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Pokemon Safari - The procedurally generated pokemon game.


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Some of you may remember this thread about my work on a procedurally generated pokemon fangame named Pokemon Safari. I eventually stopped working on the game for a few reasons, the main one was that I was too busy with my college classes at the time and I needed to work on something that I could make a living off of. Another reason was that I had attempted to add a new feature to the terrain generation and I inadvertently broke the terrain generation completely and after not looking at the code for weeks, I forgot what I did so it became way to hard to fix so I lost motivation.


Anyways, I was thinking about new projects I could work on that would give me experience that would look good on my resume for my next job and in the process, I stumbled upon an old workspace on one of my hard drives which actually had a backup of the source code for pokemon safari on it from before I busted everything with the terrain generation! I fired it up and it had a few glaringly obvious bugs that made it unplayable but I decided to fix those core issues to at least get it to a point where you could run around the procedurally generated world and see the state of the game. I've felt bad about basically abandoning this project for a while now and I figured the least I could do was get it to a playable state and upload it for people to mess around with and get some closure. This version does not include my cliff generation code so the world is frankly kind of bland compared to how it was before I connected the individually generated routes and towns and consolidated them into one huge interconnected world.


That being said, I'm sorry to say that I will probably not be continuing with the development of the game. The primary reason for this is that I don't own the rights to pokemon so I could never sell the game to make back any of the money I spend on development. I've also become a lot more experienced with software development over the years and there's a ton of things I would do differently if I was to continue work on this game. I would write it in a completely different programming language for starters. I don't want to come across as greedy and only in it for the money, I'm passionate about making games but I just feel that if I'm going to spend thousands of hours developing a great game, I should make something original that people would be willing to pay for and could cover some of my living expenses. If I was wealthy enough to be retired already and money wasn't an issue, I'd be happy to spend more time on passion projects like this one because it's a lot of fun. If enough interest is expressed, I will consider adding more core features(like saving or the PC) or I may consider releasing some of the source code.


You can download the game with this link: DOWNLOAD


The game was written in java so you will need to download a JRE if you haven't installed java. If you've played Minecraft, you most likely have java installed already. Another thing of note is that the shinies in pokemon safari have procedurally generated sprites and each one is unique. They occur at the normal 1/8192 rate.


Run the game by doing the following:

  1. Open Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the folder with your PokemonSafari.jar file using the cd command (you would type cd "C:\Users\YourUsername\Downloads" for example if you saved it to your downloads folder on your C drive)
  3. Launch Pokemon Safari by typing Java -jar PokemonSafari.jar 15530
  4. The 15530 number in the above command is specifying the seed for world generation, it's just a random number I came up with while writing this, if you want to generate a different world, change the number to any other number. If you don't specify a number, a random seed will be used.
  5. You can launch the game without specifying a seed (it will use a random one) by simply double clicking the jar file.


Here are the controls as far as I can remember, there may be some I don't remember that you could find via experimentation:

  • Arrow keys to move
  • C to accept
  • X to cancel
  • G to enter godmode
  • M to open the map


If you have any questions, comments, thoughts, or concerns, leave a comment and let me know. I'd love to see if people are still interested in this project. Please keep in mind that the entire engine for pokemon safari was written by me from nothing so I had to personally implement every little mechanic including the game rendering system so that's why a lot of things that may seem like basic things to have in a pokemon game were not implemented yet.

  • Haha 1
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I find it ironic that you posted this so recently. I just remembered this game today and went to look up what happened to it.


I think you could make this game if you were interested in the procedurally-generated design. The main issue is the tileset, spriteset and branding. TemTem is a great example of a game that looks and feels like Pokemon, but isn't. There's several Humble Bundle packs that offer tilesets and sprites too, so that could be a way to avoid needing custom artwork.

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