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Gen 6 Win-win-win team


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Lead: Glizcor

Nature: Jolly

Item: Toxic Orb

Ability: Poison Heal

EV: 252 Speed, 200HP, 58 Attack,

Moves: Taunt, S-Dance, Earthquake, Toxic

Yup in gen 6 Glizcor is still a great lead, and scout. Personally, I prefer to run taunt on mine, because I can stop rocks and light screens from annoyances like Skarmary, and Carbink, but late game, anyone trying to set up leach seed will be forced out. However all Glizcor is, is a stall breaker, as Earthquake is his only attack, but Toxic is good if you force swap someone into something that will take residual damage. Swords Dance is there to amplify earthquake's power and you might be able to pull of a mini sweep. I invest High in speed in order to stop pokemon that might be faster then me so I can taunt them. Also this build checks Ageis slash, as taunt will force you into attack mode and then earthquake will take it out, or it will be forced to swap.

Revenge Killer: Talon Flame

Nature: Adamant

Item: Flying Gem

Ability: Gale Wings

EV: 252 Attack, 252 HP

Moves: Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Roost, S-Dance

I love Gale Wings, as +1 priority to all flying moves is nice. His attack is a bit lack luster, but sword dance fixes that. Flying Gem and Acrobatics is great for causing a bunch of shenanigans, and Roost is good if you need to heal up after a brave bird, or rocks damage. Speaking of rocks, they will be your bane so be careful there.

Spinner: Blastoise

Item: Assault Vest

Ability: Torrent

Nature: Impish

EV: 252 HP 200 Defense 52 Special Defense

Moves: Rapid Spin, Power Up Punch, Waterfall, Earthquake

Yup a set design to support your team, not to sweep, but it can still be used to hit hard once enough power up punches are built up. Rapid spin gets rid of unwanted entry hazards, and earthquake coves electric typing. Waterfall is a good STAB, and Power Up Punch builds up his attack.

Core Sweeper: Aggron

Item: Aggronite

Nature: Jolly

EV: 252 speed, 100 Attack, 152, HP

Moves: Power Up Punch, Earthquake, Automatize, Iron Head

Ability: Filter

Say hello to every Garchomps, Mawile, and any physical attacker's worst nightmare. With a massive defense stat, and good power, all you need is one power up punch to sweep, and one automatize to out speed everything. Iron head is good stab, while earthquake becomes a good coverage move. If you are feeling a little ballsy, you can use head smash over earthquake, but I like earthquake, because you don't take massive recoil. If you can set up long enough, then you have a threat that will bring down everything. However his special defense is just bad, but I have a fix for that.

Dual Screens, and General Annoyance:Rotom-W

Item: Light Clay

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Timid

Moves: Reflect, Light Screen, Will-o-wisp, Volt Switch

EV: 252 HP, 126 Special Defense, 126 Defense

Hipster Magus says "rest chesto is WAY to mainstream for me", but in seriousness Rotom is an amazing support player, with access to dual screens and a good burning move, he is very annoying to take out. Also, another perk to will-o-wisp is that it will go through king's shield causing a burn on Aegis Slash, which will break the physical set. Volt Switch keeps the momentum of the battle in your favor, allowing you to set up, hit and then run. I generally do not lead with this set, as Glizcor will stall break, and entry hazard break too. Rotom can set up light screens, which is specially good with Aggron due to his low special defense.

Rocks Please: Mamoswine

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Thick Fat

Item: Life Orb

EV: 252 Attack 252 Speed

Moves: Ice Shard, Stealth Rocks, Earthquake, Icicle Crash

Say hello to every dragon's worst nightmare, boasting a healthy base attack of 130, and access to ice shard, Mamoswine can force out dragons and set up rocks while doing so. This build is made to set up rocks and revenge kill dragons. While it isn't the main revenge killer, you can force out pokemon, and with rocks on your side, switch in to revenge kill, if Talon Flame is dead, or close to dead.

Well that's all I got. This team s a bit of an odd ball, using pokemon how they were not generally used, which is good, because it gives you the element of surprise. This team is by no means perfect in any way or fashion, but very good no the less. As a competitive team, I only have loss 3 games out of 50 with this team, and those 3 were from passerby's using Ubers like power herb Xerneus and Mega Mewtwo Y. But on a level field this team never ceases to surprise. But naturally, you must anticipate your opponent's move, as that is the key behind victory. Well that's all, please tell what you think and any suggestions are much appreciated.

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LO is generally a better choice for Talonflame, with Brave Bird and Flare Blitz... You are never going to die to recoil because you have priority Roost! That's a choice I'd really consider, also because it is 100% game legal, unlike Flying Gem...

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None of the gems except for normal gem are in the game. Gen 6 is all about game balence and ensuring you can't win with cheap tricks.

For example, weather now needs skill to use, and hazards now play more of a support role, rather than winning the match by themselves.

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Take out Brave Bird or Acrobatics on Talonflame- it's irrelevant to have two STAB moves of the same type on one pokemon- You should try Swords Dance/Brave Bird/Flare Blitz/Roost with Life Orb instead.

Yeah It's pointless to run two stab flying moves, and flare blitz gives check to steel types.

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I'd also like to point out that you don't have a single special attacker on your team. This means Gliscor and Skarmory both wall your team without even trying once Rotom-W is down. I would consider swapping Mega Aggron out for anything with special attack, as you don't need to have 2 physical walls.

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Yup I know that, I have changed it and decided to run a Roserade over Mamoswine and Mega Lucario, (gave him the mix set), over Mega Aggron, as I have found that Mega Kengaskan is too powerful. However now I have no rocks, but all I need is a spinner to keep my side clear.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely get rid of acrobatics, it's completely redundant to have 2 flying type attacks on the same pokemon. Run brave bird and flare blitz. Also, since when does garchomp fear aggron? Earthquake from garchomp easily 2HKO's any aggron. Plus any mach punch will totally kill aggron's chance of sweeping.

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Not mega Aggron thanks to filter and that defense, he can sponge up mach punches and earthquakes like a boss. This team is pretty old, and on top of that I've built many more after this one and did a lot of experiments after this, but I still like this team.

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