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MysticUmbreon Best team


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Hey I am looking for help. I want to do like a best team for Pokémon Rejuvention like MysticUmbreon. It can be more than 6 looking for around 8 or 10 Pokémon. So what Pokémon has anyone used that helped a lot from rival battles, gym battles, important battles, team xen grunts and admins. From best starter to pick (you can also use the starters that are available from events) to must pick Pokémon.

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Don't have many recollections of my last basic normal-mode run, but there are some mons you just dont forget. I DO however have the memories of my recent rock-mono run. This is not a ranking just a listing btw.


1. Never used it myself but surely Swoobat is one. Early access, simple ability and calm mind + breeded stored power via munna. Top for early game. Gonna try it out in my psychic mono soon.

2. Got a Aron of mystery egg once and it teared through enemy teams. (as much as you can tear through entire teams in a game like reju at least.^^)

3. Torkoal suprised me to no end. I originally got it for drought and that was it's job, but then whenever I used it it just kept living and it just kept beating stuff.

4. Sudowoodo, with sturdy. Give it counter and sucker punch and its a garuanteed kill against a physcial enemy (at least in single battle, not as realiable in doubles!). If enemy is not a physical attacker, I still had hammer arm for usually nice damage and sucker punch for the kill.

Sudo with right ev/iv training and a dark gem can OHKO erick's A-Raichu with sucker punch before it can do anything. This tree means business.

5. Bastiodon: first part like sudo, but it also has metal burst for special attacker, so if you need ANY mon gone in a single battle, bastiodon can deliver. later when it has it's crest its a absolute monster.

6. Surprisingly Rhyperior. The Rhyhorn/Rhydon/Rhyperior line is my favourite pokemon line, with Rhydon as my favourite pokemon, but I did not expect too much of it in my rock-mono run recently. But it blew me away. I went with a max speed and attack build and it delivered.

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I will hear nothing bad about my boy!

7. Golem. Both of Kanto and alolan form. Sturdy-kanto-golem eliminated a lot of threats,

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Would love to name more like Stonejourer, Cradily and of course Shuckle (who power split many enemies like a certain rift-black-angel). But I think thats enough Rock types.

8. Abomasnow: 2 things: Hail warning + Blizzard. It changed so many battles in my favour it was amazing!

9. Oricorio (fire/flying form): really good stats and moves in early-mid game. Only gets better with hurricane later and even has a crest for better stats. Put a petal-dance/quiver dance user next to it for even more insanity!


In V12 I would have named Espeon/Sylveon and Medicham, but they are a lot later now. Still amazing mons, but, except for maybe Sylveon, not quite as noteworthy anymore. At the verly least not overly sensational.


I hope this helps and good luck with your project!

Edited by Rage991
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Speaking from Intense experience: 

1) Super fast = super useful. Crobat, Noivern, Ninjask, Electrode, Talonflame, Jolteon. 
2) Sturdy = super useful. Golem, Magneton/Zon, Aggron, Gigalith, Donphan, Todegemaru. Couple of Golems for example can really stomp (literally) on Amber's team. 
3) Priority = super useful. Scizor, Honchcrow, Crested Spiritomb, Lycanrock, Mamoswine.
4) Speed Boost = super useful. Blaziken, Sharpedo, Scolipede, Yanmega. 
5) Intimidate = Super useful. Arcanine, will be probably the earliest and most useful one you can use. 
6) Oranguru is an absolute MUST for any Intense team. Train it to be a fatass so he could setup Trick Room.
7) Pyukumuku is an absolute MUST for any Intense team. Purify is the ONLY move that can counter several nasty fields. 
8) Prankster Meowstic can be found very early and can be super essential for setting up Screens or crippling a mon for setup. Just make sure it's male. 
9) Wobuffet is a god. Always feel dirty and cheap using him, but hey, sometimes you dont want to spend time rearranging your whole strategy. 
10) Alolan Muk is a god. Amazing bulk, typing and one of the best Memento users for Rift Bullshit. 
11) Wide Guard is great for several of the hardest fights. Throh or Machamp are your earliest and best users generally. 

Overall if you want to have a team that can deal with most things on the fly without too much rearranging, i would say... 

1. Technician Scizor, Steel/Bug, can work both in Trick Room and outside. Classic Sword Punch yeet. 
2. Alolan Muk, Poison/Dark, very fat and versatile wall(breaker), can counter screens with Brick Break and Rift Bullshit with Memento, also leaving opportunities for setup. 
3. Blaziken as a starter, Fighting/Fire, broken chicken that can trivialize a lot of fights. Protect/Speed Boost/High Jump Yeet. Flare Blitz if necessary. Alternative is Protean Greninja, as much of an easymode starter. 
4. Jolteon, Electric, the "my coverage sucks" pokemon of your team, but he will outspeed mostly anything without priority. 
5. Thick Fat Mamoswine, Ice/Ground, Ice Shards from hell and good stats. Can either be trained to be megathicc or be a battering ram for your team. 
6. Male Prankster Meowtistic, Psychic, Light Clay, screens on the fly ahoy. Screen, cripple, die and be a happy kitty cat. 

As for your reserve: 

1. Lord and Jesus Pyukumuku. Trust me, train one. 
2. Oranguru. Mandatory. 
3. Wobuffet. In case you are lazy. 
4. Throh/Machamp. For Wide Guard. 
5. Couple of Sturdy mons, 2-3 Golems, 2-3 Magnetons. Trust me. Oh, and Sturdy Togedemaru with Nuzzle. 

IMO that's the bare minimum of mandatory things you need to finish Intense with the least changes in your team. Chances are you still will want to train extra 10, maybe 20, maybe 50 if you care enough other pokemon who can deal with hyper specialized  teams in the same way. 


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  On 8/15/2021 at 7:20 PM, Cyphre said:

Speaking from Intense experience: 

1) Super fast = super useful. Crobat, Noivern, Ninjask, Electrode, Talonflame, Jolteon. 
2) Sturdy = super useful. Golem, Magneton/Zon, Aggron, Gigalith, Donphan, Todegemaru. Couple of Golems for example can really stomp (literally) on Amber's team. 
3) Priority = super useful. Scizor, Honchcrow, Crested Spiritomb, Lycanrock, Mamoswine.
4) Speed Boost = super useful. Blaziken, Sharpedo, Scolipede, Yanmega. 
5) Intimidate = Super useful. Arcanine, will be probably the earliest and most useful one you can use. 
6) Oranguru is an absolute MUST for any Intense team. Train it to be a fatass so he could setup Trick Room.
7) Pyukumuku is an absolute MUST for any Intense team. Purify is the ONLY move that can counter several nasty fields. 
8) Prankster Meowstic can be found very early and can be super essential for setting up Screens or crippling a mon for setup. Just make sure it's male. 
9) Wobuffet is a god. Always feel dirty and cheap using him, but hey, sometimes you dont want to spend time rearranging your whole strategy. 
10) Alolan Muk is a god. Amazing bulk, typing and one of the best Memento users for Rift Bullshit. 
11) Wide Guard is great for several of the hardest fights. Throh or Machamp are your earliest and best users generally. 

Overall if you want to have a team that can deal with most things on the fly without too much rearranging, i would say... 

1. Technician Scizor, Steel/Bug, can work both in Trick Room and outside. Classic Sword Punch yeet. 
2. Alolan Muk, Poison/Dark, very fat and versatile wall(breaker), can counter screens with Brick Break and Rift Bullshit with Memento, also leaving opportunities for setup. 
3. Blaziken as a starter, Fighting/Fire, broken chicken that can trivialize a lot of fights. Protect/Speed Boost/High Jump Yeet. Flare Blitz if necessary. Alternative is Protean Greninja, as much of an easymode starter. 
4. Jolteon, Electric, the "my coverage sucks" pokemon of your team, but he will outspeed mostly anything without priority. 
5. Thick Fat Mamoswine, Ice/Ground, Ice Shards from hell and good stats. Can either be trained to be megathicc or be a battering ram for your team. 
6. Male Prankster Meowtistic, Psychic, Light Clay, screens on the fly ahoy. Screen, cripple, die and be a happy kitty cat. 

As for your reserve: 

1. Lord and Jesus Pyukumuku. Trust me, train one. 
2. Oranguru. Mandatory. 
3. Wobuffet. In case you are lazy. 
4. Throh/Machamp. For Wide Guard. 
5. Couple of Sturdy mons, 2-3 Golems, 2-3 Magnetons. Trust me. Oh, and Sturdy Togedemaru with Nuzzle. 

IMO that's the bare minimum of mandatory things you need to finish Intense with the least changes in your team. Chances are you still will want to train extra 10, maybe 20, maybe 50 if you care enough other pokemon who can deal with hyper specialized  teams in the same way. 



Blaziken and alolan Muk where apart of my previous run and where really good. I am wondering if cinderace could be just as good as blaziken especially with Libero as it’s ability

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Blaziken is probably still the best starter, Speed Boost (and Bulk Up) are just too good. Cinderace still takes a while to learn good moves and Greninja is even worse (still good tho)


Like others have said, there's a couple of things you should always have 

a couple Intimidators is great (my favorites are Arcanine and Krookodile)

Wide Guard comes is handy (my favorite is Hitmontop, also with Intimidate + good support movepool for doubles like Helping Hand)

a Tailwind user (for me it's Noivern and/or Talonflame)

Pokemon with Sturdy (Golem with Custap Berry also learns SR, Togedemaru with Reversal + Spiky Shield for doubles, Magnezone)

Destiny Bond is also very useful (Gengar is the best probably)

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One mon I want to shout out is Golisopod. It's kind of annoying to catch since you have to re-run the safari zone every single soft reset, so it's easier to breed to get a better nature or IVs; but oh man is it worth it, especially for its pretty generous availability. I went the extra step to breed Aqua Jet onto mine, but even without that its First Impression can annihiliate squishy pokemon, even ones not weak to Bug if you can get an insect plate with good stats. Its bulk also means it often survives to escape and land a second one in the future, though if you're on shift mode you can really abuse it. The only problem is it will rarely get to attack outside of priority moves - but its horrible speed also makes it good if you're utilizing Trick Room or trying to battle one of the trick room teams in the game.


Silvally is also really nice if you go out of your way to get it as early as possible. Its memories mean that it's like training multiple rotation Pokemon at once, and its high if unfocused BST gives it good bulk. Gen 8's Multi Attack buff is huge, because it hits like it has a boosting item before you actually have good boosting items anyway. As a bonus, it's got a cool shiny.


Eldegoss is shockingly bulky and is a good early-game pick, especially for Valerie. Especially if you can't use items, Regenerator makes it a great early pivot. The event one having Leech Seed is huge, too, but I also got a weird amount of mileage out of rapid spin and sing. Probably doesn't hold up later on, though.


Feraligatr is accessible right after Valerie and comes with Ice Punch out of the box. It lacks in Water STAB for a very long time, but makes up for it in decent natural coverage, a good ability, and great late-game scaling with its crest, re-learning Dragon Dance once egg moves show up (there isn't really a good source to breed it from what I could gather from checking level up learnsets of available pokemon) and the Liquidation tutor. The crest in particular makes it a very potent revenge killer, or allowing you to use utility moves with priority, though it also works great with the Life Orb if you wish to use it.


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Blaziken is Blaziken. Pretty good learnset and u can tutor HJK onto him pretty early


Compound eyes Butterfree. Saved me a lot of times in the early game with sleep powder and tailwind


Eldegoss was a pleasant surprise. Nice bulk, plus leech seed, sing and regenerator


Mr.Mime was actually extremely useful with decent speed and dual screens


Stonjourner was pretty useful with a thicc defense stat, stealth rock and wide guard


Crawdaunt; bred aqua jet onto mine from buizel. Excellent learnset with knock off, sword dance and crabhammer


Mamoswine with thick fat. Rare encounter in Angie's tower, but worth the ice shard and earthquake


Amusing doubles combo with Aevium Ampharos (cotton down) and Aevium Milotic (defiant). Cotton down is still useful outside of doubles


The most difficult part of Rejuv is the early to mid game, where you don't have a lot of options. The best mons in the game, funnily enough, aren't the classically 'good' mons we all know, but the normally unnoticed ones that will carry you through the rough early. Still wish we could get Salamence though, he's my fav dragon

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  On 8/15/2021 at 10:25 PM, Harryd1998 said:

Blaziken and alolan Muk where apart of my previous run and where really good. I am wondering if cinderace could be just as good as blaziken especially with Libero as it’s ability


Cinderace is nice, Great speed and physical, Pyro Ball hits like a truck, But kinda limited in movepool in early to mid game. Basically have same problem with gredninja but it has access to its stonger stab right of the bat

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in a game like this you need to:

*open with the best starter.

*mon's you must catch and where you find them.

*when you raplce mon's.

*move's you make them leren.

*finle 6,8,10 ..... mon's, move's.


you can add EV IV and tip's that make the team better.

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Cinccino is available super early on and is useful for basically every battle in the game, often times being MVP. Definitely should be in your 8-10 staples. 


A-Milotic is crazy good mid-late game, but admittedly only available after badge 9. 


Crobat with Brave Bird is available early and is great for most of the game. Falls off a bit late game due to better pokes being available for the role (Staraptor, Braviery etc) but still wonderful for most of the game.


Diggersby with Huge Power basically kills EVERYTHING. And you get Life Orb from a late same side quest...


Pyukumuku gets you through otherwise impossible seeming battles alone so is necessary.


Honestly loads of other mentions. Blaziken, Cinderance, Greninja, Mamoswine, Meowstic, Noivern, Swampert, Typhlosion, Donphan, Torkoal, Tangrowth, Amoongus, Sawk, Swoobat, Gastrodon, Butterfly, Beautifly, Cimeco, Primarna, Torterra, Golem, Magnezone, Talonflame, Mawille, Togedemaru, Torkoal, Scolipede, Arcanine, A-Muk.... all of which shine at different points in the game. I really could go on, as there are SO many great options and strategies to utilise and use in Rejuve. 




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