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What in your life is a lie? XD

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My seemingly defiant, proper, dauntless nautre(that I dont show as much on here). I really just want to be more open, and by that I mean to be able to be lighthearted like whatever I want. However society has clearly told me that being that way will make me appear weak, disfunctional and irrelevant. Normally I wouldn't care what society thinks of me but in order to accomplish what I want to in life I feel that I need an ironclad shell that only evokes power, presitige and importance.

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I always thought that Estelle was White

I thought that "What I Like About You" by The Romantics was a big hit. It wasn't.

I always thought that every race was nice to each other. Big lie.

I thought that Fox News was trustworthy. It isn't.

To end it all: I thought that my cat ran away. Nope. Parents lied to me.

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Oh god, do I have to list all of it?

Lemme just say that basically anything and everything my family thinks they know about me is basically untrue

EDIT: Just to drive that point home, they don't even know my name. Shore they know my given/legal name, but that's not who I am

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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My personality. I've somehow fabricated this outer facade that isn't who i am.The wierd thing is its not like those cases where people are hiding behind a mask of happiness, i somehow act incredibly gloomy and pessimistic when im actually pretty goddamn cheerful :/

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I'm kinda like that. Though it's more normal, with the happy outside, depressed inside. Except more like stupidly and weirdly perky outside and psychopathic murderous bitch inside

I have the person that I've been for as long as I can remember, but she's entirely fake. She's happy and normal and stuff. And I'm kinda of sadistic and murderous. The former also recently got a boost when I played a hyper-perky character for a while (I got tired of being seen as myself so I faked someone else, nothing special) So now I'm obsessed with pink. And the latter is afraid of unicorns... And one of them has a tendency to be overly loquacious, haven't figured out which yet...

It gets really confusing when I'm talking to each other. I have a tendency to use singular pronouns but plural the rest of my sentences (or vice versa) Not that it isn't just confusing in general trying to sort myself out. Sometimes I can't tell whether I'm faking myself or not

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