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Hi All,


First of all, I wish you all season's greetings.

In hope to get the release of Ep.19 in the new year, I started a new run to put together a well rounded team that could go through the whole game. I have restarted 100 of playthroughs but now is time to reach the end game and stick there.

I just beat Noël and would like some advices on my current team and how to improve in the next few badges. FYI, I use some QoL mods and don´t mind using the debug to skip the annoying (IMO) breedings and EV training. I also used it to have access to some moves a bit earlier than expected (like I gave Hyper Voice to Sylveon when it learnt Moonblast, or Thunder Wave to Meowstic when it learnt Misty Terrain). And I changed starter and picked Porygon-z because why not? But don't recommend me a Moxie, EQ, Adamant Gyarados for the next fight against Radomus, that's not going to happen.

Thanks a lot.



Prankster - Bold - 252 HP /126 Def / 126 SpeD - Light Clay

- Reflect

- Light Screen

- Psychic

- Thunder Wave / Misty Terrain

My main support. Honestly, before every fight I am like "I need to replace him", but he always proves me wrong. I used debug to give it TW earlier, but I alternate with Misty Terrain when needed.



Insomnia - Impish - 252 HP /126 Def / 126 SpeD - Big Root

- Will o Whisp

- Leech Seed

- Phantom Force

- Seed Bomb / (Protect)

Physicall Wall of the team. This weird vegetable soloed Solaris Garchomp (under rain too and reflect but still not bad right?). Protect would give it its best competitive moveset, but in the meantime Seed Bomb stays useful and still hits decently hard



Pixelate - Bold - 252 HP /126 Def / 126 SpeD - Pixie Plate

- Hyper Voice

- Calm Mind

- Wish

- Heal Bell

Special Sponge that can also help as a Cleric or hit like a truck after few CM. I think eventually Clefable would fill the role better, but it is doing great so far. I run Heal Bell because I am playing with item off, so it saved my ass few times to be honest.



Huge Power - Adamant - 252 Att /252 Spe - Protective Pads

- Swords Dance

- Quick Attack

- Eartquake

- Iron Head

No more defensive pokemon, let´s talk about the heavy hitters now. Reflect/LS helps him to set up with SD and then it hits like a truck; EQ as main STAB, Quick Attack because I needed a priority move in the team and Iron Head because that's my only answer to fairies and has decent coverage



Moxie - Adamant - 252 Att / 252 Spe - Black Belt

- Dragon Dance

- Drain Punch

- Ice Punch / Thunder Punch / Fire Punch

- Crunch

Yes, Blaziken is not the only powerful chicken in this game. DD+Moxie makes it a really strong sweeper. Drain Punch might not be the most powerful but it helps setting up and goes well with Scrafty decent bulk. Crunch for STAB, elemental Punch depending on the coverage needed (I usually stick with Ice)



Adaptability - Modest - 252 SpA / 252 Spe - Silk Scraf

- Nasty Plot

- Recover

- Tri Attack

- Shadow Ball

After 2 physical sweepers, here is my special one. Very classic moveset that allows him to setup and sweep with full coverage. As you probably noticed, I used debug to give it Shadow Ball when it learnt Tri Attack.


BTW I just don't like the fact some TM are so late in the game, though I understand the devs point on that. But why no EQ TM when you have access to Flygon, Mamoswine or Excadrill (sometimes) so early? All it does is force you to play those mons instead of a physical Nido for example. But that's just my opinion.

That´s my main lineup. I have also fully trained Ludicolo, Excadrill, Stoutland, Spearow, Camerupt and Persian that I use form time to times depending on the needs.

If someone is willing to give me feedback on my team and how it would stand in the end game, that's much appreciated.

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For Right now, this is pretty decent however I would recommend swapping out:
- Diggersby for Swampert (Excadrill for now) : It's got almost the same attack, but way bulkier and a water typing to add to it. (available around Ciel)
- Scrafty for either Lucario/Hawlucha : It's really not that great unless you are running trick room, and 90 attack isn't the best. (Lucha is after Luna, Lucario is after Samson or Terra)
   You can even run a Power-up Punch set with Lucario. If you really want set up.
Otherwise pretty good team!

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Thanks for the feedback. I like your idea of Hawlucha and Swampert. At the moment I am using set up mons because that's what Meowstic allows me to do, but I could also free that spot if I go with your recommendations. And maybe use Metagross or Alakazam instead.

Regarding Excadrill, I honestly find it a bit underwhelming in Reborn. Without a sand team, its speed is not that impressive and Diggersby actually hits harder thanks to huge power while being a bit bulkier and has access to a priority move. It is still a great pokemon don't get me wrong, but I'll wait for Swampert as you advise.

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The big TMs are available late-game because the game is meant to be hard and quite frankly, it's already pretty easy.


Adding Calm Mind to Sylveon makes it a powerhouse and able to sweep gyms almost solo, if not solo.


Adding Earthquake early would make so many Pokemon absolutely busted and able to sweep the game on their own. And it doesn't force you to run Flygon or Excadrill or any other. EQ isn't a necessity, quite far from it. 


Or for example the Gourgeist with Will-o-Wisp. Did you add that before or after fighting Garchomp? How would the fight have looked without it?


But it's your playthrough! So just add the TMs or the moves you want. It's a private game afterall and it's meant to be played however you want it.


I've actually found a well rounded team to be a harder playthrough as the gyms are all mono-type you tend to rely on 1-2 mons every fight, and the rest can quickly become dead weight against certain gyms.


 Anyways, it's a very solid team. As suggested already, I would look to replace Diggersby (as much as I love the rabbit) and Scrafty. They're pretty slow and require set-up to really function. Since you like set-ups, maybe make use of your Excadrill Sand Rush and get your hands on a Sandstorm setter. That'll do some serious work for you, especially when you start using Seeds to their potential.

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1 hour ago, Siv said:

The big TMs are available late-game because the game is meant to be hard and quite frankly, it's already pretty easy.


Adding Calm Mind to Sylveon makes it a powerhouse and able to sweep gyms almost solo, if not solo.


Adding Earthquake early would make so many Pokemon absolutely busted and able to sweep the game on their own. And it doesn't force you to run Flygon or Excadrill or any other. EQ isn't a necessity, quite far from it. 


Or for example the Gourgeist with Will-o-Wisp. Did you add that before or after fighting Garchomp? How would the fight have looked without it?


But it's your playthrough! So just add the TMs or the moves you want. It's a private game afterall and it's meant to be played however you want it.


I've actually found a well rounded team to be a harder playthrough as the gyms are all mono-type you tend to rely on 1-2 mons every fight, and the rest can quickly become dead weight against certain gyms.


 Anyways, it's a very solid team. As suggested already, I would look to replace Diggersby (as much as I love the rabbit) and Scrafty. They're pretty slow and require set-up to really function. Since you like set-ups, maybe make use of your Excadrill Sand Rush and get your hands on a Sandstorm setter. That'll do some serious work for you, especially when you start using Seeds to their potential.

Thanks for the feedback, that's time for Excadrill to shine then!

And thanks for respecting the way I play, even if it means "cheating" in the eyes of many. Yep, Gourgeist beat Garchomp with WoW, but I could have cheesed the fight with Murkrow or Carvanha anyway, so at least I had fun there!

I don't think we will ever agree on the TM availability, but in my opinion we should get them all at the circus. By then most of your mons are in the 60s which is were they get their full "natural" moveset (bar some of course). At this point you can have Excadrill, Diggersby or Swampert with EQ who are S tier in my eyes, so giving it to Nidoking for example would not break the game. But then it means you could also give it to Lucario or others to create OP monsters, so I get your point. Anyway it is just an example, does not make the game less enjoyable and I understand you can have a different opinion.

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14 hours ago, Silkerin said:

Thanks for the feedback, that's time for Excadrill to shine then!

And thanks for respecting the way I play, even if it means "cheating" in the eyes of many. Yep, Gourgeist beat Garchomp with WoW, but I could have cheesed the fight with Murkrow or Carvanha anyway, so at least I had fun there!

I don't think we will ever agree on the TM availability, but in my opinion we should get them all at the circus. By then most of your mons are in the 60s which is were they get their full "natural" moveset (bar some of course). At this point you can have Excadrill, Diggersby or Swampert with EQ who are S tier in my eyes, so giving it to Nidoking for example would not break the game. But then it means you could also give it to Lucario or others to create OP monsters, so I get your point. Anyway it is just an example, does not make the game less enjoyable and I understand you can have a different opinion.

> so at least I had fun there!

And that's really the only thing that matters!

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