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Underground railnet train puzzle solved - can I still get the Dusk Stone?



Hi! I completed the railnet train puzzle a while back now and realized I really want a Dusk Stone for my Misdreavus - and it seems like the only one I can access at the moment (I've got 7 badges) is in the railnet. I know where it's located - seems like I need to fiddle the switches to open a barrier on the left/west side of the puzzle, but I can no longer seem to switch the tracks. They're all green and don't seem to do anything when I go to interact.

Am I completely locked out of that Dusk Stone and the other items in that area because I didn't do this when I was originally solving the puzzle? I've been trying to look if anyone else has asked this question and no dice, so I thought I'd ask myself.

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Funnily enough, someone else was asking a similar question yesterday (they're further along in the game though so I wouldn't suggest checking it; mild spoilers). 


To get past the barrier, go to the southwestern part of that area of the Railnet where you should see a portion of the wall with a slight discoloration/crack. Use Rock Smash on it and go through the revealed passageway to the north where you'll see another breakable wall that leads to the other side of the barrier (press the switch to get rid of it). If you haven't done any of these breakable walls before then I recommend looking around the Railnet for more, you can get some pretty useful items.

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