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Looking to borrow Ditto with 31hp


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So there I was. Pacing about, strategizing, brainulating, teambuilding. After careful consideration of my team's weaknesses, I quickly came to the all too common realization that the washing machine will solve all of my problems. That is, of course, rotom-wash. It has great bulk, solid special offense, decent speed, and access to great support and disruption moves. Slight problem: those excellent stats would imply that my individual Rotom does not suck.

That's where you come in. After some excessive soft resetting, I've managed to come into contact with a rotom that has perfect special attack and special defense. I know a guy that has a ditto with perfect speed, which leaves just HP and defense. If anyone would let me borrow their ditto with a perfect IV in either of those stats, that'd be awesome of you. If it has any other perfect IVs, you're extra awesome. If it has perfect defense and HP, I'll love you forever. Or not. No promises.

To anyone willing to help me out, I have a fair few near perfect breedjects you can take your pick from. These include snivy, drilbur, deino(I have a spare shiny), starly, scraggy, rowlet, marill, solosis, and cutiefly. Or, if you need any help completing the pokedex, I've already done that on my first file, so I can help you there.
TL;DR: looking for ditto(s) with perfect defense and hp IVs to breed rotom, you can have them back once I'm done.

My Discord is PlasmaBlade#7254. Feel free to add me there to notify me instantly and for ease of communication and coordinating trades.
Thanks in advance!

UPDATE: Through sheer force of will, I've managed to RNG breed a rotom with 31s in all stats but attack and HP, so I don't need defense anymore. If anyone would lend me a perfect HP ditto, that would be super awesome of you. Anything I can offer in return is still on the table.

Edited by PlasmaBald
Updated available breedjects, no longer need defense
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