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Beldum & Dieno giveaways (near perfect IV's)


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Edit: ***************NO MORE BELDUMS LEFT! 4 Dieno & 1 Ghastly remaining******************************

Been breeding like a madman the last few days and in my quest to breed a dieno and beldum with perfect IV's I've made a couple spares with around 4 perfect IV's each. Figured I might give them away for free to members of my favorite online community. Not asking for anything in return just figured it'd be a waste to just release them.
Just post if you'd be interested in one and i can arrange a day for trading when my exams are finished.
If anybody does have a spare hidden ability dratini or goomy i would infinitely be in your debt though!

Edit: if you really want i can tell you what their IV's are but too lazy to put up atm haha

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Count me in for a Deino! I would like to have a Beldum too, but ehi, I don't want to be greedy... So yeah, for now I'll just sign in for a Deino!

I am getting Y tomorrow, and I'll ofc play through it for a while before getting to the point of starting to build a competitive team thus adding in traded Pokemon... While I am at it, I will ofc be capturing many Pokemon, is there anything in particular you want in return for your Deino? Also, do you need my Friend Code?

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Wow beldum is popular but unfortunately I only have two spares :( Just to be fair I will do things first come first serve, Personwithbanannas and color will get them (sorry Shushup). Post up your friend code, name and which Beldum you'd prefer. Same goes for you Tom and Mael for the Dieno. If you guys don't have multiscale dratini or gooey goomie dw about anything major in return just chuck me something useless if you want.

I could probably do some trades tomorow if you guys are free? FC is in interests.

The pokemon available are;
Beldum 31/?/31/?/31/31

Beldum ?/31/31/?/31/31


Dieno 31/?/31/31/?/31

Dieno 31/31/?/31/31/?

Dieno ?/31/31/31/?/31

Dieno 31/?/31/31/?/31

Dieno 31/31/31/31/?/?

Btw if you guys are planning to use them as they are I can nickname them before i trade them for you?

Edit: Dude there are 3 OU fairy types and considering the nerf to steel resistences, Hydra can now experiment with new coverage moves! He is far from finished, probably not a big threat anymore but still a potent stall breaker

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Tomorrow is ok for me, the only problem is that I am GMT+1 and it will be difficult to be up when you are... But I guess we can arrange something!

I would like to get one od the Deinos with 31 IVs in SpAtk and speed, if that's ok with you: I will be getting Y later today and start playing it straight away, so yeah, do you mind if I give you something stupid that is obtained early game, like a Fletchling? If you find it to be unfair, I could trade with my copy of X instead, I got some powerful Pokemon there and I am sure we can arrange something...

As for my FC, I am afraid I can't remember it right now (I am at university), I'll check it later and update this very post... Thank you in advance!

EDIT: do consider that by the time you'll read and answer this message I will have advanced in the game a lot, given that I am getting it at 11:30 AM, and I am planning to play it without pauses untill I go to sleep at 1 AM... So yeah, I will most likely be able to catch and giv you something better in return for your Deino! Again, if you want something in particular, just ask.

Edited by Tomas Elliot
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so found some random eggs sitting in my pc. one hatched and turned into a 31/31/?/?/31/31 beldum and its the last one free. I'll probably give it to Color (just to be fair) unles somebody has a multiscale dratini spare or if he doesn't reply.
Also started breeding ghastly's and will keep everyone updated if you guys are interested haha
@personwithbannana, I actually can't get hidden abilities out of your safari till we are both online which will be tomorow btw ?
@Avematic, will be online tomorow and i can breed another random spare beldum for you if you want ?

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So, my Friend Code is 3926-5594-3992, and my 3DS name is T.S.Elliot.

As I mentioned before, I started Y today, however after a while I was able to capture a Modes Scatterbug with good IVs. I am therefore planning to start breeding and raising Modest Vivillons with the Marine Pattern.

I am positive that I will manage to hatch the first few eggs tomorrow around this hour, so yeah, if tomorrow you are able to get online at this hour, I guess I could give one of those Vivillons to you in return for your Deino... That is, assuming that you are one of those who collect butterflies and you are looking for that specific pattern!

Let me know :)

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online now and will be for the next 2 hours
edit: i really had no interest in vivilion till you now though will gladly take a scatterbug cheers tomas

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still got Dieno's left and no one has claimed the last beldum so far ? just jump online, FC in interests. Post your name, what you want and if you got a spare multiscale dratini your my second favourite person after personwithbanana

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