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[Spoilers] Elite Four Predictions


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With Episode 19 around the corner, the part of it that we are able to predict with relative accuracy is everything up until the Champion, at least gameplay wise. I think it's fair to assume that we will battle Saphira, some Team Meteor Admins, the 2 (or 3, or like 15 if we count PULSE-2s) remaining PULSEs, the Elite Four and Lin. So I wanted to create a hypothetical teams for E19 because I'm impatient and have nothing better to do for fun. I'll be adding some explanations to my Pokémon and Moveset Changes, both in and out of universe, as well as some other options I considered.

First off, some clarifications:


1. We already know 2/4 Elite Four members for certain; El and Heather. The third one is going to be Laura, although some people (including me) have thought that we might fight Laura and Bennet as a 12v6. While this could definitely happen story wise, for the sake of consistency I'll only be doing Laura for the sake of consistency with the rest of the members. If anyone is curious, this is what I think a battle against them both would look like. However, I do find this unlikely because, according to Marcello, Laura has a 97.2% win rate. This would be quite a bit higher if we fought a 12v6, assuming the statistic would count them both, and quite a bit lower if it only counts Laura's team that is designed to only fight half the battle.

1.1. I, as well as most people who have theorized for Episode 19, believe that the last Elite Four member will be Anna. I won't go into too much detail as to why, but it is implied that she has gotten some important position thanks to Shade, and she has one of the 4 keys, which all the other E4 members do as well.


2. I do not believe the Elite Four members will be mono-typed. That is simply too limiting for trainers this late into the game, especially since some of them use fairly weak typings. I still wanted them to have 1 primary type, so exactly half of their teams will be of their main type (Flying, Grass, Psychic and Normal).


3. The members are in no particular order. I don't really have a theory on what order we will fight these guys in, except maybe the order of the keys they're holding. 

4. I used Pokémon Showdown to make these teams, hence the Pokémon that would be holding Magical and Synthetic Seeds are holding Psychic and Grassy Seeds instead to not fuck with PokéPaste. I also gave the the trainers 1 shiny each that I thought looked cool in game.


5. These are all made under the assumption that the player will be capped to level 100. We know that Reborn will go past the level 100 limit post-game, but since the cap is currently 95, it will probably be 100 once we defeat Saphira. I will, however, allow the Elite 4 members to have a combined 6 levels above the cap, and their aces will all be level 105 as well (with 1 exception). Because fuck you, this is Reborn, multiple Gym Leaders already did this. 


With way too much explaining out of the way, here go the actual teams:




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Heather will be fought on a Mountain Field, in singles. The general idea is hyper offence with Pokémon that appreciate the Rock and Flying type buffs, as well as the 5 turns of Tailwind. There isn't much strategy going on, just strong Pokémon with decent type synergy. I didn't notice this until afterwards, but she actually did pull off both a Grass/Fire/Water and a Dragon/Fairy/Steel core.


Excadrill @ Focus Sash  
Ability: Mold Breaker  
Level: 100
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Earthquake  
- Rock Slide  
- Stealth Rock  
- Rapid Spin  


Pretty straight forward, Suicide Lead Excadrill. It appreciates the buff to Rock Slide, and will take care of anyone trying to lead with Electric or Rock types to counter Heather's Flying. Keeping Stealth Rocks off the field is also very important, as half her team will get heavily crippled by them. I also considered Tyranitar and Rhyperior for this role, but they didn't quite fit the playstyle, couldn't remove hazards, and were easier to counter team due to their worse defensive typings.


Talonflame @ Flying Gem  
Ability: Gale Wings  
Level: 102
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def  
Adamant Nature  
- Flare Blitz  
- Acrobatics  
- Tailwind  
- Swords Dance  


Talonflame is able to set up Tailwind with Priority, and can spam Priority Acrobatics once Tailwind is up. I went with Flying Gem Acrobatics instead of Brave Bird because this thing would cripple itself a little bit without Roost, and a set with Roost made it too easy to stall out Tailwind, hence why I chose Swords Dance to apply some pressure.


Decidueye @ Life Orb
Ability: Long Reach  
Shiny: Yes  
Level: 102
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Leaf Blade  
- Brave Bird  
- Shadow Sneak 
- Nature Power (Rock Slide)


Decidueye hits incredibly hard on Mountain Field, since all of its moves get a 50% power boost from Long Reach. Brave Bird is also boosted by the Field Effect. Rock Slide is useful to hit Flying and Fire types that would threaten it. The main issue with this set is its speed, which is only partially compensated for by Shadow Sneak. If this gets brought in at a point when Tailwind is up, however, it becomes very difficult to switch into. It also fits Heather's Flying type aesthetic. Oh and it has a cool shiny that differenciates it from Fern's Decidueye.


Togekiss @ Leftovers  
Ability: Serene Grace  
Level: 101
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe  
Modest Nature  
- Air Slash  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Aura Sphere  
- Tailwind  


Togekiss is Heather's second Tailwind user. During Tailwind, Togekiss's Air Slash Flinch ShenanigansTM becomes even more obnoixious to deal with, as Air Slash gets a total boost of 2.25x. Togekiss also helps cover Heather's Weakness to Dark types.


Starmie @ Expert Belt  
Ability: Natural Cure  
Level: 101
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Modest Nature    
- Hydro Pump  
- Ice Beam  
- Thunder  
- Ally Switch  


Starmie provides some defensive coverage against Ice Types, and gets access to good coverage. Thunder is also 100% accurate due to the field effect. There isn't really an in-universe explanation why she would have one, but we don't know all that much about her, so there isn't exactly a reason she shouldn't have one.


Salamence-Mega @ Salamencite  
Ability: Intimidate  
Level: 105
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Return  
- Earthquake 
- Dragon Dance
- Refresh  


Don't think much of an explanation is needed here. An overleveled Dragon Dance Mega Salamence. It'll be fun. Earthquake is good against the Electric, Rock and Steel types that resist Return. Double-Edge isn't necessary due to the sheer damage output with the terrain boost. I went with Refresh instead of Roost because Salamence hits hard enough to not having to rely on it's defense, and this decreases the chances of getting cheesed by a Burn or Paralysis. Terrain Boosted Rock Slide was also an option, but I decided against it due to there not being enough cases where it actually hit harder than Return.




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This battle is fairly predictable. Flower Garden is ridiculous once it gets set up, and in doubles, that can be done in 1 or 2 turns with the right abilites and movesets. After that, it's just a matter of spamming overpowered Grass and Bug type attacks, dual targeting, 100% accurate Sleep Powders and boosted Growths. Some people have suggested Sun, but Chlorophyll is activated regardless, and Rain weakens the otherwise boosted Fire types, sets up Water type Weather Balls and, most importantly, prevents the field from being set on fire.


Pelipper @ Damp Rock  
Ability: Drizzle  
Level: 100
EVs: 252 HP / 152 Def / 104 Spe  
Bold Nature 
- Scald  
- U-turn  
- Tailwind  
- Water Sport  


Firefighter birb. Does everything I just mentioned. It also grows the field by one stage on switch in. Tailwind and Water Sport are both useful support moves, and also remove the Burning Field if you use a Torkoal or something. Besides that, it mostly just pivots out so that its teammates can make the most of the Rain turns. It is specifically EV'd to outspeed Florges, so that it can U-Turn before Florges uses Flower Shield.


Florges @ Grassy Seed  
Ability: Flower Veil  
Level: 102
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA  
Bold Nature  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Flower Shield  
- Wish  
- Protect  


The ultimate support Pokémon. Flower Veil and Flower Shield grow the terrain, and make sure Florges and its allies nearly unkillable. Grassy Seed gives it 25% healing each turn and boosts Florges's Special Defense even further. 


Roserade @ Sitrus Berry  
Ability: Natural Cure  
Level: 102
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Giga Drain  
- Weather Ball  
- Sleep Powder  
- Water Sport  


Roserade can deal a lot of damage with Giga Drain on this field, and (with the help of a Sitrus Berry) to keep itself somewhat sustained. Sleep Powder, as I mentioned, is 100% accurate and hits both targets on Stage 5. Water Sport will help grow the field if necessary.


Heracross @ Focus Sash  
Ability: Swarm  
Level: 100
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Close Combat  
- Megahorn  
- Rock Slide  
- Protect


Heracross is intended to deal with Steel types and opposing Grass types. Swarm will triple the power of it's Megahorn to an effective x6 boost on Stage 5. It hold a Focus Sash to survive a potential Flying Type move, and fire back a Rock Slide. Rock Slide can also just flinch things, you know, to make sure that no one is having too fun while playing this. I also considered Scolipede since it is faster and lacks a 4x weakness, but it wouldn't be quite as good at killing Steel types, and in-universe it looks less pleasant. Heracross is goofy enough to fit into a garden, while Scolipede looks like it would kill everything in sight.


Venusaur @ Grassy Seed  
Ability: Overgrow 
Level: 102 
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Giga Drain  
- Weather Ball  
- Sleep Powder  
- Growth


On Stage 5, Giga Drain is boosted to an effective 675 Base Power. That's about all you need to know. I decided to not make it Mega Venusaur since it would lose Overgrow.  Oh and and more Sleep Powder.


Lilligant @ Grassium Z  
Ability: Chlorophyll  
Shiny: Yes  
Level: 105
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA  
Bold Nature  
- Petal Dance  
- Growth  
- Sleep Powder  
- Protect  


Lilligant gets Chlorophyll, which is automatically activated. Petal Dance and Sleep Powder hits both targets on Flower Garden, and Growth is practically Nasty Plot. Laura gets a Z-Crystal to compensate for her lack of a Mega Evolution, and Bloom Doom reaches a BP of 190 off of Petal Dance, and grows the field by 1 stage if used. Also, I know the one we see out of battle isn't shiny, but that can be retconned because the shiny litterally just looks like Laura.




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Anna will most likely be fought on the Starlight Arena field. It fits her quite well in-universe, and gives some massive buffs to Psychic types, especially Jirachi. Again, not much of a strategy except spamming strong Pokémon that abuse the Field Effect.


Whimsicott @ Focus Sash  
Ability: Prankster  
Level: 100
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD  
Bold Nature  
- Nature Power (Moonblast)
- Substitute  
- Leech Seed  
- Encore  


Whimsicott's primary purpose it to prevent anything from setting up with Encore, as well as being reasonably sustainable utility Pokémon with Leech Seed and Substitute. Since Nature Power becomes Moonblast, Whimsicott gets access to a very strong Priority Move, as well as no longer having to invest into Speed EVs. 


Greninja (M) @ Psychic Seed  
Ability: Battle Bond  
Level: 102
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Dark Pulse  
- Hydro Pump  
- Blizzard  
- Protect  


Ash-Greninja is probably abuses the field the least on this team, but it still benefits from a free +1 Special Attack from Psychic Seed, as well as a 50% boost to Dark Pulse. Hydro Pump is it's otherwise strongest viable STAB Move, and Blizzard prevents anyone from walling Whimsicott and Greninja with Grass types. Anna is implied to be able to communicate with Pokémon in a way others can't, so her being able to share a bond with her Greninja during battles makes sense.


Gothitelle @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Shadow Tag 
Level: 100 
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD  
Calm Nature  
- Psyshock  
- Signal Beam  
- Protect  
- Heal Pulse


Gothitelle's primary purpose is to trap opponents with Shadow Tag to limit the player's counterplay to her sweepers. It sports a mostly defensive set with Aguav Berry and Protect to make sure it can keep opponents trapped for as long as possible. Signal Beam is also boosted by the Field, and provides some coverage for opposing Dark and Psychic types. Heal Pulse can keep teammates alive longer, especially the ones that lack their own healing options. I also considered Milotic to fill this defensive position because of the defense boost it gets from Starlight Arena, but I found that it didn't provide enough offence or utility, and became too easy to just ignore. Anna and Gothitelle also sort of have the same hair. (There is a theoriy that Gothitelle in the Beryl Library once belonged to Anna's Mother, Radomus's wife. This could be that Gothitelle if that's true, but the Pokémon fits regardless) 


Clefable @ Psychic Seed  
Ability: Magic Guard  
Shiny: Yes  
Level: 101
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA  
Modest Nature  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Stored Power  
- Moonlight  
- Cosmic Power  


Cosmic Power's effect is doubled in Starlight Arena. Clefable has the ability to snowball incredibly quickly if it is allowed to set up, especially if it does so alongside Gothitelle. Dazzling Gleam is boosted by 2.25x due to the Field Effect, and Stored Power builds in power a lot quicker with the stronger Cosmic Power and the 50% boost to Psychic type moves, coupled with the fact that it gets a free +1 Special Attack from its Magical Seed. Moonlight also heals 75% instead of 50%, so Clefable is near unkillable if allowed to set up. I also think Anna having a Clefable would be a nice nod to Noel's Clefable. I decided to make this one Shiny to keep it different. Some people have predicted that Noel dies in E19, in which case this could actually be his Clefable that Anna uses. It obviosly wouldn't be Shiny in that case, and also nicknamed Nomos, so maybe Whimsicott or would be Shiny instead.


Victini @ Psychic Seed  
Ability: Victory Star  
Level: 103
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Blue Flare  
- Psyshock  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Protect  


Yes, I gave her another one. I don't care if that's something that fits the plot, Victini is just too good on this field to not use. Victory Star was given the additional effect of giving Victini and its allies a 50% boost to all their attacks. Victini is mostly an all out attacker with coverage that is completely unresisted by all Pokémon besides itself and Delphox and Heatran. Protect is useful to allow Victini to survive and keep Victory Star on the field for longer.


Nostra (Jirachi) @ Normalium Z  
Ability: Serene Grace  
Level: 105
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe  
Modest Nature  
- Psychic  
- Moonblast  
- Doom Desire  
- Happy Hour  


Nostra is real ya'll. Again, there are some theories as to the story relevance of this thing, but those aren't relevant right now. What's relevant is that Jirachi is fun and broken and that's what's important. Like Laura, Anna doesn't have a Mega Evolution, so she gets a Z-Crystal as well. Z-Happy Hour gives a +1 Omniboost. That makes Jirachi bulkier, stronger and faster. Psychic and Moonblast are both boosted by a decent chunk, so they hit pretty hard, but the big deal is Doom Desire. For those of you that aren't aware of the god forsaken hellscape that is Starlight Arena+Doom Desire, allow me to enlighten you: it gets a QUADRUPLED Base Power. 140*4=560. So that's fun. In case ya'll don't quite understand how strong that is, here you go:


+1 252+ SpA Jirachi Doom Desire vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey: 730-859 (102.2 - 120.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO


Oh and Steel types don't resist it anymore. It is EV'd to hit as hard as possible, with the rest invested into bulk and just enough speed to outspeed Mega Houndoom at +1 




Houndoom still kinda shits on this league ngl




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Before I actually get into this team, I'm going to talk about a different idea that others have had for El's team: Doubles Trick Room. And the thing about the AI using Trick Room is quite simple: it sucks ass.

A bit of a further explanation (skip to "El's strategy is..." if you don't give a shit):

It is very obvious why Trick Room might seem good for El at first. If you take a look at Normal type Pokémon that can abuse this field, most of them are slow. Things like Drampa and Snorlax for example, would admittedly be better in Trick Room. And lots of Normal types make excellent Trick Room setters, especially on this field. Some examples include Porygon2, Mega Audino and Oranguru. 


That said, the issue with using Trick Room is that any team with Trick Room pretty much relies on it going up. If it doesn't go up, tough shit, you lost. Some people have argued that the Magical Seed makes this possible, because it is a glorified Mental Herb gives a Pokémon Magic Coat for a turn. But this would mean giving up a different item, like an actual Mental Herb, an Amplified Rock or an Eviolite. And even if you do all of that, what if you just get Faked Out? Well, Oranguru, gets Inner Focus. What if I get my own Trick Room user to reverse Trick Room? Well the opponent can stop your Trick Room with Taunt? What if I hold a Magical Seed/Mental Herb? Well they can just set it back up. What if the Trick Room setter doesn't survive that long? Well you can lead off with 2 Trick Room setters. How does El stop you from just stalling out the Trick Room if he leads with 2 support Pokémon? Etc. etc. There are just too many ways to cheese Trick Room, and not enough ways to prevent them.


Trick Room isn't terrible normally, but when it's this important of a trainer this late into the game, the cheese is just too easy. Sort of like the issue with Hardy being countered by Wide Guard, or Amaria by Sludge Wave. Those are some of the easiest late game battles, and the hardest and most consistently difficult ones are just standard offensive teams with no real gimmick at play.


El's strategy is the same as 2/3 of the afformentioned members, as well as the majority of important battes in this game; Offence Spam with Pokémon that Abuse the Field EffectTM. In this case, Holy Field. 


Delphox @ Psychic Seed  
Ability: Magician  
Level: 101
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Mystical Fire  
- Psychic  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Calm Mind  


While Delphox isn't stricly a lead Pokémon, it is the hardest Pokémon on El's team to counterpick, since it's fast and its coverage is unresisted by everything besides another Delphox. It also only has 3 weaknesses, since Dark and Ghost type moves are halved on Holy Field. All of its attacks are boosted by the terrain, and Magical Seed provides a +1 Special Attack boost and a free turn where Delphox cannot be paralyzed, slept, poisoned, taunted etc. which could allow it to set up if the player misplays. It fits El very well since it's based on the Oracle of Delphi.


Drampa @ Psychic Seed  
Ability: Berserk  
Level: 102
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD  
Bold Nature  
- Nature Power (Judgment)
- Focus Blast  
- Roost  
- Glare  


Most people probaby saw this one coming. Nature Power becomes straight up 180 BP Judgement of a type of your choice. If you don't hold a plate, it doesn't get the 20% boost, but instead a 50% boost due to being Normal type. With the Special Attack boost from Drampa's Magical Seed, this puts Judgement at an effective 375 Base Power. Turn 1. From a Base 135 Special Attack Drampa. If these numbers don't mean anything to you, let me put it like this: Imagine if, whenever Drampa got sent out, it gets an immediate +6 Special Attack. If that Drampa used Hyper Voice, it would be ≈4.17% weaker than the set above you. Focus Blast hits Steel and Rock types slightly harder, Roost and Glare are decent utility and sustainability options. It's worth mentioning that I was originally going to make this max Special Attack, but after doing some calc, I found that this thing is more effective with defensive investment. This EV spread allows it to barely survive a lot of strong moves, and still fire back and OHKO pretty much everything. Here are some calcs from you all because I just like this Drampa:

252 Atk Blaziken Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 200+ Def Drampa: 312-368 (86.6 - 102.2%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Garchomp Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 200+ Def Drampa: 266-314 (73.8 - 87.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Kyurem Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 56 SpD Drampa: 300-354 (83.3 - 98.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 0 SpA Drampa Judgment vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Kyurem: 513-604 (112.9 - 133%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 0 SpA Drampa Judgment vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Blissey: 363-427 (50.8 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Audino-Mega @ Audinite  
Ability: Regenerator  
Level: 101
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA  
Modest Nature  
- Hyper Voice  
- Fire Blast
- Wish  
- Protect  


Mega Audino is one of the select few Pokémon that get both of its STAB moves boosted by 50%. However, Dazzling Gleam is fairly redundant since there are like 3 viable Pokémon that resist Normal+Fire. Wish is also boosted to 75% in the terrain, which allows Audino to stall out even Super Effective threats like Gengar, Excadrill and Magnezone.


Serperior @ Flame Plate  
Ability: Contrary  
Shiny: Yes  
Level: 101
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Leaf Storm  
- Nature Power (Judgment)
- Dragon Pulse  
- Glare  


El's second Nature Power abuser. Instead of using it for a STAB Nuke, it can use it to blast off any Steel, Bug or Grass types that can actually tank a few Contrary Leaf Storms. Fire and Dragon types still resist this coverage, so luckily Dragon Pulse gets boosted by the terrain as well. And the shiny looks cool and menacing, which snakes are often portrayed as in various religions.


Sigilyph @ Psychic Seed  
Ability: Magic Guard  
Level: 101
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Stored Power  
- Miracle Eye  
- Cosmic Power  
- Roost  


Clefable 2, Electric Boogaloo. Except this time it's even better. Like the second Star Wars movie. Cosmic Power has its effects doubled yet again. And it also can't be taunted due to the Magical Seed. Magic Guard grants an immunity to Toxic stalling and Stealth Rocks. Stored Power gets a 20% boost from the Field, as well as the sheer amount of stat boosts that Sigilyph can get. Like Delphox, Sigilyph has its weaknesses almost cut in half due to the nerf to Ghost and Dark type moves. Miracle Eye allows Sigilyph to hit the Dark types that would otherwise be immune to Stored Power. "But TheRK9, why not just use Dazzling Gleam, it's terrain boosted" my large amount of readers inquiried in unison. Because that's boring. Also Miracle Eye boosts Attack and Special Attack on Holy Field. Sigilyph will already be at +1 thanks to its Magical Seed, but boosting that further doesn't hurt. And it also increased the Base Power of Stored Power by 40 upon each use.


Ditto @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Imposter  
Level: 150
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe  
Impish Nature  
- Transform  


Not much to see here except your regular Choice Scarf Ditto. Oh and it's level 150. This was the exception I mentioned earlier. This isn't quite as broken as it sounds, since the only stat Ditto really uses is its HP stat. So just imagine this is a regular Ditto, except instead of having base 48 HP it has base 120.5. I just thought I'd make this thing quite a bit stronger since it's so easy to cheese and it is El's Ace after all.


So that's the Elite Four. I don't really know how to sum this up. The league looks like hell. Unless you use Steel types. Like always.


I'll probably do separate posts with Saphira, Lin and Meteor Admins sometime soon.

Edited by TheRK9
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5 hours ago, Lorisaur said:

I think I've made my predictions as well as soon ad e18 came out so quite some time ago... the fun part was coming up with LauraBennett 6v12 strategies

Yeah, I made my initial predictions quite a long time ago as well. I've made quite a lot of changes since then, until it reached a point where I just calced things to figure out whether offesive or defensive investment would be more worth it for any given Pokémon. 

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While i think for the most part this list is quite accurate i have my own personal disagreements. I think one major difference is that these leaders will be predominantly mono types, while some changes are possible, with all the major trainers excluding rivals and people like arclight, they have leant heavily to a single type. Thus it would be strange to have heather, who was dubbed by gossip gardevoir to be the Flying elite 4 member, to be using only three flying types.


The first and perhaps most obvious is El, i think that without question he will be fighting in doubles with trick room. If we look at the only other person that applies trick room, being radomus, we can see that the use of a synthetic seed on that field boosts special attack and applies magic coat. Then if we look at holy field we can see that it does the exact same thing. Furthermore, as i stated above, el will have mostly normal mons like porygon 2, snorlax, beware, drampa, audino and pangoro who all receive an exponential boost in power as a result of trick. By leading with a pangoro that cannot flinch nor me taunted with a magical seed, there is quite minimal ways to prevent the room from going up. Also you must remember this game is for everyone and most people would not thing to set up a double trick room, so i think it would be v difficult for the average player to stop this. A final note is just how much stronger, offensively his team is in doubles, take drampa for example, getting the boost from hyper voice, hitting multiple mons is just much better than barley surviving close combat from blaze and then just dying to some priory move the next turn.


And uhh idk if u know but Ame has stated that Ash-Greninja is never coming to reborn, like ever so u can rule him out as being part of Anna's team. 


All in all pre solid list!!

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3 hours ago, thisgameishard said:

While i think for the most part this list is quite accurate i have my own personal disagreements. I think one major difference is that these leaders will be predominantly mono types, while some changes are possible, with all the major trainers excluding rivals and people like arclight, they have leant heavily to a single type. Thus it would be strange to have heather, who was dubbed by gossip gardevoir to be the Flying elite 4 member, to be using only three flying types.


The first and perhaps most obvious is El, i think that without question he will be fighting in doubles with trick room. If we look at the only other person that applies trick room, being radomus, we can see that the use of a synthetic seed on that field boosts special attack and applies magic coat. Then if we look at holy field we can see that it does the exact same thing. Furthermore, as i stated above, el will have mostly normal mons like porygon 2, snorlax, beware, drampa, audino and pangoro who all receive an exponential boost in power as a result of trick. By leading with a pangoro that cannot flinch nor me taunted with a magical seed, there is quite minimal ways to prevent the room from going up. Also you must remember this game is for everyone and most people would not thing to set up a double trick room, so i think it would be v difficult for the average player to stop this. A final note is just how much stronger, offensively his team is in doubles, take drampa for example, getting the boost from hyper voice, hitting multiple mons is just much better than barley surviving close combat from blaze and then just dying to some priory move the next turn.


And uhh idk if u know but Ame has stated that Ash-Greninja is never coming to reborn, like ever so u can rule him out as being part of Anna's team. 


All in all pre solid list!!

Well the only Trainers we have seen that have mono-types teams are the gym leaders. The rivals are supposed to be Grass, Poison and Fighting type trainers, yet all of them have 2 or 3 Pokémon of that type. We haven’t seen anyone really restricted to their types besides the gym leaders, because there is specifically a gym leader if each type. There aren’t 18 Elite Four members, so there isn’t a reason for them to be Mono-typed. All characters in this game have primary typings to give them more of a character, but they aren’t limited to it.


As for your example with Radomus, the differences you are missing are that Radomus is fought at level 60, relatively early on in the game when the player still has limited options. And this fight is still one of the most cheesable in the game.

Second, Chess Arena boosts Trick Room to 8 turns, Holy Field doesn’t. 
And most of the Normal types such as Snorlax and Porygon2 don’t fit El’s religious theme whatsoever. And Pangoro isn’t a Normal Type. And Physical attackers don’t really benefit from the field whatsoever.


As for Ash-Greninja, I’m just hoping Ame changes her mind :/. It could just be a different Water type like Milotic or Starmie otherwise.

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2 hours ago, Raghav said:

There's no way laura won't have a mega on her team, also bannet will probably not use moves like eq on his pokemons since their power if halfed in grassy terrain

The only Mega that would fit the terrain well is Venusaur, and Mega Venusaur is unfortunately just worse than regular Venusaur due to the fact that it loses Overgrow or Chlorophyll. And it loses the broken Elemental Seed.


BennetLaura wouldn’t be fought on Grassy Terrain, they would be fought on Flower Garden, which doesn’t affect Earthquake. Earthquake is also helpful against Steel and Fire types.

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25 minutes ago, TheRK9 said:

Well the only Trainers we have seen that have mono-types teams are the gym leaders. The rivals are supposed to be Grass, Poison and Fighting type trainers, yet all of them have 2 or 3 Pokémon of that type. We haven’t seen anyone really restricted to their types besides the gym leaders, because there is specifically a gym leader if each type. There aren’t 18 Elite Four members, so there isn’t a reason for them to be Mono-typed. All characters in this game have primary typings to give them more of a character, but they aren’t limited to it.


As for your example with Radomus, the differences you are missing are that Radomus is fought at level 60, relatively early on in the game when the player still has limited options. And this fight is still one of the most cheesable in the game.

Second, Chess Arena boosts Trick Room to 8 turns, Holy Field doesn’t. 
And most of the Normal types such as Snorlax and Porygon2 don’t fit El’s religious theme whatsoever. And Pangoro isn’t a Normal Type. And Physical attackers don’t really benefit from the field whatsoever.


As for Ash-Greninja, I’m just hoping Ame changes her mind :/. It could just be a different Water type like Milotic or Starmie otherwise.

Lmao idk why i said pangoro i meant orangoru 😂 . Also while it is tru that trick room aint g8, the alternative is a bunch of slow mid hitting normal mons...yikes. Also with the whole type thing like obviously we will have to wait and see but im more inclined to believe that these trainers will be more like  gym leaders than our rivals, cain, fern and victoria as i think making them multi type will probably be reserved for post game but we will have to wait and see!

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6 hours ago, thisgameishard said:

Lmao idk why i said pangoro i meant orangoru 😂 . Also while it is tru that trick room aint g8, the alternative is a bunch of slow mid hitting normal mons...yikes. Also with the whole type thing like obviously we will have to wait and see but im more inclined to believe that these trainers will be more like  gym leaders than our rivals, cain, fern and victoria as i think making them multi type will probably be reserved for post game but we will have to wait and see!

Well as you can see in the post above, the El team I suggested is by no means slow. And we can’t really assume that he will only use Normal types, since there are like 4 options that actually fit him in-universe. If we make him mono-normal we are effectively ignoring the fact that it has to make sense for El to own these Pokémon, with the Normal typing being the only criteria, and in that case he could also use faster Pokémon like Mega Kangaskhan and Staraptor.

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Doesn't really make sense to have the E4 be mono-typed when we have just gone through all typings with the gym leader. Makes far more sense to have the E4 have a general theme/idea - like El's religion, as an example.


At least, I would be severely dissapointed if the E4 were mono-typed.


Your predictions look very interesting.


Can I hear more about the idea that Laura/Bennett is a 12v6 and why that is?

I get that El is prepping Bennett for an E4 spot but surely it doesn't make sense to have one of these battles be 12v6 format? I hope not. At least, I think it makes more sense if Bennett ends up getting burned on becoming an E4 member or if he somehow takes El's spot. Maybe it ends badly for El. In the coming episode we'll focus more on the rings/keys/crystals and I'm guessing El and his religion might play a role and maybe it ends badly for El. I just hope an E4 member isn't 2 people.. that would suck, I think.


Is Laura confirmed as an E4 member? So far it's only Heather and El who are confirmed, right? Or am I misremembering?

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22 hours ago, Siv said:

Doesn't really make sense to have the E4 be mono-typed when we have just gone through all typings with the gym leader. Makes far more sense to have the E4 have a general theme/idea - like El's religion, as an example.


At least, I would be severely dissapointed if the E4 were mono-typed.


Your predictions look very interesting.


Can I hear more about the idea that Laura/Bennett is a 12v6 and why that is?

I get that El is prepping Bennett for an E4 spot but surely it doesn't make sense to have one of these battles be 12v6 format? I hope not. At least, I think it makes more sense if Bennett ends up getting burned on becoming an E4 member or if he somehow takes El's spot. Maybe it ends badly for El. In the coming episode we'll focus more on the rings/keys/crystals and I'm guessing El and his religion might play a role and maybe it ends badly for El. I just hope an E4 member isn't 2 people.. that would suck, I think.


Is Laura confirmed as an E4 member? So far it's only Heather and El who are confirmed, right? Or am I misremembering?

I agree. While pretty much all trainers have a type they specialise in, they aren't really restricted to that type, even though they have a few of them (with the exception of gym leaders). Mono type Elite 4 members would be really boring.


Have you finished playing E18? Most of the LauraBennett stuff comes from there. If you haven't, massive spoliers below:


At the Glass Workstation, Bennett confirms that he is now a member of the Elite Four, since Laura "resigned". After the black hole incident, Bennett explains what he did and told her that he would get her her position back, and they leave together to stop Zero from reporting back to Lin. 


People have suspected since long ago that Laura and Bennett would be dating, since the people who played them in the Online League were dating IRL. It is also supported by the fact that both Laura and Bennet's Pokémon benefit massively from the Flower Garden field, and the characters are the same age. 


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Hmm, most of these predictions are pretty much better than stuff I would come up with while bored at school over the past few years, but there are a few things I would disagree on:


1)In the Glass Gauntlet the trainers have up to two mons outside their own type, which I would assume to be closer to their actual teams where they aren't bound by the League's rules, so I think it's reasonable to assume that it will the case for E4 members as well.

2) I would replace Heather's Excadrill with a Skarmory, since the latter is a pretty standard lead, is a flying type, and keep rocks out as well. Also, i don't think there will be a Starmie since it would be redundant to have it on two members.

3) Anna will have a Starmie. Like it's a STAR on the STARLIGHT FIELD, and its ability boosts its special attack on entry, plus all of its important moves would be boosted. Also, there won't be an AGreninja for reasons mentioned, I would leave that Victini for Lin😏, and replace it with MAlakazam, since no one major uses it, and it is a monstrosity on this field(and overall).


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30 minutes ago, bobirobi20 said:

Hmm, most of these predictions are pretty much better than stuff I would come up with while bored at school over the past few years, but there are a few things I would disagree on:


1)In the Glass Gauntlet the trainers have up to two mons outside their own type, which I would assume to be closer to their actual teams where they aren't bound by the League's rules, so I think it's reasonable to assume that it will the case for E4 members as well.

2) I would replace Heather's Excadrill with a Skarmory, since the latter is a pretty standard lead, is a flying type, and keep rocks out as well. Also, i don't think there will be a Starmie since it would be redundant to have it on two members.

3) Anna will have a Starmie. Like it's a STAR on the STARLIGHT FIELD, and its ability boosts its special attack on entry, plus all of its important moves would be boosted. Also, there won't be an AGreninja for reasons mentioned, I would leave that Victini for Lin😏, and replace it with MAlakazam, since no one major uses it, and it is a monstrosity on this field(and overall).


Good take, I have considered all of them before. Both Alakazam and Starmie were actually part of previous drafts of Anna’s team, but rejected the ideas for the following reasons:


I know there won’t be an Ash Gren, I partially put it there to protest that fact. Anna also desperately needed a Dark type, and this one fit her the best by far. 

Starmie was mostly rejected because Heather needed it more compositionally, and because Anna had plenty of water type options.


Alakazam was originally on Anna’s team, but I decided that I wanted each member to have a Z-Move OR a Mega to keep them consistent with each other and the rest of the game, and Z-Hold Hands was just more interesting. Also, Gothitelle is one of the best doubles Pokémon out there, if you played Gen 7 VGC you will know this all too well. And it might line up with the librarian lore depending on the story, and I didn’t want to run too many psychic types, since they share a lot of weaknesses.

Victini is indeed pretty out there, but that Victory Star was just too juicy to pass on.


Skarmory is a decent option, however suicide lead Skarmory doesn’t fill quite the same role as Lead Excadrill does. Skarmory is designed to get up as much hazards as possible, typically through Sturdy+Custap or similar. It doesn’t typically keep hazards off though, since it would need to Defog it’s own hazards to do so. Excadrill can spin while keeping its own hazards up, which is more important for a team as rock weak as Heather’s. Excadrill also isn’t setup fodder for Electric and Rock types, so it covers her team better overall. Skarmory is a flying type, yes, but she already has 3 of those, all of which benefit the team more in my opinion.



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On 11/27/2021 at 2:20 PM, TheRK9 said:

I agree. While pretty much all trainers have a type they specialise in, they aren't really restricted to that type, even though they have a few of them (with the exception of gym leaders). Mono type Elite 4 members would be really boring.


Have you finished playing E18? Most of the LauraBennett stuff comes from there. If you haven't, massive spoliers below:

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At the Glass Workstation, Bennett confirms that he is now a member of the Elite Four, since Laura "resigned". After the black hole incident, Bennett explains what he did and told her that he would get her her position back, and they leave together to stop Zero from reporting back to Lin. 


People have suspected since long ago that Laura and Bennett would be dating, since the people who played them in the Online League were dating IRL. It is also supported by the fact that both Laura and Bennet's Pokémon benefit massively from the Flower Garden field, and the characters are the same age. 


It would be suuuper boring! Planning ahead for Mono type battles with all Mons available just seems too easy for me. Plus the E4 strategies with monotypes would be really limited, as I think, is shown with the gym leaders.


I have finished E18, I've just forgot most of the RP stuff and these days whenever I finish a challenge run I rush through it all lol.


I see.. I still maintain I'd be dissapointed if any of the E4 battles were 12v6, but I don't know. Maybe it's because I just dislike Bennett but I hope El "lied" to him in some way and he gets screwed over.


Thank you for the little bit of insight!

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14 hours ago, Siv said:

It would be suuuper boring! Planning ahead for Mono type battles with all Mons available just seems too easy for me. Plus the E4 strategies with monotypes would be really limited, as I think, is shown with the gym leaders.


I have finished E18, I've just forgot most of the RP stuff and these days whenever I finish a challenge run I rush through it all lol.


I see.. I still maintain I'd be dissapointed if any of the E4 battles were 12v6, but I don't know. Maybe it's because I just dislike Bennett but I hope El "lied" to him in some way and he gets screwed over.


Thank you for the little bit of insight!

Bennet gets a decent glow up in the Glass Factory, and drops out of Meteor. He also sorts out his hair and his new trainer sprite looks fine as hell. I would imagine he will be a lot more likeable in E19. 

I also hope we don’t fight these 2 in the Elite Four, but I would like to see it as a post game battle.

Edit: Here is the new Bennett Sprite, Ame revealed it on stream a few weeks ago.




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