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Garchamp movesets suggestions


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I would suggest swapping out stone edge with either stealth rocks or swords dance. Iron head covers all of chomps weaknesses, so stone edge isnt necessary imo. If you go swords dance i suggest muscle band and if you go rocks i suggest orb

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Swords dance isn't available and stealth rocks may not be either.


Now, since EQ isn't actually available, I'd suggest everyone to look at a special niche that Garchomp still has.


Rough skin lets garchomp switch in on contact moves to heavily punish AI (If you switch in on a double slap the opponent will literally just explode), and with garchomp's offenses, this can easily result in free KOs. Run Rocky Helmet as your item, either 252 attack 252 speed or 252 hp 252 defense, and keep Stone Edge/Dig/Outrage as your "permanent" moves. The last move is filler for special situations, ie, a levitating steel type'd need to hit with brick break.

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16 hours ago, Juvath said:

I would suggest swapping out stone edge with either stealth rocks or swords dance. Iron head covers all of chomps weaknesses, so stone edge isnt necessary imo. If you go swords dance i suggest muscle band and if you go rocks i suggest orb


12 hours ago, MisterEcksYT said:

Swords dance isn't available and stealth rocks may not be either.


Now, since EQ isn't actually available, I'd suggest everyone to look at a special niche that Garchomp still has.


Rough skin lets garchomp switch in on contact moves to heavily punish AI (If you switch in on a double slap the opponent will literally just explode), and with garchomp's offenses, this can easily result in free KOs. Run Rocky Helmet as your item, either 252 attack 252 speed or 252 hp 252 defense, and keep Stone Edge/Dig/Outrage as your "permanent" moves. The last move is filler for special situations, ie, a levitating steel type'd need to hit with brick break.

Hmmm interesting, I am building two teams for this run which is sand team and rain team and I put garchomp of one my main sweepers. I already have a hazard setter which is my hippowdon with sandstream then following up my garchomp and excadrill with sand veil and sand rush respectively. I have magnezone for water and fairy coverage and two mons is weavile to counter psychic mons which generally OHKO garchomp since many psychic pokemon can outspeed garchomp has access to dazzling beam and also it has a good priority move, lastly any of my special attackers depending on the future battle (Gardevior, Alakazam, Lucario, Starmie and meowstic). The brick-break filler seems good since I have it on my weavile for screens and it restricted me from giving him choice band, so garchomp BB could change weavile moveset and add another good coverage for the team. I still have a lot of high-leveled pokemon but I am still new to team building so what you guys think bout just changing iron head for brick-break?

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