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[set Name]
[species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set]

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Wonder Wall

Meowstic@light clay


EV: 252 HP 126 Special Defense 126 Defense

Nature: Calm


Light Screen


Thunder Wave


Introducing the most annoying pokemon to abuse prankster, Meowstic is quite possible the best to run dual screens. Thunder Wave is nice to break potential sweepers that rely too mush on speed. Of course this is a priority set and taunt will be a bit of an annoyance, but Meowstic is only really there to support your team. Just remeber that only male Meowstic can get prankster and that is his hidden ability, but if you give it some time and raise him up, then you have the best dual screens.

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True Klefki is a good substitute to Meowstic, but Klefki is more of an entry hazard user, and if you want to run entry hazards on your Klefki, then Meowstic should be your screens of choice because you are not completely broken by taunt. You can divide the work between them, but if Klefki is the only screen runner, he is a viable substitute.

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Feeling Lucky?
Meowstic (M/F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP, 102 SpD, 154 Def
Nature: Bold
- Trick
- Substitute
- Swagger
- Toxic

This set tries to turn Meowstic into an RNG abuser. Choice Scarf Trick an opposing wall to lock them into Protect/Substitute/harmless move, then set up a Sub on the switch. Either swagger the new Pokemon, or Toxic if you want to play safe. I would suggest going for Swagger, then pray for the confusion proc. If it happens, toxic the poor thing. If not, play safe and sub again. Hopefully the item you Trick stole was a Leftovers. Mixed defensive investment to give it a bit of bulk, with heavier investment in Defense along with a Bold nature to help offset the attack boost from Swagger.

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