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Bulky pivot/attacker Pre-Aya Pre-Scizor


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As the title says, I am looking for a bulky physical pivot/attacker pre-Aya pre-scizor for my current team lineup:-


Blaziken (Jolly, 252 attk/ 252 spe/ 4 SpA, Speed Boost)

Roserade (Timid, 252 SpA / 252 Spe/ 4 SpD, Natural Cure)

Mamoswine (Adamant, 252 attk/252 Spe/ 4 hp, Thick Fat)

Nidoking (Modest, 252 SpA/ 252 Spe/ 4 hp, Sheer Force)

Azumarill (Adamant, 252 attk/ 252 Spe/ 4 hp, Huge Power)


At the moment, I have klinklang for that spot (because I thought it would be as good as scizor. It does not seem to be panning out well because it cannot even 3hko anything even after 4 shift gears except super effective)



Nature: Adamant

Ability: Clear Body

E/V Spread: 240 HP/108 attk/ 148 Spd

Moveset: Charge, Shift Gear, Gear Grind, Metal Sound


My current candidates for replacement are:-


A-Muk (friend trade)

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Poison Touch

EV Spread: 252 hp/ 108 attk/ 148 Spd

Moveset: Crunch, Knock Off, Gunk Shot, Fire Punch



Nature: Impish

Ability: Intimidate

EV Spread: 252 hp/108 attk/ 148 spd

Moveset: Bulk Up, Crunch, Drain Punch, Payback



Nature: Adamant

Ability: Thick Fat

EV Spread: 84 hp/ 172 attk/ 252 Spd

Moveset: bullet punch, fake out, knock off, force palm


My parameters for this spot is bulky enough to get 3hko by neutral damage and offensive enough to 2hko neutral.

Which of these 3 are better suited? If anyone has better suggestions at this stage of the game, I welcome it. General team feedback is welcome too.





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I think out of those I would recommend Scrafty. Bulk Up will help with killing things and that and Intimidate will help with keeping it alive, plus it should be able to assist with your big Psychic weakness, although you might wanna think about switching off Crunch or Payback just to get some extra coverage. I like Muk too, but you have 2 other Poison types already so it might be redundant; if Scrafty doesn't work out you can try that instead.

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On 1/10/2022 at 11:22 AM, Rendolf said:

I think out of those I would recommend Scrafty. Bulk Up will help with killing things and that and Intimidate will help with keeping it alive, plus it should be able to assist with your big Psychic weakness, although you might wanna think about switching off Crunch or Payback just to get some extra coverage. I like Muk too, but you have 2 other Poison types already so it might be redundant; if Scrafty doesn't work out you can try that instead.

Thanks! I took scrafty for a spin, much better, though Alolan muk seemed to fare well too. On the flip side, I managed to get rid of psychic weakness because nidoking's learnset is gen 7 (no sludge wave pre-Aya) and there are no ice beam and flamethrower tms in-game. 

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