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X and Y trading

Nico Nico Nii~

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Looking for Technician Breloom, Multiscale Dratini & Iron Fist Chimchar. Not worried about genders, IV's or natures, just abilities. Have plenty of pokemon with competitive IVs (around 4 to 5 at 31), egg moves and Natures available in return such as Dieno, Beldum, Ghastly, Larvesta, Skarmory, Goomy and always working on more. Also have Shiny Lickytung and Clawncher available!

Still have a few things left over:

5x Clauncher (F), Modest, 31/xx/xx/31/31/31

Mawile (M), Adamant, Intimidate, 31/31/31/xx/xx/31

Fennekin (M), Modest, Blaze, 31/31/31/xx/31/xx (i know :[)

I'm looking for the following in return:

Gale Wings Fletchling


Modest Squirtle

Jolly/Adamant Gible

Bold/Calm Ferroseed

Decent IVs preferred for Squirtle, Ferro and Gible :3

More Fennekins on the way so if you want you can wait a bit

I got Gale wings Flechcinder (or what ever it is called with Friend Safari IVs) and have a Quiet Squirtle with Aura Sphere and Dragon pulse and 4 perfect IV's if your interested. If you have the pokemon im looking for that would be sick but would definetly be interested in Mawile and Fennekin

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Looking for Technician Breloom, Multiscale Dratini & Iron Fist Chimchar. Not worried about genders, IV's or natures, just abilities. Have plenty of pokemon with competitive IVs (around 4 to 5 at 31), egg moves and Natures available in return such as Dieno, Beldum, Ghastly, Larvesta, Skarmory, Goomy and always working on more. Also have Shiny Lickytung and Clawncher available!

I got Gale wings Flechcinder (or what ever it is called with Friend Safari IVs) and have a Quiet Squirtle with Aura Sphere and Dragon pulse and 4 perfect IV's if your interested. If you have the pokemon im looking for that would be sick but would definetly be interested in Mawile and Fennekin

Very keen on both. I think I'm able to get the Dratini, I'll have to check. Breloom I can't get as I don't have a Fighting safari in my list, and I'm pretty sure Chimchar isn't available until Poke Bank ;). So, if I can get Dratini, i'll trade that and the Mawile?

Edit: Well shucks, none of my Dragon safaris has Dratini. Seems I can only offer Fennekin and Mawile :/

Edited by Khayoz
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Looking for Technician Breloom, Multiscale Dratini & Iron Fist Chimchar. Not worried about genders, IV's or natures, just abilities. Have plenty of pokemon with competitive IVs (around 4 to 5 at 31), egg moves and Natures available in return such as Dieno, Beldum, Ghastly, Larvesta, Skarmory, Goomy and always working on more. Also have Shiny Lickytung and Clawncher available!

I got Gale wings Flechcinder (or what ever it is called with Friend Safari IVs) and have a Quiet Squirtle with Aura Sphere and Dragon pulse and 4 perfect IV's if your interested. If you have the pokemon im looking for that would be sick but would definetly be interested in Mawile and Fennekin

I can trade you both a Technician Breloom and a Multiscale Dratini/Dragonair. Chimchar isn't in the game. I want the shiny lickitung.,

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I have been hatching Eevees, got Timids and Bolds w/ and w/o HA (all 31/x/31/31/31/31) and all wish bred. Also Sassy 31/31/31/31/31/x w/curse&wish, I believe this was the one McMc was looking after?

I am departing to my hometown and I won't be able to play the game again untill monday, but please save a Timid HA Eevee for me! When I get back in Florence, on monday, I will message you, and we'll find something I can give you in return... Please, DO NOT give away all of them! Leave one for when I get back here!

P.S.: Sigh, why must interesting things always happen during weekends? I am cut out of the internet during weekends...

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Sure, I think I have 5 or 6 Timid HA Eevees w/ those stats anyway in storage. :-P

E: And even if I happen to trade them all I can easily breed more as a happy owner of 5IV Bold Water Absorb male Vaporeon and 5IV Timid Magic Bounce female Espeon... :-)

Edited by Chrattac
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If you let me I can get you Mutiscale Dratini and Quick Feet Shroomish (will turn to technician breloom) but I'll need to breed them and I'm about to go to sleep right now. From what you list I'll want a Skarmory and Ghastly if you trade with me.

Sweet! yeah ghastly is already ready with four perfect IVs

Skarmory will take a bit cause im in exam revision atm, maybe till monday?

Very keen on both. I think I'm able to get the Dratini, I'll have to check. Breloom I can't get as I don't have a Fighting safari in my list, and I'm pretty sure Chimchar isn't available until Poke Bank ;). So, if I can get Dratini, i'll trade that and the Mawile?

Edit: Well shucks, none of my Dragon safaris has Dratini. Seems I can only offer Fennekin and Mawile :/

I'll grab one of each but what did you want in return?

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Sweet! yeah ghastly is already ready with four perfect IVs

Skarmory will take a bit cause im in exam revision atm, maybe till monday?

I'm going out of town for sunday till monday and have no clue when I'll be back, so can we do it on tuesday? Will get your pokemons ready by then.

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I now have everything it's possible for me to get pre-pokebank, so my list is now gone.

Edited by Secundum
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Honedge - Adament ~ Box of x/31/31/x/31/x ~ Several 31/31/31/x/31/x


Heracross - Adament ~ Moxie ~ 4/5 IVs

Hawlucha - Adament/Jolly ~ Unburden ~ 4/5 IVs

Fletchling - Adament ~ Gale Wings ~ 4/5 IVs

Any Shiny

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I'm pretty sure I have you both in my friends already but will need to remember what your in-game names are

@bananas Sweet finishing up skarmories now will have both impish and careful with 31/31/31/?/31/? ready by tonight so just take your pick. (Btw you still after hidden ability Shelgon and gabite?)

@khayoz will have squirtle ready soon with quiet nature and 31/?/31/31/31/? IV and did you want me to breed with good nature n IVs too? Should take me an extra two days. What nature would you want too?

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@khayoz will have squirtle ready soon with quiet nature and 31/?/31/31/31/? IV and did you want me to breed with good nature n IVs too? Should take me an extra two days. What nature would you want too?

if its not too much hassle i'd like a modest one if that's ok :l

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@bananas Sweet finishing up skarmories now will have both impish and careful with 31/31/31/?/31/? ready by tonight so just take your pick. (Btw you still after hidden ability Shelgon and gabite?)

I'll take the impish one and yea I already got HA shelgon and gabite. I have your babies ready now so when your ready (hopefully by today maybe).

In game name: Kurumi

Also finished IV breeding for Hitmontop and now have 3 31/31/31/x/31/x tyrogue if anyone wants, all with steadfast and box of them with random IVs.

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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@khayoz that's fine will just take a few more days for modest squirrel, playing time is limited. What I meant to ask is what nature were you after for fletch ?

@banana will be online for the next two hours but can be online tomorow, what time is good for you ?

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Now looking for protean froakie and thick fat swinub. Have four perfect iv Dieno, Beldum, Ghastly, skarmory, Np togepi and aura sphere, dragon pulse squirtle available.

@khayoz your fletch and modest squirrel will be done by late tomorrow, just ran out of time to finish tonight. When is good for you?

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Now looking for protean froakie and thick fat swinub. Have four perfect iv Dieno, Beldum, Ghastly, skarmory, Np togepi and aura sphere, dragon pulse squirtle available.

@khayoz your fletch and modest squirrel will be done by late tomorrow, just ran out of time to finish tonight. When is good for you?

I can breed you a Protean Froakie and have it ready to trade it to you by tomorrow night at the usual hour! In return, I'll take a Ghastly... If that is ok for you ofc!

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