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Helping Jan out and come up with ideas for the Hisuian forms and new Hisuian mons(Spoilers for Legend Arceus)


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So first thing first, spoilers

if you dont want to be spoiled on the new forms and new evolution

cause you still havent played the game

leave cause this thread aint for you

If you dont care then cool


So Jan mentioned in the new 13.5 thread that he obviously has a hard time and doesnt really know a good place to add the new hisuian forms and evo into the game so they wont be in 13.5 (most likely)

So i thought 

why not have us as a community decide for him on the best place to add these mons

So without Further Ado

ill list the mons and maybe some places where we could potentially see them


The Starters:

Typhlosion: Evolve it in the goldenleaf Area, maybe wispy path and goldenleaf town

Samurott: Evolve it in Phantasial Cave(This is tricky since its hard to think of an area which is easily asscessible at its level and is related to darkness)

Decudieye: Sheridian Village


Hisuian Growlithe: Could be a gift that ren gives you since my idea is we replace ren's original arcanine with the hisuian version to make it more special since its his dad that gives it to you, and he gives you one after the fight at shalisha


Hisuian Voltorb: Maybe Darclight Woods as a static Encounter?


Hisuian Qwilfish: Obtained after you get the super rod, location i cant think of any


Hisuian Sneasel: Obtained as a gift? idk im genuinely stumbled


Hisuian Zoura: Castle Zygara or Void Chasam


Hisuian Liligant: Evolve it in Terajuma Jungle, 


Hisuian Sligoo and Goodra: Evolve Goomy in the Goomidra area


Hisuian Avalugg: Evolve in that cave where you catch feebas



New Evolutions:

Wyrdeer: Kill a Pokemon with Psyshield Bash

Overqwil: Kill a pokemon with Barb Barrage

Kleavor and Ursaluna: Just use their items that they already need anyways as for location well that depends on how op these 2 are and we'll see

Basculegion: its evolution method is pretty much just a big wth so er how about we change it just so its

kill a pokemon with a recoil move without fainting

Sneasler: Razor Claw during the day on Hisuian Sneasel

Hisuian Electrode: We should just change it to levels like the og counterpart, the other hisuian mons keep their original evolution methods so i see no reason why it should have a different one


We dont talk about the new legendary since lol legendaries


So yea Leave what you guys think about this topic

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4 hours ago, Mei-o_Scarlett said:

So first thing first, spoilers

if you dont want to be spoiled on the new forms and new evolution

cause you still havent played the game

leave cause this thread aint for you

If you dont care then cool


So Jan mentioned in the new 13.5 thread that he obviously has a hard time and doesnt really know a good place to add the new hisuian forms and evo into the game so they wont be in 13.5 (most likely)

So i thought 

why not have us as a community decide for him on the best place to add these mons

So without Further Ado

ill list the mons and maybe some places where we could potentially see them


The Starters:

Typhlosion: Evolve it in the goldenleaf Area, maybe wispy path and goldenleaf town

Samurott: Evolve it in Phantasial Cave(This is tricky since its hard to think of an area which is easily asscessible at its level and is related to darkness)

Decudieye: Sheridian Village


Hisuian Growlithe: Could be a gift that ren gives you since my idea is we replace ren's original arcanine with the hisuian version to make it more special since its his dad that gives it to you, and he gives you one after the fight at shalisha


Hisuian Voltorb: Maybe Darclight Woods as a static Encounter?


Hisuian Qwilfish: Obtained after you get the super rod, location i cant think of any


Hisuian Sneasel: Obtained as a gift? idk im genuinely stumbled


Hisuian Zoura: Castle Zygara or Void Chasam


Hisuian Liligant: Evolve it in Terajuma Jungle, 


Hisuian Sligoo and Goodra: Evolve Goomy in the Goomidra area


Hisuian Avalugg: Evolve in that cave where you catch feebas



New Evolutions:

Wyrdeer: Kill a Pokemon with Psyshield Bash

Overqwil: Kill a pokemon with Barb Barrage

Kleavor and Ursaluna: Just use their items that they already need anyways as for location well that depends on how op these 2 are and we'll see

Basculegion: its evolution method is pretty much just a big wth so er how about we change it just so its

kill a pokemon with a recoil move without fainting

Sneasler: Razor Claw during the day on Hisuian Sneasel

Hisuian Electrode: We should just change it to levels like the og counterpart, the other hisuian mons keep their original evolution methods so i see no reason why it should have a different one


We dont talk about the new legendary since lol legendaries


So yea Leave what you guys think about this topic

i agree with you on the starters i totally forgot about the phasial cave it i think it is best location for those as they can be available during the 36 level range .may be the wyrdeer,overqwil can may be evolve like mamoswine with the respective moves .avalugg i think should evolve in a place with mountain may be in the calm valor mountain.

basculegion may be a location where basculegion are present and may be kill some basculin(its stupid i know sorry) .i think sneasel-h may be obtained in a rockclimb spot like the normal one in evergreen but may be in poison based location.you forgot braviary may be it can be evolved in the evergreen island because i heard braviary-h is found in cold location in legends arceus .growlithe-h i think in valor mountain .voltorb i guess in forest might do .may be i forgot some the rest i agree Mei-o_Scarlett

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9 hours ago, SolareSupremo said:

Maybe :

Dewott might evolve to Hisuian Samurott by level up to 36 in Voidal Chasm.

Quilava might evolve to Hisuian Typhlosion by level up to 36 in Zorrialyn Labyrinth.

Dartrix might evolve to Hisuian Decidueye by level up to 36 in Farlorned Cavern.

those are wayyy too late

its not like the new starters are wayyy too op to be worth evolving that late

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Some of my Ideas:


Typhlosion: Level up in Goldenleaf/Wispy Ruins/Level up while fainted


Samurott: Level up in (dark)Phasial Cave


Decidueye: As mentioned Sheridan or Akuwa Town/ Ice Cave/ near Akuwa because of its Pokedex entry/Evergreen Forest


Zoroa: Best place to get according to dexentey  would be neverwinter but thats not available yet so maybe as a gift from Kreiss after Angie fight/ Ice cave near Akuwa Town/Angies Rift so its kinda close to when you can obtain normal Zoroark



Liligant: Level up/Sun Stone in Valor Mountain or with Rock Climb

Victory Dance as an physical version of Quiver Dance/ fighting type Dragon Dance?



Kleavor: Add evolution item as mineable/ Level up in any Cave


Voltorb: Pokeball Factory(kinda late), Kristiline Museum as an event encounter ("and as next part of our Tour we have an ancient pokeball!")


Braviary: Don't have normal version yet but Rufflet can lern Zen-Headbutt with Move Tutor so level up with that


Wyrdeer: Stamtler learns Zen Headbutt at Lv 38 so level up with that? 


Qwilfish: Fishing in Sewers with good rod 


Growlith: Overworld Encounter ala Vulpix in Valor Mountain (magma version)/ Buy with Shards in Caratos Mountain.


Sneasel: Evergreen Forest (Rock climb needed), Valor Mountain overworld encounter (ice version)


Sneasler: Level up with Razor Claw during day


Ursaluna: add evolution item as mineable item and then level up while holding at night/use it at night 


Basculegion:  Make Basculin Faint with use of Recoil Move/ Defeat wild Basculin with recoil move/ dusk stone


Sliggo: Level up Goomi with Metal Coat equiped/ Use Metal Coat on it/ Special item as gift after finishing goomlink quest line













Edited by Shinn01
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On 2/5/2022 at 9:04 AM, Shinn01 said:



Typhlosion: Level up in Goldenleaf/Wispy Ruins/Level up while fainted


Samurott: Level up in (dark)Phasial Cave


Decidueye: As mentioned Sheridan or Akuwa Town/ Ice Cave/ near Akuwa because of its Pokedex entry/Evergreen Forest


Zoroa: Best place to get according to dexentey  would be neverwinter but thats not available yet so maybe as a gift from Kreiss after Angie fight/ Ice cave near Akuwa Town/Angies Rift so its kinda close to when you can obtain normal Zoroark



Liligant: Level up/Sun Stone in Valor Mountain or with Rock Climb

Victory Dance as an physical version of Quiver Dance/ fighting type Dragon Dance?



Kleavor: Add evolution item as mineable/ Level up in any Cave


Voltorb: Pokeball Factory(kinda late), Kristiline Museum as an event encounter ("and as next part of our Tour we have an ancient pokeball!")


Braviary: Don't have normal version yet but Rufflet can lern Zen-Headbutt with Move Tutor so level up with that


Wyrdeer: Stamtler learns Zen Headbutt at Lv 38 so level up with that? 


Qwilfish: Fishing in Sewers with good rod 


Growlith: Overworld Encounter ala Vulpix in Valor Mountain (magma version)/ Buy with Shards in Caratos Mountain.


Sneasel: Evergreen Forest (Rock climb needed), Valor Mountain overworld encounter (ice version)


Sneasler: Level up with Razor Claw during day


Ursaluna: add evolution item as mineable item and then level up while holding at night/use it at night 


Basculegion:  Make Basculin Faint with use of Recoil Move/ Defeat wild Basculin with recoil move/ dusk stone


Sliggo: Level up Goomi with Metal Coat equiped/ Use Metal Coat on it/ Special item as gift after finishing goomlink quest line



the mining is going to take really great deal of time.may be from the department store?zoroa may be in church of theolia may be as static encounter after events in the story may be showing a zoroa died due angie's act

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Here my ideas for the new forms and evos.

  • Hisuian Typhlosion: Evolving from Quilava at level 36. Since PLA states in the dex that the new form is probably due to the energy of the sacred mountain on Hisui’s center, I think it should evolve in an area that it is similar. I can think of Valor Mountain and Carotos Mountain as places that are mountains that can fit the criteria shown in the dex.

  • Hisuian Samurott: Evolving from Dewott at level 36. I also think the Phasial Cave fits it well. The dex just says it is a rare variant found in Hisui without more details.

  • Hisuian Decudieye: Evolving from Dartrix at level 36. The dex says the evolution is due to the extreme cold climate, so I think this one should apply to any really cold places instead of just one. Valor Mountain when it is on the Ice Mood seems to be the earliest place I remember with that characteristic, but my memory can be failing. Neverwinter also seems a good place once it is released.

  • Hisuian Growlithe: As mentioned on a previous post an overworld encounter in Valor Mountain with Fire Mood seems to fit well.

  • Hisuian Arcanine: Evolving from Hisuian Growlithe with Fire Stone. No reason to change it.

  • Hisuian Voltorb: Kugearen Forest and/or other areas of the past. This form seems to be a difference based on time, so being an encounter on the past makes sense. It can be either overword encounter and/or falling from a tree.

  • Hisuian Electrode: Evolving from Hisuian Voltorb with Leaf Stone. No reason to change it.

  • Basculin White Stripe: Den of Souls with Super Rod. I don’t think it should live with other Basculin since their behaviors differ a lot based on the dex and it is one prone to dying, so I think the Den of Souls fits it well.

  • Basculegion: Evolving from Basculin White Stripe with 294 HP lost from recoil damage should be the best, but it is hard unless you can keep the track of how much it was, maybe on a new variable that works shared for all Basculin and resets when one evolves (something similar may work for Overqwill and Wyrdeer but recoding moves used instead of HP). If 294 from recoil damage is too hard to program. Just make any type of damage work like with Galarian Yamask. If 294 is too high HP because doesn’t keep track if the HP has been healed, maybe making it level up once already defeated with a Rare Candy or Exp Candies may also fit the lore of Basculegion.

  • Hisuian Qwilfish: Based on the dex it seems to be a pokemon that lives in open areas since it gets the fishers in trouble and in the game, it is also on open sea, so I guess this is a saltwater pokemon (and its evo is nicknamed “sea fiend”). I think route 11 fits it well, since the area on PLA also matched with Mantyke and Tentacool in the sea while Speal line is in the coasts, and these are all on Route 11 in Rejuvenation.

  • Overqwill: Evolving from Hisuian Qwilfish. It would be best with tracking times a Qwilfish used an attack and just make it use 20 times Barb Barrage (maybe a variable recording how many times the attack was used by a Hisuian Qwilfish, even if it is shared by all Hisuan Qwilfish and resets after one evolves), as this would be the most direct from the official method. In case of being too hard due to being a new method, since Galarian Farfetch’d can evolve making 3 critical hits in one battle, I guess the Strong Style Barb Barrage can be changed to using Barb Barrage 3 times in one battle. 20 in one battle seems too difficult to accomplish.

  • Wyrdeer: Evolving from Stantler. Same as Overqwil but with Psyshield Bash and Stantler using it.

  • Hisuian Sneasel: It is originally a mountain pokemon, regardless of it being a snow mountain or not (based on the areas found in PLA), but not hot places based on evo’s description of being the best in frozen highlands. I think Valor Mountain on Calm Mood and Ice Mood should fit it well. Maybe making them overworld to not alter the rates of existing pokemon. It is also a good choice to add to Neverwinter whenever added.

  • Sneasler: Razor Claw during the day. No reason to change it.

  • Hisuian Zoura: Den of Souls. Maybe on overworld. The dex literally mentions it as a soul returned to life, so the Den of Souls seems the best choice.

  • Hisuian Zoroark: Same place as Hisuian Zorua or just by evolving a Hisuian Zorua at 30.

  • Hisuian Liligant: Evolving from Petilil with Sun Stone on Valor Mountain in Ice Mood and any other mountain with snow. Based on dex entry it spent a life on mountains covered in deep snow. There may also be good places for the evolution on Neverwinter once released.

  • Hisuian Sliggoo: It seems that waters rich in metal are the reason for the evolution in this form. The Kingdom of Goomidra doesn’t make sense as the pokemon there would have taken this form instead of the ordinary one. If there is an area that is considered to have that type of water, then evo there. Otherwise, level up with Metal Coat, both methods can also work together in case an area that fits is added later, same as happens on recent games with Magneton and Nosepass which get their evolutions with either an area or an evolutionary item.

  • Hisuian Goodra: Evolve Hisuian Siggloo level 50 + rain. No reason to change it.

  • Hisuian Avalugg: Evolve at level 37 in Valor Mountain. I think the changes on mood of the Valor Mountain fits Avalugg’s Hisuian Form well.

  • Hisuian Braviary: Evolve at 54 on the same places as Hisuian Thyplosion since it looks like the energies may also have effect give than type change to psychic, but there is no mention to the form difference on the dex.

  • Kleavor: Use Black Augurite on Scyther. No reason to change it.

  • Ursaluna: Use Peat Block on Ursaring at night. The only requirement in PLA is full moon night when using the item (despite what a lot of people believe due to misinformation on the net, place isn’t relevant at all as long as it is full moon), and since there is no moon phases here, just at night should be fine.

As for the new items for Kleavor and Ursaluna, they may be added to buy somewhere, maybe on the same guy that sells the crests? Or just some new NPC selling them.

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4 hours ago, a3xgf said:
  • Ursaluna: Use Peat Block on Ursaring at night. The only requirement in PLA is full moon night when using the item (despite what a lot of people believe due to misinformation on the net, place isn’t relevant at all as long as it is full moon), and since there is no moon phases here, just at night should be fine.


As for the new items for Kleavor and Ursaluna, they may be added to buy somewhere, maybe on the same guy that sells the crests? Or just some new NPC selling them.


my idea is  ursaluna can use the moon field in phasial cave for evolving 

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2 hours ago, Ram Cxz 007 said:

my idea is  ursaluna can use the moon field in phasial cave for evolving 

That may work too, at night on moon field since theres a moon reflected there if I remember correctly.

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3 hours ago, a3xgf said:

That may work too, at night on moon field since theres a moon reflected there if I remember correctly.

yep and when we use peat block in the area we will get ursaluna  if that's not enough there is actually a moon on top of eclypsia pyramid u can use there during night too

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24 minutes ago, Ram Cxz 007 said:

yep and when we use peat block in the area we will get ursaluna  if that's not enough there is actually a moon on top of eclypsia pyramid u can use there during night too

Oh, I didn't remember that one. I guess all places with a full moon should world as evo places for Ursaluna.

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i think the most diffiult ones will be the split hisuian evolution like lilligant-h the staters and sligoo-h the staters even though it was unintended the stater hisiuan has the perfect spots for the regional forms evolution right before  the forth gyms 

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  • 4 weeks later...
6 hours ago, 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝕶շ𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊 said:

if your gonna make new hisuian forms add a volcorona and make it poison/something (preferably dark or ghost type) typeing

actually this thread was made to have idea for how to evolve new hisiuan forms in legends arceus which have unusual evolution method like ursaluna and the rest not making new forms ourselves 

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  • 3 weeks later...

While this thread is very likely inactive/dead, I think Hisuian Qwilfish could be somewhere where there's poison? Though I'm mostly basing this off of Overqwil's dex entry of its diet consisting of poison. The only place where I could think of where this could apply though is the area of Cartos Mountain where you need to go grab the magma rock to thaw out Kristiline Town. It's early enough for someone to get due to story events, and there are 'water' sections on the map. Though it isn't true water so hard to say.

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That's fair. I was thinking it from the perspective of (if you're like me) you don't go back to every area with a new rod or a new move or whatever. At least Cartos Mountain provides a permanent way of getting qwilfish rather than potentially and permanently losing out on it because someone didn't go back to check before Neo Gearen City rolls around, which takes away all sewer encounters.

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