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6M1- Defining Moves


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In this step, we'll add the 6th gen moves to the data files for the game.

While this is more complicated than dealing with the abilities, the same principle is followed:

First, we have to follow the specific format of the file, which I'll post about below.

Secondly, we need to determine if the in-game descriptions of each move have changed in XY, AS WELL AS if their actual effects have changed. Whenever possible, I would ask people to refer to their own copies of X and Y for this, however here are some reference links for this leg of the project:

Old abilities that have been updated (check the descriptions and stats against the current files):


New moves and their descriptions:


This page describes the format that our data file uses:


You'll note that this is a pretty complex thing. Let's walk through this:

First, the ID number. This will be the next chronological number. The last one was 559, so this is


Next: The internal name, or basically, the move name in ALLCAPSNOSPACES. Let's use Serebii's list which is arranged alphabetically. So the next move is AROMATICMIST


Now, the name as the player will see it, which is much kinder.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,

Next is the function code. This is what gives the mood its actual effect, but for most 6th gen moves it'll have to be coded in yet. So, just for now, please leave all function codes as '000'.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,

Next, the base damage. If the move had a power, it would go here. Aromatic Mist is a status move, however, so we will put 0.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,

Next, the move's type. This is also an internal name, so it will also be ALLCAPSWITHNOSPACES.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,

The move category: Physical? Special? Or neither? Aromatic Mist is neither, so we, according to the wiki, put 'Status'

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,

Next, the move's accuracy. If the move cannot miss, set 0. Aromatic Mist is one such move.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,

The total PP of the move. I think you guys can figure this one out.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,

Now, the chance of an additional effect. For status moves, which do nothing else, set to 0. Aromatic Mist fits in this 0 category as well, but for Blizzard or something like that, the additional effect change would be 30 (30% chance to freeze on-hit)

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0

Next, what the move targets. This one gets tricky. Please refer to the wiki for it, and Serebii's detailed move page. Most things will probably be 00, a standard move, or 01, which targets nothing. Aromatic Mist is a 40 move; it affects all Pokemon on the user's side.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40

The prirority of the move. This one works just like you would expect it to, if you understand the mechanics behind priority. If not, look that up on Serebii or Smogon or something. Aromatic Mist does not have priority, therefore it is set to 0.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40,0

Next: Flags? This gets weird. Refer to the wiki to see what each letter means, then check it against Serebii's detailed move page.

A- Aromatic Mist does not make physical contact

B- Aromatic Mist cannot be blocked by protect

C- ... cannot be reflected by Magic Coat

D- ... cannot be snatched.

E- ... cannot be copied by Mirror Move

F- ... will not make the opponent flinch with King's rock

G- ...will not thaw out a frozen user of this move

H- ...does not have an increased crit rate

I- ...is not a healing move.

J- ...is not a punching move

K- ...is not sound-based

L- ... is not disabled by Gravity.

Okay, so Aromatic Mist is a poor example. No flags need to be set for this move, BUT if, let's say, for some reason Aromatic Mist could be copied by Mirror Move, we would set flag E by writing in a lower case e in this section.

Because no flags are necessary, this will be left blank- we'll have two ,'s in a row.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40,0,

Next- The type of contest move, in 3rd gen contest style. I literally do not give a fuck about this section; I have no plans or method to include contests in Reborn. As long as it's one of the real things, make it whatever you want. The categories are Cool, Tough, Smart, Cute and Beauty. A move like Aromatic Mist would probably be Beauty, but for giggles and to show how little I care about this field, we're gonna write it in as Tough.

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40,0,,Tough

wow so tough scent very intimidate

Finally, the description. I think you can figure this out, but take note of the wiki's caution about if the description itself uses quotes or apostrophes:

560,AROMATICMIST,Aromatic Mist,000,0,FAIRY,Status,0,20,0,40,0,,Tough,The user raises the Sp. Def stat of ally Pokémon with a mysterious aroma.

And we're done with that one! I've added Aromatic Mist to the file already.

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  • First off Draco Meteor went a bit wonky (its base power was 13r0) so I fixed that up.
  • Changed Hidden Power's text to suit the new power.
  • Changed Roar's accuracy to 100.
  • Added a missing F flag to Struggle Bug.
  • Also added one to Thief - though honestly that makes little sense.
  • Added one to Thunder, though I think something is off now. Might not add anymore. (The next move down, thunderbolt, was missing one - decided to leave the rest alone.)
  • Gave Whirlwind 100 accuracy.
  • Serebii said Aromatic Mist was 100 accuracy, so I changed that...Actually, no. Makes no sense.
  • Added moves from Baby-Doll Eyes to Draining Kiss. Serebii hasn't put in some of the tags (most noticeable are Protect/Detect, so this seems a bit touch-and-go. We might need people to test.)
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Well, that seemed like good advice until it said Baby-Doll Eyes was both tags C & D, which are apparently mutually exclusive. Not so sure.

Also, I'm pretty sure Zeilent added Eerie impulse, Electric Terrain and Electrify.

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Zelient sent me a PM earlier and though it looks like it's no longer relevant I'm posting here because my answer may be informative in general:

I thought this might be the place where i could contribute...

I have read the post and i think i understand everything.

I know you are super busy ... but i would really love if you could "check" the next two moves i did for mistakes?
If you have the time i would very much appreciate it:

561,BABYDOLLEYES,Baby-Doll Eyes,000,0,FAIRY,Status,100,30,0,0,00,1,bcd,Cute,The user stares at the target with its baby-doll eyes, which lowers its Attack stat. This move always goes first.

562,BELCH,Belch,000,120,POISON,Special,90,10,0,00,0,be,Tough,The user lets out a damaging belch on the target. The user must eat a Berry to use this move.

In the case that its atleast somewhat correct: I have just finished writing all the new moves...Before i update the google doc. i will check and double check for mistakes. Only thing is that some of the moves arent fully updated on bulbapedia or serebii .

Or atleast i think that some aren´t fully updated...Like Noble Roar not being flagged as sound-type ...?

At a glance, those both look good to me! If there's syntax issues or anything, the program will tell me when I try to run it in game and I can hone in on it then. Also, that's a good point about the flags, but we can always update it later no problem.

I had forgotten to say in the opening post but if you have any questions please do ask me. ^^ So thanks, Zelient.

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  • Gave Whirlwind 100 accuracy.

Is this the same as being unable to miss? Because as of Gen 6 (and this is from my own game not serebii or whatever (sorry for the low quality I didn't bother using my better webcam or my phone (but it gets the point across)))


It has no listed accuracy, which I assume means it can't miss.

The same is true for Roar.

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How odd. I was reading on Serebii, and it said it was now 100 - I'll change that back.

Also, added Fairy Lock and Fairy WInd.

EDIT:Added all moves from Fell Singer to Land's Wrath.

Edited by Jacze
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I remember Jacze asking me how Grassy Terrain targets things, and I assume he meant in like double battles what you select after you click a move- grabbed a Floette in a Horde battle and it selects everything in the battle at once

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