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CoD Ghosts


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  • 3 weeks later...

From what I heard about it...

same old guns and abilities... only new mechanics don't revolutionize the gamme but make it less fun. They nerfed killstreaks to hell despite them becoming impossible to get now (which I will touch on later.) Attack dog is fucking terrible, it literally gives away your position constantly. And they did some stupid stuff reguarding UAV.

Maps are terrible. There is one castle themed one worth note, but they are all are the same generic stuff. Not only that, every map is designed poorly as fuck. They are big and random, every corridor or room has doos and shit all over the place, and respawn points suck ass. All of this starts a ton of chaos and not the good kind. It makes working towards killstreaks and team synergy near impossible!

Your never safe enough to survive more than enough kills to get rewarded for it. When you are rewarded, you feel scammed by the crappy as killstreak rewards.

Its also impossible to work as a team because of how rando and bs the maps are built. You never respawn in a safe place. And since all the maps are clusterfuck labryths, its hard to find or secure a position making it impossible to coorodinate with your teammates.

Also like most Arcade Shooters like CoD or Battlefield, the campaign sucks ass...

Before you ask;

Did I play the game myself? Well no, but I. Gathered this information from a variety of opinions and reviews from professional and amatuer gamers... tell me if I am wrong though...

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Call of Duty Ghosts I rather have then pretentious lolsoindaybullshit that gets praised for GAMEPLAY INNOVATIONS GOTY that doesn't even any sort of fucking gameplay at all. (Gone Home, Stanley Parable, some other games I can't remember)

muh art though! muh seriousness!

I might get it since I had fun on PC BLOPS 2 and Call of Duty can always be fun if you don't get addicted to it.

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