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Left wanting more


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I don't know if it was just me, but the story for x & y was kind of bland in comparison to Black/White and their Sequels. I was kind of left with that while "that's it feeling". It kind of seems that like everything is sort of too close to each other without much to do in between gyms and team flare. Plus it didn't seem that challenging in terms of a traditional release, since I was always over level in each gym leader/admin/boss battle by at least 5 levels.

It also feels like the whole Kalos region was kind of small to me or maybe it might have been the whole pokemon shifting to 3D.

Don't get me wrong I had fun playing x but I think it was just too short with me clearing it from start to champion and az battle in 25 hrs flat. With White 2 it took me anywhere from 55-65 hrs to get through from start to battling Iris.

I don't know guys what'd you think of it from your playthroughs.

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It took me the same amount of time to beat this game as it did any other Pokemon game. Which is, with me taking my time, about two days. The only things that's disappointing to me is the post game and lack of new Pokemon.

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I also hated the Post Game, especially with the legendaries' location. For Zygarde, the optional cave he's in, Terminus, is available before Post Game. As for Mewtwo, it wasn't the Unknown Dungeon, but more like the "Unknown Hole in the Wall", same thing can be said for the Sea Spirit's Den, which could've had the potential of exploration & after catching your Legendary Bird you could've explored more & go down deeper to possibly find Lugia. IDK, but I was VERY disappointed in Post Game. I loved the story alot, even made me cry at the very end since I was so moved, but Post Game.......post game is very horrible. Either have DLC or just make Z already I say. Gen.5, imo, had an amazing Post-Game. I would like to have AZ's Floette though.

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The post-game isn't that bad tbh. Remember that all Ruby and Sapphire has was a battle tower and the Sky Pillar. Black and White just had the subway. As for completion, this took me a good bit longer than BW to complete.

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BW kinda depends on when you consider the game finished and post game beginning. I personally think when you catch Reshiram/Zekrom and beat that team Plasma's mastermind the game was storywisely finished and post game begins. But I also understand that if you think that one finishes the game on point where you beat the Champion (the second time you go up against E4).

I think the former one and thus post game of BW was huge seconded only by GSC post-game (oh how I wish they made a game that long again). Personally never bothered with BW2 (found Unova quite boring anyway) so can't say anything about it.

Edited by Chrattac
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BW2 had 6 new cities...Why would you not get it? It had tons of post-game. As for BW, first thing I did after beating Ghetsis was fly to the league and beat Alder so meh. The only thing I remember from BW post-game was Cynthia, and grabbing the Trios. Subway doesn't really count. Oh, and I suppose you had the Looker thing too. [incidently, XYs Looker thing takes about 10 times as long].

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I thought the story was weak... but everything else that came with the package ie. Poke ame, easier training, 3d character and pokemon models rebalanced Metagame, Megalutions... I was impressed with the entire thing...

I gave no shits about the story, I just wanted to customize my trainer, catch pokemon and battle/trade with other people... but that's just me... also I really REALLY wish gf would go the DLC route

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They might. They just said it won't be paid DLC. And yeah, trainer customization rocks. Though I was playing as a male, and the hair options were pretty limited. Plus no coats.

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Being forced to wear a hat the whole game was meh...

Don't get me wrong I woulda wore a hat even if they gave you the option not to,mm but in Anime things, one of the most descriptive things about your personality is your hair... so lack of hair options was disoppointing.

I was also expecting more "nostalgic" clothing...

That would also be a great dlc incentive... its something that you don't need, but makes you feel pretty...

Hopefully GF has more Megas waiting for us after blaziken, I prefer new Mmegas over new Poke atm

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Yeah, hat was a pain.

The mega I want: MEGA SHUCKLE! With an ability that's basically leftovers

so mega shuckle can have 800+ in both defenses. Oh god...Normal shuckle with assault vest.

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Oh god, mega shuckle... even my contrary shell smash shuckle toxic stalls out everything that isn't immune to poison. One doesn't simply hit super effectives especially after being crippled by power split...

Yea story wasn't as interesting, required more depth (you know like they make some animes suitable for children but having some deeper stuff for adults). Also some characters would have needed more back story and stuff to make me really care about them (like AZ, who was after all the cut scenes and stuff still pretty random), also the "friends" were more annoying for me than interesting, although as a concept really potential. Team Flare... well it almost got to annoyance of level of Team Rocket in anime, I really would have wished them being more menacing and also hard battle wise (what's with admins and scientists having mostly 1 pokémon each). Also the EXP share functionality is nice for post-game when there is mainly just leveling up for filling pokédex and getting level-up moves for competitive team, but during main game it was quite over-kill. I turned it off at one point but quickly noticed me leaving behind levels, alas, while it was on I just over leveled most of the trainers by almost 10 levels... Maybe it could have had that functionality upgraded on it after league? And of course I made mistake difficulty-wise to receive Torchic, Speed Boost Blaziken is too OP in-game especially with that level-up rate.

But I kinda feel that this gen (or at least X&Y) was more to show off new functionalities in which it excels, rather than strong and long, even extended run á la GSC. Wish they wont swap or remove around some really nice features like Power Training, Horde Encounters, Friend Safaris, PSS, new breeding functionalities (I really don't feel the need of something like Pokésav since breeding competitive pokés is like thousandfold easier).

Edited by Chrattac
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The game was easy, but it was the fun kind of easy like B/W 2. It took me five days to finish the game, but that's only because we had an exp. all instead of the usual sharing, so I didn't have to stop and train the team. Even with changes to my team, the new member would always catch up by the time I needed them. Overall though X/Y was and still is very fun and exciting to play.

I love being able to make teams for Wi-Fi battles and breeding trade fodder lol. This is the first time that I've been able to battle competitively outside of PO or showdown so its nice to see all that simulator grooming translate into actual wins. And trading has never been so fun!

As far as post-game goes, I already know we're getting some DLC. You don't put 2GB of memory in a game, just to let it sit there, so I'm not really worried about it right now.

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Not only was it too short, but it was too easy. Waay too easy. Team Flare was a joke, and the Elite Four took 2 tries per member only. I'm sure Pokemon Z will be better.

Why would you even need more than 1 try per member? They only had four Pokémon, and all members of your team should be outleveling the Champion. Also why does everyone keep assuming we'll get a Z next? All indications are that that isn't going to happen. [At least, not till we get some other games first].

As for DLC, Nintendo have already said that's not going to happen.

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Why would you even need more than 1 try per member? They only had four Pokémon, and all members of your team should be outleveling the Champion. Also why does everyone keep assuming we'll get a Z next? All indications are that that isn't going to happen. [At least, not till we get some other games first].

As for DLC, Nintendo have already said that's not going to happen.

That dragon lady was tough.

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It's already been said, but this game was way, way, way too easy. I wiped the ENTIRE E4 and Champ with nothing but a crit abusing Absol (even easier with Pokemon Amie), and even Lysandre's Gyarados was a joke. Flare was bland, and the only thing I found worthwhile post-game was Looker's quest. The gym leaders were more flat than I've ever seen before, and you only see one outside a gym, ever (and it's just Grant). If they at least had a difficulty option like in BW I would be content, but I was overleveled the entire playthrough with the Exp Share, and it was all just too easy. There weren't even any cameos (save Looker).

I just want more game.

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It's already been said, but this game was way, way, way too easy. I wiped the ENTIRE E4 and Champ with nothing but a crit abusing Absol (even easier with Pokemon Amie), and even Lysandre's Gyarados was a joke. Flare was bland, and the only thing I found worthwhile post-game was Looker's quest. The gym leaders were more flat than I've ever seen before, and you only see one outside a gym, ever (and it's just Grant). If they at least had a difficulty option like in BW I would be content, but I was overleveled the entire playthrough with the Exp Share, and it was all just too easy. There weren't even any cameos (save Looker).

I just want more game.

Speaking of abusing Pokémon in the Elite 4 I once beat the entire Elite 4 in FireRed using only a Mr. Mime.

He was lvl 82 and knew Flash, Solarbeam, Psybeam, and Psychic. All I needed was Ethers and Full Restores

Edited by KillJoy3579
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"[...]and you only see one outside a gym, ever (and it's just Grant)"

I am pretty sure you also see Korrina and Wulfric outside their Gym before battling for the badge. And all the E4 members and gym leaders appear in Battle Chateau once you have been promoted to higher rank (Marquis/Marchioness for Gym Leaders and Duke/Duchess for E4 members, Grand Duke/Duchess for Champion). But their teams have been kinda demoted, gym leaders have only 2 pokes and E4 members 3 and Diantha 4. Levels are for gym leaders 40 and after you are duke/duchess 50, 55 for E4 and 60 for Diantha, unless you have Writ of Invitation going on in which case the levels are increased by 5 with Writ of Challenge, 10 with Red Writ of Challenge and 20 with Black Writ of Challenge...

Nevertheless I just use them to farm XP and cash and am not very impressed...

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You also see the 1st Gym Leader in the Chateu, as she's the one who vouches for you [Way before you're able to battle her].

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It's got more than R/S did.

Except that this game and R/S aren't even in the same field. When R/S came out, GF had changed the game entirely. 30 fps, new battle mechanics, new hardware to play the game on, loss of backwards compatibility, etc.

The change from B/W2 to X&Y wasn't nearly as big of a leap, so they've little excuse.

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