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R.A.M CXZ 007

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I was planning to do a personal normal type monorun. after the new hisiun mon (hisuin zoroark especially) have been revealed i have been wondering if i should wait till the new v13.5 updates comes and play with the new hisiuian mon if they are there or play the run now and wait for the updates 

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Given that v13.5 has been in development for quite a while and Legends of Arceus only came out super recently, I find it very unlikely that any of the Hisuian pokemon will be included. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they never added any of the new mons/forms given how late we are into the development of pokemon rejuvenation as a whole and how difficult adding new pokemon to the game must be and how much has still yet to be added from previous games. That's not to say it won't ever happen, but I don't see it happening any time soon, and I wouldn't be surprised if the devs just decided not to. It's all up to them and we just have to wait and see.


With that in mind, I'd recommend just starting your run now. Any huge changes to the game or new pokemon will likely only be added in v14, and we have no idea when that's going to be coming, so you might as well just do it.

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