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My current Reborn team


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Alright I haven't really thought about the pokemon i have put on my team yet. I just choose some pokemon that I think are good and fun to use. With all that said my team is very weak to psychic types. I am not that good of a team builder and really could use some advice. Here is the team:


Infernape - Ironfist

Fire pledge 

Mach punch 

Close combat



Stoutland - Intimidate

Strength (used as a move)





Roserade - Poison Point

Giga drain


Grass whistle



Nidoqueen - Sheer Force


Body slam

Earth power

Sludge wave


Toxicroak - Poison Touch

Poison Jab

Mud bomb

Sucker Punch

Drain Punch


Blastoise - Rain Dish


Flash Cannon

Aura Sphere

Water Spout


So yeah thats my current team. I am right before the Meteor base in Tarzan mountain and really want some change. I have been thinking about putting a Drapion on my team. But thats mostly cuz i found a shiny one. 

Thanks alot!






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Looking at your team you appear to have 3 Poison types, with Toxicroak in particular being redundant in both of its types. I would recommend swapping that out for a Dark, or even Steel, type, and while Drapion works for that role it is another Poison type so a different one might work better.

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12 hours ago, Rendolf said:

Looking at your team you appear to have 3 Poison types, with Toxicroak in particular being redundant in both of its types. I would recommend swapping that out for a Dark, or even Steel, type, and while Drapion works for that role it is another Poison type so a different one might work better.

Alright maybe I'll go for bisharp but i dont know where i can get a pawniard. Do u know where?


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1 hour ago, hoggez said:

Alright maybe I'll go for bisharp but i dont know where i can get a pawniard. Do u know where?


Bisharp was one of the thoughts I had when I was saying it, but the problem is that it's not very easy to come by until pretty late in the game. The only way to get it (until you get to Route 4) is from the Growlithe Mystery Egg after the Police Officer Sidequest, which you obviously don't get much of a choice in. Other decent Dark types that are easier to get could be Umbreon (Eevee from Mysidia Railcave), Zoroark (quest started on the accessible roof in the Beryl Ward during a clear night), Honchkrow (Murkrow on a windy night in the Aqua hideout), Houndoom or Sharpedo (from your team leader after defeating the other team or in the other team's hideout), Scrafty (Scraggy from defeating the Pangoros in the Obsidia Slums), Malamar (Inkay from Byxbysion Wasteland Headbutt trees), Spiritomb (from Odd Keystone in Byxbysion Grotto), Krookodile (Sandile from Tanzan Mountain), Pangoro (Pancham from Obsidia Slums), or Crawdaunt (Corphish from Rock Smash on Apophyll Beach). Any of those would obviously cover your Psychic weakness, but some of them have a duplicate type too so it's up to you. Whichever you like best really.

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1 hour ago, Rendolf said:

Bisharp was one of the thoughts I had when I was saying it, but the problem is that it's not very easy to come by until pretty late in the game. The only way to get it (until you get to Route 4) is from the Growlithe Mystery Egg after the Police Officer Sidequest, which you obviously don't get much of a choice in. Other decent Dark types that are easier to get could be Umbreon (Eevee from Mysidia Railcave), Zoroark (quest started on the accessible roof in the Beryl Ward during a clear night), Honchkrow (Murkrow on a windy night in the Aqua hideout), Houndoom or Sharpedo (from your team leader after defeating the other team or in the other team's hideout), Scrafty (Scraggy from defeating the Pangoros in the Obsidia Slums), Malamar (Inkay from Byxbysion Wasteland Headbutt trees), Spiritomb (from Odd Keystone in Byxbysion Grotto), Krookodile (Sandile from Tanzan Mountain), Pangoro (Pancham from Obsidia Slums), or Crawdaunt (Corphish from Rock Smash on Apophyll Beach). Any of those would obviously cover your Psychic weakness, but some of them have a duplicate type too so it's up to you. Whichever you like best really.

I have some of these pokemon in the PC. I got a Prankster Murkrow cuz i thought it learnt Perish song. I was gonna use him agains solrais or whatever his name is. I've heard from other players Scrafty really isnt that good and i know that Pangoro and crawdaunt are pretty dogshit. I will probably go for Zorua cuz i dont really need a second typing. Thanks for the help


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You really should teach a physical fire move to Infernape, especially if you EV train your pokemon. You can teach it fire punch eventually in the renovated city of Reborn, but right now I think you can teach it flare blitz in the move relearner with a heart scale. 

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On 3/20/2022 at 3:46 PM, RebornFan7 said:

You really should teach a physical fire move to Infernape, especially if you EV train your pokemon. You can teach it fire punch eventually in the renovated city of Reborn, but right now I think you can teach it flare blitz in the move relearner with a heart scale. 

Yeah i know, I just checked and I can learn Flare Blitz, Fire Punch and Blaze kick at the move relearner. I dont know which one to go with though.

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