNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You better beat that court. I mean, you are my idol and all...

Ahem... Anyway despite his bad deeds, he seems like a good guy...

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Woo! Party! I never liked Sigmund, though due to the interview with him, I kinda have a bit of mixed feelings - he meant well, but he shouldn't have tested it on the kids in his orphanage. Or, what used to be his orphanage.

plus, you don't hurt Saphira's siblings and friends. period.

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1. Cain has a pony tail, its on the front of his face.... idk how he can put it on backwards... *shrug*

2. Sigmund is being tryied in court? That's shocking to hear...

3. What was the name of the nun from Guilty Gear... he looked female

Edit: Dammit! Someone Greninja'd my electric pun...

But in all honestly, I am not to surprised that Sigmund got Discharged from his title.

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He's already detained by the courts it seems, so regardless of how the trial actually goes, we have to get a new one.

Fortunately, I've learned from the past three years to keep back-ups in mind pre-emptively. Soooo!

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