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X and Y trading

Nico Nico Nii~

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I have a magic guard abra do you want it with a specific nature?

Timid, please :)

EDIT: RR, I just found a 31/31/31/31/31/0 Female Jolly Mold Breaker Drilbur from Wonder Trade. Breeding a good one for you has just become ridiculously easy.

Edited by Khayoz
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Guys I now have a few Jolly 4IV Larvitars with DDance and Rocks for trade. Anyone interested? :) Also am going to try and breed Adamant ones.

I can also breed Adamant Mawiles with Fire Fang, Thunder Fang AND Ice Fang if anyone even uses those in sets.

Edited by Khayoz
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wow that is amazing lol I'll take it and I'll have your abra in like 5 mins.

when can you trade?

I'm still doing the Larvitars at the moment. I'll start breeding the Drilbur later this afternoon. So, tomorrow maybe?

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I have a female Huge Power Diggersby ready to trade. It's also coincidentally adamant.

alrighty sweet haha anything you want on vullaby? It has overcoat and 2 ivs on it, is that fine?

I'd even give you a fully breed one but my dittos don't have the right nature at the moment :c

I'm still doing the Larvitars at the moment. I'll start breeding the Drilbur later this afternoon. So, to

sounds good just pm when you're ready, I have four perfect ivs on abra btw if 31/0/31/31/31/0

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Normally I'd be on top of this but due to finals I can't do much as of now

so idk if you want to breed any moves onto abra or just want to perfect it's iv's.

So I can trade you the male along with a ditto with any iv's you want on it or

if you wanna wait till Friday then i'll be able to start breeding up again

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Normally I'd be on top of this but due to finals I can't do much as of now

so idk if you want to breed any moves onto abra or just want to perfect it's iv's.

So I can trade you the male along with a ditto with any iv's you want on it or

if you wanna wait till Friday then i'll be able to start breeding up again

That's okay then, I have a male Drilbur ready so whenever you're ready to trade!

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Looking For:

1. Bunnelby - Huge Power/Adamant (31/31/31/x/31/31 ~ Or 6 IV )

2. Charmander - Blaze or Solar Power/Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31 ~ or 6 IV)

3. Rotom - Levitate/Modest or Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31 ~ or 6 IV )

Edited by akaFila~
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Looking For:

1. Bunnelby - Huge Power/Adamant (31/31/31/x/31/31 ~ Or 6 IV )

2. Charmander - Blaze or Solar Power/Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31 ~ or 6 IV)

3. Rotom - Levitate/Modest or Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31 ~ or 6 IV )

and what would you offer? if I got you one of them?

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and what would you offer? if I got you one of them?

I could offer~


1. Honedge - No Guard/Brave (31/31/31/31/31/x)

2. Joltik - Compound Eyes(Unnerve on the females I have) (31/x/31/31/31/31)

3. Kangaskhan - n/a / Jolly 4-5 Relevant IVs (I'm beginning to breed them today)


1. Froakie - Torrent/Timid (31/x/31/x/31/31)

2. Joltik - Compound Eyes (Plenty left over from breeding/ All are missing Atk and one other stat as 31s)

3. Bronzor - Levitate/Impish (x/31/31/x/31/31)

4. Stunfisk - Limber/Calm (x/31/31/31/x/31) <-- Want it gone, but don't feel like using WT..

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