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Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the recycle trick was never fixed because Jan wanted it that way?


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So maybe some people here don't know about this, but if you steal a item from the pokemon of another trainer then use fling -> recycle you will keep the item you stoled at the end of the battle. This way by the end game you can have access to almost any battle item.

This trick is not new and many peoples know about it but one thing I find funny is that it has been around since the first versions of the game and was never fixed, so i wondered if maybe this trick is intentional since even on endgame is so hard to get good itens in rejuvenation, like, in final fantasy tactic advanced the game expect you to steal the best itens in the game so you can get a edge on the A.I, maybe is the same with Rejuvenation? maybe Jan expects of us to do it so we can have a easier time in the game without the use of external sources like debug mode? because lol, i think in all my playthroug i only found a single focus sash and just one toxic orb (no flame orb for me D:). Is this Jan trying to tell us something?

eb2 copy.jpg

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I hope not because it is such a dumb thing to make people do to get good items. Just make them available please, and make the one time use items be buyable or something. You can always implement a system to limit certain items to one per team (like in competitive/battle tower style). 


Edit: Also, literally only one Pokemon (well I guess Six) can learn the required moves for this. If this was intended, then we really should be given the fling and recycle TMs to help make it more accessible. 

Edited by pizzagod13
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5 hours ago, pizzagod13 said:

I hope not because it is such a dumb thing to make people do to get good items. Just make them available please, and make the one time use items be buyable or something. You can always implement a system to limit certain items to one per team (like in competitive/battle tower style). 


Edit: Also, literally only one Pokemon (well I guess Six) can learn the required moves for this. If this was intended, then we really should be given the fling and recycle TMs to help make it more accessible. 

You know what is funny? we have access to this combo pretty early right at lv37 with any elemental monkey, just teach then covet with the move tutor on the library and they can learn on their own fling + recycle.  And any player how want to speed up the AP achievements will be catching a bunch of then for the evolutionary stone points, heck, we can even get the TMs for fling and thief/covet move tutor pretty early in the game (right after we get surf) and just use it on any random Garbodor/Trubbish (another pretty early and common option).

I dunno, maybe is just a coincidence that this combo is actually pretty easily available in the early game or maybe Jan actually planned this? maybe we will never know  

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38 minutes ago, Cyphre said:

Most likely not. Chances are this thing is just very hard to fix from programming side, most likely it's more complex than switching couple variables. 

Yep.. Occam's Razor and everything..
IT's far more likely to just be difficult to code than an oversight on purpose.. One of the reasons why we are barred from using the PC when we are controlling other characters is because of that, it's far easier to just not allow us to use the PC so we won't steal Pokemons/Items we weren't suppose to have than to create an entire new code around it..

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