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Predicting teams for the rest of the Reborn League

Green Bean 501

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I decided to review the field effects again and make some team predictions for Sapphira, the Elite 4 and Lin 


Sapphira's Team 

The Dragon's Den heavily boosts dragon and fire moves and decreases water and ice moves. Dragon dance also has doubled stat boost. She probably has Mega Charizard X since it benefits from the field a lot and takes neutral damage ice and fairy attacks. I threw in some poison and steel moves for coverage against faries. Tyrantrum is there in case you try to change the field to a cave, and Kommo-o's Clanging Scales still gets boosted there because its a sound move. Goodra is good for tanking special attacks and hitting back. Her signature Dragonite always has Multiscale active, so it will be tough to stop it from setting up Dragon Dance and sweeping your team.


Elite 4

I'm predicting that the Elite 4 will specialize in 2 or 3 types to set them apart from the Gym Leaders. Naturally, they'll all have Z moves and a Mega Evolution on top of their general strategy. They each have one of Reborn's keys, and I think we'll face them in the same order we encounter the keys in the story.


Heather's Team

I'm willing to bet Heather uses the Mountain Field, just like the one in Beryl Cemetery. Flying types are naturally a strong contender because of all the boosts they get in the wind. Ghost types also fit due to Beryl ward's close proximity to a cemetery and Shade's gym. Heather's team specializes in speed control, particularly Tailwind since it lasts 5 turns and creates strong winds. This also lets Driftblim have reliable flying STAB from Weather Ball. I think she'll have Corey's Crobat since its the only one of his Pokemon we can't catch.


(You'll see here that there are 6 Poke Balls, right below Beryl Bridge.) It can set up Tailwind and clear entry hazards for her team. Under strong winds, Ominous Wind and Icy Wind deal more damage than Shadow Ball and Ice Beam, respectively. Thunder never misses so it's a better option than Thunderbolt. Talonflame and Froslass can cover her other team member's ice weaknesses, and Decidueye and Salamance can deal with any Rock type attackers.


Laura's Team

We haven't seen the Flower Garden Field anywhere in the game yet, but it looks especially potent for a Grass type user. Laura's team will definitely take advantage of those boosts, and will try to get it to max strength ASAP. For starters, here's a list of all the things that make the field grow. 1188273144_flowergrow.png.1632e5ac1979fd544c3aff54e5fde7ca.png

The sun would only make her team more vulnerable to Fire attacks, so I'm predicting that she'll be using a rain team to prevent you from setting the field on fire. (And Lilligant's Chlorophyll gets activated at Stage 4 anyways). Ludicolo sets up the rain and Venusaur boosts its attack power on the first turn, while also growing the field to Stage 3 already. And if you try to change it with Drought, the field will grow even more. Ferrothorn is a good switch in for Poison types and also likes the reduced damage from Fire moves. Comfey and Florges are mostly for defense buffs and healing, but can deal with to fighting types that threaten Ferrothorn. They can defensively handle Bug attacks too. Lilligant is probably the most threatening, since it can outspeed  your Pokemon and put them to sleep, buff its stats with Quiver dance, and hit hard with a field boosted Bloom Doom.


El's Team

It's pretty obvious that El will be using the Holy Field in his battle. Oranguru sets up Trick Room for the team while Delphox cripples one of your set up Pokemon with a Choice Scarf that makes it go slower in trick room. Their Psychic attacks can easily deal with fighting types the rest of his team is weak to. Drampa and Snorlax both hit hard, especially since ghost types can't switch into their STAB attacks. Audino can serve as a backup trick room setter and heal its teammates, which makes Snorlax and Oranguru even harder to take down. I had a tough time figuring out how Ditto would fit into a trick room team until I realized that the EV training items lower its speed. So it's basically the classic Scarf ditto without any restrictions on its move selection. Porygon 2 could be an option due to how good it is in VGC, but I don't really think it fits El's character.


Anna's Team

Anna isn't a directly confirmed E4 member but an interview with Gossip Gardevoir says she is a strong trainer. Based on her dialogue in the Void (and her doll Nostra), I'm predicting that we'll fight her on the (currently) unused Starlight Arena.

poorly edited together for your convenience

Fairy and Dark moves both get boosted, as well as a few steel moves. Dark type attacks deal additional Fairy damage, which eliminates one of Jirachi's weaknesses. Her team revolves around constant switches and healing with Wish, which heals 75% max HP on this field. Klefki is a good lead due to its defensive typing, priority dual screens, and priority spikes for hazard damage. Starmie can deal with Fire types and deals lots of damage with what's essentially a free Nasty Plot. Gothitelle and Mega Lucario might seem like odd choices but I think they fit pretty well considering their Poxedex entries. Lucario is known for its abilities to see people's aura, and Gothitelle is said to predict the future based on the stars. Jirachi has good stats all around and a great defensive type. Cosmic power also has doubled stat boost, making it even tougher to KO and easier for it to stall for a 4x base power Doom Desire.


Lin's Team

I've said this before but I'm 99% sure Lin is going to be Reborn's equivalent of the Champion, even if she isn't officially recognized by the League. The New World Field buffs the most moves of any terrain, including Dark moves, light-based moves, draco meteor, shadow ball, moonblast, and most signature moves. It also nullifies all weather and halves the speed of grounded Pokemon. So its basically custom made for her ace Hydreigon. As Team Meteor's Leader, she would absolutely use Pulse+ to make her Pokemon exceed the normal EV limit. Since Lin used to be a Dragon user in the real Reborn League, I gave her Dragons that wouldn't be affected by the speed drop. Noivern can heal 75% of its Hp and switch out once its special attack has been lowered from Draco Meteor. Flygon's Levitate and Dragon Dance give it an edge over Garchomp on this field, and Crunch gets increased power too. We know Lin is controlling Gossip Gardevoir, and she seems some benefit from the New World field and the seed effect. She can also switch into Dragon attacks that half of Lin's team is weak to. Victini can switch into Fairy moves and gets an attack boost from the buff to Victory Star. (My headcanon is that Victini is why Lin is immortal, since its said to cause its Trainer to always win.)victini.png.181ad7879b9c92fdd0d527e2a5006fcf.png

I've seen people say that Arc-Pulse will be a separate fight but if it was I don't think she would have an 100% win rate in the tournament of b00ty. So of course, all of its attacks get boosted by the field. If it still has Multitype in Pulse form, then it will change type every turn as well.


What are your guys thoughts on these teams?

EDIT: Added Victini's dex entries


Edited by Green Bean 501
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For Saphira, I think her mons need to be Dragon type in their base form as in all other Gym battles, so Charizard and Ampharos would be illegal. And since Altaria, Garchomp and Salamence are already taken by others, I would suggest she might not have a Mega but a Z-Move on her team, like Amaria. Perhaps Clangorous Soulblaze since it is also a sound-based move.


6 hours ago, Green Bean 501 said:

I think she'll have Corey's Crobat since its the only one of his Pokemon we can't catch.

I realized this just a few days ago lol, was surprised no one else on the forums mentioned it.


For Lin, Gardevoir is definitely possible, it could be a Trick Room setter, which would be especially useful for Victini and V-Create, though I am sure Lin will not have Victini when she already has Arceus. There is also Naganadel if Air Balloon makes you non-grounded

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I don't expect Lin to run trick room - it's extremely antisynergistic with the new world field's speed lowering effect, given that her signature pokemon has levitate.  


We can't really extrapolate much from the previous leaders using mega evolutions whose base forms match their gym types - no mega evolution adds the rock, steel, or water types to a pokemon that doesn't already have them, and the only pokemon that gains fairy type by mega evolving is Audino (which is both one of the weakest mega evolutions in the game and also especially ill-suited for doubles on account of its passivity), so pretty much only Ciel could have had an off-type base form on her mega.

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Actually, Elite Four specialize in one type, but thier teams will be varied (just like against non-Gym Battles against other specialists; fe.: Arclight is an Electric-type specialist, but half of his team was non-Electric).


Don't want to critic, but I'd make some little~ changes

17 hours ago, Green Bean 501 said:

I've said this before, and I'll say it once more - Saphira should have Latias. She and Damien from Rejuvenation are basically parallers: last Gym Leaders to face in the plot, Dragon Leaders of thier respective Leagues, younger sibling being a member of Elite Four/Eight, mother being a equally-impressive (if not more) Trainer. So, I'd give her Latias, instead of Kommo'o (because others are more... beneficial), or slap a Mega Stone, and Mega Latias instead of Mega Charizard X (because Charizard isn't Dragon-type in its base form; which should disquallify it from mono-Dragon team).

As for the stat spread and moves, then 31 IV in everything but Attack (to avoid stronger Foul Play), 252 EV in Special Attack and Speed, then 4 in HP, and with Timid nature, and moveset of: Psychic/Psyshock, Draco Meteor, Calm Mind and Thunderbolt/Thunder could be good.

17 hours ago, Green Bean 501 said:

Heather's Team

This team and reasoning is... solid. But there's one flaw in-here (this is a flaw for me, but it may not be for others). And that flaw... is Froslass. Why? Because it's already the ace of major Trainer (Serra). Unless she is given a different one (which is very unlikely since V19 probably won't have Gen 8 Pokemon, so no Frostmoth), I kinda don't want it on Heather's team.

I've said previously that Elite Four SHOULD HAVE at least one Legendary, so my vote goes to Therian Tornadus. With Strong Winds... it basically doesn't have a weakness, and has a solid movepool. Give it a traditional Fast Special Sweeper stat spread with Modest Nature, then moveset of Tailwind, Gust/Air Slash, Icy Wind (in case of transition into Snowy Mountain) and U-turn (Regenerator and pivoting)

17 hours ago, Green Bean 501 said:

Laura's Team

On this team... I have absolutely nothing, it's a great prediction and would work incredibly good in practice, I think. Yes, I've said that there should be Legendaries on E4 Teams, but this team is so well constructed, I cannot see any replacing for them (yet they're extremely vulnerable to Burning Field if opponent pulls that out; which can be done in just three moves, yet I doubt someone would actually do that).

18 hours ago, Green Bean 501 said:

Anna's Team

I'm, like, 99% sure Fantasia will be one of the Elite. But the fact that Gardevoir did "praise" her is just one of the few foreshadowings. The others were: Sigmund claiming many of his "patients" were battling prodigies, and the only one of the well-known ones who "apparently wasn't", was her. Also, she is Painter's twin, and both are children of Radomus - in-lore one of the most powerful Trainers in Reborn (because there, mind matters more than just some numbers). Furthermore, every time someone wants to speak about Fantasia's rank, she shuts them immediately.

About the team, hm... as I mentioned, I don't like someone's ace to be on other's team. I know what you would say: "But that's Noel's Clefable". Well... if it was male, I'd believe you. But in that way, mmmm... I guess that might be a mistake on author's part.

18 hours ago, Green Bean 501 said:

El's Team

Elias' team makes mostly sense - his ace (Ditto), and other who suit his convinience. Expect Snorlax... It doesn't seem to suit the thin (underweighted, most likely) holy man. And to my knowledge, Elias isn't a glutton. We could give him a Slaking... because he's slacking as a father.

But in all seriousness, I say that he should have Smeargle. Because that apparently one of his aces back in the Pokemon Online League (and also he was apparently mauling anyone who dared to be in crush with Luna). Yes, that wouldn't work in Doubles, with it being frail af, but if the battle was in Singles, and Elias could utilize it's limitless movepool to Baton Pass it... that'd be quite a painful lesson for you, $!M?$

19 hours ago, Green Bean 501 said:

Lin's Team

"Champion"? Even if in quote (" "), I think her title would be simply "Meteor Leader" (just like Solaris).

The team, hmmm..... Oh, so you're one of those, huh?

Then, let's say - hypothetically - all those theories are true (and the more I see them, the more I'm starting to believe them), then the roster is solid. Also, will Arceus come already pre-PULSE'd, or will have PULSE activated during the battle? If the latter occurs, then Leftovers are out. If not, sure - go ahead.

But, I'm sorry, but I have to bring this up: I don't think Lin is a type to "set-up and wait". With her entire team equipped in PULSE2, which in game powers-up stats beyond possible capabalities, and in-lore... welp...


In "anime", PULSE2 is so busted that it transformed Solaris' Garchomp into a earth-shattering monster, defeating easily two of Oscar's Pokemon on its own (while leaders struggled to defeat just one with entire parties of 6), then (even after being wounded and weakened because of strains PULSE2 puts on the user) tiring out his Mega Tyranitar - something not even Champions' aces could boast about.


And might I add, Oscar's Mega Tyranitar... 


There's a reason why he mega-evolved him only 4 times during THE ENTIRE Reborn series

(and yes, I've planned it all, even the potential events of V19)


She would have almost only attacking moves, to crush and dominate the weaklings trying to stop her! Yet, I still wonder if Victini is the right call... Yeah, Victory Star and boosted signature moves, but... can we say for sure that the reason Lin emerges victorious is because of Victini, and not because she's some kind of spirit (sorta like Shade), who is undestructiable-



Now my brain generated image of Lin, standing in front of the player on top of a skyscraper (with helipad), wearing big ass armor bodysuit (way too big for her; with head sticking out of it), with solar panels sticking out of the back. She takes a battle-ready pose, uses those panels to create a shield in front of her, and shouts "I'm fuckin' invincible!", with voice full of self-enthusiasm.

Christ, what is wrong with me...?


One way or another, those predictions are well-done, and we'll see soon how accurate

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20 hours ago, Oscarus said:
On 1/25/2022 at 5:01 PM, Green Bean 501 said:


"Champion"? Even if in quote (" "), I think her title would be simply "Meteor Leader" (just like Solaris).

I honestly think her her title will either be Champion or Meteor Mastermind.

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I'm more for the Meteor Mastermind, because of her actions for what she did. It suits her more better.


As for the teams, I have some suggestions for them (with their respective type they are spezialing; who knows maybe 2-3 types, but I stay on one type first🤔):


Saphira's Team: Dragonite (Her ace), Naganadel, (Mega) Charizard, Haxorus, Flygon & Kommo-o

Strategy: Mostly with type coverage moves and counterattacking with (ironically) boosted fire moves thanks to the Dragon Den field🐲🔥



Heather's Team: (Mega) Salamence, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Drifblim, Crobat & Noivern

Strategy: Usage of Tailwind and Speed sweepers (because her team will be extremely fast and many flying types are falling in that category). I beat her mother (a former E4 member) also might had the same strategy and Heather learned everything about her🦅🏃🏽‍♀️



Laura's & Bennett's Teams: Lilligant (Laura's ace), Cherrim, (Mega) Venusaur, Rosenalde, Ludicolo & Whimsicott 

Volcorona (Bennett's ace), (Mega) Scizor, Yanmega, Monthim, Venonat & Ariados 

Strategy: I know that Laura might use a Chlorophyll team maybe, but I believe we're going to face these two together in a Double battle. So I was thinking of covering the fire weakness with rain (kinda like Shelly does), while setting up until stage 4-5 of the Flower Garden field with various moves☀️🌧🌺🪳🐛🕸



Anna's Team: Nostra the Jirachi (1st ace), Gothitelle (2nd ace), Starmie, (Mega) Metagross, Exeggutor & Oranguru

Stragety: Trick Room tactic in a Double battle with setting up the defenses and have the move Wish as well. If the Elite 4 is confirmed to actually be dual type trainers, that I would say she'll have Fairy types as well (Sylveon, Clefable and Azumarill as well.)🌠⭐🔮



El's Team: Dittoceus (His ace), Smeargle, Slaking, (Mega) Kangaskhan, Snorlax and Girafig.

Strategy: I don't have a clear tactic for him, but he'll use bulk and his field to his advantage with some gimmick bullshit known as the "Fake Arceus Ditto thing". Because it boost both Normal and Psychic fields. Plus the whole Baton Pass thing🪄🎲🧩



Lin's Team: Hydreigon (Ace), PULSE- Arceus, G. Gardevoir, Zoroark, Zygarde & Tyrantrum.

Stragety: Strength and power with Dark-type and Dragon-type moves, since the New World field has the most moves getting a dangerous boost. A dangerous and deadly sweep⚔🩸🐉


3 hours ago, Dark Champion said:

I definitely agree about Heather having Decidueye.

This is true because of Long Reach receives a benefit in Mountain field and technically had the Flying type until Datrix. If not pure monotype team, then a team designed around a field effect🤔😄👍🏼



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2 minutes ago, Dark Champion said:

Big possibilities for Steelix and Charizard 

Charizard is a maybe. But I'd disqualiffy Steelix since all Gym Battles are monotype


Yes, I know that Painter's Clefable is Fairy-type, but... the battle existed before implementation of Gen 6 (probably), and it was his ace in the POL, so I think it's fine. The same goes to Ciel and Altaria

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19 hours ago, Dark Champion said:

There ain't no way she gonna have a Naganadel. Big possibilities for Steelix and Charizard 

Steelix ain't an option since Marcello recently stated that Saphira is a monotype trainer.


One option for Heathe that i don't see considere is Skarmory. It has a history of being pretty good in singles, and could deal with Stealth Rock which is dangerous to Heather, while setting up other hazards.


I don't think we will be battling Laura and Bennet at once. The bullshit was saved for the postgame.


(I will likely be editing this coment as results of my brainstorming while bored in school for the last 4 years come to mind)

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1 minute ago, bobirobi20 said:

Steelix ain't an option since Marcello recently stated that Saphira is a monotype trainer.

Charizard isnt an option either then. This could mean that if she has a Kommo-o, then it will probably have a Z-Move.

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Suggestions for Saphira:



Kommo-o (Z-Move)






1 minute ago, Green Bean 501 said:

Mega Charizard X is still a dragon type, so it's still a viable option

But Charizard by itself wouldn't work.

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On 1/26/2022 at 10:14 AM, Lone Karvanha said:

For Saphira, I think her mons need to be Dragon type in their base form as in all other Gym battles, so Charizard and Ampharos would be illegal.


On 1/26/2022 at 11:21 PM, Oscarus said:

So, I'd give her Latias, instead of Kommo'o (because others are more... beneficial), or slap a Mega Stone, and Mega Latias instead of Mega Charizard X (because Charizard isn't Dragon-type in its base form; which should disquallify it from mono-Dragon team).


At this point I'll sound like a broken record, but I'll say it again. IMO, Saphira will likely have a Mega Charizard-X. Her mother was a Fire type trainer and her father was a Dragon type trainer. The Charizardite-X is literally found in her mother's gym. The Dragon's Den field is perfect for it. From a character perspective, it is perfect for her, just like Crobat is perfect for Heather. I wouldn't focus on technicalities.

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