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MAC saves.


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I hope this is ok, I saw someone else created a topic here.


I was gonna load one of my other saves however it says I don't have any. My first/main save is fine. But the other 3 I have do not exist. When I went back into the original ep 18 one when I tried to load saves it said it was corrupted. 


I put all my save data copies in an easily accessible file. I just don't know where to put them.


I think the problem is, the original ep 18 I didn't need to have it in applications so it was just in my downloads folder. But 19 required it be moved to applications. Though to my knowledge I've read that saves are always in the same location and it was able to load my main one just fine.


So yeah, I guess I'm trying to figure out where to put my save files.


*So I did find the folder location where all my saves are. They're all still there. Even the recent saves I've been making on the one working save. But even though they're in the same folder Reborn still says I have no other saves.


**Ok!!! I had a problem! I tried seeing if I could click new game and then close to see if that would refresh something and it just deleted my only working save file!! I still have all my save files in the folder but the game doesn't recognize them nor does it allow me to click go to save folder option in the game title screen

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Similar problem here. Also Mac user. I located the reborn save file location (/Users/(user name)/Library/Application Support/Pokemon Reborn), but even though I pulled several saves into this folder the game only recognizes the one I created from a new game. When I click "other save files" it is unable to retrieve my other files. However, when I rename my save file to the current save slot it loads well enough.


Also, when I click "open save folder" nothing happens. The game does not launch my save folder in the finder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a similar issue. All my E18 saves are still in the Application Support folder where they always were, and when I initially opened E19 in the Applications folder it could still detect and open my most recent E18 savefile, though it couldn't seem to detect my second gamesave (and I made sure not to save in E19 yet). Once I moved E19 out of the Application folder since I didn't want it there, I was able to open the app just fine but it no longer detected any of my save files, and hasn't since no matter what I do.


The 'Open Save Folder' option also does absolutely nothing for me too. Not even confirmation of failure to detect anything or being unable to open it, it's like the option doesn't exist and I'm not selecting anything at all.

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