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A noob asking noob questions


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Hello there,

I'm a new player who discovered Reborn 3 days ago and I definitely got hooked by the game, especially the atmosphere and the story (who would've guessed that I'd someday play a Pokemon game for the story ?) but let's say I'm struggling a lot. Everytime I meet a strong opponent (gym leader or others) I eventually manage to beat them after 10 retries but usually only due to RNG, like enemy Pokemon missing an attack or idk. I'm currently just after beating Shelly with a team made of Loudred / Swoobat / Onix / Frogadier / Growlithe / Swalot (I know it's definitely suboptimal but I feel like I didn't had any better option until now (the better options were either with trash IV, either too low level and me being too lazy to grind to make them catch up with the rest of the team)
I actually have no experience on Pokemon games, the last one I played being Emerald like 15 years ago (and being a kid at that time I always played my Pokemon games by overleveling my starter and oneshotting everyone so...) so I'm using the forums and the guides a lot to find hints about everything and nothing, but it's starting to be tedious.

So a few of my questions being :

1) I saw a new big patch is coming soon, should I wait for it or should I keep on my current game and maybe restart a new one alter when new patch is out ?

2) I feel like the game makes me do a lot of back and forth to get some side quests / hidden items / pokemons and it's quite annoying especially as I'm alway broke and can't afford Repel. Is it on purpose or am I missing some tricks / shortcuts ?

3) Sometimes there are unexpectedly strong enemies compared to my current level, latest example is 10 minutes ago when I went for the second part of the Magma sidequest, I beat a double trainer with lvl 31 Pokemons, then suddenly the next one has only lvl 40-45 who oneshot my whole team. Is there a way to prevent those unpleasant surprises except always checking a guide to get warnings before every encounter ?

And of course any tip which would be helpful is welcome. As stated previously I'm extensively checking the topics on the forum to get some insight, but a lot of them are a 5+ years old any might contain outdated stuff... (I know there were some other specific questions I wanted to ask but I already forgot them T-T)

Thanks for reading, have a nice day/evening.

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I'll try and answer to the best of my knowledge:


1- The next big patch is v19 and coming out very soon. It will add the last gym/e4/post game to the game as well as add some qol improvements. The beginning of the game is also being changed slightly so you maybe be able to restart when it comes out for a fresh start.


2- The game is kinda like this early on but it is being improved with v19. I know they are increasing the max steps for each of the repels (I think they had their steps doubled) and I think the devs mentioned making the early game less tedious.


3- There are 2 other fights in the game that have pokemon way above your level but they are supposed to be "unbeatable" (The game still progresses if you lose to them). The team magma one is an outlier just because I think it is actually multiple quests and you may have just started it a bit too early.



I played the same way you do when I did my first run of reborn so some advice is rotate your team around. If a pokemon is reaching the level cap before a gym change it out to something else so you have pokemon in the pc at higher levels. Sometimes adding a pokemon you never use can change the outcome of a battle.


Good luck and have fun with the game!

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For Shelly I could have a tip. If you are able to set up Stealth Rocks turn 1 with Onix, the fight will turn on way easier, but you are going to be outsped and killed by Masquerain and Illumise no matter Sturdy, so the best way to overpass it is to give it a Quick Claw, available on the Onyx rooftop.  I believe it is 1 chance out of 5, so you just need to softreset until the Quick Claw pops and then you can enjoy some oxygen.

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Hey there, welcome to the forum!


Indeed, Reborn is like a golden hook, once caught, it's hard to let go. Hope you like your ride and enjoy the forum, people around here are very heartwarming and always tend to help if you're in need. To your questions then:


1) I believe this one is personal. The next patch will be episode 19, which will add an end game. Every episode added some new content in terms of location, pokémons, itens and story progressing. I started in E15, at that point we were able to get until the fairy gym (won't spoil too much). E19 will add an end to the story, the last major trainers from the Reborn Pokémon League and a rework on the first areas of the game. So you can play now, learn how to work your ways on Reborn and then revisit the game with all your knowledge to see the differences, or just go until where E18 ends and wait when E19 comes to continue, up to you.


2) Yeah, the beginning at Reborn City does feel like that. I believe it's game design, to make Reborn the most challenging and playable at the same time while most of the important characters are presented. Try to manage your resources, save before battles so you won't lose money and good luck :P


3) As said, some quests have multiple parts which should be done at different moments, maybe you got a bit too far on this one quest, that's why you battled a stronger opponent. Anyway Reborn will always look for break you down, there's the challenge. 


In the beginning you don't have access to a large variety of mons, let alone good ones. So keep an eye for event pokémon, there is a Teddyursa on the loose around town, a Pichu taking his time on a rooftop and a Budew balancing itself around an edge. Those pokémons may be there at any time or they need a specific weather or time of the day to appear. They can shift your game if you look carefully.


Other thing to keep an eye on is the pokémon nature. Try to plan a build for your mon, the ability it should have, the moves, and choose a fitting nature. Then you can try to catch one with said nature, or soft reset on an event mon until you get it. Once you get access to the day care, you can start breeding better mons to your game.


If you don't mind changing the vanilla game, SWM Modular Pack really helps! It have lots of options to help ease the game. Take a look:

Leveling up mons is indeed tedious. That's why some battlers appear on Reborn Pokémon Center, you can battle them as much as you want and level your mons pretty fast. I believe they start to appear there after you beat the first gym, but I'm not sure about that last part. There is also a different trainer for every day of the week, so you can change your pc's date to get the one easier to your team.


One last hint: Torchic with Speed Boost and Froakie with Protean are the best starters throughout the game.


Hope it helps! Don't mind asking for directions when having a hard time, people here are very caring!


See ya~


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Reborn's geared towards people who already have a good amount of experience with Pokemon, and is meant to be hard even for them, so you're already at a disadvantage.  I strongly suggest you learn about EVs, IVs, natures, STAB, the field effects, held items, what abilities your Pokemon have and what they do, what moves they may have access to through breeding, all that stuff.  It's technically not required to beat the game, but... if you think you're having a hard time now, you're still in the early game and enemies aren't even EV trained yet.  It's gonna get harder.  (EDIT: I just noticed that you mentioned IVs in your original post so you probably know at least some of this stuff.  For IVs in particular, when a Pokemon you get has terrible ones you can press F12 to reload your save and try again)


Rather than soft resetting for lucky crits, the actual intended way to beat Reborn is coming up with counterstrategies for the boss' strategies.  Take Shelly as an example (yes I know you already beat her but still).  Her Illumise always immediately uses Rain Dance and so you can't set her field on fire.  It has Prankster, an ability that makes its status moves always go first, so you can't just outspeed and kill it before it uses Rain Dance.  What's more is that the rain massively buffs her Anorith and Araquanid.  But her Araquanid's her only Pokemon who resists water... and Rain Dance boosts water moves for ALL Pokemon, not just hers... what if you used that against her?  For Anorith in particular, you have access to multiple Pokemon with Aqua Jet by this point and Anorith's actually weak to water, so you can kill it before it even gets a single Rock Slide off.  Or what if you used Sunny Day after Rain Dance was set up?  If you did that it would create a Rainbow Field, which you may or may not already know since the Rainbow Field effect readout is already available by that point in the game.  So now Shelly's lost all the buffs her Forest Field gives her, AND it's Sunny which boosts Fire moves, and what if on top of all that you bring some Pokemon who can actually take advantage of the Rainbow Field?  You'd wreck her.  And of course as another guy said, setting up Stealth Rock early on cripples a lot of her team.  Stuff like this is the way you're "supposed" to beat Reborn, not "I soft reset until the opponent misses all his attacks and I get five crits in a row."


Of course, coming up with counterstrategies often means using Pokemon you haven't trained yet, meaning you'd have to train them, and... yeah it's grindy as hell sometimes.  Supposedly the upcoming update makes it less grindy.


Or you could, like the other guy suggested, use a mod to literally cheat in order to win.  That's on you.  Apparently the upcoming update also has cheat codes to remove all the difficulty or something.


If it's any consolation, I wasn't much better than you when I first played.  I remember raging at a certain boss' Pokemon always getting 5 hits on Tail Slap because I didn't know what Skill Link was, and just thought the AI was cheating.



Edit:  I feel like I should add at least one bit of advice more specific than "play smarter not harder", so here's an out-of-the-box strategy you probably never even considered:  There's an alleyway in Peridot Ward where the wild Trubbish and Stunky have Poison Gas, and it's real easy to get your Pokemon poisoned.  Facade is a TM you already have access to that a TON of Pokemon can learn.  It deals double damage if you have a status effect.  What if you intentionally got a Pokemon poisoned, ran to the boss, used healing items to keep that Pokemon's HP from dropping to 1, and healed it to full HP right before starting the boss fight?  You'd have double power Facade without actually having to get hit with a status effect during the boss fight.  What if the Pokemon ALSO had Guts for its ability?  What if the Pokemon ALSO was Normal type?  There's a Pokemon you can get right now who meets all of those criteria.

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1) Yes, the last update to the game, Episode 19 (which has been in development for 3 and a half years) is currently in beta testing! It will add the end of the story and the postgame. You can find the dev blog here on this site! The devs have said that a lot of stuff in the game is going to be changed in E19 besides the new content, including many QoL changes to make the game a lot less tedious; so it is recommended to start a new playthrough when it is released. Still, if you want, you can play upto the end of the current version and continue with this save directly into the new content of E19.

And of course you can do both, like many of us. Start a new save for E19, and complete E19 on your earlier save too (not necessarily in that order).

EDIT: Saw the latest dev blog post, the community release (open beta) is expected next weekend and the actual public release some time in May. So keep that in mind while deciding.


2) The money in early game is indeed supposed to be tight, and yes there is a lot of running around, but it helps immersion by making you familiar with the city IMO.


3) All such fights are for sidequests (except one or two but spoilers). In general, if they are unlocked, they are beatable, but of course not all of them will be beatable for all teams, and you can always come back later when you are stronger.


A tip I would like to give is to explore as much as you can. I feel like 25% of the areas in this game are optional, and every area you see has a purpose. It can actually make the game significantly less hard for you, since many of the powerful items, TMs and Pokemon are found in very discreet locations

Edited by Lone Karvanha
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Adding to Lone's reply, the new dev blog they just released says that they aren't completely sure how the game will function if you boot up a save that was created before E19 came out if it is not at the end of the E18 story. So there may be some bugs you encounter due to things being a bit inconsistent between the two versions. Their suggestions are to either finish the story in E18 and then move to E19 (they normally say how to do this safely in the new version download) or to just restart the game. I am personally planning to just restart the game since it is adding new content to the early game including an entirely new character (rival? antagonist? not sure). That said, I last played through the game several years ago when E18 came out so I also forgot a lot of story beats that replaying will help me remember. So it may be less enjoyable for you to restart. Up to you there.

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1 This one is up to you really. The new patch that is coming will be the final one meaning the game will be completed after that. 

2 If you have trouble with money, there are trainers you can re battle as many times as you'd like inside the Grand Hall. Be sure to collect department store stickers and the mining kit from the underground (you will need rock smash for that one)! 

3 Nothing you can do other than saving often and yes consulting a guide is also an option. A guide should also help you finding rare and strong pokemon since you're saying you're struggling. 

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13 hours ago, Mindlessant said:

I'll try and answer to the best of my knowledge:


1- The next big patch is v19 and coming out very soon. It will add the last gym/e4/post game to the game as well as add some qol improvements. The beginning of the game is also being changed slightly so you maybe be able to restart when it comes out for a fresh start.


2- The game is kinda like this early on but it is being improved with v19. I know they are increasing the max steps for each of the repels (I think they had their steps doubled) and I think the devs mentioned making the early game less tedious.


3- There are 2 other fights in the game that have pokemon way above your level but they are supposed to be "unbeatable" (The game still progresses if you lose to them). The team magma one is an outlier just because I think it is actually multiple quests and you may have just started it a bit too early.



I played the same way you do when I did my first run of reborn so some advice is rotate your team around. If a pokemon is reaching the level cap before a gym change it out to something else so you have pokemon in the pc at higher levels. Sometimes adding a pokemon you never use can change the outcome of a battle.


Good luck and have fun with the game!

I guess I'll maybe wait for the patch then. Idk. I really want to see the next step of the story but on the other hand when I see "QoL changes" my heart sway. Maybe I'll still fickle around a bit as I have time to waste anyway.

About the repels, the buff seems nice but as I have no money to buy them whatsoever I guess it won't help in my specific situation. :/

I also remember a random Klingklang lvl 35 spawning when I was chasing a Pokemon and roflstomping my lvl 20 team. Kinda disappointed I was. But if those are only the few exceptions my heart rests assured.

However I feel like I'm lacking xp, even by almost not changing any team member since the start, when I reached Shelly I had my highest at lvl 34, my lowest at lvl 29 and the rest between 31-33. I saw in a guide that I could grind the Unown in the cave to get good xp, but the problem is, I can basically only kill 2 of them amounting to 1/4 level at best before my Pokemon gets too low health and then I'd have to make a long back and forth to the nearest center to get healed etc so I kinda cba

Thanks a lot for your answer !


11 hours ago, RocketOSullivan said:

For Shelly I could have a tip. If you are able to set up Stealth Rocks turn 1 with Onix, the fight will turn on way easier, but you are going to be outsped and killed by Masquerain and Illumise no matter Sturdy, so the best way to overpass it is to give it a Quick Claw, available on the Onyx rooftop.  I believe it is 1 chance out of 5, so you just need to softreset until the Quick Claw pops and then you can enjoy some oxygen.

I eventually managed to beat her, but I had no idea about this strat, maybe I could have had an easier time if I knew about it beforehands. Anyway I'll keep it in mind for my next run.

11 hours ago, Trufa said:

Hey there, welcome to the forum!


Indeed, Reborn is like a golden hook, once caught, it's hard to let go. Hope you like your ride and enjoy the forum, people around here are very heartwarming and always tend to help if you're in need. To your questions then:


1) I believe this one is personal. The next patch will be episode 19, which will add an end game. Every episode added some new content in terms of location, pokémons, itens and story progressing. I started in E15, at that point we were able to get until the fairy gym (won't spoil too much). E19 will add an end to the story, the last major trainers from the Reborn Pokémon League and a rework on the first areas of the game. So you can play now, learn how to work your ways on Reborn and then revisit the game with all your knowledge to see the differences, or just go until where E18 ends and wait when E19 comes to continue, up to you.


2) Yeah, the beginning at Reborn City does feel like that. I believe it's game design, to make Reborn the most challenging and playable at the same time while most of the important characters are presented. Try to manage your resources, save before battles so you won't lose money and good luck :P


3) As said, some quests have multiple parts which should be done at different moments, maybe you got a bit too far on this one quest, that's why you battled a stronger opponent. Anyway Reborn will always look for break you down, there's the challenge. 


In the beginning you don't have access to a large variety of mons, let alone good ones. So keep an eye for event pokémon, there is a Teddyursa on the loose around town, a Pichu taking his time on a rooftop and a Budew balancing itself around an edge. Those pokémons may be there at any time or they need a specific weather or time of the day to appear. They can shift your game if you look carefully.


Other thing to keep an eye on is the pokémon nature. Try to plan a build for your mon, the ability it should have, the moves, and choose a fitting nature. Then you can try to catch one with said nature, or soft reset on an event mon until you get it. Once you get access to the day care, you can start breeding better mons to your game.


If you don't mind changing the vanilla game, SWM Modular Pack really helps! It have lots of options to help ease the game. Take a look:

Leveling up mons is indeed tedious. That's why some battlers appear on Reborn Pokémon Center, you can battle them as much as you want and level your mons pretty fast. I believe they start to appear there after you beat the first gym, but I'm not sure about that last part. There is also a different trainer for every day of the week, so you can change your pc's date to get the one easier to your team.


One last hint: Torchic with Speed Boost and Froakie with Protean are the best starters throughout the game.


Hope it helps! Don't mind asking for directions when having a hard time, people here are very caring!


See ya~


Thanks !

I have nothing against getting used to the map, but as an example, having to go across the slums for like 5 times just to get some sidequsts etc was really one of the most frustrating things I experienced in this game for now.

My brain has a weird bias which tells me "if this content is available to me then I have to be able to clear it right now". So I guess I'll just have to tell my brain to stfu.

Yeah I noticed that even though there are a lot of events which give me free Pokemons every there and now I still feel like I have almost no choice. However, among those you mentionned I only got the Budew. And I decided against using it, as I figured out I'll never find a way to evolve him soon enough as grinding happiness seems pretty impossible to me, given the fact that I'm getting half my team K.O. after every fight. And actually is it really this good of a Pokemon ? I'd have liked to use it as I have no other grass type but I didn't feel it was that interesting to use it.

However I must say I have not a single clue about how building is supposed to work. I mean, I know what nature is, but I have no idea what are the different special abilities available to each Pokemon and so I have no clue which one is good or bad compared to others. And as the last Gen I played was Gen III, let's say I have no idea about half of the attack moves or how I can build synergies with it etc.

The mod pack seems nice though, a few QoL changes is always welcome. Especially the one which allows the player to set weather as most of the cotnent I missed is due to me not being at the right place with the right weather.

Actually the battlers are one of those fights which seemed impossible to me. I indeed saw in a guide that i was a good way to get xp, so I went there to fight but then I met a guy with a lvl 36 Gardevoir who oneshotted my whole lvl 30-ish team with Psychic. So yeah I wasn't really hot about trying my luck again.

I went for Froakie as a starter as I heard it was good, but he has Torrent (and trash IV too, but I didn't know about that when I started so I didn't soft reset to have a better one), not Protean. I just checked online and I saw Protean is marked as "hidden ability" what does this mean ?

Thanks a lot for your help

10 hours ago, CURIE said:

Reborn's geared towards people who already have a good amount of experience with Pokemon, and is meant to be hard even for them, so you're already at a disadvantage.  I strongly suggest you learn about EVs, IVs, natures, STAB, the field effects, held items, what abilities your Pokemon have and what they do, what moves they may have access to through breeding, all that stuff.  It's technically not required to beat the game, but... if you think you're having a hard time now, you're still in the early game and enemies aren't even EV trained yet.  It's gonna get harder.  (EDIT: I just noticed that you mentioned IVs in your original post so you probably know at least some of this stuff.  For IVs in particular, when a Pokemon you get has terrible ones you can press F12 to reload your save and try again)


Rather than soft resetting for lucky crits, the actual intended way to beat Reborn is coming up with counterstrategies for the boss' strategies.  Take Shelly as an example (yes I know you already beat her but still).  Her Illumise always immediately uses Rain Dance and so you can't set her field on fire.  It has Prankster, an ability that makes its status moves always go first, so you can't just outspeed and kill it before it uses Rain Dance.  What's more is that the rain massively buffs her Anorith and Araquanid.  But her Araquanid's her only Pokemon who resists water... and Rain Dance boosts water moves for ALL Pokemon, not just hers... what if you used that against her?  For Anorith in particular, you have access to multiple Pokemon with Aqua Jet by this point and Anorith's actually weak to water, so you can kill it before it even gets a single Rock Slide off.  Or what if you used Sunny Day after Rain Dance was set up?  If you did that it would create a Rainbow Field, which you may or may not already know since the Rainbow Field effect readout is already available by that point in the game.  So now Shelly's lost all the buffs her Forest Field gives her, AND it's Sunny which boosts Fire moves, and what if on top of all that you bring some Pokemon who can actually take advantage of the Rainbow Field?  You'd wreck her.  And of course as another guy said, setting up Stealth Rock early on cripples a lot of her team.  Stuff like this is the way you're "supposed" to beat Reborn, not "I soft reset until the opponent misses all his attacks and I get five crits in a row."


Of course, coming up with counterstrategies often means using Pokemon you haven't trained yet, meaning you'd have to train them, and... yeah it's grindy as hell sometimes.  Supposedly the upcoming update makes it less grindy.


Or you could, like the other guy suggested, use a mod to literally cheat in order to win.  That's on you.  Apparently the upcoming update also has cheat codes to remove all the difficulty or something.


If it's any consolation, I wasn't much better than you when I first played.  I remember raging at a certain boss' Pokemon always getting 5 hits on Tail Slap because I didn't know what Skill Link was, and just thought the AI was cheating.



Edit:  I feel like I should add at least one bit of advice more specific than "play smarter not harder", so here's an out-of-the-box strategy you probably never even considered:  There's an alleyway in Peridot Ward where the wild Trubbish and Stunky have Poison Gas, and it's real easy to get your Pokemon poisoned.  Facade is a TM you already have access to that a TON of Pokemon can learn.  It deals double damage if you have a status effect.  What if you intentionally got a Pokemon poisoned, ran to the boss, used healing items to keep that Pokemon's HP from dropping to 1, and healed it to full HP right before starting the boss fight?  You'd have double power Facade without actually having to get hit with a status effect during the boss fight.  What if the Pokemon ALSO had Guts for its ability?  What if the Pokemon ALSO was Normal type?  There's a Pokemon you can get right now who meets all of those criteria.

Yeah I'm actually discovering all this stuff right now but it's a bit of a too big bone to chew at once. So for now the only thing I really understood are IV (which are basically just some kind of dice roll to define a Pokemon base/scaling stats, compared to average right ?) but for the other things I'm reading guides etc but it's a bit overwhelming for now.

Shelly Anorith was actually her most annoying Pokemon and I managed to beat her precisely because I managed to OS him with Aquajet on my lucky try. But on all previous tries, he was faster than me and crushed half of my team before I could do anything to him. But yeah, I had not a single clue about Rainbow Field or whatever. Said like this, it sounds cool, but even if I knew about it before fighting Shelly, I actually have no one with the Sunny Day move. So I couldn't use this strat.

So if next update makes things less grindy it gives me one more reason to wait for it. I mean, I have nothing against grinding as itself, but if the grinding spot is kinda far from the nearest Pokemon center and I have to go there and back every 2 fights, spending more time running around than actually grinding it makes it quite annoying imho.

I'm the kind of person who'd be easily tempted by cheating stuff but I'd still like to play the game how it's intended to be played at least once

Well I have no idea about what Skill Link is neither. Maybe I'm going to check this.

But yeah, usually I'm pretty chill, but I found myself cursing at my computer more than once while playing Reborn, which almost never happened to me previously. The only exception being when I lose a Hearthstone game because of my opponent getting lucky on a random effect or idk.

I'll keep the Facade trick in mind as well, however I don't even know where to get the TM. Gotta check this as well.

5 hours ago, Lone Karvanha said:

1) Yes, the last update to the game, Episode 19 (which has been in development for 3 and a half years) is currently in beta testing! It will add the end of the story and the postgame. You can find the dev blog here on this site! The devs have said that a lot of stuff in the game is going to be changed in E19 besides the new content, including many QoL changes to make the game a lot less tedious; so it is recommended to start a new playthrough when it is released. Still, if you want, you can play upto the end of the current version and continue with this save directly into the new content of E19.

And of course you can do both, like many of us. Start a new save for E19, and complete E19 on your earlier save too (not necessarily in that order).

EDIT: Saw the latest dev blog post, the community release (open beta) is expected next weekend and the actual public release some time in May. So keep that in mind while deciding.


2) The money in early game is indeed supposed to be tight, and yes there is a lot of running around, but it helps immersion by making you familiar with the city IMO.


3) All such fights are for sidequests (except one or two but spoilers). In general, if they are unlocked, they are beatable, but of course not all of them will be beatable for all teams, and you can always come back later when you are stronger.


A tip I would like to give is to explore as much as you can. I feel like 25% of the areas in this game are optional, and every area you see has a purpose. It can actually make the game significantly less hard for you, since many of the powerful items, TMs and Pokemon are found in very discreet locations

Yeah I went to check the dev blog after seeing your comment and as it's getting released sooner that what I thought, I guess I'll wait for it as I think I'll be nowhere close to the end by the time it gets released even though I keep playing it on a daily basis. I mean, I advanced quite quickly as I nolifed the game for 3 days, but I still needed 30 hours to get past Shelly. Half of this playtime being me actually browsing the web trying to understand what I didn't get rather than actually playing. And also, English not being my native language, it's the first time I hear about the English names so everytime I see "enemy trainer will send X, would you like to change ?" I'm like "who the fuck is this" and have to google it.

I'm often checking for guides and tips to not miss hidden events and such things so I guess I'm exploring enough, but as I don't want to constantly double check every single move I do, it's still possible that I missed a lot of stuff.

2 hours ago, Arlonen said:

Adding to Lone's reply, the new dev blog they just released says that they aren't completely sure how the game will function if you boot up a save that was created before E19 came out if it is not at the end of the E18 story. So there may be some bugs you encounter due to things being a bit inconsistent between the two versions. Their suggestions are to either finish the story in E18 and then move to E19 (they normally say how to do this safely in the new version download) or to just restart the game. I am personally planning to just restart the game since it is adding new content to the early game including an entirely new character (rival? antagonist? not sure). That said, I last played through the game several years ago when E18 came out so I also forgot a lot of story beats that replaying will help me remember. So it may be less enjoyable for you to restart. Up to you there.

Yeah I just saw this as well, so I guess I'll definitely wait for it, even though I really want to know what happens next in the storyline. I mean I'm lucky to have discovered this game right when it's about to be finished, so I guess I can wait 1 month. And restarting a game never bothered me anyway. Especially when I notice that I did some easily avoidable noob mistakes which will drag me down the whole run (like having a starter with trash IV).

1 hour ago, RebornFan7 said:

1 This one is up to you really. The new patch that is coming will be the final one meaning the game will be completed after that. 

2 If you have trouble with money, there are trainers you can re battle as many times as you'd like inside the Grand Hall. Be sure to collect department store stickers and the mining kit from the underground (you will need rock smash for that one)! 

3 Nothing you can do other than saving often and yes consulting a guide is also an option. A guide should also help you finding rare and strong pokemon since you're saying you're struggling. 

I got one sticker after saving a girl in Jasper ward, but apparently the next one is available in an event which triggers only on windy days which I hadn't when I was in the area so yeah, maybe I'll restart and also use the mod to set weather in order to not miss important stuff like this. Had no clue about mining kit neither, gotta check what it's about, thanks.

Last question, admitting I'm not playing Reborn waiting for the patch, how is Rejuvenation in comparison ? Is there some stuff I should know beforee trying it ? Am I supposed to clear Reborn before, or are they totally independant games ?

Thanks again for your help and your warm welcome !

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3 hours ago, Norwynn said:

Last question, admitting I'm not playing Reborn waiting for the patch, how is Rejuvenation in comparison ? Is there some stuff I should know before trying it ? Am I supposed to clear Reborn before, or are they totally independent games ?


Rejuvenation is a completely separate game from reborn although it does have 2 characters from reborn show up in a side quest towards the end of the game so there is no need to finish reborn before rejuv. It is a little more difficult than reborn but it does have an "easy mode" if you want to play with less difficulty. It does make its own regional forms and has gen 8 pokemon implemented if you want to try out different pokemon. And like reborn, it isn't currently finished (and probably wont be for a while) but you could play that in the meantime.


There is also pokemon desolation which is another Reborn-inspired game that really focuses on its story. I think there is only 6 or 7 gyms done in that game right now so if you want a shorter game to play before reborn's final episode you can also try that.

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35 minutes ago, Mindlessant said:


Rejuvenation is a completely separate game from reborn although it does have 2 characters from reborn show up in a side quest towards the end of the game so there is no need to finish reborn before rejuv. It is a little more difficult than reborn but it does have an "easy mode" if you want to play with less difficulty. It does make its own regional forms and has gen 8 pokemon implemented if you want to try out different pokemon. And like reborn, it isn't currently finished (and probably wont be for a while) but you could play that in the meantime.


There is also pokemon desolation which is another Reborn-inspired game that really focuses on its story. I think there is only 6 or 7 gyms done in that game right now so if you want a shorter game to play before reborn's final episode you can also try that.

First time I hear about Desolation, I'll have to check this, thanks again !

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6 hours ago, Norwynn said:

I have nothing against getting used to the map, but as an example, having to go across the slums for like 5 times just to get some sidequsts etc was really one of the most frustrating things I experienced in this game for now.

OOF, that's not supposed to happen. You only have to travel through the slums once, because a path opens to the East of the Slums after meeting Amaria in the Coral Ward. You generally don't have to have THAT much trouble backtracking.


Playing Desolation while waiting for the E19 final release sounds like a good idea!

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24 minutes ago, Lone Karvanha said:

OOF, that's not supposed to happen. You only have to travel through the slums once, because a path opens to the East of the Slums after meeting Amaria in the Coral Ward. You generally don't have to have THAT much trouble backtracking.


Playing Desolation while waiting for the E19 final release sounds like a good idea!

Okay. Then it's my bad I'm dumb for not having noticed it even though I figured that something should have been unlocked somewhere.

I just downloaded Desolation and I'm going to try it tonight, thanks again !

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