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Pokemon Revenge:


This game is in the same universe as Pokemon Rejuvenation and Pokemon Reborn and Pokemon Pathfinder and Pokemon Insurgence. On your journey you will encounter many things, including:

  • New Regional Variants
  • New Mega Pokemon
  • Instinct Pokemon
  • Ego Pokemon
  • Hisuian Pokemon, revived from the ancient past
  • 18 gyms
  • An elite 4
  • Custom Field Effects
  • Characters from Reborn and Rejuvenation

And more. Here is the description of Pokemon Revenge:


Welcome to the Delor Region. This region is full of life. This lush life hides the darkness within from the rest of the world. A group known as Team Nightmare is trying to take down the region from within, and they are succeeding. Using pokemon from the past, they tear apart this lovely region. Then you come along. You must make a choice: STand by and watch everything you know in the world crumble into pieces? Or take on the most dangerous thing this region has seen since the times of Arceus...


I'll talk about pokemon Pathfinder later...

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Seems like a good thread to talk about my game. It's too far away from release to deserve its own thread and I've only made the assets and not the game so I'll just talk about the plans I have for it:

- Takes place in a school.

- Strong emphasis on characters and story.

- Persona styled calendar system, dungeons, and social links.

- A mix of classic and life sim style adventure.

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Pokemon Pathfinder:


  • New Regional Variants
  • New Pokemon
  • New Mega Pokemon
  • Visit Delor
  • Instinct Pokemon
  • Ego Pokemon
  • Custom Field Effects
  • Hisuian Pokemon, revived from the ancient past
  • 8 Gyms
  • A tournament styled Pokemon League

Here is the description:


Welcome to Korrin. This futuristic and high tech region needs your help. I group known as Team overload wants to take over the Digiverse and use its power to control the technological world. The Digiverse, or the techno world, has a virus, and its up to you to stop it.

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There's actually one fanmade game I'd like to create one day. 


Pokemon Heaven&Hell



- region to explore (Sacroc)

- fanmade Pokemon

- regional forms

- pernament evolutions

- Mega Evolutions

- moves

- Abilites

- weather (Eclipse)

- special mechanics: "Blessings" 

- Pokemon League to defeat

- villianous team (Team Omega)

- changes to existing moves, Abilities and properties


Various characters, including:

- rivals

- family

- 8 Champion-class Gym Leaders

- Elite Four

- Grand Champion

- League Supervisor

- Sacroc's Supreme Leader (politically speaking)

- Frontier Brains

- canon characters from other regions

- new characters



Sacroc Region awaits you. Region created several milleniums ago by Arceus' grandchildren - Coelesteus and Tartarus - oozing with unique flora and fauna, inhabitated by natives and comers, finally starts to thrive, becoming a prime destination for countless Trainers to prove themselves by trying to emerge victorious in Altro Conference and have the chance to defeat the undefeated Sacroc Grand Champion. Yet the region has never been more in danger, with unknown organization called Team Omega tries to overthrow "Prince" - enigmatic man who governs the entire region - and take control over Sacroc. In the darkest days of this land, as prophecy claims, only "The Chosen One" can solve all the problems and unite the region under thier reign. 


Despite yourself not caring about political conflicts, aiming to gain all 8 Badges, win in the annual Altro Conference and defeat entire Pokemon League, after various incidents you are forced to take matters into your own hands and defeat all the threats to your and your family's well-being, let that be terroristical Team Omega, "roadblocking" League Representatives, intimidating Prince or any other!

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