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Which is the best starter to pick on Intense Mode?


Intense Mode: Best Starter Choice  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. Best starter for Intense Mode

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Hello everyone.

I just wanted to make this poll to see what everyone's opinions are for the best starter to pick in Intense mode for early-game, mid-game, and late-game. I wanted to choose starters that aren't available at all through out the entire game and that you can only get at the start when choosing your first starter, but then I realized I should have all the starters to see if anyone will pick them.

I also want to know the reasoning why a certain pokemon would do well in any of the parts of the game were others are not. :D

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Gameplay wise its Blaziken for all game. Speed boost + protect + High Jump Kick. Pretty much easy mode of the game. 

Greninja for late game. Late game he actually get access to moves, which helps to do what he was meant to do. 

Incineroar for all game. Great stats, great type, great bulk, great ability. 

Contrary Serperior for late game. Cause contrary. 

Swampert for all game. Swampert is generally one of the best starters period, and his is very reliable. Swampertite is also available. 

Scorbunny for all game. Very powerful ability and can actually use moves that are not late game. 

Grookey for Grassy Surge all game. 

Sheer Force Totodile for all game. 

The rest are just preference. 


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In my Intense Mode run, I pick Chimchar, who actually helped me many times.


I trained it in 252 Atk, 252 Spe and 6 in Def, plus tried to got his hidden ability to help me when he will have "punch moves". His Flame Charge helped me against Narcissa, Madelis and more. He can be your "direct attacker". Despite this, every starter has good (Cinderace with Libero and moves like Bounce and Sucker Punch)and bad things (obtaining Torterra Crest at late game, which can be really useful).

It's up to you how you will use your starter and mons to create strategies.

Maybe try to pay attention with Grass Types at start, because the mons you can catch are a few and the first important battles will have mons who are strong against Grass...but after that, it's up to you.

Edited by S7rife
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Serperior for sure. People say it's only good for the late game, but don't you know you can just breed another snivy, and raise it to level 43 to get SUPER early Leaf Storm? Hell, my main strategy for some fights always has been:

1. Weaken the lead. 

2. Set up webs

3. Leaf storm

4. Sweep

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I think the contenders are the following;


Blazikian (speed boost OP)

Greninja (Protean OP) 

Cinderace (This guy is literally in Uber tier, meaning it is considered good enough in a tier full mostly of legendries, make sure to have Libero!) 

Rillaboom (I used this in my recent run, grassy surge makes wood hammer one shot everything, if Grassy Glide becomes available at some point this guy will be a complete monster, but until then he is just pretty good and can one shot most things) 


I would say nothing else is remotely near these ones levels. 



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3 hours ago, Samurai said:

Does grassy surge overrule every other terrain? For example would it overrule Souta's sky field?

It doesn't override the terrains in place, but goes underneath them, so pokemon still heal on the field and grass type moves are still boosted, it's like 2 terrains are active at once.

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Scorbuny always..
Cinderace w/ Libero is just an OP starter, period.. Best Pokemon to put either an Assault Vest or Black Belt..
Timmy turner's dad IF I HAD ONE! - İF İ HAD ONE 
(Thanks, Jan!)

His move pool is also insanely good, Pyro Ball is just physical Fire Blast with increased accuracy, like, excuse me?! It can also have a lot of coverages with High Jump Kick, Zen Headbutt, U-Turn, Sucker Punch.. All while doing STAB with a massive Atk base stat and Speed.. Seriously, what-the-fuck was GameFreak even thinking when they created this monster?!

My best moment was when I fought Clear in the Ligo-something Engine room, I literally came in to that battle blind with Cinderace as the lead and it SWEPT her entire team with the only exception being her Naganadel for obvious reasons.. The resume of that battle:


The Stantler was done by High Jump Kick, she sends Mismagius
The Mismagius was done by a Sucker Punch, she sends Porygon-Z
The Porygon-Z was done by High Jump Kick, she sends Klingklang
The Klingklang was done by Pyro Ball, she sends Beheeyem
The Beheeyem was damage by Sucker Punch, she tries a Psychock but he turned into Dark Type, no effect, finished her off with Pyro Ball


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