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Searching for Reborn


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I was looking at the visitor statistics for our site and came across a list of the most popular terms that some people find Reborn through.
I thought I would share a few of these with you all.

Of course at the top of the list is the boring stuff... Pokemon Reborn... Fifth gen animated sprites... Fifth gen RMT.

And then this caught my eye
[quote]baokkie love[/quote]
Now I'm not sure if someone was looking for kissing monkeys- or not even someone- [i]several[/i] people google "baokkie love" and found Reborn through it.
I wanted to look up just how Reborn comes up for that, and as I thought, it was Knight's "Three Wise Monkeys" topic... But it's on the third page of google results.
Tell me, o mystery people, why do you search through three pages of google for "baokkie love"?

Another popular search was this:
[quote]sexy gijinka[/quote]
Followed closely by this:
[quote]shandera gijinka[/quote]
Thank you Uxie. But random searchers, this is not a Pokemon ecchi site. =<

[quote]davichi profile[/quote]
Either our member Davichi is surprisingly popular, or he was doing a fame-check on himself... several times.
As a follow up I could not find a link to Reborn under that string within ten pages of google.

[quote]bidoof inconsistent
bidoof is uber[/quote]
Thank you Geo, and whoever posted the Bidoof-sweep log.

[quote]metal dragon fire
anime dark power[/quote]
...What? I could not replicate either of these results however.

[quote]fire satanic dragon wallpaper[/quote]
Yeah, we have a bunch of pictures of satanic dragons up, didn't you know?
Or maybe they were looking for something related to Titania...

[quote]charizard fuck[/quote]
The fact that someone wanted to google this is somewhat concerning on its own, but I'm more worried about the fact that it brought them here. Even worse is that multiple people did this enough to make it a popular search!
I wanted to replicate this out of curiosity to see how it brings people here, but, um, no.
...Blez's old signature comes to mind, but I don't think that's what they were hoping for...

Finally, the most popular search. This unique term brought nearly five times as many people here than the second most popular search ("Pokeplace Reborn")
What was that search?
Apparently Reborn is very big on G minus. g-. Does anyone know what this is and why it's leading people here? Because I am -lost-.

G minus, everyone. It is the heart of Reborn.
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[quote name='AmethystStorm' post='9645' date='Jan 26 2011, 05:25 PM']Thank you Geo, and whoever posted the Bidoof-sweep log.[/quote]

Thank me for attracting people who aren't looking for Pokemon ecchi? ^^

[quote name='AmethystStorm' post='9645' date='Jan 26 2011, 05:25 PM']Yeah, we have a bunch of pictures of satanic dragons up, didn't you know?
Or maybe they were looking for something related to Titania...[/quote]

I'm pretty sure I remember the metal dragon thingy. Though I can't seem to find the thread =/
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No +Infinitas? This makes William sad... ;)

EDIT: Found +Infinitas with Reborn on the 5th page of searching "Pokemon +Infinitas"
This still makes me sad...I need to start using my dA...
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