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Thoughts on current team


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Hey there, normally I don't pay too much about the composition of my team outside of type coverage and my personal favorites, but I just got past Shelly and noticed I've been struggling in battles every now and then. I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my current team and see if there is anything I could stand to improve. 

Current team:

Ona(Weepinbell)-lv 29-Mild nature- Gluttony

Nature Power

Sleep powder

Knock off



Hot Fudge(Camerupt)-lv 36-Serious nature-Anger point

Earth Power

Rock Slide

Lava Plume



Bass Boost(Noibat)-lv 34-Calm nature-Telepathy


Wing Attack(Wanted to keep gust, but accidental missclick changed that)

Air cutter



Zebby(Zebstrika)-lv 34- Hardy Nature- Lightning Rod




Flame charge


Albino(Meowstick Fem)-lv 36-Gental nature-Infiltrator


Fake out

Shadow Ball



Slaps(Marshstomp)-lv 34-Bold nature-Torrent

Mud Shot

Rock slide

Water gun

Rock Smash


I'm not the best when it comes to formulating teams, so any help would be appreciated. Other than that, here's whats in my box:

Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 4.21.38 PM.png

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I know nothing about teambuilding myself, but I'd say:

- replace Weepinbell with Tangela because there is a reason it's 6 levels behind the rest of the team

- replace Noibat with Granbull since Noibat is too weak at this point and Granbull gives you Intimidate

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I second what the others have said. Noibat is too weak for Reborn and Weepinbell needs a grass stone to evolve, which is hard to come by, and would like sun to function, which will clash with mega Swampert in the future. Tangrowth can help with speed control if you teach it stun spore and is a pretty decent grass type. Tsareena is also a pretty decent mon to use and it doesn't require a stone which is a plus. Roserade does require a stone to use, but is pretty powerfull. Ludicolo also needs a stone, but synergises with mega Swampert in the future as a secondary swift swimmer if you do decide to run a rain team. I'd say use a Venomoth to replace Noibat, but Venomoth can't use its poison stab in Reborn as the related TM is not available, so I won't recommend it. Swalot is a worthy consideration in my opinion instead, as it evolves relatively early and can take care of the grass and fighting types Noibat would have been tasked to. Though it is lacking on the stats department and you'd like to replace it eventually I fear. Which would be a good time to bring back Noibat to the team, fully evolved of course. Anyway Granbull is pretty good in Reborn if slow, and Floatzel is fast and strong for this part of the game but you already have a water type in Swampert, which though slower is also strong and has a dual typing. Finally Jellicent is decent for the upcoming fights, which are fire and fighting (with two fighting-psychic types), though not as good against the ghost types.

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On 3/20/2022 at 1:02 PM, RebornFan7 said:

I second what the others have said. Noibat is too weak for Reborn and Weepinbell needs a grass stone to evolve, which is hard to come by, and would like sun to function, which will clash with mega Swampert in the future. Tangrowth can help with speed control if you teach it stun spore and is a pretty decent grass type. Tsareena is also a pretty decent mon to use and it doesn't require a stone which is a plus. Roserade does require a stone to use, but is pretty powerfull. Ludicolo also needs a stone, but synergises with mega Swampert in the future as a secondary swift swimmer if you do decide to run a rain team. I'd say use a Venomoth to replace Noibat, but Venomoth can't use its poison stab in Reborn as the related TM is not available, so I won't recommend it. Swalot is a worthy consideration in my opinion instead, as it evolves relatively early and can take care of the grass and fighting types Noibat would have been tasked to. Though it is lacking on the stats department and you'd like to replace it eventually I fear. Which would be a good time to bring back Noibat to the team, fully evolved of course. Anyway Granbull is pretty good in Reborn if slow, and Floatzel is fast and strong for this part of the game but you already have a water type in Swampert, which though slower is also strong and has a dual typing. Finally Jellicent is decent for the upcoming fights, which are fire and fighting (with two fighting-psychic types), though not as good against the ghost types.

Thanks for the reply, this was really helpful.

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