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X and Y trading

Nico Nico Nii~

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Looking for: a male 5 IV FOREIGN pokemon in the field egg group.

Offering: Shiny 3 (Atk, Sp. Def, Spe) IV Haxorus (mold breaker), Yveltal, Zygarde, 5 IV Solid Rock Rhyperior, 5 IV Adamant Talonflame,

All fully EV trained, of course (besides Yveltal and Zygarde)

Edited by Thirdbird
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Anything 5IV I don't already have, or shinys. As I have the pokedex completed [sans pokebank] and 99% of all safari mons in my safari.

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I need to clear out some boxes so I have for trade (although I'm pretty sure most of everyone has these) :

-4 IV Huge Power Bunnelby

-4 IV Jolly Sheer Force Bagons

-4 IV Adamant Gale Wings Fletching

-4 IV Litwicks (modest/timid)

-4 IV Bold Klefki

-4 IV Adamant Kangaskhan

-4 IV Modest Goomy (not with gooey)

-4 IV Adamant Larvitar w/SR and DD

-4 IV Calm Espurr w/Own Tempo

-4 IV Impish Pumpkaboo (super size)

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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  On 12/24/2013 at 9:35 PM, personwithbanana9870 said:

I need to clear out some boxes so I have for trade (although I'm pretty sure most of everyone has these) :

-4 IV Huge Power Bunnelby

-4 IV Jolly Sheer Force Bagons

-4 IV Adamant Gale Wings Fletching

-4 IV Litwicks (modest/timid)

-4 IV Bold Klefki

-4 IV Adamant Kangaskhan

-4 IV Modest Goomy (not with gooey)

-4 IV Adamant Larvitar w/SR and DD

-4 IV Calm Espurr w/Own Tempo

-4 IV Impish Pumpkaboo (super size)

Anything in particular you're looking for?

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  On 12/24/2013 at 11:27 PM, akaFila~ said:

Anything in particular you're looking for?

Right now I'm looking for good iv shroomish, trapinch, meditite, vullaby (or any other good iv pokes I don't already have) or a goomy with at least HP and Speed IVs.

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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(Looking at your anime's and sees can humans even wake up at 6 in the morning)

Me: I did yesterday!

I like tyramitars. Need the perfect natures and ivs and such but it's fine because I'm a master if breeder and ev rounder

But does anybody have a nice sneasel?

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