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Pokemon Suggestions


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Henlo guys need your help. After wrecking Addrein with my Metagross and Excadrill, I am currently grinding some mons for upcoming battle so I don't have to go back in forth continuing the story and farming mons. These are my main pokemons that I liked currently and 4 of them are EV trained to their appropriate ev spreads (Only Hermit and Miko I haven't been able to ev trained). One thing I noticed while training my mons is that many of them are steel types and I am afraid that it would cause problems later if most of strongest mons are steel types. I have been thinking getting goodra since its a pseudo-legendary and a crobat because I've been seeing a lot in forums how crobat is good in this game, what u guys think?



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I think having several Steel-types is fine. They'll be good to have given what Gyms there are left. Magnezone is one of the GOATs of Reborn, and personally I love Alakazam (even though it's not a Steel-type). Magic Guard is fantastic since it negates Life Orb damage, and mine had Psychic Terrain to not only further boost Psychic but also block priority moves like Shadow Sneak, Bullet Punch and Sucker Punch.


I don't have much experience of using either Crobat or Goodra, but I find it a bit hard to believe Goodra would be a worthwhile addition to your roster at this point. I could see it working in one of the remaining Gyms due to it's resistances and high Special Defense (and ability to learn Sludge Wave) but I have my doubts about its long-term viability. On the other hand, Hawlucha at least on paper seems pretty good, especially if it has Unburden ability. You can use many of the Seeds to not only boost Hawlucha's stats (depending of the field effect), it also activates Unburden which doubles its Speed. That, combined with strong STAB options like High Jump Kick and Acrobatics, and in my opinion more useful typing given what Gyms remain, are all things to consider.

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8 hours ago, Zargerth said:

I think having several Steel-types is fine. They'll be good to have given what Gyms there are left. Magnezone is one of the GOATs of Reborn, and personally I love Alakazam (even though it's not a Steel-type). Magic Guard is fantastic since it negates Life Orb damage, and mine had Psychic Terrain to not only further boost Psychic but also block priority moves like Shadow Sneak, Bullet Punch and Sucker Punch.


I don't have much experience of using either Crobat or Goodra, but I find it a bit hard to believe Goodra would be a worthwhile addition to your roster at this point. I could see it working in one of the remaining Gyms due to it's resistances and high Special Defense (and ability to learn Sludge Wave) but I have my doubts about its long-term viability. On the other hand, Hawlucha at least on paper seems pretty good, especially if it has Unburden ability. You can use many of the Seeds to not only boost Hawlucha's stats (depending of the field effect), it also activates Unburden which doubles its Speed. That, combined with strong STAB options like High Jump Kick and Acrobatics, and in my opinion more useful typing given what Gyms remain, are all things to consider.

I avoided to know what the gym leader's types are so it would not ruin the challenge when I face them in the future so that's why I wanted to balance out the typings of my mons. I already EV trained my magnezone because manetric feel lackluster in late game recently so opted for it, while I also LOVE alakazam and hawlucha since they've been saving my ass for many hard-fought battles. 

From what I read about crobat is that he can remove terrains and can outspeed a lot of mons. The only problem is just the breeding part where he gets brave bird. As well for Goodra, I just want a tanky SP Def pokemon in case a tanky mon against sp attackers which I can also use for reviving dead mons during that turn. That's all I can say for now



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