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My Idea for a Pokemon Fan game. Pokemon Aeons


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Disclaimer: This is not me outright asking anyone to help me make this a reality as I know making a fan game like this is a lot of work. If some people who have the skills would like to make this I would like to be included. Just keep in mind that all I can contribute is Story, Dialog, Character Backstory, and sprite edits as my mapping skills are mediocre ( And I only have RPG Maker VX Ace, and MV and while I have fiddled with both I have never been able to produce a full game on my own. I'm putting this up more just to see how people like it.


Base Story:

Long ago the legend of a pokemon so strong it could pull continents with chains was more then myth, but fact. Regigigas pulled the once doomed region of Villius out of harms way of a massive natural disaster that ravaged one fourth of the world. The pokemon pulled the region for days on end, never stopping, to make sure it and it's inhabitants lived. Finally, Regigigas stopped and let the region settle in a new beautiful climate to adapt, and before going to rest, created three guardians to protect the region. Regirock, Registeel, and Regice, entrusting one to three different humans to protect the region. Geen Venerse, a wise and powerful monk was given Regirock. Celia Harmonia, a kind and gentle priestess was given Regice, and Alexandria Dracolight a noble and just knight was given Registeel.  And as Regigigas went to sleep, it became merged with the region, making it even larger then it had been previously and offering much more space for pokemon and people alike to flourish. The people of the Villus Region saw Regigigas as their guardian and would honor it with festivals and more. However, a greedy man by the name of Avernus Byuutox suaght to make Regigigas' power his own and called upon the aid of a dark cult whos name has long since forgotten to syphon the legendary pokemons power into a vessel for his own use. However, the cult had other plans then to help this pompous man gain power and began a far darker ritual. Before they could finish however, the three guardians of Villus arraived to stop them along with their partners given to them by Regigigas. The battle was brutal and the guardians barely made it out alive but not without a loss of sorts. While they were able to stop the inital ritual, a side effect of it's interruption caused Regigigas to awaken and go berserk. The guardians tried to calm the legendary pokemon but it's rage could not be quelled. The three creations of Regigigas banned together in an attempt to do as they created to and protect the region and while the three powers were formidable, they could not stop the ragging titan and were injured so badly that all three were forced into a deep sleep in order to recover.


During it's rampage, Regigigas created even more pokemon this time to attack those it command to, creating a Regi for every pokemon type known to man. The three guardians had no choice but to give everything they had to stop Regigigas and while they could not calm or defeat it, they were able to seal it away within the region itself. However, before it was fully sealed it unleashed the last of it's power to find a host so that when the host grew in strength, they would be able to awake it once more. Celia followed the released power and found it had entered a woman who was due to give birth soon and feared that the child would be the intended target, and sure enough when the child was born, they had snow white hair and prismatic colored eyes, something never seen before in the region. Fear rose through the region of this child and this fear lead to sad and rash decisions made by the community. Despite the mother's plea, they took and killed the child before it could grow. The woman grieved for her child day and night and eventually left the Villus Region. The guardians, now weakened and tired, lived their lives for as long as they could and established families of their own. 


Sadly, this is not were the story ends as many years later another child was born with snow white hair and prismatic eyes, the people were awstruck that somehow this power had persisted and tried to take another host. And unfortunately for this child, their fate would be the same as the first. From that day on, a law was made that should a child like that be born once again, it would be put to death immediately to prevent Regigigas from returning and rampaging once more. Through the years this has happened a number of times,  however, now in modern day one such child was born again but the mother had given birth before being able to reach the hospital and knowing what the child's appearance meant, she fled and hid the child away. A mysterious group known as Team Aeon learned of this and reached out to the mother and offered protection for her and the child and she eagerly accepted their offer. And this is were the story truly begins....



So, this story would revolve around a plot were the player character actually actually starts out as kind of part of the "Evil team". This story would revolve around the players choices and how it progresses. My idea is that they early one would be given a choice to either free a prisoner they come across one day or to not. This would start them on the either "Good" or "Bad" side. The player would still get to visit all the locals they would reguardless of which path they took, and their goals would still be relatively similar, it'd just play out a little differently. The gym challenge would still be a big part of it, just with different reasons as to why the player is doing it and also how the NPC'S would react to the player. And additionally, you can make both "Good" and "Bad" choices and swap the path your own at different points if you wanted. And like, the "Evil Team" wouldn't really get all to upset with the player flip flopping for a few reasons: That being they understand the player is still young and indecisive and also they would know that by this point, the player is strong enough that they should be feared. And I'm not saying strong as in strong team composition, I'm saying the person is strong. Being they are granted power of Regigigas, they aren't sure if they even could kill the player at this point if they wanted to. This would tie into the HM system were the player would be able of using all the HM's themselves ( aside from fly and dive which would just have them conjur a Regiair or Regihydro to do it for them ). But this story would actually have an emphasis on exploring both sides a little at least, showing that not everyone on the "Evil Team" are there for bad reasons, and so on. The only fakemon that would be included are all the new Regi types and also Eevelutions that maches all the new types ( a sort of sub plot with that ) Would have some regional Varients, include Mega Evo., and all the standard mons. As far as the number of gyms and such I'm not sure, and feild effects would be nice but I wouldn't even begin to know how to do that. And I'd like to make custom shines to. Oh and of course it's a new region with a whole slew of new faces. 


So that's my idea. Hope you guys like it.


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I'm working on a game, too. It's called Pokemon Revenge. It will contain custom shinies, 18 gyms, new characters (plus some from reborn/rejuvenation!), new and old megas, Instinct/ego pokemon (from roysolare), custom regional variants for the new Region Delor, and a brand new way to enhance your pokemon. (new form change). Hope yours goes well.

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11 minutes ago, Dark Eclipse said:

I'm working on a game, too. It's called Pokemon Revenge. It will contain custom shinies, 18 gyms, new characters (plus some from reborn/rejuvenation!), new and old megas, Instinct/ego pokemon (from roysolare), custom regional variants for the new Region Delor, and a brand new way to enhance your pokemon. (new form change). Hope yours goes well.

Thank you but I'm not looking to really make one. I was just putting this out there to see what other thought of it. Yours sounds really cool though, please keep me posted on that I would love to be a tester for it if you need any.

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