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Amber's Gym bug


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Hey, i remember being able to lower hype to help in Amber's gym, but when i do it now, the door closes again. Is this a bug or did something change in 13?


Also, are there any negative repercussions to doing this? ive seen some talk floating around about a good/bad/true ending so im nervous about messing something up (i already got a red note from Melia after the events of blacksteeple)

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it might be bugged, otherwise try going through the door after getting enough hype and then leave.


As for repercussions you WILL get -4 friendship points with Amber, having 0 or negative friendship points with Amber you will get


negative karma points/bad end calc, get too many negative karma points and you will get the bad or worse ending. However as long as you try and be kind to everyone and do help center quests/other sidequest you should be good.


Edited by Rozetheeuwu
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Rozetheeuwu covered it but sacrificing friendship points to lower the hype shouldn't be necessary unless you're going for the bad ending.

Amber is the easiest gym leader IMO (especially since V13 apparently nixed the Smack Down cheese against Souta) and I am in Normal mode. From watching on Youtube, V13 appears to have nerfed her even by replacing her Magmortar with A-Toxtricity which only added to her existing ground weakness. 

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