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Tips for a 6th?


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Hello everyone!

I didn't feel the need to make a complete Team Rating for this so ill be quick

I currently have a Blaziken, Gyarados, Alakazam, Magnezone and Crobat.

I have a 6th slot left and I currently have everything resisted (http://www.marriland.com/tools/team-builder#909|782|821|717|1114|0|)

What do you suggest that I should put in last?

I'm at a loss and not sure what to get.


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Since you could have problems with psychic types I would suggest you a dark type. There are several good ones in the game. But I wouldn't pick honchkrow,because that makes you too weak against electric types ..

I agree with Calvius here. As of your team so far, you don't really have much to hit Psychic types outside of Bite on Crobat and Gyarados. On the bright side, I think you have the rest of the types covered.

Suggestions for dark types:

For bulk --> Umbreon. I notice that your team is mostly offensive, which can run into trouble with walls and stuff. This is where status effects can come in to help. With Umbreon, you can stall out a few battles with Toxic, Protect, and Moonlight if you don't want heavy breeding chains. (Toxic and Protect breeding is fairly easy).

For less bulk and more offensive power --> Scrafty. Great attack and defense; it has helped me out a lot during my run.

There is also Spiritomb. I have not used one, but considering what I have been reading in other forums around here, it's not a bad pokemon. For one thing, being Ghost/Dark makes it have no weaknesses. It can set up a few calm minds, pain split once it's set up, and proceed to sweep.

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I've been thinking of a Darktype/ Spiritomb.

I can't get umbreon because I am only at the 4th gym as of now, Shade is coming soon.

I opted not to get a scrafty because basicly everyone and their mother has it on their team.

Is there any way to get a second Linkstone perhaps?

Otherwise I might get a gallade or something, if I can get my hands on a shiny stone.


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I just found an odd keystone while digging, So it's going to be a Spiritomb.

Though I'm not sure on how I shall build him.

Painsplit is an eggmove for which I would need a Misdreavus...


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Alternative ideas are:

Excavalier - I own one myself and .. wow .. it tanks like hell and has an attack of 175 on level 55 (even without positive nature) .. give him X-Scissor and he will destroy psychic types as he should

Drapion - I have no experience with it but its dark/poison with good attack and speed stats and strong moves, when ame will add TM Earthquake you can teach it to him and sweep the pychic and electric types

Krookodile - Ground/Dark basically says it all. Earthquake on level 54 (or dig on 32) and Crunch on 28 .. against both of your biggest weaknesses

Edited by Calvius
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You could run Drapion. Gives you Toxic Spikes support, a decently bulky Dark-type attacker and immunity to Psychic. You gain a Ground weakness, but since you're already running two flying types, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem with 452.gifDrapion is level grinding and it might end up not listening to you since it evolves late at lvl 40 i think.

553.gifKrookodile is a nice choice too especially if it's Moxie ability is fixed (i believe so in Ep.10) his hindrance is his weak defence but its speed can cover that up

You might want to also consider 571.gifZoroark, fast and good special attacker and also if illusion ability is on

if hitting psychic types maybe 558.gifCrustle with sturdy or shell smash can aid you, it can also cover electric if you breed it to learn Earthquake

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone!

I didn't feel the need to make a complete Team Rating for this so ill be quick

I currently have a Blaziken, Gyarados, Alakazam, Magnezone and Crobat.

I have a 6th slot left and I currently have everything resisted (http://www.marriland.com/tools/team-builder#909|782|821|717|1114|0|)

What do you suggest that I should put in last?

I'm at a loss and not sure what to get.


Do it you wont!


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