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6SG3- Gathering Overworld Sprites


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There's not much for me to explain here, but:

If I want to include any 6th gen things as event Pokemon (which is particularly important for legendaries), then I need overworld sprites for them. In that sense, this task is kind of 'optional' but the more overworld sprites we get the better.

If we get them all, then there's a chance that I can implement an HGSS-follow system. No promises on that, but I know Melanite, which uses the same program as Reborn, did it, and I have overworlds from everything in the other generations. Aside from that, the more we get the more events I can do, as I'll explain in a later thread I want to use even more event Pokemon than I have before.

Sooo, the task is to find any 6th gen Overworld Sprites and post them here.

All I need is three or four facings, which two frames each. The Ylvetal posted in the old sprite thread, pictured below, is a great example. They don't need to be arranged in any paticular way for now, as long as I have two frames of each facing (remember, right/left will just be mirrored, so we only need one of those)


Aaaand the hunt is on. Go!

1 Chespin
2 Quilladin
3 Chesnaught
4 Fennekin
5 Braixen
6 Delphox

7 Froakie
8 Frogadier
9 Greninja
10 Bunnelby
11 Diggersby
12 Fletchling
13 Fletchinder
14 Talonflame
15 Scatterbug
16 Spewpa
17 Vivillon
18 Litleo
19 Pyroar** Only Female obtained
20 Flabébé
21 Floette
22 Florges
23 Skiddo
24 Gogoat
25 Pancham
26 Pangoro
27 Furfrou
28 Espurr
29 Meowstic
30 Honedge
31 Doublade
32 Aegislash
33 Spritzee
34 Aromatisse
35 Swirlix
36 Slurpuff
37 Inkay
38 Malamar
39 Binacle
40 Barbaracle
41 Skrelp
42 Dragalge
43 Clauncher
44 Clawitzer

45 Helioptile
46 Heliolisk
47 Tyrunt
48 Tyrantrum
49 Amaura
50 Aurorus
51 Sylveon
52 Hawlucha
53 Dedenne
54 Carbink

55 Goomy
56 Sliggoo
57 Goodra

58 Klefki
59 Phantump
60 Trevenant
61 Pumpkaboo
62 Gourgeist
63 Bergmite
64 Avalugg
65 Noibat
66 Noivern
67 Xerneas
68 Yveltal
69 Zygarde
70 Diancie
71 Hoopa

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  • 1 year later...

hey it won't let me start a new topic on this sub forum and i saw the sentence 'overworld sprites' and i do understand that this is a old topic but i did make some sprites that are compatible with pokemon reborn that i tested myself if you go to the link in this message it will take you to my alter ego 13gamer2000. ame you may know me as 13gamer2000 from pokemon online when we battle eachother. http://silverleague.forumotion.com/t144-work-in-progress-karasu-sprites

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hey it won't let me start a new topic on this sub forum and i saw the sentence 'overworld sprites' and i do understand that this is a old topic but i did make some sprites that are compatible with pokemon reborn that i tested myself if you go to the link in this message it will take you to my alter ego 13gamer2000. ame you may know me as 13gamer2000 from pokemon online when we battle eachother. http://silverleague.forumotion.com/t144-work-in-progress-karasu-sprites

We saw your thread the first time. No need to post the sprites anywhere you see.

Even less reason to ressurect a year-old thread to post sprites that have nothing to do with it.

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From chasemortier (link provided by Ame)







Also by Chase Mortier, worthy of it's own spoiler.


from Juanca (link provided by Ame)


By Anvil555 (link provided by Ame)







By Reketsu




If you find more that are already 'found' post em anyways, I'm sure Amethyst would like to be able to choose which ones she likes better as well as in the case that the creator just says no she can't use them.

EDIT: Not having much luck finding any of the others, only this one.

http://itachihacks.deviantart.com/art/Greninja-sprite-sheet-overworld-494740150 - Only Greninja I could find, not great.


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by yours truly.

I'd love to help out and draw up some more sprites! I just need to know if the list in the OP is up to date, i.e. if all the uncrossed sprites are still missing. :P

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by yours truly.

I'd love to help out and draw up some more sprites! I just need to know if the list in the OP is up to date, i.e. if all the uncrossed sprites are still missing. :P

There wasn't a list at all before my last post. Someone had necroposted in a sense and I didn't realize this was a particularly old thread when I made the list actually. Yes it's up to date.

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Trevenant overworld (mostly by me)


A question: if a follow system were to be implemented, would we have to edit all the overworld sprites with the reborn custom shiny sprites?

Oh my lord, that would be quite the endeavor,

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It'd be an ongoing process but I like the idea. I also think it'd be cool to have the custom shiny sprites appear when looking at your party (clicking pokemon in the menu)

I don't know whether that's possible, but that'd be cool.

Oh my lord, that would be quite the endeavor,

Yes,but well worth it. Editing overworld sprites' colors isn't that hard, I think, as you can edit the entire sprite sheet at once. The ones with special patterns though, those will be harder.

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I don't know whether that's possible, but that'd be cool.

Yes,but well worth it. Editing overworld sprites' colors isn't that hard, I think, as you can edit the entire sprite sheet at once. The ones with special patterns though, those will be harder.

I mean, I'm farily certain it would be. Just rewriting things with some if else statements and making the according sprites like you would with shiny's in battle.

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Yes,but well worth it. Editing overworld sprites' colors isn't that hard, I think, as you can edit the entire sprite sheet at once. The ones with special patterns though, those will be harder.

Oh definitely. I was only talking about the special patterns. Color palettes are easy enough.

But I do think it's well worth it. I'd definitely be willing to help with that much.

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by me


other 3 legendaries


edit: shrunk them a bit match the previous overworld sprites posted; also did volcanion but the side sprites are very poor so if anyone wants to edit them you can. Volcanion is 30x30 sorry for the size. The last listed legendary diancie I did the front and back while Nova did the side sprites


Also I found someone that did a gourgeist overworld sprite set do you prefer if we ask or do you usally ask yourself for permision.

anyway the users name on deviant art says: NurseBlissey


Also a person by the name anvil555 made some overworld sprites for pyroar (M), flechander, doublade, clawitzer and dragalgie


Edited by smeargletail
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