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[SPOILERS, maybe] A "fun" idea for the ending.


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This is an idea I had when I saw someone talking about who might die, one of them said that MC will probably survive, unless we play as Aelita and she inherits MC's pokemon and boxes etc in the post game, which made me think of a certain Persona game where the MC did die.

After every evil team is defeated, there's a big party to celebrate, with almost every character, main or sidequest, there. You get a chance to talk to everyone, see how they're doing, the surviving members of the main cast make some speeches, then MC may get a turn as well.
Then the MC start to feel off. Sleepy. They wander off to a corner, where the lady that gave us the Interceptor powers explain that our overuse of the Interceptor's true power is causing our soul to break down. Before we pass, a text box pop up, giving us three options, the names of the characters we have highest relationship points with. The character we select with come in, we'll have our last words with them, before falling asleep and fading away.
The Aelita post game happens a few weeks after this.

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First of all, we dont even know how it will end, even remotely. For all we know everyone will die in some ultimate sacrifice or time will reset and we never meet Melia and Venam and others, but they will live happily ever after. 

Second, thats more or less Persona 3 ending and doing Aigis thing. So no. I really dont think this is a good idea. 

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There was this line, that was outlined in orange, that, i think, hints a lot on some very far future events. It was somewhere on Carotos (Edit: actually Valor, mixed my mountains) mountain or after it, when Melia (i think said) "I wish we could do something differently". Or something like this. For now i assume it's a Chekhov Gun and in time we will beat Madame X, learn the truth, and use time crystal to travel back and fix everything. Interceptor, to begin with, it not from their world the way i see it. 

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5 minutes ago, Cyphre said:

There was this line, that was outlined in orange, that, i think, hints a lot on some very far future events. It was somewhere on Carotos mountain or after it, when Melia (i think said) "I wish we could do something differently". Or something like this. For now i assume it's a Chekhov Gun and in time we will beat Madame X, learn the truth, and use time crystal to travel back and fix everything. Interceptor, to begin with, it not from their world the way i see it. 


I think it's said at Jenner's makeshift funeral after the fiasco at Valor Mountain. I have had similar thoughts about this line as well.  

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