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Item Guide - V13: Vague Clarity & V1: Where Love Lies (Complete)


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Hi and Welcome to V13: Vague Clarity & V1: Where Love Lies Item Guide


The guide is complete as of the latest version with the items I found myself in the game, it might include some spoilers so be warned!

If you find any more items I haven't included, please comment bellow from where you can find them.

Make sure to use the itemfinder later once you get it, it's very useful and handy while you search!


Mark Indications:

+ mark before the item name indicates that the item is visible, a similar symbol shown on its place as follows:

- Red Pokéball for General items.

- Yellow Pokéball for TMs and HMs.

- Blue and Green Pokéballs and Shiny Symbol for some Key items.

- Light Blue Pokéball for Mega Stones.

- Gray Pokéball for Z-Crystals

- Purple Pokéball for Crests.

- Black Pokéball for Data Files on Rift Pokémon.

- Green Sparkling Crystals for Zygarde Cells.


.Have Fun Hunting.

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V13: Vague Clarity


Items Listed by Chapters (Complete)


Chapter 0 - Prologue


S.S. Oceana


Trainer Card (from the Receptionist after the intro)



Chapter 1 - Shipwrecked


Floria Island


Oceana Pier


X Accuracy (grass space 1 spot right from the 1st lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable
Sweet Heart (2nd lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable

+Zygarde Cell (at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable
Oceana Pier Gate
Love Letter (from Eric while doing the Love Letter! side quest)

East Gearen City


Left Section

Oran Berry (flowers patch by the 2nd bush right from the Charmer on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Reverse Candy (Nerd Guy on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Oran Berry (flowers patch up from the Lass on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Elemental Seed (left flowers patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Resist Wing (right grass patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
GourmetTreat (2nd bush left of Velvet Building) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Red Shard (1st flowers patch above the Old Lady sitting right of Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Super Potion (middle grass lower left Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Grass Gem (grass lower right corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Grass Gem (grass left the Ranger upper right corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Super Repel (2nd flowers patch to the left of the flowers patch lower left corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Blue Shard (upper right side wall of the Parks and Recreation Center at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Escape Rope (wall upper left side of the Parks and Recreation Center at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
GourmetTreat (wall between the 2 dumpsters upper right the Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Yellow Shard (floor between the 2 dumpsters upper left the Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Yellow Shard (3rd dumpster right from Magnolia Library) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Help Plaza) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Gearen Laboratory

Badge Card (from Shana after getting 1 Gym Badge)
Virtual Badge #1 (from Shana after defeating Falkner, 1 Gym Badge needed)
Mart Lady
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 100$

Repel - 350$
Poke Ball - 200$

Jenner's Lab

5 Poke Balls (from Amanda after getting your starter)
Pokedex (from Prof Jenner after getting your starter)
CyberNav (from Prof Jenner after getting your starter)

EV Training Rooms
+Power Weight (inside the HP Room, HP Card needed)
+Power Anklet (inside the Speed Room, Speed Card needed)
+Power Bracer (inside the Attack Room, Attack Card needed)
+Power Belt (inside the Defense Room, Defense Card needed)
+Power Lens (inside the Special Attack Room, SPAttack Card  needed)
+Power Band (inside the Special Defense Room, SPDefense needed)
Velvet Building
Mineral Ball (Clerk in the middle when you pick left, 1st floor)
Steam Ball (Clerk in the middle when you pick right, 1st floor)
+Great Ball (lower left, 1st floor)
+Potion (lower left, 2nd floor)

Exp. Candy XS (lower right, 3rd floor)
Emerald Building
Super Repel (from an Old Lady, 2nd floor)
Full Heal (from an Optimist Lady on the upper right, 2nd floor)
+Red Shard (lower left, 2nd floor)

Violet Building

Magnolia Library

Library Nerd Tutor

Bind (taught for 1 Red Shard)

Covet (taught for 1 Blue Shard)

Helping Hand (taught for 1 Yellow Shard)

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

Advanced Pokedex (from Zumi after completing her 1st pokedex entry request, Dedenne)

Lab BLackbelt Tutor

Dual Chop (taught for 2 Yellow Shard)

Block (taught for 2 Blue Shard)

Super Fang (taught for 2 Red Shard)

Gearen Train Station
5 Potions (from Tesla once you enter the train station for the 1st time)
Exp. Candy S (from the Old Guy after you rescue his grand-daughter at Goldenwood Forest)
East Gearen Help Plaza

Gather Cube (from Ayuda after getting 1 gym badge)
TM49 Echoed Voice (from Ayuda when you get 5 Zygarde Cells)

Help Quests

#Finish before Neo Gearen, Missable
890$, 2 Potion (Save Starly!)
550$, Free Haircut (Missing Mother)
5 Great Ball, 3 Timer Ball (The Hidden Library)
350$, Nugget (Love Letter!)
350$, Super Potion, Litleo (Dangerous Pokemon!)
350$, Pichu (Battle Request!)

1100$, GourmetTreat, TM119 Magical Leaf (Wretched Music)


Right Section

Pretty Wing (flowers patch right of Gearen Bicycle Shop) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Heart Scale (wall at the left fence between the 2 big trees, up from Gearen Park) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Tiny Mushroom (grass to the right bellow the right fence and left the medium tree, up from Gearen Park) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Repel (flowers patch right the Aqua Building) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Antidote (2nd flowers patch right from Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Blue Shard (floor 4 spots down and 2 spots right from the 2nd flowers patch under Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Reverse Candy (under Karrina's Base, hidden by the trees) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Revive (floor 1 spot above the rightmost fence up from Venam's House) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Iron (by the trees top right of the area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+TM83 Infestation (right of Chrisola Hotel) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Green Shard (flowers pot right of Chrisola Hotel) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Parlyz Heal (flowers pot left of Chirsola Hotel) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Potion (grass behind the filter device, lower left Luck's Tent) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Super Potion (by Luck's Tent) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Resist Wing (bush right of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Poke Ball (1st flowers patch left of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Super Repel (2nd flowers patch left of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Aqua Building

+Iron (to the right, 1st floor)

+Old Rod (lower left, 1st floor)
Star Shard (from Mercury after battle, 3rd floor)

Shopping Emporium

Pecha Berry? (from the Berry Emporium Lady after interacting with Veronica first time in the story)
Berry Emporium
Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$
Pokeball Boutique
Heavy Ball - 300$
Moon Ball - 300$

Love Ball - 300$ (1 badge)
Fast Ball - 300$ (1 badge)

Shopping District

Top Stand
Female Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$
Potion - 300$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Male Clerk
Poke Ball - 400$ (only 4 times, then you get a Voltorb)

Bottom Left Stand
Burn Heal - 250$
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$
Awakening - 250$
Parlys Heal - 200$

Bottom Right Stand (day-time at Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
Reverse Candy - 50$
Soda Pop - 300$

Chirsola Hotel

Super Potion (from the Man sitting on the right sofa)

+TM126 Whirlpool (lower right room, right corridor)

1500$ (1 space right the top left plant in the room on the top right, left corridor area)

Repel (left side of the 1st cabinet top right from the elevator)
Casino / AP Center

Achievement Card (from the Optimist Lady at the AP Center section)

Casino Lottery Prizes

Master Ball (5 digits match)

Max Revive (4 digits match)

Exp. Share (3 digits match)

PP Up (2 digits match)

Ultra Ball (1 digit match)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Seel (1000 coins)
Spoink (4000 coins)
Maractus (5000 coins)
Helioptile (6500 coins)

Casino TM Prizes
TM70 Flash (1000 coins)
TM10 Hidden Power (4000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes
Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)
PP UP (6 AP)
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)
Resist Wing (white tile space 4 spots right and 1 spot up from the tall lamp at the bottom middle)
Reverse Candy (white tile space 1 spot down and 2 spots right from the last gray/black tile under the Helipad)
Oran Berry (top right corner white tile space at the left gray/black tile line interception)

+Zygarde Cell (at the lower left small garden)

3 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Gearen Park

Blue Shard (flowers patch middle of the grass, fountain right side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Muscle Wing (left grass space above the tall grass, fountain right side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Rare Candy (upper grass space middle the tall grass, lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Carbos (top left side of the 1st medium tree bottom left the fountain , fountain left side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Honey (upper flowers patch by the tall grass, top left area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Honey (1st flower patch, lower left area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Yellow Shard (space 7 spots down from the bottom middle section of the fountain) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Abandoned Sewers

Poison Gem (space 6 spots down and 1 spot right from the 1st Youngster) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Great Ball (right after the bridge up the entrance stairs) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Zinc (space at the lower right wall corner from the bridge above the red hair Technician) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Pecha Berry (from the Bug Catcher) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+Bold Mint (right from the Bug Catcher) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Potion (space above the School Girl at the top right) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Potion (in the pillar right of the School Girl at the top right) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Reverse Candy (space at the lower left wall corner left the Gang Member Biker bellow the generator reset room) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Antidote (left the main water power generator room entrance) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+Coin Case (by the Berry Thief bellow the generator reset room, after the Optimist Lady in the casino flush it off the toilet)

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

#Secret area code is Brown, White, Orange
Antidote (plant middle right, 2nd puzzle room)
Psychic Gem (2nd spot in front of the dumpster, Secret area)
Blue Shard ( lower left corner up the stairs, Secret area)
Red Shard (flowers patch under Seviper gate, Secret area)
Rare Candy (flowers patch left of Sevpier gate, Secret area)
Fresh Water (flowers patch right of the egg, Secret area)

TM102 Poison Sweep (from Venam after the gym battle)

+Zygarde Cell (top right, Secret area)

Venam's House (accessible after the gym battle)
+Poison Barb (on the bed in Venam's room)


Route 1


Potion (medium tree left the 2nd orange flowers to the lower left of the train)#Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable
+Super Repel (right of the train)#Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable

+Zygarde Cell (above the healing star) #Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable

+Jolly Mint (upper right the healing star) #Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)

Potion (from the Old Lady by Furfrou) #Missable

+Potion (under the Wispy Path and Goldenwood Cave Sign) #Missable

HP Up (from Narcissa after interacting with Mimikyu, being patient) #Missable

Reverse Candy (from Narcissa after interacting with Mimikyu, not being patient) #Missable

+Ability Capsule (briefcase password 3845) #Missable

+Snag Machine (briefcase password 6489)
+10 Poke Balls (briefcase password 6489)

Rift Dragon Gate

+Rift Dex (obtained once interacting with the Data File)
+Data File - Code: Evo (by the bridge before the Magikarp)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove


Goldenwood Cave

Entrance Area
Red Shard (2nd rock top right from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch by the medium tree top of the entrance)

+Rare Candy (top left from the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Blue Shard (rock top right of the 1st bridge)

+Nugget (left the 1st bridge, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Potion (rock left of the 2nd bridge)
Great Ball (rock under Mars the Leavanny trainer)
Star Shard (from Mars the Leavanny trainer, note also Sewaddle gift after battle)
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch right of the medium tree above the smashable rocks)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space left the orange flower by the 2 mid-trees above the ledge on far right side of the cave)
Exit Area
PP Up (rock in the top middle)



Chapter 2 - Redemption


Floria Island


Oceana Pier


+TM09 Venoshock (inside the lower right warehouse after completing Stolen Cargo! side quest)

East Gearen City


Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Virtual Badge #2 (from Shana after defeating Bugsy, 2 Gym Badges needed)

Melia's Room (Room ID Card needed)

+Exp. Share (on the right table)
Audition Tape (inside the wardrobe after reading the notes on the right table)

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)
Reverse Candy (dumpster right from the entrance)
Super Potion (big purple flower by the 3 trees)
Red Shard (space above the lower dumpster by the girl on the left)

Telluric Seed (space 1 spot right from the lower dumpster by the girl on the left)

+Zygarde Cell (up from the Female Clerk on the left)
Green Shard (dumpster under the Munna grass patch)
Super Repel (flowers at the middle of the Munna grass patch)

Right Section

Shopping Emporium

Berry Emporium

Rawst Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Chesto Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Aspear Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Pokeball Boutique

Nest Ball - 1000$ (2 badges)

Gearen Park

Hidden Library

#Missable Area if the Hidden Library Quest is not initiated before Neo Gearen

Entrance Room
+Green Book (behind the right pillar)
Big Middle Room

+Purple Book (bellow the 2nd bookshelf up the entrance)
+Pink Book (left of Elgym's bookshelf)
Ether (space 2 spots down and 2 spots right from Elgym's bookshelf middle point)
+Brown Book (on the table lower right from Elgym's bookshelf)
+Red Book (left the stairs on the right side)
+Zygarde Cell (left the stairs on the right side)
+Blue Book (up the stairs on the right side)
Charcoal (right side candle line by the Main Room entrance)
Small Room
+TM63 Embargo (at the bottom to the left)
+Green Book (at the bottom to the right)
Main Room
+Orange Book (left side)
+Yellow Book (upper right side)

Ancient Book (from Karen)

Abandoned Sewers
+Rare Candy (to the right side where the Gearen Alleyway entrance is)

+Zygarde Cell (to the right side where the Gearen Alleyway entrance is) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable


Junction Bridge


TM94 Rock Smash (from Karrina after battling Dr.Jenkel)

Dr.Jenkel's Lab

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)


Route 2


Cherry Blossom Intact

Carbos (grass space down from the flowers patch under the train)
Green Shard (flowers patch right from Meganium)
Red Shard (grass space left the flowers patch left the 1st light-pinkish medium tree taken the way up after the stairs)
Blue Shard (grass space in the small patch left the bridge under the big sakura tree)
GourmetTreat (pink grass patch to the far right, bottom right side of the waterfall)
+Zygarde Cell (bottom right side of the waterfall)
Blue Shard (dirt space 4 spots bottom-left side of the bridge left the big sakura tree)
Rose Incense (lower left grass space between the 2 red flowers left the stairs bellow the Artist)
Friend Ball (upper right grass space under the red flowers right the Artist)
Miracle Seed (from Artist, show off Cherrim)

Ability Capsule (small flower petals space middle the grass patch lower right the area, right the bridge under the big sakura tree)
+Mystery Item (by Kecleon's Shop on Fetch an Item! side quest, can be bought for 50,000$ or stolen with consequences)
Kecleon's Shop
Poke Ball - 200$
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 100$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Repel - 350$

Thief's Dungeon (Get an Item! Quest)

+Dusk Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the left orange door choice)

+Dusk Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the middle orange door choice)

+Ice Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the right orange door choice)


Amethyst Cave


Route 2 Entrance Area
Nugget (ground space at the wall corner left the boxes by the entrance)

Green Shard (inside the wall furthest down from the cart track line curve left from the entrance)
Mineral Ball (right side of the empty cart, left of the entrance)

+Quiet Mint (left of the empty cart, left of the entrance)
Red Shard (bellow the 1st smashable-rock on the track line over the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Zinc (in the wall down the 2nd smashable-rock upper left the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Mineral Ball (left side of the 1st drilling machine upper left from the bridge up the entrance)

Reverse Candy (right side of the big rock left the 2nd drilling machine upper left from the bridge up the entrance)

Super Potion (in the wall right the smashable-rock under the 1st crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Mineral Ball (upper middle part of the 2nd crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance)

Green Shard (middle the right side of the cart track line down the stairs leading up to the River Area)
Electric Gem (right rock up the stairs leading up to the River Area)
River Area
Genius Wing (in the wall right the entrance)

Reverse Candy (ground space 2 spots left and 2 spots down from the smashable-rock under the left bridge)
X Attack (upper left side of the boxes top of the exit)
Waterfall-Ruins Area

Repel (bellow the small box right of the entrance)
X Defend (right side of the 1st drill machine right of the entrance)
Rock Gem (rock right of the exit)
Sheridan Village Entrance Area

Mineral Ball (wall corner left of the entrance)
Super Potion (in the wall lower left the stairs down the exit)
Reverse Candy (in the wall upper right the stairs down the exit)

Altered Dimension
+Room ID Card (from Nim after battle)

Amethyst Depth

HP Up (wall under the 2nd Joltik upper-right of the entrance)
Potion (2nd rock bottom of the 1st bridge)

Antidote (ground space 2 spots down the small box left the 2nd bridge)

Green Shard (lower left corner of the boxes right the 2nd bridge)

Resist Wing (2nd rock right the 2nd bridge)

Blue Shard (ground space 3 spots down from the 2nd rock right the 2nd bridge)

Revive (upper right corner of the boxes left the healing star)

+Blue Shard (up the healing star)

Fire Gem (ground space at the upper left corner of the bridge left the entrance)

+Great Ball (left the bridge left the entrance)
Electric Gem (2nd crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance)
Rift Lethal Forest
+Data File - Code: Materna (right by the start)
Amethyst Grotto

Moon Ball (grass space above the medium tree left the entrance ladder)

Red Shard (grass space 3 spots up and 2 spots right the smashable-rock lower right the area)
Heart Scale (in the 1st big tree left side, up the smashable-rock right the 2nd stairs, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Red Shard (in the 2nd big tree middle side, left the 2nd stairs)
Soul Stone (from Keta's Soul)

TM103 Stacking Shot (reward from Keta's Soul after gym battle rematch)


Sheridan Village


Ability Capsule (flowers patch right from the Cherry Blossom Inn)
Tiny Mushroom (ground space left the flowers patch by the back-entrance of the Village Shop)

3 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer right of the Day Care Center) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Cherry Blossom Inn

Sweet Heart (from the Lady by the PC)

8000$ (from Daria in the middle left room, after you rescue her boyfriend Marcus)

Twisted Spoon (held item with Smoochum if you trade an Igglybuff to Yara, in the room right the storage room)

Inn Resident Tutor

Worry Seed (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Uproar  (taught for 2 Green Shards)
Sheridan Village Shop

Super Potion (from Nadia when talking to her from the shop's other side)
Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Beth (Morning-time on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) #She is gone once you have 9+ badges.

Berry Juice - 100$

Fresh Water - 200$ (2 badges)
Sheridan Help Plaza

Help Quests
950$, Water Stone (The Hidden Library 2) *Blue Moon Ice Cream if you give the guy the book
950$, 5 GourmetTreat (Stolen Cargo!)
1920$, Rare Candy, Pancham (Trade Me!)
1890$, Casteliacone (Fetch an Item!) *Blue Moon Ice Cream if you steal the item.
1600$, Clobbopus (Battle Request 2)
Sheridan Arena

Spring of Purification

+Magical Seed (up the 2nd bridge from the entrance)


Carotos Mountain


Entrance Area
+TM121 Fire Spin (on the left side after the 2nd iron bridge, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Machines Area
Full Heal (barrel under the PC right from the entrance, lower middle room)
Red Shard (barrel under SEC on the right, middle room)
Ultra Ball (drill machine on the upper right, upper right room)
Reverse Candy (lower left barrel, middle right room)
+TM43 Flame Charge (bottom right, lower right room)

+Carbos (left of the long bridge on the rights side of the area)
+Fire Stone (top rightc, after the long iron bridge on the right side of the area)

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Madelis' Laboratory

Library (Lower Left) Room

+Hyper Potion (bottom left the room)

+Revive (top left the room)

+Yellow Key (top end of the room)

Capsule (Lower Right) Room

Green Key (from Sharon after talking to her)

+Fresh Water (top right the room)

Transport (Upper Left) Room

+Red Key (top left the room)

Storage (Upper Right) Room

+Revival Herb (bottom left the room)

+Dusk Ball (top right the room)

+Up-Grade (top left the room)

+Blue Key (top end of the room)

Madelis' Throne

Generator Chamber

+Data File - Code: Statia (top right from Clara)

Rift Paradise

+Data File - Code: Statia (middle the area if you didn't get it on the previous room at the Generator Chamber)



Chapter 3 - Tainted Light


Floria Island


East Gearen City


Right Section

Repel (flowers patch right the Aqua Building, ch3 only item when the city in chaos) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

HM1 Cut (from Amanda after the battle in front of the sewers entrance)

+3 Super Potions (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

+4 Exp. Candy M (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Exp. Candy S (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Chesto Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Cheri Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Protective Pads (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

Shopping District

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand
Left Female Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$

Super Potion - 600$

Ice Heal - 250$

Antidote - 100$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Middle Female Clerk

Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$

Right Female Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Soda Pop - 300$

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

Front Courtyard

+Weird Key (on the dirt at the area inside the left grass-wall hole from the front gate entrance)

+Super Repel (inside the Trial Room, at the upper right end of the jumping lava room with Marianette)
The Soul Labyrinth (you can get all the items while being chased but it is more doable after the fight is over)

+Normal Gem (bottom left the labyrinth)

+2 Exp Candy M (bottom right the labyrinth)

+PP Up (middle the labyrinth)

+2 Super Potion (middle the labyrinth)
+Elixir (top left the labyrinth)
+Sitrus Berry (top right the labyrinth)
Back Courtyard
Anju's Pendant (password 7896, 3135, 8187, complete the Maid Trial)

Chrysalis Manor

+Elixir (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)
+Reverse Candy (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)
+Ability Capsule (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)

+Super Potion (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)
+Full Heal (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)

5 Exp. Candy S (from the Maid Trainer at the Final Trial Room) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.


Amethyst Cave


Pom-Pom Meadow (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Cut/Golden Axe needed for access)

Yellow Nectar (inside the yellow jar, infinite)

Calm Mint (in the lower left bush middle the flower field)

+TM133 Mud Shot (top left the area)


Sheridan Village


+TM54 False Swipe (left side of the village shop, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Cherry Blossom Inn

2 Super Potion (from Eldest at the start of the chapter 3)



Chapter 4 - Isolation


Floria Island


East Gearen City


Left Section

Magnolia Library

Thunderstone (from the Quiz Girl at the left room, 4+ badges needed. Answers: Brown, Goldenwood Forest, Goldenleaf Area)

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

3 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 2nd pokedex entry request, Drifloon)


Right Section
Shopping Emporium
Pokeball Boutique

Net Ball - 1000$ (3 badges)

Abandoned Sewers

+TM42 Facade (inside the upper right room, open after Chrysalis Courtyard area is over) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable


Route 1


Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

Chesto Berry (3rd flower patch right of the Goldenwood Cave sign) #Missable

Ether (1st flowers patch lower right Wispy Path/Goldenwood Cave sign) #Missable
Nest Ball (flowers patch lower right of the small waterfall) #Missable

PP Up (1st flowers patch lower right of the bridge) #Missable

GourmetTreat (bottom flowers patch top left part of the lake, lower left end of the bridge, where the Finneons feed used to be before) #Missable

Great Ball (dark grassy spot at the top right of the lake) #Missable

Reverse Candy (grass space right side of the lake 3 spots up and 1 spot right from the yellow mushrooms) #Missable

Oran Berry (before last orange grass patch at the old small flower garden to the lower right) #Missable

Persim Berry (grass space up the 1st upper red mushrooms right of the small stairs) #Missable
Sitrus Berry (5th flowers patch left of the small stairs) #Missable
+Guard Spec. (left of Route 1 exit, under a big tree) #Missable


Route 2


Charcoal (from Artist, show off Magcargo)


Sheridan Village


Sheridan Village Shop

Beth (Morning-time on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) #She is gone once you have 9+ badges.

Lemonade - 350$ (3 badges)
Moomoo Milk - 500$ (3 badges)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$


Route 3


Honey (2nd grass space top the Girl left of the Gate Plaza)

Virtual Badge #3 (from Henrey after defeating Whitney, inside the red truck at the top left of the area, 2 Virtual Badges needed)

Virtual Badge #4 (from Henrey after defeating Morty, inside the red truck at the top left of the area, 3 Virtual Badges needed)

Quiet Mint (flowers patch left the red truck by the Mirage Woods entrance)

Sitrus Berry (flowers patch left the cuttable tree, down from the Mirage Woods entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Yellow Shard (grass space 2 spots down and 2 spots left from the Phasial Cave sign, down from the Mirage Woods entrance)

Green Shard (balloons up the Ice Cream Merchant)

+TM117 Pay Day (down from the Sweets Merchant, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Star Piece (flowers patch right the Pay Day TM down from the Sweets Merchant, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Vanilla Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Vanilla! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)
Choc Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Chocolate! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)
Berry Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Strawberry! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)

Sassy Mint (right grass space middle the grass patch left of the healing star down the Traveling Fair)

Blue Shard (grass space 5 spots down from the orange medium tree lower right side, up the purple tent)

Rare Candy (grass space bellow the left flowers patch down the red truck right the Traveling Fair area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Rose Tea (from the Hiker inside the red truck right the Traveling Fair area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Super Repel (rightmost grass patch next to the yellow and green big trees lower right from the purple tent)

Red Shard (grass patch 2 spots down and 4 spots right from the Gray-haired Girl lower right the area)

Miracle Seed (flowers patch right the Cool Couple by the Phasial Cave exit bottom the area)

Super Potion (2nd orange flowers down from the Gray-haired Girl lower right the area)

Honey (grass space 3 spots down and 4 spots left from the Gray-haired Guy at the bottom area)

Traveling Fair

Sweets Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Sachet - 1000$
Soda Pop - 300$
Sweet Heart - 100$

Red Nectar - 550$
Whipped Dream - 1000$

Ice Cream Clerk
Vanilla Ice Cream - 400$
Choc Ice Cream - 600$
Berry Ice Cream - 800$
*Blue Moon Ice Cream - 20000$ #Appears randomly on very rare occasions.

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Moomoo Milk (1st blue flowers left from the entrance)
Pretty Wing (flowers patch far right side from the Aroma Lady)
Zinc (grass patch left from the 3rd blue flowers on the left side, up from the School Boy)
Ether (grass patch left from the 1st flowers patch left of the Hiker)
Green Shard (flowers patch on the top right from the Kingdra statue)
Repel (flowers patch on the left side after the bridge)
Clever Wing (grass patch at the middle behind the big tree right the big rock left from the bottom house)
Black Flute (1st flowers patch left of the waterfall)
Genius Wing (grass space far right by the grass patch right of the waterfall)

+Telluric Seed (right by the grass patch right of the waterfall)

Mirage Center

+Itemfinder (inside the bottom house)

+Steam Ball (inside the top left house)

Mirage Cave
+TM66 Payback (by the entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (by the entrance)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Upper Entrance Area


Main Area
Rock Gem (1st rock upper left from the upper entrance ladder)

Magical Seed (ground space left the 1st tall rock up the upper left pond)

+Ability Capsule (left from the Mining Rock upper left the area)

Steel Gem (1st rock on the right path from the Girl Trainer, toward the middle exit ladder)

Reverse Candy (1st rock on the left down from the Girl Trainer)
Mineral Ball (2nd tall rock left the climbable wall)

Green Shard (2nd big tall rock back left side, up from the Hiker Trainer)

+Ancient Wing (up from the Hiker Trainer)

+Blue Shard (up from the Hiker Trainer)

Sun Stone (1st rock to the right, down from the Hiker Trainer)

Red Shard (4th tall rock lower right from the lower exit ladder)

Middle Exit Area

Lower Exit Area
Grass Gem (in the lower right rock)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$


Goldenleaf Town


Honey (pumpkin down the house left the Gate Plaza entrance)

Red Shard (grass patch up the pumpkin up Ren's House)

Ghost Gem (orange flowers down Ren's House)
Moon Stone (grass patch in the middle of the garden down the house down Ren's House)
Rare Candy (inside the fence's middle vines lower right the garden down the house down Ren's House)

Rawst Berry (lower right grass space at the corner lower right to the pumpkin under Narcissa's House)

Ability Capsule (on the upper right table down the Mart)

Super Potion (on the table lower left the Mart)
+Zygarde Cell (between the upper right gravestones)

Chesto Berry (gras patch lower left the upper left gravestone)

Dark Gem (grass space under the orange flowers left the lower right house down Giratina's Statue)

Big Mushroom (mushrooms patch in the path left Giratina's Statue, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

5 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer left of the Mart, start of the Wispy Lab story) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Super Potion (middle Lady in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)
Revive (Guy in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)
Full Heal (left Lady in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)
3 Dusk Balls (Old Lady in the house left the Gate Plaza entrance, after the 4th gym battle)

Goldenleaf Lady Tutor

Spite (taught for 2 Yellow Shards)

Trick (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Poke Mart
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Escape Rope - 550$

Goldenleaf Theater - Ghost Leader Narcissa
+Super Potion (upper right the auditorium room)
+Rawst Berry (lower right the auditorium room)

+Rare Candy (lower left the auditorium room)

TM30 Shadow Ball (from Narcissa after the gym battle)

Forgotten Path

Green Shard (ground space 2 spaces up and 2 spaces left from the sign up the entrance)
Super Potion (1st flowers patch down the small tower on the left side)
Blue Shard (space on the right corner on the 1st floor up the 1st vines on the tower at the right side, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
+TM39 Rock Tomb (on the 2nd floor up the 2nd vines on the tower at the right side, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
+Zygarde Cell (to the left of the tower on the right side)
Ether (flowers patch behind the 1st dark yellow big, left the path and the tower on the right side)
Burn Heal (flowers patch down the right gray pillar)
Great Ball (flowers patch right the left gray pillar)
Ghost Gem (flowers patch left the left gray pillar)


Wispy Path


Tiny Mushroom (grass space 2 spots left from the middle-backside of the 1st yellow big tree on the right, up the Wispy Park gate)
+Reverse Candy (at the right side of the Wispy Park by the slide)
Lemonade (grass space under the lower left corner of the road bellow the house in the Wispy Park)
+Zygarde Cell (at the upper side of the Wispy Park behind the swings)
Hyper Potion (grass space above the 2nd headbutt tree right bellow from the Goldenwood Forest gate)
Green Shard (right side of the big green tree above the 1st flowers patch up the Goldenwood Forest gate)

Ability Capsule (grass space left the 2nd medium yellow tree by the Wispy Park wall lower right from the Goldenwood Forest gate)
Careful Mint (grass space left the 2nd pumpkin upper right from the Goldenwood Forest Gate)

Rawst Berry (flowers patch right the 3rd headbutt tree upper right from the Goldenwood Forest Gate)
Ghost Gem (grass patch lower right of the right yellow big tree above the Wispy Park)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$

Wispy Tower

Outside Area

Bold Mint (flowers patch down the big orange tree on the garden right the fountain)

Forsaken Laboratory

#Access passwords for the right path is: UNBOUND and SOUL.

Reverse Candy (empty space on the right computers table, left the elevator)

+Revive (lower right in the water flooded room)

+Ether (end of the right path)



Chapter 5 - Imprisoned


Floria Island


Oceana Pier


Link Heart (from a Scientist by the gate for 10,000$, 4+ badges) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable


East Gearen City


Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

6 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 3rd pokedex entry request, Pyukumuku)


Right Section

Shopping Emporium

Gearen Bicycle Shop
Bicycle (give Louie a Bike Voucher)


Amethyst Cave


Amethyst Depth


1 Mining Rock


Route 3


Phasial Cave

Main Area

1 Mining Rock


Wispy Path


Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Left Room
+Zygarde Cell (right from the vines)

Big Room

+Big Nugget (from the Chest inside the 4 badges treasury room, the hidden entrance behind the waterfall in Goldenleaf Town, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Wispy Chasm
+Calcium (left of the Punk trainer)
+Cleanse Tag (right from the Punk trainer)
+Max Repel (far left at the middle area between the 2 Phantump)

Yellow Shard (ground space up the upper rock at the lower left Phantump area)
+Dawn Stone (from the Chest inside the 2 badges treasury room)

+Dusk Stone (from the Chest inside the 1 badge treasury room)


Route 4


Leaf Stone (purple flowers furthest down from the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance) #Unobtainable.

5 Rift Fragment (from Cairo after interacting with the 1st Den through the story)

Moomoo Milk (from Cairo after clearing the path through story)

Synthetic Seed (grass space right the tall yellow flower left Cairo's Den sign)

+TM45 Attract (lower right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den)

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 1:

Tiny Mushroom (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Tiny Mushroom (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Exp Candy S (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

3 Moomoo Milk (from the Ranger down at the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated)

Group 2:

Cheri Berry (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

2 Blue Shard (from the Ranger left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Honey (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Leppa Berry (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Exp Candy M (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Group 3:

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Persim Berry (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Super Potion (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Rare Candy (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Group 4:

Energy Root (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Full Heal (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Exp Candy XS (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Cairo's Den

Scents Shop

10 Joy Scent - 5000$

10 Excite Scent - 8500$

10 Vivid Scent - 11000$

Red Essence Shop

Bike Voucher - 250 Red Essence

Noctowl Crest - 2000 Red Essence

Phione Crest - 2000 Red Essence

Fragment Shop

5 Fragments - 4956$

10 Fragments - 14868$

25 Fragments - 24780$

The Lost Camp

Water Stone - 2100$
Fire Stone - 2100$
Leaf Stone - 2100$


Pomeg Berry - 600$
Kelpsy Berry - 600$
Qualot Berry - 600$
Hondew Berry - 600$ #1st camp expansion
Grepa Berry - 600$ #1st camp expansion
Tamato Berry - 600$ #2nd camp expansion


Akuwa Town


1 Mining Rock

+Defibrillator (in the Pokemon Center back room)

Super Repel (grass space under the 2nd headbutt tree right from the entrance)

+Modest Mint (upper left path from the Aquarium)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the house right of the Milotic painting building)

+TM135 Brine (up the 1st boat at the shore)
Soda Pop (rock by the Mining Rock under the blocked entrance at the shore)
+Zygarde Cell (right the ACDMC building)


Blacksteeple Island


Blacksteeple Castle


Mining Kit (from School Boy after battle following story events)

Warden's Room

Vessel Key (from Neved to Emma following story events)

Shop Room


Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Escape Rope - 550$

Blacksteeple Quarry

Blacksteeple Mines

4 Mining Rocks

Blast Powder (from Adam following story events)

Blacksteeple Garden

Hidden Grove



Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore


+2 Passho Berries (plant soil right from the Ranger Center)

Fresh Water (sand space right from the Ranger Center and left the plant soil)

Soda Pop (big rock left side top right the bridge)

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Terajuma Pier
Grass Gem (sand space 3 spots left the 1st palm tree)

Xen Battleship

5 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer at the bedroom) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
+Dull Key (on a table at the ship basement)

+TM136 Assurance (at the ship lookout at the very top)

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$


Terajuma Jungle


Fire Gem (2nd red/blue flowers left of the entrance)
Sitrus Berry (grass space 6 spots down from the 1st small stairs on the right)




Chapter 6 - Nimpossible Predicament


Floria Island


Oceana Pier


+Dragonite's Letter (right the 1st warehouse left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (right the 2nd warehouse left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (between the 2nd dumpsters set upper left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

Thunderstone (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 3 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)


East Gearen City


Right Section


Shopping Emporium

Berry Emporium

Sitrus Berry - 750$ (5 badges)
Cheri Berry - 300$ (5 badges)

Pokeball Boutique

Timer Ball - 1000$ (5 badges)
Dive Ball - 1000$ (5 badges)

Chirsola Hotel

+Water Stone (middle of the pool, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Casino / AP Center

AP Exchange Prizes
TM56 Fling (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)
TM47 Low Sweep (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)


Route 1


Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

+Zygarde Cell (left side of the lake, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed) #Missable

Muscle Wing (flowers patch lower left of the small waterfall after the cuttable-tree, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed) #Missable
Rare Candy (middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surboard needed) #Missable

Secret Shrine (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Zygarde Cell (upper right of the area)
+TM78 Bulldoze (upper left of the area)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove


Goldenwood Cave
Basement Area (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Revive (lower left from the pond, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Big Root (flowers patch down the big tree top right the smashable-rock to access the area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

+Zygarde Cell (end of the area by the ledge, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Goldenwood Groove

+Zygarde Cell  (up the pond to the far right from the small hidden path, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 2


Cherry Blossom Intact

+TM46 Thief (lower left corner of the waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Amethyst Cave


River Area
Mineral Ball (upper wall at the 1st lower left corner space at the left side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Red Shard (ground space left the left bridge at the left side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Reverse Candy (ground space under the small box right the right bridge at the right side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Blue Shard (ground space lower right the 1st rock right the right bridge at the right side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Zygarde Cell (by the panel on the middle side of the rivers, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Waterfall-Ruins Area

Rare Candy (inside the box on the top left, upper left side of the 1st waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Red Shard (ground space corner between the boxes on the left side between the 2 waterfalls, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Sheridan Village


+Timid Mint (right the house down from the Cherry Blossom Inn, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Sheridan Arena
+Zygarde Cell (lower right the waterfall lower right Sensei's House)

Secret Shore
Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)
Dusk Ball (green flowers end of the small path left bellow the 2nd small stairs)
Pearl (grass space left the rocks rubble, between the 2nd and 3rd ledges)

+Absorb Bulb (Up from the 1st capsule, infinite)
+Ancient Book (at the end of the small path lower right of the middle small stairs going downward)
Revive (grass space 2 spots right of the green flowers right from the Ancient Book)

+Absorb Bulb (at the middle island, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (left the cut tree at the lower right island, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)
+Pretty Wing (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory)

Wetlands Laboratory

Right Room

+TM73 Thunder Wave (right side of the room)
Card Key Shard #1 (2nd container under the blue monitor switch) #Not detected by the Itemfinder!

Hidden Cave
Link Heart (rock at the top right from the pond on the right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 3


Mirage Woods (Cut needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)
Rare Candy (blue flowers on the right by the water stream under the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+TM48 Round (at the end of the water stream bellow, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Phasial Cave

Main Area

1 Mining Rock

+TM146 Razor Shell (after the pond on the right path from the Girl Trainer, toward the middle exit ladder, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Ruins Area (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
Troupe Flute (from Polly by the ruins)

Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Dusk Ball (flowers patch left of the entrance)

+TM127 Beat Up (lower right from the entrance)
+Star Piece (inside the red truck)
Nest Ball (flowers patch between the 2 big green trees under the red truck)
Star Piece (1st flowers patch left of the red truck)
Dusk Ball (2nd flowers patch left of the red truck)
Max Repel (3rd lower left flowers patch under the pond)

Moon Stone (from the Clefairy dancing to the moon on the pond, available on certain weekdays at night only)
Dusk Ball (left middle flowers patch up the pond)

+Zygarde Cell (up the pond)

+TM58 Sky Drop (up the pond)


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down

Fresh Water (2nd flowers patch lower left the bridge and train track on the upper middle area)
HP Up (grass space right the green headbutt tree on the small land mass right of the path between the 2 left areas)
Link Heart (grass space between the 2 support metals of the building at the upper left area)
Repel (grass space 3 spots down 2nd medium green tree left the building at the upper left area)
Revive (grass space 4 spots right and 1 spot up the dark pink headbutt tree right the upper left dark pink big tree at the lower left area)
Ability Capsule (grass space at end of the small path lower left of the lower left area)
Elixir (grass space right of the middle big green tree on the lower middle area)
Yellow Shard (grass space under the lower right flowers patch on the lower right area)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space up the green medium tree up the big green in the middle on the lower right area)
Green Shard (3rd upper right flowers patch at the lower right area)
Blue Shard (grass space between the 2 medium green trees on the upper right area)
PP Up (2nd flowers patch right of the middle medium green tree on the middle right area)


Goldenleaf Town


Big Mushroom (space on the corner under the bridge left the river by the 2 big trees, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Dragonite's Letter (at the garden the garden down the house down Ren's House, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (to the right between the 2 stairs right from the Pokemon Center, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (at the hill past the bridge left of the Mart, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (lower right the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)
TM113 Brutal Swing (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 4 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

Forgotten Path

+Naughty Mint (on the small island upper left the area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Wispy Path


Wispy Tower

Outside Area

Berry Ice Cream (from Karen when reaching the Wispy Ruins entrance, Chapter 6 only before the 6th badge and have done the Hidden Library quest line)

+TM118 Pin Missile (left of Wispy Ruins entrance)

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Big Room
+Cursed Candle (from the Chest inside the 5 badges treasury room, lower right room entrance)


Route 4


#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 1:

Nest Ball (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Leaf Stone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 2:

Net Ball (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Hard Stone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 3:

Soda Pop (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Odd Keystone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 4:

Berry Juice (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Red Shard (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Akuwa Town


Poke Ball (space above the right rock on a small island on the lower right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Blast Powder (left rock on the 1st small island to the top right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Health Wing (rock on the 2nd small island to the top right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


+Red Shard (up the hill on the 1st island with the running Lady)
Dire Hit (rock rubble to the right edge on the 1st island with the running Lady)
HP Up (rock on a small shore bellow from the 1st island)
Red Shard (upper rock on a small island lower right the 1st island)
Adamant Mint (lower rock on a small island lower right the 1st island)

Blue Shard (rock rubble on the small island with the running Guy)
Jolly Mint (sand space 2 spots down and 3 spots left from the smashable-rock on the shore upper right the small island with the running Guy)
+Ether (left side of the island with the Youngster)
+Max Repel (left Seabound Cave East entrance)
Ice Heal (rock rubble top left of Seabound Cave East entrance)
+Zygarde Cell (on the island with the mysterious cave)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


Heart Scale (rock under the Evergreen Cave North entrance)
Mysterious Emblem (from Nana in her house)
+Zygarde Cell (small area to the right above the Evergreen Cave North entrance, access from inside Evergreen Cave North)

Evergreen Cave

North Cave

F1 - Entrance Area

1 Mining Rock
Zinc (snow space left the smashable-rock lower left the ladder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
+X Special (lower left side the area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Rare Candy (snow space up the smashable-rock left the Doubles Trainers, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Full Heal (snow space far up the smashable-rock lower right the ladder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

1 Mining Rock
+DeepSeaTooth (left depression)
+DeepSeaScale (middle depression)

Evergreen Forest

Max Repel (snow space under the big rock up the entrance)
Genius Wing (flowers patch upper left between the medium tree and headbutt tree up the 2nd stairs from the entrance)
+Dusk Stone (on the left side up from the 1st big stairs at the Buneary area)
Telluric Seed (flowers patch at the end up of the Buneary area mountain)
Ice Heal (rock at the tree corner bellow the 2nd pond)
Resist Wing (blue flowers on small land up the 2nd pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
HP Up (blue flowers right end from the 2nd pond, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Rare Candy (blue flowers upper left after the 2nd pond before the stairs, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Magical Seed (snow space under the mountain wall between the 2 medium trees far up after the 2nd pond, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Ice Gem (grass space under the flowers patch left the Guy by the 2nd pond)
Parlyz Heal (rock by the trees on the lower left, left the Guy by the 2nd pond)
X Special (flowers patch at the end of the path going right from the Hiker)
Hyper Potion (snow space right the 3rd rock on the path left the Hiker)
Zinc (flowers patch upper right the pond on the path left the Hiker)
Genius Wing (grass space left the flowers patch lower left the pond on the path left the Hiker)
+Max Repel (by the lower right pillar at the ruins area)

+Snowball (middle the 1st Swablu area, infinite)
+Snowball (between the 1st Swablu area and Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (down the Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (up the stairs at the Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (between the 1st Swablu area and Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (middle the Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (up the Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (down the Snorunt area, infinite)
+Snowball (middle the Snorunt area, infinite)



Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore


+Zygarde Cell (top right from the Ranger Center after the diving spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Blue Shard (left small blue rock top right from the Ranger Center after the diving spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Elixir (water tree lower right from the Ranger Center on the C-shaped water spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Lemonade (sand space bellow the smashable-rock right from the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Terajuma Pier

+Red Shard (on the water spot bellow the Lighthouse, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Terajuma Jungle


+Zygarde Cell (at the middle part of the area)
Wacan Berry (left bush at the middle grass patch up the 1st stairs)
Great Ball (1st sapling up the 2nd medium stairs on the left side)

Super Repel (last sapling on the top right side)

+Brave Mint (end the path down at the top right side)

+Black Shard (right from the Hiker (quest initiator), Clear The Way! side quest)
+Black Shard (top right the boat up Terajuma Pier exit, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Clear The Way! side quest)

Deep Terajuma Jungle

Cove Area
HM3 Surf (from Melia after battling Valarie)
+Black Shard (right from the Bridges Area entrance, Clear The Way! side quest)
Bridges Area

+Dusk Ball (after the bridge left the entrance, right from the Ranger Center)

+3 Oran Berries (plant soil right from the Ranger Center)

+Full Heal (up from the entrance, down the right side of the Lover's Bridge)

+Zygarde Cell (end of the right path bellow the Workers Area entrance, Spice Powder needed)

+Quick Powder (end of the right path bellow the Workers Area entrance, Spice Powder needed)

Bug Gem (bush up the left side of the Lover's Bridge)
+Black Shard (lower right the broken bridge, Clear The Way! side quest)
+Black Shard (small island up the left side of the Lover's Bridge, Clear The Way! side quest)

Yukata Girl (left side of the Lover's Bridge after bringing her 20 Sitrus Berries)

Growth Mulch - 200$

Stable Mulch - 200$

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Hula Meadow

Pink Nectar (pink jar up the entrance)

+Black Shard (left of the altar at the end of the area, Clear The Way! side quest)

+Sky Relic (from the altar at the end of the area after battling Rorim B, story related event)

Tyluric Falls (accessed after Building Bridges side quest)

1 Mining Rock

Red Shard (top part of the headbutt tree right from the mossy rock)

Workers Area
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch left of the Weather Institution)

+2 Sitrus Berries (plant soil right of the Weather Institution)

+3 Oran Berries (plant soil right of the Weather Institution)

Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch lower left the Conkeldurr Lumber Yard)

Tiny Mushroom (lower left flowers patch at the patch under the Weather Institution, Spice Powder needed)

+3 Leppa Berries (left plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+3 Pecha Berries (middle plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+1 Tanga Berry (right plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+Blast Powder (down the plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+Black Shard (top right the Conkeldurr Lumber Yard, Clear The Way! side quest)

Rift Beach Concert

+Data File - Code: Sarpa (up the pond)

Conkeldurr Lumber Yard

+Focus Band (at the left side)

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Jungle Area (accessed after Clear the way! side quest)

+Blast Powder (at the right side)
+TM51 Steal Wing (at the left side, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Deep Jungle Area

Rock Gem (rock right the waterfall lower right the area)


Kakori Village


Tiny Mushroom (grass space between the 2 flowers patches right from the lower right house)
Tiny Mushroom (2nd flowers patch right from the PokeMart)
Tiny Mushroom (bush down from Route 6 entrance, Spice Powder needed)

Destiny Knot (from the Lady at the upper right house, after exploring the Xen Battleship with her)

5 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer up the Pokemon Center, after the Secret Shore story) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.


Scope Lens (trade for an Up Grade with the Ranger Lady)

Wise Glasses (trade for a 2nd Up Grade with the Ranger Lady)
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$

Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Ice Heal - 250$

Burn Heal - 250$

Parlyz Heal - 200$
Escape Rope - 550$

Spice Powder - 850$

Kakori Safari Zone

Oval Charm (show Chansey to the Woman)

Jeminra Woods

+Jolly Mint (left the lure container at the fenced lower left garden)

+Reverse Candy (hidden behind a dark green big tree lower left the container at the middle side of the forest labyrinth)

Hyper Potion (grass space under the container at the middle side of the forest labyrinth)

Tiny Mushroom (pink flowers left the mountain peak, end of the lower left side of the forest labyrinth)

Super Repel (pink flowers up the mountain peak, end of the lower middle side of the forest labyrinth)

+Rare Candy (hidden behind a dark green big tree lower right side of the forest labyrinth area)

Friend Ball (grass space end of the lower right side of the forest labyrinth)

+TM123 Selfdestruct (at the Garden Area island to the far right, completing all the help quests and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

Wailmer Pail (from the Berry Guy after giving him 5 Oran Berries)

Weakness Policy (from a Female Ranger inside the Community Rec Room)

+Up-Grade (inside the Community Rec Room computer room)

Virtual Badge #5 (from Maybeline after defeating Chuck, inside the Community Rec Room computer room, 4 Virtual Badges needed)

Virtual Badge #6 (from Maybeline after defeating Jasmine, inside the Community Rec Room computer room, 5 Virtual Badges needed)

+Escape Rope (inside the Trainers' Bedroom)

+Zygarde Cell (inside the gym at the last puzzle room to the top left)

+Bug Memory (at the bottom right inside the final bridge area at the gym, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Kakori Ranger Tutor

Signal Beam (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Bug Bite (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Synthesis (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Kakori Depths

+Zygarde Cell (on the right side path of the arena)

Kakori Gym Tutor

Giga Drain (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Kakori Help Plaza

+Exp. Candy M (at the side room after clearing all side quests, if you picked the Good Rod at the Strange Cabin)

+Good Rod (at the side room after clearing all side quests, if you didn't pick the Good Rod at the Strange Cabin)

+Center Keys (at the side room after clearing all side quests)
+TM57 Charge Beam (at the side room after clearing all side quests)

Help Quests
4326$ (Clear The Way!)
5000$, Rare Candy, Bulbasaur Egg (Bandit at Large!)
4890$, Sun Stone (Building Bridges)
4255$ (Find it..)
4500$, 10 Max Repel, 10 Reverse Candy, 10 Super Potion (Battle Me Once More!)
Opens up the Garden Area at the Safari Zone (Chase Team AA)


Route 5 - Valor Path


+Red Shard (left from the Female Ranger Trainer)
+White Flute (hidden behind the big trees under the headbutt tree on the small path to the right of the Female Ranger)

+Dragonite's Letter (upper left the Female Ranger, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)

Valor Shore

+Zygarde Cell (on a small island bellow the Strange Cabin on the right side, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Dragonite's Letter (on the small island right of Dragonite, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (on the + shaped island lower right of Dragonite, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (on the + shaped island lower left of Dragonite, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)
Shiny Stone (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 4 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)

Strange Cabin (accessed with Bandit at Large! side quest)

+Good Rod (on the table at the last floor)

+Blast Powder (end the room at the last floor)


Route 6


Kakori Entrance Area
Star Piece (2nd red/blue flowers left from the entrance)




Chapter 7 - A Teila Fire And Ice


Floria Island


East Gearen City


Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Jenner's Lab

Electirizer (from Hawthorne after showing him up an Electabuzz after taking the Elekid Egg, 6+ badges)
Magmarizer (from Hawthorne after showing him up a Magmar after taking the Magby Egg, 6+badges)

Right Section

Shopping Emporium
Pokeball Boutique

Friend Ball - 300$ (6 badges)


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


Matthew's Lab
Lab Key (from Matthew after offering to help, Type:Null side quest, 6+ badges)


Wispy Path


Wispy Tower

Inside Area
Ethers (from Sariah, 6+ badges)

Forsaken Laboratory
Poison Memory (from Matthew in the back locked room inside the water flooded room after having Silvally, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Lab Key needed, Type:Null side quest, 6+ badges)



Terajuma Island


Route 6


Kakori Entrance Area
Zinc (in the water tree right side on the upper left water patch, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Pearl (water space left the water tree on the upper left water patch, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Telia Entrance Area
Pearl (rocky wall right from the 1st palm tree up the entrance)
Calcium (flowers patch right the headbutt tree by the exit)

Aquamarine Cave

Entrance Area
Max Repel (small crystal rock up the stairs from the entrance)

TM05 Roar (from the Guy down the stairs from the entrance)

Elemental Seed (ground space down the 2 rocks right from the lower left stairs)

Water Gem (small crystal rock lower left the BF Area entrance)
BF Area

#Note: Early access items as of chapter 7 if you still hold and use the Blast Powder Adam gives you at Blacksteeple Island in here 1st.

2 Mining Rocks
Blue Shard (big crystal rock between the ledges up the entrance)

Escape Rope (rock left the Female Hardcore Trainer)

Synthetic Seed (3rd small crystal rock left the School Girl)

Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot up from the 3rd small crystal rock left the School Girl)

Rock Gem (3rd big crystal rock upper left the School Girl, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots left from the 4th small crystal rock upper left the School Girl)

Escape Rope (big crystal rock at the upper left corner of the area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Aquamarine Ore (lower left the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Reverse Candy (2nd big crystal lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Rare Candy (rock lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

+Water Stone (lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Aquamarine Chamber

Red Shard (ground space 3 spots up from the 1st big crystal rock left the entrance)

Blue Shard (4th big crystal rock left the entrance)

Blue Shard (ground space 3 spots right and 1 spot down from the 2nd big crystal rock right the entrance)

Max Repel (ground space between the 2 pillars right the entrance)

+Water Gem (up the 2 pillars left the entrance)
+Zygarde Cell (on the lower left small island, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

Ether (big crystal rock right of Uxie Statue)

Fresh Water (ground space 2 spots left of the 2nd big rock lower left Uxie Statue)


Teila Resort


+1 Occa Berry (plant soil right the Ranger Center)

Full Heal (sand space down the big tree right the gym)

+Lax Mint (down the big tree right the gym)

+Hyper Potion (behind the trees right of Tesla's Villa)

+Rare Candy (upper left from Villa 1A on the left)

+Elixir (upper right from Villa 1C on the middle)

+Zygarde Cell (by Villa 1B on the right)

+Zygarde Cell (inside Villa 1B on the table)

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Teila Bar

Right Clerk

Apophyll Pancakes - 3000$

Tart Apple - 1100$

Sweet Apple - 1100$

Middle Clerk

Berry Juice - 1000$

Left Clerk

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$

Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$

Parlyz Heal - 200$

Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Teila Resort Hot Springs

Fresh Water (rock right from the alter)

Blue Shard (rock by the pink cushion left from the altar)

+Earth Relic (from the altar after the double battle with Saki and Venam, story related)

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Reception Area

Muscle Band (from the Blackbelt on the left after showing him off a Fighting type Pokemon)

Spa Area

+Zygarde Cell (by the chair on the right side)

Teila Resort Salon

Revives (from the Luxury Package with 6500$, once a day)
Fresh Waters (from the Luxury Package with 6500$, once a day)

Tesla's Villa

Strawberry Cake (from Tesla, when picking something sweet)
Rose Tea (from Tesla, when picking something relaxing)
Herbal Tea (from Tesla, when picking something rejuvenating)
Razz Berry Tart (from Tesla, when picking something sour)
Yacht Keys (from Tesla inside your room)

Vending Machine

Fresh Water - 200$

Soda Pop - 300$

Lemonade - 350$


Kristiline Town


Frozen Town

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Parlyz Heal - 200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Isle of Angels (Frozen)

Church of Theolia

Tower of Theolia


TM101 Rock Climb (from Kreiss after Angie's battle, didn't save Kreiss route,  story related)

Ocean Relic (from Kreiss to Valarie after exiting the church, didn't save Kreiss route, story related)

+TM79 Frost Breath (middle area)
TM101 Rock Climb (from Kreiss when you free him out of the prison, story related)
Battlefield of the Gods
+Max Revive (upper right side)
+Hyper Potion (lower left side)


Normal Town

Isle of Angels (Normal)

Ocean Relic (from Kreiss to Valarie after exiting the church, saved Kreiss route, story related)

Church of Theolia

+Zygarde Cell (inside the altar room under the stairs) #Accessible from Battlefield of the Gods warp-hole if you enter from the left side only.

+Zygarde Cell (at the left side of the Piano room)




Chapter 8 - Those We Lose


Floria Island


East Gearen City


Left Section

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

6 Exp. Candy M, Aevian Mareep (from Zumi after completing her 4th pokedex entry request, Mareep)

East Gearen Help Plaza
Soothe Bell (from Ayuda when you get 35 Zygarde Cells)
Macho Brace (from Ayuda when you get 45 Zygarde Cells)


Amethyst Cave


River Area

+TM01 Work Up (in the small room down the middle river, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Waterfall-Ruins Area
Rock Gem (rock lower right the stairs under the monitor, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Water Gem (ground space up the middle back side of the crystal cart down the monitor, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Steel Gem (upper right corner of the boxes left the 2nd waterfall, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Zygarde Cell (at the end of the river water path going downward, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Phase Dial (from April after obtaining the Moon Dial, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Amethyst Depth


2 Mining Rocks

Zinc (rock left the Mines entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Carbos (ground space on the corner up the right Mining Rock, in the small area accessed from the Mines, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


+Elixir (left the empty cart left the 1st bridge)

+Moon Dial (in the upper right room, after triggering April's event)


2 Mining Rock

Rock Gem (in the wall upper left corner right the entrance ladder)

Super Repel (2nd rock down the entrance ladder)

Ether (3rd rock down the entrance ladder, down the 1st Mining Rock)

PP Up (ground space corner left the Laboratory ladder)


+Data File - Code: Feris (right from the entrance ladder)

Cliffside Grave (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

Shiny Stone (from Manny by Larissa's grave)
Elixir (rock by Larissa's grave)
Resist Wing (grave debris under Eli's grave)
Rare Candy (rock at the bottom right)

+Zygarde Cell (bottom right)
Iron (grass space 4 spots under Narcissa's Chandelure's grave)


Sheridan Village


Heart Scale (from Samantha the Move-Relearner's sister when her sister is back, after the ??? side quest)

Secret Shore
Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

Star Piece (flowers patch at the grass patch right from the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Absorb Bulb (at the small island upper right the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Damp Rock (on the small grassy land down the Wetlands Laboratory coming from the Hidden Lab, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Fighting Memory (on the far upper left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Absorb Bulb (at left side of the Wetlands Laboratory, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at left side of the Wetlands Laboratory, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

Wetlands Laboratory

Hidden Cave
+TM81 X-Scissor (inside the small room, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Up-Grade (in the bookshelf inside the small room, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Carotos Mountain


Entrance Area

2 Mining Rocks
+TM36 Sludge Bomb (on the left side area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)
+Rare Candy (on the right side area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)
Machines Area

1 Mining Rock

Corrupted Cave
Entrance Area
Poison Gem (right side of the poisonous spores up from the entrance)
Main Area
Super Repel (inside the wall corner down the 4 barrels down from the entrance)
Super Repel (1st light green grass patch upper left the 2nd note in the area down from the entrance)

Poison Barb (2nd rock up after the magma path, Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)
Ruins Entrance Area

Poison Gem (1st rock right the entrance)

+Poison Barb (at the upper right side riding the magma from the Entrance Area, Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)

Garufa Ruins

Entrance Room
+TM86 Grass Knot (at the left side, accessible after the 3rd puzzle down bellow from the left room)
Moon Stone (ground space left the head of the right pillar at the right side, accessible after the 3rd puzzle down bellow from the right room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Chamber Gate Room
Chamber of Awakening
+Magma Stone (after the battle with Cera if you refuse to give it back)


Route 3


Phasial Cave

Crystal Area (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

#Turn the area to Dark Crystal Cavern using either Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Light that Burns the Sky, or Night Daze

#Turn the area back into Cave Field using either Earthquake, Bulldoze, Magnitude, or Tectonic Rage #Not available V13.

+Link Heart (top right the area, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.
+Dark Material (top left the area, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.
Red Shard (in the wall at the small area top right corner the hole, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.
Nugget (left ground space at the small area top left corner the hole, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.
+Ability Capsule (top right the area, Dark Crystal Field)


Goldenleaf Town


Narcissa's House

+Odd Key (in the locked room, starting the Narcissa quest line from the Theater, 7+ badges needed)

Forgotten Path

Lost Castle (Odd Key needed)

#Access passwords: 0044, 6677, 3645, 9043, 7171.


Wispy Path


Wispy Ruins
Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Wispy Chasm (Left)
Dark Gem (space one jump up from the long path to 6 badges treasury room, area bellow the 2 scared ladies)
+Shiny Stone (from the Chest inside the 3 badges treasury room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Rare Candy (left side the small path under the 2 waterfalls)
+TM65 Shadow Claw (right side the small path under the 2 waterfalls)
Wispy Chasm (Right)
Yellow Shard (space to the right end from the vines entrance)
+Poke Doll (at the end path going down from the vines entrance)
Ghost Gem (rock on the 1st path to the left from the vines entrance)
Reverse Candy (space at the left fork end from 8 badges treasury room)
+Odd Keystone (from the Chest inside the 7 treasury room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


Evergreen Forest

Icy Rock (middle the mountain up the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)



Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore


+Data Drive (inside the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, ??? side quest)


Terajuma Jungle


Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)
Deep Jungle Area

3 Mining Rocks

3 Oran Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.

3 Sitrus Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.

3 Leppa Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.

+Modest Mint (left the 3rd Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Green Shard (end the small path up the 1st Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM131 Bullet Seed (end the path up the stairs after the 3rd Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the Ampharos cage, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, Lighthouse side quest, Interface Password: 9867)


Kakori Village


Kakori Safari Zone

Jeminra Cave

Route 5 Area Access (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM144 Cross Poison (lower right the entrance, before purification)


Route 5 - Valor Path


+Max Potion (right from the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Route 6


Water Area (accessed from Secluded Shore, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

+Zygarde Cell (lower right water patch from the entrance)
Resist Wing (water tree on the water patch up the entrance)

Aquamarine Cave

Entrance Area

Water Gem (2nd rock down the Aquamarine Shrine down ladder)
Fresh Water (rock between the 3 bridges right the Aquamarine Shrine down ladder)
Dive Ball (left big crystal rock by Secluded Shore entrance)

Aquamarine Depths
+TM20 Safeguard (on the upper right side, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

4 Mining Rocks

Green Shard (big crystal rock between the 1st 2 ledges, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Sea Incense (up the 2 ledges up from the Punk Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Rock Gem (small crystal rock between the 2 ledges down the Battle Boy, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Blue Shard (big crystal rock by the right corner 3 ledges down the Battle Boy, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Link Heart (left the up ladder, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Teila Resort


Teila Blackbelt Tutor

Aqua Tail (taught for 4 Blue Shards)

Magic Coat (taught for 4 Blue Shards)

Electroweb (taught for 3 Yellow Shards)

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber

Dusk Stone (from Reina)

5 Exp. Candy M (from Reina)

7 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

TM50 Overheat (from Amber after the gym battle)

Hyper Potion - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$


Kristiline Town


Normal Town

+Zygarde Cell (at the garden accessed from the house right the Pokemon Center)

Soda Pop (inside the 1st fence wall left side the upper bridge)
Red Shard (grass space down the flowers patch right the Ranger Center)
+1 Occa Berry (plant soil right the Ranger Center)
Blue Shard (road space 2 spots left and 1 spot down the Glaceon)
Rare Candy (building lower left corner wall down from Glaceon)
Soda Pop (road space down the medium tree right the Help Plaza)
Green Shard (flowers patch right the cuttable-trees right the Sapphire Museum)
+Zygarde Cell (right the Sapphire Museum, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Prism Scale (from the Battle Boy after giving him Aquamarine Ore, inside the house left the Helping Plaza)
Virtual Badge #7 (from Garret after defeating Pryce, inside house left the Helping Plaza, 6 Virtual Badges needed)
Virtual Badge #8 (from Garret after defeating Clair, inside the house left the Helping Plaza, 7 Virtual Badges needed)
25AP (from Garret after defeating all the 8 leaders, inside the house left the Helping Plaza)

Lighthouse Key (from the Ranger at the docks, Lighthouse side quest)

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Parlyz Heal - 200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Reverse Candy - 50$


Lava Cookie - 200$

Sapphire Museum

Cherish Ball (trash bin right of the Director)

10,000$ (from the Director after bringing help building a statue)

TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

TM110 Magma Drift (from Farha, after obtaining the Magma Stone)

Old Woman
RM02 Avalanche - 50,000$
RM03 Zap Cannon - 50,000$
RM04 Metronome - 25,000$
RM06 Retaliate - 25,000$
RM07 Dynamic Punch - 50,000$
RM08 Vacuum Wave - 25,000$
RM09 Tri Attack - 25,000$

TM140 Ice Fang - 20,000$

TM141 Fire Fang - 20,000$

TM142 Thunder Fang - 20,000$

TM143 Psycho Cut - 70,000$

Kristiline Help Plaza (Center Keys needed)

Help Quests
6245$, Revival Herb, Mareep (Lighthouse)
10,000$ (Quiz!)
4000$, Mystic Water (Defend me!)
Exp. Candy L, Up-Grade (Research)
Inkay, unlocks the Move-Relearner in Sheridan Village (???)

#Eevee is gifted after completing all the help quests.

Isle of Angels (Normal)

+TM07 Hail (lower left the Church)
Icicle Plate (sand space down the 2nd small tree to the right at the shore down from the Church)

Magical Seed (sand space at the upper left corner by the big island shore)
Ice Gem (grass space down the 1st right medium tree at the big island)

Max Repel (blue/pink flowers left from the alter at the big island)

DeepSeaScale (for 10 Occa Berries from the Fisherman at the big island shore)
DeepSeaTooth (for 10 Occa Berries from the Fisherman at the big island shore)

Dive Ball (sand space up the lower sapling on the upper small island)
+Shed Shell (on the lower left small island)
Rock Gem (sand space 2 spots down and 1 spot right from the sapling on the lower right small island)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)


Mountain Neutral Emotion
1F - Entrance Area
Emotion Powder (from the Future Guy once entering the mountain by the lower bridge)
Max Repel (moss rock right the bridge right 2F ladder)

+Leaf Stone (at the small island on middle left side using the hole drop from 3F)

+Hyper Potion (up the 3F ladder)

Rare Candy (left side the upper submerged big rock, left side the area using the hole drop from 3F)


+TM147 Tail Slap (behind the Calmness Crystal down the area)


+TM134 Rock Blast (lower right the Forest of Time Gate)


Mountain Calm Emotion

+Revive (on the small frozen area down the B1 ladder)

+Ice Heal (lower right the big frozen area)
Water Stone (gray rock lower right the big frozen area)

+TM132 Icicle Spear (after the upper right frozen area)
+Zygarde Cell (left side the area using the hole drop from 3F)
+Zygarde Cell (lower left the area)


Chamber of Awakening

2 Mining Rocks

+Zygarde Cell (at the left side middle the area down the left Mining Rock)
HQ Railnet Key (from Madelis after defeating Kyogre - only if you partake in saving Amber) #Missable


Mountain Anger Emotion

+Zygarde Cell (by Heatmor at the small island on middle left side using the hole drop from 3F)

+Zygarde Cell (upper right the area, right path from the 4F ladder)



Valor Mountain Blockade

+Blunder Policy (1st top left room at the 2nd floor inside the blockade)

+Metal Powder (3rd bottom right room at the 2nd floor inside the blockade)

Revive (from Saki if you have the Magma Stone)

TM110 Magma Drift (from Saki if you don't have the Magma Stone)

+Zygarde Cell (right the 2F ladder, Neutral Emotion)

Valor Mountain Cliffside

2 Mining Rocks

HP Up (ground space corner down the rock right the healing star)

Blast Powder (rock down the healing star)

+Zygarde Cell (up the lower right pillar by the 1st stairs)

Valor Summit

+Dragon Scale (end of the path lower left the area)




Chapter 9 - No Time Left To Lose


Floria Island


East Gearen City


Left Section

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

15 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 5th pokedex entry request, Toxel)


Right Section

Shopping Emporium

Berry Emporium

Occa Berry - 750$ (8 badges)

Gearen Park

#Missable Area if the Hidden Library Quest is not initiated before Neo Gearen

Underground Room (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)
+TM77 Psych Up (top right the area)
Hidden Back Room (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)
Banettite (from Karrina, when picked "left")
Heracronite (from Karrina, when picked "right")

Unown Dimension (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)

+Max Repel (top left path)
+Carbos (lower right, zigzag path)
+Rare Candy (between the 2 ledges on the lower right)
+Hyper Potion (right from the "Rock Lady")


Junction Bridge


+Zygarde Cell (middle right the area)


West Gearen City


Upper Section

Mystery Bowl (space end of the small path left the Sewer entrance)

Magnet (in the lower right metal crate left the Power Plant)

+Data Drive (left the Power Plant)

+Zygarde Cell (in the fence down from the Youngster Trainer down Blakeory Household)
Rose Incense (ground space 3 spots down the table middle the pool down the Blakeory Household)

Lemonade (grass patch up the flowers patch behind the big dark green tree left of Blakeory Household)

Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick
+Metal Coat (on the table at the computer room on the left corridor)

+Cell Battery (right the upper right Electrode at the Electabuzz room)

+Cell Battery (left the upper left Electrode at the Electabuzz room)
Electirizer (give the Female Scientist 5 Electric Type Pokemon at the Electabuzz room, repeatable)
Magmarizer (give the Male Scientist 5 Fire Type Pokemon at the Magmar room, repeatable)
+TM64 Explosion (in the generator room, after Generator Problems side quest)

+Electric Memory (in the generator room, after Generator Problems side quest)
TM72 Volt Switch (from Erick after the gym battle)

West Gearen Sewage Management




+TM84 Poison Jab (down the upper right drained pool, left the 1st Scientist Trainer)

+PP Up (down the upper left drained pool, up the 2nd Scientist Trainer)

+TM129 Fake Tears (inside the Authorization Panel room)

Rare Candy (inside the lower left part of the machines blocking the way middle the area) #Not detected by the itemfinder.


+Hyper Potion (down the lower drained pool, down the Scientist Trainer)

+Data File - Code: Corroso (by the healing machine end the path)
+Zygarde Cell (at the very end of the path to the right)


Lower Section

Telluric Seed (in the big tree right of the Help Plaza)
Yellow Shard (ground space 6 spots down the Help Center door)
Blast Powder (from a Female Scientist down the Help Center for 5000$)
Max Repel (ground space 3 spots down and 4 spots right from the Youngster down the News HQ)
Dusk Stone (ground space 3 spots left and 2 spots up from the Youngster down the News HQ)

Float Stone (lower dumpster right from the truck guy)

+TM21 Frustration (up from the truck guy, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
GourmetTreat (1st dumpster up the Charmer Trainer)
Red Shard (ground space 5 spots right from the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)
Max Repel (lower right dumpster down from the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)
+Zygarde Cell (down the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)
Muscle Wing (ground space down the barrel right the Fossils Lover Club sign)
Zinc (ground space lower right corner right the 2 barrels down from Tecanlite Factory)
Green Shard (ground space behind the medium tree left the Bug Catcher right the Train Station)

Protective Pads (from the Worker trading in 3 Absorb Bulbs, inside the house right the small red house at the bottom right of the area. Repeatable)
Gearen News HQ

5 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer at the break room) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
+Hyper Potion (down the table at the break room)
+Wide Lens (at the room with Garbodor)

Fossils Lover Club


Old Amber - 75,000$

Cover Fossil - 75,000$

Plume Fossil - 75,000$
West Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests
5500$ (Generator Problems)
5500$ (House Sit)
4000$ (Hidden Library 3)

#Turtwig Egg is rewarded after all quests are completed.


Route 2


Cherry Blossom Intact
Magnet (from Artist, show off Toxtricity)
TM96 Nature Power (from Artist, reward after showing off all his favorite Pokemon)


Goldenleaf Town


Goldenleaf Theater - Ghost Leader Narcissa

Ghost Memory (from Spector the Reserve Leader after you battle him, Chapter 9+)


Wispy Path


Wispy Ruins
Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Wispy Chasm (Right)
+Elemental Seed (from the Chest inside the 8 badges treasury room)


Route 4


Cairo's Den

Red Essence Shop

Luxray Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Druddigon Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Thievul Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Samurott Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)


Akuwa Town


Lively Version

5 Quick Balls (from the Fragrant Lady inside the house down the Pokemon Center)
Elemental Seed (from the Optimist Girl inside the house up Move Tutor Center)

Cleanse Tag (from the Gray-haired Guy inside the house up Move Tutor Center)

Akuwa Pledge Tutor

Fire Pledge (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Water Pledge (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Grass Pledge (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Poke Mart

Repel (from Karrina when entering the Mart for the 1st time)
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Luxury Ball - 1000$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Larry Locksmith's Plaza

Nugget (from the Blackbelt in front the entrance)

Move Tutor Center

Left Clerk

Water Pulse (taught for 2 Blue Shards)

Shock Wave (taught for 3 Yellow Shards)

Right Clerk

Snore (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Bounce (taught for 2 Blue Shards)

ACDMC - Akuwa Cave Drill Management Center

Sail Fossil (for 10 Blue Shards at the rare fossils corner)

Jaw Fossil (for 10 Red Shards at the rare fossils corner)
Skull Fossil (for 10 Green Shards at the rare fossils corner)
Armor Fossil (for 10 Yellow Shards at the rare fossils corner)

Akuwa Aquarium




Terajuma Island


Kakori Village


Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

Buginium-Z (from Crawli after defeating Amber, at the front room. Defeating Code: Evo - Rift Gyarados for the 2nd time is required)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)


Forest of Time

Reverse Candy (grass patch up the right back side of the big tree in the middle of the natural bridge up the entrance)

Calcium (lower left side of the lower right medium tree at the upper right corner before the long stairs)

+Zygarde Cell (upper left corner before the long stairs)

+Zygarde Cell (end the top left water path)

+TM40 Aerial Ace (at the sale floating island taking the top right water path, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)



Past/Future Aevium


Amberette Town (Past)


Irvin's House
Cloths Change (box at the Melia's Bedroom)


Route 3 (Past)


Soda Pop (big tree lower left side right from the flowers patch lower right the Spellcaster Trainer)
Protein (grass space right the red flower right up the pond up the Spellcaster Trainer, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Soda Pop (flowers patch upper left the 1st pond)

Aguav Berry (red flower lower left the 1st pond)
+Full Heal (end of the route by Amberette Town entrance)


Kugearen City (Past)


Quick Claw (from the Teacher in the school, building left the timesplicer crystal house)

+Revive (inside the building down the timesplicer crystal house)
Leaf Stone (from the Kid on the 2nd floor in the building up the Pokemon Center)

Black Sludge (from a guy inside the bathroom at La Yum Café after giving him the Toilet Paper)
+Weird Diary (inside the building far up from the Pokemon Center by Route 3 entrance, Apartment Key needed)

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Kuggearean Woods (Past)


Area 1

Zinc (grass space 3 spots right the Bug Catcher Trainer up Sheridan Village entrance)

2 Rawst Berry (plant soil up Sheridan Village entrance)

2 Rawst Berry (plant soil up Sheridan Village entrance)

Area 2

Honey (grass space 3 spots left the 2nd red flower down the right path from the entrance)

+Rare Candy (end of the right path down from the entrance)

Leppa Berry (plant soil end of the right path down from the entrance)

2 Cheri Berry (plant soil to the left, down the left path down from the entrance)

+Revive (by the Lady Trainer down the left path down from the entrance)

2 Oran Berry (plant soil up the Lady Trainer, taking the left path down from the entrance)

2 Aspear Berry (plant soil up the healing star, taking the left path down from the entrance)
+Apartment Key (at the area between the ledges left the healing star, taking the left path down from the entrance)


Marble Mansion (Past)


Toilet Paper (from the plant pot upper right the entrance, infinite) #Not detected by the itemfinder.

Silk Scarf (walk on the bench's right side, after Anathea's Soul first interaction) #Not detected by the itemfinder.




Chapter 10 - Stopped In Our Tracks


Terajuma Island


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)


Valor Mountain Cliffside

Protector (give the Blackbelt 10 Rock Type Pokemon, available from Chapter 10+, repeatable)



Terrial Island


Grand Express


Soda Pop (from Venam inside our resting room following story events, medium+ friendship value with Venam only)
Soda Pop (from Melia inside our resting room following story events, low friendship value with Venam and high+ friendship value with Melia only)
Grand Express Tutor
Hyper Voice (taught for 4 Red Shards)

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Route 7


Train Area

5 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer by the sign left the train) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Quick Ball (left side of the medium tree left of Oblitus Town sign)
Rock Gem (grass space 7 spots right from the Female Ranger Trainer)
Green Shard (bush down the Female Ranger Trainer)
Hyper Potion (grass space 7 spots right from the headbutt tree, lower left from the Female Ranger Trainer)
Red Shard  (grass space 1 spot down and 2 spots right from the headbutt tree, lower left from the Female Ranger Trainer)
Max Repel (grass space 5 spots down and 1 spot right from the Darchlight Woods and Oblitus Town sign)
Max Repel (grass space 2 spots down and 3 spot right from the Charmer Trainer)
Ghost Gem (upper grass space between the 2 dark green medium trees upper left from the Charmer Trainer)
Fire Gem (grass space behind the dark green big tree lower left the ledge)
Green Shard (bush up the Youngster)
Ground Gem (grass space left the flowers patch upper right from the Youngster)
+Ether (hidden in the left tall grass lower left of Dean's House, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

HM04 Strength (from Krystal after fixing the train tracks)

Luck's Tent Area

PP Up (grass space left the bush by the Train Area entrance)

Rare Candy (last grass space hidden behind the big tree at the small path down from the Train Area entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Red Shard (upper right small pink/blue flowers patch from the T-shaped flowers patch top right the area)
Yellow Shard (flowers patch right from the Green Ranger)

Max Potion (ground space hidden behind the dark green big tree left of Luck's Tent)
Blue Shard (grass space 2 spots right from the dark green medium tree lower left of Luck's truck)

Reverse Candy (1st flowers patch left the tall grass lower left Luck's truck)

Crashed Robot Area

Green Shard (middle grass patch lower right the Cool Trainer)

+3 Persim Berries (plant soil lower right the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+Zygarde Cell (right the bridge upper right the area)

Male Ranger (inside the house)

Honey - 100$

Super Repel - 500$

Yui's Ranch

+TM107 Slash and Burn (right from the entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+Zygarde Cell (right from the entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Yellow Shard (1st flowers patch up the big rock up the entrance)
Max Repel (sand space 2 spots up the light green big tree left the School Boy)
Green Shard (last flowers patch right from Honec Woods entrance)
Blue Shard (flowers patch down from the Prima Donna Trainer)
Pecha Berry (flowers patch right from the Prima Donna Trainer)
Red Shard (flowers patch up from the Prima Donna Trainer)
Ultra Potion (down grass space on the left tall grass up the Ranch)
Elemental Seed (3rd middle grass space on the right tall grass up the Ranch)
Moomoo Milk (2nd right flowers patch up the Ranch Gate)

+Bright Powder (hidden behind the big tree left the lower Barn)

Fire Gem (grass space left the wood logs down the upper Barn)

Moomoo Milk (from Miltank in exchange for Oran Berry, repeatable)
Stable Mulch (mud space 1 spot down the lower left haystack left side, inside the lower Barn)
Moomoo Milk (right upper left haystack right side, inside the lower Barn)
Moomoo Milk (left upper right haystack left side, inside the lower Barn small room)
Revive (middle mud space 2 spots down the water feeder, inside the lower Barn small room)

+Zygarde Cell (right from the lower Barn, before the bridge)
Moomoo Milk (1st haystack left side, inside the upper Barn)
Oran Berry (2nd haystack right side, inside the upper Barn)
Sitrus Berry (middle right mud space on the middle right muddy spot, inside the upper Barn)
Stable Mulch (middle mud space 1 spot down the 2nd water feeder, inside the upper Barn)

3 Cherish Balls (from Ben after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

Caretaker Clerk (after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

Ultra Ball - 1200$

Hyper Potion - 1200$

GourmetTreat - 2000$

Super Repel - 500$

Max Repel - 700$

Escape Rope - 550$

Honey - 100$

Moomoo Milk - 500$


Oblitus Town


Link Heart (2nd big rock right from the healing star)


Honec Woods


Entrance Area

Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom up the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Poison Gem (water space 2 spots down and 1 spot right the upper right water lily on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Cleanse Tag (middle small red flowers patch on the middle left grass patch on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Leaf Stone (lower right small blue/yellow flowers patch on the lower left grass patch on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Reverse Candy (small red flowers patch right from the Snorlax Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+3 Starf Berries (plant soil lower left the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Big Mushroom (grass space lower right the lower right Honey Tree, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Snorlax Area
Honey (small red flowers patch right the red mushroom left the entrance)
Honey (small red flowers patch left the red mushroom right the entrance)
Aspear Berry (small red flowers patch under the orange big tree right the Honey Tree up Snorlax)


Darchlight Woods


Starting Area

Tiny Mushroom (grass space 2 spots right the red mushrooms left the 1st small wooden log)
Big Mushroom (flowers patch right the red mushrooms right from the running Fairy Girl)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space left side the river left the 3rd red mushrooms up the 2nd stairs drop, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Dark Gem (grass space right the 2nd red mushrooms down the 2nd stairs drop)

Upper Right Foggy Area (up the Starting Area)

Tiny Mushroom (red mushrooms down the left small pond up the entrance)
Ether (grass space 1 spot right and 1 spot down the left red mushrooms bellow the 1st gate)

Tiny Mushroom (2nd flowers patch up the left small pond up the entrance, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Dark Gem (red mushrooms up the stairs from the right small pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Reverse Candy (grass patch up the 2nd flowers patch up the stairs from the right small pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Zygarde Cell (at the top on the small piece of land by the waterfalls, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Cave Area (1st stairs drop down the Starting Area)
+Dark Memory (on the right side, accessible on dark ground)
Darchlight Manor Area (left the Connecting Area)
+2 Persim Berries (upper left plant soil down the Manor entrance)
+2 Sitrus Berries (lower left plant soil down the Manor entrance)

+2 Persim Berries (lower right plant soil down the Manor entrance)
+2 Sitrus Berries (upper right plant soil down the Manor entrance)
Rivers Area (up the Connecting Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Blue Shard (grass space middle the grass patches circle formation up the left stairs)
HP Up (water space 2 spots down and 2 spots right the flowers patch down the Upper Left Foggy Area entrance)
+TM18 Rain Dance (on the small piece of land at the top middle end of the area)
Big Mushroom (middle red mushrooms on the small piece of land at the top middle end of the area)
TM53 Energy Ball (from Florin/Flora after battle)

Upper Left Foggy Area (upper left the Rivers Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch on the right up the 1st pond)
Yellow Shard (flowers patch lower left the 2nd pond)
PP Up (flowers patch top right the 2nd pond)

Sensu Meadow (left the Starting Area)

Purple Nectar (flowers patch lower left the stairs)
+TM114 Leech Life (upper right corner section)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space left of the flowers patch 1 section above the hole on the right)
Ether (grass space right the S-shaped purple flowers arrangement 1 section right the hole on the right)
Big Mushroom (top flower patch 2 sections above the hole on the left)

+Zygarde Cell (on the far left section of the area)
Dark Gem (space left the white flower 1 section above the hole on the left)

Darchlight Manor

Main Hall - Entrance Area
Revival Herb (top left tree pot)
Full Heal (ground space 1 spot down and 2 spots left the top right tree pot)

Ghost Gem (ground space up the bottom left tree pot, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Upper Middle Room
+Max Repel (lower left the TV)
Blue Shard (ground space up the tree pot under the right stairs, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Spell Tag (dirt space lower left corner of the area, Strength/Golden Gauntlet or Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Upper Right Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

+Zygarde Cell (upper right the room)

+Old Gateau (upper left the room)

Upper Left Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Carbos (ground space 3 spots up the lower left rubble)
+Dread Plate (up the stairs)

Lower Right Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Health Wing (top left tree pot)

Lower Left Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Ghost Gem (in the left statue)

Fireplace Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
+Gate Key (inside the fireplace)
+TM12 Taunt (inside the fireplace)

Dinning Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)
Elixir (rubble right of the door)

+Chipped Pot (on the dinning table lower part)
Old Gateau (small rubble on the table from the right side)
Blue Shard (top left tree pot)
Backyard (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the left side from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the right side from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the left side down the well)

+Zygarde Cell (on the right side down the well)
Light Ball (from the doll after you pull the rope from the well)

Darchlight Cave

Starting Area (Light)
Yellow Shard (2nd white rock right the healing star)
Blue Shard (big white rock right side by the water stream)
Max Repel (lower left corner spot from the small black rock depression down the middle stairs)
Psychic Gem (last ground space on the path down the exit)
Rock Gem (black rock at the end of the path up the exit)

+Zygarde Cell (middle of the path up the exit)
+TM23 Smack Down (at the path up the exit, Rock Climb/Golden Claws is needed)
Starting Area (Dark)
Dark Gem (last ground space on the path down the exit)
Stairs Area (Dark)

2 Mining Rocks
Dusk Stone (upper left black rock after the bridge, left stairs area)
Blue Shard (black rock down the water stream after the bridge, right stairs area)
Big Area (Light)

2 Mining Rocks
+Rare Bone (end the bridge down the Darchlight Mirror Machine Area, 1st section)
Hyper Potion (2nd white rock up the Female Bladestar Grunt before the Mining Rock taking the path straight then upward after the 1st bridge, 2nd section)
Ether (2nd black rock left the 2nd Male Bladestar Grunt path straight then downward after the 1st bridge, 2nd section)
Revive (white rock at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)
Max Potion (black rock lower left the stairs down the exit, 3rd section)
Big Area (Dark)
Ether (1st white rock at the top after the entrance, 1st section)
Revive (last spot on the ground far bellow left before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)
Full Heal (1st white rock down before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)
Carbos (black rock at the end taking the path upward twice left from the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)
Reverse Candy (1st white rock following the path upward then straight before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)
Ghost Gem (white rock at the left end of the section, 2nd section)
+Dark Material (upper left end of the section, 2nd section)

+TM115 Mega Punch (lower left end of the section, 2nd section)

+TM145 Hex (at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)
Everstone (black rock at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)
Super Potion (black rock down the exit, 3rd section)
Darchlight Mirror Machine Area
Black Shard Ore (from the ore sack)
Black Shard (from the furnace using the Black Shard Ore)
Darchlight Mirror (end product of the machine following a certain sequence: 4589758 (monitor code), Black Shard Ore (in furnace), Red, Blue, Green, Red, Red, Black Shard Ore (out furnace), Blue, Purple, Gold, Black Shard (small machine))

Dark Material (end product of the machine following a certain sequence: reset (monitor), Black Shard Ore (in), Gold, Green, Blue, Purple, Purple, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Black Shard Ore (out), Blue, Purple, Gold, Red, Black Shard (small machine))
Water Area (Dark)

+TM97 Dark Pulse (up the giant green mushrooms)
Magical Seed (ground space at the upper right corner top the giant green mushrooms)
Ice Gem (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot down from the black rock left the giant green mushrooms)
Elevator Area (Light)
1 Mining Rock
Exit Area (Light)
2 Mining Rocks


Azure Shore


Max Repel (sand space down the 3rd medium tree to the left on the small shore)

Star Piece (from the lower Samurott down the house at morning time)

Pearl (water space 3 spots down the stairs right side down from the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Pearl (flat rock right the diving spot right the broken lighthouse, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Rare Candy (from the Samurott down the broken lighthouse at morning time, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 8


Red Shard (2nd flowers patch lower left the entrance)

Soda Pop (3rd flowers patch upper left the entrance)

Green Shard (big rock up the Old Lady)

+TM156 Air Slash (right from the Old Lady)

Blue Shard (rock rubble right the Guy)

Blue Shard (rock rubble left the Guy)




Chapter 11 - Grand Dream City?


Terrial Island


Route 7


Grand Dream Gate

+TM19 Secret Power (middle the path right up from the train tracks)

+Zygarde Cell (middle the path right up from the train tracks)

Pearl (from Kimono Girl at the far right from the train tracks, Kimono Girls side quest)


Darchlight Woods

  Hide contents

Darchlight Cave

Bladestar Labs (accessed with Classified Information side quest)

+Data File - Code: Drifio (right the entrance, inside the middle big door)
Dubious Disc (small box lower left of the room, inside the right door)


Grand Dream City


Main Street

Dusk Ball (in the cupboard, inside the 1st Apartment Complex 75F)

Ether (plant pot by the elevator, inside the 2nd Apartment Complex 24F)

+Moon Ball (on the bed, inside the 2nd Apartment Complex 24F)
Resist Wing (2nd ground space up, left the 2nd Apartment Complex)
Repel (ground space 2 spots up the Bug Catcher Trainer at the NPC gathering middle the street)
+Reverse Candy (by the lower right dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Green Shard (grass space up the 1st flowers patch left the lower right dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Reverse Candy (flowers patch left of the right big yellow tree up Route 7 gate entrance)
Max Repel (1st flowers patch left of the Main Street Station stairs up Route 7 gate entrance)
+Sachet (by the lower left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Hyper Potion (ground space up the lower left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Blue Shard (flowers patch right of the 1st left big green tree up Route 7 gate entrance)
Muscle Wing (ground space 3 spots up the upper left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Genius Wing (middle ground space behind the 2nd SPU truck down the Pokemon Center)
+Hyper Potion (on the table, inside the Main Street Complex 8F)
5 Persim Berries (from the Female Clerk on the sofa, inside the Main Street Complex 8F at Night Time)
+Sun Stone (on the table, inside the Main Street Complex 16F)
Carbos (from Igglybuff , inside the Main Street Complex 16F at Day Time)
Ether (ground space 5 spots down and 1 spot left from the left side of the Missing Poster left of the Main Street Complex)
Max Repel (ground space 3 spots up and 9 spots left from the Hiker lower left the Main Street Complex)

Casteliacone (from the Optimist Lady left the Weather Board, Event Trigger -> Snow Weather)

Eastern Dream District

+Zygarde Cell (between the Old Lady and the Artist down Grand Dream Station)
Leppa Berry (from the Male Ranger Trainer after battle)
Rare Candy (from the Lady on the sofa after giving her 3400$, inside the Day Care Ground Floor)

+Zygarde Cell (inside the Day Care Building 14F)
+TM31 Brick Break (by the waterfall at Amber Park, Event Trigger -> Windy Weather from the Main Street)

Grand Dream Station

+Hyper Potion (lower right by the Gearen Train)

Botanical Garden
Blue Shard (ground space corner up the benches right the entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 4 spots down and 2 spots right from the Fragrant Lady Trainer)
Wiki Berry (middle right orange flowers inside the lower right garden)
+TM11 Sunny Day (at the middle inside the lower right garden)
+Rare Candy (bottom left inside the lower right garden)

+Zygarde Cell (bottom right inside the lower right garden)
Max Repel (ground space 3 spots down and 4 sports right from the Garden Arena entrance)
Ether (ground space 6 spots up and 1 spot right from the Mistress Trainer)
Occa Berry (right pink flowers inside the middle left garden)
Reverse Candy (ground space 2 spots down and 2 spots right from the lower bench left the lower left garden)

Southwestern Dream District
Green Shard (back-left-side the pink medium tree lower left the PokeStar Studios entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (between the 2 trucks by the PokeStar Studio entrance)

Blue Shard (ground space 5 spots left the Lady lower left the PokeStar Studios entrance)
Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots down the zebra crossing middle spot up the Art Gallery building)
Red Shard (ground space 6 spots left and 2 spots up the 1st dumpster down the Art Gallery building)

Ether (ground space 2 spots down the Herbs Shop)
Max Repel (ground space 3 spots  left of the sakura tree on the bottom left of the area)
Iron (ground space 7 spots up the sakura tree on the bottom left of the area)
Health Wing (flowers patch left the SPU truck)
Blue Shard (ground space down the dark green medium tree upper left the SPU truck)
+Rare Candy (top left of the area behind the trees)
+TM67 Roost (down the Herbs Shop, at Night Time)

Art Gallery

Blue Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)
Red Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)

Green Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)

Herbs Shop

Herbs Lady
Heal Powder - 450$
Energy Root - 800$
Energy Powder - 500$
Pure Incense - 9600$
Luck Incense - 9600$
Full Incense - 9600$
Wave Incense - 9600$

Full Heal - 600$
Nightmare Medallion - 4800$ (available with Nightmare City story)

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Shop)

+Zygarde Cell (right of Dylan's House)

Family Portrait (from the Thief left of Dylan's House, following the Art side quest)

Right Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Oval Stone - 2100$
Sticky Barb - 200$
Charocal - 9800$
Light Ball - 100$
Stick - 200$
Float Stone 200$
Binding Band - 200$

Left Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Metal Powder - 10$
Cell Battery - 200$
Magnet - 100$
Quick Powder - 10$

Blast Powder - 2500$


Ultra Ball - 1200$
Dusk Ball - 1000$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Revive - 8500$
Full Heal - 1200$

Main Building

+Metal Coat (bottom left, 1F)
Mystery Bowl (middle trash bin, 1F)
PP Up (ground space the lower right table right side, 2F)
Lemonade (in the lower left middle computer left the Bladestar Grunt that wants to delete himself, 2F)
+Hyper Potion (top left, 2F)
Full Heal (lower left trash bin, 3F)
Mystery Bowl (middle right trash bin, 3F)

Northwestern Dream District

Max Repel (ground space 2 spots down the bench right of Mika's Cafe)
Mineral Ball (ground space 2 spots up and 3 spots left the street lamp up the Residential District entrance)

Mineral Ball (ground space between the 2 dumpsters left the Residential District entrance)
5 Leppa Berries (from the Receptionist, inside the Apartments Building Ground Floor)

+Max Revive (on the table, inside the Apartments Building 13F)
5 Quick Balls (from the Optimist Lady on the sofa, inside the Apartments Building 36F, at Night Time)
Ether (ground space 2 spots left and 1 spot up the middle street lamp left Mika's Cafe)
Green Shard (ground space 8 spots down the last top right street lamp)
Reverse Candy (2nd flowers patch up the last top right street lamp)
Genius Wing (2nd flowers patch up the top middle right street lamp)
Ether (2nd flowers patch up the top middle left street lamp)
Red Shard (ground space between the 2 dumpsters down the Toybox)

Mika's Cafe

Reverse Candy (from the Male Clerk at the top right table, at Night Time)
10 Dusk Balls (from the Kalos Lady at the bar, at Night Time)

Link Heart (from Patty, SPU Delivery side quest)

Central Square

Muscle Wing (inside the far left dumpster lower left of the area, down the Residential District entrance)
Health Wing (ground space 7 spots left from the sakura trees on the lower right of the area, down the lower Shopping District entrance)
Health Wing (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot up the the bench up from the lower Shopping District entrances)
Resist Wing (4th green grass patch down the sakura tree on the upper right garden at the fountain)
HP Up (from the Red Haired Technician on the right side, Day time)
Muscle Wing (lower left flowers patch on the upper left garden left the fountain)
Health Wing (ground space middle the zebra-line right from the Northwestern Dream District entrance)
Sitrus Berry (from the Female Ranger Trainer up of Officer Jenny after battle, Day Time)
Ether (ground space 2 spots right and 1 spot up from the Young Lady down the left Northern Dream District entrance)
+Max Repel (left of the Central Building)

+Green Shard (right the top Weather Board down the Central Building)

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Central Building)

SPU Parcel #1 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

SPU Parcel #2 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

SPU Parcel #3 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

Central Building

GDC Help Plaza

Help Quests
Opens up The Underground (Missing Children)
25,000$, Stamp #3 (Classified Information)

Shopping District
Super Repel (ground space 5 spots left and 1 spot down from the flowers basket left the Ice Cream Stand bottom the area)

350$ (ground space middle spot between the 2 lower dumpsters at the road between the 2 Central Square entrances)

450$ (ground space 4 spots left of the Weather Board middle spot, top the area)

Repel (flowers patch left the middle medium tree at the top of the area)

Elixir (ground space 4 spots down the middle medium tree bottom left side at the top of the area)

450$ (ground space 6 spots right and 3 spots up the Optimist Trainer)
Super Potion (ground space left the Hidden Power Checker)

Yellow Shard (ground space 6 spots right from the flowers basket right the Move Relearner)
550$ (ground space 2 spots down and 1 spot left the right door entrance of the Department of Dreams)

+Zygarde Cell (lower right the Department of Dreams)

*Casteliacone (ground space 1 spot down the crying Kid) *Only if you didn't give her one yet.

Ice Cream Stand (Snow Weather)

1 Casteliacone - 100$
Dozen Casteliacone - 1000$

Department of Dreams


Stamp #1 (from the Receptionist)

2F (1 Stamp)
1st Clerk
Heat Rock - 200$
Icy Rock - 200$
Smooth Rock - 200$
Damp Rock - 200$
Grip Claw - 200$
Light Clay - 200$
Everstone - 200$
2nd Clerk

Max Repel - 700$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Full Heal - 600$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$
Escape Rope - 550$
3F (2 Stamps)
1st Clerk

Fire Stone - 2100$
Water Stone - 2100$
Leaf Stone - 2100$

Thunderstone - 2100$

Sun Stone - 2100$

Moon Stone - 2100$
2nd Clerk
Air Balloon - 200$
White Herb - 100$
Mental Herb - 100$
Power Herb - 100$
Absorb Bulb - 200$
Snowball - 200$

Destiny Knot - 200$
Cell Battery - 200$

4F (3 Stamps)
1st Clerk
HP Up - 9800$
Protein - 9800$
Cabos - 9800$
Zinc - 9800$
Calcium - 9800$
Iron - 9800$

2nd Clerk
Sticky Barb - 200$
Lagging Tail - 200$
Iron Ball - 200$
Binding Band - 200$
Float Stone - 200$
Eject Button - 200$
Red Card - 200$
Ring Target - 200$
Metronome - 200$

Residential District
Green Shard (ground space 2 spots right of the Weather Board middle spot)
Super Repel (ground space lower middle spot right of the right zebra-line-crossing)
Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 3 spots down the 3rd left street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)
Ether (ground space 2 spots up and 1 spot right the 2nd right street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)
PP Up (ground space 1 spot right and 1 spot down the 1st left street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)

Muscle Wing (grass space down the 1st upper left green medium tree inside the park)

Reverse Candy (flowers patch right the 2nd lower left green medium tree inside the park)

Health Wing (grass space down the 1st upper right green medium tree inside the park)

Dream Complex

Central Penthouse

+Zygarde Cell (on the lower left table at the pool area)

+Cloths Change (in our room)

Right-Wing Penthouse
+Sharp Beak (inside the 3rd left room)

Nightmare City

Main Street


Central Square
+Apophyll Pancakes (upper right the area)

+TM85 Dream Eater (upper left the area)

Shopping District
+Vanilla Ice Cream (left the Lady middle left the road)
+Rare Candy (from the Kid middle right the road "if you gave her a fresh Casteliacone in the GDC Shopping District")

10,000 Puppet Coins (from Zetta after entering the Casino for the first time, story related)

+Psychic Memory (top right the area)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Exchange Rate

1000 coins -> 500 Puppet Coins

5000 coins -> 3500 Puppet Coins

10,000 coins -> 8500 Puppet Coins



6 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer down the toybox entrance) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

+Revive (left the toybox entrance)

+TM29 Psychic (hidden between box 7 and 3 after defeating the Puppet Master, inside the right room)


Judicial District
Link Heart (top left flowers patch on the park right of the Police Department)

+Zygarde Cell (middle the park right of the Police Department)
Police Department

+Data File - Code: Evo (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Materna (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Statia (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Sarpa (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Feris (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Corroso ((at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Anju's Pendant (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Darchlight Mirror (at the Lost and Found floor, if you played the game after completing the Darchlight Cave main events prior to V10)


Route 9


Resist Wing (grass space between the 2 medium red trees right the end of the train tracks lower left the train)
Big Mushroom (grass space behind the big red tree left the revered L-shaped fallen leaves down the path from the train)
Carbos (light green grass patch on the 2nd row down the left pond down the train)

7 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer right from the train) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Calcium (sand space right the 1st left bamboo stalk down the stairs at the shore)

+Zygarde Cell (down the Farlorned Cavern Shore Entrance, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Zygarde Cell (by the Hiker Trainer left of Farlorned Cavern Left Entrance)

Muscle Wing (big rock right side on the path upward after the Farlorned Cavern Left Area exit)
+TM35 Flamethrower (down the Farlorned Cavern Upper Area exit)
Honey (inside the yellow big tree left of the Farlorned Cavern Upper Area exit)
Swift Wing (big yellow tree down the 2 NPCs talking about Neverwinter on the path to the Rose Theater)

Farlorned Cavern

Right Entrance Area
Yellow Shard (rock right of the Crystal Room entrance)
Crystal Room
Pretty Wing (flowers patch lower right the area)

+Zygarde Cell (top right the area)
Left Entrance Area

2 Mining Rocks

Dusk Stone (last grass patch at the path after the boulder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
+Ability Capsule (on the elevation up the boulder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Mineral Ball (grass space 3 spots right from the 1st headbutt tree up the 2nd stairs from the entrance)
Ether (in the medium tree left side up the exit)
Upper Entrance Area
Clever wing (1st pink/orange flowers upper right the entrance)
Soda Pop (in the headbutt tree left of the exit)

Rose Theater


+Zygarde Cell (bottom left the area on the river's left side, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Flying Memory (down the hot springs, right side area)

Fresh Water (water space up the left side of the bridge, left side area)

+TM120 Solar Blade (after the bridge, left side area)

Ultra Ball (right grass space on the upper left tall grass patch)


+Zygarde Cell (bottom right inside the Kimono Girls room)

Ice Stone (from Ayuna after completing the Kimono Girls side quest)
Stamp #2 (from the Hiker after completing the Kimono Girls side quest)




Chapter 12 - Remember, I Love You


Terrial Island


Grand Dream City


Axis High University

+Ether (down the Axis High Station stairs)
+Green Shard (on the table by the Move Relearner)
Poke Doll (reward from hitting 'Powerful' in Agate Circus High Top, repeatable)
HM06 Dive (reward from hitting the bell in Agate Circus High Top)

Axis Pledge Tutor (Yellow Stand)

Fire Pledge (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Water Pledge (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Grass Pledge (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Axis Punch Tutor (Blue Stand)

Thunder Punch (taught for 2 Yellow Shards)

Fire Punch (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Ice Punch (taught for 2 Blue Shards)

Drain Punch (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Focus Punch (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Axis Mixed Tutor (Red Stand)

Endeavor (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Iron Tail (taught for 4 Yellow Shards)

Earth Power (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Chatot Vendor

Chatot - 15000$

Ancient Aevium Balloon Merchant
Air Balloon - 200$

Magic Ice Cream Parlor
Left Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Sachet - 1000$
Funnel Cake - 7000$
Whipped Dream - 1000$
Apophyll Pancakes - 3000$
Rare Candy - 30,000$

Right Clerk
Vanilla Ice Cream - 400$
Choc Ice Cream - 600$
Berry Ice Cream - 800$
*Blue Moon Ice Cream - 20000$ #Appears randomly on very rare occasions.

Fish Tank Randomizer
Standard Bait - 2000$
Poke Ball
Super Potion
Heart Scale
Link Heart
Delicious Bait - 7500$
Dusk Ball
Max Revive
Ultra Potion

Fire Stone

Moon Stone
Heart Scale
Link Heart
Gourmet Bait - 20000$
Dawn Stone
Shiny Stone
Dusk Stone
Sail Fossil
Jaw Fossil


District of Hope
+Thunderstone (bottom left, District of Hope Apartments 15F)
GourmetTreat (lower right flowers patch down the Pokemon Hospital)
Green Shard (2nd wall to the right down the left stairs)
Persim Berry (in the dumpster up the emergency cars)
+Soda Pop (behind a dumpster left of Doctor Isha's Building)
Aspear Berry (flowers patch down the 1st sakura tree right of Doctor Isha's Buidling)
Blue Shard (ground space upper right corner behind the 2nd sakura tree right of Doctor Isha's Buidling)

Hospital of Hope
Elixir (grass space lower left the first emergency car on the lower left side by the entrance)
Rock Gem (flowers patch behind the left wooden bench at the middle area)
Super Repel (grass space between the 2 yellow-blue flowers on the lower right side by the entrance)
Yellow Shard (white flowers down the first wooden bench on the upper right side)


Route 9


Rose Theater


Souta's Cane (dropped from Souta after the gym battle, top side area)

Golden Arena

TM62 Acrobatics (from Souta after the gym battle)

Rift Isolated Dream

+Data File - Code: Bella (at the bridge before the battle)



Past/Future Aevium


Amberette Town (Past)


Spacea and Tiempa's Lodge
Time Gear Amulet (from Tiempa)


Sheridan Village (Past)


Meadow Plate (grass space right the 2nd orange flower lower left the bell)
Yellow Shard (grass space 2 spots right the 1st flowers patch lower right of the bell)

Vivan's House
Garufa Spellbook (bookshelf in Vivian's Bedroom)

Spring of Purification (Past)

Balm Mushroom (ground space left the orange flower and pink petals on the right side)


Heracross Woods (Past)


TinyMushroom (grass space down the orange flower in the middle straight path)

Ultra Ball (grass space on the lower right corner down from the stairs to Heracross lair)

+Max Repel (on the lower left corner down from the stairs to Heracross lair)




Chapter 13 - Conflicting Ren-union


Floria Island


Neo Oceana Pier


X Accuracy (grass space 1 spot right from the 1st lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area)
Sweet Heart (2nd lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area)


Neo East Gearen City


Left Section

Elemental Seed (left flowers patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory)
Resist Wing (right grass patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory)
Red Shard (1st flowers patch above the Fisherman sitting right of Gearen Train Station)
Super Potion (grass space down the small blue flowers lower left Gearen Train Station)
Grass Gem (in the dark green big tree left side upper right the Leaflet Garden sign)

Grass Gem (flowers patch between headbutt tree and dark green tree left the fountain at the Leaflet Garden)
GourmetTreat (wall between the 2 dumpsters upper right the Leaflet Garden)
Yellow Shard (ground space between the 2 dumpsters upper left the Leaflet Garden)

Neo Gearen Backpack Tutor

Outrage (taught for 7 Yellow Shards)

Last Resort (taught for 5 Red Shards)

Knock Off (taught for 5 Yellow Shards)

Neo Gearen Lady Tutor

Iron Head (taught for 5 Red Shards)

Low Kick (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Foul Play (taught for 6 Yellow Shards)

Neo Gearen Corsola Tutor

Throat Chop (taught for 4 Red Shards)

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 200$

Repel - 350$
Poke Ball - 200$

Lower Floor Offices (accessed with Forest Restoration side quest)

+Normalium-Z (in the storage room)

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

10 Exp. Candy L (from Zumi after completing her 6th pokedex entry request, Aevian Budew)

Ampharosite (from Zumi after completing her 6th pokedex entry request, Aevian Budew)

Water Treatment Center

Red Shard (ground space 4 spots up from the black machine up the left entrance)
Red Shard (middle ground space 8 spots up on the path between the 2 modules upper right the left entrance)

+Coin Case (end the path between the 2 modules upper right the left entrance)
Blue Shard (ground space 1 spot down and 6 spots left from the Female Scientist with Pyukumuku)
Blue Shard (ground space 1 spot left and 6 spots down from the black machine right the Central Power Grid entrance)
Zinc (in the white machine lower left the 4 modules down the Main Office entrance)
Potion (in the white capsule left the Main Office entrance)

Central Power Grid

Green Shard (ground space 1 spot down and 7 spots left the Male Scientist)
Blue Shard (ground space left the 3rd machine upper side, left the entrance)

Neo East Gearen Help Plaza
Lucky Egg (from Ayuda when you get 70 Zygarde Cells)

Help Quests

12,356$, Aloraichium-Z (Pokeball Conundrum)
250,000$, Mawilite (Forest Restoration)

25,840$, Altarianite (Mall Opportunities)


Right Section

Repel (middle flowers patch lower right the Aqua Building)
Heart Scale (last flowers patch left from Gearen Park entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (last small red flowers right from Gearen Park entrance)
Antidote (2nd flowers patch right from Gearen Train Station)
+Reverse Candy (under Karrina's Base, hidden by the trees)
Resist Wing (flowers patch left the School Boy right the gym)

Everglade Mall

Berry Emporium
Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$
Leppa Berry - 300$
Sitrus Berry - 750$

Pokeball Boutique

15 Ultra Ball (after finishing the Pokeball Conundrum quest)
Heavy Ball - 300$
Moon Ball - 300$
Love Ball - 300$
Fast Ball - 300$
Nest Ball - 1000$

Net Ball - 1000$
Timer Ball - 1000$
Dive Ball - 1000$
Friend Ball - 300$

Witch's Parlor (accessed with Mall Opportunities side quest)

Occa Berry (from Witch to proceed with the quest planting it and give back 5 Berries and make Croccatowa Burst!)

Passho Berry (from Witch to proceed with the quest planting it and give back 5 Berries and make Passhtacio Melt!)

Neo Gearen Park

Blue Shard (flowers patch middle of the grass, fountain right side)
Muscle Wing (left grass space above the tall grass, fountain right side)
Yellow Shard (lower grass space middle the tall grass, lower right area)
Carbos (fence wall at the middle flowers patch behind the bench lower right the fountain)
Honey (grass space 2 spots down and 1 spot right from the 1st purple flowers, fountain left side)
Honey (upper flowers patch by the tall grass, top left area)

Leaf Stone (grass space middle of the tall grass, middle lower area)

Grassium-Z (from the Caretaker after showing him the Level 100 Budew)


West Gearen City


Lower Section

Meganium Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Chikorita route)

Typhlosion Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Cyndaquil route)

Feraligator Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Totodile route)

25 AP (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed)

Stamp #4 (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed)

Tecanlite Factory (accessed with Pokeball Conundrum side quest)
Main Hall - Entrance
+Ultra Ball (by the stairs right of Team Xen Grunt Famuya)
+Dive Ball (on the path left of Team Xen Grunt Famuya)
+Nest Ball (lower left of Team Xen Grunt 1)
+Love Ball (down from Team Xen Doubles Female Grunts)
+Poke Ball (down from Team Xen Doubles Male Grunts)
+Dive Ball (right from the Scientist)
+Poke Ball (on the lower ground right from the Main Office entrance)
+Dusk Ball (end the path lower right from the Main office entrance)
+TM24 Thunderbolt (top the area behind the Bottom Room exit, Tecanlite Key needed)
Bottom Room
+Tecanlite Key (left the room)


Neo Route 1 (Forest Restoration side quest)


Goldenwood Forest - Stage 1 Grass Cleared
# 48,000$, 1 Scyther, and 3 Workers needed.
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Goldenwood Forest - Stage 2 Bridges Built
# 58,000$, 3 Fishermen, and 1 Architect needed.
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Goldenwood Park - Final Stage
# 68,000$, 7 Tiny Mushrooms, 1 Stardust, and 1 Poilwag needed.
+2 Lum Berries (upper left plant soil at the garden)
+2 Starf Berries (upper right plant soil at the garden)
+2 Salac Berries (lower left plant soil at the garden)
+2 Lansat Berries (lower middle plant soil at the garden)
+1 Enigma Berries (lower right plant soil at the garden)

+Bug Memory (at the garden)
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surboard needed)


Route 2


Cherry Blossom Intact

+Zygarde Cell (between the big trees left of the bridge up the waterfall after the Maniac when you give him the Research Notes, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Kecleon's Shop (Chapter 13 and Virtual League Champion)

Meganium Crest - 250,000$

Typhlosion Crest - 250,000$

Feraligator Crest - 250,000$


Cherry Blossom Cut Down

+Zygarde Cell (between the trees left of the bridge up the waterfall, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Rose Incense (grass space 2 spots left the 1st red flowers left the stairs on the top left of the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Rare Candy (2nd flowers patch up the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Zygarde Cell (right corner from the waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+TM46 Thief (left corner from the waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Blue Shard (grass space 2 spots down the 3rd flowers patch on the small area left the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Dusk Stone (left on the small area left the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Abandoned Lab
+Research Notes (on the right table)
+Grass Memory (on the left table)


Amethyst Cave


Amethyst Grotto
+TM22 Solar Beam (at the bottom right, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Ability Capsule (rock up the lower left big rock, at the bottom left, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Sheridan Village

  Hide contents

Secret Shore
Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)

Xen Waste (from the Beldum Den after catching Shadow Beldum, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Carotos Mountain


Machines Area

2 Mining Rock

Fire Memory (from the Scientist after you bought all the caged Pokemon, Blast Powder and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Goldenleaf Town


Forgotten Path

Lost Castle (Odd Key needed)

#Access passwords: 0044, 6677, 3645, 9043, 7171.

+Vespiquen Crest (from the Chest inside the treasury room after opening all the 9 Chests at the Wispy Ruins)
+TM61 Will-O-Wisp  (right side inside the treasury room after opening all the 9 Chests at the Wispy Ruins)


Wispy Path


Wispy Tower

Outside Area
+Reaper Cloth (right of the tower, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Akuwa Town


Lively Version

Larry Locksmith's Plaza

Reforged Key (from Larry after fixing the broken House Key with 2 Light Clay and 1 Hard Stone)

Akuwa Aquarium

60,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 10 Pokemon)

Super Rod (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 10 Pokemon)

60,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 20 Pokemon)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


King's Rock (from Nana after capturing The Emperor)

Evergreen Forest

+Ice Memory (top the mountain up the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

+Audinite (up the pond on the path left the Hiker, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)



Terajuma Island


Kakori Village


Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

Kakori Depths

+TM106 Irritation (on the left side path of the arena Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Kristiline Town


TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman

RM01 Hone Claws - 150,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM116 Mega Kick - 150,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

RM05 Sucker Punch - 100,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM125 Charm - 15,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM155 Eerie Impulse - 15,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)



Terrial Island


Oblitus Town


Kelvin's House

Pokeflute (from Kelvin for 45,000$, available after completing the Missing Miltank side quest at Yui's Ranch, and returning from the Badlands & obtaining Fly)


Grand Dream City


Main Street

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

5F (4 Stamps)

1st Clerk
Occa Berry - 3000$

Passho Berry - 3000$
Wacan Berry - 3000$
Rindo Berry - 3000$
Yache Berry - 3000$
Payapa Berry - 3000$
Tanga Berry - 3000$
Charti Berry - 3000$
Chople Berry - 3000$

2nd Clerk

Kebia Berry - 3000$
Shuca Berry - 3000$
Coba Berry - 3000$
Haban Berry - 3000$

Kasib Berry - 3000$
Colbur Berry - 3000$
Babiri Berry - 3000$
Chilan Berry - 3000$
Roseli Berry - 3000$


Scholar District

Hyper Potion (lower blue/yellow flowers left the medium tree left the Blakeory Atheneum)

Super Potion (ground space 6 spots down the sakura tree right the Blakeory Atheneum)

Blue Shard (ground space left the upper right corner by Blakeory Atheneum)

Honey (pink/orange flower down the upper right sakura tree at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Rose Tea (on the lower right table in front the Young Lady at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Lemonade (grass patch 2 spots down the lower left table at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Green Shard (3rd flowers patch left the sakura tree at the garden down the Recreation Center)

Max Repel (3rd pink flowers left the sakura tree at the garden down the Recreation Center)

Casteliacone (ground space up the 2nd bench down the Recreation Center)

Ether (grass space between the 2 sakura trees left the School Boy Trainer left the Help Corporation Building)

Sitrus Berry (ground space 4 spots down the upper left wall corner by the Grand Dream Ball entrance)
National Park

Pecha Berry (in the street lamp right the entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (between the upper right and middle right garden)

Revive (ground space right the 2nd street lamp between the upper right and middle right gardens)

Leichi Berry (in the fence up grass patch right the blue flowers in the middle right garden)

+Zygarde Cell (between the upper left and middle left gardens)

Lum Berry (ground space left the 1st street lamp between the middle left and lower left gardens)

Sitrus Berry (ground space 2 spots left the 3rd street lamp between the middle left and lower left gardens)

Revive (middle ground space in the line of the blue and orange flowers between the lower left and lower right garden)

Recreation Center

Game Corner

30 coins (1 spot left the middle lower tree pot)
30 coins (3 spots left the right lower tree pot)
30 coins (1 spot left and 1 spot down the left-middle upper tree pot)
30 coins (1 spot down the upper right corner of the employee's desk)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Aron (5000 coins)

Durant (13,500 coins)

Mienfoo (15,000 coins)

Rufflet (20,000 coins)

Axew (30,000 coins)

Casino TM Prizes
TM70 Flash (1000 coins)
TM10 Hidden Power (4000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes
Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)
PP UP (6 AP)
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
TM56 Fling (15 AP)
TM47 Low Sweep (15 AP)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)


Grand Dream Stadium

Tournament Stadium

Strawberry Cake (from Tesla, if picked "something sweet" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)
Rose Tea (from Tesla, if picked "something relaxing" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)
Herbal Tea (from Tesla, if picked "something rejuvenating" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)
Razz Berry Tart (from Tesla, if picked "something sour" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)

TM80 Rock Slide (from Adam after winning the Tournament)

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Awakening - 250$

Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$

Super Repel - 500$

Max Repel - 700$


Route 9


HM02 Fly (from Damien after getting back from Sashila Village)





Voidal Chasm


B3 - Lower Area
Ether (pink petal down the left ether tree, bottom end of the area)
Ether (2nd pink petal up the 3 trees, bottom end of the area)
Ether (pink petals up the healing star, middle of the area)
Ether (pink petals down the big rock left the healing star, middle of the area)
Dusk Ball (1st upper right big rock right side from the healing star, middle the area)
Ether (pink petal down the medium rock right the 2 stairs, middle of the area)
Ether (pink petals right the B2 entrance, middle of the area)
Ether (ground space down the big rock left the B2 entrance, middle of the area)
+Zygarde Cell (up the B2 entrance, top the area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Dusk Stone (small rock lower left the Upper B3 entrance, top the area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM148 Phantom Force (on the upper right pathway coming from Upper Right B3 entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

B2 - Bridges Area
Ether (pink petal left the B3 entrance, bottom left area)
PP Up (ground space 2 spots down and 2 spots left from the medium rock up the B3 entrance, bottom left area)
+Odd Keystone (on the small land up the bridge between the bottom left and bottom right areas, middle area)
Ether (pink petals right the big rock down the 2 bridges, bottom right area)
+Razor Claw (right end of the area, bottom right area)
+Zygarde Cell (to the left up the climbable wall, top left area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ability Capsule (right medium rock up the climbable wall, top left area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (pink petal left the upper bridge, top left area)
Ether (pink petal on the small land between the 4 bridges, middle area)
Ether (big rock left side, top right area)
+White Herb (top end of the area, top right area)
Ether (pink petal right the bridge, top middle area)
Rare Candy (upper left medium rock, top middle area)
B2 - Boat Area
Ether (1st pink petal left the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (upper left pink petals up the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (lower right pink petals up the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (pink petals lower right the upper left ether tree)
Ether (in the upper left ether tree)
Ether (pink petals upper right the upper left ether tree)
Ether (pink petals up the boat)
Old Scarf (pink petals left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (pink petal lower left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (pink petal upper left the lower right ether tree)
Ether (pink petal down the upper right tree)

+Toolkit (lower left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, Legend of the Void side quest)

B2 - Exit Area
Ether (pink petals up the B2 Boat Area entrance)
Ether (pink petals down the left tree)
Ether (grass patch bottom right the right tree)
B1 - Entrance Area
Ether (pink petals right the big rock up the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petal right the small rock right the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petals lower left the lower left medium rock down the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petal up the lower right big rock down the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petals up Zorrialyn Desert entrance)


Zorrialyn Desert


Top Area
5 Mining Rocks
Red Shard (medium rock right the 2nd stairs down the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Max Repel (twin rock right side right the 3rd stairs down the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Yellow Shard (sand space 3 spots up and 3 spots left the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Red Shard (twin rock right side upper left the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Max Repel (cactus tree down the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Reverse Candy (tree left the Hiker Trainer)

+Zygarde Cell (middle the path up from the Hiker Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Smooth Rock (end the path up from the Hiker Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (cactus tree left the top right Alolan Exeggutor)
Lemonade (skull down the top right Alolan Exeggutor)
Synthetic Seed (sapling down the twin rock right the 2 stairs up the Bottom Area entrance)
Synthetic Seed (sand space 2 spots up and 1 spot left the 1st sapling upper right the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)
Leaf Stone (cactus tree left the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)
Revival Herb (sapling upper left the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)
+Max Ether (up the bottom right Alolan Exeggutor)
Big Root (tree up the Male Desert Dweller up the top middle Alolan Exeggutor)
Green Shard (2nd tree left the Male Desert Dweller up the top middle Alolan Exeggutor)
+Hyper Potion (lower right the bridge)

+Zygarde Cell (right the climbable rocks upper right from the bridge)
Green Shard (skull upper left the bridge)
Ether (sand space left the 3rd tree left from the bridge)
+Zygarde Cell (down the twin rock lower left from the bridge)
Rare Bone (skull right of the Shiny Cacturne, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Mental Herb (cactus tree right from the Female Desert Dweller Trainer)
Max Repel (sand space right the tree lower left from the Female Desert Dweller Trainer)
Yellow Shard (tree up from the Ruined City entrance)
Max Ether (sand space lower right corner up the Ruined City entrance)
+Mineral Ball (up the twin rock up the Ruined City entrance)
+Ether (down the climbable rocks right from the oasis)
Occa Berry (cactus flower tree upper right the pond at the oasis)
+Zygarde Cell (upper left the pond at the oasis)
Haban Berry (bush upper left the pond at the oasis)
Petaya Berry (small tree lower left the pond at the oasis)
+TM37 Sandstorm (up the hill lower left the oasis, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Yellow Shard (tiny cactus down the twin rock left the Sashila Village sign)
HP Up (sand space 3 spots right and 3 spots up from the 1st tree upper left the Sashila Village sign)
Reverse Candy (skull upper right the Sashila Village sign)
Thick Club (skull left the left Zen Mode Darmanitan)
Calcium (sapling left the upper Zen Mode Darmanitan)
Green Shard (tree up the upper Zen Mode Darmanitan)
+Everstone (up from the Zen Mode Darmanitans)
Bottom Area
+Revive (down the twin rock down the Top Area entrance)
Ultra Ball (3rd thin tree upper right from the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Poison Gem (1st tree up the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Kebia Berry (1st tree left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Ground Gem (tree up the 1st skull left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Max Repel (2nd skull left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Ether (skull upper left the cactus tree upper left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
+Iron (right from the Ruined City entrance)


Sand Stream Cave


1F - Entrance Area
Carbos (3-yellow flowers right the middle Depths ladder)
+Hyper Potion (down the twin rock top right the area)
Escape Rope (sand space left the 1st cactus tree down the twin rock top right the area)
Berry Juice (grass space 2 spots left the cactus flower tree top left the area)
Grass Gem (grass space left the 3-yellow flowers left the middle Depths ladder)
Yellow Shard (skull up the lower left quicksand hole)
Yellow Shard (sand space behind the 2nd cactus flower tree right side right from the lower right quicksand hole)
B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Red Shard (in the lower left twin rock right side, lower left section)
+Revive (left the upper right twin rock, lower left section)
Green Shard (sand space 2 spots down and 1 spot left from the bottom skull, upper left section)
Rare Candy (small cactus at the bottom left, upper left section)
+Revive (down the top skull, upper left section)
Light Clay (in the tree, middle section)
+Full Heal (bottom right, upper middle section)
Burn Heal (sand space between the twin rock and skull at the top right, upper right section)
Clever Wing (in the medium rock right the top twin rock, lower right section)
Genius Wing (in the upper middle twin rock left side, lower right section)
+Moon Ball (bottom left, lower right section)
Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Elixir (in the upper left twin rock left side, bottom section)
Rawst Berry (sand space down the twin rock right side, right section)
Sitrus Berry (in the top cactus flower tree left side, right section)
Soft Sand (sand space down the bottom twin rock right side, left section)
Rock Gem (in the medium rock left the 1F ladder, left section)
Lava Cookie (twin cactus left the upper right twin rock, top section)
Berry Juice (in the upper left medium rock, top section)

+Sandacondite (at the middle top of the area)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


1 Mining Rock
Sun Stone (sand space right of the big rock upper side, on the depression middle the area)
Super Repel (tiny cactus left the upper middle right house)
+Relic Silver (inside the upper middle right house)
Ground Gem (sand space left the sapling up the upper right house)
Green Shard (sand space 1 spot left and 2 spots up from the medium rock right the upper right house)
Protein (sand space up the smashable-rock right the upper right house)
Calcium (sand space up the tiny cactus left the upper middle left house)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the upper middle left house, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Yellow Shard (sand space down the tree left side up from the upper left house)
Red Shard (sand space 2 spots up the tree right side left from the upper left house)
+Rare Candy (inside the upper left house)
+Relic Copper (inside the upper left house)
Wacan Berry (sand space down the tree left side lower left the lower middle right house)
+Relic Copper (inside the lower middle right house)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the lower middle right house, Blast Powder needed)
Super Repel (sand space 1 spot down and 1 spot left from the tree lower left the lower left house)

+Rock Memory (inside the lower left house)


Zorrialyn Coast


1 Mining Rock
Dusk Ball (medium rock lower right the Sashila Village sign)
+Escape Rope (down the twin rock upper right the Sashila Village sign)
Ground Gem (sand space 3 spots left and 4 spots down from the tree lower left the Sashila Trial entrance)
+Zygarde Cell (upper right the Sashila Trial entrance)
Rock Gem (sand space behind the twin rock right side upper right the Abandoned Village and Abyssal Labyrinth sign)
Water Gem (tree upper left the Abandoned Village and Abyssal Labyrinth sign)
Poke Doll (sand space 6 spots left and 2 spots down the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)
Red Shard (sapling down from the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)
Dusk Ball (sapling right the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)
Heart Scale (skull up from the Zen Mode Darmanitans)
Elixir (sand space down the Mining Rock)
Abandoned Village
Strange House (Reforged Key needed)
1F - Entrance Room
Red Shard (ground space up the couch lower left the room)
Yellow Shard (ground space left the right big rock middle the room between the 2 stairs)
Blue Shard (ground space down the upper left big rock right side)
Poke Doll (books stack lower right from Myra)
B1 (Family Portrait needed for access)
+Gardevoirite (behind the altar)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth


B1 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)



1 - Insect Plate
2 - Dread Plate
3 - Icicle Plate
4 - Meadow Plate
5 - Heart Scale
6 - Dread Plate
7 - Relic Copper
8 - Relic Copper
9 - Relic Copper
10 - HP Up
11 - Relic Copper
12 - PP Max
A - Nothing
B - Seviper Crest
C - Magcargo Crest
D - Oricorio Crest
B2 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)



1 - Toxic Plate
2 - Flame Plate
3 - Iron Plate
4 - Earth Plate
5 - Fist Plate
6 - Carbos
A - Nothing
B - Hypno Crest
C - Fearow Crest
D - Stantler Crest

B3 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)



1 - Relic Silver
2 - Stone Plate
3 - Relic Silver
4 - Sky Plate
5 - Stone Plate
6 - Sky Plate
7 - Relic Copper
8 - Spooky Plate
9 - Relic Copper
A - Nothing
B - Leafeon Crest
C - Glaceon Crest


Sashila Village


Moon Stone (2nd blue flower after the bridge up the entrance)
Grass Gem (cactus tree pot left the lower left room)
Max Repel (ground space 5 spots down the top-right middle window)

 3 Exp. Candy XL (from the Breeder Trainer middle the area) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Lemonade (ground space 2 spots down and 1 spot left from the 1st pink flower at the upper right garden right the Chief Quarter)
GourmetTreat (3rd blue flower at the upper right garden right the Chief Quarter)

Link Heart (sand space left the pink flower at the right small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Zygarde Cell (down the stairs at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Heart Scale (from the Male Desert Dweller at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
HP Up (in the top cactus tree at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
House Key (from a Male Desert Dweller inside the research center, at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Mineral Ball - 1200$
Hyper Potion - 1200$

Max Repel - 700$
Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Sashila Help Plaza

Help Quests

12,500$, Absolite (Legend of the Void)
22,500$, Link Heart, 3 Sitrus Berries, 3 Roseli Berries (Badland Baddies)
32,500$, Abomasite (My Sister Fell!)
32,500$, Scented Lure (I Need to get Stronger!)


Alamissa Urban


Mysterious Black Box (from Ren after hearing his story by the entrance)
Red Shard (ground space between the 2 middle windows of the lower left room)
+Red Flute (down from the tank down the lower left room door entrances)
Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 2 spots up from the medium rock left the stairs left the lower room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space up the bench up the stairs upper left from the lower left room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space down the medium rock down the tank upper right from the lower left room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot up and 1 spot right from the medium rock lower right the middle lower left room ladder entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space lower right corner the muddy pool down from the middle lower left room door entrance)
Yellow Shard (middle the big flowers pot left the middle lower right room door entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space down the tank left side up from the middle lower right room ladder entrance)

Yellow Shard (ground space 2 spots up and 3 spots left from the rock rubble left the muddy pool up the lower right room ladder entrance)

Yellow Shard (ground space left from the lower left medium rock down the tank down the lower right room door entrances)
+Power Bracer (down from the middle upper right room door entrances)
+Poke Toy (right from the middle upper right room door entrances)
Yellow Shard (ground space left the medium rock down the upper right room left door)
Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 1 spot up from the 2nd rock rubble up the upper right room right door)
Yellow Shard (ground space right from the big flowers pot lower right the Gallery entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space 2 spots right from the small rock right the Gallery entrance)

Red Shard (ground space 3 spots up and 3 spots left from the middle upper left room right door)
Red Shard (ground space 2 spots up the furthest right medium rock up from the tank lower left the Gallery entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot right from the 1st medium rock left the tank lower left the Gallery entrance)
Red Shard (ground space right the rock rubble up the tank left the upper left room entrance)
Red Shard (ground space left the small rock right from the upper left room entrance)
+Prism Scale (inside the upper left room)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot down from the rock rubble down the upper left room entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 2 spots up from the medium rock left the 1st bench down the middle upper left room doors)
+Poke Toy (between the benches down the middle upper left room doors)



Past/Future Aevium


Route 5 (Past)


+Revive (top left the lower left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Ultra Potion (grass space up the 1st flowers patch upper left the lower right pond)
+Max Revive (end the path right up the stairs up the lower right pond)
Blue Shard (grass space up the 2nd orange flower right the upper pond)
Red Shard (2nd rock left the upper pond)


Mysterious/Altair Manor (Past)


Main Hall - Entrance Area

Full Heal (ground space 2 spots down the upper right wall picture)

Revival Herb (ground space 3 spots left the upper left wall picture)

Lower Right Room
Health Wing (in the upper left tree pot)

Dinning Room (Gate Key needed for access)
Blue Shard (top left tree pot)


Hiyoshi City (Past)


10 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer down the shopping the area) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

+Ultra Potion (down the Youngster, inside the Bottom Left Apartments Building right from the entrance)

Shopping District
Top Clerk
Sitrus Berry - 750$
Chesto Berry - 300$
Bottom Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$
Awakening - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Reverse Candy - 50$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$

Hiyoshi Edge Tutor

Sky Attack (taught for 3 Red Shards)
Skill Swamp (taught for 2 Green Shards)
Magnet Rise (taught for 2 Yellow Shards
Gravity (taught for 2 Blue Shards)
Recycle (taught for 2 Green Shards)

Hiyoshi Hospital
Ether (in the middle right tree pot)

Underground Sanctuary (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed for navigation)
B1 - Arena
+Data File - Code: Angelus (left of the right entrance)
B2 - Rifts Area
+Focus Sash (down the switch to the 1st gate)

Gregorian Lake (Past ) (accessed with Legend of the Void side quest)

Lake Postcard (from David inside his house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Legend of the Void side quest)

Hiyoshi Pass (Past)

+TM27 Return (lower right of Ana's grave)





Chapter 14 - Death of One, Birth of Another


 Floria Island


West Gearen City

  Hide contents

Upper Section

Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick

Stamp #7 (from a Scientist in the Rotom change room, after completing the Narcissa quest)


Sheridan Village


Secret Shore
Wetlands Laboratory

Cocoon Room (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+TM112 Smart Strike (left the room)


Route 4


Cairo's Den

Red Essence Shop

Boltund Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Probopass Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Swalot Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Cincinno Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)


Akuwa Town


Lively Version

Akuwa Aquarium

80,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 34 Pokemon, note you also get a Froakie)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


+TM16 Light Screen (up the stairs inside the hollowed hill south from the entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+Icicle Plate (on a small land to the south-east from the entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+TM33 Reflect (on the small land up the 1st island with the running Lady, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Rare Candy (tree on the small land down from Seabound Cave East entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Ability Capsule (rock on the small land down from Seabound Cave East entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


+Primarium-Z (on the small land lower right from the Evergreen Cave South entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


Ultra Potion (rock up the elevation right the 1st tower with Shellder and Cloyster)

Sea Incense (2nd rock up from the small hill right the 1st tower with Shellder and Cloyster)

Water Stone (ground space between the 2 seaweed on the right inside the small cave-like area)

Heart Scale (rock right the hill with Dewgong)

Blue Shard (ground space end the seaweed small path lower right from the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Heart Scale (rock down the small hill down the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Blue Shard (rock down the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Pearl (far left ground space on the small path lower left form the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

GourmetTreat (ground space down the Milotic left from the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Revive (rock right the hill with Cloyster and Walrein)

Blue Shard (2nd ground space up the very tall tower right from the hill with Cloyster and Walrein)

Nugget (rock right the big mossy rock left from the small u-shape diving spot with Luvdisc on top)

Max Repel (ground space down the rock down the big mossy rock left from the small u-shape diving spot with Luvdisc on top)

Damp Rock (rock on the lower left from the sphere-shape diving spot)

Blue Shard (rock on the lower right from the sphere-shape diving spot)

Dive Ball (rock left of Relicanth and Milotic right from the plug-like-shape diving spot)

Dive Ball (red coral between the 1st and 2nd forks of the w-shape diving spot)

Green Shard (3rd seaweed left from the lower right big white rock down the big u-shape diving spot)

Heart Scale (rock upper left end of the big u-shape diving spot)

Blue Shard (rock upper left from the mysterious cave hill area)

Shoal Shell (seashell right from the Seabound Cave East hill area)

Spring Maintenance (Enegmatic Key needed for access)

Empoleon Crest (from Jolene at the end of the room)



Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore


Terajuma Wreckage (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

S.S. Oceana Wreckage

Entrance/Main Floor (1F)

Luminous Moss (left side of big mossy rock left the entrance)

Luminous Moss (right side of big mossy rock left the entrance)

+5 Dive Balls (inside the room)

Upper Floor (2F)

+Water Stone (inside the room right the entrance room)

Luminous Moss (left side of mossy rock down from the entrance room)

+Sharpedonite (inside the storage room on the left)

Upper Floor (3F)


Upper Floor (4F)

+5 Dive Balls (on the wall right end from the entrance)

Upper Floor (5F)

Pearl (in the lower right side of the 1st lower left table inside the banquet room)
Pearl (in the right side of the lower right table inside the banquet room)
Pearl (in the wall right of the 2nd flipped stool left of the piano inside the banquet room)

+Dawn Stone (upper left side of the banquet room)

Deck (5F)

+5 Luxury Balls (on the right side)

Captain Quarter (6F)



Terajuma Jungle


Deep Terajuma Jungle

Workers Area

Castform Crest (from the Ranger outside the Weather Institution after you show him Rain Dance, Sunny Day, and Hail TMs, Chapter 14+)

TM128 Weather Ball (from the Ranger outside the Weather Institution after you show him Rain Dance, Sunny Day, and Hail TMs, Chapter 14+)


Route 6


Aquamarine Cave

Aquamarine Ruins (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+Waterium-Z (lower right the area accessed from Valor Chamber)

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

Secluded Shore

5 Lava Cookies (from Ana during the Missing Children quest)

Terajuma Coral Reef (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+Water Memory  (by the exit from the Aquamarine Ruins)

Star Shard (from Neptune after battle, note you also get a Popplio)

Stamp #5 (from Neptune after battle)

The Archive (Enegmatic Key needed for access)

+Zangoose Crest (on the table to the bottom right)

+Ariados Crest (on the table to the top left)



Terrial Island


Honec Woods


Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Red Shard (space up the red mushroom from the entrance)

+3 Pecha Berries (left plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Lum Berries (middle plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Enigma Berries (right plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+3 Starf Berries (up plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Aspear Berries (down plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

TinyMushroom (red mushroom right from the Castle entrance)

Red Shard (small red flowers patch right the headbutt tree bellow the Castle entrance)

Goomatora Tutor (2nd right green hut)

Liquidation (taught for 2 Big Mushroom)

Drill Run (taught for 3 Big Mushroom)

Stomping Tantrum (taught form 3 Big Mushroom)

Zen Headbutt (taught for 3 Big Mushroom)

Gastro Acid (taught for 1 Tiny Mushroom)

Goombina Tutor (green hut down Goomink's house)

Seed Bomb (1 Tiny Mushroom)

Dragon Pulse (1 Big Mushroom)

Icy Wind (1 Big Mushroom)

Goome (2nd right green hut, after completing the Goomidra quest)
Dedenne Crest - 100,000$
Bastiodon Crest - 100,000$
Rampardos Crest - 100,000$

Whiscash Crest - 100,000$

Castle of Goomidra

Entrance Hall

Swampertite (reward from Queen Goodrah after completing the Goomidra quest)

Infernape Crest (reward from King Goodroh after completing the Goomidra quest)

Kasumi Garden

+TM08 Bulk Up (at the right end of the garden)

Castle Outer Garden (open after completing the Goomidra quest)

Dusk Ball (ground space down the 2nd small red flower patch from the entrance)

Big Mushroom (last small red flowers patch from the entrance)


Darchlight Woods

  Hide contents

Darchlight Manor

Fireplace Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Fairy Memory (inside the safe, accessed with Narcissa's quest)

Backyard (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)

+Data File - Code: Rembrence (right from the swing, accessed with Narcissa's quest)


Grand Dream City


Main Street

Lower-West Dream District

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)


+Toxic Orb (right from the entrance at the lower area)

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

6F (5 Stamps)

1st Clerk

Psychic Gem - 200$
Bug Gem - 200$
Rock Gem - 200$
Ghost Gem - 200$
Dark Gem - 200$
Dragon Gem - 200$
Steel Gem - 200$
Ice Gem - 200$

2nd Clerk

Fire Gem - 200$
Water Gem - 200$
Normal Gem - 200$
Grass Gem - 200$
Electric Gem - 200$
Poison Gem - 200$
Ground Gem - 200$
Fighting Gem - 200$
Flying Gem - 200$

7F (6 Stamps)

Dark Matter Core (if you show the Strange Lady a Gible)

1st Clerk

Petaya Berry - 1250$
Liechi Berry - 1250$

Apicot Berry - 1250$

Lansat Berry - 1250$

Starf Berry - 1000$

Ganlon Berry - 1000$

Salac Berry - 1250$

2nd Clerk

Big Root - 200$
Focus Band - 200$
Zoom Lens - 200$
Scope Lens - 200$
BrightPowder - 200$
Link Heart - 10,000$
Ability Capsule - 3000$

8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk

TM150 Grassy Terrain - 100,000$

TM151 Electric Terrain - 100,000$

TM152 Misty Terrain - 100,000$

TM153 Psychic Terrain - 100,000$

TM34 Sludge Wave - 3000$

TM55 Scald - 3000$

TM90 Substitute - 200$

HM05 Waterfall - 150,000$

2nd Clerk

Protector - 2100$

Magmarizer - 2100$

Dragon Scale - 2100$

Eletirizer - 2100$

DeepSeaTooth - 200$

DeepSeaScale - 200$

Up-Grade - 2100$

Dubious Disc - 2100$

Prism Scale - 500$

Sachet - 1100$

Whipped Dream - 1100$

Razor Claw - 2100$

Oval Stone - 2100$

Razor Fang - 2100$

Reaper Cloth - 2100$


Grand Dream Stadium

Nastasia's Airship

Cherrim Crest (from Aelita after finishing the Taxen battle)


Route 9


Rose Theater


+Pidgeotite (sparkling spot top the area, 13+ badges)





Sand Stream Cave


Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)

+Zygarde Core (at the top of the area, available after collecting 100 Zygarde Cells)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth


B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)



1 - Relic Silver
2 - Mind Plate
3 - Calcium
4 - Heart Scale
5 - Relic Silver
6 - Heart Scale
7 - Blue Shard
8 - Splash Plate
9 - Pixie Plate
10 - Full Restore
11 - PP Up
12 - Dread Plate
13 - Water Stone
A - Skuntank Crest
B - Relicanth Crest

B5 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)
+Zap Plate (bottom the room)
Zorrialyn Crypt (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

+Cofagrigus Crest (on the altar)

Castle Zygara (Hidden Library Quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

+Eviolite (lower left inside the secret library)

+Claydol Crest (at the small balcony after the secret library)

+Spiritomb Crest (inside the room above the entrance hall, taking the stairs on the left from the 2nd floor)

+Darmanitan Crest (inside the room end the hall, taking the door right from the 2nd floor)

+Torterra Crest (upper right at the 3rd floor)

Banettite (from Karrina if you decided to let Karen die, if picked "Heracronite" before)
Heracronite (from Karrina if you decided to let Karen die, if picked "Banettite" before)


Sashila Village


Dusknoir Crest (from the Archaeologist after getting all the crests in the Labyrinth)

Sashila Dweller Tutor (13+ badges)

Heat Wave (taught for 6 Red Shards)
Pain Split (taught for 4 Yellow Shards)
Zen Headbutt (taught for 4 Green Shards)


Alamissa Urban


+Life Orb (inside the upper left room, after finishing the Hidden Library quest continuation at Castle Zygara by letting Karen live)


Zone Zero



+Zygarde Cell (left of the entrance sign)

Transmitter (from Nastasia following the story events)

Inner Zone South

Yellow Shard (fence wall upper corner down the 2nd Abandoned Apartment entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (further down from the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit and right of the 1st boulder)

+TM93 Wild Charge (on the small path southeast the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit)

+Zone Zero Key (end the path down the Lux Apartments)

Revive (last rock up the path northeast the Lux Apartments)

+Rare Candy (end the path northeast the Lux Apartments)

+Ultra Potion (end the path northeast the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit)

+Razor Claw (end the path up the prison building)
Red Shard (2nd skull up the 1st Abandoned Apartment exit)
Yellow Shard (3rd bookshelf inside the Abandoned Hospital)
Red Shard (rock left of Nymiera's Place)

Male Grunt

Blast Powder - 2500$

Female Grunt

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Abandoned Apartments

+Zygarde Cell (right the generator at the basement)
+Door Key (inside the 4th room at the 1st floor)

Yellow Shard (the last bookshelf upper right the hospital entrance)

Star Shard (from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)
Ledian Crest (from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)
Stamp #6 (from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)

+1F Door Key (top right sparkling spot, inside room 1A in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+1D Door Key (table sparkling spot, inside room 1F in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2F Door Key (bed sparkling spot, inside room 1D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2C Door Key (bed sparkling spot, inside room 2F in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2D Door Key (middle right sparkling spot, inside room 1B in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+1C Door Key (middle sparkling spot, inside room 2D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+Zygarde Cell (inside room 2D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)

+Rocky Helmet (inside the lever room B1 in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)

Apartment Depths

+Zygarde Cell (left the ladder at the end)

+Ability Caspule (at the room before the ladder at the end)

+Lux Apartments Key (at the very start of the area, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)

Inner Zone North
Yellow Shard (3rd tree right the upper left table at the tables area lower right the map)
Red Shard (ground space left the 3rd tree down the submerged building with Mandibuzz lower left the map)
Red Shard (rock end the path northwest the Gible area)
+Full Restore (end the path down the Pokemon Center)
+Zygarde Cell (left the crashed rocket)
+Fire Stone (upper left from the crashed rocket)

+Zygarde Cell (at the Gible area, accessible after solving the Lux Apartments puzzle, Lux Apartments Key needed)

Underground Sanctuary

+Data File - Code: Garna (right from the PC star)

Ability Capsule (from the 2nd Female Bladestar Grunt beaten up on the ground to the left)

Vacation House Zone

+Zygarde Cell (in front of Ana's grave)


Pyramid Grounds


Dry Desert

Female Grunt

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Eclysia Pyramid
+Zygarde Cell (left of the entrance)

Enegmatic Key (acquired through story events at the normality door)

+Zygarde Cell (middle of the cockpit room)


Fertile Land

+TM28 Dig (on the right side end, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Ground Memory (on the left side end, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Eclysia Pyramid
+Magic Wand (up from the unpurified water, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

TM105 Arenite Wall (from Ryland after finishing story events)




Chapter 15 - Vague Clarity


Floria Island


Neo East Gearen City

  Hide contents

Left Section

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

30 Exp. Candy L (from Zumi after completing her 7th pokedex entry request, Aevian Litwick)

Mancetite (from Zumi after completing her 7th pokedex entry request, Aevian Litwick)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove


Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

Main Entrance

+HP Up (to the left at the middle area after the 1st bridge, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

7 Mining Rocks

+Generator Part (right entering from the HQ tall building top right the area)

+Generator Part (top bridge up where you fight the Lairon and Metang bots first and the healing star)

+Generator Part (top left the stairs from where you got landed into the area first, left Kharon's diary)

+TM149 Draining Kiss (left the sinking boat at the 'Loading Bay' sign area)

+Glalitite (up the claimbable wall after the top bridge, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM82 Dragon Tail (at the Kabuto area)

+Ultra Potion (right entering from the HQ tall building top right the area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Rare Candy (big rock left the 2 buildings left the generator building, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Heart Scale (rock right the wall's water stream under the healing star area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Tiny Mushroom (the lower left small path from the stairs left Kharon's diary, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Blue Shard (blue rock at the middle of the Omanyte area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Ether (right rock at the grass area right from the Loading Bay sign, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Dragon Memory (inside Mecha Gyarados mouth, can be interacted with from the bridge, available after the Platinum Route is completed)

3rd HQ

+Door Key (on the table at the left room after the Claydols encounter)

Key (under Lunala's note at the top left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Azar's note at the top right room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Jessica's note at the middle left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Hannah's note at the middle right room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Gilian's note at the lower left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Emma's note at the lower right room within the Claydols corridor)

+Elixir (at the left room after the Claydols encounter, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Revival Herb (left the bed at Jessica's room, the middle left room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Antidote (on the table at Hannah's room, the middle right room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Full Heal (on the table at Azar's room, the top right room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Max Potion (beside the last bed inside the beds room, room entrance in the middle of the hallway after the HQ entrance, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

2nd Layer

Nugget (upper right rock rubble in the area, upper right path from the fountains, available after the Pearl Route is completed)
+Revive (upper left the area, upper left path from the fountains, available after the Pearl Route is completed)
Red Shard (rock right from the small stairs down from the fountain, available after the Pearl Route is completed)
Damp Rock (ground space up the bench by the elevator down from the fountain, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Route 4


Cairo's Den

Red Essence Shop

Delcatty Crest - 14,000 Red Essence (15+ badges needed)



Terajuma Island


Castillo De la Ángel


+Dungeon Key (Anju's office)

+Dungeon Key (Ballroom)

+Dungeon Key (inside the boat at the underground cave)

Dungeon Key (from Cera at the underground cave)

Diamond Component (at the base of Anju's throne room for completing Path 1: Diamond Route of ch15)



Terrial Island

Grand Dream City

Axis High University

Axis High University Building

+Zygarde Cell (right the boy waiting for an empty room, at the 2F Student Lounge | dorms)

+Zygarde Cell (upper left classroom, at the 2F Student Lounge | standard classrooms)

Cameruptite (from Professor after defeating all the students at the Bobsled Club, at the 2F Student Lounge | standard classrooms)

Concert Tickets (from Amber through story events on Platinum Route, at the 1F Main Hall)

Amber's Letter (from Amber through story events on Platinum Route, at the 1F Main Hall)

School Store

Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$

Ultra Ball - 1200$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Max Repel - 700$

School of Nightmares

10 Phantom Candy S (from Gregus after battling Huey, Path 1)

Treasure Piece (at the pedestal behind Gregus, Path 1)

Treasure Piece (at the pedestal top the Genesis Glyph, Path 1)

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after completing his quest at the main hall, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after completing his quest at the main hall, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling her at the main hall, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling her at the factory, Path 2)

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after battling her at the factory, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy M (from Student after answering 'It's not broken' to his reply at the factory, Path 2)

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after answering 'It's not broken' to his reply at the factory, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling him at the factory, Path 2)

School Store

Super Potion - 700$

Full Heal - 600$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Nightmare Realm

+Crimson Quartz (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Black Shard Crystal (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Grappling Hook (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

+Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

+Elevator Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

Hidden Axis Lab

+Fire Stone (on the right side at the 2nd SEC room)

+Zygarde Cell (on the left side at the 2nd SEC room)

+Nightmare Fuel (on the left side at the 2nd SEC room)

Land of Broken Dreams

+Nightmare Fuel (on the right side area, up the 1st Green Puppet Clone)

Intercept-Z (from Ana/Aevis/Aevia/Aria/Axel/Alain/Aero before battling the Puppet Master)

Axis Factory - Steel Leader Saki

+3 Green Shard (1st chest in the gym puzzle)

+3 Yellow Shard (2nd chest in the gym puzzle)

+3 Exp. Candy XL (3rd chest in the gym puzzle)

+Dungeon Key (next to the locked door after defeating all trainers in the area)

+Dungeon Key (left the double trainers after unlocking the 1st door)

+Adamant Mint (4th chest in gym puzzle after solving the statue quest, answer is: TR=South, TL=West, BR=East, BL=North)

+Master Key (5th chest in gym puzzle after defeating Geara)

TM91 Flash Canon (from Saki after the gym battle)





Sashila Village


Mega-Z Ring (from Alexandra following the story events of ch15)

Rotom Phone (from Aelita following the Path 3: Platinum Route of ch15)


Pyramid Grounds


Fertile Land

Eclysia Pyramid

Eclysia Skyview

Steelixite (from Ryland after getting 15+ badges)




Interceptor's Wish (from Mom following the story events of ch15)



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V13: Vague Clarity


Items Listed by Locations (Complete)


S.S. Oceana


Trainer Card (from the Receptionist after the intro)


Floria Island


Oceana Pier


X Accuracy (grass space 1 spot right from the 1st lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable
Sweet Heart (2nd lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable

+Zygarde Cell (at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable

+TM09 Venoshock (inside the lower right warehouse after completing Stolen Cargo! side quest)

Link Heart (from a Scientist by the gate for 10,000$, Chapter 6+) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable

+Dragonite's Letter (right the 1st warehouse left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (right the 2nd warehouse left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (between the 2nd dumpsters set upper left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

Thunderstone (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 3 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

Ferry Terminal


Oceana Pier Gate
Love Letter (from Eric while doing the Love Letter! side quest)


Neo Oceana Pier


X Accuracy (grass space 1 spot right from the 1st lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area)
Sweet Heart (2nd lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area)

+TM09 Venoshock (inside the lower right warehouse after completing Stolen Cargo! side quest)

+Dragonite's Letter (right the 1st warehouse left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (right the 2nd warehouse left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (between the 2nd dumpsters set upper left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

Thunderstone (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 3 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

Ferry Terminal


Oceana Pier Gate



East Gearen City


Left Section

Oran Berry (flowers patch by the 2nd bush right from the Charmer on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Reverse Candy (Nerd Guy on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Oran Berry (flowers patch up from the Lass on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Elemental Seed (left flowers patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Resist Wing (right grass patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
GourmetTreat (2nd bush left of Velvet Building) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Red Shard (1st flowers patch above the Old Lady sitting right of Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Super Potion (middle grass lower left Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Grass Gem (grass lower right corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Grass Gem (grass left the Ranger upper right corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Super Repel (2nd flowers patch to the left of the flowers patch lower left corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Blue Shard (upper right side wall of the Parks and Recreation Center at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Escape Rope (wall upper left side of the Parks and Recreation Center at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
GourmetTreat (wall between the 2 dumpsters upper right the Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Yellow Shard (floor between the 2 dumpsters upper left the Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Yellow Shard (3rd dumpster right from Magnolia Library) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Help Plaza) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Gearen Laboratory

Badge Card (from Shana after getting 1 Gym Badge)
Virtual Badge #1 (from Shana after defeating Falkner, 1 Gym Badge needed)

Virtual Badge #2 (from Shana after defeating Bugsy, 2 Gym Badges needed)
Mart Lady
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 100$

Repel - 350$
Poke Ball - 200$

Jenner's Lab

5 Poke Balls (from Amanda after getting your starter)
Pokedex (from Prof Jenner after getting your starter)
CyberNav (from Prof Jenner after getting your starter)

Electirizer (from Hawthorne after showing him up an Electabuzz after taking the Elekid Egg, 6+ badges)
Magmarizer (from Hawthorne after showing him up a Magmar after taking the Magby Egg, 6+badges)

Melia's Room (Room ID Card needed)

+Exp. Share (on the right table)
Audition Tape (inside the wardrobe after reading the notes on the right table)

EV Training Rooms
+Power Weight (inside the HP Room, HP Card needed)
+Power Anklet (inside the Speed Room, Speed Card needed)
+Power Bracer (inside the Attack Room, Attack Card needed)
+Power Belt (inside the Defense Room, Defense Card needed)
+Power Lens (inside the Special Attack Room, SPAttack Card  needed)
+Power Band (inside the Special Defense Room, SPDefense needed)

Velvet Building
Mineral Ball (Clerk in the middle when you pick left, 1st floor)
Steam Ball (Clerk in the middle when you pick right, 1st floor)
+Great Ball (lower left, 1st floor)
+Potion (lower left, 2nd floor)

Exp. Candy XS (lower right, 3rd floor)
Emerald Building
Super Repel (from an Old Lady, 2nd floor)
Full Heal (from an Optimist Lady on the upper right, 2nd floor)
+Red Shard (lower left, 2nd floor)

Violet Building

Magnolia Library

Thunderstone (from the Quiz Girl at the left room, 4+ badges needed. Answers: Brown, Goldenwood Forest, Goldenleaf Area)

Library Nerd Tutor

Bind (taught for 1 Red Shard)

Covet (taught for 1 Blue Shard)

Helping Hand (taught for 1 Yellow Shard)

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

Advanced Pokedex (from Zumi after completing her 1st pokedex entry request, Dedenne)

3 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 2nd pokedex entry request, Drifloon)

6 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 3rd pokedex entry request, Pyukumuku)

6 Exp. Candy M, Aevian Mareep (from Zumi after completing her 4th pokedex entry request, Mareep)

15 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 5th pokedex entry request, Toxel)

Lab BLackbelt Tutor

Dual Chop (taught for 2 Yellow Shard)

Block (taught for 2 Blue Shard)

Super Fang (taught for 2 Red Shard)

Gearen Train Station
5 Potions (from Tesla once you enter the train station for the 1st time)
Exp. Candy S (from the Old Guy after you rescue his grand-daughter at Goldenwood Forest)

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)
Reverse Candy (dumpster right from the entrance)
Super Potion (big purple flower by the 3 trees)
Red Shard (space above the lower dumpster by the girl on the left)

Telluric Seed (space 1 spot right from the lower dumpster by the girl on the left)

+Zygarde Cell (up from the Female Clerk on the left)
Green Shard (dumpster under the Munna grass patch)
Super Repel (flowers at the middle of the Munna grass patch)

East Gearen Help Plaza

Gather Cube (from Ayuda after getting 1 gym badge)
TM49 Echoed Voice (from Ayuda when you get 5 Zygarde Cells)

Soothe Bell (from Ayuda when you get 35 Zygarde Cells)
Macho Brace (from Ayuda when you get 45 Zygarde Cells)

Help Quests

#Finish before Neo Gearen, Missable
890$, 2 Potion (Save Starly!)
550$, Free Haircut (Missing Mother)
5 Great Ball, 3 Timer Ball (The Hidden Library)
350$, Nugget (Love Letter!)
350$, Super Potion, Litleo (Dangerous Pokemon!)
350$, Pichu (Battle Request!)

1100$, GourmetTreat, TM119 Magical Leaf (Wretched Music)


Right Section
Pretty Wing (flowers patch right of Gearen Bicycle Shop) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Heart Scale (wall at the left fence between the 2 big trees, up from Gearen Park) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Tiny Mushroom (grass to the right bellow the right fence and left the medium tree, up from Gearen Park) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Repel (flowers patch right the Aqua Building) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Antidote (2nd flowers patch right from Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Blue Shard (floor 4 spots down and 2 spots right from the 2nd flowers patch under Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Reverse Candy (under Karrina's Base, hidden by the trees) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Revive (floor 1 spot above the rightmost fence up from Venam's House) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Iron (by the trees top right of the area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+TM83 Infestation (right of Chrisola Hotel) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Green Shard (flowers pot right of Chrisola Hotel) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Parlyz Heal (flowers pot left of Chirsola Hotel) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Potion (grass behind the filter device, lower left Luck's Tent) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Super Potion (by Luck's Tent) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Resist Wing (bush right of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Poke Ball (1st flowers patch left of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Super Repel (2nd flowers patch left of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Repel (flowers patch right the Aqua Building, ch3 only item when the city in chaos) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

HM1 Cut (from Amanda after the battle in front of the sewers entrance)

+3 Super Potions (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

+4 Exp. Candy M (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Exp. Candy S (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Chesto Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Cheri Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Protective Pads (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

Aqua Building

+Iron (to the right, 1st floor)

+Old Rod (lower left, 1st floor)
Star Shard (from Mercury after battle, 3rd floor)

Shopping Emporium

Pecha Berry? (from the Berry Emporium Lady after interacting with Veronica first time in the story)

Berry Emporium
Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$
Rawst Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Chesto Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Aspear Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Sitrus Berry - 750$ (5 badges)
Cheri Berry - 300$ (5 badges)
Occa Berry - 750$ (8 badges)
Pokeball Boutique
Heavy Ball - 300$
Moon Ball - 300$

Love Ball - 300$ (1 badge)
Fast Ball - 300$ (1 badge)

Nest Ball - 1000$ (2 badges)

Net Ball - 1000$ (3 badges)

Timer Ball - 1000$ (5 badges)
Dive Ball - 1000$ (5 badges)

Friend Ball - 300$ (6 badges)

Petal Salon


Gearen Bicycle Shop
Bicycle (give Louie a Bike Voucher)

Shopping District

Top Stand
Female Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$
Potion - 300$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Male Clerk
Poke Ball - 400$ (only 4 times, then you get a Voltorb)

Bottom Left Stand
Burn Heal - 250$
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$
Awakening - 250$
Parlys Heal - 200$

Bottom Right Stand (day-time at Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
Reverse Candy - 50$
Soda Pop - 300$

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand
Left Female Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$

Super Potion - 600$

Ice Heal - 250$

Antidote - 100$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Middle Female Clerk

Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$

Right Female Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Soda Pop - 300$

Chirsola Hotel

Super Potion (from the Man sitting on the right sofa)

+TM126 Whirlpool (lower right room, right corridor)

1500$ (1 space right the top left plant in the room on the top right, left corridor area)

Repel (left side of the 1st cabinet top right from the elevator)

+Water Stone (middle of the pool, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Casino / AP Center

Achievement Card (from the Optimist Lady at the AP Center section)

Casino Lottery Prizes

Master Ball (5 digits match)

Max Revive (4 digits match)

Exp. Share (3 digits match)

PP Up (2 digits match)

Ultra Ball (1 digit match)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Seel (1000 coins)
Spoink (4000 coins)
Maractus (5000 coins)
Helioptile (6500 coins)

Casino TM Prizes
TM70 Flash (1000 coins)
TM10 Hidden Power (4000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes

Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)
PP UP (6 AP)
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
TM56 Fling (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)
TM47 Low Sweep (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)

Resist Wing (white tile space 4 spots right and 1 spot up from the tall lamp at the bottom middle)
Reverse Candy (white tile space 1 spot down and 2 spots right from the last gray/black tile under the Helipad)
Oran Berry (top right corner white tile space at the left gray/black tile line interception)

+Zygarde Cell (at the lower left small garden)

3 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Gearen Park
Blue Shard (flowers patch middle of the grass, fountain right side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Muscle Wing (left grass space above the tall grass, fountain right side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Rare Candy (upper grass space middle the tall grass, lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Carbos (top left side of the 1st medium tree bottom left the fountain , fountain left side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Honey (upper flowers patch by the tall grass, top left area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Honey (1st flower patch, lower left area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Yellow Shard (space 7 spots down from the bottom middle section of the fountain) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Hidden Library

#Missable Area if the Hidden Library Quest is not initiated before Neo Gearen

Entrance Room
+Green Book (behind the right pillar)
Big Middle Room

+Purple Book (bellow the 2nd bookshelf up the entrance)
+Pink Book (left of Elgym's bookshelf)
Ether (space 2 spots down and 2 spots right from Elgym's bookshelf middle point)
+Brown Book (on the table lower right from Elgym's bookshelf)
+Red Book (left the stairs on the right side)
+Zygarde Cell (left the stairs on the right side)
+Blue Book (up the stairs on the right side)
Charcoal (right side candle line by the Main Room entrance)
Small Room
+TM63 Embargo (at the bottom to the left)
+Green Book (at the bottom to the right)
Main Room
+Orange Book (left side)
+Yellow Book (upper right side)

Ancient Book (from Karen)

Underground Room (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)
+TM77 Psych Up (top right the area)
Hidden Back Room (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)
Banettite (from Karrina, when picked "left")
Heracronite (from Karrina, when picked "right")

Unown Dimension (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)

+Max Repel (top left path)
+Carbos (lower right, zigzag path)
+Rare Candy (between the 2 ledges on the lower right)
+Hyper Potion (right from the "Rock Lady")

Abandoned Sewers
Poison Gem (space 6 spots down and 1 spot right from the 1st Youngster) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Great Ball (right after the bridge up the entrance stairs) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Zinc (space at the lower right wall corner from the bridge above the red hair Technician) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Pecha Berry (from the Bug Catcher) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+Bold Mint (right from the Bug Catcher) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Potion (space above the School Girl at the top right) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Potion (in the pillar right of the School Girl at the top right) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Reverse Candy (space at the lower left wall corner left the Gang Member Biker bellow the generator reset room) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Antidote (left the main water power generator room entrance) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+Coin Case (by the Berry Thief bellow the generator reset room, after the Optimist Lady in the casino flush it off the toilet)

+Rare Candy (to the right side where the Gearen Alleyway entrance is) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+Zygarde Cell (to the right side where the Gearen Alleyway entrance is) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+TM42 Facade (inside the upper right room, open after Chrysalis Courtyard area is over) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

#Secret area code is Brown, White, Orange
Antidote (plant middle right, 2nd puzzle room)
Psychic Gem (2nd spot in front of the dumpster, Secret area)
Blue Shard ( lower left corner up the stairs, Secret area)
Red Shard (flowers patch under Seviper gate, Secret area)
Rare Candy (flowers patch left of Sevpier gate, Secret area)
Fresh Water (flowers patch right of the egg, Secret area)

TM102 Poison Sweep (from Venam after the gym battle)

+Zygarde Cell (top right, Secret area)

Venam's House (accessible after the gym battle)
+Poison Barb (on the bed in Venam's room)

Karrina's Base


Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

Front Courtyard

+Weird Key (on the dirt at the area inside the left grass-wall hole from the front gate entrance)

+Super Repel (inside the Trial Room, at the upper right end of the jumping lava room with Marianette)
The Soul Labyrinth (you can get all the items while being chased but it is more doable after the fight is over)

+Normal Gem (bottom left the labyrinth)

+2 Exp Candy M (bottom right the labyrinth)

+PP Up (middle the labyrinth)

+2 Super Potion (middle the labyrinth)
+Elixir (top left the labyrinth)
+Sitrus Berry (top right the labyrinth)

Summoning Board
Back Courtyard
Anju's Pendant (password 7896, 3135, 8187, complete the Maid Trial)

Chrysalis Manor

+Elixir (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)
+Reverse Candy (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)
+Ability Capsule (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)

+Super Potion (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)
+Full Heal (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)

5 Exp. Candy S (from the Maid Trainer at the Final Trial Room) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.


Neo East Gearen City


Left Section

Elemental Seed (left flowers patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory)
Resist Wing (right grass patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory)
Red Shard (1st flowers patch above the Fisherman sitting right of Gearen Train Station)
Super Potion (grass space down the small blue flowers lower left Gearen Train Station)
Grass Gem (in the dark green big tree left side upper right the Leaflet Garden sign)

Grass Gem (flowers patch between headbutt tree and dark green tree left the fountain at the Leaflet Garden)
GourmetTreat (wall between the 2 dumpsters upper right the Leaflet Garden)
Yellow Shard (ground space between the 2 dumpsters upper left the Leaflet Garden)

Neo Gearen Backpack Tutor

Outrage (taught for 7 Yellow Shards)

Last Resort (taught for 5 Red Shards)

Knock Off (taught for 5 Yellow Shards)

Neo Gearen Lady Tutor

Iron Head (taught for 5 Red Shards)

Low Kick (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Foul Play (taught for 6 Yellow Shards)

Neo Gearen Corsola Tutor

Throat Chop (taught for 4 Red Shards)

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 100$

Repel - 350$
Poke Ball - 200$

Hawthorne's Lab

Electirizer (from Hawthorne after showing him up an Electabuzz after taking the Elekid Egg, 6+ badges)
Magmarizer (from Hawthorne after showing him up a Magmar after taking the Magby Egg, 6+badges)

Lower Floor Offices (accessed with Forest Restoration side quest)

+Normalium-Z (in the storage room)

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

Advanced Pokedex (from Zumi after completing her 1st pokedex entry request, Dedenne)

3 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 2nd pokedex entry request, Drifloon)

6 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 3rd pokedex entry request, Pyukumuku)

6 Exp. Candy M, Aevian Mareep (from Zumi after completing her 4th pokedex entry request, Mareep)

15 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 5th pokedex entry request, Toxel)

10 Exp. Candy L (from Zumi after completing her 6th pokedex entry request, Aevian Budew)

Ampharosite (from Zumi after completing her 6th pokedex entry request, Aevian Budew)

30 Exp. Candy L (from Zumi after completing her 7th pokedex entry request, Aevian Litwick)

Mancetite (from Zumi after completing her 7th pokedex entry request, Aevian Litwick)

Water Treatment Center

Red Shard (ground space 4 spots up from the black machine up the left entrance)
Red Shard (middle ground space 8 spots up on the path between the 2 modules upper right the left entrance)

+Coin Case (end the path between the 2 modules upper right the left entrance)
Blue Shard (ground space 1 spot down and 6 spots left from the Female Scientist with Pyukumuku)
Blue Shard (ground space 1 spot left and 6 spots down from the black machine right the Central Power Grid entrance)
Zinc (in the white machine lower left the 4 modules down the Main Office entrance)
Potion (in the white capsule left the Main Office entrance)

Central Power Grid

Green Shard (ground space 1 spot down and 7 spots left the Male Scientist)
Blue Shard (ground space left the 3rd machine upper side, left the entrance)

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)
Reverse Candy (dumpster right from the entrance)
Super Potion (big purple flower by the 3 trees)
Red Shard (space above the lower dumpster by the girl on the left)

Telluric Seed (space 1 spot right from the lower dumpster by the girl on the left)

+Zygarde Cell (up from the Female Clerk on the left)
Green Shard (dumpster under the Munna grass patch)
Super Repel (flowers at the middle of the Munna grass patch)

Neo East Gearen Help Plaza

Gather Cube (from Ayuda after getting 1 gym badge)
TM49 Echoed Voice (from Ayuda when you get 5 Zygarde Cells)

Soothe Bell (from Ayuda when you get 35 Zygarde Cells)
Macho Brace (from Ayuda when you get 45 Zygarde Cells)

Lucky Egg (from Ayuda when you get 70 Zygarde Cells)

Help Quests

12,356$, Aloraichium-Z (Pokeball Conundrum)
250,000$, Mawilite (Forest Restoration)

25,840$, Altarianite (Mall Opportunities)


Right Section
Repel (middle flowers patch lower right the Aqua Building)
Heart Scale (last flowers patch left from Gearen Park entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (last small red flowers right from Gearen Park entrance)
Antidote (2nd flowers patch right from Gearen Train Station)
+Reverse Candy (under Karrina's Base, hidden by the trees)
Resist Wing (flowers patch left the School Boy right the gym)

Everglade Mall

Berry Emporium
Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$
Leppa Berry - 300$
Sitrus Berry - 750$

Pokeball Boutique

15 Ultra Ball (after finishing the Pokeball Conundrum quest)
Heavy Ball - 300$
Moon Ball - 300$
Love Ball - 300$
Fast Ball - 300$
Nest Ball - 1000$

Net Ball - 1000$
Timer Ball - 1000$
Dive Ball - 1000$
Friend Ball - 300$

Petal Salon


Witch's Parlor (accessed with Mall Opportunities side quest)

Occa Berry (from Witch to proceed with the quest planting it and give back 5 Berries and make Croccatowa Burst!)

Passho Berry (from Witch to proceed with the quest planting it and give back 5 Berries and make Passhtacio Melt!)

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center

Achievement Card (from the Optimist Lady at the AP Center section)

Casino Lottery Prizes

Master Ball (5 digits match)

Max Revive (4 digits match)

Exp. Share (3 digits match)

PP Up (2 digits match)

Ultra Ball (1 digit match)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Seel (1000 coins)
Spoink (4000 coins)
Maractus (5000 coins)
Helioptile (6500 coins)

Casino TM Prizes
TM70 Flash (1000 coins)
TM10 Hidden Power (4000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes
Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)
PP UP (6 AP)
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
TM56 Fling (15 AP)
TM47 Low Sweep (15 AP)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)

Neo Gearen Park

Blue Shard (flowers patch middle of the grass, fountain right side)
Muscle Wing (left grass space above the tall grass, fountain right side)
Yellow Shard (lower grass space middle the tall grass, lower right area)
Carbos (fence wall at the middle flowers patch behind the bench lower right the fountain)
Honey (grass space 2 spots down and 1 spot right from the 1st purple flowers, fountain left side)
Honey (upper flowers patch by the tall grass, top left area)

Leaf Stone (grass space middle of the tall grass, middle lower area)

Grassium-Z (from the Caretaker after showing him the Level 100 Budew)

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Aya

#Secret area code is Brown, White, Orange




Junction Bridge


TM94 Rock Smash (from Karrina after battling Dr.Jenkel)

+Zygarde Cell (middle right the area)

Dr.Jenkel's Lab

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)


West Gearen City


Upper Section

Mystery Bowl (space end of the small path left the Sewer entrance)

Magnet (in the lower right metal crate left the Power Plant)

+Data Drive (left the Power Plant)

+Zygarde Cell (in the fence down from the Youngster Trainer down Blakeory Household)
Rose Incense (ground space 3 spots down the table middle the pool down the Blakeory Household)

Lemonade (grass patch up the flowers patch behind the big dark green tree left of Blakeory Household)

Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick
+Metal Coat (on the table at the computer room on the left corridor)

+Cell Battery (right the upper right Electrode at the Electabuzz room)

+Cell Battery (left the upper left Electrode at the Electabuzz room)
Electirizer (give the Female Scientist 5 Electric Type Pokemon at the Electabuzz room, repeatable)
Magmarizer (give the Male Scientist 5 Fire Type Pokemon at the Magmar room, repeatable)
+TM64 Explosion (in the generator room, after Generator Problems side quest)

+Electric Memory (in the generator room, after Generator Problems side quest)
TM72 Volt Switch (from Erick after the gym battle)

Stamp #7 (from a Scientist in the Rotom change room, after completing the Narcissa quest)

West Gearen Sewage Management




+TM84 Poison Jab (down the upper right drained pool, left the 1st Scientist Trainer)

+PP Up (down the upper left drained pool, up the 2nd Scientist Trainer)

+TM129 Fake Tears (inside the Authorization Panel room)

Rare Candy (inside the lower left part of the machines blocking the way middle the area) #Not detected by the itemfinder.


+Hyper Potion (down the lower drained pool, down the Scientist Trainer)

+Data File - Code: Corroso (by the healing machine end the path)
+Zygarde Cell (at the very end of the path to the right)

Blakeory Household


Lower Section

Telluric Seed (in the big tree right of the Help Plaza)
Yellow Shard (ground space 6 spots down the Help Center door)
Blast Powder (from a Female Scientist down the Help Center for 5000$)
Max Repel (ground space 3 spots down and 4 spots right from the Youngster down the News HQ)
Dusk Stone (ground space 3 spots left and 2 spots up from the Youngster down the News HQ)

Float Stone (lower dumpster right from the truck guy)

+TM21 Frustration (up from the truck guy, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
GourmetTreat (1st dumpster up the Charmer Trainer)
Red Shard (ground space 5 spots right from the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)
Max Repel (lower right dumpster down from the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)
+Zygarde Cell (down the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)
Muscle Wing (ground space down the barrel right the Fossils Lover Club sign)
Zinc (ground space lower right corner right the 2 barrels down from Tecanlite Factory)
Green Shard (ground space behind the medium tree left the Bug Catcher right the Train Station)

Protective Pads (from the Worker trading in 3 Absorb Bulbs, inside the house right the small red house at the bottom right of the area. Repeatable)

Meganium Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Chikorita route)

Typhlosion Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Cyndaquil route)

Feraligator Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Totodile route)

25 AP (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed)

Stamp #4 (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed)

Gearen News HQ

5 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer at the break room) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
+Hyper Potion (down the table at the break room)
+Wide Lens (at the room with Garbodor)

Fossils Lover Club


Old Amber - 75,000$

Cover Fossil - 75,000$

Plume Fossil - 75,000$

Train Station

Tecanlite Factory (accessed with Pokeball Conundrum side quest)
Main Hall - Entrance
+Ultra Ball (by the stairs right of Team Xen Grunt Famuya)
+Dive Ball (on the path left of Team Xen Grunt Famuya)
+Nest Ball (lower left of Team Xen Grunt 1)
+Love Ball (down from Team Xen Doubles Female Grunts)
+Poke Ball (down from Team Xen Doubles Male Grunts)
+Dive Ball (right from the Scientist)
+Poke Ball (on the lower ground right from the Main Office entrance)
+Dusk Ball (end the path lower right from the Main office entrance)
+TM24 Thunderbolt (top the area behind the Bottom Room exit, Tecanlite Key needed)
Bottom Room
+Tecanlite Key (left the room)
Top Room
Main Office

West Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests
5500$ (Generator Problems)
5500$ (House Sit)
4000$ (Hidden Library 3)

#Turtwig Egg is rewarded after all quests are completed.


Route 1


Potion (medium tree left the 2nd orange flowers to the lower left of the train)#Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable
+Super Repel (right of the train)#Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable

+Zygarde Cell (above the healing star) #Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable

+Jolly Mint (upper right the healing star) #Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missabl

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)

Potion (from the Old Lady by Furfrou) #Missable

+Potion (under the Wispy Path and Goldenwood Cave Sign) #Missable

HP Up (from Narcissa after interacting with Mimikyu, being patient) #Missable

Reverse Candy (from Narcissa after interacting with Mimikyu, not being patient) #Missable

+Ability Capsule (briefcase password 3845) #Missable
+Snag Machine (briefcase password 6489)
+10 Poke Balls (briefcase password 6489)

Rift Dragon Gate

+Rift Dex (obtained once interacting with the Data File)
+Data File - Code: Evo (by the bridge before the Magikarp)

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

Chesto Berry (3rd flower patch right of the Goldenwood Cave sign) #Missable

Ether (1st flowers patch lower right Wispy Path/Goldenwood Cave sign) #Missable
Nest Ball (flowers patch lower right of the small waterfall) #Missable

PP Up (1st flowers patch lower right of the bridge) #Missable

GourmetTreat (bottom flowers patch top left part of the lake, lower left end of the bridge, where the Finneons feed used to be before) #Missable

Great Ball (dark grassy spot at the top right of the lake) #Missable

Reverse Candy (grass space right side of the lake 3 spots up and 1 spot right from the yellow mushrooms) #Missable

Oran Berry (before last orange grass patch at the old small flower garden to the lower right) #Missable

Persim Berry (grass space up the 1st upper red mushrooms right of the small stairs) #Missable
Sitrus Berry (5th flowers patch left of the small stairs) #Missable
+Guard Spec. (left of Route 1 exit, under a big tree) #Missable

+Zygarde Cell (left side of the lake, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed) #Missable

Muscle Wing (flowers patch lower left of the small waterfall after the cuttable-tree, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed) #Missable
Rare Candy (middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surboard needed) #Missable

Secret Shrine (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Zygarde Cell (upper right of the area)
+TM78 Bulldoze (upper left of the area)


Neo Route 1 (Forest Restoration side quest)


Goldenwood Forest - Stage 1 Grass Cleared
# 48,000$, 1 Scyther, and 3 Workers needed.
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed) #Missable
Goldenwood Forest - Stage 2 Bridges Built
# 58,000$, 3 Fishermen, and 1 Architect needed.
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed) #Missable
Goldenwood Park - Final Stage
# 68,000$, 7 Tiny Mushrooms, 1 Stardust, and 1 Poilwag needed.
+2 Lum Berries (upper left plant soil at the garden)
+2 Starf Berries (upper right plant soil at the garden)
+2 Salac Berries (lower left plant soil at the garden)
+2 Lansat Berries (lower middle plant soil at the garden)
+1 Enigma Berries (lower right plant soil at the garden)

+Bug Memory (at the garden)
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surboard needed)

Fish Guild


Secret Shrine (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Zygarde Cell (upper right of the area)
+TM78 Bulldoze (upper left of the area)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove


Goldenwood Cave

Entrance Area
Red Shard (2nd rock top right from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch by the medium tree top of the entrance)

+Rare Candy (top left from the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Blue Shard (rock top right of the 1st bridge)

+Nugget (left the 1st bridge, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Potion (rock left of the 2nd bridge)
Great Ball (rock under Mars the Leavanny trainer)
Star Shard (from Mars the Leavanny trainer, note also Sewaddle gift after battle)
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch right of the medium tree above the smashable rocks)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space left the orange flower by the 2 mid-trees above the ledge on far right side of the cave)
Exit Area
PP Up (rock in the top middle)

Basement Area (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Revive (lower left from the pond, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Big Root (flowers patch down the big tree top right the smashable-rock to access the area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

+Zygarde Cell (end of the area by the ledge, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Goldenwood Groove

+Zygarde Cell  (up the pond to the far right from the small hidden path, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Den of Souls

Main Entrance

+HP Up (to the left at the middle area after the 1st bridge, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

7 Mining Rocks

+Generator Part (right entering from the HQ tall building top right the area)

+Generator Part (top bridge up where you fight the Lairon and Metang bots first and the healing star)

+Generator Part (top left the stairs from where you got landed into the area first, left Kharon's diary)

+TM149 Draining Kiss (left the sinking boat at the 'Loading Bay' sign area)

+Glalitite (up the claimbable wall after the top bridge, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM82 Dragon Tail (at the Kabuto area)

+Ultra Potion (right entering from the HQ tall building top right the area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Rare Candy (big rock left the 2 buildings left the generator building, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Heart Scale (rock right the wall's water stream under the healing star area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Tiny Mushroom (the lower left small path from the stairs left Kharon's diary, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Blue Shard (blue rock at the middle of the Omanyte area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Ether (right rock at the grass area right from the Loading Bay sign, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Dragon Memory (inside Mecha Gyarados mouth, can be interacted with from the bridge, available after the Platinum Route is completed)

3rd HQ

+Door Key (on the table at the left room after the Claydols encounter)

Key (under Lunala's note at the top left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Azar's note at the top right room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Jessica's note at the middle left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Hannah's note at the middle right room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Gilian's note at the lower left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Emma's note at the lower right room within the Claydols corridor)

+Elixir (at the left room after the Claydols encounter, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Revival Herb (left the bed at Jessica's room, the middle left room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Antidote (on the table at Hannah's room, the middle right room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Full Heal (on the table at Azar's room, the top right room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Max Potion (beside the last bed inside the beds room, room entrance in the middle of the hallway after the HQ entrance, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

2nd Layer

Nugget (upper right rock rubble in the area, upper right path from the fountains, available after the Pearl Route is completed)
+Revive (upper left the area, upper left path from the fountains, available after the Pearl Route is completed)
Red Shard (rock right from the small stairs down from the fountain, available after the Pearl Route is completed)
Damp Rock (ground space up the bench by the elevator down from the fountain, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Route 2


Cherry Blossom Intact

Carbos (grass space down from the flowers patch under the train)
Green Shard (flowers patch right from Meganium)
Red Shard (grass space left the flowers patch left the 1st light-pinkish medium tree taken the way up after the stairs)
Blue Shard (grass space in the small patch left the bridge under the big sakura tree)
GourmetTreat (pink grass patch to the far right, bottom right side of the waterfall)
+Zygarde Cell (bottom right side of the waterfall)
Blue Shard (dirt space 4 spots bottom-left side of the bridge left the big sakura tree)
Rose Incense (lower left grass space between the 2 red flowers left the stairs bellow the Artist)
Friend Ball (upper right grass space under the red flowers right the Artist)
Miracle Seed (from Artist, show off Cherrim)

Charcoal (from Artist, show off Magcargo)

Magnet (from Artist, show off Toxtricity)
TM96 Nature Power (from Artist, reward after showing off all his favorite Pokemon)

Ability Capsule (small flower petals space middle the grass patch lower right the area, right the bridge under the big sakura tree)

+Mystery Item (by Kecleon's Shop on Fetch an Item! side quest, can be bought for 50,000$ or stolen with consequences)

+TM46 Thief (lower left corner of the waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Zygarde Cell (between the big trees left of the bridge up the waterfall after the Maniac when you give him the Research Notes, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Kecleon's Shop
Poke Ball - 200$
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 100$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Repel - 350$

Kecleon's Shop (Chapter 13 and Virtual League Champion)

Meganium Crest - 250,000$

Typhlosion Crest - 250,000$

Feraligator Crest - 250,000$

Thief's Dungeon (Get an Item! Quest)

+Dusk Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the left orange door choice)

+Dusk Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the middle orange door choice)

+Ice Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the right orange door choice)


Cherry Blossom Cut Down

+Zygarde Cell (between the trees left of the bridge up the waterfall, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Rose Incense (grass space 2 spots left the 1st red flowers left the stairs on the top left of the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Rare Candy (2nd flowers patch up the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Zygarde Cell (right corner from the waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+TM46 Thief (left corner from the waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Blue Shard (grass space 2 spots down the 3rd flowers patch on the small area left the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Dusk Stone (left on the small area left the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Abandoned Lab
+Research Notes (on the right table)
+Grass Memory (on the left table)


Amethyst Cave


Route 2 Entrance Area
Nugget (ground space at the wall corner left the boxes by the entrance)

Green Shard (inside the wall furthest down from the cart track line curve left from the entrance)
Mineral Ball (right side of the empty cart, left of the entrance)

+Quiet Mint (left of the empty cart, left of the entrance)
Red Shard (bellow the 1st smashable-rock on the track line over the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Zinc (in the wall down the 2nd smashable-rock upper left the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Mineral Ball (left side of the 1st drilling machine upper left from the bridge up the entrance)

Reverse Candy (right side of the big rock left the 2nd drilling machine upper left from the bridge up the entrance)

Super Potion (in the wall right the smashable-rock under the 1st crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Mineral Ball (upper middle part of the 2nd crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance)

Green Shard (middle the right side of the cart track line down the stairs leading up to the River Area)
Electric Gem (right rock up the stairs leading up to the River Area)
River Area
Genius Wing (in the wall right the entrance)

Reverse Candy (ground space 2 spots left and 2 spots down from the smashable-rock under the left bridge)
X Attack (upper left side of the boxes top of the exit)

Mineral Ball (upper wall at the 1st lower left corner space at the left side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Red Shard (ground space left the left bridge at the left side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Reverse Candy (ground space under the small box right the right bridge at the right side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Blue Shard (ground space lower right the 1st rock right the right bridge at the right side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Zygarde Cell (by the panel on the middle side of the rivers, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+TM01 Work Up (in the small room down the middle river, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Waterfall-Ruins Area

Repel (bellow the small box right of the entrance)
X Defend (right side of the 1st drill machine right of the entrance)
Rock Gem (rock right of the exit)

Rare Candy (inside the box on the top left, upper left side of the 1st waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Red Shard (ground space corner between the boxes on the left side between the 2 waterfalls, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Rock Gem (rock lower right the stairs under the monitor, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Water Gem (ground space up the middle back side of the crystal cart down the monitor, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Steel Gem (upper right corner of the boxes left the 2nd waterfall, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Zygarde Cell (at the end of the river water path going downward, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Phase Dial (from April after obtaining the Moon Dial, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Garufan Chamber (Phase Dial needed)

Sheridan Village Entrance Area

Mineral Ball (wall corner left of the entrance)
Super Potion (in the wall lower left the stairs down the exit)
Reverse Candy (in the wall upper right the stairs down the exit)

Altered Dimension
+Room ID Card (from Nim after battle)

Amethyst Depth


3 Mining Rocks
HP Up (wall under the 2nd Joltik upper-right of the entrance)
Potion (2nd rock bottom of the 1st bridge)

Antidote (ground space 2 spots down the small box left the 2nd bridge)

Green Shard (lower left corner of the boxes right the 2nd bridge)

Resist Wing (2nd rock right the 2nd bridge)

Blue Shard (ground space 3 spots down from the 2nd rock right the 2nd bridge)

Zinc (rock left the Mines entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Carbos (ground space on the corner up the right Mining Rock, in the small area accessed from the Mines, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Revive (upper right corner of the boxes left the healing star)

+Blue Shard (up the healing star)

Fire Gem (ground space at the upper left corner of the bridge left the entrance)

+Great Ball (left the bridge left the entrance)
Electric Gem (2nd crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance)
Rift Lethal Forest
+Data File - Code: Materna (right by the start)
Amethyst Grotto

Moon Ball (grass space above the medium tree left the entrance ladder)

Red Shard (grass space 3 spots up and 2 spots right the smashable-rock lower right the area)
Heart Scale (in the 1st big tree left side, up the smashable-rock right the 2nd stairs, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Red Shard (in the 2nd big tree middle side, left the 2nd stairs)
Soul Stone (from Keta's Soul)

TM103 Stacking Shot (reward from Keta's Soul after gym battle rematch)

+TM22 Solar Beam (at the bottom right, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Ability Capsule (rock up the lower left big rock, at the bottom left, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Pom-Pom Meadow (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Cut/Golden Axe needed for access)

Yellow Nectar (inside the yellow jar, infinite)

Calm Mint (in the lower left bush middle the flower field)

+TM133 Mud Shot (top left the area)

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


+Elixir (left the empty cart left the 1st bridge)

+Moon Dial (in the upper right room, after triggering April's event)


2 Mining Rock

Rock Gem (in the wall upper left corner right the entrance ladder)

Super Repel (2nd rock down the entrance ladder)

Ether (3rd rock down the entrance ladder, down the 1st Mining Rock)

PP Up (ground space corner left the Laboratory ladder)


+Data File - Code: Feris (right from the entrance ladder)

Rift Nirvana

Cliffside Grave (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

Shiny Stone (from Manny by Larissa's grave)
Elixir (rock by Larissa's grave)
Resist Wing (grave debris under Eli's grave)
Rare Candy (rock at the bottom right)

+Zygarde Cell (bottom right)
Iron (grass space 4 spots under Narcissa's Chandelure's grave)

Hidden Grave (Cursed Candle needed)

Sheridan Village


Ability Capsule (flowers patch right from the Cherry Blossom Inn)
Tiny Mushroom (ground space left the flowers patch by the back-entrance of the Village Shop)

3 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer right of the Day Care Center) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

+TM54 False Swipe (left side of the village shop, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+Timid Mint (right the house down from the Cherry Blossom Inn, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Heart Scale (from Samantha the Move-Relearner's sister when her sister is back, after the ??? side quest)

Cherry Blossom Inn

Sweet Heart (from the Lady by the PC)

8000$ (from Daria in the middle left room, after you rescue her boyfriend Marcus)

Twisted Spoon (held item with Smoochum if you trade an Igglybuff to Yara, in the room right the storage room)

2 Super Potion (from Eldest at the start of the chapter 3)

Inn Resident Tutor

Worry Seed (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Uproar  (taught for 2 Green Shards)
Sheridan Village Shop

Super Potion (from Nadia when talking to her from the shop's other side)
Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Beth (Morning-time on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) #She is gone once you have 9+ badges.

Berry Juice - 100$

Fresh Water - 200$ (2 badges)

Lemonade - 350$ (3 badges)
Moomoo Milk - 500$ (3 badges)
Sheridan Help Plaza

Help Quests
950$, Water Stone (The Hidden Library 2) *Blue Moon Ice Cream if you give the guy the book
950$, 5 GourmetTreat (Stolen Cargo!)
1920$, Rare Candy, Pancham (Trade Me!)
1890$, Casteliacone (Fetch an Item!) *Blue Moon Ice Cream if you steal the item.
1600$, Clobbopus (Battle Request 2)

Sheridan Arena
+Zygarde Cell (lower right the waterfall lower right Sensei's House)

Spring of Purification

+Magical Seed (up the 2nd bridge from the entrance)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$

Secret Shore

Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)
Dusk Ball (green flowers end of the small path left bellow the 2nd small stairs)
Pearl (grass space left the rocks rubble, between the 2nd and 3rd ledges)

+Absorb Bulb (Up from the 1st capsule, infinite)
+Ancient Book (at the end of the small path lower right of the middle small stairs going downward)
Revive (grass space 2 spots right of the green flowers right from the Ancient Book)

+Absorb Bulb (at the middle island, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (left the cut tree at the lower right island, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)
+Pretty Wing (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

Star Piece (flowers patch at the grass patch right from the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Absorb Bulb (at the small island upper right the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Damp Rock (on the small grassy land down the Wetlands Laboratory coming from the Hidden Lab, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Fighting Memory (on the far upper left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Absorb Bulb (at left side of the Wetlands Laboratory, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at left side of the Wetlands Laboratory, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

Xen Waste (from the Beldum Den after catching Shadow Beldum, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Wetlands Laboratory

Entrance Area

Lower Left Room

Upper Left Room


Right Room

+TM73 Thunder Wave (right side of the room)
Card Key Shard #1 (2nd container under the blue monitor switch) #Not detected by the Itemfinder!

Back Room


Cocoon Room (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+TM112 Smart Strike (left the room)

Hidden Cave
Link Heart (rock at the top right from the pond on the right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+TM81 X-Scissor (inside the small room, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Up-Grade (in the bookshelf inside the small room, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Hidden Lab


Carotos Mountain


Entrance Area

2 Mining Rocks
+TM121 Fire Spin (on the left side after the 2nd iron bridge, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

+TM36 Sludge Bomb (on the left side area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)
+Rare Candy (on the right side area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)
Machines Area

2 Mining Rocks
Full Heal (barrel under the PC right from the entrance, lower middle room)
Red Shard (barrel under SEC on the right, middle room)
Ultra Ball (drill machine on the upper right, upper right room)
Reverse Candy (lower left barrel, middle right room)
+TM43 Flame Charge (bottom right, lower right room)

+Carbos (left of the long bridge on the rights side of the area)
+Fire Stone (top right, after the long iron bridge on the right side of the area)

Fire Memory (from the Scientist after you bought all the caged Pokemon, Blast Powder and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Madelis' Laboratory

Library (Lower Left) Room

+Hyper Potion (bottom left the room)

+Revive (top left the room)

+Yellow Key (top end of the room)

Capsule (Lower Right) Room

Green Key (from Sharon after talking to her)

+Fresh Water (top right the room)

Transport (Upper Left) Room

+Red Key (top left the room)

Storage (Upper Right) Room

+Revival Herb (bottom left the room)

+Dusk Ball (top right the room)

+Up-Grade (top left the room)

+Blue Key (top end of the room)

Madelis' Throne

Generator Chamber

+Data File - Code: Statia (top right from Clara)

Rift Paradise

+Data File - Code: Statia (middle the area if you didn't get it on the previous room at the Generator Chamber)

Corrupted Cave
Entrance Area
Poison Gem (right side of the poisonous spores up from the entrance)
Main Area
Super Repel (inside the wall corner down the 4 barrels down from the entrance)
Super Repel (1st light green grass patch upper left the 2nd note in the area down from the entrance)

Poison Barb (2nd rock up after the magma path, Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)
Ruins Entrance Area

Poison Gem (1st rock right the entrance)

+Poison Barb (at the upper right side riding the magma from the Entrance Area, Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)

Garufa Ruins

Entrance Room
+TM86 Grass Knot (at the left side, accessible after the 3rd puzzle down bellow from the left room)
Moon Stone (ground space left the head of the right pillar at the right side, accessible after the 3rd puzzle down bellow from the right room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Chamber Gate Room
Chamber of Awakening
+Magma Stone (after the battle with Cera if you refuse to give it back)
Puzzle Rooms 1
Test Rooms 1

Puzzle Room 2
Test Room 2
Puzzle Rooms 3
Puzzle Rooms 4
Zorua Room
Chamber Key Rooms


Route 3


Honey (2nd grass space top the Girl left of the Gate Plaza)

Virtual Badge #3 (from Henrey after defeating Whitney, inside the red truck at the top left of the area, 2 Virtual Badges needed)

Virtual Badge #4 (from Henrey after defeating Morty, inside the red truck at the top left of the area, 3 Virtual Badges needed)

Quiet Mint (flowers patch left the red truck by the Mirage Woods entrance)

Sitrus Berry (flowers patch left the cuttable tree, down from the Mirage Woods entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Yellow Shard (grass space 2 spots down and 2 spots left from the Phasial Cave sign, down from the Mirage Woods entrance)

Green Shard (balloons up the Ice Cream Merchant)

+TM117 Pay Day (down from the Sweets Merchant, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Star Piece (flowers patch right the Pay Day TM down from the Sweets Merchant, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Vanilla Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Vanilla! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)
Choc Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Chocolate! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)
Berry Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Strawberry! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)

Sassy Mint (right grass space middle the grass patch left of the healing star down the Traveling Fair)

Blue Shard (grass space 5 spots down from the orange medium tree lower right side, up the purple tent)

Rare Candy (grass space bellow the left flowers patch down the red truck right the Traveling Fair area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Rose Tea (from the Hiker inside the red truck right the Traveling Fair area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Super Repel (rightmost grass patch next to the yellow and green big trees lower right from the purple tent)

Red Shard (grass patch 2 spots down and 4 spots right from the Gray-haired Girl lower right the area)

Miracle Seed (flowers patch right the Cool Couple by the Phasial Cave exit bottom the area)

Super Potion (2nd orange flowers down from the Gray-haired Girl lower right the area)

Honey (grass space 3 spots down and 4 spots left from the Gray-haired Guy at the bottom area)

Traveling Fair

Sweets Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Sachet - 1000$
Soda Pop - 300$
Sweet Heart - 100$

Red Nectar - 550$
Whipped Dream - 1000$

Ice Cream Clerk
Vanilla Ice Cream - 400$
Choc Ice Cream - 600$
Berry Ice Cream - 800$
*Blue Moon Ice Cream - 20000$ #Appears randomly on very rare occasions.

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Moomoo Milk (1st blue flowers left from the entrance)
Pretty Wing (flowers patch far right side from the Aroma Lady)
Zinc (grass patch left from the 3rd blue flowers on the left side, up from the School Boy)
Ether (grass patch left from the 1st flowers patch left of the Hiker)
Green Shard (flowers patch on the top right from the Kingdra statue)
Repel (flowers patch on the left side after the bridge)
Clever Wing (grass patch at the middle behind the big tree right the big rock left from the bottom house)
Black Flute (1st flowers patch left of the waterfall)
Genius Wing (grass space far right by the grass patch right of the waterfall)

+Telluric Seed (right by the grass patch right of the waterfall)

Rare Candy (blue flowers on the right by the water stream under the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+TM48 Round (at the end of the water stream bellow, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Mirage Center

+Itemfinder (inside the bottom house)

+Steam Ball (inside the top left house)

Mirage Cave
+TM66 Payback (by the entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (by the entrance)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Upper Entrance Area


Main Area

2 Mining Rocks
Rock Gem (1st rock upper left from the upper entrance ladder)

Magical Seed (ground space left the 1st tall rock up the upper left pond)

+Ability Capsule (left from the Mining Rock upper left the area)

Steel Gem (1st rock on the right path from the Girl Trainer, toward the middle exit ladder)

Reverse Candy (1st rock on the left down from the Girl Trainer)
Mineral Ball (2nd tall rock left the climbable wall)

Green Shard (2nd big tall rock back left side, up from the Hiker Trainer)

+Ancient Wing (up from the Hiker Trainer)

+Blue Shard (up from the Hiker Trainer)

Sun Stone (1st rock to the right, down from the Hiker Trainer)

Red Shard (4th tall rock lower right from the lower exit ladder)

+TM146 Razor Shell (after the pond on the right path from the Girl Trainer, toward the middle exit ladder, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Middle Exit Area

Lower Exit Area
Grass Gem (in the lower right rock)

Ruins Area (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
Troupe Flute (from Polly by the ruins)

Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Dusk Ball (flowers patch left of the entrance)

+TM127 Beat Up (lower right from the entrance)
+Star Piece (inside the red truck)
Nest Ball (flowers patch between the 2 big green trees under the red truck)
Star Piece (1st flowers patch left of the red truck)
Dusk Ball (2nd flowers patch left of the red truck)
Max Repel (3rd lower left flowers patch under the pond)

Moon Stone (from the Clefairy dancing to the moon on the pond, available on certain weekdays at night only)
Dusk Ball (left middle flowers patch up the pond)

+Zygarde Cell (up the pond)

+TM58 Sky Drop (up the pond)

Crystal Area (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

#Turn the area to Dark Crystal Cavern using either Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Light that Burns the Sky, or Night Daze

#Turn the area back into Cave Field using either Earthquake, Bulldoze, Magnitude, or Tectonic Rage #Not available V13.

+Link Heart (top right the area, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.
+Dark Material (top left the area, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.
Red Shard (in the wall at the small area top right corner the hole, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.
Nugget (left ground space at the small area top left corner the hole, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.
+Ability Capsule (top right the area, Dark Crystal Field)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down

Fresh Water (2nd flowers patch lower left the bridge and train track on the upper middle area)
HP Up (grass space right the green headbutt tree on the small land mass right of the path between the 2 left areas)
Link Heart (grass space between the 2 support metals of the building at the upper left area)
Repel (grass space 3 spots down 2nd medium green tree left the building at the upper left area)
Revive (grass space 4 spots right and 1 spot up the dark pink headbutt tree right the upper left dark pink big tree at the lower left area)
Ability Capsule (grass space at end of the small path lower left of the lower left area)
Elixir (grass space right of the middle big green tree on the lower middle area)
Yellow Shard (grass space under the lower right flowers patch on the lower right area)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space up the green medium tree up the big green in the middle on the lower right area)
Green Shard (3rd upper right flowers patch at the lower right area)
Blue Shard (grass space between the 2 medium green trees on the upper right area)
PP Up (2nd flowers patch right of the middle medium green tree on the middle right area)

Matthew's Lab
Lab Key (from Matthew after offering to help, Type:Null side quest, 6+ badges)


Goldenleaf Town


Honey (pumpkin down the house left the Gate Plaza entrance)

Red Shard (grass patch up the pumpkin up Ren's House)

Ghost Gem (orange flowers down Ren's House)
Moon Stone (grass patch in the middle of the garden down the house down Ren's House)
Rare Candy (inside the fence's middle vines lower right the garden down the house down Ren's House)

Rawst Berry (lower right grass space at the corner lower right to the pumpkin under Narcissa's House)

Ability Capsule (on the upper right table down the Mart)

Super Potion (on the table lower left the Mart)
+Zygarde Cell (between the upper right gravestones)

Chesto Berry (gras patch lower left the upper left gravestone)

Dark Gem (grass space under the orange flowers left the lower right house down Giratina's Statue)

Big Mushroom (mushrooms patch in the path left Giratina's Statue, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

5 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer left of the Mart, start of the Wispy Lab story) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Super Potion (middle Lady in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)
Revive (Guy in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)
Full Heal (left Lady in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)
3 Dusk Balls (Old Lady in the house left the Gate Plaza entrance, after the 4th gym battle)

Big Mushroom (space on the corner under the bridge left the river by the 2 big trees, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Dragonite's Letter (at the garden the garden down the house down Ren's House, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (to the right between the 2 stairs right from the Pokemon Center, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (at the hill past the bridge left of the Mart, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (lower right the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)
TM113 Brutal Swing (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 4 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

Goldenleaf Lady Tutor

Spite (taught for 2 Yellow Shards)

Trick (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Poke Mart
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Escape Rope - 550$

Goldenleaf Theater - Ghost Leader Narcissa
+Super Potion (upper right the auditorium room)
+Rawst Berry (lower right the auditorium room)

+Rare Candy (lower left the auditorium room)

TM30 Shadow Ball (from Narcissa after the gym battle)

Ghost Memory (from Spector the Reserve Leader after you battle him, Chapter 9+)

Ghost Memory (from Spector 'yes, again' the Reserve Leader after you battle him, Chapter 9+)

Narcissa's House

+Odd Key (in the locked room, starting the Narcissa quest line from the Theater, 7+ badges needed)

Forgotten Path

Green Shard (ground space 2 spaces up and 2 spaces left from the sign up the entrance)
Super Potion (1st flowers patch down the small tower on the left side)
Blue Shard (space on the right corner on the 1st floor up the 1st vines on the tower at the right side, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
+TM39 Rock Tomb (on the 2nd floor up the 2nd vines on the tower at the right side, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
+Zygarde Cell (to the left of the tower on the right side)
Ether (flowers patch behind the 1st dark yellow big, left the path and the tower on the right side)
Burn Heal (flowers patch down the right gray pillar)
Great Ball (flowers patch right the left gray pillar)
Ghost Gem (flowers patch left the left gray pillar)

+Naughty Mint (on the small island upper left the area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Lost Castle (Odd Key needed)

#Access passwords: 0044, 6677, 3645, 9043, 7171.

+Vespiquen Crest (from the Chest inside the treasury room after opening all the 9 Chests at the Wispy Ruins)
+TM61 Will-O-Wisp  (right side inside the treasury room after opening all the 9 Chests at the Wispy Ruins)

Wispy Path


Tiny Mushroom (grass space 2 spots left from the middle-backside of the 1st yellow big tree on the right, up the Wispy Park gate)
+Reverse Candy (at the right side of the Wispy Park by the slide)
Lemonade (grass space under the lower left corner of the road bellow the house in the Wispy Park)
+Zygarde Cell (at the upper side of the Wispy Park behind the swings)
Hyper Potion (grass space above the 2nd headbutt tree right bellow from the Goldenwood Forest gate)
Green Shard (right side of the big green tree above the 1st flowers patch up the Goldenwood Forest gate)

Ability Capsule (grass space left the 2nd medium yellow tree by the Wispy Park wall lower right from the Goldenwood Forest gate)
Careful Mint (grass space left the 2nd pumpkin upper right from the Goldenwood Forest Gate)

Rawst Berry (flowers patch right the 3rd headbutt tree upper right from the Goldenwood Forest Gate)
Ghost Gem (grass patch lower right of the right yellow big tree above the Wispy Park)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$

Wispy Tower

Outside Area

Bold Mint (flowers patch down the big orange tree on the garden right the fountain)

Berry Ice Cream (from Karen when reaching the Wispy Ruins entrance, Chapter 6 only before the 6th badge and have done the Hidden Library quest line)

+TM118 Pin Missile (left of Wispy Ruins entrance)

+Reaper Cloth (right of the tower, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Inside Area
Ethers (from Sariah, 6+ badges)

Forsaken Laboratory

#Access passwords for the right path is: UNBOUND and SOUL.

Reverse Candy (empty space on the right computers table, left the elevator)

+Revive (lower right in the water flooded room)

+Ether (end of the right path)

Poison Memory (from Matthew in the back locked room inside the water flooded room after having Silvally, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Lab Key needed, Type:Null side quest, 6+ badges)

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Entrance Area

Big Room

+Big Nugget (from the Chest inside the 4 badges treasury room, the hidden entrance behind the waterfall in Goldenleaf Town, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+Cursed Candle (from the Chest inside the 5 badges treasury room, lower right room entrance)

Intersection Area
Left Room
+Zygarde Cell (right from the vines)
Right Room
Up Room
Wispy Chasm

+Calcium (left of the Punk trainer)
+Cleanse Tag (right from the Punk trainer)
+Max Repel (far left at the middle area between the 2 Phantump)

Yellow Shard (ground space up the upper rock at the lower left Phantump area)
+Dawn Stone (from the Chest inside the 2 badges treasury room)

+Dusk Stone (from the Chest inside the 1 badge treasury room)

Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

Entrance Area
Right Room
Wispy Chasm (Left)
Dark Gem (space one jump up from the long path to 6 badges treasury room, area bellow the 2 scared ladies)
+Shiny Stone (from the Chest inside the 3 badges treasury room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Rare Candy (left side the small path under the 2 waterfalls)
+TM65 Shadow Claw (right side the small path under the 2 waterfalls)
Wispy Chasm (Right)

Yellow Shard (space to the right end from the vines entrance)
+Poke Doll (at the end path going down from the vines entrance)
Ghost Gem (rock on the 1st path to the left from the vines entrance)
Reverse Candy (space at the left fork end from 8 badges treasury room)
+Odd Keystone (from the Chest inside the 7 treasury room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Elemental Seed (from the Chest inside the 8 badges treasury room)


Route 4


Leaf Stone (purple flowers furthest down from the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance) #Unobtainable.

5 Rift Fragment (from Cairo after interacting with the 1st Den through the story)

Moomoo Milk (from Cairo after clearing the path through story)

Synthetic Seed (grass space right the tall yellow flower left Cairo's Den sign)

+TM45 Attract (lower right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den)

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 1:

Tiny Mushroom (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Tiny Mushroom (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Exp Candy S (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

3 Moomoo Milk (from the Ranger down at the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated)

Nest Ball (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Leaf Stone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 2:

Cheri Berry (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

2 Blue Shard (from the Ranger left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Honey (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Leppa Berry (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Exp Candy M (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Net Ball (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Hard Stone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 3:

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Persim Berry (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Super Potion (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Rare Candy (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Soda Pop (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Odd Keystone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 4:

Energy Root (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Full Heal (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Exp Candy XS (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Berry Juice (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Red Shard (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Cairo's Den

Scents Shop

10 Joy Scent - 5000$

10 Excite Scent - 8500$

10 Vivid Scent - 11000$

Red Essence Shop

Bike Voucher - 250 Red Essence

Noctowl Crest - 2000 Red Essence

Phione Crest - 2000 Red Essence

Luxray Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Druddigon Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Thievul Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Samurott Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Boltund Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Probopass Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Swalot Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Cincinno Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Delcatty Crest - 14,000 Red Essence (15+ badges needed)

Fragment Shop

5 Fragments - 4956$

10 Fragments - 14868$

25 Fragments - 24780$

The Lost Camp

Water Stone - 2100$
Fire Stone - 2100$
Leaf Stone - 2100$


Pomeg Berry - 600$
Kelpsy Berry - 600$
Qualot Berry - 600$
Hondew Berry - 600$ #1st camp expansion
Grepa Berry - 600$ #1st camp expansion
Tamato Berry - 600$ #2nd camp expansion


Akuwa Town


1 Mining Rock

+Defibrillator (in the Pokemon Center back room)

Super Repel (grass space under the 2nd headbutt tree right from the entrance)

+Modest Mint (upper left path from the Aquarium)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the house right of the Milotic painting building)

+TM135 Brine (up the 1st boat at the shore)
Soda Pop (rock by the Mining Rock under the blocked entrance at the shore)
+Zygarde Cell (right the ACDMC building)

Poke Ball (space above the right rock on a small island on the lower right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Blast Powder (left rock on the 1st small island to the top right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Health Wing (rock on the 2nd small island to the top right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Lively Version

5 Quick Balls (from the Fragrant Lady inside the house down the Pokemon Center)
Elemental Seed (from the Optimist Girl inside the house up Move Tutor Center)

Cleanse Tag (from the Gray-haired Guy inside the house up Move Tutor Center)

Akuwa Pledge Tutor

Fire Pledge (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Water Pledge (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Grass Pledge (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Poke Mart

Repel (from Karrina when entering the Mart for the 1st time)
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Luxury Ball - 1000$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Larry Locksmith's Plaza

Nugget (from the Blackbelt in front the entrance)

Reforged Key (from Larry after fixing the broken House Key with 2 Light Clay and 1 Hard Stone)

Move Tutor Center

Left Clerk

Water Pulse (taught for 2 Blue Shards)

Shock Wave (taught for 3 Yellow Shards)

Right Clerk

Snore (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Bounce (taught for 2 Blue Shards)

ACDMC - Akuwa Cave Drill Management Center

Sail Fossil (for 10 Blue Shards at the rare fossils corner)

Jaw Fossil (for 10 Red Shards at the rare fossils corner)
Skull Fossil (for 10 Green Shards at the rare fossils corner)
Armor Fossil (for 10 Yellow Shards at the rare fossils corner)

Akuwa Aquarium

60,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 10 Pokemon, 12+ badges)

Super Rod (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 10 Pokemon, 12+ badges)

60,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 20 Pokemon, 12+ badges)

80,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 34 Pokemon, note you also get a Froakie, 12+ badges)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


+Red Shard (up the hill on the 1st island with the running Lady)
Dire Hit (rock rubble to the right edge on the 1st island with the running Lady)
HP Up (rock on a small shore bellow from the 1st island)
Red Shard (upper rock on a small island lower right the 1st island)
Adamant Mint (lower rock on a small island lower right the 1st island)
Blue Shard (rock rubble on the small island with the running Guy)

Jolly Mint (sand space 2 spots down and 3 spots left from the smashable-rock on the shore upper right the small island with the running Guy)
+Ether (left side of the island with the Youngster)
+Max Repel (left Seabound Cave East entrance)
Ice Heal (rock rubble top left of Seabound Cave East entrance)
+Zygarde Cell (on the island with the mysterious cave)

+TM16 Light Screen (up the stairs inside the hollowed hill south from the entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+Icicle Plate (on a small land to the south-east from the entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+TM33 Reflect (on the small land up the 1st island with the running Lady, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Rare Candy (tree on the small land down from Seabound Cave East entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Ability Capsule (rock on the small land down from Seabound Cave East entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Seabound Cave

East Cave


West Cave



Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)


Heart Scale (rock under the Evergreen Cave North entrance)
Mysterious Emblem (from Nana in her house)
+Zygarde Cell (small area to the right above the Evergreen Cave North entrance, access from inside Evergreen Cave North)

King's Rock (from Nana after capturing The Emperor)

+Primarium-Z (on the small land lower right from the Evergreen Cave South entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Evergreen Cave

South Cave


North Cave

F1 - Entrance Area

1 Mining Rock
Zinc (snow space left the smashable-rock lower left the ladder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
+X Special (lower left side the area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Rare Candy (snow space up the smashable-rock left the Doubles Trainers, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Full Heal (snow space far up the smashable-rock lower right the ladder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
1 Mining Rock
+DeepSeaTooth (left depression)
+DeepSeaScale (middle depression)
Icy Rock Area

Evergreen Forest

Max Repel (snow space under the big rock up the entrance)
Genius Wing (flowers patch upper left between the medium tree and headbutt tree up the 2nd stairs from the entrance)
+Dusk Stone (on the left side up from the 1st big stairs at the Buneary area)
Telluric Seed (flowers patch at the end up of the Buneary area mountain)
Ice Heal (rock at the tree corner bellow the 2nd pond)
Resist Wing (blue flowers on small land up the 2nd pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
HP Up (blue flowers right end from the 2nd pond, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Rare Candy (blue flowers upper left after the 2nd pond before the stairs, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Magical Seed (snow space under the mountain wall between the 2 medium trees far up after the 2nd pond, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Ice Gem (grass space under the flowers patch left the Guy by the 2nd pond)
Parlyz Heal (rock by the trees on the lower left, left the Guy by the 2nd pond)
X Special (flowers patch at the end of the path going right from the Hiker)
Hyper Potion (snow space right the 3rd rock on the path left the Hiker)
Zinc (flowers patch upper right the pond on the path left the Hiker)
Genius Wing (grass space left the flowers patch lower left the pond on the path left the Hiker)
+Max Repel (by the lower right pillar at the ruins area)

+Snowball (middle the 1st Swablu area, infinite)
+Snowball (between the 1st Swablu area and Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (down the Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (up the stairs at the Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (between the 1st Swablu area and Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (middle the Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (up the Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (down the Snorunt area, infinite)
+Snowball (middle the Snorunt area, infinite)

Icy Rock (middle the mountain up the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Ice Memory (top the mountain up the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

+Audinite (up the pond on the path left the Hiker, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Spring of Preservation (Anju's Pendant needed for access)



Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


Ultra Potion (rock up the elevation right the 1st tower with Shellder and Cloyster)

Sea Incense (2nd rock up from the small hill right the 1st tower with Shellder and Cloyster)

Water Stone (ground space between the 2 seaweed on the right inside the small cave-like area)

Heart Scale (rock right the hill with Dewgong)

Blue Shard (ground space end the seaweed small path lower right from the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Heart Scale (rock down the small hill down the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Blue Shard (rock down the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Pearl (far left ground space on the small path lower left form the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

GourmetTreat (ground space down the Milotic left from the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Revive (rock right the hill with Cloyster and Walrein)

Blue Shard (2nd ground space up the very tall tower right from the hill with Cloyster and Walrein)

Nugget (rock right the big mossy rock left from the small u-shape diving spot with Luvdisc on top)

Max Repel (ground space down the rock down the big mossy rock left from the small u-shape diving spot with Luvdisc on top)

Damp Rock (rock on the lower left from the sphere-shape diving spot)

Blue Shard (rock on the lower right from the sphere-shape diving spot)

Dive Ball (rock left of Relicanth and Milotic right from the plug-like-shape diving spot)

Dive Ball (red coral between the 1st and 2nd forks of the w-shape diving spot)

Green Shard (3rd seaweed left from the lower right big white rock down the big u-shape diving spot)

Heart Scale (rock upper left end of the big u-shape diving spot)

Blue Shard (rock upper left from the mysterious cave hill area)

Shoal Shell (seashell right from the Seabound Cave East hill area)

Spring Maintenance (Enegmatic Key needed for access)

Empoleon Crest (from Jolene at the end of the room)


Blacksteeple Island


Blacksteeple Castle


Mining Kit (from School Boy after battle following story events)

Warden's Room

Vessel Key (from Neved to Emma following story events)

Shop Room


Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Escape Rope - 550$

Blacksteeple Quarry

Blacksteeple Mines

4 Mining Rocks

Blast Powder (from Adam following story events)

Blacksteeple Garden

Hidden Shack



Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore


+2 Passho Berries (plant soil right from the Ranger Center)

Fresh Water (sand space right from the Ranger Center and left the plant soil)

Soda Pop (big rock left side top right the bridge)

+Zygarde Cell (top right from the Ranger Center after the diving spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Blue Shard (left small blue rock top right from the Ranger Center after the diving spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Elixir (water tree lower right from the Ranger Center on the C-shaped water spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Lemonade (sand space bellow the smashable-rock right from the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Data Drive (inside the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, ??? side quest)

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Terajuma Pier
Grass Gem (sand space 3 spots left the 1st palm tree)

+Red Shard (on the water spot bellow the Lighthouse, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Xen Battleship

5 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer at the bedroom) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
+Dull Key (on a table at the ship basement)

+TM136 Assurance (at the ship lookout at the very top)

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Terajuma Wreckage (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

S.S. Oceana Wreckage

Entrance/Main Floor (1F)

Luminous Moss (left side of big mossy rock left the entrance)

Luminous Moss (right side of big mossy rock left the entrance)

+5 Dive Balls (inside the room)

Upper Floor (2F)

+Water Stone (inside the room right the entrance room)

Luminous Moss (left side of mossy rock down from the entrance room)

+Sharpedonite (inside the storage room on the left)

Upper Floor (3F)


Upper Floor (4F)

+5 Dive Balls (on the wall right end from the entrance)

Upper Floor (5F)

Pearl (in the lower right side of the 1st lower left table inside the banquet room)
Pearl (in the right side of the lower right table inside the banquet room)
Pearl (in the wall right of the 2nd flipped stool left of the piano inside the banquet room)

+Dawn Stone (upper left side of the banquet room)

Deck (5F)

+5 Luxury Balls (on the right side)

Captain Quarter (6F)



Terajuma Jungle


Fire Gem (2nd red/blue flowers left of the entrance)
Sitrus Berry (grass space 6 spots down from the 1st small stairs on the right)

+Zygarde Cell (at the middle part of the area)
Wacan Berry (left bush at the middle grass patch up the 1st stairs)
Great Ball (1st sapling up the 2nd medium stairs on the left side)

Super Repel (last sapling on the top right side)

+Brave Mint (end the path down at the top right side)

+Black Shard (right from the Hiker (quest initiator), Clear The Way! side quest)
+Black Shard (top right the boat up Terajuma Pier exit, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Clear The Way! side quest)

Deep Terajuma Jungle

Cove Area
HM3 Surf (from Melia after battling Valarie)
+Black Shard (right from the Bridges Area entrance, Clear The Way! side quest)
Bridges Area

+Dusk Ball (after the bridge left the entrance, right from the Ranger Center)

+3 Oran Berries (plant soil right from the Ranger Center)

+Full Heal (up from the entrance, down the right side of the Lover's Bridge)

+Zygarde Cell (end of the right path bellow the Workers Area entrance, Spice Powder needed)

+Quick Powder (end of the right path bellow the Workers Area entrance, Spice Powder needed)

Bug Gem (bush up the left side of the Lover's Bridge)
+Black Shard (lower right the broken bridge, Clear The Way! side quest)
+Black Shard (small island up the left side of the Lover's Bridge, Clear The Way! side quest)

Yukata Girl (left side of the Lover's Bridge after bringing her 20 Sitrus Berries)

Growth Mulch - 200$

Stable Mulch - 200$

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Hula Meadow

Pink Nectar (pink jar up the entrance)

+Black Shard (left of the altar at the end of the area, Clear The Way! side quest)

+Sky Relic (from the altar at the end of the area after battling Rorim B, story related event)

Tyluric Falls (accessed after Building Bridges side quest)

1 Mining Rock

Red Shard (top part of the headbutt tree right from the mossy rock)

Workers Area
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch left of the Weather Institution)

+2 Sitrus Berries (plant soil right of the Weather Institution)

+3 Oran Berries (plant soil right of the Weather Institution)

Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch lower left the Conkeldurr Lumber Yard)

Tiny Mushroom (lower left flowers patch at the patch under the Weather Institution, Spice Powder needed)

+3 Leppa Berries (left plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+3 Pecha Berries (middle plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+1 Tanga Berry (right plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+Blast Powder (down the plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+Black Shard (top right the Conkeldurr Lumber Yard, Clear The Way! side quest)

Castform Crest (from the Ranger outside the Weather Institution after you show him Rain Dance, Sunny Day, and Hail TMs, Chapter 14+)

TM128 Weather Ball (from the Ranger outside the Weather Institution after you show him Rain Dance, Sunny Day, and Hail TMs, Chapter 14+)

Rift Beach Concert

+Data File - Code: Sarpa (up the pond)

Weather Institution


Conkeldurr Lumber Yard

+Focus Band (at the left side)

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Jungle Area (accessed after Clear the way! side quest)

+Blast Powder (at the right side)
+TM51 Steal Wing (at the left side, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Deep Jungle Area

3 Mining Rocks

Rock Gem (rock right the waterfall lower right the area)

3 Oran Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.

3 Sitrus Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.

3 Leppa Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.

+Modest Mint (left the 3rd Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Green Shard (end the small path up the 1st Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM131 Bullet Seed (end the path up the stairs after the 3rd Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the Ampharos cage, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, Lighthouse side quest, Interface Password: 9867)


Kakori Village


Tiny Mushroom (grass space between the 2 flowers patches right from the lower right house)
Tiny Mushroom (2nd flowers patch right from the PokeMart)
Tiny Mushroom (bush down from Route 6 entrance, Spice Powder needed)

Destiny Knot (from the Lady at the upper right house, after exploring the Xen Battleship with her)

5 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer up the Pokemon Center, after the Secret Shore story) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.


Scope Lens (trade for an Up Grade with the Ranger Lady)

Wise Glasses (trade for a 2nd Up Grade with the Ranger Lady)
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$

Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Ice Heal - 250$

Burn Heal - 250$

Parlyz Heal - 200$
Escape Rope - 550$

Spice Powder - 850$

Kakori Safari Zone

Oval Charm (show Chansey to the Woman)

Jeminra Woods

+Jolly Mint (left the lure container at the fenced lower left garden)

+Reverse Candy (hidden behind a dark green big tree lower left the container at the middle side of the forest labyrinth)

Hyper Potion (grass space under the container at the middle side of the forest labyrinth)

Tiny Mushroom (pink flowers left the mountain peak, end of the lower left side of the forest labyrinth)

Super Repel (pink flowers up the mountain peak, end of the lower middle side of the forest labyrinth)

+Rare Candy (hidden behind a dark green big tree lower right side of the forest labyrinth area)

Friend Ball (grass space end of the lower right side of the forest labyrinth)

+TM123 Selfdestruct (at the Garden Area island to the far right, completing all the help quests and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Jeminra Cave

Safari Zone Area Access (capture/rock the Vileplume blocking the path at the forest labyrinth)


Route 5 Area Access (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM144 Cross Poison (lower right the entrance, before purification)

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

Wailmer Pail (from the Berry Guy after giving him 5 Oran Berries)

Weakness Policy (from a Female Ranger inside the Community Rec Room)

+Up-Grade (inside the Community Rec Room computer room)

Virtual Badge #5 (from Maybeline after defeating Chuck, inside the Community Rec Room computer room, 4 Virtual Badges needed)

Virtual Badge #6 (from Maybeline after defeating Jasmine, inside the Community Rec Room computer room, 5 Virtual Badges needed)

+Escape Rope (inside the Trainers' Bedroom)

+Zygarde Cell (inside the gym at the last puzzle room to the top left)

+Bug Memory (at the bottom right inside the final bridge area at the gym, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Buginium-Z (from Crawli after defeating Amber, at the front room. Defeating Code: Evo - Rift Gyarados for the 2nd time is required)

Kakori Ranger Tutor

Signal Beam (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Bug Bite (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Synthesis (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Kakori Depths

+Zygarde Cell (on the right side path of the arena)

+TM106 Irritation (on the left side path of the arena Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Kakori Gym Tutor

Giga Drain (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Kakori Help Plaza

+Exp. Candy M (at the side room after clearing all side quests, if you picked the Good Rod at the Strange Cabin)

+Good Rod (at the side room after clearing all side quests, if you didn't pick the Good Rod at the Strange Cabin)

+Center Keys (at the side room after clearing all side quests)
+TM57 Charge Beam (at the side room after clearing all side quests)

Help Quests
4326$ (Clear The Way!)
5000$, Rare Candy, Bulbasaur Egg (Bandit at Large!)
4890$, Sun Stone (Building Bridges)
4255$ (Find it..)
4500$, 10 Max Repel, 10 Reverse Candy, 10 Super Potion (Battle Me Once More!)
Opens up the Garden Area at the Safari Zone (Chase Team AA)


Route 5 - Valor Path


+Red Shard (left from the Female Ranger Trainer)
+White Flute (hidden behind the big trees under the headbutt tree on the small path to the right of the Female Ranger)

+Dragonite's Letter (upper left the Female Ranger, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)

+Max Potion (right from the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Valor Shore

+Zygarde Cell (on a small island bellow the Strange Cabin on the right side, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Dragonite's Letter (on the small island right of Dragonite, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (on the + shaped island lower right of Dragonite, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (on the + shaped island lower left of Dragonite, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)
Shiny Stone (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 4 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)

Strange Cabin (accessed with Bandit at Large! side quest)

+Good Rod (on the table at the last floor)

+Blast Powder (end the room at the last floor)


Route 6


Kakori Entrance Area
Star Piece (2nd red/blue flowers left from the entrance)

Zinc (in the water tree right side on the upper left water patch, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Pearl (water space left the water tree on the upper left water patch, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Telia Entrance Area
Pearl (rocky wall right from the 1st palm tree up the entrance)
Calcium (flowers patch right the headbutt tree by the exit)

Water Area (accessed from Secluded Shore, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

+Zygarde Cell (lower right water patch from the entrance)
Resist Wing (water tree on the water patch up the entrance)

Aquamarine Cave

Entrance Area
Max Repel (small crystal rock up the stairs from the entrance)

TM05 Roar (from the Guy down the stairs from the entrance)

Elemental Seed (ground space down the 2 rocks right from the lower left stairs)

Water Gem (small crystal rock lower left the BF Area entrance)

Water Gem (2nd rock down the Aquamarine Shrine down ladder)
Fresh Water (rock between the 3 bridges right the Aquamarine Shrine down ladder)
Dive Ball (left big crystal rock by Secluded Shore entrance)
BF Area

#Note: Early access items as of chapter 7 if you still hold and use the Blast Powder Adam gives you at Blacksteeple Island in here 1st.

2 Mining Rocks
Blue Shard (big crystal rock between the ledges up the entrance)

Escape Rope (rock left the Female Hardcore Trainer)

Synthetic Seed (3rd small crystal rock left the School Girl)

Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot up from the 3rd small crystal rock left the School Girl)

Rock Gem (3rd big crystal rock upper left the School Girl, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots left from the 4th small crystal rock upper left the School Girl)

Escape Rope (big crystal rock at the upper left corner of the area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Aquamarine Ore (lower left the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Reverse Candy (2nd big crystal lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Rare Candy (rock lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

+Water Stone (lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Aquamarine Depths
+TM20 Safeguard (on the upper right side, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Aquamarine Chamber

Red Shard (ground space 3 spots up from the 1st big crystal rock left the entrance)

Blue Shard (4th big crystal rock left the entrance)

Blue Shard (ground space 3 spots right and 1 spot down from the 2nd big crystal rock right the entrance)

Max Repel (ground space between the 2 pillars right the entrance)

+Water Gem (up the 2 pillars left the entrance)
+Zygarde Cell (on the lower left small island, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Aquamarine Ruins (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+Waterium-Z (lower right the area accessed from Valor Chamber)

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

4 Mining Rocks

Ether (big crystal rock right of Uxie Statue)

Fresh Water (ground space 2 spots left of the 2nd big rock lower left Uxie Statue)

Green Shard (big crystal rock between the 1st 2 ledges, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Sea Incense (up the 2 ledges up from the Punk Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Rock Gem (small crystal rock between the 2 ledges down the Battle Boy, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Blue Shard (big crystal rock by the right corner 3 ledges down the Battle Boy, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Link Heart (left the up ladder, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Secluded Shore

5 Lava Cookies (from Ana during the Missing Children quest)

Terajuma Coral Reef (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+Water Memory  (by the exit from the Aquamarine Ruins)

Star Shard (from Neptune after battle, note you also get a Popplio)

Stamp #5 (from Neptune after battle)

The Archive (Enegmatic Key needed for access)

+Zangoose Crest (on the table to the bottom right)

+Ariados Crest (on the table to the top left)


Teila Resort


+1 Occa Berry (plant soil right the Ranger Center)

Full Heal (sand space down the big tree right the gym)

+Lax Mint (down the big tree right the gym)

+Hyper Potion (behind the trees right of Tesla's Villa)

+Rare Candy (upper left from Villa 1A on the left)

+Elixir (upper right from Villa 1C on the middle)

+Zygarde Cell (by Villa 1B on the right)

+Zygarde Cell (inside Villa 1B on the table)

Teila Blackbelt Tutor

Aqua Tail (taught for 4 Blue Shards)

Magic Coat (taught for 4 Blue Shards)

Electroweb (taught for 3 Yellow Shards)

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Teila Bar

Right Clerk

Apophyll Pancakes - 3000$

Tart Apple - 1100$

Sweet Apple - 1100$

Middle Clerk

Berry Juice - 1000$

Left Clerk

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$

Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$

Parlyz Heal - 200$

Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Teila Resort Hot Springs

Fresh Water (rock right from the alter)

Blue Shard (rock by the pink cushion left from the altar)

+Earth Relic (from the altar after the double battle with Saki and Venam, story related)

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Reception Area

Muscle Band (from the Blackbelt on the left after showing him off a Fighting type Pokemon)

Spa Area

+Zygarde Cell (by the chair on the right side)

Teila Resort Salon

Revives (from the Luxury Package with 6500$, once a day)
Fresh Waters (from the Luxury Package with 6500$, once a day)

Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber

Dusk Stone (from Reina)

5 Exp. Candy M (from Reina)

7 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

TM50 Overheat (from Amber after the gym battle)

Hyper Potion - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Tesla's Villa

Strawberry Cake (from Tesla, when picking something sweet)
Rose Tea (from Tesla, when picking something relaxing)
Herbal Tea (from Tesla, when picking something rejuvenating)
Razz Berry Tart (from Tesla, when picking something sour)
Yacht Keys (from Tesla inside your room)

Vending Machine

Fresh Water - 200$

Soda Pop - 300$

Lemonade - 350$


Kristiline Town


Frozen Town

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Parlyz Heal - 200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Isle of Angels (Frozen)


Church of Theolia


Tower of Theolia


TM101 Rock Climb (from Kreiss after Angie's battle, didn't save Kreiss route,  story related)

Ocean Relic (from Kreiss to Valarie after exiting the church, didn't save Kreiss route, story related)



+TM79 Frost Breath (middle area)
TM101 Rock Climb (from Kreiss when you free him out of the prison, story related)

Battlefield of the Gods
+Max Revive (upper right side)
+Hyper Potion (lower left side)


Normal Town

+Zygarde Cell (at the garden accessed from the house right the Pokemon Center)

Soda Pop (inside the 1st fence wall left side the upper bridge)
Red Shard (grass space down the flowers patch right the Ranger Center)
+1 Occa Berry (plant soil right the Ranger Center)
Blue Shard (road space 2 spots left and 1 spot down the Glaceon)
Rare Candy (building lower left corner wall down from Glaceon)
Soda Pop (road space down the medium tree right the Help Plaza)
Green Shard (flowers patch right the cuttable-trees right the Sapphire Museum)
+Zygarde Cell (right the Sapphire Museum, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Prism Scale (from the Battle Boy after giving him Aquamarine Ore, inside the house left the Helping Plaza)
Virtual Badge #7 (from Garret after defeating Pryce, inside house left the Helping Plaza, 6 Virtual Badges needed)
Virtual Badge #8 (from Garret after defeating Clair, inside the house left the Helping Plaza, 7 Virtual Badges needed)
25AP (from Garret after defeating all the 8 leaders, inside the house left the Helping Plaza)

Lighthouse Key (from the Ranger at the docks, Lighthouse side quest)

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Parlyz Heal - 200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Reverse Candy - 50$


Lava Cookie - 200$

Sapphire Museum

Cherish Ball (trash bin right of the Director)

10,000$ (from the Director after bringing help building a statue)

TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

TM110 Magma Drift (from Farha, after obtaining the Magma Stone)

Old Woman
RM02 Avalanche - 50,000$
RM03 Zap Cannon - 50,000$
RM04 Metronome - 25,000$
RM06 Retaliate - 25,000$
RM07 Dynamic Punch - 50,000$
RM08 Vacuum Wave - 25,000$
RM09 Tri Attack - 25,000$

TM140 Ice Fang - 20,000$

TM141 Fire Fang - 20,000$

TM142 Thunder Fang - 20,000$

TM143 Psycho Cut - 70,000$

RM01 Hone Claws - 150,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM116 Mega Kick - 150,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

RM05 Sucker Punch - 100,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM125 Charm - 15,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM155 Eerie Impulse - 15,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

Kristiline Help Plaza (Center Keys needed)

Help Quests
6245$, Revival Herb, Mareep (Lighthouse)
10,000$ (Quiz!)
4000$, Mystic Water (Defend me!)
Exp. Candy L, Up-Grade (Research)
Inkay, unlocks the Move-Relearner in Sheridan Village (???)

#Eevee is gifted after completing all the help quests.

Isle of Angels (Normal)

Ocean Relic (from Kreiss to Valarie after exiting the church, saved Kreiss route, story related)

+TM07 Hail (lower left the Church)
Icicle Plate (sand space down the 2nd small tree to the right at the shore down from the Church)

Magical Seed (sand space at the upper left corner by the big island shore)
Ice Gem (grass space down the 1st right medium tree at the big island)

Max Repel (blue/pink flowers left from the alter at the big island)

DeepSeaScale (for 10 Occa Berries from the Fisherman at the big island shore)
DeepSeaTooth (for 10 Occa Berries from the Fisherman at the big island shore)

Dive Ball (sand space up the lower sapling on the upper small island)
+Shed Shell (on the lower left small island)
Rock Gem (sand space 2 spots down and 1 spot right from the sapling on the lower right small island)

Church of Theolia

+Zygarde Cell (inside the altar room under the stairs) #Accessible from Battlefield of the Gods warp-hole if you enter from the left side only.

+Zygarde Cell (at the left side of the Piano room)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)


Mountain Neutral Emotion
1F - Entrance Area
Emotion Powder (from the Future Guy once entering the mountain by the lower bridge)
Max Repel (moss rock right the bridge right 2F ladder)

+Leaf Stone (at the small island on middle left side using the hole drop from 3F)

+Hyper Potion (up the 3F ladder)

Rare Candy (left side the upper submerged big rock, left side the area using the hole drop from 3F)


+TM147 Tail Slap (behind the Calmness Crystal down the area)


+TM134 Rock Blast (lower right the Forest of Time Gate)




Mountain Calm Emotion

+Revive (on the small frozen area down the B1 ladder)

+Ice Heal (lower right the big frozen area)
Water Stone (gray rock lower right the big frozen area)

+TM132 Icicle Spear (after the upper right frozen area)
+Zygarde Cell (left side the area using the hole drop from 3F)
+Zygarde Cell (lower left the area)





Chamber of Awakening

2 Mining Rocks

+Zygarde Cell (at the left side middle the area down the left Mining Rock)
HQ Railnet Key (from Madelis after defeating Kyogre - only if you partake in saving Amber) #Missable


Mountain Anger Emotion

+Zygarde Cell (by Heatmor at the small island on middle left side using the hole drop from 3F)

+Zygarde Cell (upper right the area, right path from the 4F ladder)





Valor Mountain Blockade

+Blunder Policy (1st top left room at the 2nd floor inside the blockade)

+Metal Powder (3rd bottom right room at the 2nd floor inside the blockade)

Revive (from Saki if you have the Magma Stone)

TM110 Magma Drift (from Saki if you don't have the Magma Stone)

+Zygarde Cell (right the 2F ladder, Neutral Emotion)

Valor Mountain Cliffside

2 Mining Rocks

HP Up (ground space corner down the rock right the healing star)

Blast Powder (rock down the healing star)

+Zygarde Cell (up the lower right pillar by the 1st stairs)

Protector (give the Blackbelt 10 Rock Type Pokemon, available from Chapter 10+, repeatable)

Valor Summit

+Dragon Scale (end of the path lower left the area)

Forest of Time

Reverse Candy (grass patch up the right back side of the big tree in the middle of the natural bridge up the entrance)

Calcium (lower left side of the lower right medium tree at the upper right corner before the long stairs)

+Zygarde Cell (upper left corner before the long stairs)

+Zygarde Cell (end the top left water path)

+TM40 Aerial Ace (at the sale floating island taking the top right water path, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Castillo De la Ángel


+Dungeon Key (Anju's office)

+Dungeon Key (Ballroom)

+Dungeon Key (inside the boat at the underground cave)

Dungeon Key (from Cera at the underground cave)

Diamond Component (at the base of Anju's throne room for completing Path 1: Diamond Route of ch15)



Terrial Island


Grand Express


Soda Pop (from Venam inside our resting room following story events, medium+ friendship value with Venam only)
Soda Pop (from Melia inside our resting room following story events, low friendship value with Venam and high+ friendship value with Melia only)
Grand Express Tutor
Hyper Voice (taught for 4 Red Shards)

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Route 7


Train Area

5 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer by the sign left the train) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Quick Ball (left side of the medium tree left of Oblitus Town sign)
Rock Gem (grass space 7 spots right from the Female Ranger Trainer)
Green Shard (bush down the Female Ranger Trainer)
Hyper Potion (grass space 7 spots right from the headbutt tree, lower left from the Female Ranger Trainer)
Red Shard  (grass space 1 spot down and 2 spots right from the headbutt tree, lower left from the Female Ranger Trainer)
Max Repel (grass space 5 spots down and 1 spot right from the Darchlight Woods and Oblitus Town sign)
Max Repel (grass space 2 spots down and 3 spot right from the Charmer Trainer)
Ghost Gem (upper grass space between the 2 dark green medium trees upper left from the Charmer Trainer)
Fire Gem (grass space behind the dark green big tree lower left the ledge)
Green Shard (bush up the Youngster)
Ground Gem (grass space left the flowers patch upper right from the Youngster)
+Ether (hidden in the left tall grass lower left of Dean's House, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

HM04 Strength (from Krystal after fixing the train tracks)

Luck's Tent Area

PP Up (grass space left the bush by the Train Area entrance)

Rare Candy (last grass space hidden behind the big tree at the small path down from the Train Area entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Red Shard (upper right small pink/blue flowers patch from the T-shaped flowers patch top right the area)
Yellow Shard (flowers patch right from the Green Ranger)

Max Potion (ground space hidden behind the dark green big tree left of Luck's Tent)
Blue Shard (grass space 2 spots right from the dark green medium tree lower left of Luck's truck)

Reverse Candy (1st flowers patch left the tall grass lower left Luck's truck)

Crashed Robot Area

Green Shard (middle grass patch lower right the Cool Trainer)

+3 Persim Berries (plant soil lower right the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+Zygarde Cell (right the bridge upper right the area)

Male Ranger (inside the house)

Honey - 100$

Super Repel - 500$

Yui's Ranch

+TM107 Slash and Burn (right from the entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+Zygarde Cell (right from the entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Yellow Shard (1st flowers patch up the big rock up the entrance)
Max Repel (sand space 2 spots up the light green big tree left the School Boy)
Green Shard (last flowers patch right from Honec Woods entrance)
Blue Shard (flowers patch down from the Prima Donna Trainer)
Pecha Berry (flowers patch right from the Prima Donna Trainer)
Red Shard (flowers patch up from the Prima Donna Trainer)
Ultra Potion (down grass space on the left tall grass up the Ranch)
Elemental Seed (3rd middle grass space on the right tall grass up the Ranch)
Moomoo Milk (2nd right flowers patch up the Ranch Gate)

+Bright Powder (hidden behind the big tree left the lower Barn)

Fire Gem (grass space left the wood logs down the upper Barn)

Moomoo Milk (from Miltank in exchange for Oran Berry, repeatable)
Stable Mulch (mud space 1 spot down the lower left haystack left side, inside the lower Barn)
Moomoo Milk (right upper left haystack right side, inside the lower Barn)
Moomoo Milk (left upper right haystack left side, inside the lower Barn small room)
Revive (middle mud space 2 spots down the water feeder, inside the lower Barn small room)

+Zygarde Cell (right from the lower Barn, before the bridge)
Moomoo Milk (1st haystack left side, inside the upper Barn)
Oran Berry (2nd haystack right side, inside the upper Barn)
Sitrus Berry (middle right mud space on the middle right muddy spot, inside the upper Barn)
Stable Mulch (middle mud space 1 spot down the 2nd water feeder, inside the upper Barn)

3 Cherish Balls (from Ben after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

Caretaker Clerk (after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

Ultra Ball - 1200$

Hyper Potion - 1200$

GourmetTreat - 2000$

Super Repel - 500$

Max Repel - 700$

Escape Rope - 550$

Honey - 100$

Moomoo Milk - 500$

Grand Dream Gate

+TM19 Secret Power (middle the path right up from the train tracks)

+Zygarde Cell (middle the path right up from the train tracks)

Pearl (from Kimono Girl at the far right from the train tracks, Kimono Girls side quest)


Oblitus Town


Link Heart (2nd big rock right from the healing star)

Kelvin's House

Pokeflute (from Kelvin for 45,000$, available after completing the Missing Miltank side quest at Yui's Ranch, and returning from the Badlands & obtaining Fly)


Honec Woods


Entrance Area

Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom up the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Poison Gem (water space 2 spots down and 1 spot right the upper right water lily on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Cleanse Tag (middle small red flowers patch on the middle left grass patch on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Leaf Stone (lower right small blue/yellow flowers patch on the lower left grass patch on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Reverse Candy (small red flowers patch right from the Snorlax Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+3 Starf Berries (plant soil lower left the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Big Mushroom (grass space lower right the lower right Honey Tree, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Snorlax Area
Honey (small red flowers patch right the red mushroom left the entrance)
Honey (small red flowers patch left the red mushroom right the entrance)
Aspear Berry (small red flowers patch under the orange big tree right the Honey Tree up Snorlax)

Darchlight Cave Entrance Area


Honec Shrine


Swamp Pit


Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Red Shard (space up the red mushroom from the entrance)

+3 Pecha Berries (left plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Lum Berries (middle plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Enigma Berries (right plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+3 Starf Berries (up plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Aspear Berries (down plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

TinyMushroom (red mushroom right from the Castle entrance)

Red Shard (small red flowers patch right the headbutt tree bellow the Castle entrance)

Goomatora Tutor (2nd right green hut)

Liquidation (taught for 2 Big Mushroom)

Drill Run (taught for 3 Big Mushroom)

Stomping Tantrum (taught form 3 Big Mushroom)

Zen Headbutt (taught for 3 Big Mushroom)

Gastro Acid (taught for 1 Tiny Mushroom)

Goombina Tutor (green hut down Goomink's house)

Seed Bomb (1 Tiny Mushroom)

Dragon Pulse (1 Big Mushroom)

Icy Wind (1 Big Mushroom)

Goome (2nd right green hut, after completing the Goomidra quest)
Dedenne Crest - 100,000$
Bastiodon Crest - 100,000$
Rampardos Crest - 100,000$

Whiscash Crest - 100,000$

Castle of Goomidra

Entrance Hall

Swampertite (reward from Queen Goodrah after completing the Goomidra quest)

Infernape Crest (reward from King Goodroh after completing the Goomidra quest)

Upper Hall


Kasumi Garden

+TM08 Bulk Up (at the right end of the garden)

Castle Outer Garden (open after completing the Goomidra quest)

Dusk Ball (ground space down the 2nd small red flower patch from the entrance)

Big Mushroom (last small red flowers patch from the entrance)


Darchlight Woods


Starting Area

Tiny Mushroom (grass space 2 spots right the red mushrooms left the 1st small wooden log)
Big Mushroom (flowers patch right the red mushrooms right from the running Fairy Girl)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space left side the river left the 3rd red mushrooms up the 2nd stairs drop, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Dark Gem (grass space right the 2nd red mushrooms down the 2nd stairs drop)

Upper Right Foggy Area (up the Starting Area)

Tiny Mushroom (red mushrooms down the left small pond up the entrance)
Ether (grass space 1 spot right and 1 spot down the left red mushrooms bellow the 1st gate)

Tiny Mushroom (2nd flowers patch up the left small pond up the entrance, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Dark Gem (red mushrooms up the stairs from the right small pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Reverse Candy (grass patch up the 2nd flowers patch up the stairs from the right small pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Zygarde Cell (at the top on the small piece of land by the waterfalls, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Cave Area (1st stairs drop down the Starting Area)
+Dark Memory (on the right side, accessible on dark ground)
Darchlight Manor Area (left the Connecting Area)
+2 Persim Berries (upper left plant soil down the Manor entrance)
+2 Sitrus Berries (lower left plant soil down the Manor entrance)

+2 Persim Berries (lower right plant soil down the Manor entrance)
+2 Sitrus Berries (upper right plant soil down the Manor entrance)
Rivers Area (up the Connecting Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Blue Shard (grass space middle the grass patches circle formation up the left stairs)
HP Up (water space 2 spots down and 2 spots right the flowers patch down the Upper Left Foggy Area entrance)
+TM18 Rain Dance (on the small piece of land at the top middle end of the area)
Big Mushroom (middle red mushrooms on the small piece of land at the top middle end of the area)
TM53 Energy Ball (from Florin/Flora after battle)

Upper Left Foggy Area (upper left the Rivers Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch on the right up the 1st pond)
Yellow Shard (flowers patch lower left the 2nd pond)
PP Up (flowers patch top right the 2nd pond)

Sensu Meadow (left the Starting Area)

Purple Nectar (flowers patch lower left the stairs)
+TM114 Leech Life (upper right corner section)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space left of the flowers patch 1 section above the hole on the right)
Ether (grass space right the S-shaped purple flowers arrangement 1 section right the hole on the right)
Big Mushroom (top flower patch 2 sections above the hole on the left)

+Zygarde Cell (on the far left section of the area)
Dark Gem (space left the white flower 1 section above the hole on the left)

Forgotten Hill (upper right the Rivers Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Darchlight Manor

Main Hall - Entrance Area
Revival Herb (top left tree pot)
Full Heal (ground space 1 spot down and 2 spots left the top right tree pot)

Ghost Gem (ground space up the bottom left tree pot, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Upper Middle Room
+Max Repel (lower left the TV)
Blue Shard (ground space up the tree pot under the right stairs, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Spell Tag (dirt space lower left corner of the area, Strength/Golden Gauntlet or Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Upper Right Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

+Zygarde Cell (upper right the room)

+Old Gateau (upper left the room)

Upper Left Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Carbos (ground space 3 spots up the lower left rubble)
+Dread Plate (up the stairs)

Lower Right Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Health Wing (top left tree pot)

Lower Left Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Ghost Gem (in the left statue)

Top Hall (Strength/Golden Gauntlet or Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)


Fireplace Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
+Gate Key (inside the fireplace)
+TM12 Taunt (inside the fireplace)

Fairy Memory (inside the safe, accessed with Narcissa's quest)

Dinning Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)
Elixir (rubble right of the door)

+Chipped Pot (on the dinning table lower part)
Old Gateau (small rubble on the table from the right side)
Blue Shard (top left tree pot)
Backyard (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the left side from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the right side from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the left side down the well)

+Zygarde Cell (on the right side down the well)
Light Ball (from the doll after you pull the rope from the well)

+Data File - Code: Rembrence (right from the swing, accessed with Narcissa's quest)

Darchlight Cave

Starting Area (Light)
Yellow Shard (2nd white rock right the healing star)
Blue Shard (big white rock right side by the water stream)
Max Repel (lower left corner spot from the small black rock depression down the middle stairs)
Psychic Gem (last ground space on the path down the exit)
Rock Gem (black rock at the end of the path up the exit)

+Zygarde Cell (middle of the path up the exit)
+TM23 Smack Down (at the path up the exit, Rock Climb/Golden Claws is needed)
Starting Area (Dark)
Dark Gem (last ground space on the path down the exit)

Stairs Area (Light)
Stairs Area (Dark)

2 Mining Rocks
Dusk Stone (upper left black rock after the bridge, left stairs area)
Blue Shard (black rock down the water stream after the bridge, right stairs area)
Big Area (Light)

2 Mining Rocks
+Rare Bone (end the bridge down the Darchlight Mirror Machine Area, 1st section)
Hyper Potion (2nd white rock up the Female Bladestar Grunt before the Mining Rock taking the path straight then upward after the 1st bridge, 2nd section)
Ether (2nd black rock left the 2nd Male Bladestar Grunt path straight then downward after the 1st bridge, 2nd section)
Revive (white rock at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)
Max Potion (black rock lower left the stairs down the exit, 3rd section)
Big Area (Dark)
Ether (1st white rock at the top after the entrance, 1st section)
Revive (last spot on the ground far bellow left before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)
Full Heal (1st white rock down before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)
Carbos (black rock at the end taking the path upward twice left from the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)
Reverse Candy (1st white rock following the path upward then straight before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)
Ghost Gem (white rock at the left end of the section, 2nd section)
+Dark Material (upper left end of the section, 2nd section)

+TM115 Mega Punch (lower left end of the section, 2nd section)

+TM145 Hex (at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)
Everstone (black rock at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)
Super Potion (black rock down the exit, 3rd section)
Darchlight Mirror Machine Area
Black Shard Ore (from the ore sack)
Black Shard (from the furnace using the Black Shard Ore)
Darchlight Mirror (end product of the machine following a certain sequence: 4589758 (monitor code), Black Shard Ore (in furnace), Red, Blue, Green, Red, Red, Black Shard Ore (out furnace), Blue, Purple, Gold, Black Shard (small machine))

Dark Material (end product of the machine following a certain sequence: reset (monitor), Black Shard Ore (in), Gold, Green, Blue, Purple, Purple, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Black Shard Ore (out), Blue, Purple, Gold, Red, Black Shard (small machine))

Water Area (Light)
Water Area (Dark)

+TM97 Dark Pulse (up the giant green mushrooms)
Magical Seed (ground space at the upper right corner top the giant green mushrooms)
Ice Gem (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot down from the black rock left the giant green mushrooms)
Elevator Area (Light)
1 Mining Rock
Elevator Area (Dark)
Exit Area (Light)
2 Mining Rocks
Exit Area (Dark)

Darchlight Labs

Bladestar Labs (accessed with Classified Information side quest)

+Data File - Code: Drifio (right the entrance, inside the middle big door)
Dubious Disc (small box lower left of the room, inside the right door)


Azure Shore


Max Repel (sand space down the 3rd medium tree to the left on the small shore)

Star Piece (from the lower Samurott down the house at morning time)

Pearl (water space 3 spots down the stairs right side down from the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Pearl (flat rock right the diving spot right the broken lighthouse, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Rare Candy (from the Samurott down the broken lighthouse at morning time, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 8


Red Shard (2nd flowers patch lower left the entrance)

Soda Pop (3rd flowers patch upper left the entrance)

Green Shard (big rock up the Old Lady)

+TM156 Air Slash (right from the Old Lady)

Blue Shard (rock rubble right the Guy)

Blue Shard (rock rubble left the Guy)


Grand Dream City


Main Street

Dusk Ball (in the cupboard, inside the 1st Apartment Complex 75F)

Ether (plant pot by the elevator, inside the 2nd Apartment Complex 24F)

+Moon Ball (on the bed, inside the 2nd Apartment Complex 24F)
Resist Wing (2nd ground space up, left the 2nd Apartment Complex)
Repel (ground space 2 spots up the Bug Catcher Trainer at the NPC gathering middle the street)
+Reverse Candy (by the lower right dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Green Shard (grass space up the 1st flowers patch left the lower right dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Reverse Candy (flowers patch left of the right big yellow tree up Route 7 gate entrance)
Max Repel (1st flowers patch left of the Main Street Station stairs up Route 7 gate entrance)
+Sachet (by the lower left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Hyper Potion (ground space up the lower left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Blue Shard (flowers patch right of the 1st left big green tree up Route 7 gate entrance)
Muscle Wing (ground space 3 spots up the upper left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Genius Wing (middle ground space behind the 2nd SPU truck down the Pokemon Center)
+Hyper Potion (on the table, inside the Main Street Complex 8F)
5 Persim Berries (from the Female Clerk on the sofa, inside the Main Street Complex 8F at Night Time)
+Sun Stone (on the table, inside the Main Street Complex 16F)
Carbos (from Igglybuff , inside the Main Street Complex 16F at Day Time)
Ether (ground space 5 spots down and 1 spot left from the left side of the Missing Poster left of the Main Street Complex)
Max Repel (ground space 3 spots up and 9 spots left from the Hiker lower left the Main Street Complex)

Casteliacone (from the Optimist Lady left the Weather Board, Event Trigger -> Snow Weather)

Eastern Dream District

+Zygarde Cell (between the Old Lady and the Artist down Grand Dream Station)
Leppa Berry (from the Male Ranger Trainer after battle)
Rare Candy (from the Lady on the sofa after giving her 3400$, inside the Day Care Ground Floor)

+Zygarde Cell (inside the Day Care Building 14F)
+TM31 Brick Break (by the waterfall at Amber Park, Event Trigger -> Windy Weather from the Main Street)

Grand Dream Station

+Hyper Potion (lower right by the Gearen Train)

Botanical Garden
Blue Shard (ground space corner up the benches right the entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 4 spots down and 2 spots right from the Fragrant Lady Trainer)
Wiki Berry (middle right orange flowers inside the lower right garden)
+TM11 Sunny Day (at the middle inside the lower right garden)
+Rare Candy (bottom left inside the lower right garden)

+Zygarde Cell (bottom right inside the lower right garden)
Max Repel (ground space 3 spots down and 4 sports right from the Garden Arena entrance)
Ether (ground space 6 spots up and 1 spot right from the Mistress Trainer)
Occa Berry (right pink flowers inside the middle left garden)
Reverse Candy (ground space 2 spots down and 2 spots right from the lower bench left the lower left garden)

Bladestar HQ (accessed from the Botanical Garden if you join Flora's Story ch10)


Southwestern Dream District
Green Shard (back-left-side the pink medium tree lower left the PokeStar Studios entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (between the 2 trucks by the PokeStar Studio entrance)

Blue Shard (ground space 5 spots left the Lady lower left the PokeStar Studios entrance)
Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots down the zebra crossing middle spot up the Art Gallery building)
Red Shard (ground space 6 spots left and 2 spots up the 1st dumpster down the Art Gallery building)

Ether (ground space 2 spots down the Herbs Shop)
Max Repel (ground space 3 spots  left of the sakura tree on the bottom left of the area)
Iron (ground space 7 spots up the sakura tree on the bottom left of the area)
Health Wing (flowers patch left the SPU truck)
Blue Shard (ground space down the dark green medium tree upper left the SPU truck)
+Rare Candy (top left of the area behind the trees)
+TM67 Roost (down the Herbs Shop, at Night Time)

Art Gallery

Blue Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)
Red Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)

Green Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)

Herbs Shop

Herbs Lady
Heal Powder - 450$
Energy Root - 800$
Energy Powder - 500$
Pure Incense - 9600$
Luck Incense - 9600$
Full Incense - 9600$
Wave Incense - 9600$

Full Heal - 600$
Nightmare Medallion - 4800$ (available with Nightmare City story)

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Shop)

+Zygarde Cell (right of Dylan's House)

Family Portrait (from the Thief left of Dylan's House, following the Art side quest)

Right Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Oval Stone - 2100$
Sticky Barb - 200$
Charocal - 9800$
Light Ball - 100$
Stick - 200$
Float Stone 200$
Binding Band - 200$

Left Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Metal Powder - 10$
Cell Battery - 200$
Magnet - 100$
Quick Powder - 10$

Blast Powder - 2500$


Ultra Ball - 1200$
Dusk Ball - 1000$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Revive - 8500$
Full Heal - 1200$

Main Building

+Metal Coat (bottom left, 1F)
Mystery Bowl (middle trash bin, 1F)
PP Up (ground space the lower right table right side, 2F)
Lemonade (in the lower left middle computer left the Bladestar Grunt that wants to delete himself, 2F)
+Hyper Potion (top left, 2F)
Full Heal (lower left trash bin, 3F)
Mystery Bowl (middle right trash bin, 3F)

Dylan't House



+Toxic Orb (right from the entrance at the lower area)

PokeStar Studios


Northwestern Dream District

Max Repel (ground space 2 spots down the bench right of Mika's Cafe)
Mineral Ball (ground space 2 spots up and 3 spots left the street lamp up the Residential District entrance)

Mineral Ball (ground space between the 2 dumpsters left the Residential District entrance)
5 Leppa Berries (from the Receptionist, inside the Apartments Building Ground Floor)

+Max Revive (on the table, inside the Apartments Building 13F)
5 Quick Balls (from the Optimist Lady on the sofa, inside the Apartments Building 36F, at Night Time)
Ether (ground space 2 spots left and 1 spot up the middle street lamp left Mika's Cafe)
Green Shard (ground space 8 spots down the last top right street lamp)
Reverse Candy (2nd flowers patch up the last top right street lamp)
Genius Wing (2nd flowers patch up the top middle right street lamp)
Ether (2nd flowers patch up the top middle left street lamp)
Red Shard (ground space between the 2 dumpsters down the Toybox)

Mika's Cafe

Reverse Candy (from the Male Clerk at the top right table, at Night Time)
10 Dusk Balls (from the Kalos Lady at the bar, at Night Time)

Link Heart (from Patty, SPU Delivery side quest)

Northern Dream District

Central Square

Muscle Wing (inside the far left dumpster lower left of the area, down the Residential District entrance)
Health Wing (ground space 7 spots left from the sakura trees on the lower right of the area, down the lower Shopping District entrance)
Health Wing (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot up the the bench up from the lower Shopping District entrances)
Resist Wing (4th green grass patch down the sakura tree on the upper right garden at the fountain)
HP Up (from the Red Haired Technician on the right side, Day time)
Muscle Wing (lower left flowers patch on the upper left garden left the fountain)
Health Wing (ground space middle the zebra-line right from the Northwestern Dream District entrance)
Sitrus Berry (from the Female Ranger Trainer up of Officer Jenny after battle, Day Time)
Ether (ground space 2 spots right and 1 spot up from the Young Lady down the left Northern Dream District entrance)
+Max Repel (left of the Central Building)

+Green Shard (right the top Weather Board down the Central Building)

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Central Building)

SPU Parcel #1 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

SPU Parcel #2 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

SPU Parcel #3 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

Central Building

GDC Help Plaza

Help Quests
Opens up The Underground (Missing Children)
25,000$, Stamp #3 (Classified Information)

Shopping District
Super Repel (ground space 5 spots left and 1 spot down from the flowers basket left the Ice Cream Stand bottom the area)

350$ (ground space middle spot between the 2 lower dumpsters at the road between the 2 Central Square entrances)

450$ (ground space 4 spots left of the Weather Board middle spot, top the area)

Repel (flowers patch left the middle medium tree at the top of the area)

Elixir (ground space 4 spots down the middle medium tree bottom left side at the top of the area)

450$ (ground space 6 spots right and 3 spots up the Optimist Trainer)
Super Potion (ground space left the Hidden Power Checker)

Yellow Shard (ground space 6 spots right from the flowers basket right the Move Relearner)
550$ (ground space 2 spots down and 1 spot left the right door entrance of the Department of Dreams)

+Zygarde Cell (lower right the Department of Dreams)

*Casteliacone (ground space 1 spot down the crying Kid) *Only if you didn't give her one yet.

Ice Cream Stand (Snow Weather)

1 Casteliacone - 100$
Dozen Casteliacone - 1000$

Department of Dreams


Stamp #1 (from the Receptionist)

2F (1 Stamp)
1st Clerk
Heat Rock - 200$
Icy Rock - 200$
Smooth Rock - 200$
Damp Rock - 200$
Grip Claw - 200$
Light Clay - 200$
Everstone - 200$
2nd Clerk

Max Repel - 700$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Full Heal - 600$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$
Escape Rope - 550$
3F (2 Stamps)
1st Clerk

Fire Stone - 2100$
Water Stone - 2100$
Leaf Stone - 2100$

Thunderstone - 2100$

Sun Stone - 2100$

Moon Stone - 2100$
2nd Clerk
Air Balloon - 200$
White Herb - 100$
Mental Herb - 100$
Power Herb - 100$
Absorb Bulb - 200$
Snowball - 200$

Destiny Knot - 200$
Cell Battery - 200$

4F (3 Stamps)
1st Clerk
HP Up - 9800$
Protein - 9800$
Cabos - 9800$
Zinc - 9800$
Calcium - 9800$
Iron - 9800$

2nd Clerk
Sticky Barb - 200$
Lagging Tail - 200$
Iron Ball - 200$
Binding Band - 200$
Float Stone - 200$
Eject Button - 200$
Red Card - 200$
Ring Target - 200$
Metronome - 200$

5F (4 Stamps)

1st Clerk
Occa Berry - 3000$

Passho Berry - 3000$
Wacan Berry - 3000$
Rindo Berry - 3000$
Yache Berry - 3000$
Payapa Berry - 3000$
Tanga Berry - 3000$
Charti Berry - 3000$
Chople Berry - 3000$

2nd Clerk

Kebia Berry - 3000$
Shuca Berry - 3000$
Coba Berry - 3000$
Haban Berry - 3000$

Kasib Berry - 3000$
Colbur Berry - 3000$
Babiri Berry - 3000$
Chilan Berry - 3000$
Roseli Berry - 3000$

6F (5 Stamps)

1st Clerk

Psychic Gem - 200$
Bug Gem - 200$
Rock Gem - 200$
Ghost Gem - 200$
Dark Gem - 200$
Dragon Gem - 200$
Steel Gem - 200$
Ice Gem - 200$

2nd Clerk

Fire Gem - 200$
Water Gem - 200$
Normal Gem - 200$
Grass Gem - 200$
Electric Gem - 200$
Poison Gem - 200$
Ground Gem - 200$
Fighting Gem - 200$
Flying Gem - 200$

7F (6 Stamps)

Dark Matter Core (if you show the Strange Lady a Gible)

1st Clerk

Petaya Berry - 1250$
Liechi Berry - 1250$

Apicot Berry - 1250$

Lansat Berry - 1250$

Starf Berry - 1000$

Ganlon Berry - 1000$

Salac Berry - 1250$

2nd Clerk

Big Root - 200$
Focus Band - 200$
Zoom Lens - 200$
Scope Lens - 200$
BrightPowder - 200$
Link Heart - 10,000$
Ability Capsule - 3000$

8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk

TM150 Grassy Terrain - 100,000$

TM151 Electric Terrain - 100,000$

TM152 Misty Terrain - 100,000$

TM153 Psychic Terrain - 100,000$

TM34 Sludge Wave - 3000$

TM55 Scald - 3000$

TM90 Substitute - 200$

HM05 Waterfall - 150,000$

2nd Clerk

Protector - 2100$

Magmarizer - 2100$

Dragon Scale - 2100$

Eletirizer - 2100$

DeepSeaTooth - 200$

DeepSeaScale - 200$

Up-Grade - 2100$

Dubious Disc - 2100$

Prism Scale - 500$

Sachet - 1100$

Whipped Dream - 1100$

Razor Claw - 2100$

Oval Stone - 2100$

Razor Fang - 2100$

Reaper Cloth - 2100$

Magnolia Theater


Residential District
Green Shard (ground space 2 spots right of the Weather Board middle spot)
Super Repel (ground space lower middle spot right of the right zebra-line-crossing)
Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 3 spots down the 3rd left street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)
Ether (ground space 2 spots up and 1 spot right the 2nd right street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)
PP Up (ground space 1 spot right and 1 spot down the 1st left street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)

Muscle Wing (grass space down the 1st upper left green medium tree inside the park)

Reverse Candy (flowers patch right the 2nd lower left green medium tree inside the park)

Health Wing (grass space down the 1st upper right green medium tree inside the park)

Dream Complex

Central Penthouse

+Zygarde Cell (on the lower left table at the pool area)

+Cloths Change (in our room)

Right-Wing Penthouse
+Sharp Beak (inside the 3rd left room)

Nightmare City

Main Street


Central Square
+Apophyll Pancakes (upper right the area)

+TM85 Dream Eater (upper left the area)

Shopping District
+Vanilla Ice Cream (left the Lady middle left the road)
+Rare Candy (from the Kid middle right the road "if you gave her a fresh Casteliacone in the GDC Shopping District")

10,000 Puppet Coins (from Zetta after entering the Casino for the first time, story related)

+Psychic Memory (top right the area)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Exchange Rate

1000 coins -> 500 Puppet Coins

5000 coins -> 3500 Puppet Coins

10,000 coins -> 8500 Puppet Coins



6 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer down the toybox entrance) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

+Revive (left the toybox entrance)

+TM29 Psychic (hidden between box 7 and 3 after defeating the Puppet Master, inside the right room)


Judicial District
Link Heart (top left flowers patch on the park right of the Police Department)

+Zygarde Cell (middle the park right of the Police Department)
Police Department

+Data File - Code: Evo (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Materna (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Statia (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Sarpa (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Feris (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Corroso ((at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Anju's Pendant (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Darchlight Mirror (at the Lost and Found floor, if you played the game after completing the Darchlight Cave main events prior to V10)

District Building



Axis High University

+Ether (down the Axis High Station stairs)
+Green Shard (on the table by the Move Relearner)
Poke Doll (reward from hitting 'Powerful' in Agate Circus High Top, repeatable)
HM06 Dive (reward from hitting the bell in Agate Circus High Top)

Axis Pledge Tutor (Yellow Stand)

Fire Pledge (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Water Pledge (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Grass Pledge (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Axis Punch Tutor (Blue Stand)

Thunder Punch (taught for 2 Yellow Shards)

Fire Punch (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Ice Punch (taught for 2 Blue Shards)

Drain Punch (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Focus Punch (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Axis Mixed Tutor (Red Stand)

Endeavor (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Iron Tail (taught for 4 Yellow Shards)

Earth Power (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Chatot Vendor

Chatot - 15000$

Ancient Aevium Balloon Merchant
Air Balloon - 200$

Magic Ice Cream Parlor
Left Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Sachet - 1000$
Funnel Cake - 7000$
Whipped Dream - 1000$
Apophyll Pancakes - 3000$
Rare Candy - 30,000$

Right Clerk
Vanilla Ice Cream - 400$
Choc Ice Cream - 600$
Berry Ice Cream - 800$
*Blue Moon Ice Cream - 20000$ #Appears randomly on very rare occasions.

Fish Tank Randomizer
Standard Bait - 2000$
Poke Ball
Super Potion
Heart Scale
Link Heart
Delicious Bait - 7500$
Dusk Ball
Max Revive
Ultra Potion

Fire Stone

Moon Stone
Heart Scale
Link Heart
Gourmet Bait - 20000$
Dawn Stone
Shiny Stone
Dusk Stone
Sail Fossil
Jaw Fossil

Axis High University Building

+Zygarde Cell (right the boy waiting for an empty room, at the 2F Student Lounge | dorms)

+Zygarde Cell (upper left classroom, at the 2F Student Lounge | standard classrooms)

Cameruptite (from Professor after defeating all the students at the Bobsled Club, at the 2F Student Lounge | standard classrooms)

Concert Tickets (from Amber through story events on Platinum Route, at the 1F Main Hall)

Amber's Letter (from Amber through story events on Platinum Route, at the 1F Main Hall)

School Store

Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$

Ultra Ball - 1200$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Max Repel - 700$

School of Nightmares

10 Phantom Candy S (from Gregus after battling Huey, Path 1)

Treasure Piece (at the pedestal behind Gregus, Path 1)

Treasure Piece (at the pedestal top the Genesis Glyph, Path 1)

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after completing his quest at the main hall, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after completing his quest at the main hall, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling her at the main hall, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling her at the factory, Path 2)

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after battling her at the factory, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy M (from Student after answering 'It's not broken' to his reply at the factory, Path 2)

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after answering 'It's not broken' to his reply at the factory, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling him at the factory, Path 2)

School Store

Super Potion - 700$

Full Heal - 600$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Nightmare Realm

+Crimson Quartz (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Black Shard Crystal (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Grappling Hook (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

+Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

+Elevator Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

Hidden Axis Lab

+Fire Stone (on the right side at the 2nd SEC room)

+Zygarde Cell (on the left side at the 2nd SEC room)

+Nightmare Fuel (on the left side at the 2nd SEC room)

Land of Broken Dreams

+Nightmare Fuel (on the right side area, up the 1st Green Puppet Clone)

Intercept-Z (from Ana/Aevis/Aevia/Aria/Axel/Alain/Aero before battling the Puppet Master)

Axis Factory - Steel Leader Saki

+3 Green Shard (1st chest in the gym puzzle)

+3 Yellow Shard (2nd chest in the gym puzzle)

+3 Exp. Candy XL (3rd chest in the gym puzzle)

+Dungeon Key (next to the locked door after defeating all trainers in the area)

+Dungeon Key (left the double trainers after unlocking the 1st door)

+Adamant Mint (4th chest in gym puzzle after solving the statue quest, answer is: TR=South, TL=West, BR=East, BL=North)

+Master Key (5th chest in gym puzzle after defeating Geara)

TM91 Flash Canon (from Saki after the gym battle)


District of Hope
+Thunderstone (bottom left, District of Hope Apartments 15F)
GourmetTreat (lower right flowers patch down the Pokemon Hospital)
Green Shard (2nd wall to the right down the left stairs)
Persim Berry (in the dumpster up the emergency cars)
+Soda Pop (behind a dumpster left of Doctor Isha's Building)
Aspear Berry (flowers patch down the 1st sakura tree right of Doctor Isha's Buidling)
Blue Shard (ground space upper right corner behind the 2nd sakura tree right of Doctor Isha's Buidling)

Pokemon Hospital


Hospital of Hope
Elixir (grass space lower left the first emergency car on the lower left side by the entrance)
Rock Gem (flowers patch behind the left wooden bench at the middle area)
Super Repel (grass space between the 2 yellow-blue flowers on the lower right side by the entrance)
Yellow Shard (white flowers down the first wooden bench on the upper right side)

Physical Rehab Center (accessed with Turnabout Mosely side quest)



Scholar District

Hyper Potion (lower blue/yellow flowers left the medium tree left the Blakeory Atheneum)

Super Potion (ground space 6 spots down the sakura tree right the Blakeory Atheneum)

Blue Shard (ground space left the upper right corner by Blakeory Atheneum)

Honey (pink/orange flower down the upper right sakura tree at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Rose Tea (on the lower right table in front the Young Lady at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Lemonade (grass patch 2 spots down the lower left table at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Green Shard (3rd flowers patch left the sakura tree at the garden down the Recreation Center)

Max Repel (3rd pink flowers left the sakura tree at the garden down the Recreation Center)

Casteliacone (ground space up the 2nd bench down the Recreation Center)

Ether (grass space between the 2 sakura trees left the School Boy Trainer left the Help Corporation Building)

Sitrus Berry (ground space 4 spots down the upper left wall corner by the Grand Dream Ball entrance)
National Park

Pecha Berry (in the street lamp right the entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (between the upper right and middle right garden)

Revive (ground space right the 2nd street lamp between the upper right and middle right gardens)

Leichi Berry (in the fence up grass patch right the blue flowers in the middle right garden)

+Zygarde Cell (between the upper left and middle left gardens)

Lum Berry (ground space left the 1st street lamp between the middle left and lower left gardens)

Sitrus Berry (ground space 2 spots left the 3rd street lamp between the middle left and lower left gardens)

Revive (middle ground space in the line of the blue and orange flowers between the lower left and lower right garden)

Recreation Center

Game Corner

30 coins (1 spot left the middle lower tree pot)
30 coins (3 spots left the right lower tree pot)
30 coins (1 spot left and 1 spot down the left-middle upper tree pot)
30 coins (1 spot down the upper right corner of the employee's desk)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Aron (5000 coins)

Durant (13,500 coins)

Mienfoo (15,000 coins)

Rufflet (20,000 coins)

Axew (30,000 coins)

Casino TM Prizes
TM70 Flash (1000 coins)
TM10 Hidden Power (4000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes
Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)
PP UP (6 AP)
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
TM56 Fling (15 AP)
TM47 Low Sweep (15 AP)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)

Volleyball Court

Blakeory Atheneum

Grand Dream Ball



Grand Dream Stadium

Tournament Stadium

Strawberry Cake (from Tesla, if picked "something sweet" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)
Rose Tea (from Tesla, if picked "something relaxing" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)
Herbal Tea (from Tesla, if picked "something rejuvenating" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)
Razz Berry Tart (from Tesla, if picked "something sour" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)

TM80 Rock Slide (from Adam after winning the Tournament)

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Awakening - 250$

Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$

Super Repel - 500$

Max Repel - 700$

Nastasia's Airship

Cherrim Crest (from Aelita after finishing the Taxen battle)


Route 9


Resist Wing (grass space between the 2 medium red trees right the end of the train tracks lower left the train)
Big Mushroom (grass space behind the big red tree left the revered L-shaped fallen leaves down the path from the train)
Carbos (light green grass patch on the 2nd row down the left pond down the train)

7 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer right from the train) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Calcium (sand space right the 1st left bamboo stalk down the stairs at the shore)

+Zygarde Cell (down the Farlorned Cavern Shore Entrance, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Zygarde Cell (by the Hiker Trainer left of Farlorned Cavern Left Entrance)

Muscle Wing (big rock right side on the path upward after the Farlorned Cavern Left Area exit)
+TM35 Flamethrower (down the Farlorned Cavern Upper Area exit)
Honey (inside the yellow big tree left of the Farlorned Cavern Upper Area exit)
Swift Wing (big yellow tree down the 2 NPCs talking about Neverwinter on the path to the Rose Theater)

HM02 Fly (from Damien after getting back from Sashila Village)

Farlorned Cavern

Right Entrance Area
Yellow Shard (rock right of the Crystal Room entrance)
Crystal Room
Pretty Wing (flowers patch lower right the area)

+Zygarde Cell (top right the area)
Left Entrance Area

2 Mining Rocks

Dusk Stone (last grass patch at the path after the boulder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
+Ability Capsule (on the elevation up the boulder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Mineral Ball (grass space 3 spots right from the 1st headbutt tree up the 2nd stairs from the entrance)
Ether (in the medium tree left side up the exit)
Upper Entrance Area
Clever wing (1st pink/orange flowers upper right the entrance)
Soda Pop (in the headbutt tree left of the exit)

Shore Entrance (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Rose Theater


+Zygarde Cell (bottom left the area on the river's left side, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Flying Memory (down the hot springs, right side area)

Fresh Water (water space up the left side of the bridge, left side area)

+TM120 Solar Blade (after the bridge, left side area)

Ultra Ball (right grass space on the upper left tall grass patch)

Souta's Cane (dropped from Souta after the gym battle, top side area)

+Pidgeotite (sparkling spot top the area, 13+ badges)


+Zygarde Cell (bottom right inside the Kimono Girls room)

Ice Stone (from Ayuna after completing the Kimono Girls side quest)
Stamp #2 (from the Hiker after completing the Kimono Girls side quest)

Golden Arena

TM62 Acrobatics (from Souta after the gym battle)

Rift Isolated Dream

+Data File - Code: Bella (at the bridge before the battle)


Route 10







Voidal Chasm


B3 - Lower Area
Ether (pink petal down the left ether tree, bottom end of the area)
Ether (2nd pink petal up the 3 trees, bottom end of the area)
Ether (pink petals up the healing star, middle of the area)
Ether (pink petals down the big rock left the healing star, middle of the area)
Dusk Ball (1st upper right big rock right side from the healing star, middle the area)
Ether (pink petal down the medium rock right the 2 stairs, middle of the area)
Ether (pink petals right the B2 entrance, middle of the area)
Ether (ground space down the big rock left the B2 entrance, middle of the area)
+Zygarde Cell (up the B2 entrance, top the area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Dusk Stone (small rock lower left the Upper B3 entrance, top the area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM148 Phantom Force (on the upper right pathway coming from Upper Right B3 entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

B3 - Upper Area (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


B2 - Bridges Area
Ether (pink petal left the B3 entrance, bottom left area)
PP Up (ground space 2 spots down and 2 spots left from the medium rock up the B3 entrance, bottom left area)
+Odd Keystone (on the small land up the bridge between the bottom left and bottom right areas, middle area)
Ether (pink petals right the big rock down the 2 bridges, bottom right area)
+Razor Claw (right end of the area, bottom right area)
+Zygarde Cell (to the left up the climbable wall, top left area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ability Capsule (right medium rock up the climbable wall, top left area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (pink petal left the upper bridge, top left area)
Ether (pink petal on the small land between the 4 bridges, middle area)
Ether (big rock left side, top right area)
+White Herb (top end of the area, top right area)
Ether (pink petal right the bridge, top middle area)
Rare Candy (upper left medium rock, top middle area)
B2 - Boat Area
Ether (1st pink petal left the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (upper left pink petals up the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (lower right pink petals up the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (pink petals lower right the upper left ether tree)
Ether (in the upper left ether tree)
Ether (pink petals upper right the upper left ether tree)
Ether (pink petals up the boat)
Old Scarf (pink petals left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (pink petal lower left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (pink petal upper left the lower right ether tree)
Ether (pink petal down the upper right tree)

+Toolkit (lower left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, Legend of the Void side quest)

B2 - Exit Area
Ether (pink petals up the B2 Boat Area entrance)
Ether (pink petals down the left tree)
Ether (grass patch bottom right the right tree)
B1 - Entrance Area
Ether (pink petals right the big rock up the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petal right the small rock right the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petals lower left the lower left medium rock down the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petal up the lower right big rock down the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petals up Zorrialyn Desert entrance)


Zorrialyn Desert


Top Area
5 Mining Rocks
Red Shard (medium rock right the 2nd stairs down the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Max Repel (twin rock right side right the 3rd stairs down the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Yellow Shard (sand space 3 spots up and 3 spots left the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Red Shard (twin rock right side upper left the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Max Repel (cactus tree down the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Reverse Candy (tree left the Hiker Trainer)

+Zygarde Cell (middle the path up from the Hiker Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Smooth Rock (end the path up from the Hiker Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (cactus tree left the top right Alolan Exeggutor)
Lemonade (skull down the top right Alolan Exeggutor)
Synthetic Seed (sapling down the twin rock right the 2 stairs up the Bottom Area entrance)
Synthetic Seed (sand space 2 spots up and 1 spot left the 1st sapling upper right the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)
Leaf Stone (cactus tree left the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)
Revival Herb (sapling upper left the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)
+Max Ether (up the bottom right Alolan Exeggutor)
Big Root (tree up the Male Desert Dweller up the top middle Alolan Exeggutor)
Green Shard (2nd tree left the Male Desert Dweller up the top middle Alolan Exeggutor)
+Hyper Potion (lower right the bridge)

+Zygarde Cell (right the climbable rocks upper right from the bridge)
Green Shard (skull upper left the bridge)
Ether (sand space left the 3rd tree left from the bridge)
+Zygarde Cell (down the twin rock lower left from the bridge)
Rare Bone (skull right of the Shiny Cacturne, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Mental Herb (cactus tree right from the Female Desert Dweller Trainer)
Max Repel (sand space right the tree lower left from the Female Desert Dweller Trainer)
Yellow Shard (tree up from the Ruined City entrance)
Max Ether (sand space lower right corner up the Ruined City entrance)
+Mineral Ball (up the twin rock up the Ruined City entrance)
+Ether (down the climbable rocks right from the oasis)
Occa Berry (cactus flower tree upper right the pond at the oasis)
+Zygarde Cell (upper left the pond at the oasis)
Haban Berry (bush upper left the pond at the oasis)
Petaya Berry (small tree lower left the pond at the oasis)
+TM37 Sandstorm (up the hill lower left the oasis, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Yellow Shard (tiny cactus down the twin rock left the Sashila Village sign)
HP Up (sand space 3 spots right and 3 spots up from the 1st tree upper left the Sashila Village sign)
Reverse Candy (skull upper right the Sashila Village sign)
Thick Club (skull left the left Zen Mode Darmanitan)
Calcium (sapling left the upper Zen Mode Darmanitan)
Green Shard (tree up the upper Zen Mode Darmanitan)
+Everstone (up from the Zen Mode Darmanitans)
Bottom Area
+Revive (down the twin rock down the Top Area entrance)
Ultra Ball (3rd thin tree upper right from the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Poison Gem (1st tree up the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Kebia Berry (1st tree left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Ground Gem (tree up the 1st skull left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Max Repel (2nd skull left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Ether (skull upper left the cactus tree upper left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
+Iron (right from the Ruined City entrance)


Sand Stream Cave


1F - Entrance Area
Carbos (3-yellow flowers right the middle Depths ladder)
+Hyper Potion (down the twin rock top right the area)
Escape Rope (sand space left the 1st cactus tree down the twin rock top right the area)
Berry Juice (grass space 2 spots left the cactus flower tree top left the area)
Grass Gem (grass space left the 3-yellow flowers left the middle Depths ladder)
Yellow Shard (skull up the lower left quicksand hole)
Yellow Shard (sand space behind the 2nd cactus flower tree right side right from the lower right quicksand hole)

B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Red Shard (in the lower left twin rock right side, lower left section)
+Revive (left the upper right twin rock, lower left section)
Green Shard (sand space 2 spots down and 1 spot left from the bottom skull, upper left section)
Rare Candy (small cactus at the bottom left, upper left section)
+Revive (down the top skull, upper left section)
Light Clay (in the tree, middle section)
+Full Heal (bottom right, upper middle section)
Burn Heal (sand space between the twin rock and skull at the top right, upper right section)
Clever Wing (in the medium rock right the top twin rock, lower right section)
Genius Wing (in the upper middle twin rock left side, lower right section)
+Moon Ball (bottom left, lower right section)
Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Elixir (in the upper left twin rock left side, bottom section)
Rawst Berry (sand space down the twin rock right side, right section)
Sitrus Berry (in the top cactus flower tree left side, right section)
Soft Sand (sand space down the bottom twin rock right side, left section)
Rock Gem (in the medium rock left the 1F ladder, left section)
Lava Cookie (twin cactus left the upper right twin rock, top section)
Berry Juice (in the upper left medium rock, top section)

+Sandacondite (at the middle top of the area)

+Zygarde Core (at the top of the area, available after collecting 100 Zygarde Cells)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


1 Mining Rock
Sun Stone (sand space right of the big rock upper side, on the depression middle the area)
Super Repel (tiny cactus left the upper middle right house)
+Relic Silver (inside the upper middle right house)
Ground Gem (sand space left the sapling up the upper right house)
Green Shard (sand space 1 spot left and 2 spots up from the medium rock right the upper right house)
Protein (sand space up the smashable-rock right the upper right house)
Calcium (sand space up the tiny cactus left the upper middle left house)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the upper middle left house, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Yellow Shard (sand space down the tree left side up from the upper left house)
Red Shard (sand space 2 spots up the tree right side left from the upper left house)
+Rare Candy (inside the upper left house)
+Relic Copper (inside the upper left house)
Wacan Berry (sand space down the tree left side lower left the lower middle right house)
+Relic Copper (inside the lower middle right house)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the lower middle right house, Blast Powder needed)
Super Repel (sand space 1 spot down and 1 spot left from the tree lower left the lower left house)

+Rock Memory (inside the lower left house)


Zorrialyn Coast


1 Mining Rock
Dusk Ball (medium rock lower right the Sashila Village sign)
+Escape Rope (down the twin rock upper right the Sashila Village sign)
Ground Gem (sand space 3 spots left and 4 spots down from the tree lower left the Sashila Trial entrance)
+Zygarde Cell (upper right the Sashila Trial entrance)
Rock Gem (sand space behind the twin rock right side upper right the Abandoned Village and Abyssal Labyrinth sign)
Water Gem (tree upper left the Abandoned Village and Abyssal Labyrinth sign)
Poke Doll (sand space 6 spots left and 2 spots down the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)
Red Shard (sapling down from the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)
Dusk Ball (sapling right the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)
Heart Scale (skull up from the Zen Mode Darmanitans)
Elixir (sand space down the Mining Rock)
Abandoned Village
Strange House (Reforged Key needed)
1F - Entrance Room
Red Shard (ground space up the couch lower left the room)
Yellow Shard (ground space left the right big rock middle the room between the 2 stairs)
Blue Shard (ground space down the upper left big rock right side)
Poke Doll (books stack lower right from Myra)
B1 (Family Portrait needed for access)
+Gardevoirite (behind the altar)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth


B1 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)



1 - Insect Plate
2 - Dread Plate
3 - Icicle Plate
4 - Meadow Plate
5 - Heart Scale
6 - Dread Plate
7 - Relic Copper
8 - Relic Copper
9 - Relic Copper
10 - HP Up
11 - Relic Copper
12 - PP Max
A - Nothing
B - Seviper Crest
C - Magcargo Crest
D - Oricorio Crest
B2 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)



1 - Toxic Plate
2 - Flame Plate
3 - Iron Plate
4 - Earth Plate
5 - Fist Plate
6 - Carbos
A - Nothing
B - Hypno Crest
C - Fearow Crest
D - Stantler Crest

B3 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)



1 - Relic Silver
2 - Stone Plate
3 - Relic Silver
4 - Sky Plate
5 - Stone Plate
6 - Sky Plate
7 - Relic Copper
8 - Spooky Plate
9 - Relic Copper
A - Nothing
B - Leafeon Crest
C - Glaceon Crest

B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)



1 - Relic Silver
2 - Mind Plate
3 - Calcium
4 - Heart Scale
5 - Relic Silver
6 - Heart Scale
7 - Blue Shard
8 - Splash Plate
9 - Pixie Plate
10 - Full Restore
11 - PP Up
12 - Dread Plate
13 - Water Stone
A - Skuntank Crest
B - Relicanth Crest

B5 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)
+Zap Plate (bottom the room)
Zorrialyn Crypt (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

+Cofagrigus Crest (on the altar)

Castle Zygara (Hidden Library Quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

+Eviolite (lower left inside the secret library)

+Claydol Crest (at the small balcony after the secret library)

+Spiritomb Crest (inside the room above the entrance hall, taking the stairs on the left from the 2nd floor)

+Darmanitan Crest (inside the room end the hall, taking the door right from the 2nd floor)

+Torterra Crest (upper right at the 3rd floor)

Banettite (from Karrina if you decided to let Karen die, if picked "Heracronite" before)
Heracronite (from Karrina if you decided to let Karen die, if picked "Banettite" before)


Sashila Village


Moon Stone (2nd blue flower after the bridge up the entrance)
Grass Gem (cactus tree pot left the lower left room)
Max Repel (ground space 5 spots down the top-right middle window)

 3 Exp. Candy XL (from the Breeder Trainer middle the area) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Lemonade (ground space 2 spots down and 1 spot left from the 1st pink flower at the upper right garden right the Chief Quarter)
GourmetTreat (3rd blue flower at the upper right garden right the Chief Quarter)

Link Heart (sand space left the pink flower at the right small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Zygarde Cell (down the stairs at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Heart Scale (from the Male Desert Dweller at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
HP Up (in the top cactus tree at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
House Key (from a Male Desert Dweller inside the research center, at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Dusknoir Crest (from the Archaeologist after getting all the crests in the Labyrinth)

Mega-Z Ring (from Alexandra following the story events of ch15)

Rotom Phone (from Aelita following the Path 3: Platinum Route of ch15)

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Mineral Ball - 1200$
Hyper Potion - 1200$

Max Repel - 700$
Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Sashila Dweller Tutor (13+ badges)

Heat Wave (taught for 6 Red Shards)
Pain Split (taught for 4 Yellow Shards)
Zen Headbutt (taught for 4 Green Shards)

Chief Quarter


League Administration


Sashila Help Plaza

Help Quests

12,500$, Absolite (Legend of the Void)
22,500$, Link Heart, 3 Sitrus Berries, 3 Roseli Berries (Badland Baddies)
32,500$, Abomasite (My Sister Fell!)
32,500$, Scented Lure (I Need to get Stronger!)


Alamissa Urban


Mysterious Black Box (from Ren after hearing his story by the entrance)
Red Shard (ground space between the 2 middle windows of the lower left room)
+Red Flute (down from the tank down the lower left room door entrances)
Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 2 spots up from the medium rock left the stairs left the lower room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space up the bench up the stairs upper left from the lower left room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space down the medium rock down the tank upper right from the lower left room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot up and 1 spot right from the medium rock lower right the middle lower left room ladder entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space lower right corner the muddy pool down from the middle lower left room door entrance)
Yellow Shard (middle the big flowers pot left the middle lower right room door entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space down the tank left side up from the middle lower right room ladder entrance)

Yellow Shard (ground space 2 spots up and 3 spots left from the rock rubble left the muddy pool up the lower right room ladder entrance)

Yellow Shard (ground space left from the lower left medium rock down the tank down the lower right room door entrances)
+Power Bracer (down from the middle upper right room door entrances)
+Poke Toy (right from the middle upper right room door entrances)
Yellow Shard (ground space left the medium rock down the upper right room left door)
Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 1 spot up from the 2nd rock rubble up the upper right room right door)
Yellow Shard (ground space right from the big flowers pot lower right the Gallery entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space 2 spots right from the small rock right the Gallery entrance)

Red Shard (ground space 3 spots up and 3 spots left from the middle upper left room right door)
Red Shard (ground space 2 spots up the furthest right medium rock up from the tank lower left the Gallery entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot right from the 1st medium rock left the tank lower left the Gallery entrance)
Red Shard (ground space right the rock rubble up the tank left the upper left room entrance)
Red Shard (ground space left the small rock right from the upper left room entrance)
+Prism Scale (inside the upper left room)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot down from the rock rubble down the upper left room entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 2 spots up from the medium rock left the 1st bench down the middle upper left room doors)
+Poke Toy (between the benches down the middle upper left room doors)

+Life Orb (inside the upper left room, after finishing the Hidden Library quest continuation at Castle Zygara by letting Karen live)

Alamissa Gallery



Zone Zero



+Zygarde Cell (left of the entrance sign)

Transmitter (from Nastasia following the story events)

Inner Zone South

Yellow Shard (fence wall upper corner down the 2nd Abandoned Apartment entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (further down from the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit and right of the 1st boulder)

+TM93 Wild Charge (on the small path southeast the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit)

+Zone Zero Key (end the path down the Lux Apartments)

Revive (last rock up the path northeast the Lux Apartments)

+Rare Candy (end the path northeast the Lux Apartments)

+Ultra Potion (end the path northeast the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit)

+Razor Claw (end the path up the prison building)
Red Shard (2nd skull up the 1st Abandoned Apartment exit)
Yellow Shard (3rd bookshelf inside the Abandoned Hospital)
Red Shard (rock left of Nymiera's Place)

Male Grunt

Blast Powder - 2500$

Female Grunt

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Abandoned Apartments

+Zygarde Cell (right the generator at the basement)
+Door Key (inside the 4th room at the 1st floor)

Yellow Shard (the last bookshelf upper right the hospital entrance)

Star Shard (from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)
Ledian Crest (from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)
Stamp #6 (from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)

+1F Door Key (top right sparkling spot, inside room 1A in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+1D Door Key (table sparkling spot, inside room 1F in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2F Door Key (bed sparkling spot, inside room 1D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2C Door Key (bed sparkling spot, inside room 2F in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2D Door Key (middle right sparkling spot, inside room 1B in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+1C Door Key (middle sparkling spot, inside room 2D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+Zygarde Cell (inside room 2D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)

+Rocky Helmet (inside the lever room B1 in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)

Apartment Depths

+Zygarde Cell (left the ladder at the end)

+Ability Caspule (at the room before the ladder at the end)

+Lux Apartments Key (at the very start of the area, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)

Inner Zone North
Yellow Shard (3rd tree right the upper left table at the tables area lower right the map)
Red Shard (ground space left the 3rd tree down the submerged building with Mandibuzz lower left the map)
Red Shard (rock end the path northwest the Gible area)
+Full Restore (end the path down the Pokemon Center)
+Zygarde Cell (left the crashed rocket)
+Fire Stone (upper left from the crashed rocket)

+Zygarde Cell (at the Gible area, accessible after solving the Lux Apartments puzzle, Lux Apartments Key needed)

Underground Sanctuary

+Data File - Code: Garna (right from the PC star)

Ability Capsule (from the 2nd Female Bladestar Grunt beaten up on the ground to the left)

Vacation House Zone

+Zygarde Cell (in front of Ana's grave)

Reldin Island



Pyramid Grounds


Dry Desert

Female Grunt

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Eclysia Pyramid
+Zygarde Cell (left of the entrance)

Enegmatic Key (acquired through story events at the normality door)

+Zygarde Cell (middle of the cockpit room)

Spring of Rejuvenation


Eclysia Skyview



Fertile Land

+TM28 Dig (on the right side end, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Ground Memory (on the left side end, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Eclysia Pyramid
+Magic Wand (up from the unpurified water, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

TM105 Arenite Wall (from Ryland after finishing story events)

Spring of Rejuvenation


Eclysia Skyview

Steelixite (from Ryland after getting 15+ badges)




Interceptor's Wish (from Mom following the story events of ch15)



Past/Future Aevium


Amberette Town (Past)


Irvin's House
Cloths Change (box at the Melia's Bedroom)

Irvin's Lab

Spacea and Tiempa's Lodge
Time Gear Amulet (from Tiempa)


Route 3 (Past)


Soda Pop (big tree lower left side right from the flowers patch lower right the Spellcaster Trainer)
Protein (grass space right the red flower right up the pond up the Spellcaster Trainer, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Soda Pop (flowers patch upper left the 1st pond)

Aguav Berry (red flower lower left the 1st pond)
+Full Heal (end of the route by Amberette Town entrance)


Kugearen City (Past)


Quick Claw (from the Teacher in the school, building left the timesplicer crystal house)

+Revive (inside the building down the timesplicer crystal house)
Leaf Stone (from the Kid on the 2nd floor in the building up the Pokemon Center)

Black Sludge (from a guy inside the bathroom at La Yum Café after giving him the Toilet Paper)
+Weird Diary (inside the building far up from the Pokemon Center by Route 3 entrance, Apartment Key needed)

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$

Hidden Grove


Blakeory CO.



Kuggearean Woods (Past)


Area 1

Zinc (grass space 3 spots right the Bug Catcher Trainer up Sheridan Village entrance)

2 Rawst Berry (plant soil up Sheridan Village entrance)

2 Rawst Berry (plant soil up Sheridan Village entrance)

Area 2

Honey (grass space 3 spots left the 2nd red flower down the right path from the entrance)

+Rare Candy (end of the right path down from the entrance)

Leppa Berry (plant soil end of the right path down from the entrance)

2 Cheri Berry (plant soil to the left, down the left path down from the entrance)

+Revive (by the Lady Trainer down the left path down from the entrance)

2 Oran Berry (plant soil up the Lady Trainer, taking the left path down from the entrance)

2 Aspear Berry (plant soil up the healing star, taking the left path down from the entrance)
+Apartment Key (at the area between the ledges left the healing star, taking the left path down from the entrance)


Marble Mansion (Past)


Toilet Paper (from the plant pot upper right the entrance, infinite) #Not detected by the itemfinder.

Silk Scarf (walk on the bench's right side, after Anathea's Soul first interaction) #Not detected by the itemfinder.

Hidden Ritual


Route 4 (Past)




Sheridan Village (Past)


Meadow Plate (grass space right the 2nd orange flower lower left the bell)
Yellow Shard (grass space 2 spots right the 1st flowers patch lower right of the bell)

Cella's House


Vivan's House
Garufa Spellbook (bookshelf in Vivian's Bedroom)

Spring of Purification (Past)

Balm Mushroom (ground space left the orange flower and pink petals on the right side)

Sacrifical Chamber (Past)



Heracross Woods (Past)


TinyMushroom (grass space down the orange flower in the middle straight path)

Ultra Ball (grass space on the lower right corner down from the stairs to Heracross lair)

+Max Repel (on the lower left corner down from the stairs to Heracross lair)


Route 5 (Past)


+Revive (top left the lower left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Ultra Potion (grass space up the 1st flowers patch upper left the lower right pond)
+Max Revive (end the path right up the stairs up the lower right pond)
Blue Shard (grass space up the 2nd orange flower right the upper pond)
Red Shard (2nd rock left the upper pond)


Mysterious/Altair Manor (Past)


Main Hall - Entrance Area

Full Heal (ground space 2 spots down the upper right wall picture)

Revival Herb (ground space 3 spots left the upper left wall picture)

Upper Right Room


Upper Left Room

Lower Right Room
Health Wing (in the upper left tree pot)

Lower Left Room

Dinning Room (Gate Key needed for access)
Blue Shard (top left tree pot)


Hiyoshi City (Past)


10 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer down the shopping the area) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

+Ultra Potion (down the Youngster, inside the Bottom Left Apartments Building right from the entrance)

Shopping District
Top Clerk
Sitrus Berry - 750$
Chesto Berry - 300$
Bottom Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$
Awakening - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Reverse Candy - 50$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$

Hiyoshi Edge Tutor

Sky Attack (taught for 3 Red Shards)
Skill Swamp (taught for 2 Green Shards)
Magnet Rise (taught for 2 Yellow Shards
Gravity (taught for 2 Blue Shards)
Recycle (taught for 2 Green Shards)

Hiyoshi Hospital
Ether (in the middle right tree pot)

Nymiera's House
Mayor Rafael's Office

Underground Sanctuary (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed for navigation)
B1 - Arena
+Data File - Code: Angelus (left of the right entrance)
B2 - Rifts Area
+Focus Sash (down the switch to the 1st gate)

Gregorian Lake (Past ) (accessed with Legend of the Void side quest)

Lake Postcard (from David inside his house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Legend of the Void side quest)

Hiyoshi Pass (Past)

+TM27 Return (lower right of Ana's grave)

Rejuvenation Co. (Past)


Distant Time (Future)




S.S.Paradise (Future)




Blacksteeple Island (Future)





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  V13: Vague Clarity


Items Listed by Typing (Complete)


General Items


Evolution Items


Floria Island


Oceana Pier

Link Heart (from a Scientist by the gate for 10,000$, Chapter 6+) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable

Thunderstone (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 3 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)


Neo Oceana Pier

Thunderstone (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 3 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)


East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Jenner's Lab

Electirizer (from Hawthorne after showing him up an Electabuzz after taking the Elekid Egg, 6+ badges)
Magmarizer (from Hawthorne after showing him up a Magmar after taking the Magby Egg, 6+badges)

Magnolia Library

Thunderstone (from the Quiz Girl at the left room, 4+ badges needed. Answers: Brown, Goldenwood Forest, Goldenleaf Area)

Right Section

Chirsola Hotel


+Water Stone (middle of the pool, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Neo Gearen Park

Leaf Stone (grass space middle of the tall grass, middle lower area)


West Gearen City

Upper Section

Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick

+Metal Coat (on the table at the computer room on the left corridor)

Electirizer (give the Female Scientist 5 Electric Type Pokemon at the Electabuzz room, repeatable)
Magmarizer (give the Male Scientist 5 Fire Type Pokemon at the Magmar room, repeatable)

Lower Section

Dusk Stone (ground space 3 spots left and 2 spots up from the Youngster down the News HQ)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Thief's Dungeon (Get an Item! Quest)

+Dusk Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the left orange door choice)

+Dusk Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the middle orange door choice)

+Ice Stone (before the exit taken if the board had the right orange door choice)

Cherry Blossom Cut Down

+Dusk Stone (left on the small area left the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Amethyst Cave

Cliffside Grave (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

Shiny Stone (from Manny by Larissa's grave)


Sheridan Village

Sheridan Help Plaza

Help Quests
Water Stone (The Hidden Library 2)

Secret Shore

Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)

Xen Waste (from the Beldum Den after catching Shadow Beldum, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Hidden Cave
Link Heart (rock at the top right from the pond on the right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Up-Grade (in the bookshelf inside the small room, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Carotos Mountain

Machines Area

+Fire Stone (top right, after the long iron bridge on the right side of the area)

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Madelis' Laboratory

Storage (Upper Right) Room

+Up-Grade (top left the room)

Garufa Ruins

Entrance Room
Moon Stone (ground space left the head of the right pillar at the right side, accessible after the 3rd puzzle down bellow from the right room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 3

Traveling Fair

Sweets Clerk

Sachet - 1000$
Whipped Dream - 1000$

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Main Area

Sun Stone (1st rock to the right, down from the Hiker Trainer)

Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Moon Stone (from the Clefairy dancing to the moon on the pond, available on certain weekdays at night only)

Crystal Area (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

#Turn the area to Dark Crystal Cavern using either Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Light that Burns the Sky, or Night Daze

#Turn the area back into Cave Field using either Earthquake, Bulldoze, Magnitude, or Tectonic Rage #Not available V13.

+Link Heart (top right the area, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down

Link Heart (grass space between the 2 support metals of the building at the upper left area)


Goldenleaf Town

Moon Stone (grass patch in the middle of the garden down the house down Ren's House)


Wispy Path

Wispy Tower

Outside Area

+Reaper Cloth (right of the tower, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Wispy Chasm

+Dawn Stone (from the Chest inside the 2 badges treasury room)

+Dusk Stone (from the Chest inside the 1 badge treasury room)

Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Wispy Chasm (Left)

+Shiny Stone (from the Chest inside the 3 badges treasury room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 4

Leaf Stone (purple flowers furthest down from the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance) #Unobtainable.

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 1:

Leaf Stone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

The Lost Camp

Water Stone - 2100$
Fire Stone - 2100$
Leaf Stone - 2100$


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

King's Rock (from Nana after capturing The Emperor)

Evergreen Cave

North Cave

+DeepSeaTooth (left depression)
+DeepSeaScale (middle depression)

Evergreen Forest

+Dusk Stone (on the left side up from the 1st big stairs at the Buneary area)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Water Stone (ground space between the 2 seaweed on the right inside the small cave-like area)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Terajuma Wreckage (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

S.S. Oceana Wreckage

Upper Floor (2F)

+Water Stone (inside the room right the entrance room)

Upper Floor (5F)

+Dawn Stone (upper left side of the banquet room)


Kakori Village

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

+Up-Grade (inside the Community Rec Room computer room)

Kakori Help Plaza

Help Quests

Sun Stone (Building Bridges)


Route 5 - Valor Path

Valor Shore

Shiny Stone (from Dragonite after you hand it all the 4 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)


Route 6

BF Area

#Note: Early access items as of chapter 7 if you still hold and use the Blast Powder Adam gives you at Blacksteeple Island in here 1st.

+Water Stone (lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

+Link Heart (left the up ladder, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Teila Resort

Teila Bar

Right Clerk

Apophyll Pancakes - 3000$

Tart Apple - 1100$

Sweet Apple - 1100$

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber

Dusk Stone (from Reina)


Kristiline Town

Normal Town

Prism Scale (from the Battle Boy after giving him Aquamarine Ore, inside the house left the Helping Plaza)

Isle of Angels (Normal)

DeepSeaScale (for 10 Occa Berries from the Fisherman at the big island shore)
DeepSeaTooth (for 10 Occa Berries from the Fisherman at the big island shore)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Neutral Emotion
1F - Entrance Area

+Leaf Stone (at the small island on middle left side using the hole drop from 3F)

Mountain Calm Emotion

Water Stone (gray rock lower right the big frozen area)

Valor Mountain Cliffside

Protector (give the Blackbelt 10 Rock Type Pokemon, available from Chapter 10+, repeatable)

Valor Summit

+Dragon Scale (end of the path lower left the area)


Terrial Island


Oblitus Town

Link Heart (2nd big rock right from the healing star)


Honec Woods

Entrance Area

Leaf Stone (lower right small blue/yellow flowers patch on the lower left grass patch on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Manor

Dinning Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)

+Chipped Pot (on the dinning table lower part)

Darchlight Cave

Stairs Area (Dark)
Dusk Stone (upper left black rock after the bridge, left stairs area)

Bladestar Labs (accessed with Classified Information side quest)
Dubious Disc (small box lower left of the room, inside the right door)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

+Sachet (by the lower left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)

+Sun Stone (on the table, inside the Main Street Complex 16F)

Southwestern Dream District

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

Right Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Oval Stone - 2100$

Northwestern Dream District

Mika's Cafe

Link Heart (from Patty, SPU Delivery side quest)

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

3F (2 Stamps)
1st Clerk

Fire Stone - 2100$
Water Stone - 2100$
Leaf Stone - 2100$

Thunderstone - 2100$

Sun Stone - 2100$

Moon Stone - 2100$

7F (6 Stamps)

2nd Clerk

Link Heart - 10,000$

8F (7 Stamps)

2nd Clerk

Protector - 2100$

Magmarizer - 2100$

Dragon Scale - 2100$

Eletirizer - 2100$

DeepSeaTooth - 200$

DeepSeaScale - 200$

Up-Grade - 2100$

Dubious Disc - 2100$

Prism Scale - 500$

Sachet - 1100$

Whipped Dream - 1100$

Razor Claw - 2100$

Oval Stone - 2100$

Razor Fang - 2100$

Reaper Cloth - 2100$

Nightmare City

Central Square
+Apophyll Pancakes (upper right the area)

Judicial District
Link Heart (top left flowers patch on the park right of the Police Department)

Axis High University

Magic Ice Cream Parlor
Left Clerk
Sachet - 1000$
Whipped Dream - 1000$
Apophyll Pancakes - 3000$

Fish Tank Randomizer
Standard Bait - 2000$
Link Heart
Delicious Bait - 7500$

Fire Stone

Moon Stone
Link Heart
Gourmet Bait - 20000$
Dawn Stone
Shiny Stone
Dusk Stone

Axis High University Building

Hidden Axis Lab

+Fire Stone (on the right side at the 2nd SEC room)

+Nightmare Fuel (on the left side at the 2nd SEC room)

Land of Broken Dreams

+Nightmare Fuel (on the right side area, up the 1st Green Puppet Clone)

District of Hope
+Thunderstone (bottom left, District of Hope Apartments 15F)


Route 9

Farlorned Cavern

Left Entrance Area

Dusk Stone (last grass patch at the path after the boulder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Rose Theater


Ice Stone (from Ayuna after completing the Kimono Girls side quest)




Voidal Chasm

B3 - Lower Area

Dusk Stone (small rock lower left the Upper B3 entrance, top the area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

B2 - Bridges Area

+Razor Claw (right end of the area, bottom right area)


Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

Leaf Stone (cactus tree left the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Sun Stone (sand space right of the big rock upper side, on the depression middle the area)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth

B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

13 - Water Stone (check the locations section for the map)


Sashila Village

Moon Stone (2nd blue flower after the bridge up the entrance)

Link Heart (sand space left the pink flower at the right small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Sashila Help Plaza

Help Quests
Link Heart (Badland Baddies)


Alamissa Urban

+Prism Scale (inside the upper left room)


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

+Razor Claw (end the path up the prison building)

Inner Zone North
+Fire Stone (upper left from the crashed rocket)
Past/Future Aevium
Kugearen City (Past)
Leaf Stone (from the Kid on the 2nd floor in the building up the Pokemon Center)


Battle-Held Items (Gems, Seeds, Choice, Boosts and Hindrances, etc)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Elemental Seed (left flowers patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Grass Gem (grass lower right corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Grass Gem (grass left the Ranger upper right corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)

Telluric Seed (space 1 spot right from the lower dumpster by the girl on the left)

Right Section

+Protective Pads (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

Gearen Park

Hidden Library

#Missable Area if the Hidden Library Quest is not initiated before Neo Gearen
Big Middle Room

Charcoal (right side candle line by the Main Room entrance)

Abandoned Sewers

Poison Gem (space 6 spots down and 1 spot right from the 1st Youngster) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

#Secret area code is Brown, White, Orange

Psychic Gem (2nd spot in front of the dumpster, Secret area)

Venam's House (accessible after the gym battle)
+Poison Barb (on the bed in Venam's room)

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

The Soul Labyrinth (you can get all the items while being chased but it is more doable after the fight is over)

+Normal Gem (bottom left the labyrinth)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Elemental Seed (left flowers patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory)

Grass Gem (in the dark green big tree left side upper right the Leaflet Garden sign)

Grass Gem (flowers patch between headbutt tree and dark green tree left the fountain at the Leaflet Garden)


Junction Bridge

Dr.Jenkel's Lab

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower right of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)

+Cell Battery (at the lower left of the area)


West Gearen City

Upper Section

Magnet (in the lower right metal crate left the Power Plant)

Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick
+Metal Coat (on the table at the computer room on the left corridor)

+Cell Battery (right the upper right Electrode at the Electabuzz room)

+Cell Battery (left the upper left Electrode at the Electabuzz room)

Lower Section

Telluric Seed (in the big tree right of the Help Plaza)

Float Stone (lower dumpster right from the truck guy)

Protective Pads (from the Worker trading in 3 Absorb Bulbs, inside the house right the small red house at the bottom right of the area. Repeatable)

Gearen News HQ

+Wide Lens (at the room with Garbodor)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Basement Area (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Big Root (flowers patch down the big tree top right the smashable-rock to access the area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

2nd Layer

Damp Rock (ground space up the bench by the elevator down from the fountain, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Miracle Seed (from Artist, show off Cherrim)

Charcoal (from Artist, show off Magcargo)

Magnet (from Artist, show off Toxtricity)


Amethyst Cave

Route 2 Entrance Area

Electric Gem (right rock up the stairs leading up to the River Area)

Waterfall-Ruins Area

Rock Gem (rock right of the exit)

Rock Gem (rock lower right the stairs under the monitor, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Water Gem (ground space up the middle back side of the crystal cart down the monitor, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Steel Gem (upper right corner of the boxes left the 2nd waterfall, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Amethyst Depth


Fire Gem (ground space at the upper left corner of the bridge left the entrance)
Electric Gem (2nd crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance)

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


Rock Gem (in the wall upper left corner right the entrance ladder)


Sheridan Village

Cherry Blossom Inn

Twisted Spoon (held item with Smoochum if you trade an Igglybuff to Yara, in the room right the storage room)

Spring of Purification

+Magical Seed (up the 2nd bridge from the entrance)

Secret Shore

Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)

+Absorb Bulb (Up from the 1st capsule, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the middle island, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (left the cut tree at the lower right island, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at the small island upper right the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Damp Rock (on the small grassy land down the Wetlands Laboratory coming from the Hidden Lab, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Absorb Bulb (at left side of the Wetlands Laboratory, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)

+Absorb Bulb (at left side of the Wetlands Laboratory, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, infinite)


Carotos Mountain

Corrupted Cave
Entrance Area
Poison Gem (right side of the poisonous spores up from the entrance)

Main Area

Poison Barb (2nd rock up after the magma path, Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)

Ruins Entrance Area

Poison Gem (1st rock right the entrance)

+Poison Barb (at the upper right side riding the magma from the Entrance Area, Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)


Route 3

Miracle Seed (flowers patch right the Cool Couple by the Phasial Cave exit bottom the area)

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

+Telluric Seed (right by the grass patch right of the waterfall)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Main Area

Rock Gem (1st rock upper left from the upper entrance ladder)

Magical Seed (ground space left the 1st tall rock up the upper left pond)

Steel Gem (1st rock on the right path from the Girl Trainer, toward the middle exit ladder)

Lower Exit Area
Grass Gem (in the lower right rock)


Goldenleaf Town

Ghost Gem (orange flowers down Ren's House)

Dark Gem (grass space under the orange flowers left the lower right house down Giratina's Statue)

Forgotten Path

Ghost Gem (flowers patch left the left gray pillar)


Wispy Path

Ghost Gem (grass patch lower right of the right yellow big tree above the Wispy Park)

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Wispy Chasm

+Cleanse Tag (right from the Punk trainer)

Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Wispy Chasm (Left)
Dark Gem (space one jump up from the long path to 6 badges treasury room, area bellow the 2 scared ladies)

Wispy Chasm (Right)

Ghost Gem (rock on the 1st path to the left from the vines entrance)

+Elemental Seed (from the Chest inside the 8 badges treasury room)


Route 4

Synthetic Seed (grass space right the tall yellow flower left Cairo's Den sign)

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 2:

Hard Stone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Akuwa Town

Lively Version
Elemental Seed (from the Optimist Girl inside the house up Move Tutor Center)

Cleanse Tag (from the Gray-haired Guy inside the house up Move Tutor Center)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

King's Rock (from Nana after capturing The Emperor)

Evergreen Forest

Telluric Seed (flowers patch at the end up of the Buneary area mountain)

Magical Seed (snow space under the mountain wall between the 2 medium trees far up after the 2nd pond, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Ice Gem (grass space under the flowers patch left the Guy by the 2nd pond)

+Snowball (middle the 1st Swablu area, infinite)
+Snowball (between the 1st Swablu area and Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (down the Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (up the stairs at the Buneary area, infinite)
+Snowball (between the 1st Swablu area and Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (middle the Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (up the Stantler area, infinite)
+Snowball (down the Snorunt area, infinite)
+Snowball (middle the Snorunt area, infinite)

Icy Rock (middle the mountain up the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Damp Rock (rock on the lower left from the sphere-shape diving spot)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Terajuma Pier
Grass Gem (sand space 3 spots left the 1st palm tree)

Terajuma Wreckage (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

S.S. Oceana Wreckage

Entrance/Main Floor (1F)

Luminous Moss (left side of big mossy rock left the entrance)

Luminous Moss (right side of big mossy rock left the entrance)

Upper Floor (2F)

Luminous Moss (left side of mossy rock down from the entrance room)


Terajuma Jungle

Fire Gem (2nd red/blue flowers left of the entrance)

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

+Quick Powder (end of the right path bellow the Workers Area entrance, Spice Powder needed)

Bug Gem (bush up the left side of the Lover's Bridge)

Workers Area

Conkeldurr Lumber Yard

+Focus Band (at the left side)

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Deep Jungle Area

Rock Gem (rock right the waterfall lower right the area)


Kakori Village


Scope Lens (trade for an Up Grade with the Ranger Lady)

Wise Glasses (trade for a 2nd Up Grade with the Ranger Lady)

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

Weakness Policy (from a Female Ranger inside the Community Rec Room)


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

Entrance Area

Elemental Seed (ground space down the 2 rocks right from the lower left stairs)

Water Gem (small crystal rock lower left the BF Area entrance)

Water Gem (2nd rock down the Aquamarine Shrine down ladder)

BF Area

Synthetic Seed (3rd small crystal rock left the School Girl)

Rock Gem (3rd big crystal rock upper left the School Girl, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Aquamarine Chamber

+Water Gem (up the 2 pillars left the entrance)

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

Rock Gem (small crystal rock between the 2 ledges down the Battle Boy, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Teila Resort

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Reception Area

Muscle Band (from the Blackbelt on the left after showing him off a Fighting type Pokemon)


Kristiline Town

Normal Town

Kristiline Help Plaza (Center Keys needed)

Help Quests

Mystic Water (Defend me!)

Isle of Angels (Normal)

Magical Seed (sand space at the upper left corner by the big island shore)
Ice Gem (grass space down the 1st right medium tree at the big island)

+Shed Shell (on the lower left small island)
Rock Gem (sand space 2 spots down and 1 spot right from the sapling on the lower right small island)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Valor Mountain Blockade

+Blunder Policy (1st top left room at the 2nd floor inside the blockade)

+Metal Powder (3rd bottom right room at the 2nd floor inside the blockade)

Valor Summit

+Dragon Scale (end of the path lower left the area)


Terrial Island


Route 7

Train Area

Rock Gem (grass space 7 spots right from the Female Ranger Trainer)

Ghost Gem (upper grass space between the 2 dark green medium trees upper left from the Charmer Trainer)
Fire Gem (grass space behind the dark green big tree lower left the ledge)

Ground Gem (grass space left the flowers patch upper right from the Youngster)

Yui's Ranch

Elemental Seed (3rd middle grass space on the right tall grass up the Ranch)

+Bright Powder (hidden behind the big tree left the lower Barn)

Fire Gem (grass space left the wood logs down the upper Barn)


Honec Woods

Entrance Area

Poison Gem (water space 2 spots down and 1 spot right the upper right water lily on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Cleanse Tag (middle small red flowers patch on the middle left grass patch on the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Darchlight Woods

Starting Area

Dark Gem (grass space right the 2nd red mushrooms down the 2nd stairs drop)

Upper Right Foggy Area (up the Starting Area)

Dark Gem (red mushrooms up the stairs from the right small pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Sensu Meadow (left the Starting Area)

Dark Gem (space left the white flower 1 section above the hole on the left)

Darchlight Manor

Main Hall - Entrance Area

Ghost Gem (ground space up the bottom left tree pot, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Upper Middle Room

Spell Tag (dirt space lower left corner of the area, Strength/Golden Gauntlet or Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Lower Left Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Ghost Gem (in the left statue)

Backyard (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)

Light Ball (from the doll after you pull the rope from the well)

Darchlight Cave

Starting Area (Light)

Psychic Gem (last ground space on the path down the exit)
Rock Gem (black rock at the end of the path up the exit)

Starting Area (Dark)
Dark Gem (last ground space on the path down the exit)

Big Area (Dark)

Ghost Gem (white rock at the left end of the section, 2nd section)

Everstone (black rock at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)

Water Area (Dark)
Magical Seed (ground space at the upper right corner top the giant green mushrooms)
Ice Gem (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot down from the black rock left the giant green mushrooms)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Southwestern Dream District

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

Right Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Sticky Barb - 200$
Charocal - 9800$
Light Ball - 100$
Stick - 200$
Float Stone 200$
Binding Band - 200$

Left Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Metal Powder - 10$
Cell Battery - 200$
Magnet - 100$
Quick Powder - 10$

Main Building

+Metal Coat (bottom left, 1F)


+Toxic Orb (right from the entrance at the lower area)

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

2F (1 Stamp)
1st Clerk
Heat Rock - 200$
Icy Rock - 200$
Smooth Rock - 200$
Damp Rock - 200$
Grip Claw - 200$
Light Clay - 200$
Everstone - 200$

3F (2 Stamps)
2nd Clerk
Air Balloon - 200$
White Herb - 100$
Mental Herb - 100$
Power Herb - 100$
Absorb Bulb - 200$
Snowball - 200$
Cell Battery - 200$

4F (3 Stamps)

2nd Clerk
Sticky Barb - 200$
Lagging Tail - 200$
Iron Ball - 200$
Binding Band - 200$
Float Stone - 200$
Eject Button - 200$
Red Card - 200$
Ring Target - 200$
Metronome - 200$

6F (5 Stamps)

1st Clerk

Psychic Gem - 200$
Bug Gem - 200$
Rock Gem - 200$
Ghost Gem - 200$
Dark Gem - 200$
Dragon Gem - 200$
Steel Gem - 200$
Ice Gem - 200$

2nd Clerk

Fire Gem - 200$
Water Gem - 200$
Normal Gem - 200$
Grass Gem - 200$
Electric Gem - 200$
Poison Gem - 200$
Ground Gem - 200$
Fighting Gem - 200$
Flying Gem - 200$

7F (6 Stamps)

2nd Clerk

Big Root - 200$
Focus Band - 200$
Zoom Lens - 200$
Scope Lens - 200$
BrightPowder - 200$

8F (7 Stamps)

2nd Clerk

Dragon Scale - 2100$

Razor Claw - 2100$

Razor Fang - 2100$

Residential District

Dream Complex

Right-Wing Penthouse
+Sharp Beak (inside the 3rd left room)

Axis High University

Ancient Aevium Balloon Merchant
Air Balloon - 200$

District of Hope

Hospital of Hope

Rock Gem (flowers patch behind the left wooden bench at the middle area)




Voidal Chasm

B2 - Bridges Area

+Razor Claw (right end of the area, bottom right area)

+White Herb (top end of the area, top right area)


Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

+Smooth Rock (end the path up from the Hiker Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Synthetic Seed (sapling down the twin rock right the 2 stairs up the Bottom Area entrance)

Synthetic Seed (sand space 2 spots up and 1 spot left the 1st sapling upper right the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)

Big Root (tree up the Male Desert Dweller up the top middle Alolan Exeggutor)

Mental Herb (cactus tree right from the Female Desert Dweller Trainer)

Thick Club (skull left the left Zen Mode Darmanitan)

+Everstone (up from the Zen Mode Darmanitans)

Bottom Area

Poison Gem (1st tree up the Poiloethal Forest entrance)
Ground Gem (tree up the 1st skull left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)


Sand Stream Cave
1F - Entrance Area

Grass Gem (grass space left the 3-yellow flowers left the middle Depths ladder)

B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)

Light Clay (in the tree, middle section)

Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)

Soft Sand (sand space down the bottom twin rock right side, left section)
Rock Gem (in the medium rock left the 1F ladder, left section)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Ground Gem (sand space left the sapling up the upper right house)


Zorrialyn Coast

Ground Gem (sand space 3 spots left and 4 spots down from the tree lower left the Sashila Trial entrance)
Rock Gem (sand space behind the twin rock right side upper right the Abandoned Village and Abyssal Labyrinth sign)
Water Gem (tree upper left the Abandoned Village and Abyssal Labyrinth sign)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth

Castle Zygara (Hidden Library Quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

+Eviolite (lower left inside the secret library)


Sashila Village

Grass Gem (cactus tree pot left the lower left room)


Alamissa Urban

+Life Orb (inside the upper left room, after finishing the Hidden Library quest continuation at Castle Zygara by letting Karen live)


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

+Razor Claw (end the path up the prison building)

Abandoned Apartments

+Rocky Helmet (inside the lever room B1 in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)


Past/Future Aevium


Kugearen City (Past)

Quick Claw (from the Teacher in the school, building left the timesplicer crystal house)

Black Sludge (from a guy inside the bathroom at La Yum Café after giving him the Toilet Paper)


Marble Mansion (Past)

Silk Scarf (walk on the bench's right side, after Anathea's Soul first interaction) #Not detected by the itemfinder.


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Underground Sanctuary (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed for navigation)
B2 - Rifts Area
+Focus Sash (down the switch to the 1st gate)


Outside-of-Battle Items (Escape, Repel, Honey, Treats, Fragments, Mulch, Spice and Blast Powders, etc)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

GourmetTreat (2nd bush left of Velvet Building) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Super Repel (2nd flowers patch to the left of the flowers patch lower left corner of the fountain, at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Escape Rope (wall upper left side of the Parks and Recreation Center at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

GourmetTreat (wall between the 2 dumpsters upper right the Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady

Repel - 350$

Emerald Building
Super Repel (from an Old Lady, 2nd floor)

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)

Super Repel (flowers at the middle of the Munna grass patch)

East Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests

#Finish before Neo Gearen, Missable

GourmetTreat (Wretched Music)

Right Section

Repel (flowers patch right the Aqua Building) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Super Repel (2nd flowers patch left of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Repel (flowers patch right the Aqua Building, ch3 only item when the city in chaos) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Shopping District

Top Stand
Female Clerk

GourmetTreat - 1500$
Repel - 350$

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand
Left Female Clerk

GourmetTreat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$

Chirsola Hotel

Repel (left side of the 1st cabinet top right from the elevator)

Gearen Park

Honey (upper flowers patch by the tall grass, top left area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Honey (1st flower patch, lower left area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Unown Dimension (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)

+Max Repel (top left path)

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

Front Courtyard

+Super Repel (inside the Trial Room, at the upper right end of the jumping lava room with Marianette)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

GourmetTreat (wall between the 2 dumpsters upper right the Leaflet Garden)

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady

Repel - 350$

Right Section
Repel (middle flowers patch lower right the Aqua Building)

Neo Gearen Park

Honey (grass space 2 spots down and 1 spot right from the 1st purple flowers, fountain left side)
Honey (upper flowers patch by the tall grass, top left area)


West Gearen City

Upper Section

+Data Drive (left the Power Plant)

Lower Section

Blast Powder (from a Female Scientist down the Help Center for 5000$)

Max Repel (ground space 3 spots down and 4 spots right from the Youngster down the News HQ)
GourmetTreat (1st dumpster up the Charmer Trainer)

Max Repel (lower right dumpster down from the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)


Route 1

+Super Repel (right of the train)#Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

GourmetTreat (bottom flowers patch top left part of the lake, lower left end of the bridge, where the Finneons feed used to be before) #Missable


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

GourmetTreat (pink grass patch to the far right, bottom right side of the waterfall)

Kecleon's Shop

Repel - 350$

GourmetTreat - 1500$


Amethyst Cave

Waterfall-Ruins Area

Repel (bellow the small box right of the entrance)

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


Super Repel (2nd rock down the entrance ladder)


Sheridan Village

Sheridan Village Shop


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$

Sheridan Help Plaza

Help Quests

5 GourmetTreat (Stolen Cargo!)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Repel - 350$


Carotos Mountain

Corrupted Cave
Main Area
Super Repel (inside the wall corner down the 4 barrels down from the entrance)
Super Repel (1st light green grass patch upper left the 2nd note in the area down from the entrance)


Route 3

Honey (2nd grass space top the Girl left of the Gate Plaza)

Super Repel (rightmost grass patch next to the yellow and green big trees lower right from the purple tent)

Honey (grass space 3 spots down and 4 spots left from the Gray-haired Guy at the bottom area)

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Repel (flowers patch on the left side after the bridge)

Black Flute (1st flowers patch left of the waterfall)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Crystal Area (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

#Turn the area to Dark Crystal Cavern using either Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Light that Burns the Sky, or Night Daze

#Turn the area back into Cave Field using either Earthquake, Bulldoze, Magnitude, or Tectonic Rage #Not available V13.
+Dark Material (top left the area, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.

Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Max Repel (3rd lower left flowers patch under the pond)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Repel - 350$


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down

Repel (grass space 3 spots down 2nd medium green tree left the building at the upper left area)


Goldenleaf Town

Honey (pumpkin down the house left the Gate Plaza entrance)

Poke Mart

Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Escape Rope - 550$


Wispy Path

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Repel - 350$

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Wispy Chasm

+Max Repel (far left at the middle area between the 2 Phantump)

Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

Wispy Chasm (Right)

+Odd Keystone (from the Chest inside the 7 treasury room, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 4

5 Rift Fragment (from Cairo after interacting with the 1st Den through the story)

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 2:

Honey (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Group 3:

Odd Keystone (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Cairo's Den

Fragment Shop

5 Fragments - 4956$

10 Fragments - 14868$

25 Fragments - 24780$


Akuwa Town

Super Repel (grass space under the 2nd headbutt tree right from the entrance)

Blast Powder (left rock on the 1st small island to the top right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Lively Version

Poke Mart

Repel (from Karrina when entering the Mart for the 1st time)


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

+Max Repel (left Seabound Cave East entrance)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Forest

Max Repel (snow space under the big rock up the entrance)

+Max Repel (by the lower right pillar at the ruins area)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

GourmetTreat (ground space down the Milotic left from the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Max Repel (ground space down the rock down the big mossy rock left from the small u-shape diving spot with Luvdisc on top)


Blacksteeple Island

Blacksteeple Castle

Shop Room


Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Escape Rope - 550$

Blacksteeple Quarry

Blacksteeple Mines

Blast Powder (from Adam following story events)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

+Data Drive (inside the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, ??? side quest)

Ranger Center


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$

Spice Powder - 850$

Terajuma Pier

Xen Battleship


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$


Terajuma Jungle

Super Repel (last sapling on the top right side)

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

Yukata Girl (left side of the Lover's Bridge after bringing her 20 Sitrus Berries)

Growth Mulch - 200$

Stable Mulch - 200$

Ranger Center


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$

Spice Powder - 850$

Workers Area

+Blast Powder (down the plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Jungle Area (accessed after Clear the way! side quest)

+Blast Powder (at the right side)


Kakori Village


Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$

Escape Rope - 550$

Spice Powder - 850$

Kakori Safari Zone

Jeminra Woods

Super Repel (pink flowers up the mountain peak, end of the lower middle side of the forest labyrinth)

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

+Escape Rope (inside the Trainers' Bedroom)

Kakori Help Plaza

Help Quests

10 Max Repel (Battle Me Once More!)


Route 5 - Valor Path

+White Flute (hidden behind the big trees under the headbutt tree on the small path to the right of the Female Ranger)

Valor Shore

Strange Cabin (accessed with Bandit at Large! side quest)

+Blast Powder (end the room at the last floor)


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

Entrance Area
Max Repel (small crystal rock up the stairs from the entrance)

BF Area

Escape Rope (rock left the Female Hardcore Trainer)

Escape Rope (big crystal rock at the upper left corner of the area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Aquamarine Chamber

Max Repel (ground space between the 2 pillars right the entrance)


Teila Resort

Ranger Center


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$

Spice Powder - 850$

Teila Bar

Left Clerk

Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber


Gourmet Treat - 1500$


Kristiline Town

Frozen Town

Poke Mart


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$

Normal Town

Ranger Center


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$

Spice Powder - 850$

Poke Mart


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$

Isle of Angels (Normal)

Max Repel (blue/pink flowers left from the alter at the big island)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Neutral Emotion
1F - Entrance Area
Max Repel (moss rock right the bridge right 2F ladder)

Valor Mountain Cliffside

Blast Powder (rock down the healing star)


Terrial Island


Grand Express

Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Route 7

Train Area

Max Repel (grass space 5 spots down and 1 spot right from the Darchlight Woods and Oblitus Town sign)
Max Repel (grass space 2 spots down and 3 spot right from the Charmer Trainer)

Crashed Robot Area

Male Ranger (inside the house)

Honey - 100$

Super Repel - 500$

Yui's Ranch

Max Repel (sand space 2 spots up the light green big tree left the School Boy)

Stable Mulch (mud space 1 spot down the lower left haystack left side, inside the lower Barn)

Stable Mulch (middle mud space 1 spot down the 2nd water feeder, inside the upper Barn)

Caretaker Clerk (after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

GourmetTreat - 2000$

Super Repel - 500$

Max Repel - 700$

Escape Rope - 550$

Honey - 100$


Honec Woods

Snorlax Area
Honey (small red flowers patch right the red mushroom left the entrance)
Honey (small red flowers patch left the red mushroom right the entrance)


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Manor

Upper Middle Room
+Max Repel (lower left the TV)

Darchlight Cave

Starting Area (Light)

Max Repel (lower left corner spot from the small black rock depression down the middle stairs)

Big Area (Dark)

+Dark Material (upper left end of the section, 2nd section)

Darchlight Mirror Machine Area

Dark Material (end product of the machine following a certain sequence: reset (monitor), Black Shard Ore (in), Gold, Green, Blue, Purple, Purple, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Black Shard Ore (out), Blue, Purple, Gold, Red, Black Shard (small machine))


Azure Shore

Max Repel (sand space down the 3rd medium tree to the left on the small shore)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Repel (ground space 2 spots up the Bug Catcher Trainer at the NPC gathering middle the street)

Max Repel (1st flowers patch left of the Main Street Station stairs up Route 7 gate entrance)

Max Repel (ground space 3 spots up and 9 spots left from the Hiker lower left the Main Street Complex)

Eastern Dream District

Botanical Garden

Max Repel (ground space 3 spots down and 4 sports right from the Garden Arena entrance)

Southwestern Dream District

Max Repel (ground space 3 spots  left of the sakura tree on the bottom left of the area)

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

Left Stand

Bladestar Clerk

Blast Powder - 2500$

Northwestern Dream District

Max Repel (ground space 2 spots down the bench right of Mika's Cafe)

Central Square

+Max Repel (left of the Central Building)

Shopping District

Super Repel (ground space 5 spots left and 1 spot down from the flowers basket left the Ice Cream Stand bottom the area)

Repel (flowers patch left the middle medium tree at the top of the area)

Department of Dreams

2F (1 Stamp)

2nd Clerk

Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Residential District

Super Repel (ground space lower middle spot right of the right zebra-line-crossing)

Axis High University

Fish Tank Randomizer
Standard Bait - 2000$

Axis High University Building

School Store

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Max Repel - 700$

School of Nightmares

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after completing his quest at the main hall, Path 2)

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after battling her at the factory, Path 2)

Mysterious Black Box (from Student after answering 'It's not broken' to his reply at the factory, Path 2)

District of Hope
GourmetTreat (lower right flowers patch down the Pokemon Hospital)

Hospital of Hope

Super Repel (grass space between the 2 yellow-blue flowers on the lower right side by the entrance)

Scholar District

Honey (pink/orange flower down the upper right sakura tree at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Max Repel (3rd pink flowers left the sakura tree at the garden down the Recreation Center)

Grand Dream Stadium

Tournament Stadium


Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$

Super Repel - 500$

Max Repel - 700$


Route 9

Honey (inside the yellow big tree left of the Farlorned Cavern Upper Area exit)




Voidal Chasm

B2 - Bridges Area

+Odd Keystone (on the small land up the bridge between the bottom left and bottom right areas, middle area)


Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

Max Repel (twin rock right side right the 3rd stairs down the Voidal Chasm entrance)

Max Repel (cactus tree down the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)

Max Repel (sand space right the tree lower left from the Female Desert Dweller Trainer)

Bottom Area

Max Repel (2nd skull left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)


Sand Stream Cave

1F - Entrance Area

Escape Rope (sand space left the 1st cactus tree down the twin rock top right the area)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Super Repel (tiny cactus left the upper middle right house)

Super Repel (sand space 1 spot down and 1 spot left from the tree lower left the lower left house)


Zorrialyn Coast

+Escape Rope (down the twin rock upper right the Sashila Village sign)


Sashila Village
Max Repel (ground space 5 spots down the top-right middle window)

GourmetTreat (3rd blue flower at the upper right garden right the Chief Quarter)


Max Repel - 700$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

Female Grunt
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Male Grunt

Blast Powder - 2500$


Pyramid Grounds

Dry Desert

Female Grunt
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$


Past/Future Aevium


Kugearen City (Past)

Poke Mart


Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Kuggearean Woods (Past)

Area 2

Honey (grass space 3 spots left the 2nd red flower down the right path from the entrance)


Heracross Woods (Past)

+Max Repel (on the lower left corner down from the stairs to Heracross lair)


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Shopping District
Bottom Clerk
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$
Awakening - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Reverse Candy - 50$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Stats and Breeding Items (Power, Incense, Scents, EV/IV/Friendship/Exp related)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Melia's Room (Room ID Card needed)

+Exp. Share (on the right table)

EV Training Rooms
+Power Weight (inside the HP Room, HP Card needed)
+Power Anklet (inside the Speed Room, Speed Card needed)
+Power Bracer (inside the Attack Room, Attack Card needed)
+Power Belt (inside the Defense Room, Defense Card needed)
+Power Lens (inside the Special Attack Room, SPAttack Card  needed)
+Power Band (inside the Special Defense Room, SPDefense needed)

East Gearen Help Plaza

Soothe Bell (from Ayuda when you get 35 Zygarde Cells)
Macho Brace (from Ayuda when you get 45 Zygarde Cells)

Right Section

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery Prizes

Exp. Share (3 digits match)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Neo East Gearen Help Plaza

Soothe Bell (from Ayuda when you get 35 Zygarde Cells)
Macho Brace (from Ayuda when you get 45 Zygarde Cells)

Lucky Egg (from Ayuda when you get 70 Zygarde Cells)

Right Section

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery Prizes

Exp. Share (3 digits match)


West Gearen City

Upper Section

Rose Incense (ground space 3 spots down the table middle the pool down the Blakeory Household)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Rose Incense (lower left grass space between the 2 red flowers left the stairs bellow the Artist)

Cherry Blossom Cut Down
Rose Incense (grass space 2 spots left the 1st red flowers left the stairs on the top left of the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


Route 4

Cairo's Den

Scents Shop

10 Joy Scent - 5000$

10 Excite Scent - 8500$

10 Vivid Scent - 11000$


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Sea Incense (2nd rock up from the small hill right the 1st tower with Shellder and Cloyster)


Terajuma Island


Kakori Village

Destiny Knot (from the Lady at the upper right house, after exploring the Xen Battleship with her)


Route 6

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

+Sea Incense (up the 2 ledges up from the Punk Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Terrial Island


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Cave

Big Area (Dark)

Everstone (black rock at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Southwestern Dream District

Herbs Shop

Herbs Lady
Pure Incense - 9600$
Luck Incense - 9600$
Full Incense - 9600$
Wave Incense - 9600$

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

2F (1 Stamp)
1st Clerk
Everstone - 200$

3F (2 Stamps)
2nd Clerk

Destiny Knot - 200$




Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

+Everstone (up from the Zen Mode Darmanitans)


Alamissa Urban

+Power Bracer (down from the middle upper right room door entrances)


Form-Specific Items (Plates, Drives, Memories, Nectar)


Floria Island


West Gearen City

Upper Section

Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick

+Electric Memory (in the generator room, after Generator Problems side quest)


Neo Route 1 (Forest Restoration side quest)

Goldenwood Park - Final Stage
# 68,000$, 7 Tiny Mushrooms, 1 Stardust, and 1 Poilwag needed.

+Bug Memory (at the garden)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Dragon Memory (inside Mecha Gyarados mouth, can be interacted with from the bridge, available after the Platinum Route is completed)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Cut Down

Abandoned Lab
+Grass Memory (on the left table)


Amethyst Cave

Pom-Pom Meadow (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Cut/Golden Axe needed for access)

Yellow Nectar (inside the yellow jar, infinite)


Sheridan Village

Secret Shore

Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)

+Fighting Memory (on the far upper left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Carotos Mountain

Machines Area

Fire Memory (from the Scientist after you bought all the caged Pokemon, Blast Powder and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Route 3

Traveling Fair

Sweets Clerk

Red Nectar - 550$


Goldenleaf Town

Goldenleaf Theater - Ghost Leader Narcissa

Ghost Memory (from Spector the Reserve Leader after you battle him, Chapter 9+)


Wispy Path

Wispy Tower

Forsaken Laboratory

#Access passwords for the right path is: UNBOUND and SOUL.

Poison Memory (from Matthew in the back locked room inside the water flooded room after having Silvally, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Lab Key needed, Type:Null side quest, 6+ badges)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

+Icicle Plate (on a small land to the south-east from the entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Forest

+Ice Memory (top the mountain up the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle

Hula Meadow

Pink Nectar (pink jar up the entrance)


Kakori Village

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

+Bug Memory (at the bottom right inside the final bridge area at the gym, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 6

Terajuma Coral Reef (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+Water Memory  (by the exit from the Aquamarine Ruins)


Kristiline Town

Normal Town

Isle of Angels (Normal)

Icicle Plate (sand space down the 2nd small tree to the right at the shore down from the Church)


Terrial Island


Darchlight Woods

Cave Area (1st stairs drop down the Starting Area)
+Dark Memory (on the right side, accessible on dark ground)

Sensu Meadow (left the Starting Area)

Purple Nectar (flowers patch lower left the stairs)

Darchlight Manor

Upper Left Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
+Dread Plate (up the stairs)

Fireplace Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Fairy Memory (inside the safe, accessed with Narcissa's quest)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Nightmare City


+Psychic Memory (top right the area)


Route 9

Rose Theater


+Flying Memory (down the hot springs, right side area)




Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

+Rock Memory (inside the lower left house)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth

B1 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

1 - Insect Plate (check the locations section for the map)
2 - Dread Plate (check the locations section for the map)
3 - Icicle Plate (check the locations section for the map)
4 - Meadow Plate (check the locations section for the map)
6 - Dread Plate (check the locations section for the map)
B2 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

1 - Toxic Plate (check the locations section for the map)
2 - Flame Plate (check the locations section for the map)
3 - Iron Plate (check the locations section for the map)
4 - Earth Plate (check the locations section for the map)
5 - Fist Plate (check the locations section for the map)

B3 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

2 - Stone Plate (check the locations section for the map)
4 - Sky Plate (check the locations section for the map)
5 - Stone Plate (check the locations section for the map)
6 - Sky Plate (check the locations section for the map)
8 - Spooky Plate (check the locations section for the map)

B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

2 - Mind Plate (check the locations section for the map)
8 - Splash Plate (check the locations section for the map)
9 - Pixie Plate (check the locations section for the map)
12 - Dread Plate (check the locations section for the map)

B5 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)
+Zap Plate (bottom the room)


Pyramid Grounds

Fertile Land

+Ground Memory (on the left side end, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Past/Future Aevium


Sheridan Village (Past)

Meadow Plate (grass space right the 2nd orange flower lower left the bell)




Floria Island


West Gearen City

Lower Section

Fossils Lover Club


Old Amber - 75,000$

Cover Fossil - 75,000$

Plume Fossil - 75,000$


Akuwa Town

Lively Version

ACDMC - Akuwa Cave Drill Management Center

Sail Fossil (for 10 Blue Shards at the rare fossils corner)

Jaw Fossil (for 10 Red Shards at the rare fossils corner)
Skull Fossil (for 10 Green Shards at the rare fossils corner)
Armor Fossil (for 10 Yellow Shards at the rare fossils corner)


Terrial Island


Grand Dream City

Axis High University

Fish Tank Randomizer
Gourmet Bait - 20000$
Sail Fossil
Jaw Fossil


Exchangeable Items (Heart Scales, Shards, Mushrooms)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Red Shard (1st flowers patch above the Old Lady sitting right of Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Blue Shard (upper right side wall of the Parks and Recreation Center at Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Yellow Shard (floor between the 2 dumpsters upper left the Leaflet Garden) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Yellow Shard (3rd dumpster right from Magnolia Library) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Emerald Building
+Red Shard (lower left, 2nd floor)

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)

Red Shard (space above the lower dumpster by the girl on the left)
Green Shard (dumpster under the Munna grass patch)

Right Section

Heart Scale (wall at the left fence between the 2 big trees, up from Gearen Park) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Tiny Mushroom (grass to the right bellow the right fence and left the medium tree, up from Gearen Park) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Park

Blue Shard (flowers patch middle of the grass, fountain right side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Yellow Shard (space 7 spots down from the bottom middle section of the fountain) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

#Secret area code is Brown, White, Orange

Blue Shard ( lower left corner up the stairs, Secret area)
Red Shard (flowers patch under Seviper gate, Secret area)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Red Shard (1st flowers patch above the Fisherman sitting right of Gearen Train Station)

Yellow Shard (ground space between the 2 dumpsters upper left the Leaflet Garden)

Water Treatment Center

Red Shard (ground space 4 spots up from the black machine up the left entrance)
Red Shard (middle ground space 8 spots up on the path between the 2 modules upper right the left entrance)
Blue Shard (ground space 1 spot down and 6 spots left from the Female Scientist with Pyukumuku)
Blue Shard (ground space 1 spot left and 6 spots down from the black machine right the Central Power Grid entrance)

Central Power Grid

Green Shard (ground space 1 spot down and 7 spots left the Male Scientist)
Blue Shard (ground space left the 3rd machine upper side, left the entrance)

Right Section

Heart Scale (last flowers patch left from Gearen Park entrance)

Tiny Mushroom (last small red flowers right from Gearen Park entrance)

Neo Gearen Park

Blue Shard (flowers patch middle of the grass, fountain right side)

Yellow Shard (lower grass space middle the tall grass, lower right area)


West Gearen City

Lower Section
Yellow Shard (ground space 6 spots down the Help Center door)

Red Shard (ground space 5 spots right from the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)

Green Shard (ground space behind the medium tree left the Bug Catcher right the Train Station)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Entrance Area

Red Shard (2nd rock top right from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch by the medium tree top of the entrance)

Blue Shard (rock top right of the 1st bridge)

Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch right of the medium tree above the smashable rocks)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space left the orange flower by the 2 mid-trees above the ledge on far right side of the cave)

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Heart Scale (rock right the wall's water stream under the healing star area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Tiny Mushroom (the lower left small path from the stairs left Kharon's diary, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

Blue Shard (blue rock at the middle of the Omanyte area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

2nd Layer

Red Shard (rock right from the small stairs down from the fountain, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Green Shard (flowers patch right from Meganium)
Red Shard (grass space left the flowers patch left the 1st light-pinkish medium tree taken the way up after the stairs)
Blue Shard (grass space in the small patch left the bridge under the big sakura tree)
Blue Shard (dirt space 4 spots bottom-left side of the bridge left the big sakura tree)

Cherry Blossom Cut Down

Blue Shard (grass space 2 spots down the 3rd flowers patch on the small area left the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Amethyst Cave

Route 2 Entrance Area

Green Shard (inside the wall furthest down from the cart track line curve left from the entrance)

Red Shard (bellow the 1st smashable-rock on the track line over the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Green Shard (middle the right side of the cart track line down the stairs leading up to the River Area)

River Area

Red Shard (ground space left the left bridge at the left side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Blue Shard (ground space lower right the 1st rock right the right bridge at the right side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Waterfall-Ruins Area

Red Shard (ground space corner between the boxes on the left side between the 2 waterfalls, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Amethyst Depth


Green Shard (lower left corner of the boxes right the 2nd bridge)

Blue Shard (ground space 3 spots down from the 2nd rock right the 2nd bridge)


+Blue Shard (up the healing star)

Amethyst Grotto

Red Shard (grass space 3 spots up and 2 spots right the smashable-rock lower right the area)
Heart Scale (in the 1st big tree left side, up the smashable-rock right the 2nd stairs, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Red Shard (in the 2nd big tree middle side, left the 2nd stairs)


Sheridan Village

Tiny Mushroom (ground space left the flowers patch by the back-entrance of the Village Shop)

Heart Scale (from Samantha the Move-Relearner's sister when her sister is back, after the ??? side quest)


Carotos Mountain

Machines Area

Red Shard (barrel under SEC on the right, middle room)


Route 3

Yellow Shard (grass space 2 spots down and 2 spots left from the Phasial Cave sign, down from the Mirage Woods entrance)

Green Shard (balloons up the Ice Cream Merchant)

Blue Shard (grass space 5 spots down from the orange medium tree lower right side, up the purple tent)

Red Shard (grass patch 2 spots down and 4 spots right from the Gray-haired Girl lower right the area)

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Green Shard (flowers patch on the top right from the Kingdra statue)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Main Area

Green Shard (2nd big tall rock back left side, up from the Hiker Trainer)

+Blue Shard (up from the Hiker Trainer)

Red Shard (4th tall rock lower right from the lower exit ladder)

Crystal Area (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

#Turn the area to Dark Crystal Cavern using either Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Light that Burns the Sky, or Night Daze

#Turn the area back into Cave Field using either Earthquake, Bulldoze, Magnitude, or Tectonic Rage #Not available V13.
Red Shard (in the wall at the small area top right corner the hole, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down

Yellow Shard (grass space under the lower right flowers patch on the lower right area)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space up the green medium tree up the big green in the middle on the lower right area)
Green Shard (3rd upper right flowers patch at the lower right area)
Blue Shard (grass space between the 2 medium green trees on the upper right area)


Goldenleaf Town

Red Shard (grass patch up the pumpkin up Ren's House)

Big Mushroom (mushrooms patch in the path left Giratina's Statue, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Big Mushroom (space on the corner under the bridge left the river by the 2 big trees, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Forgotten Path

Green Shard (ground space 2 spaces up and 2 spaces left from the sign up the entrance)

Blue Shard (space on the right corner on the 1st floor up the 1st vines on the tower at the right side, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


Wispy Path

Tiny Mushroom (grass space 2 spots left from the middle-backside of the 1st yellow big tree on the right, up the Wispy Park gate)

Green Shard (right side of the big green tree above the 1st flowers patch up the Goldenwood Forest gate)

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Wispy Chasm

Yellow Shard (ground space up the upper rock at the lower left Phantump area)

Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

Wispy Chasm (Right)

Yellow Shard (space to the right end from the vines entrance)


Route 4

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 1:

Tiny Mushroom (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Tiny Mushroom (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Group 2:

2 Blue Shard (from the Ranger left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

Group 4:

Red Shard (sparkly seeds right the train track after the pond upper right the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

+Red Shard (up the hill on the 1st island with the running Lady)

Red Shard (upper rock on a small island lower right the 1st island)

Blue Shard (rock rubble on the small island with the running Guy)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Heart Scale (rock under the Evergreen Cave North entrance)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Heart Scale (rock right the hill with Dewgong)

Blue Shard (ground space end the seaweed small path lower right from the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Heart Scale (rock down the small hill down the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Blue Shard (rock down the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Blue Shard (2nd ground space up the very tall tower right from the hill with Cloyster and Walrein)

Blue Shard (rock on the lower right from the sphere-shape diving spot)

Green Shard (3rd seaweed left from the lower right big white rock down the big u-shape diving spot)

Heart Scale (rock upper left end of the big u-shape diving spot)

Blue Shard (rock upper left from the mysterious cave hill area)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Blue Shard (left small blue rock top right from the Ranger Center after the diving spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Terajuma Pier

+Red Shard (on the water spot bellow the Lighthouse, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle

Bridges Area

Tyluric Falls (accessed after Building Bridges side quest)

Red Shard (top part of the headbutt tree right from the mossy rock)

Workers Area
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch left of the Weather Institution)

Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch lower left the Conkeldurr Lumber Yard)

Tiny Mushroom (lower left flowers patch at the patch under the Weather Institution, Spice Powder needed)

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Deep Jungle Area

+Green Shard (end the small path up the 1st Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Kakori Village

Tiny Mushroom (grass space between the 2 flowers patches right from the lower right house)
Tiny Mushroom (2nd flowers patch right from the PokeMart)
Tiny Mushroom (bush down from Route 6 entrance, Spice Powder needed)

Kakori Safari Zone

Jeminra Woods

Tiny Mushroom (pink flowers left the mountain peak, end of the lower left side of the forest labyrinth)


Route 5 - Valor Path

+Red Shard (left from the Female Ranger Trainer)


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

BF Area

Blue Shard (big crystal rock between the ledges up the entrance)

Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot up from the 3rd small crystal rock left the School Girl)

Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots left from the 4th small crystal rock upper left the School Girl)

Aquamarine Chamber

Red Shard (ground space 3 spots up from the 1st big crystal rock left the entrance)

Blue Shard (4th big crystal rock left the entrance)

Blue Shard (ground space 3 spots right and 1 spot down from the 2nd big crystal rock right the entrance)

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

Green Shard (big crystal rock between the 1st 2 ledges, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Blue Shard (big crystal rock by the right corner 3 ledges down the Battle Boy, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Teila Resort

Teila Resort Hot Springs

Blue Shard (rock by the pink cushion left from the altar)


Kristiline Town

Normal Town

Red Shard (grass space down the flowers patch right the Ranger Center)
Blue Shard (road space 2 spots left and 1 spot down the Glaceon)

Green Shard (flowers patch right the cuttable-trees right the Sapphire Museum)


Terrial Island


Route 7

Train Area

Green Shard (bush down the Female Ranger Trainer)

Red Shard  (grass space 1 spot down and 2 spots right from the headbutt tree, lower left from the Female Ranger Trainer)
Green Shard (bush up the Youngster)

Luck's Tent Area

Red Shard (upper right small pink/blue flowers patch from the T-shaped flowers patch top right the area)
Yellow Shard (flowers patch right from the Green Ranger)

Blue Shard (grass space 2 spots right from the dark green medium tree lower left of Luck's truck)

Crashed Robot Area

Green Shard (middle grass patch lower right the Cool Trainer)

Yui's Ranch

Yellow Shard (1st flowers patch up the big rock up the entrance)
Green Shard (last flowers patch right from Honec Woods entrance)
Blue Shard (flowers patch down from the Prima Donna Trainer)
Red Shard (flowers patch up from the Prima Donna Trainer)


Honec Woods

Entrance Area

Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom up the upper left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Big Mushroom (grass space lower right the lower right Honey Tree, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Red Shard (space up the red mushroom from the entrance)

TinyMushroom (red mushroom right from the Castle entrance)

Red Shard (small red flowers patch right the headbutt tree bellow the Castle entrance)

Castle of Goomidra

Castle Outer Garden (open after completing the Goomidra quest)

Big Mushroom (last small red flowers patch from the entrance)


Darchlight Woods

Starting Area

Tiny Mushroom (grass space 2 spots right the red mushrooms left the 1st small wooden log)
Big Mushroom (flowers patch right the red mushrooms right from the running Fairy Girl)
Tiny Mushroom (grass space left side the river left the 3rd red mushrooms up the 2nd stairs drop, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Upper Right Foggy Area (up the Starting Area)

Tiny Mushroom (red mushrooms down the left small pond up the entrance)

Tiny Mushroom (2nd flowers patch up the left small pond up the entrance, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Rivers Area (up the Connecting Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Blue Shard (grass space middle the grass patches circle formation up the left stairs)

Big Mushroom (middle red mushrooms on the small piece of land at the top middle end of the area)

Upper Left Foggy Area (upper left the Rivers Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Tiny Mushroom (flowers patch on the right up the 1st pond)
Yellow Shard (flowers patch lower left the 2nd pond)

Sensu Meadow (left the Starting Area)

Tiny Mushroom (grass space left of the flowers patch 1 section above the hole on the right)

Big Mushroom (top flower patch 2 sections above the hole on the left)

Darchlight Manor

Upper Middle Room
Blue Shard (ground space up the tree pot under the right stairs, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Dinning Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)

Blue Shard (top left tree pot)

Backyard (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the left side from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the right side from the entrance)
Tiny Mushroom (red mushroom on the left side down the well)

Darchlight Cave

Starting Area (Light)
Yellow Shard (2nd white rock right the healing star)
Blue Shard (big white rock right side by the water stream)
Stairs Area (Dark)
Blue Shard (black rock down the water stream after the bridge, right stairs area)


Route 8

Red Shard (2nd flowers patch lower left the entrance)

Green Shard (big rock up the Old Lady)

Blue Shard (rock rubble right the Guy)

Blue Shard (rock rubble left the Guy)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Green Shard (grass space up the 1st flowers patch left the lower right dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)

Blue Shard (flowers patch right of the 1st left big green tree up Route 7 gate entrance)

Eastern Dream District

Botanical Garden
Blue Shard (ground space corner up the benches right the entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 4 spots down and 2 spots right from the Fragrant Lady Trainer)

Southwestern Dream District
Green Shard (back-left-side the pink medium tree lower left the PokeStar Studios entrance)

Blue Shard (ground space 5 spots left the Lady lower left the PokeStar Studios entrance)
Blue Shard (ground space 4 spots down the zebra crossing middle spot up the Art Gallery building)
Red Shard (ground space 6 spots left and 2 spots up the 1st dumpster down the Art Gallery building)
Blue Shard (ground space down the dark green medium tree upper left the SPU truck)

Art Gallery

Blue Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)
Red Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)

Green Shard (from the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards)

Northwestern Dream District

Green Shard (ground space 8 spots down the last top right street lamp)

Red Shard (ground space between the 2 dumpsters down the Toybox)

Central Square

+Green Shard (right the top Weather Board down the Central Building)

Shopping District

Yellow Shard (ground space 6 spots right from the flowers basket right the Move Relearner)

Residential District

Green Shard (ground space 2 spots right of the Weather Board middle spot)

Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 3 spots down the 3rd left street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)

Axis High University

+Green Shard (on the table by the Move Relearner)

Fish Tank Randomizer

Standard Bait - 2000$
Heart Scale
Delicious Bait - 7500$

Heart Scale

Axis High University Building

Axis Factory - Steel Leader Saki

+3 Green Shard (1st chest in the gym puzzle)

+3 Yellow Shard (2nd chest in the gym puzzle)

District of Hope
Green Shard (2nd wall to the right down the left stairs)
Blue Shard (ground space upper right corner behind the 2nd sakura tree right of Doctor Isha's Buidling)

Hospital of Hope

Yellow Shard (white flowers down the first wooden bench on the upper right side)

Scholar District

Blue Shard (ground space left the upper right corner by Blakeory Atheneum)

Green Shard (3rd flowers patch left the sakura tree at the garden down the Recreation Center)


Route 9

Big Mushroom (grass space behind the big red tree left the revered L-shaped fallen leaves down the path from the train)

Farlorned Cavern

Right Entrance Area
Yellow Shard (rock right of the Crystal Room entrance)




Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area
Red Shard (medium rock right the 2nd stairs down the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Yellow Shard (sand space 3 spots up and 3 spots left the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)
Red Shard (twin rock right side upper left the Female Desert Dweller down from the Voidal Chasm entrance)

Green Shard (2nd tree left the Male Desert Dweller up the top middle Alolan Exeggutor)

Green Shard (skull upper left the bridge)

Yellow Shard (tree up from the Ruined City entrance)

Yellow Shard (tiny cactus down the twin rock left the Sashila Village sign)

Green Shard (tree up the upper Zen Mode Darmanitan)


Sand Stream Cave

1F - Entrance Area

Yellow Shard (skull up the lower left quicksand hole)
Yellow Shard (sand space behind the 2nd cactus flower tree right side right from the lower right quicksand hole)

B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Red Shard (in the lower left twin rock right side, lower left section)

Green Shard (sand space 2 spots down and 1 spot left from the bottom skull, upper left section)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

Green Shard (sand space 1 spot left and 2 spots up from the medium rock right the upper right house)

Yellow Shard (sand space down the tree left side up from the upper left house)
Red Shard (sand space 2 spots up the tree right side left from the upper left house)


Zorrialyn Coast
Red Shard (sapling down from the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)
Heart Scale (skull up from the Zen Mode Darmanitans)

Abandoned Village
Strange House (Reforged Key needed)
1F - Entrance Room
Red Shard (ground space up the couch lower left the room)
Yellow Shard (ground space left the right big rock middle the room between the 2 stairs)
Blue Shard (ground space down the upper left big rock right side)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth

B1 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

5 - Heart Scale (check the locations section for the map)

B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

4 - Heart Scale (check the locations section for the map)

6 - Heart Scale (check the locations section for the map)

7 - Blue Shard (check the locations section for the map)


Sashila Village

Heart Scale (from the Male Desert Dweller at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Alamissa Urban

Red Shard (ground space between the 2 middle windows of the lower left room)
Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 2 spots up from the medium rock left the stairs left the lower room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space up the bench up the stairs upper left from the lower left room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space down the medium rock down the tank upper right from the lower left room door entrances)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot up and 1 spot right from the medium rock lower right the middle lower left room ladder entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space lower right corner the muddy pool down from the middle lower left room door entrance)
Yellow Shard (middle the big flowers pot left the middle lower right room door entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space down the tank left side up from the middle lower right room ladder entrance)

Yellow Shard (ground space 2 spots up and 3 spots left from the rock rubble left the muddy pool up the lower right room ladder entrance)

Yellow Shard (ground space left from the lower left medium rock down the tank down the lower right room door entrances)
Yellow Shard (ground space left the medium rock down the upper right room left door)
Yellow Shard (ground space 1 spot right and 1 spot up from the 2nd rock rubble up the upper right room right door)
Yellow Shard (ground space right from the big flowers pot lower right the Gallery entrance)
Yellow Shard (ground space 2 spots right from the small rock right the Gallery entrance)

Red Shard (ground space 3 spots up and 3 spots left from the middle upper left room right door)
Red Shard (ground space 2 spots up the furthest right medium rock up from the tank lower left the Gallery entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot right from the 1st medium rock left the tank lower left the Gallery entrance)
Red Shard (ground space right the rock rubble up the tank left the upper left room entrance)
Red Shard (ground space left the small rock right from the upper left room entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 1 spot down from the rock rubble down the upper left room entrance)
Red Shard (ground space 2 spots up from the medium rock left the 1st bench down the middle upper left room doors)


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

Yellow Shard (fence wall upper corner down the 2nd Abandoned Apartment entrance)

Red Shard (2nd skull up the 1st Abandoned Apartment exit)
Yellow Shard (3rd bookshelf inside the Abandoned Hospital)
Red Shard (rock left of Nymiera's Place)

Abandoned Apartments

Yellow Shard (the last bookshelf upper right the hospital entrance)

Inner Zone North
Yellow Shard (3rd tree right the upper left table at the tables area lower right the map)
Red Shard (ground space left the 3rd tree down the submerged building with Mandibuzz lower left the map)
Red Shard (rock end the path northwest the Gible area)


Past/Future Aevium


Sheridan Village (Past)
Yellow Shard (grass space 2 spots right the 1st flowers patch lower right of the bell)

Spring of Purification (Past)

Balm Mushroom (ground space left the orange flower and pink petals on the right side)


Heracross Woods (Past)

TinyMushroom (grass space down the orange flower in the middle straight path)


Route 5 (Past)

Blue Shard (grass space up the 2nd orange flower right the upper pond)
Red Shard (2nd rock left the upper pond)


Mysterious/Altair Manor (Past)

Dinning Room (Gate Key needed for access)
Blue Shard (top left tree pot)


Valuable Items


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

East Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests

#Finish before Neo Gearen, Missable

Nugget (Love Letter!)

Right Section
Pretty Wing (flowers patch right of Gearen Bicycle Shop) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Entrance Area

+Nugget (left the 1st bridge, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

2nd Layer

Nugget (upper right rock rubble in the area, upper right path from the fountains, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Amethyst Cave

Route 2 Entrance Area

Nugget (ground space at the wall corner left the boxes by the entrance)


Sheridan Village

Secret Shore

Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)
Pearl (grass space left the rocks rubble, between the 2nd and 3rd ledges)

+Pretty Wing (bellow the Wetlands Laboratory)

Star Piece (flowers patch at the grass patch right from the far lower left island, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Route 3

Star Piece (flowers patch right the Pay Day TM down from the Sweets Merchant, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Pretty Wing (flowers patch far right side from the Aroma Lady)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

+Star Piece (inside the red truck)
Star Piece (1st flowers patch left of the red truck)

Crystal Area (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

#Turn the area to Dark Crystal Cavern using either Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Light that Burns the Sky, or Night Daze

#Turn the area back into Cave Field using either Earthquake, Bulldoze, Magnitude, or Tectonic Rage #Not available V13.
Nugget (left ground space at the small area top left corner the hole, Crystal Field) #Not available V13.


Wispy Path

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Big Room

+Big Nugget (from the Chest inside the 4 badges treasury room, the hidden entrance behind the waterfall in Goldenleaf Town, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


Akuwa Town

Lively Version

Larry Locksmith's Plaza

Nugget (from the Blackbelt in front the entrance)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Pearl (far left ground space on the small path lower left form the Evergreen Cave South hill area)

Nugget (rock right the big mossy rock left from the small u-shape diving spot with Luvdisc on top)

Shoal Shell (seashell right from the Seabound Cave East hill area)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Terajuma Wreckage (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

S.S. Oceana Wreckage

Upper Floor (5F)

Pearl (in the lower right side of the 1st lower left table inside the banquet room)

Pearl (in the right side of the lower right table inside the banquet room)

Pearl (in the wall right of the 2nd flipped stool left of the piano inside the banquet room)


Route 6

Kakori Entrance Area
Star Piece (2nd red/blue flowers left from the entrance)

Pearl (water space left the water tree on the upper left water patch, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Telia Entrance Area
Pearl (rocky wall right from the 1st palm tree up the entrance)


Terrial Island


Route 7

Grand Dream Gate

Pearl (from Kimono Girl at the far right from the train tracks, Kimono Girls side quest)


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Cave
Big Area (Light)
+Rare Bone (end the bridge down the Darchlight Mirror Machine Area, 1st section)


Azure Shore

Star Piece (from the lower Samurott down the house at morning time)

Pearl (water space 3 spots down the stairs right side down from the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Pearl (flat rock right the diving spot right the broken lighthouse, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 9

Farlorned Cavern
Crystal Room
Pretty Wing (flowers patch lower right the area)




Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

Rare Bone (skull right of the Shiny Cacturne, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
+Relic Silver (inside the upper middle right house)
+Relic Copper (inside the upper left house)
+Relic Copper (inside the lower middle right house)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth

B1 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

7 - Relic Copper (check the locations section for the map)

8 - Relic Copper (check the locations section for the map)

9 - Relic Copper (check the locations section for the map)

11 - Relic Copper (check the locations section for the map)
B2 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

6 - Carbos (check the locations section for the map)

B3 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

1 - Relic Silver (check the locations section for the map)

3 - Relic Silver (check the locations section for the map)

7 - Relic Copper (check the locations section for the map)

9 - Relic Copper (check the locations section for the map)

B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet, and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

1 - Relic Silver (check the locations section for the map)

5 - Relic Silver (check the locations section for the map)





HP-Restoring Items (Potions, Drinks, Sweets, Ice Cream, Other Food)


Floria Island


Oceana Pier

Sweet Heart (2nd lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable


Neo Oceana Pier

Sweet Heart (2nd lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area)


East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Potion - 300$

Velvet Building
+Potion (lower left, 2nd floor)

Gearen Train Station
5 Potions (from Tesla once you enter the train station for the 1st time)

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)
Super Potion (big purple flower by the 3 trees)

East Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests

#Finish before Neo Gearen, Missable
2 Potion (Save Starly!)
Super Potion (Dangerous Pokemon!)

Right Section

Potion (grass behind the filter device, lower left Luck's Tent) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+Super Potion (by Luck's Tent) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+3 Super Potions (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

Shopping District

Top Stand
Female Clerk
Potion - 300$

Bottom Right Stand (day-time at Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
Reverse Candy - 50$
Soda Pop - 300$

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand
Left Female Clerk
Potion - 300$

Super Potion - 600$

Right Female Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Soda Pop - 300$

Chirsola Hotel

Super Potion (from the Man sitting on the right sofa)

Gearen Park

Unown Dimension (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)

+Hyper Potion (right from the "Rock Lady")

Abandoned Sewers

Potion (space above the School Girl at the top right) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Potion (in the pillar right of the School Girl at the top right) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

#Secret area code is Brown, White, Orange

Fresh Water (flowers patch right of the egg, Secret area)

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

The Soul Labyrinth (you can get all the items while being chased but it is more doable after the fight is over)

+2 Super Potion (middle the labyrinth)

Chrysalis Manor

+Super Potion (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Super Potion (grass space down the small blue flowers lower left Gearen Train Station)

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Potion - 300$

Water Treatment Center
Potion (in the white capsule left the Main Office entrance)


West Gearen City

Upper Section

Mystery Bowl (space end of the small path left the Sewer entrance)

Lemonade (grass patch up the flowers patch behind the big dark green tree left of Blakeory Household)

West Gearen Sewage Management


+Hyper Potion (down the lower drained pool, down the Scientist Trainer)

Lower Section

Gearen News HQ
+Hyper Potion (down the table at the break room)


Route 1

Potion (medium tree left the 2nd orange flowers to the lower left of the train)#Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)

Potion (from the Old Lady by Furfrou) #Missable

+Potion (under the Wispy Path and Goldenwood Cave Sign) #Missable


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Entrance Area

Potion (rock left of the 2nd bridge)

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Ultra Potion (right entering from the HQ tall building top right the area, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

3rd HQ

+Max Potion (beside the last bed inside the beds room, room entrance in the middle of the hallway after the HQ entrance, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Kecleon's Shop
Potion - 300$


Amethyst Cave

Route 2 Entrance Area

Super Potion (in the wall right the smashable-rock under the 1st crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Sheridan Village Entrance Area
Super Potion (in the wall lower left the stairs down the exit)

Amethyst Depth


Potion (2nd rock bottom of the 1st bridge)


Sheridan Village

Cherry Blossom Inn

Sweet Heart (from the Lady by the PC)

2 Super Potion (from Eldest at the start of the chapter 3)

Sheridan Village Shop

Super Potion (from Nadia when talking to her from the shop's other side)
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$

Beth (Morning-time on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) #She is gone once you have 9+ badges.

Berry Juice - 100$

Fresh Water - 200$ (2 badges)

Lemonade - 350$ (3 badges)
Moomoo Milk - 500$ (3 badges)

Sheridan Help Plaza

Help Quests
(The Hidden Library 2) *Blue Moon Ice Cream if you give the guy the book

(Fetch an Item!) *Blue Moon Ice Cream if you steal the item.

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Potion - 300$


Carotos Mountain

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Madelis' Laboratory

Library (Lower Left) Room

+Hyper Potion (bottom left the room)

Capsule (Lower Right) Room

+Fresh Water (top right the room)


Route 3

Vanilla Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Vanilla! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)
Choc Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Chocolate! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)
Berry Ice Cream (from Aelita if the Strawberry! choice is made after going with I'm Starving... option with her dialogue, story related)

Super Potion (2nd orange flowers down from the Gray-haired Girl lower right the area)

Traveling Fair

Sweets Clerk
Soda Pop - 300$
Sweet Heart - 100$

Ice Cream Clerk
Vanilla Ice Cream - 400$
Choc Ice Cream - 600$
Berry Ice Cream - 800$
*Blue Moon Ice Cream - 20000$ #Appears randomly on very rare occasions.

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Moomoo Milk (1st blue flowers left from the entrance)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Potion - 300$


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down

Fresh Water (2nd flowers patch lower left the bridge and train track on the upper middle area)


Goldenleaf Town

Super Potion (on the table lower left the Mart)

Super Potion (middle Lady in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)

Poke Mart
Super Potion - 700$

Goldenleaf Theater - Ghost Leader Narcissa
+Super Potion (upper right the auditorium room)

Forgotten Path
Super Potion (1st flowers patch down the small tower on the left side)


Wispy Path

Lemonade (grass space under the lower left corner of the road bellow the house in the Wispy Park)
Hyper Potion (grass space above the 2nd headbutt tree right bellow from the Goldenwood Forest gate)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Potion - 300$

Wispy Tower

Outside Area

Berry Ice Cream (from Karen when reaching the Wispy Ruins entrance, Chapter 6 only before the 6th badge and have done the Hidden Library quest line)


Route 4

Moomoo Milk (from Cairo after clearing the path through story)

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 1:

3 Moomoo Milk (from the Ranger down at the Wooloo Pen, randomly generated)

Group 3:

Super Potion (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Soda Pop (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 4:

Berry Juice (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Akuwa Town

Soda Pop (rock by the Mining Rock under the blocked entrance at the shore)

Lively Version

Poke Mart
Hyper Potion - 1200$


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Forest

Hyper Potion (snow space right the 3rd rock on the path left the Hiker)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Ultra Potion (rock up the elevation right the 1st tower with Shellder and Cloyster)


Blacksteeple Island

Blacksteeple Castle

Shop Room

Super Potion - 700$


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Fresh Water (sand space right from the Ranger Center and left the plant soil)

Soda Pop (big rock left side top right the bridge)
Lemonade (sand space bellow the smashable-rock right from the house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Ranger Center

Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$

Terajuma Pier

Xen Battleship

Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

Ranger Center

Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$


Kakori Village

Super Potion - 700$

Kakori Safari Zone

Jeminra Woods

Hyper Potion (grass space under the container at the middle side of the forest labyrinth)

Kakori Help Plaza

Help Quests

10 Super Potion (Battle Me Once More!)


Route 5 - Valor Path

+Max Potion (right from the entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

Entrance Area

Fresh Water (rock between the 3 bridges right the Aquamarine Shrine down ladder)

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

Fresh Water (ground space 2 spots left of the 2nd big rock lower left Uxie Statue)


Teila Resort

+Hyper Potion (behind the trees right of Tesla's Villa)

Ranger Center

Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$

Teila Bar

Middle Clerk

Berry Juice - 1000$

Left Clerk
Super Potion - 700$

Teila Resort Hot Springs

Fresh Water (rock right from the alter)

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Spa Area

Teila Resort Salon
Fresh Waters (from the Luxury Package with 6500$, once a day)

Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber

Hyper Potion - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$

Tesla's Villa

Strawberry Cake (from Tesla, when picking something sweet)

Vending Machine

Fresh Water - 200$

Soda Pop - 300$

Lemonade - 350$


Kristiline Town

Frozen Town

Poke Mart

Super Potion - 700$

Isle of Angels (Frozen)

Tower of Theolia

Battlefield of the Gods
+Hyper Potion (lower left side)

Normal Town

Soda Pop (inside the 1st fence wall left side the upper bridge)
Rare Candy (building lower left corner wall down from Glaceon)
Soda Pop (road space down the medium tree right the Help Plaza)

Ranger Center

Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$

Poke Mart

Super Potion - 700$


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Neutral Emotion

+Hyper Potion (up the 3F ladder)


Terrial Island


Grand Express

Soda Pop (from Venam inside our resting room following story events, medium+ friendship value with Venam only)
Soda Pop (from Melia inside our resting room following story events, low friendship value with Venam and high+ friendship value with Melia only)

Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$


Route 7

Train Area

Hyper Potion (grass space 7 spots right from the headbutt tree, lower left from the Female Ranger Trainer)

Luck's Tent Area

Max Potion (ground space hidden behind the dark green big tree left of Luck's Tent)

Yui's Ranch
Ultra Potion (down grass space on the left tall grass up the Ranch)
Moomoo Milk (2nd right flowers patch up the Ranch Gate)

Moomoo Milk (from Miltank in exchange for Oran Berry, repeatable)
Moomoo Milk (right upper left haystack right side, inside the lower Barn)
Moomoo Milk (left upper right haystack left side, inside the lower Barn small room)
Moomoo Milk (1st haystack left side, inside the upper Barn)

Caretaker Clerk (after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

Hyper Potion - 1200$

Moomoo Milk - 500$


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Cave
Big Area (Light)

Hyper Potion (2nd white rock up the Female Bladestar Grunt before the Mining Rock taking the path straight then upward after the 1st bridge, 2nd section)

Max Potion (black rock lower left the stairs down the exit, 3rd section)

Big Area (Dark)

Super Potion (black rock down the exit, 3rd section)


Route 8

Soda Pop (3rd flowers patch upper left the entrance)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Hyper Potion (ground space up the lower left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)

+Hyper Potion (on the table, inside the Main Street Complex 8F)

Eastern Dream District

Grand Dream Station

+Hyper Potion (lower right by the Gearen Train)

Southwestern Dream District

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)


Hyper Potion - 1200$

Main Building
Mystery Bowl (middle trash bin, 1F)

Lemonade (in the lower left middle computer left the Bladestar Grunt that wants to delete himself, 2F)
+Hyper Potion (top left, 2F)

Mystery Bowl (middle right trash bin, 3F)

Shopping District

Super Potion (ground space left the Hidden Power Checker)

Department of Dreams

2F (1 Stamp)
2nd Clerk
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$

Nightmare City

Shopping District
+Vanilla Ice Cream (left the Lady middle left the road)

Axis High University

Magic Ice Cream Parlor

Right Clerk
Vanilla Ice Cream - 400$
Choc Ice Cream - 600$
Berry Ice Cream - 800$
*Blue Moon Ice Cream - 20000$ #Appears randomly on very rare occasions.

Fish Tank Randomizer
Standard Bait - 2000$
Super Potion
Delicious Bait - 7500$
Ultra Potion

Axis High University Building

School Store

Ultra Potion - 2200$

School of Nightmares

School Store

Super Potion - 700$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

District of Hope
+Soda Pop (behind a dumpster left of Doctor Isha's Building)

Scholar District

Hyper Potion (lower blue/yellow flowers left the medium tree left the Blakeory Atheneum)

Super Potion (ground space 6 spots down the sakura tree right the Blakeory Atheneum)

Lemonade (grass patch 2 spots down the lower left table at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Grand Dream Stadium

Tournament Stadium

Strawberry Cake (from Tesla, if picked "something sweet" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)

Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$

Ultra Potion - 2200$


Route 9

Farlorned Cavern

Upper Entrance Area

Soda Pop (in the headbutt tree left of the exit)

Rose Theater


Fresh Water (water space up the left side of the bridge, left side area)




Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

Lemonade (skull down the top right Alolan Exeggutor)

+Hyper Potion (lower right the bridge)


Sand Stream Cave

1F - Entrance Area

+Hyper Potion (down the twin rock top right the area)
Berry Juice (grass space 2 spots left the cactus flower tree top left the area)

Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)

Berry Juice (in the upper left medium rock, top section)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth

B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)
10 - Full Restore (check the locations section for the map)


Sashila Village

Lemonade (ground space 2 spots down and 1 spot left from the 1st pink flower at the upper right garden right the Chief Quarter)

Hyper Potion - 1200$


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

+Ultra Potion (end the path northeast the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit)

Inner Zone North
+Full Restore (end the path down the Pokemon Center)


Pyramid Grounds

Dry Desert

Female Grunt

Ultra Potion - 2200$


Past/Future Aevium


Route 3 (Past)

Soda Pop (big tree lower left side right from the flowers patch lower right the Spellcaster Trainer)
Soda Pop (flowers patch upper left the 1st pond)


Kugearen City (Past)

Poke Mart

Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$


Route 5 (Past)

Ultra Potion (grass space up the 1st flowers patch upper left the lower right pond)


Hiyoshi City (Past)

+Ultra Potion (down the Youngster, inside the Bottom Left Apartments Building right from the entrance)

Shopping District
Bottom Clerk
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$


Status Condition Healing Items (Burn, Poison, Freeze, Parlays, Sleep, Confusion, Infatuation)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Antidote - 100$

Emerald Building
Full Heal (from an Optimist Lady on the upper right, 2nd floor)

Right Section

Antidote (2nd flowers patch right from Gearen Train Station) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Parlyz Heal (flowers pot left of Chirsola Hotel) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Shopping District

Bottom Left Stand
Burn Heal - 250$
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$
Awakening - 250$
Parlys Heal - 200$

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand
Left Female Clerk

Ice Heal - 250$

Antidote - 100$

Abandoned Sewers

+Antidote (left the main water power generator room entrance) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

Antidote (plant middle right, 2nd puzzle room)

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

Chrysalis Manor

+Full Heal (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Antidote - 100$

Right Section
Antidote (2nd flowers patch right from Gearen Train Station)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd HQ

+Antidote (on the table at Hannah's room, the middle right room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

+Full Heal (on the table at Azar's room, the top right room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Kecleon's Shop
Antidote - 100$


Amethyst Cave

Amethyst Depth


Antidote (ground space 2 spots down the small box left the 2nd bridge)


Sheridan Village

Sheridan Village Shop
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$

Sheridan Help Plaza

Help Quests

Casteliacone (Fetch an Item!)


Carotos Mountain

Machines Area
Full Heal (barrel under the PC right from the entrance, lower middle room)


Goldenleaf Town

Full Heal (left Lady in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)

Forgotten Path

Burn Heal (flowers patch down the right gray pillar)


Route 4

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 4:

Full Heal (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Ice Heal (rock rubble top left of Seabound Cave East entrance)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Cave

North Cave


Full Heal (snow space far up the smashable-rock lower right the ladder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Evergreen Forest

Ice Heal (rock at the tree corner bellow the 2nd pond)

Parlyz Heal (rock by the trees on the lower left, left the Guy by the 2nd pond)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Ranger Center

Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$

Terajuma Pier

Xen Battleship

Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

+Full Heal (up from the entrance, down the right side of the Lover's Bridge)

Ranger Center

Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$


Kakori Village


Ice Heal - 250$

Burn Heal - 250$

Parlyz Heal - 200$


Route 6

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

Secluded Shore

5 Lava Cookies (from Ana during the Missing Children quest)


Teila Resort

Full Heal (sand space down the big tree right the gym)

Ranger Center

Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$

Teila Bar

Left Clerk

Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$

Parlyz Heal - 200$

Burn Heal - 250$

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber

Burn Heal - 250$

Tesla's Villa

Razz Berry Tart (from Tesla, when picking something sour)


Kristiline Town

Frozen Town

Poke Mart

Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Parlyz Heal - 200$

Normal Town

Ranger Center

Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$

Poke Mart

Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Parlyz Heal - 200$


Lava Cookie - 200$


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Calm Emotion

+Ice Heal (lower right the big frozen area)


Terrial Island


Grand Express

Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Manor

Main Hall - Entrance Area
Full Heal (ground space 1 spot down and 2 spots left the top right tree pot)

Upper Right Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

+Old Gateau (upper left the room)

Dinning Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)
Old Gateau (small rubble on the table from the right side)

Darchlight Cave

Full Heal (1st white rock down before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Casteliacone (from the Optimist Lady left the Weather Board, Event Trigger -> Snow Weather)

Southwestern Dream District

Herbs Shop

Herbs Lady

Full Heal - 600$

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)


Full Heal - 1200$

Main Building
Full Heal (lower left trash bin, 3F)

Shopping District

*Casteliacone (ground space 1 spot down the crying Kid) *Only if you didn't give her one yet.

Ice Cream Stand (Snow Weather)

1 Casteliacone - 100$
Dozen Casteliacone - 1000$

Department of Dreams

2F (1 Stamp)
2nd Clerk
Full Heal - 600$

Axis High University

Axis High University Building

School of Nightmares

School Store

Full Heal - 600$

Scholar District

Casteliacone (ground space up the 2nd bench down the Recreation Center)

Grand Dream Stadium

Tournament Stadium

Razz Berry Tart (from Tesla, if picked "something sour" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)


Awakening - 250$




Sand Stream Cave

B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)

+Full Heal (bottom right, upper middle section)
Burn Heal (sand space between the twin rock and skull at the top right, upper right section)

Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Elixir (in the upper left twin rock left side, bottom section)
Lava Cookie (twin cactus left the upper right twin rock, top section)


Sashila Village

Burn Heal - 250$


Past/Future Aevium


Route 3 (Past)
+Full Heal (end of the route by Amberette Town entrance)


Kugearen City (Past)

Poke Mart

Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$


Mysterious/Altair Manor (Past)

Main Hall - Entrance Area

Full Heal (ground space 2 spots down the upper right wall picture)


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Shopping District
Bottom Clerk
Awakening - 250$


Fainting and PP-Restoring Items (Revives, Ethers, Elixirs)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Right Section

Revive (floor 1 spot above the rightmost fence up from Venam's House) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Chirsola Hotel
Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery Prizes

Max Revive (4 digits match)

Gearen Park

Hidden Library

#Missable Area if the Hidden Library Quest is not initiated before Neo Gearen
Big Middle Room
Ether (space 2 spots down and 2 spots right from Elgym's bookshelf middle point)

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

The Soul Labyrinth (you can get all the items while being chased but it is more doable after the fight is over)
+Elixir (top left the labyrinth)

Chrysalis Manor

+Elixir (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Chirsola Hotel
Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery Prizes

Max Revive (4 digits match)


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

Ether (1st flowers patch lower right Wispy Path/Goldenwood Cave sign) #Missable


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Basement Area (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Revive (lower left from the pond, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Ether (right rock at the grass area right from the Loading Bay sign, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

3rd HQ

+Elixir (at the left room after the Claydols encounter, available after the Pearl Route is completed)

2nd Layer
+Revive (upper left the area, upper left path from the fountains, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Amethyst Cave

Amethyst Depth


Revive (upper right corner of the boxes left the healing star)

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


+Elixir (left the empty cart left the 1st bridge)


Ether (3rd rock down the entrance ladder, down the 1st Mining Rock)

Cliffside Grave (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Elixir (rock by Larissa's grave)


Sheridan Village

Secret Shore

Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)
Revive (grass space 2 spots right of the green flowers right from the Ancient Book)


Carotos Mountain

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Madelis' Laboratory

Library (Lower Left) Room

+Revive (top left the room)


Route 3

Rose Tea (from the Hiker inside the red truck right the Traveling Fair area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Ether (grass patch left from the 1st flowers patch left of the Hiker)


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down

Revive (grass space 4 spots right and 1 spot up the dark pink headbutt tree right the upper left dark pink big tree at the lower left area)

Elixir (grass space right of the middle big green tree on the lower middle area)


Goldenleaf Town

Revive (Guy in the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, after the 4th gym battle)

Forgotten Path
Ether (flowers patch behind the 1st dark yellow big, left the path and the tower on the right side)


Wispy Path

Wispy Tower

Inside Area
Ethers (from Sariah, 6+ badges)

Forsaken Laboratory

#Access passwords for the right path is: UNBOUND and SOUL.

+Revive (lower right in the water flooded room)

+Ether (end of the right path)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

+Ether (left side of the island with the Youngster)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Revive (rock right the hill with Cloyster and Walrein)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Elixir (water tree lower right from the Ranger Center on the C-shaped water spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 6

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

Ether (big crystal rock right of Uxie Statue)


Teila Resort

+Elixir (upper right from Villa 1C on the middle)

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Spa Area

Teila Resort Salon

Revives (from the Luxury Package with 6500$, once a day)

Tesla's Villa
Rose Tea (from Tesla, when picking something relaxing)
Herbal Tea (from Tesla, when picking something rejuvenating)


Kristiline Town

Frozen Town

Isle of Angels (Frozen)

Tower of Theolia

Battlefield of the Gods
+Max Revive (upper right side)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Calm Emotion

+Revive (on the small frozen area down the B1 ladder)

Valor Mountain Blockade

Revive (from Saki if you have the Magma Stone)


Terrial Island


Route 7

Train Area

+Ether (hidden in the left tall grass lower left of Dean's House, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Yui's Ranch
Revive (middle mud space 2 spots down the water feeder, inside the lower Barn small room)


Darchlight Woods

Upper Right Foggy Area (up the Starting Area)
Ether (grass space 1 spot right and 1 spot down the left red mushrooms bellow the 1st gate)

Sensu Meadow (left the Starting Area)
Ether (grass space right the S-shaped purple flowers arrangement 1 section right the hole on the right)

Darchlight Manor

Dinning Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)
Elixir (rubble right of the door)

Darchlight Cave
Big Area (Light)
Ether (2nd black rock left the 2nd Male Bladestar Grunt path straight then downward after the 1st bridge, 2nd section)
Revive (white rock at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)
Big Area (Dark)
Ether (1st white rock at the top after the entrance, 1st section)
Revive (last spot on the ground far bellow left before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Ether (plant pot by the elevator, inside the 2nd Apartment Complex 24F)

Ether (ground space 5 spots down and 1 spot left from the left side of the Missing Poster left of the Main Street Complex)

Botanical Garden

Ether (ground space 6 spots up and 1 spot right from the Mistress Trainer)

Southwestern Dream District

Ether (ground space 2 spots down the Herbs Shop)

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)


Revive - 8500$

Northwestern Dream District

+Max Revive (on the table, inside the Apartments Building 13F)
Ether (ground space 2 spots left and 1 spot up the middle street lamp left Mika's Cafe)

Ether (2nd flowers patch up the top middle left street lamp)

Central Square

Ether (ground space 2 spots right and 1 spot up from the Young Lady down the left Northern Dream District entrance)

Shopping District

Elixir (ground space 4 spots down the middle medium tree bottom left side at the top of the area)

Residential District
Ether (ground space 2 spots up and 1 spot right the 2nd right street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)

Nightmare City



+Revive (left the toybox entrance)

Axis High University

+Ether (down the Axis High Station stairs)

Magic Ice Cream Parlor
Left Clerk
Funnel Cake - 7000$

Fish Tank Randomizer
Delicious Bait - 7500$
Max Revive

District of Hope

Hospital of Hope
Elixir (grass space lower left the first emergency car on the lower left side by the entrance)

Scholar District

Rose Tea (on the lower right table in front the Young Lady at the park down Blakeory Atheneum)

Ether (grass space between the 2 sakura trees left the School Boy Trainer left the Help Corporation Building)
National Park

Revive (ground space right the 2nd street lamp between the upper right and middle right gardens)

Revive (middle ground space in the line of the blue and orange flowers between the lower left and lower right garden)

Grand Dream Stadium
Tournament Stadium
Rose Tea (from Tesla, if picked "something relaxing" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)
Herbal Tea (from Tesla, if picked "something rejuvenating" back at the Villa, after finishing the 2nd round in the Tournament)


Route 9

Farlorned Cavern
Left Entrance Area

Ether (in the medium tree left side up the exit)




Voidal Chasm

B3 - Lower Area
Ether (pink petal down the left ether tree, bottom end of the area)
Ether (2nd pink petal up the 3 trees, bottom end of the area)
Ether (pink petals up the healing star, middle of the area)
Ether (pink petals down the big rock left the healing star, middle of the area)
Ether (pink petal down the medium rock right the 2 stairs, middle of the area)
Ether (pink petals right the B2 entrance, middle of the area)
Ether (ground space down the big rock left the B2 entrance, middle of the area)

B2 - Bridges Area
Ether (pink petal left the B3 entrance, bottom left area)
Ether (pink petals right the big rock down the 2 bridges, bottom right area)
Ether (pink petal left the upper bridge, top left area)
Ether (pink petal on the small land between the 4 bridges, middle area)
Ether (big rock left side, top right area)
Ether (pink petal right the bridge, top middle area)
B2 - Boat Area
Ether (1st pink petal left the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (upper left pink petals up the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (lower right pink petals up the big rock up the B2 Bridges Area entrance)
Ether (pink petals lower right the upper left ether tree)
Ether (in the upper left ether tree)
Ether (pink petals upper right the upper left ether tree)
Ether (pink petals up the boat)
Ether (pink petal lower left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
Ether (pink petal upper left the lower right ether tree)
Ether (pink petal down the upper right tree)

B2 - Exit Area
Ether (pink petals up the B2 Boat Area entrance)
Ether (pink petals down the left tree)
Ether (grass patch bottom right the right tree)
B1 - Entrance Area
Ether (pink petals right the big rock up the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petal right the small rock right the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petals lower left the lower left medium rock down the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petal up the lower right big rock down the B2 entrance)
Ether (pink petals up Zorrialyn Desert entrance)


Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

Ether (cactus tree left the top right Alolan Exeggutor)

+Max Ether (up the bottom right Alolan Exeggutor)
Ether (sand space left the 3rd tree left from the bridge)
Max Ether (sand space lower right corner up the Ruined City entrance)
+Ether (down the climbable rocks right from the oasis)

Bottom Area
+Revive (down the twin rock down the Top Area entrance)
Ether (skull upper left the cactus tree upper left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)


Sand Stream Cave

B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
+Revive (left the upper right twin rock, lower left section)

+Revive (down the top skull, upper left section)

Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Elixir (in the upper left twin rock left side, bottom section)


Zorrialyn Coast
Elixir (sand space down the Mining Rock)


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

Revive (last rock up the path northeast the Lux Apartments)


Past/Future Aevium


Kugearen City (Past)

+Revive (inside the building down the timesplicer crystal house)


Kuggearean Woods (Past)

Area 2

+Revive (by the Lady Trainer down the left path down from the entrance)


Route 5 (Past)

+Revive (top left the lower left pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
+Max Revive (end the path right up the stairs up the lower right pond)


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Hiyoshi Hospital
Ether (in the middle right tree pot)


Stats Changing Items (Vitamins, Feathers)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Resist Wing (right grass patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Right Section

+Iron (by the trees top right of the area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Resist Wing (bush right of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Aqua Building

+Iron (to the right, 1st floor)

Chirsola Hotel
Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery Prizes

PP Up (2 digits match)

AP Exchange Prizes

PP UP (6 AP)

Resist Wing (white tile space 4 spots right and 1 spot up from the tall lamp at the bottom middle)

Gearen Park
Muscle Wing (left grass space above the tall grass, fountain right side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Carbos (top left side of the 1st medium tree bottom left the fountain , fountain left side) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Unown Dimension (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)
+Carbos (lower right, zigzag path)

Abandoned Sewers
Zinc (space at the lower right wall corner from the bridge above the red hair Technician) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

The Soul Labyrinth (you can get all the items while being chased but it is more doable after the fight is over)

+PP Up (middle the labyrinth)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section
Resist Wing (right grass patch, above the hidden entrance upper right Gearen Laboratory)

Water Treatment Center
Zinc (in the white machine lower left the 4 modules down the Main Office entrance)

Right Section

Resist Wing (flowers patch left the School Boy right the gym)

Chirsola Hotel
Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery Prizes

PP Up (2 digits match)

AP Exchange Prizes

PP UP (6 AP)

Neo Gearen Park
Muscle Wing (left grass space above the tall grass, fountain right side)
Carbos (fence wall at the middle flowers patch behind the bench lower right the fountain)


West Gearen City

Upper Section

West Gearen Sewage Management


+PP Up (down the upper left drained pool, up the 2nd Scientist Trainer)

Lower Section
Muscle Wing (ground space down the barrel right the Fossils Lover Club sign)
Zinc (ground space lower right corner right the 2 barrels down from Tecanlite Factory)


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)

HP Up (from Narcissa after interacting with Mimikyu, being patient) #Missable

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

PP Up (1st flowers patch lower right of the bridge) #Missable

Muscle Wing (flowers patch lower left of the small waterfall after the cuttable-tree, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed) #Missable


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Exit Area
PP Up (rock in the top middle)

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

Main Entrance

+HP Up (to the left at the middle area after the 1st bridge, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Carbos (grass space down from the flowers patch under the train)


Amethyst Cave

Route 2 Entrance Area

Zinc (in the wall down the 2nd smashable-rock upper left the bridge up the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

River Area
Genius Wing (in the wall right the entrance)

Amethyst Depth

HP Up (wall under the 2nd Joltik upper-right of the entrance)

Resist Wing (2nd rock right the 2nd bridge)

Zinc (rock left the Mines entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Carbos (ground space on the corner up the right Mining Rock, in the small area accessed from the Mines, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


PP Up (ground space corner left the Laboratory ladder)

Cliffside Grave (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Resist Wing (grave debris under Eli's grave)

Iron (grass space 4 spots under Narcissa's Chandelure's grave)


Carotos Mountain

Machines Area

+Carbos (left of the long bridge on the rights side of the area)


Route 3

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)
Zinc (grass patch left from the 3rd blue flowers on the left side, up from the School Boy)
Clever Wing (grass patch at the middle behind the big tree right the big rock left from the bottom house)
Genius Wing (grass space far right by the grass patch right of the waterfall)


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down
HP Up (grass space right the green headbutt tree on the small land mass right of the path between the 2 left areas)
PP Up (2nd flowers patch right of the middle medium green tree on the middle right area)


Wispy Path

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance

Wispy Chasm

+Calcium (left of the Punk trainer)


Akuwa Town
Health Wing (rock on the 2nd small island to the top right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

HP Up (rock on a small shore bellow from the 1st island)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Cave

North Cave

Zinc (snow space left the smashable-rock lower left the ladder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Evergreen Forest
Genius Wing (flowers patch upper left between the medium tree and headbutt tree up the 2nd stairs from the entrance)
Resist Wing (blue flowers on small land up the 2nd pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
HP Up (blue flowers right end from the 2nd pond, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)
Zinc (flowers patch upper right the pond on the path left the Hiker)
Genius Wing (grass space left the flowers patch lower left the pond on the path left the Hiker)


Terajuma Island


Route 6

Kakori Entrance Area

Zinc (in the water tree right side on the upper left water patch, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Telia Entrance Area
Calcium (flowers patch right the headbutt tree by the exit)

Water Area (accessed from Secluded Shore, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Resist Wing (water tree on the water patch up the entrance)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Valor Mountain Cliffside

HP Up (ground space corner down the rock right the healing star)

Forest of Time

Calcium (lower left side of the lower right medium tree at the upper right corner before the long stairs)


Terrial Island


Route 7

Luck's Tent Area

PP Up (grass space left the bush by the Train Area entrance)


Darchlight Woods

Rivers Area (up the Connecting Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)
HP Up (water space 2 spots down and 2 spots right the flowers patch down the Upper Left Foggy Area entrance)

Upper Left Foggy Area (upper left the Rivers Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
PP Up (flowers patch top right the 2nd pond)

Darchlight Manor

Upper Left Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Carbos (ground space 3 spots up the lower left rubble)

Lower Right Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
Health Wing (top left tree pot)

Darchlight Cave
Big Area (Dark)
Carbos (black rock at the end taking the path upward twice left from the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)


Grand Dream City

Main Street
Resist Wing (2nd ground space up, left the 2nd Apartment Complex)

Muscle Wing (ground space 3 spots up the upper left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Genius Wing (middle ground space behind the 2nd SPU truck down the Pokemon Center)
Carbos (from Igglybuff , inside the Main Street Complex 16F at Day Time)

Southwestern Dream District
Iron (ground space 7 spots up the sakura tree on the bottom left of the area)
Health Wing (flowers patch left the SPU truck)

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

Main Building
PP Up (ground space the lower right table right side, 2F)

Northwestern Dream District

Genius Wing (2nd flowers patch up the top middle right street lamp)

Central Square

Muscle Wing (inside the far left dumpster lower left of the area, down the Residential District entrance)
Health Wing (ground space 7 spots left from the sakura trees on the lower right of the area, down the lower Shopping District entrance)
Health Wing (ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot up the the bench up from the lower Shopping District entrances)
Resist Wing (4th green grass patch down the sakura tree on the upper right garden at the fountain)
HP Up (from the Red Haired Technician on the right side, Day time)
Muscle Wing (lower left flowers patch on the upper left garden left the fountain)
Health Wing (ground space middle the zebra-line right from the Northwestern Dream District entrance)

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

4F (3 Stamps)
1st Clerk
HP Up - 9800$
Protein - 9800$
Cabos - 9800$
Zinc - 9800$
Calcium - 9800$
Iron - 9800$

Residential District
PP Up (ground space 1 spot right and 1 spot down the 1st left street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance)

Muscle Wing (grass space down the 1st upper left green medium tree inside the park)

Health Wing (grass space down the 1st upper right green medium tree inside the park)

Axis High University

Fish Tank Randomizer
Standard Bait - 2000$

Scholar District

Recreation Center

Game Corner

AP Exchange Prizes
PP UP (6 AP)


Route 9

Resist Wing (grass space between the 2 medium red trees right the end of the train tracks lower left the train)
Carbos (light green grass patch on the 2nd row down the left pond down the train)

Calcium (sand space right the 1st left bamboo stalk down the stairs at the shore)

Muscle Wing (big rock right side on the path upward after the Farlorned Cavern Left Area exit)
Swift Wing (big yellow tree down the 2 NPCs talking about Neverwinter on the path to the Rose Theater)

Farlorned Cavern

Upper Entrance Area
Clever wing (1st pink/orange flowers upper right the entrance)




Voidal Chasm

B2 - Bridges Area
PP Up (ground space 2 spots down and 2 spots left from the medium rock up the B3 entrance, bottom left area)


Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

HP Up (sand space 3 spots right and 3 spots up from the 1st tree upper left the Sashila Village sign)

Calcium (sapling left the upper Zen Mode Darmanitan)
Bottom Area
+Iron (right from the Ruined City entrance)


Sand Stream Cave

1F - Entrance Area
Carbos (3-yellow flowers right the middle Depths ladder)
B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Clever Wing (in the medium rock right the top twin rock, lower right section)
Genius Wing (in the upper middle twin rock left side, lower right section)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Protein (sand space up the smashable-rock right the upper right house)
Calcium (sand space up the tiny cactus left the upper middle left house)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth

B1 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
10 - HP Up (check the locations section for the map)
12 - PP Max (check the locations section for the map)
B2 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

6 - Carbos (check the locations section for the map)

B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)
3 - Calcium (check the locations section for the map)
11 - PP Up (check the locations section for the map)


Sashila Village

HP Up (in the top cactus tree at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Past/Future Aevium


Route 3 (Past)
Protein (grass space right the red flower right up the pond up the Spellcaster Trainer, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Kuggearean Woods (Past)

Area 1

Zinc (grass space 3 spots right the Bug Catcher Trainer up Sheridan Village entrance)


Mysterious/Altair Manor (Past)

Lower Right Room
Health Wing (in the upper left tree pot)


Exp. Changing Items (Reverse Candy, Rare Candy, Exp. Candy, Phantom Candy)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Reverse Candy (Nerd Guy on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Velvet Building

Exp. Candy XS (lower right, 3rd floor)

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

3 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 2nd pokedex entry request, Drifloon)

6 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 3rd pokedex entry request, Pyukumuku)

6 Exp. Candy M, Aevian Mareep (from Zumi after completing her 4th pokedex entry request, Mareep)

15 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 5th pokedex entry request, Toxel)

Gearen Train Station
Exp. Candy S (from the Old Guy after you rescue his grand-daughter at Goldenwood Forest)

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)
Reverse Candy (dumpster right from the entrance)

Right Section
+Reverse Candy (under Karrina's Base, hidden by the trees) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
+4 Exp. Candy M (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Exp. Candy S (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

Shopping District

Top Stand
Female Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$

Bottom Right Stand (day-time at Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
Reverse Candy - 50$

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand
Left Female Clerk

Reverse Candy - 50$

Right Female Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$

Chirsola Hotel
Casino / AP Center

AP Exchange Prizes

Exp. Candy M (6 AP)

Reverse Candy (white tile space 1 spot down and 2 spots right from the last gray/black tile under the Helipad)

3 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.
Gearen Park

Rare Candy (upper grass space middle the tall grass, lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Unown Dimension (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)
+Rare Candy (between the 2 ledges on the lower right)

Abandoned Sewers

Reverse Candy (space at the lower left wall corner left the Gang Member Biker bellow the generator reset room) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

+Rare Candy (to the right side where the Gearen Alleyway entrance is) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

#Secret area code is Brown, White, Orange
Rare Candy (flowers patch left of Sevpier gate, Secret area)

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

The Soul Labyrinth (you can get all the items while being chased but it is more doable after the fight is over)

+2 Exp Candy M (bottom right the labyrinth)

Chrysalis Manor
+Reverse Candy (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)

5 Exp. Candy S (from the Maid Trainer at the Final Trial Room) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

3 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 2nd pokedex entry request, Drifloon)

6 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 3rd pokedex entry request, Pyukumuku)

6 Exp. Candy M, Aevian Mareep (from Zumi after completing her 4th pokedex entry request, Mareep)

15 Exp. Candy M (from Zumi after completing her 5th pokedex entry request, Toxel)

10 Exp. Candy L (from Zumi after completing her 6th pokedex entry request, Aevian Budew)

30 Exp. Candy L (from Zumi after completing her 7th pokedex entry request, Aevian Litwick)

Right Section
+Reverse Candy (under Karrina's Base, hidden by the trees)

Chirsola Hotel
Casino / AP Center

AP Exchange Prizes
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)


West Gearen City

Upper Section

West Gearen Sewage Management


Rare Candy (inside the lower left part of the machines blocking the way middle the area) #Not detected by the itemfinder.

Lower Section

Gearen News HQ

5 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer at the break room) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)

Reverse Candy (from Narcissa after interacting with Mimikyu, not being patient) #Missable

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

Reverse Candy (grass space right side of the lake 3 spots up and 1 spot right from the yellow mushrooms) #Missable
Rare Candy (middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surboard needed) #Missable


Neo Route 1 (Forest Restoration side quest)

Goldenwood Forest - Stage 1 Grass Cleared

# 48,000$, 1 Scyther, and 3 Workers needed.
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed) #Missable
Goldenwood Forest - Stage 2 Bridges Built
# 58,000$, 3 Fishermen, and 1 Architect needed.
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed) #Missable
Goldenwood Park - Final Stage
# 68,000$, 7 Tiny Mushrooms, 1 Stardust, and 1 Poilwag needed.
Rare Candy (flowers patch right the middle orange flowers after the water path right of the bridge, Surf/Golden Surboard needed)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Entrance Area

+Rare Candy (top left from the entrance, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Rare Candy (big rock left the 2 buildings left the generator building, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Cut Down
Rare Candy (2nd flowers patch up the Abandoned Lab, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Amethyst Cave

Route 2 Entrance Area

Reverse Candy (right side of the big rock left the 2nd drilling machine upper left from the bridge up the entrance)
River Area

Reverse Candy (ground space 2 spots left and 2 spots down from the smashable-rock under the left bridge)
Reverse Candy (ground space under the small box right the right bridge at the right side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Waterfall-Ruins Area

Rare Candy (inside the box on the top left, upper left side of the 1st waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Sheridan Village Entrance Area
Reverse Candy (in the wall upper right the stairs down the exit)

Cliffside Grave (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Rare Candy (rock at the bottom right)


Sheridan Village

3 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer right of the Day Care Center) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Sheridan Village Shop
Reverse Candy - 50$

Sheridan Help Plaza

Help Quests
Rare Candy (Trade Me!)


Carotos Mountain

Entrance Area

+Rare Candy (on the right side area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)
Machines Area
Reverse Candy (lower left barrel, middle right room)


Route 3

Rare Candy (grass space bellow the left flowers patch down the red truck right the Traveling Fair area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Traveling Fair

Sweets Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Rare Candy (blue flowers on the right by the water stream under the bridge, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Main Area

Reverse Candy (1st rock on the left down from the Girl Trainer)


Goldenleaf Town

Rare Candy (inside the fence's middle vines lower right the garden down the house down Ren's House)

5 Exp. Candy S (from the Breeder Trainer left of the Mart, start of the Wispy Lab story) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Goldenleaf Theater - Ghost Leader Narcissa

+Rare Candy (lower left the auditorium room)


Wispy Path

+Reverse Candy (at the right side of the Wispy Park by the slide)

Wispy Tower

Forsaken Laboratory

#Access passwords for the right path is: UNBOUND and SOUL.

Reverse Candy (empty space on the right computers table, left the elevator)

Wispy Ruins

Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Wispy Chasm (Left)
+Rare Candy (left side the small path under the 2 waterfalls)
Wispy Chasm (Right)
Reverse Candy (space at the left fork end from 8 badges treasury room)


Route 4

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 1:

Exp Candy S (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Group 2:

Exp Candy M (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Group 3:

Rare Candy (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)

Group 4:

Exp Candy XS (sparkly seeds upper right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den, randomly generated)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Rare Candy (tree on the small land down from Seabound Cave East entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Cave

North Cave

Rare Candy (snow space up the smashable-rock left the Doubles Trainers, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Evergreen Forest
Rare Candy (blue flowers upper left after the 2nd pond before the stairs, Snorunt area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Ranger Center

Reverse Candy - 50$

Terajuma Pier

Xen Battleship

5 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer at the bedroom) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Reverse Candy - 50$


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

Ranger Center

Reverse Candy - 50$


Kakori Village

5 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer up the Pokemon Center, after the Secret Shore story) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Kakori Safari Zone

Jeminra Woods

+Reverse Candy (hidden behind a dark green big tree lower left the container at the middle side of the forest labyrinth)

+Rare Candy (hidden behind a dark green big tree lower right side of the forest labyrinth area)

Kakori Help Plaza

+Exp. Candy M (at the side room after clearing all side quests)

Help Quests
Rare Candy (Bandit at Large!)

10 Reverse Candy (Battle Me Once More!)


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

BF Area

#Note: Early access items as of chapter 7 if you still hold and use the Blast Powder Adam gives you at Blacksteeple Island in here 1st.

Reverse Candy (2nd big crystal lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Rare Candy (rock lower right the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note


Teila Resort

+Rare Candy (upper left from Villa 1A on the left)

Ranger Center

Reverse Candy - 50$

Teila Bar

Left Clerk

Reverse Candy - 50$

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber

5 Exp. Candy M (from Reina)

7 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.


Kristiline Town

Frozen Town

Poke Mart

Reverse Candy - 50$

Normal Town
Rare Candy (building lower left corner wall down from Glaceon)

Ranger Center

Reverse Candy - 50$

Poke Mart

Reverse Candy - 50$

Kristiline Help Plaza (Center Keys needed)

Help Quests
Exp. Candy L (Research)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Neutral Emotion

Rare Candy (left side the upper submerged big rock, left side the area using the hole drop from 3F)

Forest of Time

Reverse Candy (grass patch up the right back side of the big tree in the middle of the natural bridge up the entrance)


Terrial Island


Route 7

Train Area

5 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer by the sign left the train) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Luck's Tent Area

Rare Candy (last grass space hidden behind the big tree at the small path down from the Train Area entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Reverse Candy (1st flowers patch left the tall grass lower left Luck's truck)


Honec Woods

Entrance Area
Reverse Candy (small red flowers patch right from the Snorlax Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed)


Darchlight Woods

Upper Right Foggy Area (up the Starting Area)
Reverse Candy (grass patch up the 2nd flowers patch up the stairs from the right small pond, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Darchlight Cave
Big Area (Dark)
Reverse Candy (1st white rock following the path upward then straight before the 2nd bridge, 2nd section)


Azure Shore

Rare Candy (from the Samurott down the broken lighthouse at morning time, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Grand Dream City

Main Street
+Reverse Candy (by the lower right dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance)
Reverse Candy (flowers patch left of the right big yellow tree up Route 7 gate entrance)

Eastern Dream District
Rare Candy (from the Lady on the sofa after giving her 3400$, inside the Day Care Ground Floor)

Botanical Garden
+Rare Candy (bottom left inside the lower right garden)
Reverse Candy (ground space 2 spots down and 2 spots right from the lower bench left the lower left garden)

Northwestern Dream District
Reverse Candy (2nd flowers patch up the last top right street lamp)

Mika's Cafe

Reverse Candy (from the Male Clerk at the top right table, at Night Time)

Residential District

Reverse Candy (flowers patch right the 2nd lower left green medium tree inside the park)

Nightmare City

Shopping District
+Rare Candy (from the Kid middle right the road "if you gave her a fresh Casteliacone in the GDC Shopping District")



6 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer down the toybox entrance) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Axis High University

Magic Ice Cream Parlor
Left Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Rare Candy - 30,000$

Axis High University Building

School of Nightmares

10 Phantom Candy S (from Gregus after battling Huey, Path 1)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after completing his quest at the main hall, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling her at the main hall, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling her at the factory, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy M (from Student after answering 'It's not broken' to his reply at the factory, Path 2)

3 Phantom Candy S (from Student after battling him at the factory, Path 2)

Axis Factory - Steel Leader Saki

+3 Exp. Candy XL (3rd chest in the gym puzzle)

Scholar District

Recreation Center

Game Corner

AP Exchange Prizes
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)


Route 9
7 Exp. Candy L (from the Breeder Trainer right from the train) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.




Voidal Chasm

B2 - Bridges Area
Rare Candy (upper left medium rock, top middle area)


Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area
Reverse Candy (tree left the Hiker Trainer)
Reverse Candy (skull upper right the Sashila Village sign)


Sand Stream Cave
B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Rare Candy (small cactus at the bottom left, upper left section)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
+Rare Candy (inside the upper left house)


Sashila Village

 3 Exp. Candy XL (from the Breeder Trainer middle the area) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Reverse Candy - 50$


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

+Rare Candy (end the path northeast the Lux Apartments)


Past/Future Aevium


Kuggearean Woods (Past)

Area 2

+Rare Candy (end of the right path down from the entrance)


Hiyoshi City (Past)

10 Exp. Candy M (from the Breeder Trainer down the shopping the area) #Repeatable Item, can be claimed after each battle is over.

Shopping District
Bottom Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$


Ability Changing Items (Ability Capsules)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Right Section

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

Chrysalis Manor
+Ability Capsule (ground floor, left corridor, inside the Storage Deposit, complete the Maid Trial)


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)

+Ability Capsule (briefcase password 3845) #Missable


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Ability Capsule (small flower petals space middle the grass patch lower right the area, right the bridge under the big sakura tree)


Amethyst Cave

Amethyst Grotto
Ability Capsule (rock up the lower left big rock, at the bottom left, Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Sheridan Village

Ability Capsule (flowers patch right from the Cherry Blossom Inn)


Route 3

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Main Area

+Ability Capsule (left from the Mining Rock upper left the area)

Crystal Area (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

#Turn the area to Dark Crystal Cavern using either Dark Pulse, Dark Void, Light that Burns the Sky, or Night Daze

#Turn the area back into Cave Field using either Earthquake, Bulldoze, Magnitude, or Tectonic Rage #Not available V13.
+Ability Capsule (top right the area, Dark Crystal Field)


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Better off with an Itemfinder, had a hard time writing it down
Ability Capsule (grass space at end of the small path lower left of the lower left area)


Goldenleaf Town

Ability Capsule (on the upper right table down the Mart)


Wispy Path

Ability Capsule (grass space left the 2nd medium yellow tree by the Wispy Park wall lower right from the Goldenwood Forest gate)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Ability Capsule (rock on the small land down from Seabound Cave East entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


Terrial Island


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

7F (6 Stamps)

2nd Clerk
Ability Capsule - 3000$


Route 9

Farlorned Cavern
Left Entrance Area
+Ability Capsule (on the elevation up the boulder, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)




Voidal Chasm

B2 - Bridges Area
Ability Capsule (right medium rock up the climbable wall, top left area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

Apartment Depths

+Ability Caspule (at the room before the ladder at the end)

Inner Zone North

Underground Sanctuary

Ability Capsule (from the 2nd Female Bladestar Grunt beaten up on the ground to the left)


Nature Changing Items (Mints)


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Right Section

Chirsola Hotel
Casino / AP Center

AP Exchange Prizes

Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)

Abandoned Sewers

+Bold Mint (right from the Bug Catcher) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable


Neo East Gearen City

Right Section

Chirsola Hotel
Casino / AP Center

AP Exchange Prizes

Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)


Route 1

+Jolly Mint (upper right the healing star) #Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missabl


Amethyst Cave

Route 2 Entrance Area

+Quiet Mint (left of the empty cart, left of the entrance)

Pom-Pom Meadow (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Cut/Golden Axe needed for access)

Calm Mint (in the lower left bush middle the flower field)


Sheridan Village

+Timid Mint (right the house down from the Cherry Blossom Inn, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 3

Quiet Mint (flowers patch left the red truck by the Mirage Woods entrance)

Sassy Mint (right grass space middle the grass patch left of the healing star down the Traveling Fair)


Goldenleaf Town

Forgotten Path

+Naughty Mint (on the small island upper left the area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Wispy Path

Careful Mint (grass space left the 2nd pumpkin upper right from the Goldenwood Forest Gate)

Wispy Tower

Outside Area

Bold Mint (flowers patch down the big orange tree on the garden right the fountain)


Akuwa Town

+Modest Mint (upper left path from the Aquarium)
Health Wing (rock on the 2nd small island to the top right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
Adamant Mint (lower rock on a small island lower right the 1st island)

Jolly Mint (sand space 2 spots down and 3 spots left from the smashable-rock on the shore upper right the small island with the running Guy)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Jungle

+Brave Mint (end the path down at the top right side)

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Deep Jungle Area

+Modest Mint (left the 3rd Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Kakori Village

Kakori Safari Zone

Jeminra Woods

+Jolly Mint (left the lure container at the fenced lower left garden)


Teila Resort

+Lax Mint (down the big tree right the gym)


Terrial Island


Grand Dream City

Axis High University Building

Axis Factory - Steel Leader Saki

+Adamant Mint (4th chest in gym puzzle after solving the statue quest, answer is: TR=South, TL=West, BR=East, BL=North)

Scholar District

Recreation Center

Game Corner

AP Exchange Prizes
Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)


Herbal Items


Floria Island


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd HQ

+Revival Herb (left the bed at Jessica's room, the middle left room within the Claydols corridor, available after the Pearl Route is completed)


Carotos Mountain

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Madelis' Laboratory

Storage (Upper Right) Room

+Revival Herb (bottom left the room)


Route 4

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 4:

Energy Root (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)


Terajuma Island


Kristiline Town

Normal Town

Kristiline Help Plaza (Center Keys needed)

Help Quests
Revival Herb (Lighthouse)


Terrial Island


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Manor

Main Hall - Entrance Area
Revival Herb (top left tree pot)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Southwestern Dream District

Herbs Shop

Herbs Lady
Heal Powder - 450$
Energy Root - 800$
Energy Powder - 500$




Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area

Revival Herb (sapling upper left the Blackbelt Trainer up the Bottom Area entrance)


Past/Future Aevium


Mysterious/Altair Manor (Past)

Main Hall - Entrance Area

Revival Herb (ground space 3 spots left the upper left wall picture)



Poke Balls


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Poke Ball - 200$

Jenner's Lab

5 Poke Balls (from Amanda after getting your starter)

Velvet Building

Mineral Ball (Clerk in the middle when you pick left, 1st floor)
Steam Ball (Clerk in the middle when you pick right, 1st floor)
+Great Ball (lower left, 1st floor)

East Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests

#Finish before Neo Gearen, Missable
5 Great Balls (The Hidden Library)

Right Section
Poke Ball (1st flowers patch left of Gearen Gym) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Pokeball Boutique
Heavy Ball - 300$
Moon Ball - 300$

Love Ball - 300$ (1 badge)
Fast Ball - 300$ (1 badge)

Nest Ball - 1000$ (2 badges)

Net Ball - 1000$ (3 badges)

Timer Ball - 1000$ (5 badges)
Dive Ball - 1000$ (5 badges)

Friend Ball - 300$ (6 badges)

Shopping District

Top Stand
Female Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$

Male Clerk
Poke Ball - 400$ (only 4 times, then you get a Voltorb)

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand
Left Female Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery Prizes

Master Ball (5 digits match)

Ultra Ball (1 digit match)

Abandoned Sewers
+Great Ball (right after the bridge up the entrance stairs) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Poke Ball - 200$

Right Section

Pokeball Boutique

15 Ultra Ball (after finishing the Pokeball Conundrum quest)
Heavy Ball - 300$
Moon Ball - 300$
Love Ball - 300$
Fast Ball - 300$
Nest Ball - 1000$

Net Ball - 1000$
Timer Ball - 1000$
Dive Ball - 1000$
Friend Ball - 300$

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery Prizes

Master Ball (5 digits match)

Ultra Ball (1 digit match)


West Gearen City

Lower Section

Tecanlite Factory (accessed with Pokeball Conundrum side quest)
Main Hall - Entrance
+Ultra Ball (by the stairs right of Team Xen Grunt Famuya)
+Dive Ball (on the path left of Team Xen Grunt Famuya)
+Nest Ball (lower left of Team Xen Grunt 1)
+Love Ball (down from Team Xen Doubles Female Grunts)
+Poke Ball (down from Team Xen Doubles Male Grunts)
+Dive Ball (right from the Scientist)
+Poke Ball (on the lower ground right from the Main Office entrance)
+Dusk Ball (end the path lower right from the Main office entrance)


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)
+10 Poke Balls (briefcase password 6489)

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

Nest Ball (flowers patch lower right of the small waterfall) #Missable

Great Ball (dark grassy spot at the top right of the lake) #Missable


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Entrance Area
Great Ball (rock under Mars the Leavanny trainer)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact
Friend Ball (upper right grass space under the red flowers right the Artist)

Kecleon's Shop
Poke Ball - 200$


Amethyst Cave

Route 2 Entrance Area
Mineral Ball (right side of the empty cart, left of the entrance)

Mineral Ball (left side of the 1st drilling machine upper left from the bridge up the entrance)

Mineral Ball (upper middle part of the 2nd crystal cart upper right from the bridge up the entrance)

River Area
Mineral Ball (upper wall at the 1st lower left corner space at the left side of the river, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Sheridan Village Entrance Area
Mineral Ball (wall corner left of the entrance)
Amethyst Depth

+Great Ball (left the bridge left the entrance)

Amethyst Grotto
Moon Ball (grass space above the medium tree left the entrance ladder)


Sheridan Village

Sheridan Village Shop
Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Secret Shore
Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)
Dusk Ball (green flowers end of the small path left bellow the 2nd small stairs)


Carotos Mountain

Machines Area

Ultra Ball (drill machine on the upper right, upper right room)

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Madelis' Laboratory

Storage (Upper Right) Room

+Dusk Ball (top right the room)


Route 3

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Mirage Center

+Steam Ball (inside the top left house)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Main Area
Mineral Ball (2nd tall rock left the climbable wall)

Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Dusk Ball (flowers patch left of the entrance)
Nest Ball (flowers patch between the 2 big green trees under the red truck)
Dusk Ball (2nd flowers patch left of the red truck)
Dusk Ball (left middle flowers patch up the pond)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$


Goldenleaf Town
3 Dusk Balls (Old Lady in the house left the Gate Plaza entrance, after the 4th gym battle)

Poke Mart
Great Ball - 600$

Forgotten Path
Great Ball (flowers patch right the left gray pillar)


Wispy Path

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$


Route 4

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 1:

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Nest Ball (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 2:

Net Ball (sparkly seeds on the right after the pond, taking the route up the stairs on the right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Group 3:

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Group 4:

Poke Ball (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)


Akuwa Town

Poke Ball (space above the right rock on a small island on the lower right, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Lively Version

5 Quick Balls (from the Fragrant Lady inside the house down the Pokemon Center)

Poke Mart
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Luxury Ball - 1000$


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Dive Ball (rock left of Relicanth and Milotic right from the plug-like-shape diving spot)

Dive Ball (red coral between the 1st and 2nd forks of the w-shape diving spot)


Blacksteeple Island

Shop Room


Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$


Terajuma Pier

Xen Battleship

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$

Terajuma Wreckage (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

S.S. Oceana Wreckage

Entrance/Main Floor (1F)

+5 Dive Balls (inside the room)

Upper Floor (4F)

+5 Dive Balls (on the wall right end from the entrance)

Deck (5F)

+5 Luxury Balls (on the right side)


Terajuma Jungle

Great Ball (1st sapling up the 2nd medium stairs on the left side)

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

+Dusk Ball (after the bridge left the entrance, right from the Ranger Center)

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$


Kakori Village

Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$

Kakori Safari Zone

Jeminra Woods

Friend Ball (grass space end of the lower right side of the forest labyrinth)


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

Entrance Area
Dive Ball (left big crystal by Secluded Shore entrance)


Teila Resort

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$

Teila Bar

Left Clerk

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$


Kristiline Town

Frozen Town

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$

Normal Town

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$

Sapphire Museum

Cherish Ball (trash bin right of the Director)

Isle of Angels (Normal)

Dive Ball (sand space up the lower sapling on the upper small island)


Terrial Island


Grand Express

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$


Route 7

Train Area

Quick Ball (left side of the medium tree left of Oblitus Town sign)

Yui's Ranch

3 Cherish Balls (from Ben after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

Caretaker Clerk (after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

Ultra Ball - 1200$


Honec Woods

Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Castle of Goomidra

Castle Outer Garden (open after completing the Goomidra quest)

Dusk Ball (ground space down the 2nd small red flower patch from the entrance)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Dusk Ball (in the cupboard ,inside the 1st Apartment Complex 75F)

+Moon Ball (on the bed, inside the 2nd Apartment Complex 24F)

Southwestern Dream District

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)


Ultra Ball - 1200$
Dusk Ball - 1000$

Northwestern Dream District
Mineral Ball (ground space 2 spots up and 3 spots left the street lamp up the Residential District entrance)

Mineral Ball (ground space between the 2 dumpsters left the Residential District entrance)
5 Quick Balls (from the Optimist Lady on the sofa, inside the Apartments Building 36F, at Night Time)

Mika's Cafe
10 Dusk Balls (from the Kalos Lady at the bar, at Night Time)

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

2F (1 Stamp)

2nd Clerk
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$

Axis High University

Fish Tank Randomizer
Standard Bait - 2000$
Poke Ball
Delicious Bait - 7500$
Dusk Ball

Axis High University Building

School Store

Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$

Ultra Ball - 1200$

Grand Dream Stadium

Tournament Stadium

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$


Route 9

Farlorned Cavern

Left Entrance Area

Mineral Ball (grass space 3 spots right from the 1st headbutt tree up the 2nd stairs from the entrance)

Rose Theater


Ultra Ball (right grass space on the upper left tall grass patch)




Voidal Chasm

B3 - Lower Area
Dusk Ball (1st upper right big rock right side from the healing star, middle the area)

Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area
+Mineral Ball (up the twin rock up the Ruined City entrance)
Bottom Area
Ultra Ball (3rd thin tree upper right from the Poiloethal Forest entrance)


Sand Stream Cave
B2 (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
+Moon Ball (bottom left, lower right section)

Zorrialyn Coast
Dusk Ball (medium rock lower right the Sashila Village sign)
Dusk Ball (sapling right the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)


Sashila Village

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Mineral Ball - 1200$


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

Female Grunt

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$


Pyramid Grounds

Dry Desert

Female Grunt

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$


Past/Future Aevium


Kugearen City (Past)

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$


Heracross Woods (Past)

Ultra Ball (grass space on the lower right corner down from the stairs to Heracross lair)


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Shopping District

Bottom Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$


TMs, RMs, & HMs


+TM01 Work Up

Floria Island

Amethyst Cave/River Area

(in the small room down the middle river, Surf/Golden Surfboard and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


TM02 Dragon Claw



TM03 Psyshock



TM04 Calm Mind



TM05 Roar

Terajuma Island

Route 6/Aquamarine Cave/Entrance Area

(from the Guy down the stairs from the entrance)


TM06 Toxic



+TM07 Hail

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/Isle of Angels (Normal)

(lower left the Church)


+TM08 Bulk Up

Terrial Island

Honec Woods/Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)/Castle of Goomidra/Kasumi Garden

(at the right end of the garden)


+TM09 Venoshock

Floria Island

Oceana Pier/Neo Oceana Pier

(inside the lower right warehouse after completing Stolen Cargo! side quest)


TM10 Hidden Power

Floria Island/Terrial Island

East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City/Right Section/Chirsola Hotel/Casino / AP Center

Grand Dream City/Scholar District/Recreation Center

Casino TM Prizes (4000 coins)


+TM11 Sunny Day

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Eastern Dream District/Botanical Garden

(at the middle inside the lower right garden)


+TM12 Taunt

Terrial Island

Darchlight Woods/Darchlight Manor/Fireplace Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

(inside the fireplace)


TM13 Ice Beam



TM14 Blizzard



TM15 Hyper Beam



+TM16 Light Screen

Floria Island

Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

(up the stairs inside the hollowed hill south from the entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


TM17 Protect



+TM18 Rain Dance

Terrial Island

Darchlight Woods/Rivers Area (up the Connecting Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

(on the small piece of land at the top middle end of the area)


+TM19 Secret Power

Terrial Island

Route 7/Yui's Ranch

(middle the path right up from the train tracks)


+TM20 Safeguard

Terajuma Island

Route 6/Aquamarine Cave/Aquamarine Depths
(on the upper right side, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


+TM21 Frustration

Floria Island

West Gearen City/Lower Section

(up from the truck guy, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


+TM22 Solar Beam

Floria Island

Amethyst Cave/Amethyst Grotto

(at the bottom right, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


+TM23 Smack Down

Terrial Island

Darchlight Woods/Darchlight Cave/Starting Area (Light)

(at the path up the exit, Rock Climb/Golden Claws is needed)


+TM24 Thunderbolt

Floria Island

West Gearen City/Lower Section/Tecanlite Factory (accessed with Pokeball Conundrum side quest)/Main Hall - Entrance

(top the area behind the Bottom Room exit, Tecanlite Key needed)


TM25 Thunder



TM26 Earthquake



+TM27 Return

Past/Future Aevium

Hiyoshi City (Past)/Hiyoshi Pass (Past)

(lower right of Ana's grave)


+TM28 Dig


Pyramid Grounds/Fertile Land

(on the right side end, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


+TM29 Psychic

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Nightmare City/Toybox/Inside
(hidden between box 7 and 3 after defeating the Puppet Master, inside the right room)


TM30 Shadow Ball

Floria Island

Goldenleaf Town/Goldenleaf Theater - Ghost Leader Narcissa

(from Narcissa after the gym battle)


+TM31 Brick Break

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Eastern Dream District

(by the waterfall at Amber Park, Event Trigger -> Windy Weather from the Main Street)


+TM32 Double Team



+TM33 Reflect

Floria Island

Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

(on the small land up the 1st island with the running Lady, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


TM34 Sludge Wave

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk (3000$)


+TM35 Flamethrower

Terrial Island

Route 9

(down the Farlorned Cavern Upper Area exit)


+TM36 Sludge Bomb

Floria Island

Carotos Mountain/Entrance Area

(on the left side area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed)


+TM37 Sandstorm


Zorrialyn Desert/Top Area

(up the hill lower left the oasis, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


TM38 Fire Blast



+TM39 Rock Tomb

Floria Island

Goldenleaf Town/Forgotten Path

(on the 2nd floor up the 2nd vines on the tower at the right side, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


+TM40 Aerial Ace

Terajuma Island

Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)/Forest of Time

(at the sale floating island taking the top right water path, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


+TM41 Torment



+TM42 Facade

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Right Section/Abandoned Sewers

(inside the upper right room, open after Chrysalis Courtyard area is over) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable


+TM43 Flame Charge

Floria Island

Carotos Mountain/Machines Area

(bottom right, lower right room)


+TM44 Rest



+TM45 Attract

Floria Island

Route 4

(lower right the train tracks right from Cairo's Den)


+TM46 Thief

Floria Island

Route 2/Cherry Blossom Intact or Cherry Blossom Cut Down

(lower left corner of the waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


TM47 Low Sweep

Floria Island/Terrial Island

East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City/Right Section/Chirsola Hotel/Casino / AP Center

Grand Dream City/Scholar District/Recreation Center

AP Exchange Prizes (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)


+TM48 Round

Floria Island

Route 3/Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

(at the end of the water stream bellow, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


TM49 Echoed Voice

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City/Left Section/East Gearen Help Plaza

(from Ayuda when you get 5 Zygarde Cells)


TM50 Overheat

Terajuma Island

Teila Resort/Teila Resort Building and Gym/Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber

(from Amber after the gym battle)


+TM51 Steel Wing

Terajuma Island

Terajuma Jungle/Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)/Jungle Area (accessed after Clear the way! side quest)

(at the left side, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)


+TM52 Focus Blast



TM53 Energy Ball

Terrial Island

Darchlight Woods/Rivers Area (up the Connecting Area, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

(from Florin/Flora after battle)


+TM54 False Swipe

Floria Island

Sheridan Village

(left side of the village shop, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


TM55 Scald

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk (3000$)


TM56 Fling

Floria Island/Terrial Island

East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City/Right Section/Chirsola Hotel/Casino / AP Center

Grand Dream City/Scholar District/Recreation Center

AP Exchange Prizes (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)


+TM57 Charge Beam

Terajuma Island

Kakori Village/Kakori Help Plaza

(at the side room after clearing all side quests)


+TM58 Sky Drop

Floria Island

Route 3/Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)/Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

(up the pond)


+TM59 Incinerate



+TM60 Quash



+TM61 Will-O-Wisp

Floria Island

Goldenleaf Town/Forgotten Path/Lost Castle (Odd Key needed)

(right side inside the treasury room after opening all the 9 Chests at the Wispy Ruins)


TM62 Acrobatics

Terrial Island

Route 9/Rose Theater/Golden Arena

(from Souta after the gym battle)


+TM63 Embargo

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City/Right Section/Gearen Park/Neo Gearen Park/Hidden Library/Small Room

#Missable Area if the Hidden Library Quest is not initiated before Neo Gearen

(at the bottom to the left)


+TM64 Explosion

Floria Island

West Gearen City/Upper Section/Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick

(in the generator room, after Generator Problems side quest)


+TM65 Shadow Claw

Floria Island

Wispy Path/Wispy Ruins/Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)/Wispy Chasm (Left)
(right side the small path under the 2 waterfalls)


+TM66 Payback

Floria Island

Route 3/Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)/Mirage Cave

(by the entrance)


+TM67 Roost

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Southwestern Dream District

(down the Herbs Shop, at Night Time)


+TM68 Giga Impact



+TM69 Rock Polish



TM70 Flash

Floria Island/Terrial Island

East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City/Right Section/Chirsola Hotel/Casino / AP Center

Grand Dream City/Scholar District/Recreation Center

Casino TM Prizes (1000 coins)


+TM71 Stone Edge



TM72 Volt Switch

Floria Island

West Gearen City/Upper Section/Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick

(from Erick after the gym battle)


+TM73 Thunder Wave

Floria Island

Sheridan Village/Secret Shore/Wetlands Laboratory/Right Room

(right side of the room)


+TM74 Gyro Ball



TM75 Swords Dance



TM76 Struggle Bug



+TM 77 Psych Up

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City/Right Section/Gearen Park/Neo Gearen Park/Hidden Library/Underground Room (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)

#Missable Area if the Hidden Library Quest is not initiated before Neo Gearen

(top right the area)


+TM78 Bulldoze

Floria Island

Route 1/Neo Route 1/Goldenwood Forest/Goldenwood Park/Secret Shrine (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

(upper left of the area)


+TM79 Frost Breath

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Frozen Town/Isle of Angels (Frozen)/Tower of Theolia/F2

(middle area)


TM80 Rock Slide

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Grand Dream Stadium/Tournament Stadium

(from Adam after winning the Tournament)


+TM81 X-Scissor

Floria Island

Sheridan Village/Secret Shore/Hidden Cave

(inside the small room, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


+TM82 Dragon Tail

Floria Island

Goldenwood Cave and Grove/Goldenwood Groove/Den of Souls/3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

(at the Kabuto area)


+TM83 Infestation

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Right Section

(right of Chrisola Hotel) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable


+TM84 Poison Jab

Floria Island

West Gearen City/Upper Section/West Gearen Sewage Management/BF1

(down the upper right drained pool, left the 1st Scientist Trainer)


+TM85 Dream Eater

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Nightmare City/Central Square

(upper left the area)


+TM86 Grass Knot

Floria Island

Carotos Mountain/Corrupted Cave/Garufa Ruins/Entrance Room
(at the left side, accessible after the 3rd puzzle down bellow from the left room)


TM87 Swagger



+TM88 Sleep Talk



TM89 U-turn



TM90 Substitute

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk (200$)


TM91 Flash Canon

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Axis High University/Axis High University Building/Axis Factory - Steel Leader Saki

(from Saki after the gym battle)


TM92 Trick Room



+TM93 Wild Charge


Zone Zero/Inner Zone South

(on the small path southeast the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit)


TM94 Rock Smash

Floria Island

Junction Bridge

(from Karrina after battling Dr.Jenkel)


+TM95 Snarl



TM96 Nature Power

Floria Island

Route 2/Cherry Blossom Intact

(from Artist, reward after showing off all his favorite Pokemon)


+TM97 Dark Pulse

Terrial Island

Darchlight Woods/Darchlight Cave/Water Area (Dark)

(up the giant green mushrooms)


+TM98 Power-Up Punch



TM99 Dazzling Gleam



TM100 Confide



TM101 Rock Climb

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Frozen Town/Isle of Angels (Frozen)/Tower of Theolia/Outside or F3

(from Kreiss after Angie's battle, didn't save Kreiss route, story related)

(from Kreiss when you free him out of the prison, story related)

TM102 Poison Sweep

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Right Section/Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

(from Venam after the gym battle)

TM103 Stacking Shot

Floria Island

Amethyst Cave/Amethyst Grotto

(reward from Keta's Soul after gym battle rematch)

TM104 Douse


TM105 Arenite Wall


Pyramid Grounds/Fertile Land/Eclysia Pyramid

(from Ryland after finishing story events)

+TM106 Irritation

Terajuma Island

Kakori Village/Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli/Kakori Depths

(on the left side path of the arena Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

+TM107 Slash and Burn

Terrial Island

Route 7/Yui's Ranch

(right from the entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


TM108 ???



TM109 ???



TM110 Magma Drift

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

(from Farha, after obtaining the Magma Stone)

Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)/Valor Mountain Blockade

(from Saki if you don't have the Magma Stone)


TM111 Aurora Veil


+TM112 Smart Strike

Floria Island

Sheridan Village/Secret Shore/Wetlands Laboratory/Cocoon Room (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

(left the room)

TM113 Brutal Swing

Floria Island

Goldenleaf Town

(from Dragonite after you hand it all the 4 letters, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

+TM114 Leech Life

Terrial Island

Darchlight Woods/Sensu Meadow (left the Starting Area)

(upper right corner section)

+TM115 Mega Punch

Terrial Island

Darchlight Woods/Darchlight Cave/Big Area (Dark)

(lower left end of the section, 2nd section)

TM116 Mega Kick

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (150,000$, available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

+TM117 Pay Day

Floria Island

Route 3
(down from the Sweets Merchant, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+TM118 Pin Missile

Floria Island

Wispy Path/Wispy Tower/Outside Area

(left of Wispy Ruins entrance)

TM119 Magical Leaf

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Left Section/East Gearen Help Plaza

#Finish before Neo Gearen, Missable
Help Quests (Wretched Music)

+TM120 Solar Blade

Terrial Island

Route 9/Rose Theater/Outside

(after the bridge, left side area)

+TM121 Fire Spin

Floria Island

Carotos Mountain/Entrance Area

(on the left side after the 2nd iron bridge, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

TM122 Screech


+TM123 Selfdestruct

Terajuma Island

Kakori Village/Kakori Safari Zone/Jeminra Woods

(at the Garden Area island to the far right, completing all the help quests and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

TM124 Scary Face


TM125 Charm

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (15,000$, available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

+TM126 Whirlpool

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City/Right Section/Chirsola Hotel/Lobby

(lower right room, right corridor)

+TM127 Beat Up

Floria Island

Route 3/Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)/Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

(lower right from the entrance)

TM128 Weather Ball

Terajuma Island

Terajuma Jungle/Deep Terajuma Jungle/Workers Area

(from the Ranger outside the Weather Institution after you show him Rain Dance, Sunny Day, and Hail TMs, Chapter 14+)

+TM129 Fake Tears

Floria Island

West Gearen City/Upper Section/West Gearen Sewage Management/BF1

(inside the Authorization Panel room)

TM130 Sand Tomb


+TM131 Bullet Seed

Terajuma Island

Terajuma Jungle/Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)/Deep Jungle Area

(end the path up the stairs after the 3rd Berry Tree, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM132 Icicle Spear

Terajuma Island

Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)/Mountain Calm Emotion/1F

(after the upper right frozen area)

+TM133 Mud Shot

Floria Island

Amethyst Cave/Pom-Pom Meadow (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Cut/Golden Axe needed for access)

(top left the area)

+TM134 Rock Blast

Terajuma Island

Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)/Mountain Neutral Emotion/4F

(lower right the Forest of Time Gate)

+TM135 Brine

Floria Island

Akuwa Town

(up the 1st boat at the shore)

+TM136 Assurance

Terajuma Island

Terajuma Shore/Terajuma Pier/Xen Battleship

(at the ship lookout at the very top)

TM137 Power Swap


TM138 Guard Swap


TM139 Speed Swap


TM140 Ice Fang

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (20,000$)

TM141 Fire Fang

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (20,000$)

TM142 Thunder Fang

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (20,000$)

TM143 Psycho Cut

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (70,000$)

+TM144 Cross Poison

Terajuma Island

Kakori Village/Kakori Safari Zone/Jeminra Cave/Route 5 Area Access (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

(lower right the entrance, before purification)

+TM145 Hex

Terrial Island

Darchlight Woods/Darchlight Cave/Big Area (Dark)

(at the lower end of the section, 3rd section)

+TM146 Razor Shell

Floria Island

Route 3/Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)/Main Area

(after the pond on the right path from the Girl Trainer, toward the middle exit ladder, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+TM147 Tail Slap

Terajuma Island

Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)/Mountain Neutral Emotion/3F

(behind the Calmness Crystal down the area)

+TM148 Phantom Force


Voidal Chasm/B3 - Lower Area

(on the upper right pathway coming from Upper Right B3 entrance, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+TM149 Draining Kiss

Floria Island

Goldenwood Cave and Grove/Goldenwood Groove/Den of Souls/3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

(left the sinking boat at the 'Loading Bay' sign area)

TM150 Grassy Terrain

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk (100,000$)

TM151 Electric Terrain

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk (100,000$)

TM152 Misty Terrain

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk (100,000$)

TM153 Psychic Terrain

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk (100,000$)

TM154 Mystical Fire


TM155 Eerie Impulse

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (15,000$, available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

+TM156 Air Slash

Terrial Island

Route 8

(right from the Old Lady)

TM157 Breaking Swipe



RM01 Hone Claws

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (150,000$, available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

RM02 Avalanche

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (50,000$)

RM03 Zap Cannon

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (50,000$)

RM04 Metronome

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (25,000$)

RM05 Sucker Punch

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (100,000$, available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

RM06 Retaliate

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (25,000$)

RM07 Dynamic Punch

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (50,000$)

RM08 Vacuum Wave

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (25,000$)

RM09 Tri Attack

Terajuma Island

Kristiline Town/Normal Town/TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman (25,000$)


HM01 Cut

Floria Island

East Gearen City/Right Section

(from Amanda after the battle in front of the sewers entrance)


HM02 Fly

Terrial Island

Route 9

(from Damien after getting back from Sashila Village)


HM03 Surf

Terajuma Island

Terajuma Jungle/Deep Terajuma Jungle/Cove Area
(from Melia after battling Valarie)


HM04 Strength

Terrial Island

Route 7/Train Area

(from Krystal after fixing the train tracks)


HM05 Waterfall

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk (150,000$)


HM06 Dive

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Axis High University

(reward from hitting the bell in Agate Circus High Top)




Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Oran Berry (flowers patch by the 2nd bush right from the Charmer on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable
Oran Berry (flowers patch up from the Lass on the lower right area) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Right Section

+2 Chesto Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Cheri Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

Shopping Emporium

Berry Emporium
Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$
Rawst Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Chesto Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Aspear Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Sitrus Berry - 750$ (5 badges)
Cheri Berry - 300$ (5 badges)
Occa Berry - 750$ (8 badges)

Shopping District

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand

Middle Female Clerk

Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$

Chirsola Hotel

Oran Berry (top right corner white tile space at the left gray/black tile line interception)

Abandoned Sewers
Pecha Berry (from the Bug Catcher) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

The Soul Labyrinth (you can get all the items while being chased but it is more doable after the fight is over)

+Sitrus Berry (top right the labyrinth)


Neo East Gearen City

Right Section

Everglade Mall

Berry Emporium
Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$
Leppa Berry - 300$
Sitrus Berry - 750$

Witch's Parlor (accessed with Mall Opportunities side quest)

Occa Berry (from Witch to proceed with the quest planting it and give back 5 Berries and make Croccatowa Burst!)

Passho Berry (from Witch to proceed with the quest planting it and give back 5 Berries and make Passhtacio Melt!)


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

Chesto Berry (3rd flower patch right of the Goldenwood Cave sign) #Missable

Oran Berry (before last orange grass patch at the old small flower garden to the lower right) #Missable

Persim Berry (grass space up the 1st upper red mushrooms right of the small stairs) #Missable

Sitrus Berry (5th flowers patch left of the small stairs) #Missable


Neo Route 1 (Forest Restoration side quest)
Goldenwood Park - Final Stage
# 68,000$, 7 Tiny Mushrooms, 1 Stardust, and 1 Poilwag needed.
+2 Lum Berries (upper left plant soil at the garden)
+2 Starf Berries (upper right plant soil at the garden)
+2 Salac Berries (lower left plant soil at the garden)
+2 Lansat Berries (lower middle plant soil at the garden)
+1 Enigma Berries (lower right plant soil at the garden)


Route 3
Sitrus Berry (flowers patch left the cuttable tree, down from the Mirage Woods entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


Goldenleaf Town

Rawst Berry (lower right grass space at the corner lower right to the pumpkin under Narcissa's House)

Chesto Berry (gras patch lower left the upper left gravestone)

Goldenleaf Theater - Ghost Leader Narcissa

+Rawst Berry (lower right the auditorium room)


Wispy Path

Rawst Berry (flowers patch right the 3rd headbutt tree upper right from the Goldenwood Forest Gate)


Route 4

#Items that respawn as a group at random:

Group 2:

Cheri Berry (sparkly seeds right of the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Leppa Berry (sparkly seeds lower left the bridge taking the path left after the 2nd bridge from the Wispy Ruins entrance, randomly generated)

Group 3:

Persim Berry (sparkly seeds left of the Wispy Ruins entrance taking the route up the stairs on the right, randomly generated)

The Lost Camp


Pomeg Berry - 600$
Kelpsy Berry - 600$
Qualot Berry - 600$
Hondew Berry - 600$ #1st camp expansion
Grepa Berry - 600$ #1st camp expansion
Tamato Berry - 600$ #2nd camp expansion


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

+2 Passho Berries (plant soil right from the Ranger Center)


Terajuma Jungle
Sitrus Berry (grass space 6 spots down from the 1st small stairs on the right)
Wacan Berry (left bush at the middle grass patch up the 1st stairs)

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

+3 Oran Berries (plant soil right from the Ranger Center)

Workers Area

+2 Sitrus Berries (plant soil right of the Weather Institution)

+3 Oran Berries (plant soil right of the Weather Institution)

+3 Leppa Berries (left plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+3 Pecha Berries (middle plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

+1 Tanga Berry (right plant soil lower right the area, Spice Powder needed)

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Deep Jungle Area

3 Oran Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.

3 Sitrus Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.

3 Leppa Berry (from the Berry Trees at random chance, Headbutt and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed) #Repeatable.


Teila Resort

+1 Occa Berry (plant soil right the Ranger Center)


Kristiline Town

Normal Town
+1 Occa Berry (plant soil right the Ranger Center)


Terrial Island


Route 7

Crashed Robot Area

+3 Persim Berries (plant soil lower right the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Yui's Ranch
Pecha Berry (flowers patch right from the Prima Donna Trainer)

Oran Berry (2nd haystack right side, inside the upper Barn)

Sitrus Berry (middle right mud space on the middle right muddy spot, inside the upper Barn)


Honec Woods

Entrance Area

+3 Starf Berries (plant soil lower left the area, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Snorlax Area
Aspear Berry (small red flowers patch under the orange big tree right the Honey Tree up Snorlax)

Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+3 Pecha Berries (left plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Lum Berries (middle plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Enigma Berries (right plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+3 Starf Berries (up plant soil at the upper right side of the area)

+2 Aspear Berries (down plant soil at the upper right side of the area)


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Manor Area (left the Connecting Area)
+2 Persim Berries (upper left plant soil down the Manor entrance)
+2 Sitrus Berries (lower left plant soil down the Manor entrance)

+2 Persim Berries (lower right plant soil down the Manor entrance)
+2 Sitrus Berries (upper right plant soil down the Manor entrance)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

5 Persim Berries (from the Female Clerk on the sofa, inside the Main Street Complex 8F at Night Time)

Eastern Dream District
Leppa Berry (from the Male Ranger Trainer after battle)

Botanical Garden
Wiki Berry (middle right orange flowers inside the lower right garden)
Occa Berry (right pink flowers inside the middle left garden)

Northwestern Dream District
5 Leppa Berries (from the Receptionist, inside the Apartments Building Ground Floor)

Central Square
Sitrus Berry (from the Female Ranger Trainer up of Officer Jenny after battle, Day Time)

Shopping District

Department of Dreams

5F (4 Stamps)

1st Clerk
Occa Berry - 3000$

Passho Berry - 3000$
Wacan Berry - 3000$
Rindo Berry - 3000$
Yache Berry - 3000$
Payapa Berry - 3000$
Tanga Berry - 3000$
Charti Berry - 3000$
Chople Berry - 3000$

2nd Clerk

Kebia Berry - 3000$
Shuca Berry - 3000$
Coba Berry - 3000$
Haban Berry - 3000$

Kasib Berry - 3000$
Colbur Berry - 3000$
Babiri Berry - 3000$
Chilan Berry - 3000$
Roseli Berry - 3000$

7F (6 Stamps)

1st Clerk

Petaya Berry - 1250$
Liechi Berry - 1250$

Apicot Berry - 1250$

Lansat Berry - 1250$

Starf Berry - 1000$

Ganlon Berry - 1000$

Salac Berry - 1250$

District of Hope
Persim Berry (in the dumpster up the emergency cars)
Aspear Berry (flowers patch down the 1st sakura tree right of Doctor Isha's Buidling)

Scholar District

Sitrus Berry (ground space 4 spots down the upper left wall corner by the Grand Dream Ball entrance)
National Park

Pecha Berry (in the street lamp right the entrance)

Leichi Berry (in the fence up grass patch right the blue flowers in the middle right garden)

Lum Berry (ground space left the 1st street lamp between the middle left and lower left gardens)

Sitrus Berry (ground space 2 spots left the 3rd street lamp between the middle left and lower left gardens)




Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area
Occa Berry (cactus flower tree upper right the pond at the oasis)
Haban Berry (bush upper left the pond at the oasis)
Petaya Berry (small tree lower left the pond at the oasis)
Bottom Area
Kebia Berry (1st tree left the Poiloethal Forest entrance)


Sand Stream Cave
Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)
Rawst Berry (sand space down the twin rock right side, right section)
Sitrus Berry (in the top cactus flower tree left side, right section)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
Wacan Berry (sand space down the tree left side lower left the lower middle right house)


Sashila Village

Sashila Help Plaza

Help Quests
3 Sitrus Berries, 3 Roseli Berries (Badland Baddies)


Past/Future Aevium


Route 3 (Past)
Aguav Berry (red flower lower left the 1st pond)



Kuggearean Woods (Past)

Area 1

2 Rawst Berry (plant soil up Sheridan Village entrance)

2 Rawst Berry (plant soil up Sheridan Village entrance)

Area 2

Leppa Berry (plant soil end of the right path down from the entrance)

2 Cheri Berry (plant soil to the left, down the left path down from the entrance)

2 Oran Berry (plant soil up the Lady Trainer, taking the left path down from the entrance)

2 Aspear Berry (plant soil up the healing star, taking the left path down from the entrance)


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Shopping District
Top Clerk
Sitrus Berry - 750$
Chesto Berry - 300$


Enhancements (Mega Stones, Z-Crystals, and Crests)


Mega Stones


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Right Section

Gearen Park

Hidden Library

Hidden Back Room (accessed with Hidden Library 3 side quest)
Banettite (from Karrina, when picked "left")
Heracronite (from Karrina, when picked "right")


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

Ampharosite (from Zumi after completing her 6th pokedex entry request, Aevian Budew)

Mancetite (from Zumi after completing her 7th pokedex entry request, Aevian Litwick)

Neo East Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests

Mawilite (Forest Restoration)

Altarianite (Mall Opportunities)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Glalitite (up the claimbable wall after the top bridge, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Forest

+Audinite (up the pond on the path left the Hiker, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Terajuma Wreckage (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

S.S. Oceana Wreckage

Upper Floor (2F)

+Sharpedonite (inside the storage room on the left)


Terrial Island


Honec Woods

Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Castle of Goomidra

Entrance Hall

Swampertite (reward from Queen Goodrah after completing the Goomidra quest)


Grand Dream City

Axis High University

Axis High University Building

Cameruptite (from Professor after defeating all the students at the Bobsled Club, at the 2F Student Lounge | standard classrooms)


Route 9

Rose Theater


+Pidgeotite (sparkling spot top the area, 13+ badges)




Sand Stream Cave

Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for navigation)

+Sandacondite (at the middle top of the area)


Zorrialyn Coast

Abandoned Village
Strange House (Reforged Key needed)

B1 (Family Portrait needed for access)
+Gardevoirite (behind the altar)


Zorrialyn Labyrinth

Castle Zygara (Hidden Library Quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

Banettite (from Karrina if you decided to let Karen die, if picked "Heracronite" before)

Heracronite (from Karrina if you decided to let Karen die, if picked "Banettite" before)


Sashila Village

Sashila Help Plaza

Help Quests

Absolite (Legend of the Void)
Abomasite (My Sister Fell!)


Pyramid Grounds

Fertile Land

Eclysia Pyramid

Eclysia Skyview

Steelixite (from Ryland after getting 15+ badges)




Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Lower Floor Offices (accessed with Forest Restoration side quest)

+Normalium-Z (in the storage room)

Neo East Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests

Aloraichium-Z (Pokeball Conundrum)

Right Section

Neo Gearen Park

Grassium-Z (from the Caretaker after showing him the Level 100 Budew)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

+Primarium-Z (on the small land lower right from the Evergreen Cave South entrance, Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)


Terajuma Island


Kakori Village

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

Buginium-Z (from Crawli after defeating Amber, at the front room. Defeating Code: Evo - Rift Gyarados for the 2nd time is required)


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

Aquamarine Ruins (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

+Waterium-Z (lower right the area accessed from Valor Chamber)


Terrial Island


Grand Dream City

Axis High University

Axis High University Building

Land of Broken Dreams

Intercept-Z (from Ana/Aevis/Aevia/Aria/Axel/Alain/Aero before battling the Puppet Master)




Floria Island


West Gearen City

Lower Section

Meganium Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Chikorita route)

Typhlosion Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Cyndaquil route)

Feraligator Crest (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed, picking Totodile route)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Kecleon's Shop (Chapter 13 and Virtual League Champion)

Meganium Crest - 250,000$

Typhlosion Crest - 250,000$

Feraligator Crest - 250,000$


Goldenleaf Town

Forgotten Path

Lost Castle (Odd Key needed)

+Vespiquen Crest (from the Chest inside the treasury room after opening all the 9 Chests at the Wispy Ruins)


Route 4

Cairo's Den

Red Essence Shop

Noctowl Crest - 2000 Red Essence

Phione Crest - 2000 Red Essence

Luxray Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Druddigon Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Thievul Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Samurott Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Boltund Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Probopass Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Swalot Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Cincinno Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Delcatty Crest - 14,000 Red Essence (15+ badges needed)


Evergreen Trench (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Spring Maintenance (Enegmatic Key needed for access)

Empoleon Crest (from Jolene at the end of the room)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle

Workers Area

Castform Crest (from the Ranger outside the Weather Institution after you show him Rain Dance, Sunny Day, and Hail TMs, Chapter 14+)


Route 6

Terajuma Coral Reef (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

The Archive (Enegmatic Key needed for access)

+Zangoose Crest (on the table to the bottom right)

+Ariados Crest (on the table to the top left)


Terrial Island


Honec Woods

Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Goome (2nd right green hut, after completing the Goomidra quest)
Dedenne Crest - 100,000$
Bastiodon Crest - 100,000$
Rampardos Crest - 100,000$

Whiscash Crest - 100,000$

Castle of Goomidra

Entrance Hall

Infernape Crest (reward from King Goodroh after completing the Goomidra quest)


Grand Dream City

Grand Dream Stadium

Nastasia's Airship

Cherrim Crest (from Aelita after finishing the Taxen battle)




Zorrialyn Labyrinth

B1 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

B - Seviper Crest (check the locations section for the map)

C - Magcargo Crest (check the locations section for the map)

D - Oricorio Crest (check the locations section for the map)

B2 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

B - Hypno Crest (check the locations section for the map)

C - Fearow Crest (check the locations section for the map)

D - Stantler Crest (check the locations section for the map)

B3 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

B - Leafeon Crest (check the locations section for the map)

C - Glaceon Crest (check the locations section for the map)

B4 (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

A - Skuntank Crest (check the locations section for the map)

B - Relicanth Crest (check the locations section for the map)

Zorrialyn Crypt (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

+Cofagrigus Crest (on the altar)

Castle Zygara (Hidden Library Quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer, Strength/Golden Gauntlet. and Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed)

+Claydol Crest (at the small balcony after the secret library)

+Spiritomb Crest (inside the room above the entrance hall, taking the stairs on the left from the 2nd floor)

+Darmanitan Crest (inside the room end the hall, taking the door right from the 2nd floor)

+Torterra Crest (upper right at the 3rd floor)


Sashila Village

Dusknoir Crest (from the Archaeologist after getting all the crests in the Labyrinth)


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

Abandoned Apartments

Ledian Crest (from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)



Battle Items


Floria Island


Oceana Pier

X Accuracy (grass space 1 spot right from the 1st lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable


Neo Oceana Pier

X Accuracy (grass space 1 spot right from the 1st lower flowers patch at the Fletchling area)


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

+Guard Spec. (left of Route 1 exit, under a big tree) #Missable


Amethyst Cave

River Area
X Attack (upper left side of the boxes top of the exit)
Waterfall-Ruins Area
X Defend (right side of the 1st drill machine right of the entrance)


Wispy Path

Wispy Ruins

Wispy Tower Entrance (Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)
Wispy Chasm (Right)
+Poke Doll (at the end path going down from the vines entrance)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
Dire Hit (rock rubble to the right edge on the 1st island with the running Lady)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Cave

North Cave

+X Special (lower left side the area, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

Evergreen Forest
X Special (flowers patch at the end of the path going right from the Hiker)


Terrial Island


Grand Dream City

Axis High University
Poke Doll (reward from hitting 'Powerful' in Agate Circus High Top, repeatable)




Zorrialyn Coast
Poke Doll (sand space 6 spots left and 2 spots down the Male Desert Dweller Trainer)
Abandoned Village
Strange House (Reforged Key needed)
Poke Doll (books stack lower right from Myra)


Alamissa Urban

+Red Flute (down from the tank down the lower left room door entrances)
+Poke Toy (right from the middle upper right room door entrances)
+Poke Toy (between the benches down the middle upper left room doors)


Key Items


S.S. Oceana


Trainer Card (from the Receptionist after the intro)


Floria Island


Oceana Pier / Neo Oceana Pier

+Dragonite's Letter (right the 1st warehouse left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (right the 2nd warehouse left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (between the 2nd dumpsters set upper left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 1, Chapter 6+)

Oceana Pier Gate

Love Letter (from Eric while doing the Love Letter! side quest)


East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Badge Card (from Shana after getting 1 Gym Badge)

Virtual Badge #1 (from Shana after defeating Falkner, 1 Gym Badge needed)

Virtual Badge #2 (from Shana after defeating Bugsy, 2 Gym Badges needed)

Jenner's Lab
Pokedex (from Prof Jenner after getting your starter)
CyberNav (from Prof Jenner after getting your starter)

Melia's Room (Room ID Card needed)
Audition Tape (inside the wardrobe after reading the notes on the right table)

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

Advanced Pokedex (from Zumi after completing her 1st pokedex entry request, Dedenne)

East Gearen Help Plaza

Gather Cube (from Ayuda after getting 1 gym badge)

Help Quests

#Finish before Neo Gearen, Missable
890$ (Save Starly!)
550$, Free Haircut (Missing Mother)
350$ (Love Letter!)
350$, Litleo (Dangerous Pokemon!)
350$, Pichu (Battle Request!)

1100$ (Wretched Music)

Right Section
Aqua Building

+Old Rod (lower left, 1st floor)
Star Shard (from Mercury after battle, 3rd floor)

Shopping Emporium

Pecha Berry? (from the Berry Emporium Lady after interacting with Veronica first time in the story)

Gearen Bicycle Shop
Bicycle (give Louie a Bike Voucher)

Shopping District

Male Clerk
Poke Ball - 400$ (only 4 times, then you get a Voltorb)

Chirsola Hotel


1500$ (1 space right the top left plant in the room on the top right, left corridor area)
Casino / AP Center
Achievement Card (from the Optimist Lady at the AP Center section)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Seel (1000 coins)
Spoink (4000 coins)
Maractus (5000 coins)
Helioptile (6500 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes

Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)

Hidden Library

Entrance Room
+Green Book (behind the right pillar)
Big Middle Room

+Purple Book (bellow the 2nd bookshelf up the entrance)
+Pink Book (left of Elgym's bookshelf)
+Brown Book (on the table lower right from Elgym's bookshelf)
+Red Book (left the stairs on the right side)
+Blue Book (up the stairs on the right side)
Small Room
+Green Book (at the bottom to the right)
Main Room
Ancient Book (from Karen)
+Orange Book (left side)
+Yellow Book (upper right side)

Abandoned Sewers
+Coin Case (by the Berry Thief bellow the generator reset room, after the Optimist Lady in the casino flush it off the toilet)

Chrysalis Courtyard

#Missable items after exiting the area, no longer able to come back.

Front Courtyard

+Weird Key (on the dirt at the area inside the left grass-wall hole from the front gate entrance)

Back Courtyard
Anju's Pendant (password 7896, 3135, 8187, complete the Maid Trial)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Magnolia Library

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

Advanced Pokedex (from Zumi after completing her 1st pokedex entry request, Dedenne)

Water Treatment Center

+Coin Case (end the path between the 2 modules upper right the left entrance)

Neo East Gearen Help Plaza

Gather Cube (from Ayuda after getting 1 gym badge)

Help Quests

12,356$ (Pokeball Conundrum)
250,000$ (Forest Restoration)

25,840$ (Mall Opportunities)

Right Section

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center
Achievement Card (from the Optimist Lady at the AP Center section)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Seel (1000 coins)
Spoink (4000 coins)
Maractus (5000 coins)
Helioptile (6500 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes

Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)


West Gearen City

Lower Section

25 AP (from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed)

Tecanlite Factory (accessed with Pokeball Conundrum side quest)
Bottom Room
+Tecanlite Key (left the room)
West Gearen Help Plaza

Help Quests
3500$ (Generator Problems)
5500$ (House Sit)
4000$ (Hidden Library 3)

#Turtwig Egg is rewarded after all quests are completed.


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)

+Snag Machine (briefcase password 6489)

Rift Dragon Gate

+Rift Dex (obtained once interacting with the Data File)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Entrance Area
Star Shard (from Mars the Leavanny trainer, note also Sewaddle gift after battle)

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Generator Part (right entering from the HQ tall building top right the area)

+Generator Part (top bridge up where you fight the Lairon and Metang bots first and the healing star)

+Generator Part (top left the stairs from where you got landed into the area first, left Kharon's diary)

3rd HQ

+Door Key (on the table at the left room after the Claydols encounter)

Key (under Lunala's note at the top left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Azar's note at the top right room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Jessica's note at the middle left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Hannah's note at the middle right room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Gilian's note at the lower left room within the Claydols corridor)

Key (under Emma's note at the lower right room within the Claydols corridor)


Route 2


Cherry Blossom Intact

+Mystery Item (by Kecleon's Shop on Fetch an Item! side quest, can be bought for 50,000$ or stolen with consequences)

Cherry Blossom Cut Down
Abandoned Lab
+Research Notes (on the right table)


Amethyst Cave

Waterfall-Ruins Area
Phase Dial (from April after obtaining the Moon Dial, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Altered Dimension
+Room ID Card (from Nim after battle)

Amethyst Grotto
Soul Stone (from Keta's Soul)

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


+Moon Dial (in the upper right room, after triggering April's event)


Sheridan Village

Sheridan Help Plaza

Help Quests
950$ (The Hidden Library 2)
950$ (Stolen Cargo!)
1920$, Pancham (Trade Me!)
1890$ (Fetch an Item!)
1600$, Clobbopus (Battle Request 2)

Secret Shore
Sheridan Wetlands (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Cut/Golden Axe needed for navigation)
+Ancient Book (at the end of the small path lower right of the middle small stairs going downward)

Wetlands Laboratory

Right Room
Card Key Shard #1 (2nd container under the blue monitor switch) #Not detected by the Itemfinder!


Carotos Mountain

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Madelis' Laboratory

Library (Lower Left) Room

+Yellow Key (top end of the room)

Capsule (Lower Right) Room

Green Key (from Sharon after talking to her)

Transport (Upper Left) Room

+Red Key (top left the room)

Storage (Upper Right) Room

+Blue Key (top end of the room)

Corrupted Cave

Garufa Ruins
Chamber of Awakening
+Magma Stone (after the battle with Cera if you refuse to give it back)


Route 3

Virtual Badge #3 (from Henrey after defeating Whitney, inside the red truck at the top left of the area, 2 Virtual Badges needed)

Virtual Badge #4 (from Henrey after defeating Morty, inside the red truck at the top left of the area, 3 Virtual Badges needed)

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Mirage Center

+Itemfinder (inside the bottom house)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Main Area

+Ancient Wing (up from the Hiker Trainer)

Ruins Area (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
Troupe Flute (from Polly by the ruins)


River's End (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Matthew's Lab
Lab Key (from Matthew after offering to help, Type:Null side quest, 6+ badges)


Goldenleaf Town

+Dragonite's Letter (at the garden the garden down the house down Ren's House, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (to the right between the 2 stairs right from the Pokemon Center, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (at the hill past the bridge left of the Mart, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

+Dragonite's Letter (lower right the lower right house down Giratina's Statue, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 2, Chapter 6+)

Narcissa's House

+Odd Key (in the locked room, starting the Narcissa quest line from the Theater, 7+ badges needed)


Wispy Path

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance
Big Room
+Cursed Candle (from the Chest inside the 5 badges treasury room, lower right room entrance)


Route 4

Cairo's Den

Red Essence Shop

Bike Voucher - 250 Red Essence


Akuwa Town

+Defibrillator (in the Pokemon Center back room)

Lively Version

Larry Locksmith's Plaza

Reforged Key (from Larry after fixing the broken House Key with 2 Light Clay and 1 Hard Stone)


Akuwa Aquarium

60,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 10 Pokemon, 12+ badges)

Super Rod (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 10 Pokemon, 12+ badges)

60,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 20 Pokemon, 12+ badges)

80,000$ (reward from the Director for filling the tanks with 34 Pokemon, note you also get a Froakie, 12+ badges)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
Mysterious Emblem (from Nana in her house)


Blacksteeple Island

Blacksteeple Castle


Mining Kit (from School Boy after battle following story events)

Warden's Room

Vessel Key (from Neved to Emma following story events)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Terajuma Pier

Xen Battleship
+Dull Key (on a table at the ship basement)


Terajuma Jungle

+Black Shard (right from the Hiker (quest initiator), Clear The Way! side quest)
+Black Shard (top right the boat up Terajuma Pier exit, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Clear The Way! side quest)

Deep Terajuma Jungle

Cove Area
+Black Shard (right from the Bridges Area entrance, Clear The Way! side quest)
Bridges Area

+Black Shard (lower right the broken bridge, Clear The Way! side quest)
+Black Shard (small island up the left side of the Lover's Bridge, Clear The Way! side quest)

Hula Meadow

+Black Shard (left of the altar at the end of the area, Clear The Way! side quest)

+Sky Relic (from the altar at the end of the area after battling Rorim B, story related event)

Workers Area

+Black Shard (top right the Conkeldurr Lumber Yard, Clear The Way! side quest)


Kakori Village

Kakori Safari Zone

Oval Charm (show Chansey to the Woman)

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

Wailmer Pail (from the Berry Guy after giving him 5 Oran Berries)

Virtual Badge #5 (from Maybeline after defeating Chuck, inside the Community Rec Room computer room, 4 Virtual Badges needed)

Virtual Badge #6 (from Maybeline after defeating Jasmine, inside the Community Rec Room computer room, 5 Virtual Badges needed)

Kakori Help Plaza

+Center Keys (at the side room after clearing all side quests)

Help Quests
4326$ (Clear The Way!)
5000$,Bulbasaur Egg (Bandit at Large!)
4890$ (Building Bridges)
4255$ (Find it..)
4500$ (Battle Me Once More!)
Opens up the Garden Area at the Safari Zone (Chase Team AA)


Route 5 - Valor Path

+Dragonite's Letter (upper left the Female Ranger, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)

Valor Shore

+Dragonite's Letter (on the small island right of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (on the + shaped island lower right of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)
+Dragonite's Letter (on the + shaped island lower left of Dragonite, Dragonite's Mail Delivery Part 3, Chapter 6+)

Strange Cabin (accessed with Bandit at Large! side quest)

+Good Rod (on the table at the last floor)


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

BF Area

#Note: Early access items as of chapter 7 if you still hold and use the Blast Powder Adam gives you at Blacksteeple Island in here 1st.

+Aquamarine Ore (lower left the area past the Mining Rock, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Blast Powder needed) #Note

Terajuma Coral Reef (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Star Shard (from Neptune after battle, note you also get a Popplio)


Teila Resort

Teila Resort Hot Springs

+Earth Relic (from the altar after the double battle with Saki and Venam, story related)

Tesla's Villa
Yacht Keys (from Tesla inside your room)


Kristiline Town

Frozen Town

Isle of Angels (Frozen)

Tower of Theolia


Ocean Relic (from Kreiss to Valarie after exiting the church, didn't save Kreiss route, story related)

Normal Town

Virtual Badge #7 (from Garret after defeating Pryce, inside house left the Helping Plaza, 6 Virtual Badges needed)
Virtual Badge #8 (from Garret after defeating Clair, inside the house left the Helping Plaza, 7 Virtual Badges needed)
25AP (from Garret after defeating all the 8 leaders, inside the house left the Helping Plaza)

Lighthouse Key (from the Ranger at the docks, Lighthouse side quest)

Sapphire Museum

10,000$ (from the Director after bringing help building a statue)

Kristiline Help Plaza (Center Keys needed)

Help Quests

6245$, Mareep (Lighthouse)
10,000$ (Quiz!)
4000$ (Defend me!)
Inkay, unlocks the Move-Relearner in Sheridan Village (???)

#Eevee is gifted after completing all the help quests.

Isle of Angels (Normal)

Ocean Relic (from Kreiss to Valarie after exiting the church, saved Kreiss route, story related)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Neutral Emotion
1F - Entrance Area
Emotion Powder (from the Future Guy once entering the mountain by the lower bridge)

Mountain Calm Emotion

Chamber of Awakening

HQ Railnet Key (from Madelis after defeating Kyogre - only if you partake in saving Amber) #Missable


Castillo De la Ángel

+Dungeon Key (Anju's office)

+Dungeon Key (Ballroom)

+Dungeon Key (inside the boat at the underground cave)

Dungeon Key (from Cera at the underground cave)

Diamond Component (at the base of Anju's throne room for completing Path 1: Diamond Route of ch15)


Terrial Island


Oblitus Town

Kelvin's House

Pokeflute (from Kelvin for 45,000$, available after completing the Missing Miltank side quest at Yui's Ranch, and returning from the Badlands & obtaining Fly)


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Manor

Fireplace Room (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)
+Gate Key (inside the fireplace)

Darchlight Cave
Darchlight Mirror Machine Area
Black Shard Ore (from the ore sack)
Black Shard (from the furnace using the Black Shard Ore)
Darchlight Mirror (end product of the machine following a certain sequence: 4589758 (monitor code), Black Shard Ore (in furnace), Red, Blue, Green, Red, Red, Black Shard Ore (out furnace), Blue, Purple, Gold, Black Shard (small machine))


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Lower-West Dream District

Herbs Shop

Herbs Lady
Nightmare Medallion - 4800$ (available with Nightmare City story)

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

Family Portrait (from the Thief left of Dylan's House, following the Art side quest)

Central Square

SPU Parcel #1 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

SPU Parcel #2 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

SPU Parcel #3 (from the SPU Driver, SPU Delivery side quest)

Central Building

GDC Help Plaza (Chapter 12+)

Help Quests
Opens up The Underground (Missing Children)
25,000$ (Classified Information)

Shopping District

350$ (ground space middle spot between the 2 lower dumpsters at the road between the 2 Central Square entrances)

450$ (ground space 4 spots left of the Weather Board middle spot, top the area)

450$ (ground space 6 spots right and 3 spots up the Optimist Trainer)
550$ (ground space 2 spots down and 1 spot left the right door entrance of the Department of Dreams)

Department of Dreams

7F (6 Stamps)

Dark Matter Core (if you show the Strange Lady a Gible)

Residential District

Dream Complex

Central Penthouse

+Cloths Change (in our room)

Nightmare City

10,000 Puppet Coins (from Zetta after entering the Casino for the first time, story related)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Exchange Rate

1000 coins -> 500 Puppet Coins

5000 coins -> 3500 Puppet Coins

10,000 coins -> 8500 Puppet Coins

Judicial District
Police Department

+Jailer's Keys (on the table by the Lazy Officer at the bottom at the Visitor's Lobby floor, Night Time) #Currently removed.

+Anju's Pendant (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Darchlight Mirror (at the Lost and Found floor, if you played the game after completing the Darchlight Cave main events prior to V10)

Axis High University

Chatot Vendor

Chatot - 15000$

Axis High University Building

Concert Tickets (from Amber through story events on Platinum Route, at the 1F Main Hall)

Amber's Letter (from Amber through story events on Platinum Route, at the 1F Main Hall)

School of Nightmares

Treasure Piece (at the pedestal behind Gregus, Path 1)

Treasure Piece (at the pedestal top the Genesis Glyph, Path 1)

Nightmare Realm

+Crimson Quartz (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Black Shard Crystal (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Grappling Hook (inside the moon base in Lavender's realm, Path 1)

+Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

+Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

+Elevator Key (inside the hospital in Amber's realm, Path 2)

Axis Factory - Steel Leader Saki

+Dungeon Key (next to the locked door after defeating all trainers in the area)

+Dungeon Key (left the double trainers after unlocking the 1st door)

+Master Key (5th chest in gym puzzle after defeating Geara)

Scholar District
Recreation Center

Game Corner

30 coins (1 spot left the middle lower tree pot)
30 coins (3 spots left the right lower tree pot)
30 coins (1 spot left and 1 spot down the left-middle upper tree pot)
30 coins (1 spot down the upper right corner of the employee's desk)

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Aron (5000 coins)

Durant (13,500 coins)

Mienfoo (15,000 coins)

Rufflet (20,000 coins)

Axew (30,000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)


Route 9

Rose Theater


Souta's Cane (dropped from Souta after the gym battle, top side area)




Voidal Chasm

B2 - Boat Area
Old Scarf (pink petals left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Toolkit (lower left the boat, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, Legend of the Void side quest)


Sashila Village

House Key (from a Male Desert Dweller inside the research center, at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Mega-Z Ring (from Alexandra following the story events of ch15)

Rotom Phone (from Aelita following the Path 3: Platinum Route of ch15)

Sashila Help Plaza

Help Quests
12,500$ (Legend of the Void)
22,500$ (Badland Baddies)
32,500$ (My Sister Fell!)
32,500$, Scented Lure (I Need to get Stronger!)


Alamissa Urban

Mysterious Black Box (from Ren after hearing his story by the entrance)


Zone Zero


Transmitter (from Nastasia following the story events)

Inner Zone South

+Zone Zero Key (end the path down the Lux Apartments)

Abandoned Apartments
+Door Key (inside the 4th room at the 1st floor)

Star Shard (from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)

+1F Door Key (top right sparkling spot, inside room 1A in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+1D Door Key (table sparkling spot, inside room 1F in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2F Door Key (bed sparkling spot, inside room 1D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2C Door Key (bed sparkling spot, inside room 2F in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+2D Door Key (middle right sparkling spot, inside room 1B in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)
+1C Door Key (middle sparkling spot, inside room 2D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)

Apartment Depths

+Lux Apartments Key (at the very start of the area, accessible after the Jewel of Life story is over)

Pyramid Grounds

Dry Desert

Eclysia Pyramid

Enegmatic Key (acquired through story events at the normality door)

Fertile Land

Eclysia Pyramid
+Magic Wand (up from the unpurified water, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)



Interceptor's Wish (from Mom following the story events of ch15)


Past/Future Aevium


Amberette Town (Past)
Irvin's House
Cloths Change (box at the Melia's Bedroom)
Spacea and Tiempa's Lodge
Time Gear Amulet (from Tiempa)


Kugearen City (Past)
+Weird Diary (inside the building far up from the Pokemon Center by Route 3 entrance, Apartment Key needed)


Kuggearean Woods (Past)

Area 2
+Apartment Key (at the area between the ledges left the healing star, taking the left path down from the entrance)


Marble Mansion (Past)
Toilet Paper (from the plant pot upper right the entrance, infinite) #Not detected by the itemfinder.


Sheridan Village (Past)

Vivan's House
Garufa Spellbook (bookshelf in Vivian's Bedroom)


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Gregorian Lake (Past ) (accessed with Legend of the Void side quest)

Lake Postcard (from David inside his house, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed, Legend of the Void side quest)


Rift Data Files


Floria Island


West Gearen City

Upper Section

West Gearen Sewage Management

+Data File - Code: Corroso (by the healing machine end the path)


Route 1

Goldenwood Forest (before the incident)

Rift Dragon Gate
+Data File - Code: Evo (by the bridge before the Magikarp)


Amethyst Cave

Amethyst Depth

Rift Lethal Forest

+Data File - Code: Materna (right by the start)

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


+Data File - Code: Feris (right from the entrance ladder)


Carotos Mountain

Madelis' Palace

#Access password is: BEAUTY, IDOL, SHADOW.

Generator Chamber

+Data File - Code: Statia (top right from Clara)

Rift Paradise

+Data File - Code: Statia (middle the area if you didn't get it on the previous room at the Generator Chamber)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle

Workers Area

Rift Beach Concert

+Data File - Code: Sarpa (up the pond)


Terrial Island


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Manor

Backyard (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)

+Data File - Code: Rembrence (right from the swing, accessed with Narcissa's quest)

Darchlight Cave
Bladestar Labs (accessed with Classified Information side quest)

+Data File - Code: Drifio (right the entrance, inside the middle big door)


Grand Dream City

Judicial District
Police Department

+Data File - Code: Evo (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Materna (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Statia (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Sarpa (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Feris (at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)

+Data File - Code: Corroso ((at the Lost and Found floor, if you missed picking it up)


Route 9

Rift Isolated Dream

+Data File - Code: Bella (at the bridge before the battle)




Zone Zero

Inner Zone North

Underground Sanctuary

+Data File - Code: Garna (right from the PC star)


Past/Future Aevium


Hiyoshi City (Past)
Underground Sanctuary (Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed for navigation)
B1 - Arena
+Data File - Code: Angelus (left of the right entrance)


Zygarde Cells


 These icons are used for easier time reference:

☀ - Day time

☽ - Night time


Zygarde Cells


Floria Island


Oceana Pier

+Zygarde Cell (at the Fletchling area) #Claim before Neo Oceana, Missable


East Gearen City / Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Help Plaza) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Alleyway (accessed at night-time only)

+Zygarde Cell (up from the Female Clerk on the left)

Right Section

Chirsola Hotel


+Zygarde Cell (at the right side)

Gearen Park

Hidden Library
Big Middle Room
+Zygarde Cell (left the stairs on the right side)

Abandoned Sewers
+Zygarde Cell (to the right side where the Gearen Alleyway entrance is) #Claim before Neo Gearen, Missable

Gearen Gym - Poison Leader Venam

#Secret area code is Brown, White, Orange

+Zygarde Cell (top right, Secret area)


Junction Bridge

+Zygarde Cell (middle right)


West Gearen City

Upper Section

+Zygarde Cell (in the fence down from the Youngster Trainer down Blakeory Household)

West Gearen Sewage Management

+Zygarde Cell (at the very end of the path to the right)

Lower Section

+Zygarde Cell (down the Lady right the Charmer Trainer)


Route 1 / Neo Route 1

+Zygarde Cell (above the healing star) #Claim before Goldenwood Park, Missable

Goldenwood Forest (after the incident)

+Zygarde Cell (left side of the lake, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed) #Missable

Secret Shrine (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Zygarde Cell (upper right of the area)


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Cave

Basement Area (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

+Zygarde Cell (end of the area by the ledge, Rock Smash needed)

Goldenwood Groove

+Zygarde Cell  (up the pond to the far right from the small hidden path, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact
+Zygarde Cell (bottom right side of the waterfall)

+Zygarde Cell (between the big trees left of the bridge up the waterfall after the Maniac when you give him the Research Notes, Cut/Golden Axe needed)


Cherry Blossom Cut Down
+Zygarde Cell (between the trees left of the bridge up the waterfall, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+Zygarde Cell (right corner from the waterfall, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Amethyst Cave

River Area

+Zygarde Cell (by the panel on the middle side of the rivers, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)
Waterfall-Ruins Area

+Zygarde Cell (at the end of the river water path going downward, Rock Climb/Golden Claws and Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Cliffside Grave (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

+Zygarde Cell (bottom right)


Sheridan Village

Sheridan Arena
+Zygarde Cell (lower right the waterfall lower right Sensei's House)


Route 3

Mirage Woods (Cut/Golden Axe needed for access and Ancient Wing for progression)

Mirage Cave

+Zygarde Cell (by the entrance)

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Moon Field (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

+Zygarde Cell (up the pond)


Goldenleaf Town
+Zygarde Cell (between the upper right gravestones)

Forgotten Path
+Zygarde Cell (to the left of the tower on the right side)


Wispy Path
+Zygarde Cell (at the upper side of the Wispy Park behind the swings)

Wispy Ruins

Goldenleaf Entrance
Left Room
+Zygarde Cell (right from the vines)


Akuwa Town

+Zygarde Cell (inside the house right of the Milotic painting building)
+Zygarde Cell (right the ACDMC building)


Route 11 (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Zygarde Cell (on the island with the mysterious cave)


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)
+Zygarde Cell (small area to the right above the Evergreen Cave North entrance, access from inside Evergreen Cave North)


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

+Zygarde Cell (top right from the Ranger Center after the diving spot, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Terajuma Jungle

+Zygarde Cell (at the middle part of the area)

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

+Zygarde Cell (end of the right path bellow the Workers Area entrance, Spice Powder needed)

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Deep Jungle Area
+Zygarde Cell (inside the Ampharos cage, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed, Lighthouse side quest, Interface Password: 9867)


Kakori Village

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

+Zygarde Cell (inside the gym at the last puzzle room to the top left)

Kakori Depths

+Zygarde Cell (on the right side path of the arena)


Route 5 - Valor Path

Valor Shore

+Zygarde Cell (on a small island bellow the Strange Cabin on the right side)


Route 6

Water Area (accessed from Secluded Shore, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)

+Zygarde Cell (lower right water patch from the entrance)

Aquamarine Cave

Aquamarine Chamber

+Zygarde Cell (on the lower left small island, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Teila Resort

+Zygarde Cell (by Villa 1B on the right)

+Zygarde Cell (inside Villa 1B on the table)

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Spa Area

+Zygarde Cell (by the chair on the right side)


Kristiline Town

Normal Town

+Zygarde Cell (at the garden accessed from the house right the Pokemon Center)
+Zygarde Cell (right the Sapphire Museum, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

Isle of Angels (Normal)

Church of Theolia

+Zygarde Cell (inside the altar room under the stairs) #Accessible from Battlefield of the Gods warp-hole if you enter from the left side only.

+Zygarde Cell (at the left side of the Piano room)


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Calm Emotion

+Zygarde Cell (left side the area using the hole drop from 3F)
+Zygarde Cell (lower left the area)

Chamber of Awakening

+Zygarde Cell (at the left side middle the area down the left Mining Rock)

Mountain Anger Emotion

+Zygarde Cell (by Heatmor at the small island on middle left side using the hole drop from 3F)

+Zygarde Cell (upper right the area, right path from the 4F ladder)

Valor Mountain Blockade

+Zygarde Cell (right the 2F ladder, Neutral Emotion)

Valor Mountain Cliffside

+Zygarde Cell (up the lower right pillar by the 1st stairs)

Forest of Time

+Zygarde Cell (upper left corner before the long stairs)

+Zygarde Cell (end the top left water path)


Terrial Island


Route 7

Crashed Robot Area

+Zygarde Cell (right the bridge upper right the area)

Yui's Ranch

+Zygarde Cell (right from the entrance, Cut/Golden Axe needed)

+Zygarde Cell (right from the lower Barn, before the bridge)

Grand Dream Gate

+Zygarde Cell (middle the path right up from the train tracks)


Darchlight Woods

Upper Right Foggy Area (up the Starting Area)

+Zygarde Cell (at the top on the small piece of land by the waterfalls, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

Sensu Meadow (left the Starting Area)

+Zygarde Cell (on the far left section of the area)

Darchlight Manor
Upper Right Room (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Rock Smash/Golden Hammer needed)

+Zygarde Cell (upper right the room)

Backyard (Strength/Golden Gauntlet and Gate Key needed for access)

+Zygarde Cell (on the right side down the well)

Darchlight Cave

Starting Area (Light)

+Zygarde Cell (middle of the path up the exit)


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Eastern Dream District

+Zygarde Cell (between the Old Lady and the Artist down Grand Dream Station)

+Zygarde Cell (inside the Day Care Building 14F)

Botanical Garden

+Zygarde Cell (bottom right inside the lower right garden)

Southwestern Dream District

+Zygarde Cell (between the 2 trucks by the PokeStar Studio entrance)

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Shop)

+Zygarde Cell (right of Dylan's House)

Central Square

+Zygarde Cell (right of the Central Building)

Shopping District

+Zygarde Cell (lower right of the Department of Dreams)

Residential District

Dream Complex

Central Penthouse

+Zygarde Cell (on the lower left table at the pool area)

Judicial District

+Zygarde Cell (middle the park right of the Police Department)

Axis High University

Axis High University Building

+Zygarde Cell (right the boy waiting for an empty room, at the 2F Student Lounge | dorms)

+Zygarde Cell (upper left classroom, at the 2F Student Lounge | standard classrooms)

Hidden Axis Lab

+Zygarde Cell (on the left side at the 2nd SEC room)

Scholar District

National Park

+Zygarde Cell (between the upper right and middle right garden)

+Zygarde Cell (between the upper left and middle left gardens)


Route 9

+Zygarde Cell (down the Farlorned Cavern Shore Entrance, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

+Zygarde Cell (by the Hiker Trainer left of Farlorned Cavern Left Entrance)

Farlorned Cavern
Crystal Room

+Zygarde Cell (top right the area)

Rose Theater


+Zygarde Cell (bottom left the area on the river's left side, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


+Zygarde Cell (bottom right inside the Kimono Girls room)




Voidal Chasm

B3 - Lower Area
+Zygarde Cell (up the B2 entrance, top the area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

B2 - Bridges Area
+Zygarde Cell (to the left up the climbable wall, top left area, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)


Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area
+Zygarde Cell (middle the path up from the Hiker Trainer, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)

+Zygarde Cell (right the climbable rocks upper right from the bridge)
+Zygarde Cell (down the twin rock lower left from the bridge)
+Zygarde Cell (upper left the pond at the oasis)


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the upper middle left house, Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed)
+Zygarde Cell (inside the lower middle right house, Blast Powder needed)


Zorrialyn Coast
+Zygarde Cell (upper right the Sashila Trial entrance)


Sashila Village

+Zygarde Cell (down the stairs at the left small land, Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)


Zone Zero


+Zygarde Cell (left of the entrance sign)

Inner Zone South

+Zygarde Cell (further down from the 2nd Abandoned Apartment exit and right of the 1st bolder)

Abandoned Apartments

+Zygarde Cell (right the generator at the basement)
+Zygarde Cell (inside room 2D in Lux Apartments, Lux Apartments Key needed)

Apartment Depths

+Zygarde Cell (left the ladder at the end)

Inner Zone North

+Zygarde Cell (left the crashed rocket)

+Zygarde Cell (at the Gible area, accessible after solving the Lux Apartments puzzle, Lux Apartments Key needed)

Vacation House Zone

+Zygarde Cell (in front of Ana's grave)


Pyramid Grounds

Dry Desert

Eclysia Pyramid
+Zygarde Cell (left of the entrance)

+Zygarde Cell (middle of the cockpit room)


Zygarde Cores




Sand Stream Cave

Sand Stream Depths (Rock Climb needed)

+Zygarde Core (at the top of the area, available after collecting 100 Zygarde Cell)





Stamp #1

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Shopping District/Department of Dreams/1F

(from the Receptionist)


Stamp #2

Terrial Island

Route 9/Rose Theater/Inside

(from the Hiker after completing the Kimono Girls side quest)


Stamp #3

Terrial Island

Grand Dream City/Main Street/Central Square/GDC Help Plaza (Chapter 12+)
Help Quests (Classified Information)


Stamp #4

Floria Island

West Gearen City/Lower Section

(from Barbara after defeating the E4 and Champion, inside the small red house at the bottom right of the area, 8 Virtual Badges and 11+ Badges needed)


Stamp #5

Terajuma Island

Route 6/Terajuma Coral Reef (Dive needed for access)

(from Neptune after battle)


Stamp #6


Zone Zero/Inner Zone South/Abandoned Apartments

(from Venus after battle, inside the Big Top room


Stamp #7

Floria Island

West Gearen City/Upper Section/Power Plant - Electric Leader Erick

(from a Scientist in the Rotom change room, after completing the Narcissa quest)


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V13: Vague Clarity


Other Items Listing (Complete)




Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 100$

Repel - 350$
Poke Ball - 200$

Right Section

Shopping Emporium

Berry Emporium
Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$
Rawst Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Chesto Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Aspear Berry - 300$ (2 badges)
Sitrus Berry - 750$ (5 badges)
Cheri Berry - 300$ (5 badges)
Occa Berry - 750$ (8 badges)
Pokeball Boutique
Heavy Ball - 300$
Moon Ball - 300$

Love Ball - 300$ (1 badge)
Fast Ball - 300$ (1 badge)

Nest Ball - 1000$ (2 badges)

Net Ball - 1000$ (3 badges)

Timer Ball - 1000$ (5 badges)
Dive Ball - 1000$ (5 badges)

Friend Ball - 300$ (6 badges)

Shopping District

Top Stand
Female Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$
Potion - 300$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Male Clerk
Poke Ball - 400$ (only 4 times, then you get a Voltorb)

Bottom Left Stand
Burn Heal - 250$
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$
Awakening - 250$
Parlys Heal - 200$

Bottom Right Stand (day-time at Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
Reverse Candy - 50$
Soda Pop - 300$

Ch3 City in Chaos Stand
Left Female Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$

Super Potion - 600$

Ice Heal - 250$

Antidote - 100$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Middle Female Clerk

Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$

Right Female Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Soda Pop - 300$

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Seel (1000 coins)
Spoink (4000 coins)
Maractus (5000 coins)
Helioptile (6500 coins)

Casino TM Prizes
TM70 Flash (1000 coins)
TM10 Hidden Power (4000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes

Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)
PP UP (6 AP)
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
TM56 Fling (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)
TM47 Low Sweep (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Mart Lady
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 100$

Repel - 350$
Poke Ball - 200$

Right Section

Everglade Mall

Berry Emporium
Oran Berry - 200$
Pecha Berry - 300$
Leppa Berry - 300$
Sitrus Berry - 750$

Pokeball Boutique
Heavy Ball - 300$
Moon Ball - 300$
Love Ball - 300$
Fast Ball - 300$
Nest Ball - 1000$

Net Ball - 1000$
Timer Ball - 1000$
Dive Ball - 1000$
Friend Ball - 300$

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Seel (1000 coins)
Spoink (4000 coins)
Maractus (5000 coins)
Helioptile (6500 coins)

Casino TM Prizes
TM70 Flash (1000 coins)
TM10 Hidden Power (4000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes

Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)
PP UP (6 AP)
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
TM56 Fling (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)
TM47 Low Sweep (15 AP, 5+ badges needed)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)


West Gearen City

Lower Section

Fossils Lover Club


Old Amber - 75,000$

Cover Fossil - 75,000$

Plume Fossil - 75,000$


Route 2

Cherry Blossom Intact

Kecleon's Shop
Poke Ball - 200$
Potion - 300$
Antidote - 100$
GourmetTreat - 1500$
Repel - 350$

Kecleon's Shop (Chapter 13 and Virtual League Champion)

Meganium Crest - 250,000$

Typhlosion Crest - 250,000$

Feraligator Crest - 250,000$


Sheridan Village

Sheridan Village Shop
Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Beth (Morning-time on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) #She is gone once you have 9+ badges.

Berry Juice - 100$

Fresh Water - 200$ (2 badges)

Lemonade - 350$ (3 badges)
Moomoo Milk - 500$ (3 badges)

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$


Route 3

Traveling Fair

Sweets Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Sachet - 1000$
Soda Pop - 300$
Sweet Heart - 100$

Red Nectar - 550$
Whipped Dream - 1000$

Ice Cream Clerk
Vanilla Ice Cream - 400$
Choc Ice Cream - 600$
Berry Ice Cream - 800$
*Blue Moon Ice Cream - 20000$ #Appears randomly on very rare occasions.

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$


Goldenleaf Town

Poke Mart
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Escape Rope - 550$


Wispy Path

Gate Plaza

Staff Ranger

Poke Ball - 200$

Potion - 300$

Repel - 350$


Route 4

Cairo's Den

Scents Shop

10 Joy Scent - 5000$

10 Excite Scent - 8500$

10 Vivid Scent - 11000$

Red Essence Shop

Bike Voucher - 250 Red Essence

Noctowl Crest - 2000 Red Essence

Phione Crest - 2000 Red Essence

Luxray Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Druddigon Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Thievul Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Samurott Crest - 5000 Red Essence (8+ badges needed)

Boltund Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Probopass Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Swalot Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Cincinno Crest - 9000 Red Essence (13+ badges needed)

Delcatty Crest - 14,000 Red Essence (15+ badges needed)

Fragment Shop

5 Fragments - 4956$

10 Fragments - 14868$

25 Fragments - 24780$

The Lost Camp

Water Stone - 2100$
Fire Stone - 2100$
Leaf Stone - 2100$


Pomeg Berry - 600$
Kelpsy Berry - 600$
Qualot Berry - 600$
Hondew Berry - 600$ #1st camp expansion
Grepa Berry - 600$ #1st camp expansion
Tamato Berry - 600$ #2nd camp expansion


Akuwa Town

Poke Mart
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Luxury Ball - 1000$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

ACDMC - Akuwa Cave Drill Management Center

Sail Fossil (for 10 Blue Shards at the rare fossils corner)

Jaw Fossil (for 10 Red Shards at the rare fossils corner)
Skull Fossil (for 10 Green Shards at the rare fossils corner)
Armor Fossil (for 10 Yellow Shards at the rare fossils corner)


Blacksteeple Island

Blacksteeple Castle

Shop Room


Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Escape Rope - 550$


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Shore

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Terajuma Pier

Xen Battleship

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle

Bridges Area

Yukata Girl (left side of the Lover's Bridge after bringing her 20 Sitrus Berries)

Growth Mulch - 200$

Stable Mulch - 200$

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$


Kakori Village


Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$

Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Ice Heal - 250$

Burn Heal - 250$

Parlyz Heal - 200$
Escape Rope - 550$

Spice Powder - 850$


Teila Resort

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Teila Bar

Right Clerk

Apophyll Pancakes - 3000$

Tart Apple - 1100$

Sweet Apple - 1100$

Middle Clerk

Berry Juice - 1000$

Left Clerk

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$

Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$

Parlyz Heal - 200$

Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Club S.T.F.U. - Fire Leader Amber

Hyper Potion - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Tesla's Villa

Vending Machine

Fresh Water - 200$

Soda Pop - 300$

Lemonade - 350$


Kristiline Town

Frozen Town

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Parlyz Heal - 200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Normal Town

Ranger Center

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Reverse Candy - 50$

Spice Powder - 850$

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Super Potion - 700$
Full Heal - 600$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Parlyz Heal - 200$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Reverse Candy - 50$


Lava Cookie - 200$

TMs Shop (Magma Stone needed for pre-Valor shop access otherwise open post-Valor)

Old Woman
RM02 Avalanche - 50,000$
RM03 Zap Cannon - 50,000$
RM04 Metronome - 25,000$
RM06 Retaliate - 25,000$
RM07 Dynamic Punch - 50,000$
RM08 Vacuum Wave - 25,000$
RM09 Tri Attack - 25,000$

TM140 Ice Fang - 20,000$

TM141 Fire Fang - 20,000$

TM142 Thunder Fang - 20,000$

TM143 Psycho Cut - 70,000$

RM01 Hone Claws - 150,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM116 Mega Kick - 150,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

RM05 Sucker Punch - 100,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM125 Charm - 15,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)

TM155 Eerie Impulse - 15,000$ (available after returning from the Badlands when obtaining Fly)


Terrial Island


Grand Express

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Route 7

Crashed Robot Area

Male Ranger (inside the house)

Honey - 100$

Super Repel - 500$

Yui's Ranch

Caretaker Clerk (after completing the Missing Miltank side quest)

Ultra Ball - 1200$

Hyper Potion - 1200$

GourmetTreat - 2000$

Super Repel - 500$

Max Repel - 700$

Escape Rope - 550$

Honey - 100$

Moomoo Milk - 500$


Honec Woods

Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Goome (2nd right green hut, after completing the Goomidra quest)
Dedenne Crest - 100,000$
Bastiodon Crest - 100,000$
Rampardos Crest - 100,000$

Whiscash Crest - 100,000$


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Southwestern Dream District

Herbs Shop

Herbs Lady
Heal Powder - 450$
Energy Root - 800$
Energy Powder - 500$
Pure Incense - 9600$
Luck Incense - 9600$
Full Incense - 9600$
Wave Incense - 9600$

Full Heal - 600$
Nightmare Medallion - 4800$ (available with Nightmare City story)

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

Right Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Oval Stone - 2100$
Sticky Barb - 200$
Charocal - 9800$
Light Ball - 100$
Stick - 200$
Float Stone 200$
Binding Band - 200$

Left Stand

Bladestar Clerk
Metal Powder - 10$
Cell Battery - 200$
Magnet - 100$
Quick Powder - 10$

Blast Powder - 2500$


Ultra Ball - 1200$
Dusk Ball - 1000$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Revive - 8500$
Full Heal - 1200$

Shopping District

Ice Cream Stand (Snow Weather)

1 Casteliacone - 100$
Dozen Casteliacone - 1000$

Department of Dreams

2F (1 Stamp)
1st Clerk
Heat Rock - 200$
Icy Rock - 200$
Smooth Rock - 200$
Damp Rock - 200$
Grip Claw - 200$
Light Clay - 200$
Everstone - 200$
2nd Clerk

Max Repel - 700$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Full Heal - 600$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$
Escape Rope - 550$
3F (2 Stamps)
1st Clerk

Fire Stone - 2100$
Water Stone - 2100$
Leaf Stone - 2100$

Thunderstone - 2100$

Sun Stone - 2100$

Moon Stone - 2100$
2nd Clerk
Air Balloon - 200$
White Herb - 100$
Mental Herb - 100$
Power Herb - 100$
Absorb Bulb - 200$
Snowball - 200$

Destiny Knot - 200$
Cell Battery - 200$

4F (3 Stamps)
1st Clerk
HP Up - 9800$
Protein - 9800$
Cabos - 9800$
Zinc - 9800$
Calcium - 9800$
Iron - 9800$

2nd Clerk
Sticky Barb - 200$
Lagging Tail - 200$
Iron Ball - 200$
Binding Band - 200$
Float Stone - 200$
Eject Button - 200$
Red Card - 200$
Ring Target - 200$
Metronome - 200$

5F (4 Stamps)

1st Clerk
Occa Berry - 3000$

Passho Berry - 3000$
Wacan Berry - 3000$
Rindo Berry - 3000$
Yache Berry - 3000$
Payapa Berry - 3000$
Tanga Berry - 3000$
Charti Berry - 3000$
Chople Berry - 3000$

2nd Clerk

Kebia Berry - 3000$
Shuca Berry - 3000$
Coba Berry - 3000$
Haban Berry - 3000$

Kasib Berry - 3000$
Colbur Berry - 3000$
Babiri Berry - 3000$
Chilan Berry - 3000$
Roseli Berry - 3000$

6F (5 Stamps)

1st Clerk

Psychic Gem - 200$
Bug Gem - 200$
Rock Gem - 200$
Ghost Gem - 200$
Dark Gem - 200$
Dragon Gem - 200$
Steel Gem - 200$
Ice Gem - 200$

2nd Clerk

Fire Gem - 200$
Water Gem - 200$
Normal Gem - 200$
Grass Gem - 200$
Electric Gem - 200$
Poison Gem - 200$
Ground Gem - 200$
Fighting Gem - 200$
Flying Gem - 200$

7F (6 Stamps)

1st Clerk

Petaya Berry - 1250$
Liechi Berry - 1250$

Apicot Berry - 1250$

Lansat Berry - 1250$

Starf Berry - 1000$

Ganlon Berry - 1000$

Salac Berry - 1250$

2nd Clerk

Big Root - 200$
Focus Band - 200$
Zoom Lens - 200$
Scope Lens - 200$
BrightPowder - 200$
Link Heart - 10,000$
Ability Capsule - 3000$

8F (7 Stamps)

1st Clerk

TM150 Grassy Terrain - 100,000$

TM151 Electric Terrain - 100,000$

TM152 Misty Terrain - 100,000$

TM153 Psychic Terrain - 100,000$

TM34 Sludge Wave - 3000$

TM55 Scald - 3000$

TM90 Substitute - 200$

HM05 Waterfall - 150,000$

2nd Clerk

Protector - 2100$

Magmarizer - 2100$

Dragon Scale - 2100$

Eletirizer - 2100$

DeepSeaTooth - 200$

DeepSeaScale - 200$

Up-Grade - 2100$

Dubious Disc - 2100$

Prism Scale - 500$

Sachet - 1100$

Whipped Dream - 1100$

Razor Claw - 2100$

Oval Stone - 2100$

Razor Fang - 2100$

Reaper Cloth - 2100$

Nightmare City


Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Exchange Rate

1000 coins -> 500 Puppet Coins

5000 coins -> 3500 Puppet Coins

10,000 coins -> 8500 Puppet Coins

Axis High University

Chatot Vendor

Chatot - 15000$

Ancient Aevium Balloon Merchant
Air Balloon - 200$

Magic Ice Cream Parlor
Left Clerk
Reverse Candy - 50$
Sachet - 1000$
Funnel Cake - 7000$
Whipped Dream - 1000$
Apophyll Pancakes - 3000$
Rare Candy - 30,000$

Right Clerk
Vanilla Ice Cream - 400$
Choc Ice Cream - 600$
Berry Ice Cream - 800$
*Blue Moon Ice Cream - 20000$ #Appears randomly on very rare occasions.

Fish Tank Randomizer
Standard Bait - 2000$
Poke Ball
Super Potion
Heart Scale
Link Heart
Delicious Bait - 7500$
Dusk Ball
Max Revive
Ultra Potion

Fire Stone

Moon Stone
Heart Scale
Link Heart
Gourmet Bait - 20000$
Dawn Stone
Shiny Stone
Dusk Stone
Sail Fossil
Jaw Fossil

Axis High University Building

School Store

Poke Ball - 200$

Great Ball - 600$

Ultra Ball - 1200$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Max Repel - 700$

School of Nightmares

School Store

Super Potion - 700$

Full Heal - 600$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Scholar District

Recreation Center

Game Corner

Casino Register

50 Coins - 1000$

500 Coins - 10,000$

Casino Pokemon Prizes

Aron (5000 coins)

Durant (13,500 coins)

Mienfoo (15,000 coins)

Rufflet (20,000 coins)

Axew (30,000 coins)

Casino TM Prizes
TM70 Flash (1000 coins)
TM10 Hidden Power (4000 coins)

AP Exchange Prizes
Adamant Mint (3 AP)
Jolly Mint (3 AP)
Brave Mint (3 AP)
Modest Mint (3 AP)
Timid Mint (3 AP)
Quiet Mint (3 AP)
Calm Mint (3 AP)
Bold Mint (3 AP)
PP UP (6 AP)
Exp. Candy M (6 AP)
Golden Axe (15 AP)
Golden Hammer (15 AP)
Golden Surfboard (20 AP)
Golden Gauntlet (25 AP)
Golden Scuba Gear (25 AP)
Golden Wings (25 AP)
Golden Jetpack (25 AP)
Golden Drift Board (25 AP)
Golden Claws (25 AP)
TM56 Fling (15 AP)
TM47 Low Sweep (15 AP)
Exp. All (30 AP)
HP Card (10 AP)
Attack Card (10 AP)
Defense Card (10 AP)
Speed Card (10 AP)
SPAttack Card (10 AP)
SPDefense Card (10 AP)

Grand Dream Stadium

Tournament Stadium

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$

Ultra Potion - 2200$

Awakening - 250$

Gourmet Treat - 1500$

Repel - 350$

Super Repel - 500$

Max Repel - 700$




Sashila Village

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Mineral Ball - 1200$
Hyper Potion - 1200$

Max Repel - 700$
Burn Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Reverse Candy - 50$


Zone Zero

Inner Zone South

Male Grunt

Blast Powder - 2500$

Female Grunt

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$


Pyramid Grounds

Dry Desert

Female Grunt

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$
Escape Rope - 550$

Ultra Potion - 2200$


Past/Future Aevium


Kugearen City (Past)

Poke Mart

Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Antidote - 100$
Ice Heal - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Shopping District
Top Clerk
Sitrus Berry - 750$
Chesto Berry - 300$
Bottom Clerk
Poke Ball - 200$
Great Ball - 600$
Ultra Ball - 1200$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Ultra Potion - 2200$
Awakening - 250$
Gourmet Treat - 1500$
Reverse Candy - 50$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Move Tutors


Floria Island


East Gearen City

Left Section

Magnolia Library

Library Nerd Tutor

Bind (taught for 1 Red Shard)

Covet (taught for 1 Blue Shard)

Helping Hand (taught for 1 Yellow Shard)

Computer Lab (1 gym badge)

Lab BLackbelt Tutor

Dual Chop (taught for 2 Yellow Shard)

Block (taught for 2 Blue Shard)

Super Fang (taught for 2 Red Shard)


Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Neo Gearen Backpack Tutor

Outrage (taught for 7 Yellow Shards)

Last Resort (taught for 5 Red Shards)

Knock Off (taught for 5 Yellow Shards)

Neo Gearen Lady Tutor

Iron Head (taught for 5 Red Shards)

Low Kick (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Foul Play (taught for 6 Yellow Shards)

Neo Gearen Corsola Tutor

Throat Chop (taught for 4 Red Shards)


Sheridan Village

Cherry Blossom Inn

Inn Resident Tutor

Worry Seed (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Uproar  (taught for 2 Green Shards)


Goldenleaf Town

Goldenleaf Lady Tutor

Spite (taught for 2 Yellow Shards)

Trick (taught for 3 Blue Shards)


Akuwa Town

Lively Version

Akuwa Pledge Tutor

Fire Pledge (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Water Pledge (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Grass Pledge (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Move Tutor Center

Left Clerk

Water Pulse (taught for 2 Blue Shards)

Shock Wave (taught for 3 Yellow Shards)

Right Clerk

Snore (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Bounce (taught for 2 Blue Shards)


Terajuma Island


Kakori Village

Kakori Gym/Ranger HQ - Bug Leader Crawli

Kakori Ranger Tutor

Signal Beam (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Bug Bite (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Synthesis (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Kakori Depths

Kakori Gym Tutor

Giga Drain (taught for 3 Green Shards)


Teila Resort

Teila Blackbelt Tutor

Aqua Tail (taught for 4 Blue Shards)

Magic Coat (taught for 4 Blue Shards)

Electroweb (taught for 3 Yellow Shards)


Terrial Island


Grand Express

Grand Express Tutor
Hyper Voice (taught for 4 Red Shards)


Honec Woods

Kingdom of Goomidra (Dive/Golden Scuba Gear needed for access)

Goomatora Tutor (2nd right green hut)

Liquidation (taught for 2 Big Mushroom)

Drill Run (taught for 3 Big Mushroom)

Stomping Tantrum (taught form 3 Big Mushroom)

Zen Headbutt (taught for 3 Big Mushroom)

Gastro Acid (taught for 1 Tiny Mushroom)

Goombina Tutor (green hut down Goomink's house)

Seed Bomb (1 Tiny Mushroom)

Dragon Pulse (1 Big Mushroom)

Icy Wind (1 Big Mushroom)


Grand Dream City

Axis High University

Axis Pledge Tutor (Yellow Stand)

Fire Pledge (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Water Pledge (taught for 3 Blue Shards)

Grass Pledge (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Axis Punch Tutor (Blue Stand)

Thunder Punch (taught for 2 Yellow Shards)

Fire Punch (taught for 2 Red Shards)

Ice Punch (taught for 2 Blue Shards)

Drain Punch (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Focus Punch (taught for 3 Red Shards)

Axis Mixed Tutor (Red Stand)

Endeavor (taught for 3 Green Shards)

Iron Tail (taught for 4 Yellow Shards)

Earth Power (taught for 3 Blue Shards)




Sashila Village

Sashila Dweller Tutor (13+ badges)

Heat Wave (taught for 6 Red Shards)
Pain Split (taught for 4 Yellow Shards)
Zen Headbutt (taught for 4 Green Shards)


Past/Future Aevium


Hiyoshi City (Past)

Shopping District

Hiyoshi Edge Tutor

Sky Attack (taught for 3 Red Shards)
Skill Swamp (taught for 2 Green Shards)
Magnet Rise (taught for 2 Yellow Shards
Gravity (taught for 2 Blue Shards)
Recycle (taught for 2 Green Shards)




Tired Feet

Walk around the world.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Gotta Catch 'Em All
Catch Pokémon.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Running in the Tall Grass
Encounter Pokémon.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Battlin' Every Day
Go into Trainer battles.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Items Are Handy
Use items.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Buying Supplies
Buy items.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Sell items.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Finding Treasure
Find items in item balls.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Ferocious Fighting
Use moves in battle.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Mid-Battle Maintenance
Use items in battle.
Reward: 2 AP each.


A Drive to Hunt
Catch shiny Pokémon.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Baby Boomer
Hatch eggs.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Fruitful Efforts
Evolve Pokémon.
Reward: 2 AP each.


That's a stone, Luigi
Evolve Pokémon with an evolution stone.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Gather items through Pickup.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Friendship is Magic
Reach Max(255) Friendship with Pokémon.
Reward: 2 AP each.


Mining Rock




Floria Island


Goldenwood Cave and Grove

Goldenwood Groove

Den of Souls

3rd Layer (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed)

7 Mining Rocks


Amethyst Cave

Amethyst Depth


3 Mining Rocks

Amethyst Mines (Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Rock Climb/Golden Claws needed for access)


2 Mining Rock


Carotos Mountain

Entrance Area

2 Mining Rocks
Machines Area

2 Mining Rock


Route 3

Phasial Cave (Flash is recommended for better exploration)

Main Area

2 Mining Rocks


Akuwa Town

1 Mining Rock


Evergreen Island (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for access)

Evergreen Cave

North Cave

1 Mining Rock
1 Mining Rock


Blacksteeple Island

Blacksteeple Quarry

Blacksteeple Mines

4 Mining Rocks


Terajuma Island


Terajuma Jungle

Deep Terajuma Jungle
Bridges Area

Tyluric Falls (accessed after Building Bridges side quest)

1 Mining Rock

Jirukala Cavern (Surf/Golden Surfboard needed for navigation)

Deep Jungle Area

3 Mining Rocks


Route 6

Aquamarine Cave

BF Area

2 Mining Rocks

Aquamarine Shrine (accessed jumping up the hole at BF Area after meeting up with Amber)

4 Mining Rocks


Valor Mountain (Surf/Golden Surfboard and Magma Drift/Golden Drift Board needed for navigation)

Mountain Calm Emotion

Chamber of Awakening

2 Mining Rocks

Valor Mountain Cliffside

2 Mining Rocks


Terrial Island


Darchlight Woods

Darchlight Cave
Stairs Area (Dark)

2 Mining Rocks
Big Area (Light)

2 Mining Rocks
Elevator Area (Light)
1 Mining Rock
Exit Area (Light)
2 Mining Rocks


Route 9

Farlorned Cavern

Left Entrance Area

2 Mining Rocks




Zorrialyn Desert

Top Area
5 Mining Rocks


Ruined City (accessed with Badland Baddies side quest, Rock Smash/Golden Hammer and Strength/Golden Gauntlet needed)

1 Mining Rock


Zorrialyn Coast

1 Mining Rock



Dome Fossil

Helix Fossil
Root Fossil
Skull Fossil
Armor Fossil
Claw Fossil
Fire Stone
Water Stone
Thunder Stone
Leaf Stone
Moon Stone
Sun Stone
Oval Stone
Star Piece
Max Revive
Rare Bone
Light Clay
Hard Stone
Heart Scale
Iron Ball
Odd Keystone
Heat Rock
Damp Rock
Smooth Rock
Icy Rock

Amplifield Rock
Red Shard
Green Shard
Yellow Shard
Blue Shard
Insect Plate
Dread Plate
Draco Plate
Zap Plate
Fist Plate
Flame Plate
Meadow Plate
Earth Plate
Icicle Plate
Toxic Plate
Mind Plate
Stone Plate
Sky Plate
Spooky Plate
Iron Plate
Splash Plate
Pixie Plate



Pickup Table


Level 1-10
30% Oran Berry
10% Great Ball
10% Super Repel
10% Gourmet Treat
10% Moomoo Milk
10% Moon Ball
10% Dusk Ball
4% Hyper Potion
4% Max Repel
1% Nugget
1% Berry Ice Cream

Level 11-20
30% Great Ball
10% Super Repel
10% Gourmet Treat
10% Moomoo Milk
10% Moon Ball
10% Dusk Ball
10% Hyper Potion
4% Max Repel
4% Full Restore
1% Berry Ice Cream
1% Nugget

Level 21-30
30% Super Repel
10% Gourmet Treat
10% Moomoo Milk
10% Moon Ball
10% Dusk Ball
10% Hyper Potion
10% Max Repel
4% Full Restore
4% Revive
1% Nugget
1% Rare Candy

Level 31-40
30% Gourmet Treat
10% Moomoo Milk
10% Moon Ball
10% Dusk Ball
10% Hyper Potion
10% Max Repel
10% Full Restore
4% Revive
4% Ether
1% Rare Candy
1% Blue Moon Ice Cream

Level 41-50
30% Moomoo Milk
10% Moon Ball
10% Dusk Ball
10% Hyper Potion
10% Max Repel
10% Full Restore
10% Revive
4% Ether
4% PP Up
1% Blue Moon Ice Cream
1% Rare Candy

Level 51-60
30% Moon Ball
10% Dusk Ball
10% Hyper Potion
10% Max Repel
10% Full Restore
10% Revive
10% Ether
4% PP Up
4% Heart Scale
1% Rare Candy
1% Blue Moon Ice Cream

Level 61-70
30% Dusk Ball
10% Hyper Potion
10% Max Repel
10% Full Restore
10% Revive
10% Ether
10% PP Up
4% Heart Scale
4% Ability Capsule
1% Blue Moon Ice Cream
1% Big Nugget

Level 71-80
30% Hyper Potion
10% Max Repel
10% Full Restore
10% Revive
10% Ether
10% PP Up
10% Heart Scale
4% Ability Capsule
4% Heart Scale
1% Big Nugget
1% Leftovers

Level 81-90
30% Max Repel
10% Full Restore
10% Revive
10% Ether
10% PP Up
10% Heart Scale
10% Ability Capsule
4% Heart Scale
4% Big Nugget
1% Leftovers
1% Lucky Egg

Level 91-100
30% Full Restore
10% Revive
10% Ether
10% PP Up
10% Heart Scale
10% Ability Capsule
10% Heart Scale
4% Big Nugget
4% Sacred Ash
1% Lucky Egg
1% Leftovers


Wild Pokemon


Not every Pokemon is available as a Wild Encounter, so keep that in mind while searching for an item.

Compare with the Pokemon Locations Guide, The 100% Walkthrough, or the Wiki for a Pokemon availability





Butterfree - Uncommon: Silver Powder



Alolan Rattata - Uncommon: Pecha Berry
Alolan Raticate - Uncommon: Pecha Berry

Fearow - Uncommon: Sharp Beak


Pikachu - Rare: Light Ball
Alolan Raichu

Sandshrew - Uncommon: Quick Claw, Rare: Grip Claw
Sandslash - Uncommon: Quick Claw
Alolan Sanshrew
Alolan Sandslash



Clefairy - Common: Leppa Berry, Uncommon: Moon Stone, Rare: Comet Shard
Clefable - Common: Leppa Berry, Uncommon: Moon Stone, Rare: Comet Shard

Vulpix - Common: Rawst Berry, Uncommon: Rawst Berry, Rare: Charcoal
Ninetales - Common: Rawst Berry, Uncommon: Rawst Berry, Rare: Rawst Berry
Alolan Vulpix - Uncommon: Snowball
Alolan Ninetales: Uncommon: Snowball



Oddish - Rare: Absorb Bulb
Gloom - Rare: Absorb Bulb

Paras - Common: Tiny Mushroom, Uncommon: Big Mushroom, Rare: Balm Mushroom
Parasect - Common: Tiny Mushroom, Uncommon: Big Mushroom, Rare: Balm Mushroom
Aevian Paras
Aevian Parasect

Venomoth - Uncommon: Shed Shell

Diglett - Uncommon: Soft Sand
Dugtrio - Uncommon: Soft Sand
Alolan Diglett
Alolan Dugtrio

Meowth - Uncommon: Quick Claw
Persian - Uncommon: Quick Claw
Alolan Meowth
Alolan Persian
Galarian Meowth

Mankey - Uncommon: Payapa Berry
Primeape - Uncommon: Payapa Berry

Growlithe - Common: Rawst Berry, Uncommon: Rawst Berry, Rare: Rawst Berry
Arcanine - Common: Rawst Berry, Uncommon: Rawst Berry, Rare: Rawst Berry

Poliwhirl - Uncommon: King's Rock
Poliwrath - Uncommon: King's Rock

Abra - Uncommon: Twisted Spoon
Kadabra - Uncommon: Twisted Spoon
Alakazam - Uncommon: Twisted Spoon

Machop - Rare: Focus Band


Tentacool - Uncommon: Poison Barb
Tentacruel - Uncommon: Poison Barb

Geodude - Uncommon: Everstone
Graveler - Uncommon: Everstone
Golem - Uncommon: Everstone
Alolan Geodude - Uncommon: Cell Battery
Alolan Graveler - Uncommon: Cell Battery
Alolan Golem - Uncommon: Cell Battery

Ponyta - Uncommon: Shuca Berry
Rapidash - Uncommon: Shuca Berry
Galarian Ponyta
Galarian Rapidash

Slowpoke - Uncommon: Lagging Tail
Slowbro - Uncommon: King's Rock

Magnemite - Uncommon: Metal Coat
Magneton - Uncommon: Metal Coat

Farfetch'd - Uncommon: Stick
Galarian Farfetch'd - Uncommon: Stick

Doduo - Uncommon: Sharp Beak
Dodrio - Uncommon: Sharp Beak


Grimer - Uncommon: Nugget
Muk - Uncommon: Nugget
Alolan Grimer
Alolan Muk

Shellder - Common: Pearl, Uncommon: Big Pearl
Cloyster - Common: Pearl, Uncommon: Big Pearl






Alolan Exeggutor

Marowak - Uncommon: Thick Club
Alolan Marowak


Lickitung - Uncommon: Lagging Tail

Koffing - Uncommon: Smoke Ball
Weezing - Uncommon: Smoke Ball
Galarian Weezing


Chansey - Common: Lucky Punch, Uncommon: Lucky Egg



Horsea - Uncommon: Dragon Scale
Seadra - Uncommon: Dragon Scale

Goldeen - Rare: Mystic Water
Seaking - Rare: Mystic Water

Staryu - Common: Stardust, Uncommon: Star Piece
Starmie - Common: Stardust, Uncommon: Star Piece

Mr. Mime - Uncommon: Leppa Berry
Galarian Mr. Mime


Jynx - Common: Aspear Berry, Uncommon: Aspear Berry, Rare: Aspear Berry

Electabuzz - Uncommon: Electirizer

Magmar - Uncommon: Magmarizer




Aevian Lapras

Ditto - Common: Quick Powder, Uncommon: Quick Powder






Snorlax - Uncommon: Sitrus Berry

Galarian Articuno
Galarian Zapdos
Galarian Moltres

Dratini - Uncommon: Dragon Scale
Dragonair - Uncommon: Dragon Scale
Dragonite - Uncommon: Dragon Scale

Mew - Common: Lum Berry, Uncommon: Lum Berry, Rare: Lum Berry




Sentret - Uncommon: Oran Berry
Furret - Common: Oran Berry, Uncommon: Sitrus Berry





Chinchou - Uncommon: DeepSeaScale
Lanturn - Uncommon: DeepSeaScale

Pichu - Common: Oran Berry

Cleffa - Common: Leppa Berry, Uncommon: Moon Stone, Rare: Comet Shard




Aevian Mareep
Aevian Flaaffy
Aevian Ampharos




Politoed - Uncommon: King's Rock



Sunkern - Uncommon: Coba Berry

Yanma - Uncommon: Wide Lens




Slowking - Uncommon: King's Rock

Aevian Misdreavus



Girafarig - Uncommon: Persim Berry




Steelix - Uncommon: Metal Coat


Qwilfish - Uncommon: Poison Barb


Shuckle - Common: Berry Juice, Uncommon: Berry Juice, Rare: Berry Juice


Sneasel - Common: Grip Claw, Uncommon: Quick Claw




Corsola - Uncommon: Hard Stone, Rare: Luminous Moss
Galarian Corsola




Skarmory - Rare: Metal Coat


Kingdra - Uncommon: Dragon Scale

Phanpy - Uncommon: Passho Berry
Donphan - Uncommon: Passho Berry





Smoochum - Common: Aspear Berry, Uncommon: Aspear Berry, Rare: Aspear Berry

Elekid - Rare: Electirizer

Magby - Rare: Magmarizer

Miltank - Common: Moomoo Milk, Uncommon: Moomoo Milk, Rare: Moomoo Milk

Blissey - Common: Oval Stone, Uncommon: Lucky Egg



Ho-Oh - Common: Sacred Ash, Uncommon: Sacred Ash, Rare: Sacred Ash

Celebi - Common: Lum Berry, Uncommon: Lum Berry, Rare: Lum Berry




Poochyena - Uncommon: Pecha Berry
Mightyena - Uncommon: Pecha Berry

Zigzagoon - Uncommon: Potion, Rare: Revive
Linoone:  - Uncommon: Potion, Rare: Max Reive
Galarian Zigzagoon
Galarian Linoone

Wurmple - Uncommon: Pecha Berry, Rare: Bright Powder
Beautifly - Uncommon: Shed Shell
Dustox - Uncommon: Shed Shell

Lotad - Rare: Mental Herb
Lombre - Rare: Mental Herb

Seedot - Rare: Power Herb
Nuzleaf - Rare: Power Herb

Taillow - Uncommon: Charti Berry
Swellow - Uncommon: Charti Berry

Wingull - Uncommon: Pretty Wing
Pelliper - Uncommon: Pretty Wing, Rare: Lucky Egg


Surskit - Rare: Honey
Masquerian - Uncommon: Silver Powder

Shroomish - Uncommon: Tiny Mushroom, Rare: Big Mushroom
Breloom - Uncommon: Tiny Mushroom, Rare: Big Mushroom


Nincada - Rare: Soft Sand

Whismur - Uncommon: Chesto Berry
Loudred - Uncommon: Chesto Berry
Exploud - Uncommon: Chesto Berry

Makuhita - Rare: Black Belt
Hariyama - Uncommon: King's Rock


Nosepass - Uncommon: Hard Stone, Magnet

Skitty - Uncommon: Leppa Berry
Delcatty - Uncommon: Leppa Berry

Sableye - Rare: Wide Lens

Mawile - Uncommon: Occa Berry, Rare: Iron Ball

Aron - Uncommon: Hard Stone
Lairon - Uncommon: Hard Stone
Aggron - Uncommon: Hard Stone



Plusle - Rare: Cell Battery
Minun - Rare: Cell Battery

Volbeat - Rare: Bright Powder
Illumise - Rare: Bright Powder

Roselia - Uncommon: Poison Barb
Aevian Roselia

Gulpin - Rare: Oran Berry
Swalot - Uncommon: Big Pearl

Carvanha - Uncommon: DeepSeaTooth
Sharpedo - Uncommon: DeepSeaTooth


Numel - Common: Rawst Berry, Uncommon: Rawst Berry, Rare: Rawst Berry
Camerupt - Common: Rawst Berry, Uncommon: Rawst Berry, Rare: Rawst Berry


Spoink - Uncommon: Tanga Berry
Grumpig - Uncommon: Tanga Berry

Spinda - Uncommon: Chesto Berry

Trapinch - Uncommon: Soft Sand

Cacnea - Uncommon: Sticky Barb
Cacturne - Uncommon: Sticky Barb


Zangoose - Uncommon: Quick Claw

Seviper - Rare: Shed Shell

Lunatone - Common: Stardust, Rare: Comet Shard
Solrock - Common: Stardust, Rare: Comet Shard



Baltoy - Rare: Light Clay
Claydol - Rare: Light Clay

Lileep - Uncommon: Big Root
Cradily - Uncommon: Big Root


Aevian Feebas
Aevian Milotic

Castform - Common: Mystic Water, Uncommon: Mystic Water, Rare: Mystic Water

Kecleon - Uncommon: Prism Berry

Shuppet - Uncommon: Spell Tag
Bannette - Uncommon: Spell Tag

Duskull - Uncommon: Kasib Berry, Rare: Spell Tag
Dusclops - Uncommon: Kasib Berry


Chimecho - Uncommon: Colbur Berry, Rare: Cleanse Tag



Snorunt - Uncommon: Babiri Berry, Rare: Snowball
Glalie - Uncommon: Babiri Berry


Clamperl - Uncommon: Pearl, Rare: Big Pearl
Huntail - Uncommon: DeepSeaTooth
Gorebyss - Uncommon: DeepSeaScale

Relicanth - Uncommon: DeepSeaScale

Luvdisc - Common: Heart Scale

Bagon - Uncommon: Dragon Fang
Shelgon - Uncommon: Dragon Fang
Salamence - Uncommon: Dragon Fang

Beldum - Uncommon: Metal Coat
Metang - Uncommon: Metal Coat
Metagross - Uncommon: Metal Coat




Jirachi - Common: Star Piece, Uncommon: Star Piece, Rare: Star Piece





Starly - Uncommon: Yache Berry
Staravia - Uncommon: Yache Berry
Staraptor - Uncommon: Yache Berry

Bibarel - Common: Oran Berry, Uncommon: Sitrus Berry

Kricketot - Uncommon: Metronome
Kricketune - Uncommon: Metronome


Budew - Uncommon: Poison Barb
Roserade - Uncommon: Poison Barb
Aevian Budew
Aevian Roserade



Wormadam - Uncommon: Silver Powder
Mothim - Uncommon: Silver Powder

Combee - Common: Honey, Uncommon: Honey, Rare: Honey
Vespiquen - Uncommon: Poison Barb


Buizel - Uncommon: Wacan Berry
Floatzel - Uncommon: Wacan Berry

Cherubi - Uncommon: Miracle Seed
Cherrim - Uncommon: Miracle Seed




Buneary - Uncommon: Chople Berry
Lopunny - Uncommon: Chople Berry

Aevian Mismagius


Glameow - Uncommon: Cheri Berry
Purugly - Uncommon: Cheri Berry

Chingling - Uncommon: Colbur Berry

Stunky - Uncommon: Pecha Berry
Skuntank - Uncommon: Pecha Berry

Bronzor - Uncommon: Metal Coat
Bronzong - Uncommon: Metal Coat


Mime Jr. - Uncommon: Leppa Berry

Happiny - Common: Oval Stone, Uncommon: Lucky Egg

Chatot - Uncommon: Metronome


Gible - Uncommon: Haban Berry
Gabite - Uncommon: Haban Berry
Garchomp - Uncommon: Haban Berry

Munchlax - Common: Leftovers, Uncommon: Leftovers, Rare: Leftovers



Skorupi - Uncommon: Poison Barb
Drapion - Uncommon: Poison Barb

Croagunk - Uncommon: Black Sludge
Toxicroak - Uncommon: Black Sludge


Finneon - Uncommon: Rindo Berry
Lumineon - Uncommon: Rindo Berry


Snover - Uncommon: NeverMeltIce
Abomasnow - Uncommon: NeverMeltIce

Weavile - Common: Grip Claw, Uncommon: Quick Claw

Magnezone - Uncommon: Metal Coat

Lickilicky - Uncommon: Lagging Tail



Electivire - Uncommon: Electirizer

Magmortar - Uncommon: Magmarizer


Yanmega - Uncommon: Wide Lens






Probopass - Uncommon: Hard Stone

Dusknoir - Uncommon: Kasib Berry

Froslass - Uncommon: Babiri Berry










Shaymin - Common: Lum Berry, Uncommon: Lum Berry, Rare: Lum Berry









Pansage - Common: Oran Berry, Rare: Occa Berry
Simisage - Common: Oran Berry, Rare: Occa Berry

Pansear - Common: Oran Berry, Rare: Passho Berry
Simisear - Common: Oran Berry, Rare: Passho Berry

Panpour - Common: Oran Berry, Rare: Rindo Berry
Simipour - Common: Oran Berry, Rare: Rindo Berry

Aevian Munna
Aevian Musharna


Blitzle - Common: Cheri Berry
Zebstrika - Common: Cheri Berry

Roggenrola - Common: Everstone, Rare: Hard Stone
Boldore - Common: Everstone, Rare: Hard Stone
Gigalith - Common: Everstone, Rare: Hard Stone



Audino - Common: Oran Berry, Rare: Sitrus Berry


Tympole - Common: Persim Berry
Palpitoad - Common: Persim Berry
Seismitoad - Common: Persim Berry

Throh - Rare: Black Belt
Sawk - Rare: Black Belt

Sewaddle - Rare: Mental Herb
Swadloon - Rare: Mental Herb
Leavanny - Rare: Mental Herb

Venipede - Common: Pecha Berry, Rare: Posion Barb
Whirlipede - Common: Pecha Berry, Rare: Posion Barb
Scolipede - Common: Pecha Berry, Rare: Posion Barb



Basculin-Red - Rare: DeepSeaTooth
Basculin-Blue - Rare: DeepSeaScale


Darumaka - Common: Rawst Berry
Darmanitan - Common: Rawst Berry
Galarian Darumaka
Galarian Darmitan

Maractus - Rare: Miracle Seed

Dwebble - Rare: Hard Stone
Crustle - Rare: Hard Stone

Scraggy - Rare: Shed Shell
Scrafty - Rare: Shed Shell


Yamask - Rare: Spell Tag
Cofagrigus - Rare: Spell Tag
Galarian Yamask



Trubbish - Rare: Black Sludge
Garbodor - Common: Black Sludge, Rare: Nugget


Minccino - Common: Chesto Berry
Cinccino - Common: Chesto Berry






Emolga - Common: Cheri Berry, Rare: Cheri Berry


Foongus - Common: Tiny Mushroom, Rare: Big Mushroom
Amoonguss - Common: Tiny Mushroom, Rare: Big Mushroom




Ferroseed - Rare: Sticky Barb
Ferrothorn - Rare: Sticky Barb




Aevian Litwick
Aevian Lampent
Aevian Chandelure


Cubchoo - Common: Aspear Berry
Beartic - Common: Aspear Berry

Cryogonal - Rare: NeverMeltIce


Stunfisk - Rare: Soft Sand


Druddigon - Rare: Dragon Fang

Golett - Rare: Light Clay
Golurk - Rare: Light Clay








Volcarona - Common: Silver Powder, Rare: Silver Powder







Meloetta - Common: Star Piece, Rare: Star Piece











Pancham - Rare: Mental Herb


Meowstic Male
Meowstic Female












Hawlucha - Rare: King's Rock






Pumpkaboo - Uncommon: Miracle Seed











Pikipek - Uncommon: Oran Berry
Trumbeak - Uncommon: Sitrus Berry
Toucannon - Uncommon: Rawst Berry

Yungoos - Uncommon: Pecha Berry
Gumshoos - Uncommon: Pecha Berry

Grubbin - Uncommon: Pecha Berry
Charjabug - Uncommon: Cell Battery

Crabrawler - Uncommon: Aspear Berry
Crabominable - Uncommon: Cheri Berry

Oricorio - Uncommon: Honey

Cutiefly - Uncommon: Honey
Ribombee - Uncommon: Honey

Lycanroc Midday
Lycanroc Midnight
Lycanroc Dusk


Mareanie - Uncommon: Posion Barb
Toxapex - Uncommon: Posion Barb

Mudbray - Uncommon: Light Clay
Mudsdale - Uncommon: Light Clay

Dewpider - Uncommon: Mystic Water
Araquanid - Uncommon: Mystic Water

Fomantis - Uncommon: Miracle Seed
Lurantis - Uncommon: Miracle Seed

Morelull - Common: Tiny Mushroom, Uncommon: Big Mushroom
Shiinotic - Common: Tiny Mushroom, Uncommon: Big Mushroom

Salandit - Uncommon: Smoke Ball
Salazzle - Uncommon: Smoke Ball






Sandygast - Uncommon: Spell Tag
Palossand - Uncommon: Spell Tag
Aevian Sandygast
Aevian Palossand


Type: Null



Turtonator - Uncommon: Charcoal



Bruxish - Uncommon: Razor Fang

Drampa - Uncommon: Persim Berry


Jangmo-o - Uncommon: Razor Claw
Hakamo-o - Uncommon: Razor Claw
Kommo-o - Common: Razor Claw

Tapu Koko
Tapu Lele
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Fini




































Mr. Rime



















Floria Island


East Gearen City/Neo East Gearen City

Left Section

Gearen Laboratory

Cinematic screen changer (for free from the Running Battle Guy)

Right Section

Shopping Emporium/Everglade Mall

Petal Salon

Haircut/groom for happiness (for 1500$ once a day)
Happiness Checker (for Free) #removed in the Neo version.

Chirsola Hotel

Casino / AP Center

Casino Lottery (random chance to get 1 of 5 items matching a Pokemon ID number)


Sheridan Village

Move Re-learner (reteach a move for 1 Heart Scale, available after finishing all the helper quests in Kirstiline Town)


Akuwa Town

Lively Version

ACDMC - Akuwa Cave Drill Management Center

Fossil reviver (for free)


Terajuma Island


Teila Resort

Teila Resort Building and Gym

Spa Area

Teila Resort Salon

Haircut/groom for happiness

Regular package - 1500$

Traveler's package - 3500$

Luxury package - 6500$


Terrial Island


Grand Dream City

Main Street

Southwestern Dream District

The Underground (accessed with Missing Children side quest)

Dr.Sykick's Office

Nature changer (changes the nature of a Pokemon for 1 Heart Scale)

Shopping District

Hidden Power Checker

Move Re-learner (reteach a move for 1 Heart Scale)

Axis High University

Cinematic screen changer (for free from the Running Battle Guy)

Name Rater (changes a Pokemon name)

Move Re-learner (reteach a move for 1 Heart Scale)

Fish Tank Randomizer (a chance to get items and a Wishiwashi)

District of Hope

Pokemon Hospital

Nurse Joy Appointment - EV, IV, and Pokerus changer (can change the EV replacements, IVs number, and apply pokerus for a Pokemon, costs 10,000$ per visit)


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V1: Where Love Lies


Items Listed by Chapters (Complete)


Chapter 1 - My Departure


 Gearen City


Mystery Egg (box inside the boat)
Golden Sash (starter pack)
Exp. All (starter pack)
Itemfinder (starter pack)
Lemonades (starter pack)
Super Potion (2nd flower patch right from the waterfall)
Rare Candy (space right of the flower patch next to the locked door up from the 1st working Scythers)
Soda Pop (space between the large trees lower right area under the 2nd working Scythers)
Union ID (1st flower patch right from the waterfall, can be found after you quit your job)

Moomoo Milk - 500$
Ice Heal - 250$
Antidote - 100$
Max Repel - 700$
Revive - 8500$
Reverse Candy - 50$


Mysterious Mansion


Mysterious Amulet (from Vivian after Beheeyem battle)
Time Capsule (rock on the upper right corner at the last room, can't be found using the itemfinder)



Chapter 2 - The Line that Bonds us


 Uncharted Shore




Uncharted Forest


Area 1
Max Repel (flower patch under the 2nd red flowers in the middle patch)
Area 2
Max Repel (space under the headbutt tree on the upper left after the 1st stairs)
Max Repel (space 2 spots to the left under the headbutt tree bellow the 3rd stairs)
Revival Herb (flower patch at the tope left under the 4th stairs)
Max Potion (space right on top of the right cave entrance)
Pecha Berry (space left the grass patch and right the big tree right from Leavanny's pokeball)
Max Repel (space right from the 3rd red flowers on the right path from the big stairs)
Leppa Berry (space above the red flowers at the very end of the right path from the big stairs)
Area 3
Area 4
Max Repel (space top left from area 3 cave exit)
Max Repel (flower patch under the 4th red flowers bellow area 3 cave exit)
Sitrus Berry (space 4th spot in the line under the red flowers at the very top, area above between the 2 ruffian trainers)
Sitrus Berry (flower patch above the female ruffian trainer, area above between the 2 ruffian trainers)
Area 5
Ether (space between the 2 red flowers left of the small pond after surfing)
Lucky Egg (space 2 posts under the headbutt tree on the very end of the path bafore suring upward)
Revive (space between the green and pink grass patches right-up from the Big Pink Sakura Tree)
Max Potion (space between the 2 grass patches at the very end on the path on the right after surfing)
Rare Candy (space right from the headbutt tree right from the waterfall)
Full Restore (flower patch left the big tree and above the red flowers taking the path to the left after surfing)
Moomoo Milk (flower patch under the 2 headbutt trees bellow the stairs taking the path to the left after surfing)
Carbos (space right the last flower patch at the lower left end taking the path to the left after surfing)
Moomoo Milk (space between the flower patch and red flowers at the bottom area up the stairs taking the path to the left after surfing)
Peacha Berry (space between the flower patch and red flowers at the top area up the stairs taking the path to the left after surfing)
Potion (flower patch under the headbutt tree and right the big tree on the upper-right path above the waterfall)
Ether (flower patch lower left under the Manectric's pokeball on the upper-right path above the waterfall)
Rare Candy (flower patch at the top up from Floette's pokeball on the upper-left path above the waterfall)


Uncharted Cave


Area 1
Area 2
Quick Claw (space above the rock on the left side after surfing)
Area 3
Max Repel (small rock top left of ruffian trainer)


Destroyed Village


+Soothe Bell (up the smashable rock by the entrance)
Rawst Berry (2nd flower patch up the ruffian trainer on the left side)
Ability Capsule (space at the very end of the lower left path behind the trees under the stairs)
Max Repel (space left of the big yellow-green-yellow fomation on the same line with the green tree)
Sitrus Berry (space under the green tree and headbutt tree area under the broken house)
+Black Belt (right from the ruffian trainer on the right side)
+Shiny Stone (at the far lower right of the area)


Uncharted Woods


Sitrus Berry (flower patch top right from the ruffian at the lower left of the area)
Siturs Berry (flower patch at the top right left side above the yellow-green area intersection)
Max Repel (3rd flower patch left side bellow the yellow-green area intersection)
+Mystic Water (area at the left side middle of the river path through the cave)
Rare Candy (space on the small path behind the red tree lower-right side of the area)
+Rare Candy (area at the left side upper end of the river path through the cave)
Super Potion (blue flowers right side up the yellow-green area intersection)
Zoom Lens (flower patch right the yellow tree above the yellow-green area intersection)
Max Repel (lower patch right the big rock right the river line)
Ether (flower patch at the end of the path right side the cave walls)
Moomoo Milk (space under the flower patch and blue flowers and under the big rock in the middle of the two paths right side the river path)
+Moomoo Milk (right side the cave walls)
Revive (3rd flower patch on the left under Altaria's pokeball at the upper-left part of the area)
Moomoo Milk (last flower patch at the top above Altaria's pokeball at the upper-left part of the area)


Hidden Forest / Sheridan Village




Forest Cliff


+Carbos (right side inside the hidden cave behind the waterfall after surfing)
Capsule Key 2 (rock left side inside the hidden cave behind the waterfall after surfing)
Capsule Key (top right part of the hole where Nihilego was - bugged item)


Thief's Stronghold


Capsule Key 1 (on the right side of the white sofa inside the building)
+Dynamite x3 (in the room at the left inside the building)


Spring of Purification


+Fire Stone (right of the teleporter)



Chapter 3 - Perfect Life Perfect Paranoia


 Sheridan Village


Capsule Key 3 (from the Teacher in the school after answering her questions)
Ultra Ball (grass patch left of the headbutt tree right to Cella's House)
Hyper Potion (1st white flowers to the left under the Day Care Center)
Kebia Berry (space under the locked house bellow Cella's House)
Clear Wing (flower patch up the house at the lower right of the village)
Occa Berry (space at the lower-right edge of the pond right of the lower right of the village)
Carbos (space at the very far lower-right of the village behind the trees)
Honey (white flower lower-right of Celebi's statue)
PP Up (right flower patch at the small grassy area under the house at the lower left of the village)
HP Up (blue flowers right the headbutt tree at the very far lower-left of the village)
Payapa Berry (2nd blue flowers at the top row by Route 3 exit)
Kebia Berry (flower patch by the fence under the Shop)
Revive (space at the corner above the female civilian by the waterfalls)
Pecha Berry (middle blue flowers right of the Shop's backdoor)

Super Potion - 700$
Revive - 8500$
Full Heal - 600$
Super Repel - 500$
Max repel - 700$


Sheridan Arena


Revives (from the safe box inside the bedroom)
Moomoo Milks (from the safe box inside the bedroom)
Rare Candys (from the safe box inside the bedroom)


Sensei's Garden




Amethyst Tunnels


Area 1
Area 2
Rare Candy (left long rock by the entrance)
Max Revive (right long rock up the stairs)
+Black Belt (right up the stairs)
Area 3
Hyper Potion (rock pebbles lower left from the entrance)
Max Repel (wall right bellow the 2nd worker)
Full Restore (wall corner up-right from the 3rd worker)
Area 4
Chamber of Reimagining
Amethyst Grotto


Route 2





Chapter 4 - Everyone's Bad Ending


 Sheridan Village


Ultra Ball (grass patch left of the headbutt tree right to Cella's House)
Honey (white flower lower-right of Celebi's statue)
Moomoo Milk (from Beth inside the Shop)
Mystery Egg (from the Guide in the Help Plaza after completing the thief mission)
Mega Ring (from Cella)
Lucarionite (from Cella)
Galladite (from Cella)

Super Potion - 700$
Revive - 8500$
Full Heal - 600$
Super Repel - 500$
Max repel - 700$
Berry Juice - 100$
Fresh Water - 200$
Lemonade - 350$
Moomoo Milk - 500$


Sheridan Arena


Max Revives (from the safe box inside the bedroom)
Max Potions  (from the safe box inside the bedroom)
Rare Candys (from the safe box inside the bedroom)
Capsule Key 4  (from the safe box inside the bedroom)


Sensei's Garden




Spring of Purification




Caratos Mountain



Four Island


Shiny Stone (red flowers left the house up the Pokemon Center)

Potion - 300$
Super Potion - 700$
Hyper Potion - 1200$
Max Potion - 2500$
Revive - 8500$
Antidote - 100$
Parlyz Heal - 200$
Awakening - 250$
Burn Heal - 250$
Ice Heal - 250$
Full Heal - 600$
Repel - 350$
Super Repel - 500$
Max Repel - 700$


Icefall Cave


+Damp Rock (up the waterfall to the right)
Mystic Water (rock up the waterfall to the left)

Area 2
+NeverMeltIce (right the ice path)
Area 3
Focus Sash (rock left of the upper ladder)
+Rocky Helmet (up the ice puzzle)
Max Revive (middle space path under Empoleon's pokeball)
+Rare Candy (up from the middle ladder)
Area 4
Area 5



Other Items Listing (Complete)


Follower Pokemon


If you talk to your follower Pokemon after walking certain amount of steps they would give you an item at random from the list bellow:

Super Potion
Full Restore
PP Max
Max Repel
Rare Candy


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  • 1 month later...

3 Super Potions (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

+4 Exp. Candy M (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Exp. Candy S (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Chesto Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Cheri Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Protective Pads (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable 

 Bro where? I don't see this spot anywhere

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12 hours ago, Akanoshi10 said:

3 Super Potions (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable

+4 Exp. Candy M (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Exp. Candy S (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+2 Chesto Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Cheri Berry (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable
+Protective Pads (shiny spot before the Abandoned Sewers entrance, ch3 before the battle with Marianette only) #Missable 

 Bro where? I don't see this spot anywhere

this was a group of items dropped by aelita outside of the entrance to the sewers. as long as you haven't completed the chapter you can grab them

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Ram Cxz 007 said:

the three zygarde cells are missing from the axis high why is it not available i finished the v13 story


If you already have picked the Zygarde Core, you will no longer be able to get more Zygarde Cells, since you don't need them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, Max_the_rowlet said:

is there a guide for the star shard location i only found 2 of them (the levanny trainer in goldenwood cave and the o crazy lady in one of builings in east gearan city


Available here, you can find them under the Key Items section.

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9 hours ago, Ram Cxz 007 said:

qns what are the total no of zygarde cells available in rejuv v13.and how many cells are need for 100 percent zygarde

There is enough to go beyond what you need, which is 100.

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5 hours ago, pizzagod13 said:

Has the metal powder in valor mountain been removed? I look and it wasn't there. I check all the moods also, I think it has been removed unless I am just missing something.

You are probably missing the 2nd line in the main guide post, since it is only available in the latest versions.

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