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Conjecture on the Elite Four/Champion Teams/Lineup


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Hello! I was bored and sick, so I came up with what I thought would be the Elite Four line up which also includes what teams, movesets, field effects and strategies of the Elite Four and Champion. I've seen a lot of posting here and on Reddit on what people think the elite four teams are and I felt that they maybe too easy. That being said, all this is my opinion and I'd love to hear the community's thoughts on this topic.

First off, when I think of the Reborn League I picture the following members to be in the Elite Four (in order from start to end): Heather --> Bennett/Laura --> Anna/Noel (That's right Noel is elite four all along fuckers) ---> Elias --->  Lin

I think this line up is a pretty fair and overall educated guess that like myself the community has come to somewhat on agreeance is most likely we will see (Noel probably not tho). My thoughts are relatively simple, I think. Heather takes her mother's place in the Elite Four and through her character development I see her becoming a formidable opponent. I think the field effect will be a Mountain terrain. I imagine her team to be something along the lines of this:

Ability: Gale WIngs
Held Item:Flying Gem/Telluric Seed 

-Flare Blitz

Talonflame serves as a lead and a wall breaker for Heather. it's Tailwind would bolster the speed of her team and cause strong winds to further boost the throughput of her team. Acrobatics would proc with theses suggested held items. Roost/Acro/Tailwind would all keep priority with strong winds up due to its interaction with Gale Wings. Flare Blitz serves as coverage for ice/steel types and is STAB. 

Crobat (She has Corey's Crobat albeit I think a different movepool)
Ability: Infiltrator
Held Item: Heavy-Duty Boots/Black Sludge
-Brave Bird

Crobat will serve as utility and her 2nd Tailwind support. It'd run boots to keep off Stealth Rocks or possibly Black Sludge for longevity. Defog serves to keep hazards off the field and Roost for more longevity. Brave Bird for STAB/Damage. I struggled the most with this mon on her team. The only reason I see this being on her team is due to the fact I think she will come around on her opinions of her father and during her journeys through Reborn she finds his released Crobat and adds it to her team in honor of Corey. It's mostly flavor and I could totally see Crobat not being on her team but I thought it'd be cool. 

Ability: Serene Grace
Held Item: Leftovers
-Ominous Wind
-Air Slash
-Ancient Power
-Thunder Wave

Togekiss will serve as a stall breaker and as a special wall breaker. Mountain Terrain offers boosts too Ancient Power and Ominous Wind; both these moves seem redundant to run along side each other so I could see Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Roost or even Aura Sphere. Air Slash and Thunderwave are kind of a given with Togekiss and I think with her tailwind support and having Salamence and a potential Decidueye in the back as set up sweepers that Thunder Wave + Tailwind would be incredibly strong. 

Ability: Long Reach
Held Item: Decidium-Z
-Spirit Shackle
-Sword Dance
-Leaf Blade
-Nature Power 

This is a physical wall breaker that has good synergy with Mountain Terrain with this predicted moveset. Sword Dance under Tailwind is strong and I imagine it'd be heavily invested in HP/Atk EVs with some possible Speed investment too. Nature Power is Rock Slide in a mountain Terrain helps cover Fire Types and Spirit Shackle/Leaf Blade as duo STAB. I could possibly see a shadow sneak on here, but I think Nature Power makes more sense for type coverage and the terrain. 

Ability: Static
Held Item: Heavy Duty Boots/Leftovers
-Heatwave/Weather Ball

This is her special wall breaker and gives lots of chance to paralyze mons to help her setup and sweep. Weather Ball I see possibly in anticipation of the challenger (us) coming with weather which would make it strong, but if she doesnt have a way to setup weather I definitely see it being something that wouldn't be on the set and instead maybe Heatwave to help Steel/Ice types for her flying team. 

Ability: Moxie/Aerilate 
-Dragon Dance
-Double Edge

This is her ace and I see it being her cleaner/sweeper. After paralyzing and weakening our team this comes in to clean house. The set is pretty standard but Mega Salamence has always been a monster and I don't think much explanation is needed here. 

As for the 2nd match in the Elite Four  I see Bennett and Laura being teamed up in a 12v6. 
This fight I had put a lot of thought into and I think the community is right to assume we most likely will see this fight take place in a Flower Garden. I like to think Laura brings the good out of Bennett and we see him blossom/metamorph into a strong-willed trainer who in return helps Laura blossom on the battle field. The combination of grass and bug types will be insanely difficult and in a 12v6 situation makes for a hard fucking fight.  Part of me thinks Bennett and Laura will either develop a strong friendship or possible romantic relationship in the events leading up to the Elite Four. Couple this with the whole drama between Bennett and Laura position in the elite four I see Lin having the two of them together. 


Ability: Water Bubble
Held Item: Synthetic Seed
-Sticky Web
-Rain Dance
-Leech Life

This is Bennett's lead. It sets up sticky web to reduce incoming switch in's Speed stat and rocks Rain Dance to further bolster its damage, reduce incoming fire damage to Laura and his team as well as increasing the stages of Flower Garden + it protects Flower Garden from being removed through fire moves. 

Ability: Prankster
Held Item: Synthetic Seed
-Sunny Day
-Bug Buzz
-Thunder Wave
-Sweet Scent

This mon serves as primarily support and a way to begin the setup for Laura and Bennett to sweep our team. Sunny Day activates grass type pokemon Abilities like Flower Gift/Chlorophyll which also activate at certain stages of Flower Garden. Sunny Day also increases the stage growth of the field. Thunderwave for cheeky yellow color power, Sweet Scent gains a huge buff in this terrain and can reduce evasion/special atk/atk by up to three stages each. It also hits both active mons so this can get out of control quick leading to a wipe. 

Genesect - Douse

This mon may come to a surprise but I definitely see the Reborn Team slapping legendaries on some of these teams as I believe the legendary quests we get will be post-game. 

Ability: Download
Held Item: Douse Drive/Inferno Drive 
-Techno Blast
-Flash Cannon
-Bug Buzz

This is Bennett's special wall breaker/sweeper. This mon could easily overwhelm any team not prepared. Technoblast being base power 120 Fire/Water synergies with the field and weather effects and covers the Ice/Rock/Fire weaknesses of their team. Flamethrower if it's Douse and U-Turn if it were Inferno Drive. The reason I see this mon being on Bennett's team is due to his intelligence and a huge middle finger to the player who, if like me, developed a strong disdain for his character, lol. Also, fun fact... music EDM/Metal are said to help plants thrive ;)

Ability: Swarm
Held Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
-Quiver Dance
-Fiery Dance
-Big Buzz
-Giga Drain

This mon most likely will be on his team as I think it kind of serves as a tool to show his growth as a character and his whole bug gimmick. Plus, we know he already has this mon and it seems to be a mon he loves to use i.e. Glass factory cut scenes etc... Swarm gets buffed in this terrain and in the alter stages all 3 of offensive moves get huge boosts to their damage. Boots for obvious reasons. 

Comfey (lolwut)
Ability: Flower Veil 
Held Item: Synthetic Seed
-Nature Power
-Draining Kiss
-Floral Healing

This mon will serve to piss you off after Thunderwaves, Sleep Powders, Stun Spores etc. Nature Power turns to Growth which also gets buffed in this terrain and further progresses the field stages. Draining Kiss for STAB and Longevity. Defog for hazard control and Floral Healing gets an insane buff in this field. Also, Comfey has interesting lore about relationships as lovers and/or friends us Comfey as a gift to show their admiration for said lover/friend. Bennett uses this mon to support Laura. 

Ability: Moxie/Aerilate
-Close Combat
-Rock Slide
-Swords Dance

This mon will serve as a cleaner/sweeper for Bennett. Kind of similar situation as Heather.  This set doesn't need much explanation other than it trucks hard af.  Rock Slide for Ice/Bug/Fire coverage plus Flinch in doubles is OP. 


Ability: Prankster
Held Item: Synthetic Seed
-Sunny Day
-Leech Seed
-Stun Spore

This mon serves to support both teams and further field stages. Stun Spore hits both Slots in later stages and in early stages still has the priority with prankster and help support to the sweepers on both Laura and Bennett's teams. Subsitute/Leech Seed paired with the yellow color can prove to be frustrating under right RNG. Synthetic Seed gives Special Def + Ingrain which Ingrain also gets buffed in this terrain. 

Ability: Flower Gift
Held Item: Synthetic Seed
-Petal Blizzard
-Weather Ball/Attract
-Pollen Puff 

This is another support mon that has the capability of dishing out strong damage on both physical and special given the buffs it gets from weather and field effects. Flower Gift can proc despite no sun, so it can be up during rain if the field stages have progressed far enough. Flower Gift gives a nice buff to Bennett's bug types and can make it even harder to deal with the sheer amount of damage they'll both inflict on us and also have the ability to sponge hits. Pollen Puff is nice as it gets a buff and also heals, so if Bennett sets up or takes too much damage from recoil/hazards Cherrim can bring HP back up. Growth to increase damage on special/physical and further field terrain. Attract is possible to work along side the yellow color. 

Ability: Grassy Surge 
Held Item: Life Orb
-Grassy Glide
-Knock Off
-Swords Dance/Growth

Laura's physical sweeper/revenge killer.  I can see Ame and friends making Flower Garden OP and getting field stage increases from Grassy Terrain and also seeing Flower Garden getting further buffed to give Grassy Glide that +1 prio under the field effect - speculation tho. Growth makes more sense given the flower garden but Swords Dance also scary. Rest of the moves are coverage and typical for Life Orb Rilla. 

Ability:  Leaf Guard
Item: Synthetic Seed
-Bulk Up
-Power Whip
-Drain Punch
-Jungle Healing

Setup sweeper that is bulky and can take hits. It also gives healing and a way to remove status from Bennett's bugs. This set looks fucking terrifying. Not much else to say. 

Ability: Overgrow/Thickfat
-Sludge Bomb
-Earth Power
-Giga Drain

Laura's bulky special wall breaker. With the suppor this will get from the field effect and Bennett's team... I definetly see this being terrifying. This mon covers the fire/ice weakness of both teams. Growth for setup and field stages. Rest are moves for coverage. 

Ability: Chlorophyll
Held Item: Leftovers
-Sleep Powder
-Petal Dance

Laura's Ace, I think. Chlorophyll activates under sun but also under the field effect at later stages. Sleep Powder hits both slots and is 100% accurate. Substitute to set up growths to max out field effects and power. Petal Dance is obvious choice given field and stab. 
This fight maybe one of the hardest ones in the game; I'd be willing to wager the only other fight to beat it in difficulty would be Lin. I know I have these guys as 2nd in the line up and I honestly think El + Anna/Noel maybe easier. Flower Garden seems OP with these two fuckers teamed up. We will see I guess. 


This one I haven't put too much thought into but in vague terms I see this fight taking place in a Starlight Arena in a 12v6 matchup. 
Anna would have something like: Diancie/Jirachi/Gardevoir-Mega (I think Anna will do some wizards hit and bring back G. Gardevoir and she'll be on Anna's team because G. Gardevoir loves Radomus and will do anything to make him proud so she helps Anna bust heads in the Elite Four)/Alakazam (I see a troll Counter set with focus sash but honestly even the special attacker Alakazam in this terrain would be terrifying)/Slowbro/Shiinotic (lol I have my reasons). 

Noel would have Clefable, Staraptor, Porgyon-Z, Mega-Audino, Mimikyu and Smeargle. I pulled this team out of my ass - lol. 

The fight with Elias is something I anticipate more than almost the Lin fight. He's one of the more interesting characters in the series to me and I think, specially after reading his diary, that he would be the final in the Elite Four - the fight before Lin. I see a lot of people throw normal types onto his team, which is fair but I honestly see him being much more than a normal specialist. The Holy Field offers a lot of potential for single 6v6 and I think this would his team given what we know of the Holy Field. 

Ability: Berserk
Held Item: Assault Vest

-Nature Power (Judgment)
-Draco Meteor
-Blizzard (possibly something else)

I see him leading with a special wall breaker. Drampa can take a hit and given the field mostly helps special attackers, I think El, being the wise man he is, would see the challenger coming in with special attackers. Drampa's HP investment and Special Atk investment coupled with Assault Vest would most likely allow it to survive any hit and dish out a OHKO or at least do significant damage to one's team. 

Ability: Thick Fat
Held Item: Leftovers

-Body Slam
-Sleep Talk

Standard Curse lax but this big ole son of a bitch is in the holy field... which means nothing walls this fucker. I honestly don't see why Elias would have this but fuck it; it's too good not to be. 

Ability: Unware
Held Item: Leftovers

-Cosmic Power
-Stored Power
-Moon Blast

Physically Bulky clef with the ability to setup and sweep while simultaneously ignoring any setup one might do to get past Snorlax or his other mons. I see this being on his team mostly due to the fact that dude is obsessed with Arceus and Clefable was said to be one of the first visitors to Earth (possibly a mon that came with Arceus on that meteor). 

Ability: Serene Grace
Held Item: Normalium Z 

-Relic Song (boosted in this terrain)
-Psychic (boosted)
-Close Combat 

Setup sweeper that gets tons of boosts from this terrain + Close Combat is boosted after a Relic Song as it'll go physical offense; however, I definitely see a pure special set that doesn't run Relic Song. 

Ability: Truant
Held Item: Choice Band

-Play Rough
-Brick Break 

Wall Breaker that also serves as revenge killer. Truant is its weakness but with Clefable and his ace Ditto Elias predicts a normal trainer to setup on him during Truant; which he then brings in his Clef/Ditto to counter sweep. 

Ditto - Pulse


Idk what Pulse Ditto would do and this is just me being a fan, but Ditto seems to be an important mon for Elias and I definitely see it being used. 

What would Pulse do, you ask? Well, when it transforms it gets a +1 to all its stats or some shit. Essentially, it copies your mon, stat changes etc... and also gets a boost to all stats for doing so. Fucking terrifying. 

Lin - I'm come back to do a more detailed posting on her +Anna/Noel. My hypothesis is that Lin will be a 12v6. I don't see Lin playing fair but I also see a 6v6. It's hard to say. Anyway, I think her team is underhyped by the fan base. The fights I seen on youtube etc. make her seem much weaker than I think she will be. I honestly think she'll be in a doubles fight and it'll be the hardest fight ever. She'll have the following (i like to think)
Metagross/Victini/Marshadow/Hydreigon/Arceus - Pulse. The last mon or the possible other 7 if it's a 12v6.... I am lost. The New World field has so much going on and if New World has all the boosts to legendary/mythical mon's moves... yet that shit isn't supposed to be available till post game... then LOGICALLY Lin is going to have some mythical/legendaries. I see Victini because she always succeeds + in doubles in this field effect she will stomp a mud hole in anyway who challengers her. I see Marshadow because she spends most her time trying to steal precious artifacts, that's a Marshadow thing and if you didn't notice Marshadow gets a bunch of buffs from this terrain.... Hydreigon/Arceus are obvious I think. I personally think she'll have a pulse for Hydreigon that makes him stronger. There are notes talking about all the admins/higher ups in meteor having one for their Ace. I think Arceus will also be pulse. 

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. 


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Comfey (lolwut)
Ability: Flower Veil 
Held Item: Synthetic Seed
-Nature Power
-Draining Kiss
-Floral Healing

Honestly i think Comfey would be better with triage like i understand why flower veil but even then there are moves and abilities that would have the same effect

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it's wacky. 

I'll be explaining all of the "possibly incorrect" statements step-by-step, if you allow me. 

3 hours ago, Mikito said:

First off, when I think of the Reborn League I picture the following members to be in the Elite Four (in order from start to end): Heather --> Bennett/Laura --> Anna/Noel (That's right Noel is elite four all along fuckers) ---> Elias --->  Lin

I highly question Painter being one, as he already is a main Gym Leader. You can't be a Gym Leader... and a Elite Four member at the same time, to my knowlegde. unless you love being overworked. 

The order... is fine. Balancing power and experience, it's good. I would've exclude Lin, she's not the part of Reborn League (and beating Champion does not make her one; moreover in an "unofficial" battle), but she's definitely do some crazy shit midway. 

3 hours ago, Mikito said:

Ability: Moxie/Aerilate 

I would switch Moxie to Intimidate. As Heather will Mega Evolve her ace immediately, Moxie will be useless, while Intimidate may weaken an potential Physical attacker, forcing a switch-out.

3 hours ago, Mikito said:

Part of me thinks Bennett and Laura will either develop a strong friendship or possible romantic relationship in the events leading up to the Elite Four. Couple this with the whole drama between Bennett and Laura position in the elite four I see Lin having the two of them together. 

In the Pokemon Online League, something like that happened between their real-life counterparts; the first part, of course (if we believe Amethyst)

3 hours ago, Mikito said:

Ability: Water Bubble
Held Item: Synthetic Seed
-Sticky Web
-Rain Dance
-Leech Life


3 hours ago, Mikito said:

Ability: Prankster
Held Item: Synthetic Seed
-Sunny Day
-Leech Seed
-Stun Spore

You made the potentially second match of the Elite Four gauntlet 12vs6 Doubles, then as the leads two Pokemon which know Rain Dance and Sunny Day, on the field where one strong Fire attack will burn it down, with Sun setter being fast and having Prankster, and the Rain setter not having any Priority-Ability, and being slower than a pile of rocks...

Do you see the problem here?


Also... Why Bennett does not have a Butterfree...? I know this is a Butterfree, but c'mon! This is his ace! His signagture! Name me one Trainer who has switched his ace during the events of the game (not during game overhaul, like when rivals now have Alola starters, instead of Unova starters) to prove that I'm wrong. Plus it's very strong here, especially on higher Flower Garden stages - learning Infestation, all kinds of Powders, and Tinted Lens will double the damage of not-effective attacks, and Grass and Bug are the most resisted types of all of them. Plus it has a decent offensive movepool.

3 hours ago, Mikito said:

(I think Anna will do some wizards hit and bring back G. Gardevoir and she'll be on Anna's team because G. Gardevoir loves Radomus and will do anything to make him proud so she helps Anna bust heads in the Elite Four)

That is, uuuhhhhhh... new point of view. While it's like 90% certain Gardevoir is a traitor who somehow really got into relationship with the victim (reverse Stockholm syndrome?), I'd like to believe love will be strong enough to emerge victorious... but considering Radomus considers her as just a friend; in the best case scenario...

3 hours ago, Mikito said:

I honestly don't see why Elias would have this

In lore, Snorlax doesn't suit him at all. A gluttonous Pokemon owned by old, under-weighted priest-like man... yeah, it's just there for difficulty

3 hours ago, Mikito said:

Ability: Unware
Held Item: Leftovers

-Cosmic Power
-Stored Power
-Moon Blast

I don't like it. 

Clefable is already an ace of a major Trainer. Why would you give it to another? Also Elias had already "stolen" Smeargle back in the POL from Noel, so that would be a gut punch. 

I think that aces should be unique and not used by any other Trainer in the game (excluding players, they can have whatever they want). I know this is a problem because of how many Major Trainers are in Reborn, and even more in Rejuvenation, but... with all the Fields, and a variety of Pokemon, it's possible to do it - also thier ace doesn't need to be a game-breaker; just that one which suits them. 

3 hours ago, Mikito said:


PULSE Ditto, huh...? 

... ... ...

Do you think we were born yesterday? There will be no PULSE Ditto, and if it would be, at least one of us; the community; would've known. There are high chances for PULSE-2 Ditto or Dittoceus (or PULSE-2 Dittoceus), but not PULSE Ditto as I doubt Elias would sacrifice his own Pokemon to that kind of atrocities.

4 hours ago, Mikito said:

What would Pulse do, you ask? Well, when it transforms it gets a +1 to all its stats or some shit. Essentially, it copies your mon, stat changes etc... and also gets a boost to all stats for doing so. Fucking terrifying. 

Topsy-Turvy: I'm gonna end this blob's whole career.

But honestly... it's impossible. In Reborn, there will be no fanmade moves, nor fanmade Abilites, to my knowledge. So this idea... is out of the window.

4 hours ago, Mikito said:

My hypothesis is that Lin will be a 12v6. I don't see Lin playing fair but I also see a 6v6. It's hard to say. Anyway, I think her team is underhyped by the fan base. The fights I seen on youtube etc. make her seem much weaker than I think she will be. I honestly think she'll be in a doubles fight and it'll be the hardest fight ever.

This is possible, but... third 12vs6 in five matches...?  No, that seems too cheap. 6vs6 or 7vs6 in Lin's favor and all Pokemon with PULSE2 or boosted PULSE2 is more logical.

And on YT... there's only one "type" of Lin's fight, and players are experienced in cheese'ing it, plus... LEVEL 106 HYDREIGON!? I've gotta know how to do it asap!

4 hours ago, Mikito said:

There are notes talking about all the admins/higher ups in meteor having one for their Ace.

As of right now, only one Commader had PULSE2, and that was Solaris. There's a chance for all the other living Admins to have one as well... but we'll see


And the biggest problem... is the existance of Gen 8 Pokemon, items and moves/movesets. 

As I recall, there'll be NO Gen 8 in V19 (at least as of right now), so the ones that are, will definitely not be there.

I know, that Heather will be hurt the most with the lack of Heavy-Duty Boots, and also Laura will have to find other Physical attackers, like Leafeon, Tsareena or Leavanny.  

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6 hours ago, Oscarus said:

I highly question Painter being one, as he already is a main Gym Leader. You can't be a Gym Leader... and a Elite Four member at the same time, to my knowlegde. unless you love being overworked.

Yeah, I doubt it myself but it would be entertaining to fight the two since theyre twins and I think there would be good challenge from it. I do agree tho that he most likely wont be. 


6 hours ago, Oscarus said:

You made the potentially second match of the Elite Four gauntlet 12vs6 Doubles, then as the leads two Pokemon which know Rain Dance and Sunny Day, on the field where one strong Fire attack will burn it down, with Sun setter being fast and having Prankster, and the Rain setter no

t having any Priority-Ability, and being slower than a pile of rocks...

Do you see the problem here

See, I thought the same thing but seeing the posts about the AI improvements I had the thought that the new AI possibly would recognize any active mons with potential fire moves to scorch the field, if there were itd opt to use another move until rain dance was up then do it. Meaning, first turn whimsicott may stun spore or sub before doing Sunny Day. I didnt see growth in its movepool. 


6 hours ago, Oscarus said:

Also... Why Bennett does not have a Butterfree...? I know this is a Butterfree, but c'mon! This is his ace! His signagture! Name me one Trainer who has switched his ace during the events of the game (not during game overhaul, like when rivals now have Alola starters, instead of Unova starters) to prove that I'm wrong. Plus it's very strong here, especially on higher Flower Garden stages - learning Infestation, all kinds of Powders, and Tinted Lens will double the damage of not-effective attacks, and Grass and Bug are the most resisted types of all of them. Plus it has a decent offensive movepool

I always got the vibe that Volcarona was his ace but i definetly know theres posts saying other wise. Butterfree, IMO, doesnt fit him like volcarona does. Plus i think Butterfree has too many moves syndrome. Like, for it to really do well I feel it needs like 5 or 6 moves. I feel Butterfree would be a push over. 


6 hours ago, Oscarus said:

That is, uuuhhhhhh... new point of view. While it's like 90% certain Gardevoir is a traitor who somehow really got into relationship with the victim (reverse Stockholm syndrome?), I'd like to believe love will be strong enough to emerge victorious.


I have the feeling when she went to the void she possibly would communicate with young Lin or Radomuses "late" wife (Zina? I cant rem her name). I know Lin, I think, has implied we are on the same side with the same goal. With that knowledge I could see G. Gardevoir with Lins team. Inb4 Lin is a protag, lol.


6 hours ago, Oscarus said:

I don't like it. 

Clefable is already an ace of a major Trainer. Why would you give it to another? Also Elias had already "stolen" Smeargle back in the POL from Noel, so that would be a gut punch. 

I think that aces should be unique and not used by any other Trainer in the game (excluding players, they can have whatever they want). I know this is a problem because of how many Major Trainers are in Reborn, and even more in Rejuvenation, but... with all the Fields, and a variety of Pokemon, it's possible to do it - also thier ace doesn't need to be a game-breaker; just that one which suits them.

 I believe Ditto to be Elias ace not Clefable. Also I mispoke i didnt mean Ditto would be a traditional pulse but rather the PULSE2 or w/e (what solarsis had for garchomp) 


6 hours ago, Oscarus said:

As of right now, only one Commader had PULSE2, and that was Solaris. There's a chance for all the other living Admins to have one as well... but we'll see

I totally see Sirius, Elias, Lin, Sigmund and possibly Fern/Blake with Pulse2. 


6 hours ago, Oscarus said:

As of right now, only one Commader had PULSE2, and that was Solaris. There's a chance for all the other living Admins to have one as well... but we'll see


And the biggest problem... is the existance of Gen 8 Pokemon, items and moves/movesets. 

As I recall, there'll be NO Gen 8 in V19 (at least as of right now), so the ones that are, will definitely not be there.

I know, that Heather will be hurt the most with the lack of Heavy-Duty Boots, and also Laura will have to find other Physical attackers, like Leafeon, Tsareena or Leavanny.  

 Fair. I just want Harambe okay. 

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7 hours ago, dragonsbeat said:

Honestly i think Comfey would be better with triage like i understand why flower veil but even then there are moves and abilities that would have the same effect

Yeah, i thought the same but with the status like Paralyze and Sleep with sticky web it might not be necessary? I agree tho that normally triage is the way to go. Its hard to say with the Flower Garden and all its effects which would be more useful.

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1 hour ago, Mikito said:

See, I thought the same thing but seeing the posts about the AI improvements I had the thought that the new AI possibly would recognize any active mons with potential fire moves to scorch the field, if there were itd opt to use another move until rain dance was up then do it.

That's risky, still. As any experienced player would fool the AI, and even with Stun Spore, there are some Pokemon which WILL outspeed Araquanid, even with halved Speed, as it's Base Speed is a mere 43. 

And I do not thing it would be in AI's nature to pray to RNGesus that full paralysis will kick in. 

And the bigger problem is that Rain Dance + Sunny Day will create Rainbow Field. I don't know if it will replace the Flower Garden, or stack on top of it, but I am quite sure that boosting the level of FG Field will be impossible. Also... I question that they're gonna start with Stage 5 right of the bat - this is a normal Reborn playthough, not some Hardcore hack, which still causes nightmares to me, especially Solaris' piano.

1 hour ago, Mikito said:

I believe Ditto to be Elias ace not Clefable

No, no. I said that Clefable is an ace of OTHER Major Trainer (Noel, to be exact), and that's why I disagree on it being on someone else's team: aces should be unique to each Major Trainer, otherwise they lose on value. 

1 hour ago, Mikito said:

Also I mispoke i didnt mean Ditto would be a traditional pulse but rather the PULSE2 or w/e

Oh, that makes... much more sense

1 hour ago, Mikito said:

I totally see Sirius, Elias, Lin, Sigmund and possibly Fern/Blake with Pulse2. 

Sirius - very likely

Elias - ...maybe.

Lin - obviously 

Sigmund - that depends 

Fern - he would have all his team be PULSE2 if he could 

Blake - yes... if he cares

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4 minutes ago, Oscarus said:

No, no. I said that Clefable is an ace of OTHER Major Trainer (Noel, to be exact), and that's why I disagree on it being on someone else's team: aces should be unique to each Major Trainer, otherwise they lose on value. 

Well Garchomp is on Terra's team and Solaris. And dont Cal and Charlotte overlap on the Typhlosion? Also didnt Ciel and Adrien both have a togekiss? Theres some overlap. I could see Anna with Clefable possibly too

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46 minutes ago, Mikito said:

Well Garchomp is on Terra's team and Solaris. And dont Cal and Charlotte overlap on the Typhlosion? Also didnt Ciel and Adrien both have a togekiss? Theres some overlap. I could see Anna with Clefable possibly too

I only meant for aces - if one's ace is used by other Trainer, no matter if it also is an ace or not. I am aware of only three cases:

- Solaris and Terra having Garchomp as thier ace (the most severe one; Terra as an ace should've had either Swampert or Flygon) 

- Luna and Zero having Umbreon as thier ace (honestly here... it cannot be changed not to destroy the premise completely) 

- Radomus and Adrienn using Gardevoir (that is if you think Gardevoir is Radomus' Pokemon, or just a friend/ally which is possible since she is far more independent than any other "owned" Pokemon in the Reborn) 

Edited by Oscarus
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can see there being dual timelines that cause changes to the E4 teams. Maybe in the ideal timeline where you fight the Zekrom statue the teams have no mythicals, but in the true timeline where you fight the Reshiram statue each E4 member has one. 

If this is the case, I imagine Heather having Shaymin-Sky instead of Zapdos. I can see the move set including Healing Wish to throw a wrench in our plans and the other 3 moves being Seed Flare, Air Slash and Earth Power/Tailwind. For the item, likely scarf since this seems to be the best item for it. 

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