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X and Y trading

Nico Nico Nii~

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LF Jolly Rough Skin Garchomp and Modest Chlorophyll Venusaur. Don't have much to offer in my box except for Careful T-tar, Timid Rotom, Modest Hydreigon, Impish Gurdurr (basically conkeldurr if we traded), Adamant Lairon, Timid Gooey Sliggoo, Impish Gabite, Adamant Protean Greninja, Adamant Riolu, Modest Goodra, Modest ralts, Impish Growlithe,and Impish Phanpy. The only notable HA pokemon I have in safaris are Pinsir, Absol, Sliggoo, Shelgon, Fletchinder, Wooper, and Dragonair. If none of that works, maybe we can work something out. PM me if you are interested.

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LF Jolly Rough Skin Garchomp and Modest Chlorophyll Venusaur. Don't have much to offer in my box except for Careful T-tar, Timid Rotom, Modest Hydreigon, Impish Gurdurr (basically conkeldurr if we traded), Adamant Lairon, Timid Gooey Sliggoo, Impish Gabite, Adamant Protean Greninja, Adamant Riolu, Modest Goodra, Modest ralts, Impish Growlithe,and Impish Phanpy. The only notable HA pokemon I have in safaris are Pinsir, Absol, Sliggoo, Shelgon, Fletchinder, Wooper, and Dragonair. If none of that works, maybe we can work something out. PM me if you are interested.

I'd take the Impish Gurdurr for one of my Modest HA Bulbasaurs. I only have males left though, if that's okay with you.

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At this moment I have:

5 Timid Noibats with Infiltrator (1 with Frisk)

2 more Poison Heal Shroomishes (3 with HA)

And about 6 Dittos that have 2 perfect IVs that I don't need.

What I'm looking for:

Female Protean Froakie (Difficult request I know...)

HA Shuppet

HA Spheal (Idefk where you would get one but if you can I will love you forever)

And a partridge in a pear tree

Edited by JellyMan
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Looking For(Shiny for any an obvious positive, other than Helioptile):

Inkay @ Contrary

Brave(Adamant if not) w/ 4-5 IVs

Meowstic(Male) @ Prankster

Timid/Jolly w/ 4-5 IVs

Helioptile @ Solar Power

Timid w/ 4-5 IVs

Bunnelby @ Huge Power

Adamant w/ 4-5 IVs

Charmander @ Whatever

Timid w/ 4-5 IVs ~ Also looking for Charizardite Y

Lotad @ Swift Swim

Mild w/ 4-5 IVs


Have(Not much as I never have time for breeding):

Honedge ~ Plenty of 3/4 IVs, few 5 IVs

Bronzor ~ 4 IVs

Shiny Honedge ~ 31/x/31/x/31/x but "bad" attack.

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Heya guys, I'm back and with new Pokemon to trade. Some of these are a little unwanted by everyone underused, but bear with me. I breed what i want okay?

-Adamant Elekids with Fire Punch and Ice Punch as egg moves

-Jolly Adaptability Corphish with Aqua Jet and Dragon Dance as egg moves

-Hasty Moxie Litleos with Yawn as an egg move

-Bold Surskits (they get Baton Pass and quiver dance okay! I'm not crazy!)

-And everything I've mentioned in past posts.

Well, I think its obvious I'd rather use Pokemon that seem fun rather than just OU Pokemon. Anyways, I really want a Baltoy or Claydol! I Bronzor might be nice as well though...

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Hey, I have a 4IV Kadabra that I really want to evolve. Can someone trade with me and then trade my Kadabra back so I can get an Alakazam? I'll also give you a 4IV poke like Axew, Swinub, or Torchic as payment. My FC is 0216-0794-9539 (fire safari) if you're interested. Thanks a bunch!

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Hey, I have a 4IV Kadabra that I really want to evolve. Can someone trade with me and then trade my Kadabra back so I can get an Alakazam? I'll also give you a 4IV poke like Axew, Swinub, or Torchic as payment. My FC is 0216-0794-9539 (fire safari) if you're interested. Thanks a bunch!

I'll trade/trade back my Scyther so I can get it to Scizor? :P so Scyther for Kadabra, then Alakazam for Scizor?

Edited by Khayoz
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