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Team for Dreadfull Serra.


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Hello everyone.

I'm currently training/devising a team to beat Serra (and Noel).

My old team couldn't cut it.

I finally also unlocked the breeding portion, I somehow skipped that early game.

This is how I plan my team.

Tips/Feedback is appreciated

#1 (Nyriad) Gyarados @Intimidate- Damp Rock

Nature: Impish

  1. AquaTail
  2. DragonDance
  3. Ice Fang
  4. Rain Dance

I underestimated how Strong Gyarados is this game. It almost helped me kill the Garchomp @ Vulcano. And he's just really strong and Bulky overall. His attack, special defense and defense are almost on the same level (meaning his attack is high, but also Sp.def and def).

There is not much to change on this part, he's going in First with either Magnezone or Blaziken one kills Abomasnow and he sets up Rain (while intimidating Both).

(Hocus) Alakazam@Inner focus- Mind Plate

Nature: Rash

  1. Recover/Grassknot
  2. Psychic
  3. Calm Mind
  4. ShadowBall

He's my go to guy to destroy everything. He cannot be flinched which has helped me in the past. ( I see you Noel's Chinchinno). His SP.ATK is off the roof thanks to a +Sp.atk nature AND 31 IV's for Spatk. His speed is also high, higher than my Crobat's. The only thing I'm pondering is, should I get Grassknot over Recover for more coverage?

#3 (Brande) Blaziken@Speedboost- Wide Lens

Nature: Quirky

  1. Blaze Kick
  2. Bulk UP
  3. Slash/Bravebird
  4. HJK

He's quite strong, his speed is somewhat lacking but after 1 turn of speedboost, that is solved. He's currently Level 46 and I'm wondering if I should get Bravebird over Slash or perhaps a more reliable move like Strength, thoughts?

#4 (Nyx) Crobat@ Infiltrator- no Item

Nature: Relaxed

  1. Acrobatics
  2. CrossPoison
  3. ConfuseRay
  4. Bite

This thing just wrecks with Acrobatics. Sadly it's nature isn't perfect but it makes him a little more bulky and a little slower, but seeing his speed is already off the charts, it won't matter too much for now.

#5 (Torture) Skorupi @Sniper- Everstone (Crit hax item later)

Nature: Careful.

  1. CrossPoison
  2. Toxic Spikes
  3. Nightslash (Not Crunch because of Ability?)
  4. BugBite/HoneClaws/Strength/Filler

This is my recent addition after feedback from forum members.

I like this thing but I have to get it to Level 49 before Serra (and evolve it using the 1 rare candy that I have). If I don't I will not have his maximum moveset potential until much later.
Hence the everstone. I want some feedback on the move Crunch vs Nightslash, due to Sniper and some help deciding the last move.

FinalSlot is probably reserved for my Magnezone that I currently already have.

(Ion) Magnezone @ MagnetPull -Zoom Lens

Quirky Nature

-Flash Cannon


-Metal Sound


His Sp.atk is off the roof.

His speedstat isn't but hey, he's a fat Magnet.

Not much to say about this set tbh, pretty generic.

So what are your thoughts?

Think I can handle Serra/Noel like this?

PS- Resistance chart- > http://www.marriland.com/tools/team-builder#1104|782|909|1114|717|821|

Edited by Scenekidlove
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Just a heads up, Magic Guard doesn't work in episode 9. Blind was kind enough to code it in for me for episode 10, but just be aware of that.

...Also, I think you won't be able to get Magic Guard on Abra anyway because of the three-ability DW glitch thing. Clefable will get it, but it won't have any effect until E10.

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Just a heads up, Magic Guard doesn't work in episode 9. Blind was kind enough to code it in for me for episode 10, but just be aware of that.

...Also, I think you won't be able to get Magic Guard on Abra anyway because of the three-ability DW glitch thing. Clefable will get it, but it won't have any effect until E10.

Ah..Thats a bummer.

I haven't heard of the tree ability DW Glitch thing either:o.

Ill just breed Alakazam with good stats instead.

Gives me some clarity atleast ;)

Ty Ame

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