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Flower Garden Field Suggestion


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I really love the idea behind this field despite it being exclusive only in Kingdom Goomidra. I just wished we could use more of it during our playthrough which is why I came up with the suggestion of it being summonable  only using seed moves like Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, or Seed Flare in battle. Bullet Seed and Seed Bomb should be used at least  three - four  times in battle while Seed Flare once. Once you use them more than once you can get the prompt "Seeds line the field."  Obviously it won't be summonable on certain fields but It would be nice if you can change Grassy Terrain, Forest Field, and other compatible fields into Flower Garden Field that way.

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If you go with the theme seeds need to sprout too, so much more appropriate would be Leech Seed + Rain dance to sprout a flower field. 

Otherwise use more thematically appropriate moves like Pollen Puff, Flower Shield, Floral Healing or Powder. 

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1 hour ago, Cyphre said:

If you go with the theme seeds need to sprout too, so much more appropriate would be Leech Seed + Rain dance to sprout a flower field. 

Otherwise use more thematically appropriate moves like Pollen Puff, Flower Shield, Floral Healing or Powder. 


Yes, that was the idea. Using seed moves to set up the field but you still need to use the moves (Rototiller, Flower Shield, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Growth, Ingrain, Grassy Terrain, Bloom Doom) and abilites ( Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Drought, Drizzle, Grassy Surge)  to actually  grow the field. I didn't use Leech Seed because it can only be used on an opponent once unless they switch out.


Example: Your Pokémon uses a move like Bullet Seed and after the move is used you can have a text like, "Seeds are being scattered on the field"

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