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Melia's Aegislash is ridiculous..


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It's not that much of a menace, the one that actually makes it hard is the AI, as it will always knows when to use king shield and when it knows that there is a move that will OHKO it will switch out instantly, so its more tedious rather than hard, fought this in intense with set and no item like 4 times, and the best way is still to bring pokemon with magical seed to get that free king shield and use that turn to either set up or 2 hit it with or just bring intimidate inceneroar/arcanine and will o wisps


Reborn's Titania gym battle also use the same tactic with her Aegislah so its nothing new tbh



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8 hours ago, MhicKy said:

I've already replayed v13 two times and I'm in my third playthrough and this fight is always in my head as one of the WORSTS in the whole game.. Previously to this it was the top of the Mount Valor fight against Gaera and Zetta but this one takes the cake by a LOOONG shot and that Aegislash is the main issue..

So firstly, Aegislash, a Pokemon that in the UBER tier for a reason.. Massive bulk in defense mode, allowing it to set up moves like Sword Dance without worry, King's Shield lowers the enemy Attack and S.Attack on contact and massive Attack and S.Attack in offensive mode, on top of being difficult to predict but the Pokemon itself isn't the main issue, Aegislash isn't a god and has ways to counter it and that would be fine and dandy if it wasn't for one little details, the GODAMN field (Fairy Tale Field)!

So let's talk about the Fairy Tale Field (I will highlight the ones that are the main issue in relation to her Aegislash to keep this "short"):
- Fire-type attacks gain Dragon-typing: Since one of the main weaknesses of Aegislash is fire this is a massive boost to it making fire-types very unreliable in this fight meaning they're only really effective against her Hydreigon but the main issue is -1 weakness to Aegislash meaning that the only weakness it now has are Dark, Ghost and Ground (And Ghost isn't really a good idea against it).
- The move Sacred Sword becomes Steel-type: Meaning that, one, it now deals STAB with it and, two, it gets boosted by the 1.5x damage on Steel moves the field provides, for the mathematicians out there, riddle me this, 150 base Attack, the move deals 90 base damage, gets the bonus 1.5x from the field and another 1.5x from STAB, in shorts, this alone can OHKO even pokemons that resist it..
- King's Shield protects from ALL moves, even non-attacking ones: Ah yes! Let's get the only weakness the King's Shield move has and totally remove it! It will be balance, I swear!
- King's Shield additionally lowers an attacker's Special Attack 2 stages on contact: So we have this move that is completely OP and one of the main reasons Aegislash is in the UBER tier, we already made it able to block everything.. What else we do? Ah, yes! DOUBLE the debuffs on Attack and S.Attack! Like.. Whatahell, Jan?!

- The stat changing effect of Sword Dance is amplified: OK so Aegislash is already pretty OP on defense, we should stop here, right? WRONG! Let's make it OP in damage too by getting 2x boost on Sword Dance! So one single Sword Dance boost his damage by 3x!!!

At this point I have to ask why didn't Jan also didn't treat it as a rift Pokemon and gave it 6 shield bars too.. 
Anyway for the people stumped on this, here is the best way I figured to counter it but still relies on a bit of RNG..

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So basically I try to switch to my Boltung whenever she sends in the Togekiss, then use Nuzzle, she will switch the Togekiss to Aegislash, the first Nuzzle will hit the shield but no matter just use it again to paralyze it then switch to a Steelix (EVs MUST be 252 Attack and Defense), if it paralyzes, nice, if it doesn't it will tank the Sacred Sword with a little more than 50% HP then you need to use Earthquake AND pray that it will get paralyzed since it will be on the offensive stance it will get OHKOed by it but, if it doesn't paralyze, try again until it does..


I think Aegislash is UU now, not Ubers


1 hour ago, Cyphre said:

Because no one asked for help nor needed it in this topic, nor there was any impications about needing it. However in every topic like this people still come with their "actually, it's very easy, you just do that and that". Yeah, everyone know. This discussion isnt about that. 

calm down

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Just now, Hycrox said:

calm down

I am perfectly calm, if you are trying to say im too harsh or something similar, yes i am. And i will not be less harsh towards people who want to insert their "oh well it's easy you just do that" whenever it is unwanted, unwarranted and unasked. If you have something else to say about my disposition, write it into personal messages, not in here. 

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24 minutes ago, fellowry said:

Reborn's Titania gym battle also use the same tactic with her Aegislah so its nothing new tbh

My strategy on Reborn was to use a Sandstorm team against her, Excadrill with Sand Rush got the job done but we don't have Drillbur on Rejuvenation yet and Melia's team isn't all Steel-type so.. Yah.. After I dealt with that Aegislash the rest of the fight went smooth

That turned my attention to another complaint I had with Rejuvenation so far, 13 versions, 15 chapters and we still don't have access to most end-game items and some Pokemons that could be very helpful like Torchic, Drillbur, Magikarp, etc.. I get it why Jan wanted those things to be acquired later but isn't it a bit too far already? We already reaching Lv90 over here..

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Granted I'm in Normal mode I must disagree that this was worse than the Geara/Zetta Valor Mt. battle. 


I'm now wondering how I didn't come up with this for Titania in Reborn but I ended up one-shotting the Aegislash with Sucker Punch Bisharp. 


Titania was a bit harder because she'd use the first 2 turns to set up King's Shield boosts and then hit hard with Shadow Sneak. For her I ended up doing something more convoluted but it worked. I used a Vileplume to set up Grassy Terrain to get rid of the Fairy-tale Field then put it to sleep with Sleep Powder. Then I swapped into Charizard and one-shot it with a Flame Plate boosted Flare Blitz. 

Sucker Punch would have been a lot easier, sometimes I can be dense. 


My biggest problem with Melia was Hapi. The answer to him was to nerf him with my own seed.

The Sashed Hydreigon which she'd then switch out was also annoying but I could deal with it. 



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6 hours ago, Lucifer Morningstar said:

Granted I'm in Normal mode I must disagree that this was worse than the Geara/Zetta Valor Mt. battle. 


I'm now wondering how I didn't come up with this for Titania in Reborn but I ended up one-shotting the Aegislash with Sucker Punch Bisharp. 


Titania was a bit harder because she'd use the first 2 turns to set up King's Shield boosts and then hit hard with Shadow Sneak. For her I ended up doing something more convoluted bhut it worked. I used a Vileplume to set up Grassy Terrain to get rid of the Fairy-tale Field then put it to sleep with Sleep Powder. Then I swapped into Charizard and one-shot it with a Flame Plate boosted Flare Blitz. 

Sucker Punch would have been a lot easier, sometimes I can be dense. 


My biggest problem with Melia was Hapi. The answer to him was to nerf him with my own seed.

The Sashed Hydreigon which she'd then switch out was also annoying but I could deal with it. 



The Geara/Zetta fight isn't hard per se, it's just that Melia, as your partner, sucks.. Most of her Pokemons are in disadvantage in the Volcano Field while Zetta has that accursed Typlhosion with Flash Fire and Eruption and the way the AI work is that 2 trainers in a double battle are technically one so "they" tend to work together better while Melia's AI can't really work well with you because you are a rogue variant but that's really the main problem, the fight itself wouldn't be very difficult if you could control Melia's Pokemons..

Titania was easier for me because, like I said above, I used a Sandstorm team, she having a full team of steel-types made it easier but Melia doesn't have all Steel-types and we don't have access to Excadrill yet so.. Also I can assure that Sucker Punch won't KO that thing.. That was one of my original ideas but the Sucker Punch always hits when it's in defensive mode so it tanks it anyway.. That's when it doesn't fail because it decided to use Sword Dance instead, now you wasted a turn, made yourself look stupid and Aegislash has a 4 stage boost in attack, get ready for Shadow Sneak sweep!

And Togekiss and Hydreigon were your biggest problems? Well.. Guess we all play very differently since these two weren't a problem at all for me.. I used a stall Umbreon for the Hydreigon (spamming Ultra Potions tho') and Togekiss got OHKOed by Boltund easy

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(Normal) I used Swampert for Aegislash, took sacred sword on 20% and one-shots in return. Need bulky investment or you'll still die though. I can understand being frustrated with it, though. The only thing I'm salty about is that she replaces it with her underwhelming Meganium again (tho, I can understand how you'd have to end up putting aegislash counters in every battle), but I use interceptor's wish regardless. Definitely a headache of a battle but the game gives you a double edged sword you can wield. (for example, steel gem bullet punch from Meta kills her hydreigon with priority)

Edited by vepper
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On 9/3/2021 at 6:19 PM, MhicKy said:

I can assure that Sucker Punch won't KO that thing.. That was one of my original ideas but the Sucker Punch always hits when it's in defensive mode so it tanks it anyway.. That's when it doesn't fail because it decided to use Sword Dance instead, now you wasted a turn, made yourself look stupid and Aegislash has a 4 stage boost in attack, get ready for Shadow Sneak sweep!


Alright come to think of it, she did swap it out at one point so it was probably a 2-shotter but I assure you Sucker Punch did the job for me and she was the stupid one for not going for the Shadow Sneak sweep. 


On 9/3/2021 at 6:19 PM, MhicKy said:

And Togekiss and Hydreigon were your biggest problems?


That's not what I said. Togekiss was a bitch with field boosted Draining Kiss not Hydreigon. Hydreigon was just annoying because she always swapped it out after the sash kicked in and I had runs where she's swap it back in and then out again before I could finish it.

My Slyveon would have one shot the thing if not for that damn sash. 

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