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Clearance Sale


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I have recently transferred all the Pokemon I care about (Event Exclusive, EV Trained, Cool Pokemon, etc.) from my Platinum to my HeartGold game. I really want to be able to play through one of my DS games again before Black & White come out and I can't bear to restart and lose all that valuable stuff. Once I transfer my Pokemon with Pokerus over then I'll be all set.

Except I'm too lazy to save the items. I'll list the items I find valuable here, but feel free to ask for any others because I might still have them. Won't be able to do any trades this week, but hopefully can this weekend and the following week. So here's the list:

Heart Scale x 6
Black Belt
Sooth Bell
Odd Keystone
Amulet Coin
Master Ball
TM 11 (Sunny Day)
TM 12 (Taunt)
TM 18 (Rain Dance)
TM 24 (Thunderbolt)
TM 27 (Return)
TM 29 (Psychic)
TM 30 (Shadow Ball)
TM 35 (Flamethrower)
TM 51 (Roost)
TM 59 (Dragon Pulse)
TM 60 (Drain Punch)
TM 66 (Payback)
TM 81 (X-Scissor)
TM 92 (Trick Room)

Again, I have more but keeping it to what I think people would actually bother trading for. Feel free to ask for other items. Do not have to give me anything in return since I will be restarting the game and lose it anyway. If you want to, I won't say no and I'll send it over to HG ;)
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Seeing as I still won't be able to get online with my ds for a while -until perhaps next week- anyways, I ask to reserve shadow ball, dragon pulse, and masterball for me. And ice beam too, if you have it. My friend wasted mah masterball on ho-oh whereas I'd savequit to catch either a shiny mewtwo or one with great IV's + nature. Although, I think I actually did that on my soul silver. The tm's shadow ball and dragon pulse would be like half it's moveset.
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