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Alternate Alice Sprite


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My attempt at adding a bit more detail so that she matches her art a little more. I'm least satisfied with the back views so I may iterate on those a little more later. She's a little taller but it's acceptable for me.


I'm color deficient in red and green so if any pixels are the wrong color feel free to let me know, I tried to be careful when sampling colors but sometimes things slip past me.


Credit to Amethyst and or anyone else who worked on the original sprite, this is just an edit of their work.

Whatever authority I have to authorize the use of these I give freely, you can edit and reupload or whatever, take credit for it, I don't care. Just thought someone else out there might enjoy what I worked on this morning. I haven't replaced the full list of sprite sheets for her yet and probably won't do the rest myself until I'm sure I'm done tweaking these, if and when I do I'll add them.









Another couple cups of coffee and a pixel here and a pixel there...


My brain was confusing her hands for her feet from the back so that she looked like a rugrat when she walked to me. Cute but not what I was going for so I shaved some pixels there.

Did some major scribbling on the hair, not sure whether it's better or worse, I'll have to use it in game for a while. Still least satisfied with the back view, but this is enough for one sitting.





More pixels, hopefully improved the animations on the run a bit. 






Alignment/Height fixes, some cleaning and some dancing hair.

Took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize she was standing a pixel higher than everyone else which is part of why she seemed so tall, the side view actually was too tall though so i gave her a slight tap with the ol' midge mallet, was a bit of a struggle to decide what to cut. The more i work on them the longer each edit takes with a lot of trial and error. I'm definitely overcomplicating it, but oh well.


Edited by Nixilos
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