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What's your least favorite Pokemon gen?


What's your least favorite Pokemon generation?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Which did you like the least?

    • Generation I
    • Generation II
    • Generation III
    • Generation IV
    • Generation V
    • Generation VI

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So I noticed that there was a poll for favorite generation, but not one for least favorite. I doubt everyone loves every gen, and so I wanted to know which was the least popular (Gen 3 seems to be the most popular so far).

You don't have to explain or even post after voting if you don't want to, I was just curious.

I, myself, didn't like Gen V for many reasons, but mostly because of N. I just really did not like N.

Edited because despise isn't a very nice word.

Edited by EggtasticTaco
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I actually love Gen.3 for many reasons & I played Ruby/Emerald/Leaf Green the most out of any Pokemon game, but this is least favorite & I have to say Gen.4, at least for the Diamond/Pearl games, Platinum redeemed itself imo. Infernape & Rapidash are literally the only Fire-Types in the games till Platinum, which also made fighting Flint kinda weird. Yeah I loved the Physical/Special split though so thats a pass.=) I also thought that the pace of the battles were way too slow, especially HeartGold/SoulSilver.@_@ Possibly my BIGGEST complaint with Diamond/Pearl was after you beat a Trainer's Pokemon it'll say "Trainer is about to use Pokemon", before it says "will you switch?" it takes off the last text so if you didn't pay attention then you would have no idea what the next Pokemon would be.>.> Then again I play on Shift & not set. lol.XD As for the Pokemon themselves, I have no complaints on them, & it introduced new evolutions for older Pokemon, & Biberal was the best HM Slave ever, also imo.=) The evil team was pretty great, especially Cirus overall.

Not saying I despised Gen.4, but there were problems I had with it overall that made it my least favorite Gen. Those problems did get resolved thanks to Platinum......though I did not like how Platinum nerfed Hypnosis right when it got buffed in Diamond/Pearl.

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I was really dissatisfied with Gen 3 when it came out, but it grew on me. Gen 4, however- I don't know what it was, but Sinnoh felt very, very bland to me. It was like the same Pokemon everywhere you went and almost nothing stood out visually or- what. It was just boring. However, Wifi saved it.

Incidentally, I also spent by far the most time playing Gen 4. Hm.

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Gen 1 was the one I didn't grow up on, and playing it now, it seems archaic(obviously) Gen 2 borders on that unfortunately, despite crystal being the first game i touched. Gen 3 was gorgeous back then, but now I see a lot of flaws among the copious amounts of good. Gen 4 is my personal favorite in terms of roster of pokemon, plus Gen 2 remakes. It also finalized the standards of how pokemon is going to played. Gen 5 was the least whelming to me, just because it was I was older and had a better critical mindset. While I love Gen 6, I see some problems in the single player, including Exp. Share in which breaks the game.

In the end, I chose gen 2 as I can't really say anything bad about Gen 1 as I hadn't experienced it at its fullest. Gen 3 made a lot of good changes, though some changes were a pain in the ass. Gen 5 kinda made things over the top complicated with Hidden Abilities, making old threats better and emerged new threats. We will have to see for Gen 6.

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I'd have to say generation 2 is my least favorite. The Gym Leaders were frustrating for me, since I was really young back when I played it and was horrible at the game :wacko: ... the plot line wasn't too bad, but I really hated how the Team Rocket plot was crammed into a few spaces. In fact, the other gens did this too, except 5(wouldn't know about 6, since I haven't played it yet), but gen 2 completely crossed the border with that.

Gen 1 was the first I played. In my memory, I didn't think it was that great, since it was back in 2006 and gen 3 was already out then. When I got gen 3, I had no issues with it, the game was great, the starters were great, the Pokemon were great... just that I was confused with the new complicated mechanics, for example catching Feebas.

Generation 4 had a lot of gen 3 qualities, so I won't go deep into that..

Gen 5 was probably the best for me. Team Plasma was well spread throughout the game, the plot was well developed, and at the end of B/W, you don't even fight the Champion, you fight N. I really liked the element of surprise there.

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I loved Gen 1, like really much, awesome everything, story, pokemons, difficulty, music

Gen 2, my fav of all, no need to say anything besides that it was perfect

Gen 3, it was pretty good, didnt like the male protagonist tho

Gen 4 was kinda cool, also didnt like the male protagonist (i only play with male protagonists)

Gen 5 had cool protagonists and storyline, but i didnt like the pokemon themselves, they were crappy and out of creativity like vanilite and mooshroom, but not all were bad like scraggy

Gen 6 seems pretty awesome just didnt played it yet

Results: i say my least favorite is Gen 5 :/

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Gen 1 is my least favorite. I think it's overrated, and doesn't deserve the praise most people give it. I find the region to be extremely boring, and I also find most of the Pokemon to be boring too. However, my favorite Pokemon is from Kanto, but Dragonite alone cannot save Kanto imo. I also never really cared for Team Rocket, because they're really just a bunch of flashy poachers who think they're evil. What was the most bad thing they did anyway? Oh, they took over a Radio Tower. I didn't care about the landscape of the region either aside from Cerulean City and a few routes. It's not all hate though, as I did enjoy Red and Blue's soundtrack. It has the best Gym Leader music imo, and I've yet to listen to anything in the other games to change my mind. The Champion music is also really good, but I still prefer Lance's/Red's theme to most Champion music. But yeah, overall I really don't like Gen 1 despite it being the Gen that started it all.

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I never had a DS, so I cannot say anything about the latest 3 generations. But as for Gen I, II, and II, I can say Gen II was the one I had the least amount of love for.

Gen I was new and exciting, and the playing was simple, EV was something only people who REALLY knew the game understood (or even knew existed), Mewtwo was THE BOSS, and Mew was something you had to hunt down other people to acquire, if you didn't have a game shark.

Gen II was basically just a sequel to Gen I, and really only introduced about 100 new pokemon, two new types- dark and steel, and two new game mechanics- genders/breeding and time mechanics. While yes, I LOVE those two types to death (I cannot name any pokemon with either a Dark or Steel primary or secondary typing that isn't awesome in some way, not counting Gen IV on, since I never played those), the anime is actually what ruined it for me (Celebi was supposed to come out of the GS Ball! Screw you, lazy writers, Celebi could have traveled with Ash without plot holes because TIME TRAVELERS CAN TRAVEL THROUGH TIME!). I mean, you give the main character a second chance to win it all, and he still messes up.

Gen III, in my opinion, was new for me. I never watched the anime, so that didn't spoil anything for me, and the designs for the pokemon, and everything else, really, were pretty damn eye-catching. The two rival Teams was something that was never seen again, and, in all honesty, was probably one of the best things about that generation. Seriously, two gangs waging war against each other for control of a region? Sounds like an interesting, albeit somewhat cliche, setting to me. Also, that generation introduced METAGROSS. To this day, Metagross is my favorite pokemon, even above Rayquaza. Barely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, this was tough. Since I voted gen 4 as my least favorite because of how underwhelming Diamod and pearl were. But I loved Heart Gold and Soul Silver, but that was because of my love for gen 2. Even though heart gold was great even if you hadn't played gen 2. But since gen 2 was my first gen, I have a special place for it. I did not play black or white, but white 2 was a ton of fun.

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Gen 1?its OK good stuff.........Good Memories :)

Gen 2......That's my favorite pokemon gen why? it is because there additional 8 badges in total 16 plus fight against RED(ASH) in MT.Silver and besides that it was perfect game...

Gen 3, it was pretty good but sooooooooo boring.....

Gen 4 Was kinda Like it and awesome......Of course chasing Azelf,Mesprit and Uxie....

Gen 5 the storyline and the main characters is kinda good and challenging in PWT

Gen 6 !?uuuuuuuuuhhhh.............mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......I didn't see and play yet so.......:(

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Gen 1, only because no Dark types (I don't hate it comeplety, and I respect it since it was the beginning of the series, that and I haven't played true Gen 1), it just the other gans all have something I completly enjoy or liked a lot so I can't really pick those lol.

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Gen 5 is my favorite, followed by gen 3. Gen 3's storyline was well done. Similarly, Gen 2 has a special place in my heart for starting the trend of focusing a game's plot around its legndaries (not to mention it has Jasmine, who is just pretty) Gen 1 had its flaws, but also had its merits. Team Rocket was pretty well portrayed as a sort of mafia/yakuza thing, and had what I consider to be the best soundtrack yet. Gen 4 was disappointing for me. Just couldn't get myself to enjoy it, though I loved the gym leaders.

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I'd have to say between 1 and 5. Gen 1 was far too glitchy for me (admittedly expected of the first attempt but come on) and really the only reason to ever play it now is for the nostalgia factor, which I never had in the first place. In fact, my only memory that comes to mind immediately of Gen 1 was back when I was bad and got stuck in Seafoam Island and had to start a new game entirely.

For a slightly similar reason, I don't like Gen 5 much either- I just didn't get too attached to it and had more fun playing Blaze Black than I did the main series game. And out of all the versions I've played, I only finished Black and even then did NOTHING with it afterward. Got halfway through Blaze Black and then laptop issues halted that, and I played like 10 minutes (or less) of both White 2 and Volt White 2.

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While I like Team Plasma, Gen 5 was my least favourite. Nothing (in the environment at least) really wowed me in either BW or BW2 The big city in the middle with the pseudo 3-D was nice and all, but in the end, there wasn't really much there and it kind of felt like an unfinished game compared to HG/SS. I grew up playing Gen 2, so I'm most fond of that one because of it's massive post-game and the Johto region is just full of culture unique to the game which you don't really find in other games. Gen 3 would be my next best favourite because of the exploration in the game, Dive was such an awesome mechanic and the story behind it is pretty nice too. Pokemon Blue was my first videogame like ever, I still remember the time I got it with my Gameboy Pocket. Gen 4 had a meh story and a really meh region which didn't really do anything for me, but the Physical/Special split was a big advancement in competiitive battling (Gyarados yay), and so, 4 would be my second least favourite.

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For me, Gen 2 was the best. It has a lot of Pokemon I like, (Including my all-time favorite, Cyndaquil) and Silver was also the first Pokemon Game I ever played. I love how you could go to the Kanto region after beating Johto as well. I also like the day/night feature, and how you could only catch certain Pokemon at night. It adds a realistic feel to the game. The only problems I have with it are:

1: The game's battery can die, and unfortunately it dies especially quickly due to the day/night feature.

2: After playing Gen 3 or higher games, the graphics do seem a bit archaic, and it can make it difficult to play at times.

My least favorite would be Gen 4. The game didn't seem all that great, and there were not many new Pokemon I liked. That's all I can say, really.

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I went with Gen 1 because I had more fun playing the remakes in gen III and spent more time on Sapphire, Leaf Green, and Emerald, that I have to say gen III is probably my favorite. I never played pokemon yellow though which might make me rethink my answer but for now it's gen 1. as for the others I like how gen II is a the sequel to RBY and silver was the game that got me into the franchise so gen II has some value to me. I spent as much time playing Diamond and soul silver than even gen III because i was contempt on catching them all, which i half succeeded in ehehe. as for Gen V I enjoyed it's story but I stopped after I became the champion because i thought that was the end of the game and i was also focused on school at the time before realising there was more. I played a little of white 2 but haven't got around to finishing it because hur dur distractions but as my first playthrough without any knowledge of the new pokemon, and instead of finding pokemon i already have come to know and love I had to discover new friends to bring along on my journey and. This was an experience I had when I first started playing silver, and probably the reason it's one of my 2nd favorite out of them all, and I might enjoy it more after i finish white 2. as for X I have so many things I have to do and there's also so many things I want to do with my spare time so I've been putting X aside for a while but so far the game has been fun and I think with every game, game freak does it better and better! I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

EDIT: I like how the title is least favorite because I really loved all the pokemon games i played in the main series, I and can't say there was a game that didn't satisfy me ;w;

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Gen V. Mostly because of some of those. . . interesting . . . designs for Pokemon. Gen III was my favorite, I actually loved the region and the pokemon are my favorites. (Absol ftw.) Though, Ruby was the first Pokemon game I ever played, so I might be a bit biased.

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