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Team recommendations?


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hello all I am back at it again <3


I'm having a blast with Reborn E19, but once again am at an impasse when it comes to team planning.


I'm still pretty early in-game (just beat Shade), so I don't yet have access to most move tutor moves or stronger mons, but what I have planned so far is:


  • Arcanine
  • Roserade
  • Medicham (will eventually be my mega!)
  • Mamoswine


Arcanine will probably be a mixed set, with Heat Wave. Looking at a team planner, I don't have ghost or psychic coverage, or a fairy type (which is a must, it's my favorite type).


Do you guys have any tips? I have the absolute worst time team planning or figuring out which 'mons work well together. I'm willing to change some team members, if that's best.


Any advice would be highly appreciated, thank you!! <3

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For ghost coverage, maybe sharpedo?  It completes a fire-water-grass trio, and speed boost destiny bond is a generally powerful tool to have access to.

For a fairy type, I could see sticky web ribombee being pretty good - mamoswine and medicham are both on the slow end of offensive pokemon, so the speed support should make them a lot more effective.  Not available yet, but IIRC you're pretty close to it.

Edited by R.B
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8 minutes ago, R.B said:

For ghost coverage, maybe sharpedo?  It completes a fire-water-grass trio, and speed boost destiny bond is a generally powerful tool to have access to.

For a fairy type, I could see sticky web ribombee being pretty good - mamoswine and medicham are both on the slow end of offensive pokemon, so the speed support should make them a lot more effective.  Not available yet, but IIRC you're pretty close to it.

Funnily enough Sharpedo and Ribombee were my first picks! If I use Ribombee I'd have 3 weak to flying, is that an issue? I'm sure I'll have a rotation, but this is just the 'main' squad I'm thinking of :3


6 minutes ago, Siewek said:

If you want a ghost, you can get a shuppet or a duskull right now.

I love both of those, so I'll definitely look into it! thanks 😊


1 minute ago, TNTJ_357 said:

How about a Murkrow? A flying typ gives you a switch in for ground typs.

That's a great idea! I'll write that one down! if not on the main team, rotation for sure. thanks so much!!

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Murkrow would be amazing, it's always useful, either with Prankster as a murkrow or later with Sucker Punch and Moxie as a Honchkrow, one of the best birbs pokemon has to offer, I love it to death.

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1 hour ago, Siewek said:

Murkrow would be amazing, it's always useful, either with Prankster as a murkrow or later with Sucker Punch and Moxie as a Honchkrow, one of the best birbs pokemon has to offer, I love it to death.

Murkrow and Honchkrow are fantastic!! I think I'll use it as a consistent rotation mon rather than a main team member, simply because I've used Honchkrow many times and want to try something a bit fresh 😊

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Even so murkrow was my idea, i never used one myself. I was just thinking which dark typ could be avaible yet. Then i just remembered the murcrows that are on the building in alleys so i tougt they might be a good place holder until you get to the better ones. Anyway im glad it helped.

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