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X and Y trading

Nico Nico Nii~

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Here is the updated list of Pokemon I have bred, and I'd be willing to trade:

- 11 Venipedes with Speed Boost and at least two perfect IVs each. Variable natures (most are bad, like Relaxed or Calm, to be honest... But ehi, it's still a HA Pokemon, Ditto is there for a reason right?)

- 18 Modest Goomys with both standard abilities and at least two perfect IVs each, plus a Sliggoo with Gooey and 2 IVs (it is Adamant :/ )

- 11 Bold Eevees with both standard abilities. They all know Wish as Egg Move.

- 8 Adamant Larvitars. They all know Stealth Rock and Pursuit as Egg Moves.

- 6 Hasty Froakies with Protean, including one female.

All the listed Pokemon are guaranteed to have some perfect IVs. Some have more, some have less, I can check before trading if you want.

Things I would like to get in return:

- Timid Ghastly, better if knowing Disable (this is optional however)

- Adamant Ditto

- Female Swinub. Incidentally, what is a breeding chain to get Stealth Rock on Swinub? Would Tyrunt-Larvitar-Ryhorn-Swinub work?

- Female Ryhorn if the above is a viable breeding chain


Of course, I would want Pokemon with good IVs, to set up a better breeding plan... Oh and I also really need Adamant Ditto, in case it wasn't clear enough. Did I mention I desperately need Adamant Ditto?

My connection is horrid, so I cannot stay connected with my 2DS: however, I will be available for the next 6 hours, so if you want to trade just post here and I'll get online to get the business done. People that reply to this in more than 6 hours will have to wait for next week to trade I am afraid, it is impossible for me to get online during weekends for various reasons...

Yo dude I have the perfect deal for you

Not only a timid gastly...

NOT ONLY a timid gastly with 3 perfect IVs...

BUT a japanese timid gastly with 3 perfect IVs and pokerus!

(Disable not included.)

I'll take one of your Hasty froakies, though I don't think that's the right nature for one.

Edited by Jacze
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Lemme update this thing: I now have almost a box full of noibats. Most have timid. All will have 2 perfect IVs or more (I WT off the others.) PM me what you have for trade and I'll see what I can do.

Khayoz, if you're seeing this: No sigilyph pls

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Thats k Jazce, but what do you want for the #diggersbytho?

I have Modest Claunchers, Adamant HA Fletchlings, Modest Squirtles, Modest Fennekins, Jolly Gibles, and I'm starting to breed Careful Ferroseeds with Spikes and Rocks.

All of them will have 4 IVs maxed.

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Sure, I'll take a venipede if you don't mind. But I can't trade till later cuz stuff.

Shall we do this on monday then? As for the Venipedes, I should have a Naughty one with 3 or more IVs... That's the best I can offer as far as the nature is concerned!

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Hey Relenting, I've got Dragalgae, omanytes, and kabutos if you want 'em. I'm sure I could rustle up some skrelp in a hurry too, but hey, you were probably gonna breed it anyways, right?

But I probably won't be on till late today. Like, 7-7:30pm Alaska time.

I'm not even sure what I'm looking for, besides maybe a tyrogue. Or a well bred Honedge.

alright I figured there's a 4 hour difference in our time zone I'm 4 hours ahead and vice versa what do you want on your honedge?

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Ok guys, I have:

Modest Chlorophyll Bulbasaur (a lot of them, probably a few females)

Modest Solar Power Charmander (I know modest isn't exactly ideal, but I'm using this obvious combo here for Battle Maison)

Modest Drought Vulpix

Ok, I have boxes full of these. If you fancy any of them tell me before I start wonder trading them off. I can't guarantee great IV's but most will have 2 or 3 perfect.

*Note* I thought Dragon Pulse was still a TM (foolish me) so the Charmanders won't have it

Edited by Tenshine
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