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Aevium Dex entries


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Alright since according to Zumi the Aevium dex entries can't be visible at the moment and or how there is (currently as far as I am aware) no thread detailing what said dex entries say, I figured until the forbidden lore gets dropped we make up our own versions of them for fun. There is no limit as to how many pokemon one can do, as everyone may have a different idea for it. I'll start it off with Munna, who probably seems to be the easier one.


Munna, Dream Eater Pokemon (Aevium form)


Due to the bad dreams plaguing the inhabitants of Aevium shortly after the calamity, Munna consumed many to the point of acquiring a better taste for bad dreams and nightmares rather than pleasant ones.

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  • 2 months later...

Huh, bringing this back up for the briefest moment to now lament on the idea before celebrating that the rejuvination wiki now has the dex entries for Aevium forms! The forbidden lore has now been released.


Feel free to come up with some funny ones for the upcoming ones though, if you like.

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