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e19 appreciation thread


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Putting everything is spoilers because I wanted to touch on specific things I loved about this update without having to use vague language



So, I just finished the Celebi quest, and I gotta say that's when e19 really clicked for me. The visual updates everywhere have been and are incredible across Reborn of course, the fights have been insane, everything has been top-notch as always; but, seeing Elias overjoyed to have spent more time with those he knew who are now gone, us the player getting to meet and fight Corey's wife (I'm sorry I already forget her name ;_;) as well as fight Ame and even Shelly as the champion was just such an awesome experience and thus far my personal highlight of e19. And of course most of the other legendary quests have had similar levels of work put into them; plus all of the other little moments such as Lin trying to get the player to release Pokemon from their box during the Zeraora event, which seeing as my entire box is Pokemon I caught for the dex, shinies and/or Pokemon I might switch around into teams; I didn't want to release any and I won the battle of attrition by refusing over and over to which Lin was so upset xD. Honestly I think pretty much all of the update is excellent, I can't think of a single issue...



...(except that some legendaries cannot be easily shiny reset for without having to do their entire anomaly fight again every reset, or without catching them in glitter balls which are somewhat limited and takes the fun out of shiny hunting; despite the fact that other legendaries, seemingly at random, can be saved in front of or at least don't require getting through an entire battle again per shiny check. It'd be much better and make much more sense to me if there was a chance to save between the anomaly fight and the capture fight.)



But that's the only real issue I've had, and otherwise this update has been incredibly satisfying and well worth the wait. I hope you guys take a nice break from bug fixes and development once e19 goes public and I look forward to what you all do next!


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I just finished the 2nd gym on a fresh playthrough.  The change is so refreshing it's like a totally different (and better) game.  I haven't encountered any bugs yet, but hot diggity! You guys really outdid yourselves with revamping the early game.  You really feel the presence of the characters you encounter in future episodes, giving them all the "Shelly treatment" by giving them relevance in early chapters like the bellerose and vandenham siblings.  Ace is quite the entertaining character and I can already tell they'll be really fun to watch later on.  The total overhaul of Mosswater and the inclusion on an entirely new area for the first Pulse Tangrowth is simply out of this world (no deoxys jokes intended).  I'm really looking forward to the rest of this, more than I was when I first started Reborn a few months ago.  Can't wait for further customization options to come out to put a few spins of my own into it, and make it into my own personal adventure.  Looking forward to the future projects you guys have in store.

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OMG OMG! I have been following/playing since ep 13-14 and now i can finish this great journey. I have my team ready from then with added rotations. I just downloaded the beta and I'm ready to go ! Thank you Amethys and all the other devs and supporters for completing this game ! Hope you all the best and may your future games be even greater! Time for all of us to become pokemon champions! Ty again and greetings from Greece!

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I remember every time I started playing Reborn over the last however many years it's been. I remember getting stuck on Bennett pre-Luna during one of my first playthroughs and stopping and restarting a year later and the thrill that came with beating him and pushing past. And every single time I would ever get stuck, the exhilaration of beating it would keep me coming back and back and back.


This game has been a part of my life for a while and while sometimes I meme on the story with my friends who play it, it's something we can all come back to and appreciate. Thanks for the great game and setting the standard for other games.

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I advise anyone who hasn't done so to start a fresh file for e19, it almost feel like they redid the game from the ground up. The devs also put in a lot of Quality of Life stuff, so much of the tedium is removed. Route 1 is actually fun now, never would have thought.

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just wanted to pop in and say thank you so much for all your hard work. I restarted from the beginning and am loving the early game changes!! I've been playing Reborn since I was a teenager (I'm 26 now) and it's such a comfort game for me!

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Thank you so much to the devs <3


It's my first time actually being around for a release. I discovered the game a bit after episode 18 dropped and really liked it, but the grinding was a bit annoying at times. So coming back to it with the new QOL improvements you added (exp candies my beloved) feels way better. I love all the changes to the early game areas too.




I love Ace. They might just be my favorite character.




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Having more or less rished through the retold story I have to say it comes across a lot better. More character screen-time, earlier intro of important characters, and redone story beats really make certain characters a lot more likable than they have been early on.



Specifically Heather, who is much, MUCH better.


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I will say, I was not expecting to see just how overhauled the first areas and story are. I was expecting to play largely the same beginning but I'm closing in on the third gym and everything feels fresh, so I love it so far.



That being said idk how I feel with Lin being introduced so early, I kind of liked how when she was introduced in earlier versions she was this mystery character that even Sirius was scared shitless of. Her now apparently being a private that can stomp on Heather (who at this point isn't revealed to be E4) feels, idk, less impactful. I'll see how I feel in the context of the rest of the story but I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the change.


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Though I have a playthrough with a fully completed pokedex and about 4.67 fully EV/IV trained competitive teams, I decided to start a fresh new playthrough for E19.


And OH BOY was this a good choice! The game feels completely different. The scenery is amazing, I've already seen many new events and dialogue and everything is just so on-point.

I cannot stress enough how good this game is. The world feels more alive than any other official pokemon game I've played (all games up to Gen 5). Also a sweet combination of high difficulty with low tediousness thanks to many amazing QOL upgrades.


This game is a benchmark in the history of all fan-made pokemon games.

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Just wanted to say for how much you wanted to get out of the project and continue your lives and how much we were asking about e19 , really good job on how polished the renewed early game is . Havent reached post hardy yet but so far everything feels sooooo so good 

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I started from scratch and have finished up to the final boss, and I can confirm that this game is an absolute masterpiece.
Please devs, take a break, you guys deserve it after the hard work you put into this game, I waited for it to come out for around 3 years, and the wait was so worth it.

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20 hours ago, Xanedil said:

I will say, I was not expecting to see just how overhauled the first areas and story are. I was expecting to play largely the same beginning but I'm closing in on the third gym and everything feels fresh, so I love it so far.


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That being said idk how I feel with Lin being introduced so early, I kind of liked how when she was introduced in earlier versions she was this mystery character that even Sirius was scared shitless of. Her now apparently being a private that can stomp on Heather (who at this point isn't revealed to be E4) feels, idk, less impactful. I'll see how I feel in the context of the rest of the story but I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the change.



It really does. I've played through the first half of the game probably 5-6 times over the years and this almost feels like a new game. The QOL changes and the little script changes and the revamped maps are incredible. 

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Thank you Ame, thank you all who work on the game, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! (for infinity)


The episode I played for the first time was, when you could beat Luna and it was my first fangame overall. The game got me with its dark and complex story, the personalities of its characters (especially Cain <3), the challenging battles and the whole atmosphere of the region. In comparison to the Gamefreak games, it was a completely new (and NEEDED) experience and I was hyped for every new episode (so much, that my boyfriend was jealous, `cause I neglected him every time to play through the newest episode and then the whole thing from the start xD). I still can´t believe that we reached the point, where all mysteries are (will be, I´m at the 9th badge momentarily) solved. I´m really excited for the postgame stuff and I love the changes in the early game, especially the forest areas and the slums. And wow, I can´t believe how much I love the new wild card :D


So again thank you! Thank you for the amazing job you guys did!

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I have progressed postgame, and it's still as great!



There is just one thing story-wise that made me sad... I had really hoped for Radomus and G. Gardevoir to find true love in each other, beyond the bounds of species.

But I'll anyway continue through E19 with great enjoyment!

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I'm not good at saying things, but thank you so much everyone! I first played Reborn a few years ago but dropped because i was still a stupid child and didnt know enough to beat shelly. I started again around last year and played E18, and loved it. I am so excited that E19 is finally here, and we can finish the story, i decided to start new, to experience the new early-game and refresh myself on the plot. I love the new early game, as it makes everything feel new. The slight changes to the story (and the introduction of Ace) make all the characters feel so much more alive and close to me. I'm sure the feeling would be even better if i was a new player, and wasnt anticipating every plot twist and betrayal, but it is still amazing!!!

I am dreading the feeling that i get after i beat an amazing game, and then feel empty as there is nothing in my life anymore.

EDIT: Also i have a question for everyone on the dev team: what's next? will you be working on a different pokemon fangame (rejuv, deso, etc), starting your own thing, or are you done? I know whatever you all do (or don't do), I will support your choice and would love to contribute in any way.

Edited by J Boi
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Thank you all for everything, it has been a wonderful ride. I started this game when I was a student, and now I am a grown up teacher and I'm writing this post with some tears in my eyes after the end of the postgame. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of quality and love this game traspires. Thank you very much, I love you all!

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I just finished the main game for the first time (albeit certainly not the last), and honestly, I am deeply impressed – Reborn has a myriad of amazing characters, and I really like the way this final installation of the main story further developed quite a few of them. A great storyline combined with lovely puzzles really had me hooked over the course of the past few days, and I am really looking forward to seeing how things will shape out in the post-game. Among my favorites were Laura and Bennett (both their relationship after the Glass Workstation incident and the encounter with the both of them at the league), Aya sort of freeing herself rather than remaining a helpless damsel (prompted by the always-appreciated literary commentary of Titania), Shelly gaining a degree of self-confidence after being burdened with stuff no one her age should be, and the exchanges between Blake and Cal. I am like two seconds away from writing fanfiction incorporating the events from episode 19 right now, hindered solely by my excitement to see the rest and by the problems I have with choosing one specific topic out of everything I just saw to write about.

Seriously, fantastic work – my most sincere thanks for hours of high-quality and actually rather thought-provoking entertainment (for free, no less) go out to the entire team of developers.

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